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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Reiko View Post
    I personally prefer discussion to bashing. It's one reason why I left the Anti Keller threads for a while because there was a whole bunch of unconstructive dreck going on in there. Anyways, if you want to bash a ship or anything that may be sensitive material, I think most people including myself even post it under a heavily filtered LJ entry.

    To be up-front and honest I don't think I could ever be fine with John/Teyla as a canon romance. For that matter, any ship -- I just prefer that things were done the way they were in S1-S3 for the most part, with the writers supplying light fodder that can either be ignored or taken as friendship if you chose to. And for the most part I don't think it could really be a contradictory issue because most JT shippers don't see Sparky and most Sparky shippers don't see Sheyla. And those who multiship or do not care could choose to do so.

    The show's over though. Nothings going to happen at least ship-wise besides McKeller which is very much so canon. Elizabeth is dead to them and Teyla is with Kanaan except I'm still crossing my fingers for them to pull Elizabeth from space. We're both screwed over ship-wise. Though I personally choose to disregard s4 and s5 as canon a t the moment

    If I remember correctly. We aren't suppose to be talking about that last bit "sensitive spot" you pointed out. Could I ask politely for you to please delete that part of your post. Thank you.

    I don't want any arguements started where there wasn't one before. I didn't mind you coming in and I won't say you can't, but I 'm just asking about that topic stay off of the thread and only in the PMs.

    And FYI:
    No one here reported what happened in recent events. Cazz and I kept to ourselves to avoid any unnecessary disputes.
    Last edited by scifan; 13 February 2009, 03:33 AM.


      Ok. Off to catch up. Not feeling to well and it almost feels like a flue coming.

      You guys went crazy posting. I haven't seen it move like this in days.


        Joe/John icon batch of today

        sig by Cazzblade


          Originally posted by Dezrai View Post
          I agree with everything you said Nina!

          Again, totally agree. I wasn't thrilled with it because I just don't think they have the chemistry that Ronon and Jen could have had, but what really bothers me is that it took front and center. Especially after they had planned for Teyla and John to get together (as admitted more than once on the DVDs) and then never did anything about it. That was annoying! Especially after the dream sequence from Search and Rescue!
          Hi All! Love all the discussion here. You know that is what really bothers me. Teyla was pregnant for half of S4, so they already had the invisible boyfriend.
          If they already had plans for him to continue to be "invisible" in S5, why bother putting the dream sequence from S&R there at all. I just don't get it. If they were going to make John do such an about face with his feelings after Search and Rescue, why put that in there anyway? Was it just to torture us? or are we really supposed to believe deep down that J/T still exists in their eyes. I certainly know it exists in ours!
          Sig made by Cazzblade! Thanks!


            Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
            Hi everyone !
            How are you all !
            I can't beleive I lost all my quotes I will try to remember.
            Asesome artwork Lea, your sigs are fantastic I love the colors particularly and the layout of Aurora. But I love them all.

            I'm glad to see you again Dez and that you feel better

            Luciana this sig is just stunning, it's awesome.

            I made other comments but without the quote it means nothing now :
            Oh I hate when that happens and it's happened more than once.

            Thanks hun.

            Originally posted by Dezrai View Post
            Thanks Linda. And it sounded as if you weren't feeling the greatest either? If you aren't, I hope you feel better soon too!

            Well it sounds as if a few of us weren't feeling too good. I hope you feel better asgard! And I hate it when people criticize something that they probably just don't understand. Keep your head high as a sci fi fan! And I think you sound just great!

            I know we aren't supposed to repost these things - but this is just gorgeous!!!

            Love that smilie!

            Hey it's kinda cool that there are so many NCIS fans on here as well. I read some of the other posts about this, and I think the first eps with Cassidy did have Kate.
            and they took place at the prison where they were holding a terrorist that Cassidy was trying to get information out of or something. He was trying to murder one of the son in laws of Bin Laden (I think.)

            They just played that episode as a repeat on USA network recently.
            I know. Isn't it awesome.
            NCIS ot
            I love the whole cast now, more than the orginal minus Leon. I miss Jenny. Abby will always be the heart of the show, Gibbs and Tony are HOT and love the disfunctional family bond they have.

            Originally posted by gater101 View Post

            Nah, not at all. *shifty eyes*
            Laura!! Sorry I missed you.

            Originally posted by Dezrai View Post
            Well someone has to take care of Torren. Though in my fics I like bashing Kanaan too much and making him the bad guy so I leave Torren with a nurse in the infirmary!
            Gorgeous new sigs Sci!!

            I love your sig too!
            LOL!!: Man, I really need to take time out to read your fics. My muse is on hold any way.
            Thanks hun.

            Originally posted by Dezrai View Post
            I have one on the S/J site if you're interested. It's going to be a longer one though.
            Here's the link:

            I know I've read a fic by her and enjoyed it. But I'm trying not to read other Vegas fics right now since I'm in the middle of mine. Already have 21 chapters done!

            I so agree with everything you said!!!

            Where did you get that dancing JF Sci?????
            Oh goodness. I don't remember. I think it was in the Shep whump thread. You can snag if you want.

            Originally posted by Dezrai View Post
            SGA is always good medicine, isn't it??? LOL And thanks. It is hard getting school work done when I can't really concentrate from being sick and I much rather be on here hanging out with you all!

            Thanks asgard!

            And oh my goodness I think I mostly caught up on the thread! If I missed any replies - I'm sorry! And let me just say that all the new sigs and artwork really do look fantastic!
            Hee hee Yes it is. Maybe I need to rewatch some to get my muse back.
            Thanks again hun. I love all the talent in here.

            Aww. I'm glad you hang out with us too. **HUGS**

            Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
            Battle of the ships, we're not doing so well at the mo

            So, moving on to The Siege part one, I love when Teyla hits baits I miss that fiesty part of her! And I love Shep shouting *goes weak at the knees*, does he ever shout like that again, he's angry at other times but its more the quiet, seething anger than shouting
            I loved all that too.
            You know, I've never thought about that. Maybe with Rodney during Adrift?? I'm not sure, but good point.

            Oh and I voted already.

            Originally posted by NinaM View Post

            I love that part as well in that epi... love how fiesty Teyla how John pulls her away and holds her to him... it's amazing to so how protective he is of her and also cool at those times when he was face to face with Bates.. he called John out on letting his personal feeling get in the way... I mean heck the guy called that already early in the season
            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
            I love that scene.. one of my fav JT scenes... back when they were allowed to show feelings and didn't have the life sucked out of them...

            How about this scene? This was in Siege 1, right?

            Originally posted by Dezrai View Post
            I was here on GW looking over the Conversion transript for my fanfic and it is not one of the detailed reports, which was frustrating. But I did see some comments at the bottom of the page. This one caught my eye:

            "Sheppard and Teyla have a very special friendship. Will it blossom into more? You'll have to wait and see. Be sure to watch episode eight: 'Conversion.'"
            (Stargate writer Martin Gero, in a message at GateWorld Forum)

            Hmm....let's see that was from one of the writers, so is that some more confirmation? Of course we already have it from the DVD extras, but still...

            Sorry, I'm feeling cranky about how the S/W people have been acting. We never bash their ship, why do they have to be so nasty and completely bash ours? The one that writers and producers have admitted on the DVD extras was the only ship that was going to be canon??

            Okay, rant over. Sorry guys.
            I loved when Gero was on our side and I thought he still was when he was at the San Diego con last year, but I loved the commentary for Sunday!! Wooohooo!!

            Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
            Gero is most definately a JT shipper Almost makes up for his McKeller stupidity

            I don't like the way they have been acting either, but I was talking to a Sparky that I do get along with well and we agreed that it was about time both ships worked in harmony as we were both screwed over by tptb
            LOL!!! I love how you said.... Almost.

            Amen to that. I would love to see that day.

            Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
            wow im still trying to catch up on all the posts and that im just so glad that my internet is back on #
            Yeah!! Donna's back.

            Originally posted by NinaM View Post
            Yeah he seemed to be...then he is a huge McKay fan and then enter Keller and his dreams was set..sadly.. it's like only the geek squad got something in the end.. not very well done...

            And sadly on the other part... I really don't see that ever happening....
            Said, but true.


              Originally posted by scifan View Post
              Ok. Off to catch up. Not feeling to well and it almost feels like a flue coming.

              You guys went crazy posting. I haven't seen it move like this in days.
              Sci! I hope you feel better!!

              Originally posted by Snowball View Post
              Joe/John icon batch of today

              These are just loverly!! Yum.....

              Originally posted by Rockhound View Post
              Hi All! Love all the discussion here. You know that is what really bothers me. Teyla was pregnant for half of S4, so they already had the invisible boyfriend.
              If they already had plans for him to continue to be "invisible" in S5, why bother putting the dream sequence from S&R there at all. I just don't get it. If they were going to make John do such an about face with his feelings after Search and Rescue, why put that in there anyway? Was it just to torture us? or are we really supposed to believe deep down that J/T still exists in their eyes. I certainly know it exists in ours!
              I so agree! That one scene inspired a whole fic for me! Why put it in with the whole Kanaan thing? I mean it was John's dream and obviously what he wanted subconsiously, but still!

              Originally posted by scifan View Post

              NCIS ot
              I love the whole cast now, more than the orginal minus Leon. I miss Jenny. Abby will always be the heart of the show, Gibbs and Tony are HOT and love the disfunctional family bond they have.

              LOL!!: Man, I really need to take time out to read your fics. My muse is on hold any way.
              Thanks hun.

              Oh goodness. I don't remember. I think it was in the Shep whump thread. You can snag if you want.

              Hee hee Yes it is. Maybe I need to rewatch some to get my muse back.
              Thanks again hun. I love all the talent in here.

              Aww. I'm glad you hang out with us too. **HUGS**

              I loved when Gero was on our side and I thought he still was when he was at the San Diego con last year, but I loved the commentary for Sunday!! Wooohooo!!

              ot NCIS comment:
              I love NCIS, and you are right. I miss Jenny too, and Abby is the heart of the show. Did you know that in real life Pauly Perrette has a Master's degree in Criminal Justice? Cool huh? And she's totally in to forensics. I just think it's kind of neat (probably since that is my field!)

              I would love for you to read my fics and let me know what you think!! And your muse will come back soon I'm sure. Definitely watch some SGA. My first story was pretty much inspired by Search and Rescue (started writing the J/T part of it that night when originally it was only going to be a Sam/Jack story) and the second obviously was inspired by Vegas. I get so much inspiration going back and watching episodes!

              I am so snurching that, thanks!

              And again, I'm thrilled to be here! I love this thread! Everyone is so nice! *hugs back*

              And oh yeah - The Sunday commentary - if it's the one I'm thinking of... *nods enthusiastically with big grin*

              And Sci, I started that whole thing. I'm so sorry about that. I didn't mean to cause problems.

              Sig by Lil'Ferret


                Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                Made some new icons... Finally done with the "Rising" batch.

                Wow!! You've been busy. Great job.
                Hmmm. Let me see. Do you like: SGA, LOTR STNG and vid games?

                Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                Gosh i hope so!. He is one of the most boring characters out there!.

                Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                I won't bring up the fact that a few (not just confined to here) celebrated when Torri was fired. That's not cool.
                I've been here two years and I know my memory is the greatest, but I don't ever recall us celebrating that Torri got fired or that Elizabeth died. Some member in here even showed their support to bring her back.
                I actually was sadden she was gone and felt bad for Sparkys. I don't remember us carrying on with a big party about it either.
                So, I would have to disagree with that statement. There may have been comments outside this thread.. I don't know, but it wasn't done here.
                I miss Elizabeth, but I'd rather see Torri on NCIS with Ducky.

                Originally posted by bluealien View Post
      's like reading a book and more than half way through the story just completely changes .. and they think no one minds or probably even notices.... I could understand the plot device being kept around for a while but as soon as he played his insignificant little role he should have immediately been given a red shirt to wear.. with a big bulls eye in the middle..

                Or he could have slipped down the drain while showering.... fell against a lose railing and disappeared into the choppy waters of Atlantis.... turned back into a hybrid and forced Ronon to accidentedly put his gun on kill.... there were lots of viable solutions... what was the problem...
                LOL!!! Well Said BLUE!!

                Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                The thing is it's not just that they dropped JT because they thought they were giving Teyla some fairy tale happy little ending.. it's that they even tried to re-write previous episodes to explain Kanaan... but yet without any thought to what it would do to Teyla's character... they seemed intent on not showing shep in a bad light.... though I still don't really see how he would have been seen in a bad light because of a relationship with Teyla.... but yet they pretty much changed Teyla into someone unrecognizeable and that didnt bother them.... They could have used Kanaan as the father and then had him die heroically trying to save Teyla from Michael... problem solved.. and John could have been there to comfort Teyla and could have finally realised how deeply he cared for her after being so close to loosing her......

                Again hun. Well said.

                Originally posted by maxbo View Post

                Now, to get back on topic. I believe the best thing the writers could do with Kanaan is kill him because they've mis-managed this character so badly that I don't want them to waste even one minute trying to fix him in the movie.

                Perhaps if they offed him, then Teyla could get more than a couple of lines and some of those lines could be with Sheppard. Whether you ship them or not, it was weird to see how little interaction these characters had for much of Season 5.
                Hear! Hear!!! I love your idea.
                I agree. I missed alot of the team eps we use to get. S&R was my ultimate high ep and after that, it all, pretty much, went down hill.

                Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                Is it bad of me to say that if Kanaan was offed I'd enjoy it as a viewer I mean, I don't have much to dislike about the guy, theres nothing to him, to want him dead but still...

                Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                I have to would have been the best course of action... I was sad to see how much was lost on Teyla's part,,but also the interaction between the different characters..the team feeling sure wasn't around much...if at all really...

                Originally posted by maxbo View Post
                If it's bad of you then I'm bad too because I think it's too late for this character. If we had gotten a 6th season, then I would rather that he had been phased out and not killed, but now that we're just getting a movie (or movies, if we're lucky), I don't want to see precious screentime wasted on this walking plot-device.

                I hate feeling sorry for the poor actor that he got such a crappy role.
                I feel bad for him too. They could've done so much more for us to like him more, but it went from Hybrid whimp to loving, invisi-babysitter.

                Originally posted by Dezrai View Post
                Hee hee! Love your take on things Blue! So agree that would have been a much better way to handle things!

                Your little CazzClone here...
                I agree! Which is why I make sure he gets credit and is happy in my fan fics! I HATE that he's so alone on the show! *sobs with Cazz*

                I agree Nina! She really lost her Teyla-ness (Like my word?) in Season 5. Even in the few Teyla centric episodes, there was something missing...

                Okay, well first I will say I'm sorry for apparently starting this. I probably shouldn't have said anything since I haven't been here that long. I was just reacting to what I saw, which was apparently the same thing you saw Maxbo.

                And I agree that the best thing they could do is get rid of the useless babysitter (as people on here have called him very accurately!) And you are right, it is weird to not see the interaction between them, whether you ship them or not!
                You didn't do anything wrong hun.IMO
                If you're unsure of anything you can PM one of us. **HUGS**

                Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                I have to admit though that Kanaan being on Atlantis would provide some angst. He would probably want to back to the Athosians (via the Daedelus maybe). I would love to see where Teyla sits on the issue, leaving Atlantis, protection from the Wraith for Torren, etc...Anyone feel like writing? LOL
                Hee hee. Take it away Jess. (runs away)

                Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                Personally, I have absolutly no expectations for the movie aside that they had better get Atlantis back in Pegasus where it belongs. I can see it happening after the beginning of SGU, but it had better happen. I seriously can't see Teyla, Ronon, and even the rest of the team being ok with the fact there are wraith out there preying on humans and they're safe on Earth. NOT! Of course, I'm in a particularly negative place right now, soo.
                I'm with you. If it comes out surprisingly good, then I'm happy, but I'm not getting my hopes up just to get squashed... again.


                  Originally posted by WitchBlade007 View Post
                  WELCOME Iawen!!!

                  WELL SAID!!!....Kanaan does absolutely NOTHING for Teyla...It's like he's not even there. Dead he might have added something to her character...some actual emotions.

                  Withcy!!! **HUGS**

                  I love it. Perfectly said.

                  OMG...that scene still gives me goosebumps...The triangle with Shep/Teyla/ just fantastic to watch. It brought out so much in Shep when it came to Teyla.
                  I know. It was totally obvious.

                  As a whole they mishandled the situation. Nothing was every presented to us as an audience that would be believable. The little they tried to explain in 'Missing' with Teyla finally having a guy, after what we'd learned about her in previous season, and how much they built up the relationship with Sheppard, made no sense.
                  After everything I've tried to find somewhere/ANYwhere that might have shown us that there was SOMEONE else other than Sheppard that might hold Teyla's heart.
                  And when they could have gone the best way possible for the character by imo, killing Kanaan this way we would atleast see some emotion from Teyla toward him, they shoved him to the background with no mention, like the toy you've had forever and don't want anymore and maybe will take out just to use once in awhile.
                  Then they could have put themselves back on track like you mentioned and have Shep and her have a moment or something.

                  It was more like the never mentioned, never there babysitter really. You never really got to see Teyla and Kanaan, and when you did get the Teyla after Kanaan & Baby they never wrote her like the old Teyla, and I agree with you she never had that spark she had before, which you would think she'd have as a mother who would try harder than ever to protect her child by trying to make the world better.

                  I AGREE. Having Kanaan made it so they didn't have to deal with what they'd shown us over the first season with Shep and Teyla. And they expected us to just fall in line.
                  Sadly, I agree. We were suppose to just say, "Oh that makes sense" and continue on and then lessen her time with the team and such. Both her and Ronon. I don't think so.

                  I'll bring the champange....

                  Originally posted by Snowball View Post
                  Great discussion everyone wish i werent this tired, so that i could imput some stuff but ill do that tomorrow

                  Once again great artwork and good night to all
                  Sorry I missed ya Snow. Get some sleep and see ya later.

                  Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                  Thanks for the offer. Ordinarily, I'm all and and and . I've just had a crap couple of days and it's hard to ignore the little things like I usually do.
                  I hope your days get better hun. **HUGSS**

                  Originally posted by Snowball View Post
                  Joe/John icon batch of today

                  <snipped for laziness>
                  Goodness he's gorgeous. Nice job hun.

                  Originally posted by Rockhound View Post
                  Hi All! Love all the discussion here. You know that is what really bothers me. Teyla was pregnant for half of S4, so they already had the invisible boyfriend.
                  If they already had plans for him to continue to be "invisible" in S5, why bother putting the dream sequence from S&R there at all. I just don't get it. If they were going to make John do such an about face with his feelings after Search and Rescue, why put that in there anyway? Was it just to torture us? or are we really supposed to believe deep down that J/T still exists in their eyes. I certainly know it exists in ours!
                  I agree. It was like string us a long just to get throw in front of a moving bus.

                  Originally posted by Dezrai View Post
                  Sci! I hope you feel better!!

                  These are just loverly!! Yum.....

                  I so agree! That one scene inspired a whole fic for me! Why put it in with the whole Kanaan thing? I mean it was John's dream and obviously what he wanted subconsiously, but still!

                  ot NCIS comment:
                  I love NCIS, and you are right. I miss Jenny too, and Abby is the heart of the show. Did you know that in real life Pauly Perrette has a Master's degree in Criminal Justice? Cool huh? And she's totally in to forensics. I just think it's kind of neat (probably since that is my field!)

                  I would love for you to read my fics and let me know what you think!! And your muse will come back soon I'm sure. Definitely watch some SGA. My first story was pretty much inspired by Search and Rescue (started writing the J/T part of it that night when originally it was only going to be a Sam/Jack story) and the second obviously was inspired by Vegas. I get so much inspiration going back and watching episodes!

                  I am so snurching that, thanks!

                  And again, I'm thrilled to be here! I love this thread! Everyone is so nice! *hugs back*

                  And oh yeah - The Sunday commentary - if it's the one I'm thinking of... *nods enthusiastically with big grin*

                  And Sci, I started that whole thing. I'm so sorry about that. I didn't mean to cause problems.
                  Thanks hun. Motrin is helping some. As long as I'm not cold and achy I'm fine.

                  NCIS ot
                  I know. I just learned that recently from my dad. He loves Abby.

                  Hey hun, I'm not gonna say it again.... don't worry about it.
                  I think we'll still keep ya.


                  Well, I'm out of here. I should've been in bed hrs ago. G'night.


                    Originally posted by scifan View Post
                    Wow!! You've been busy. Great job.
                    Hmmm. Let me see. Do you like: SGA, LOTR STNG and vid games?
                    ROFL, you know me so well.

                    So, I know someone has a birthday coming up? any requests?
                    Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                      Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                      ROFL, you know me so well.

                      So, I know someone has a birthday coming up? any requests?
                      Hee hee. Yes, I do.

                      Hmmm. Requests.

                      Definately one of yours and SAF's picfics.
                      Any fics. I love Fluff, Angst, Whump, etc.
                      Art: Sigs and Icons mostly (Anything with S&R dream and any JT moments)
                      Love: John or Joe, Teyla or Rachel, Ronon, Jack and Sam. JT of course.

                      How's that??

                      G'night again.


                        Originally posted by Snowball View Post
                        Joe/John icon batch of today

                        Very Nice
                        Originally posted by scifan View Post
                        Oh I hate when that happens and it's happened more than once.

                        Thanks hun.

                        I know. Isn't it awesome.
                        NCIS ot
                        I love the whole cast now, more than the orginal minus Leon. I miss Jenny. Abby will always be the heart of the show, Gibbs and Tony are HOT and love the disfunctional family bond they have.

                        Laura!! Sorry I missed you.

                        LOL!!: Man, I really need to take time out to read your fics. My muse is on hold any way.
                        Thanks hun.

                        Oh goodness. I don't remember. I think it was in the Shep whump thread. You can snag if you want.

                        Hee hee Yes it is. Maybe I need to rewatch some to get my muse back.
                        Thanks again hun. I love all the talent in here.

                        Aww. I'm glad you hang out with us too. **HUGS**

                        I loved all that too.
                        You know, I've never thought about that. Maybe with Rodney during Adrift?? I'm not sure, but good point.


                        Oh and I voted already.

                        How about this scene? This was in Siege 1, right?

                        I loved when Gero was on our side and I thought he still was when he was at the San Diego con last year, but I loved the commentary for Sunday!! Wooohooo!!

                        LOL!!! I love how you said.... Almost.

                        Amen to that. I would love to see that day.

                        Yeah!! Donna's back.

                        Said, but true.
                        Lol Thanks Hun
                        Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                          Wohoo you lot slow down or we will have no thread left to chat lol
                          Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                            Originally posted by Snowball View Post
                            Joe/John icon batch of today

                            Oh my.. they are all wonderful. He is such a beautiful man...


                              Originally posted by scifan View Post

                              How about this scene?
                              Thanks for these sci... some of my fav moments between them...


                                Originally posted by LandJrule View Post

                                Won't spoil it for ya! You're just gonna have to sit & wait for it!

                                Going to check out the "Australians: Are you Ok?" thread.
                                I'm not very patient ya know

                                Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                                UGH!...why am i not surprised. Well, JM just killed any hope i had left for any JT in the movie.

                                By the way, Great artwork everyone!...also awesome icon's Snowball!..didn't get a chance to let you know before but wow, they are truly amazing!.
                                JM killed Atlantis

                                Originally posted by SanGate View Post
                                Wow, gorgeous Cazz

                                Very nice wallie blue!!

                                Yeah, that's my fav moment He totally freaks out when she suddenly disappears

                                Ouch!! Watch out with that nose of yours Cazz!


                                Hehe, right you are

                                Very nice Aurora and Epiphany art sci!!
                                What Well she did ask for an Ancient

                                Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                                Battle of the ships We're up against John/Vala this round

                                I've just found out there won't be an anti-McKeller thread anymore so be prepared to hear a lot more anti-McKellerness from me.

                                Oh please, be anti all ya want So does that mean we can air our grievances in the McKeller discussion thread then? In a civilised manner of course

                                Originally posted by Dezrai View Post
                                Thanks Linda. And it sounded as if you weren't feeling the greatest either? If you aren't, I hope you feel better soon too!

                                Hey it's kinda cool that there are so many NCIS fans on here as well. I read some of the other posts about this, and I think the first eps with Cassidy did have Kate.
                                and they took place at the prison where they were holding a terrorist that Cassidy was trying to get information out of or something. He was trying to murder one of the son in laws of Bin Laden (I think.)
                                I still feel ill Oh and I love NCIS I vaguely remember the ep you're talking about but still can't remember Cassidy in it

                                Originally posted by Dezrai View Post
                                I was here on GW looking over the Conversion transript for my fanfic and it is not one of the detailed reports, which was frustrating. But I did see some comments at the bottom of the page. This one caught my eye:

                                "Sheppard and Teyla have a very special friendship. Will it blossom into more? You'll have to wait and see. Be sure to watch episode eight: 'Conversion.'"
                                (Stargate writer Martin Gero, in a message at GateWorld Forum)

                                Hmm....let's see that was from one of the writers, so is that some more confirmation? Of course we already have it from the DVD extras, but still...

                                Sorry, I'm feeling cranky about how the S/W people have been acting. We never bash their ship, why do they have to be so nasty and completely bash ours? The one that writers and producers have admitted on the DVD extras was the only ship that was going to be canon??

                                Okay, rant over. Sorry guys.
                                Well unfortunately some people have to bash our ship to make their ship seem all the more important *shrugs* It happens all the time with the JT bashing!
                                Last edited by Linda06; 13 February 2009, 04:37 AM.

