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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
    I looked round St Andrews when I was looking for a course, it's gorgeous! (and no I did not spend half the day looking at the Golf course seeing as Tiger Woods had just won the open there *shifty eyes* )

    My choices for masters at the mo at Leeds or Bradford... lovely...

    Just sorting icons Sci, so I'll read your fic soon

    When will you be doing your masters? I think you should take a year out then come up to St Andrews
    don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

    facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


      Originally posted by Snowball View Post
      I just got my lj account please add me as a friend

      Originally posted by gater101 View Post
      When will you be doing your masters? I think you should take a year out then come up to St Andrews
      Next year, not certain I'll be doing one I hadn't planned to cos qualifications don't really get you anywhere in this industry But I went to a graduate recruitment fair with my friend a few months and someone asked if it would be tougher getting a job due to the reccession and the lady said that for current graduates (quite a lot there had already graduated) it would be ok, but for those graduating next year (i.e. this year, i.e. me) it would be harder. So I thought I'd look into it

      They don't do a film course at St Andrews It was joint Geography and Film I was looking at when I went Which got taken off the course list so I didn't apply.. obviously

      What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


        See yall tomorrow gotta go eat
        sig by Cazzblade


          Originally posted by gater101 View Post
          I'm sure I will but it's finding the time, you know?

          Phantoms Chasing/being chased and killing in the forrest
          I know hun. When you're ready, you will. I know you're not a quiter. Right??

          Originally posted by Mayra View Post
          WOW WOW WOW!!! dang guys!...i loved all these great JT art!. thanks for posting them!.

          LOL!!!! i love this! true!. Thanks for putting a smile on my face Padme!.

          Oh cool!...i'm going to check it out. I know i have a lot of fics to catch up on.
          NP hun. I'm glad you loving it.
          How's the vid coming?

          Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
          I keep forgetting about the S5 episodes Except for the end of The Prodigal

          Thanks for the suggestions everyone
          NP hun.
          I just remember the frantic sound in his voice.

          Originally posted by bluealien View Post
          6. ... The Return

          Another special moment between John and Teyla.. so much is shared by the look they give each other... it's so intense and says so much more than words can ever say.


          The head touch.... something that has always been special between them and Teyla hasn't shared it with anyone else except John....
          I agree Blue. She may have done it with other Athosian, but never anyone else on Atlantis. Plus, Ronon confirms for me too. How he steps aside for them.

          Originally posted by NinaM View Post

          You can clearly see just how happy they are to see eachother again when John returns to the Pegasus Galaxy...
          It's so telling with the smiles and how they hardly can't stop looking at eachother.. it's like they got their biggest wish to come be able to be near eachother again..
          I just melted at this scene. It was like he was back home.

          Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
          Made some new icons...Snarky as usual.

          Hee hee. Great job Jess.

          Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post
          Thanks for the link to TJ's vid.

          Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
          Gee I need to cut back on rpol and be here more....., nice art guys, wanted to let everyone know I'm going to FL to for my dads birthday. Which is on sunday. Hope everyone is doing well. I leave tomorrow morning at seven am, at least that is the plan. Hopefully it will go to plan.
          Yes you do my dear. No more this MIA stuff.

          Originally posted by TeylaJohn4ever View Post

          Quote from Eclipse (I think) the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer
          Nice job hun.

          Originally posted by SanGate View Post
          Wow, you guys are sooo talented!!! I'm amazed at all the sigs and icons!! Gorgeous everyone

          Also love the stories about the favourite JT moments. I'm still a newbie to it, but reading all your memories and seeing those pics really affirms my own feelings about what those two have
          Awwww. That was so sweet San. Thank you hun.

          Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post

          Would he ever open up like that to someone else. I think if it was Rodney he would have made a joke about it, with Ronon he would have made some sort of comrade in arms comments hinting towards the truth. With Teyla he just said the truth
          I totally agree. Very well said Cazz.

          Originally posted by netballisgreat View Post
          i always thought that teyla and john should be together you could see the spark from the very beginning in rising it was great i just wish in all them 5 years they could of got together what a waste
          Welcome to the Thread Netballisgreat!!!

          I agree that no having together at the end was a waste, but I'm glad for all the JT moments. No other couple has ever drawn me in like them.

          Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
          Hi! Welcome to the thread

          I finally finished it
          The Defiant One tag
          I plan on taking time tomorrow hun to read.

          Night Snow. See ya tomorrow.

          Laura!! You're watching the Super Bowl????


            Originally posted by gater101 View Post
            Undergrad. But if I get my way I'll never leave uni I have plans for St Andrews for my grad but we'll see
            Good luck!!

            Originally posted by cc_mac View Post
            Love these Snowy! Especially the first John one and the last Teyla icon...just lovely.

            This is wonderful!

            Oh and Welcome Dezrai!!
            Thanks for the welcome!!

            Sig by Lil'Ferret


              Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post

              Next year, not certain I'll be doing one I hadn't planned to cos qualifications don't really get you anywhere in this industry But I went to a graduate recruitment fair with my friend a few months and someone asked if it would be tougher getting a job due to the reccession and the lady said that for current graduates (quite a lot there had already graduated) it would be ok, but for those graduating next year (i.e. this year, i.e. me) it would be harder. So I thought I'd look into it

              They don't do a film course at St Andrews It was joint Geography and Film I was looking at when I went Which got taken off the course list so I didn't apply.. obviously

              I have to tell you, I don't know how much any Master's Degree is worth right now! I already have one in Health Administration and it's been useless! Which is why I am now getting two more... *slaps self*

              Sig by Lil'Ferret


                Originally posted by TeylaJohn4ever View Post
                11. The romantic dream about Teyla...showed his true feelings for her

                It's so sad that was it for S5 *sigh*
                I did get alot of Squeeing for this ep though.

                Originally posted by cc_mac View Post
                Such a sad ep, but I love how gentle he was with her here.

                I agree and how they looked at each other during the service. So touching.

                Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                Thanks Guys
                NP hun.

                Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                The Storm I loved the John and Teyla is up there alone in a jumper.. what might they have been doing prior
                Hmmmm. Indeed..

                Originally posted by cc_mac View Post
                LOL! One of you talented icon makers can make one! Not me.

                Yeah, we need a pre-ep fic for that Storm pic! They both looked so casual....Shep in his long-sleeved black tee.
                And instead of sitting in one of the chairs....Teyla decides to stand verrrry close to Sheppy.

                Gater!! *waves* I want to read it!
                I agree.

                Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                SUnday absolutely killed me. It really did. That scene depicted above is great. When he arrives - they both look so devastated.

                I remember reading a fic based on this point I'm about to make... Just how did Teyla get into that top? Goodness knows with an injury like hers, she wouldn't have been able to do the ties. A little aid, perhaps?
                I know it sounds familar. Was it you? If not, then I'd say Ruby or MrsB.

                Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                *hides under a rock*
                Thanks for the link hun.

                Originally posted by Camy View Post
                You guys are really killing me with all this looking back stuff. To think that this was the ship to be and I so thought they would be so much more than what we got. I was never asking for a love story in the show, heck I don't even want that...I can settle that in Fanfic....but I wanted the acknowledgement and the moving forward.

                I think that John and Teyla could have been the best ship ever in the history of Scifi shows and these writers ruined it.

                Sorry to fans of other characters, but for me, there will only be John and Teyla.

                As characters individually and as a pairing, they were powerful and yet subtle. You didn't need to feel the passion and the turmoil between them in a love scene to see only needed to see them sparring, or arguing or calling each other, heck with just a look, a glance, a brush of skin was enough to see just how much these two were magnitized by one another. That to me is powerful!


                Sorry, had to vent there for a minute.

                Still hits too close to home.

                I'll see if I can post some movies for the Storm laterz....

                Right now, have you guys been keeping up with Wedj's Lost in fanfic?

                gosh, that girl has saved me from insanity!

                Don't miss it guys!

                Hope everyone is doing good!
                Don't feel bad for venting. We all feel that way at times too.

                Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                Wow!! That's alot.

                Originally posted by Dezrai View Post
                Thank you! I belong to a Sam/Jack forum (not here) and I really enjoy it, but I would like to talk to others who are big J/T shippers like me! Thanks for the welcome!
                NP hun.

                You should go see the J/S thread too. They are some awesome people in there too.

                Originally posted by Dezrai View Post
                Hiya! I was part of the original Save SGA campaign (before the leaders decided to end both sites) and though I posted news on that rally, I wasn't involved with it. I was trying to organize the ones in the states (which was impossible because I couldn't get the permits.) Also, I have a very large J/T fanfic on a Sam/Jack site (it was Sam/Jack too) so maybe you read it?
                Oh That's awesome. I think I that. ( I have bad memory too. )

                Originally posted by Cherish4 View Post

                *gets up and dusts herself off*

                Wow Sci, that was one hell of a tackle!

                I'm ok thanks, just been busy at work over the last few days as we've had stocktake.

                And of course I have missed you guys when I've not been here but then that's a given.

                Love 'em!

                Excellent work hunni, very nice!
                Oooo. So sorry hun. *gentle hug*
                Well, I hope it slows down a bit for you so you can come and play more often.

                Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
                Hi everyone !
                Just a really quick hello to say that I'm always alive LOL (even if I don't know if I'll survive this week).
                I miss all of you a lot but I jusyt need to concentrate a little more until thursday and after I'm FREE If only I could succeed it would be really cool .
                Until now i miss you a lot but I see that I will have a lot to catch I'm so happy.
                HUGS and see you really soon
                Miss you Flo!!
                Cya soon.

                Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                *waves back to cc_mac*....

                12. Runner.


                Teyla taking liberties.... hehe...

                Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                ooh, i love that gif. love that scene!

                sorry.. needed a RL distraction

                silly picfic
                The Unusual Shipper





                : Just get on with it, humans!!! I paid for a full peep show!!!


                That´s disturbing!! What the hell have you been doing to him, Beckett?!


                he did nothing! I am just a shipper..!! Now give me some x-rated show here or I feed on you!!


                I may have overdone it with showing him the season one repeats in that cell!


                *remembers good old times* All that wasted potential...


                Well, maybe we could just send him some print outs from the ficathon!!
                Do you not think this is quite strange?!


                *heavy sigh* You humans... ! Just do it already!

                Hee hee

                Edit: I'm calling it a night and try to catch up tomorrow.


                  Originally posted by Snowball View Post
                  Just wonderful
                  Thank you Snow.

                  Originally posted by cc_mac View Post
                  Love these Snowy! Especially the first John one and the last Teyla icon...just lovely.

                  This is wonderful!

                  Oh and Welcome Dezrai!!
                  Thanks CC.

                  Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                  Sci, lovely tag. I like the "Eve John Sheppard is allowed to grieve." The bit at the end as well where he tells Teyla he'd never give up... Very nice
                  *bows to the Angst Queen* Thank you very much Laura. That means alot to me.


                    Originally posted by scifan View Post

                    *bows to the Angst Queen* Thank you very much Laura. That means alot to me.
                    No bother You should dabble in angst a lot more
                    don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                    facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                      Originally posted by scifan View Post
                      It's so sad that was it for S5 *sigh*
                      I did get alot of Squeeing for this ep though.

                      You should go see the J/S thread too. They are some awesome people in there too.

                      I wrote an entire short fic called Torren John (it's on after seeing Search and Rescue! I posted it within like an hour believe it or not. And then my original Sam/Jack story became a John/Teyla story too because of that episode. I don't know how anyone can see that episode and not think they should be a couple!! Hello, he's dreaming about her saying that she cherishes their alone time together!

                      Okay, sorry, rant over *turns red and goes to hide in corner*

                      What is the J/S thread?

                      Sig by Lil'Ferret


                        Another vid rec: Focus is on Teyla as well as other women of fandom, but it was so great I had to share.



                          Originally posted by Dezrai View Post
                          I wrote an entire short fic called Torren John (it's on after seeing Search and Rescue! I posted it within like an hour believe it or not. And then my original Sam/Jack story became a John/Teyla story too because of that episode. I don't know how anyone can see that episode and not think they should be a couple!! Hello, he's dreaming about her saying that she cherishes their alone time together!

                          Okay, sorry, rant over *turns red and goes to hide in corner*

                          What is the J/S thread?
                          Hi Dezrai! Welcome to the thread! Wanted to let you know, "In Atlantis" is the only fic I've come across that has ALL of my ships in it! Loved it!

                          I think she means the Jack/Sam thread. Umm. Give me a minute to get the link for you. They're a great bunch of people over there too.

                          Click here daily to give free mammograms

                          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                            How do you post images on lj? im ready to kill my computer aaarrrrrrggggggg someone please help me
                            sig by Cazzblade


                              Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                              Hi Dezrai! Welcome to the thread! Wanted to let you know, "In Atlantis" is the only fic I've come across that has ALL of my ships in it! Loved it!

                              I think she means the Jack/Sam thread. Umm. Give me a minute to get the link for you. They're a great bunch of people over there too.

                              I'm glad you liked it! I can't believe I finally finished it! And the spin off is up now too - the tag to Vegas that I mentioned in the story notes

                              And OMG I can't believe I didn't get that!! I was thinking John/ and was like S? I think I've had my brain buried too much in my toxicology book.... My brain is totally fried!!!
                              Thanks for the welcome! I love this thread!!!

                              Sig by Lil'Ferret


                                Originally posted by Snowball View Post
                                How do you post images on lj? im ready to kill my computer aaarrrrrrggggggg someone please help me
                                I have never done it but I am currently IMing with a friend who does it all the time. Let me see if she can post some instructions for you.

                                Sig by Lil'Ferret

