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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
    Yep Nina, Mayra, Linda, Steph (LoveConquers) and TJ (aunt nora on YouTube), Laura (Gator101) and Sariana all make great vids

    Awww thanks Cazz!. All my vids as well as LoveConquers can be found here

    Originally posted by scifan View Post
    Heee hee. Glad to know that I wasn't predictable.

    How have you been?

    Hey!! Guess who else does vids??? Sarah.
    I love this one!!! I'll have to check out some more after little one goes to school.

    Kung fu Atlantis
    Great job Sarah!. LOL! had me laughing with some of the clips, especially with the Kung Fu song! LOL!.

    Sig by Camy


      Originally posted by scifan View Post
      Man!!! It's so slow in here today

      Happy Birthday October Kiddies!!!

      Not Just an Ordinary Birthday: Part 1

      As John gets out of his bed he releases a small moan. His body is beginning to feel its age and the idea of him reaching a new milestone for his birthday didn’t help either. He was promised by his team mates that they wouldn’t make a big idea of it, but he saw the glint in Ronon’s eyes and the smirk on
      Rodney’s face. Teyla just gave him a sympathetic smile.

      He knows that forty isn’t really old, but all the battles, beatings and stress for the past five years have definitely not made it easy. He sighs as he looks in the mirror and sees the bags under his eyes, the wrinkles in various places on his face and the grey in his hair. Then he huffs as he smirks and remembers a remark that Teyla had said a few days back.


      Rodney started pointing out all of John’s flaws, including his grey hair and Teyla quickly dismissed him and tried to make John feel better, Ronon was too busy trying not to laugh.

      “Do not listen to them John,” as she shot them a disagreeable look. “I think it makes you more handsome.”

      John was about to make a snide comment, since he thought she was just saying it to humor him, but then he saw her smile. He knew right then she was being genuine.

      “Why, thank you for that Teyla,” he said with a flirtatious smile.

      Rodney rolls his eyes, “I can’t believe this. Even as you get older, women still think you’re good looking. I get older and all I get is….”

      John raises an eyebrow while he waits patiently for Rodney to finish. Teyla and Ronon grin as they wait as well.

      Rodney clears his throat, “Never mind.”

      Rodney makes an excuse that he needs to go somewhere and the rest of them leave to go to the infirmary.


      John feels fortunate that today is going to be an easy day. Ronon, Teyla and Keller are off world helping a sick village and Rodney is planning to do more research into Janus’ lab. So, he has the whole day to do some golf, video games and listen to some music.

      The last thing he wants to think about is his birthday coming up in a few days and full day of “fun” should guarantee it. Unfortunately, he gets bored fairly quickly without his friends and decides to go to the lab to see how Rodney is doing.

      As John walks into the once secret lab, he sees Rodney and Radek looking at the different equipments and finding whatever research they can in Janus’ files.

      “How’s it going?” John asks.

      Rodney sighs, “Slow. Some of Janus’ notes are vague about what these things are and others just say that he had to stop using it without a reason why.”

      “There’s also a mention of a device that he made. It had something to do with improving ones vitality, but we haven’t found it yet,” Radek interjects.

      “Maybe he got rid of it or it got stolen,” John suggests.

      “Noooo, I have a feeling it’s here, but maybe in another secret area,” Rodney responds. He gives John a curious look. “I thought you were going to spend your day doing a bunch of you games and stuff.”

      “Yeah, well I changed my mind,” John answers plainly.

      As John crosses the room to look at some odd symbols on one of the walls, a platform underneath him activates and raises him up with it.

      “Um, Rodney,” he says nervously.

      “Oh,” Radek simply remarks.

      “What did you do?” Rodney barks.

      “Nothing, I was just walking to see that wall over there and as I crossed the room, this thing came on,” John responds innocently.

      Before Rodney could ask John to get down, a beam encompasses him. Shortly after, the platform descends and John collapse to the floor. Rodney calls for a medical team and he is rushed to the infirmary.

      Once John gets to the infirmary, he wakes up. The tests can’t find anything wrong and John says that he feels fine. He says that he hasn’t this good in ages. Rodney wants to try the device as well, but Radek points out what happened to him last time and suggest some caution.
      Originally posted by scifan View Post
      Great songs Planet.

      I'm still waiting for a Shep whump vid with 3 Doors Down, "It's Not My Time". But everyone is busy.

      Not Just an Ordinary Birthday: Chapter 2

      John is cleared of anything medically wrong, but they suggest that if any begins to happen that he return for further testing. He agrees to do so and leaves with Rodney and Radek.

      As he is leaving, Woolsey radios him and asks how he is doing. John tells him what the medical staff had said and that he will inform him if things change. Woolsey sounds pleased and signs off.

      Rodney looks at John curiously, “You sure you’re feeling ok?”

      John smiles widely, “Actually, I feel better then ok. This morning I was feeling sore and stiff, but now I feel… I feel like I did five years ago.”

      “Really?” Rodney asks with excitement.

      “Rodney... we are not going to have you get in there unless we know for sure that thing worked. Let’s give it a couple of day. This way, if anything does go wrong, we won’t have to treat both of you,” Radek softly reprimands.

      Rodney rolls his eyes and sighs, “Fine, whatever.” He looks at John. “So what are you going to do now?”

      John pats Rodney on the shoulder, “I think I’m gonna go for a run and then get something to eat.”

      “Fine. Let me know when you go to the cafeteria and I’ll join you,” Rodney says as he walks away with Radek.

      “Sounds great,” John replies as he jogs away.


      A half an hour later, Ronon, Teyla and Keller arrive back to Atlantis. Woolsey meet them in the gate room and informs them of the day’s advent. They are relieved that John is all right, but Keller suggests that she run another series of tests in the morning to make sure he remains fine.

      Ronon, Teyla and Jennifer, meet up with John and Rodney in the cafeteria. They notice that John seems to be a little hyper than normal, but he dismisses it as being excited. He sees the concern look on Teyla and Ronon’s face and asks if they mind sparing with him to prove that he’s physically fine.

      “I don’t know,” Ronon begins. “Last time you acted like this you it was because you were…”

      “Becoming a bug? Thanks for reminding me,” John blurts out. “Plus, this time it’s different.”

      “How so?” Jennifer asks.

      “I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s just different,” John says with some frustration.

      They all decide to let the subject end and Ronon, Teyla and Jennifer begin to talk about their day off world.


      When Ronon, Teyla and John go to the gym, Teyla suggests that she just observes instead of participating. John can see a worry look on her face and pulls her aside.

      “Teyla, you ok?” John asks gently. “It won’t be like last time. I would never do that to you again…I promise.”

      Teyla gives him a gentle smile, “I will see how you do with Ronon and then I will decide whether to join in or not.”

      John gives her a boyish smile, “That sounds fair.”

      While John spared with Ronon, they noticed that his skills didn’t improve, but endurance has. He spares with Ronon for an hour and then another hour with Teyla before he gets tired. They all agree at the end of it all that it is time for them to retire for the night.

      They know they have an early morning staff meeting and they don’t want to be late. None of them wants to hear Woolsey’s tiring lecture.

      It takes a while before John falls asleep and before he knows its morning. Teyla is banging on his door. He slowly wakes up and struggles to get out of bed. His legs feel weak and he figures it’s because he over did it the night before.

      “I’m coming!” he shouts.

      “John, you are running late for this morning’s meeting!” Teyla yells back through the door. “I was worried when you never answered your comm.”
      John opens the door, “I didn’t even hear it.”

      Teyla’s eyes widens in fear as soon as John opens the door and he can see the fear in her face. She quickly clicks her radio and tells Keller that she needs to get to John’s quarters right away.

      “What? What’s wrong,” John asks with concern.

      “Something has gone terribly wrong,” she says wearily.

      He looks down at his hands and sees they are wrinklier then before. He begins to walk towards the mirror in his room. Teyla tries to stop him, but it only makes him more determine to go look. What he sees shocks him. He has aged about twenty years.

      Great story... didn't expect that in the end of chapter 2...

      Originally posted by perkin127 View Post
      hiya, just thought id drop in and say hi, as i am an occasional sheyla shipper, (you know its true love!) i normally only post on the dr and the wildman thread but i thought id start to spread my wings
      Originally posted by CaptainBoomer View Post
      i'm new to gateworld, but since i LOVE john/teyla, i figured i'd stop by the john/teyla thread! *waves to everyone* we need to have some more john and teyla before the season ends! it's so obvious they're meant to be
      Welcome to our JT family

      Originally posted by perkin127 View Post
      yea you can call me whatever so do any of u guys make fan vids? im obsessive over them!
      Yup..I make videos.. you can look them up here..
      Sigs by Scifan


        Originally posted by scifan View Post
        I'm loving learning everyone's name. Thanks for sharing Nancy.

        Asgard: Can we call you Flo???

        Oh hun. I'll look forward to seeing what you have.

        Kinda the same here.

        Hopefully one day we'll see one.

        And I'm in the same boat as you.
        No means or brainpower for vids.

        Thanks Snowball. I love trying to surprise people. I just hope it doesn't seem rushed.
        I keep feeling that it needs more, but then I don't want to over do it.
        Doesn't seem rushed at all. Its pretty wonderful from where i'm standing

        Well I'm off to school I have a test on the Revolutionary War today
        *crosses fingers* It's worth 30 percent of my Political and Social History class grade. Talk to you guys later
        sig by Cazzblade


          DAILY VOTING

          Vote for J/T on The Queen in the Favorite Ship Episode Picture Game

          Pics to follow for use in game: (Don't forget spoiler tags since it's season 5)

          Vote for John And Teyla Favorite Moment Picture Game

          (If one of your favorite J/T moment isn't on the list, simply add it to the list, don't forget to add a pic)

          Vote for Favorite Sheppard Episode

          (If one of your favorite John episode isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

          Vote for Favorite Teyla Episode

          (If one of your favorite Teyla episode isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

          Vote for Favorite Teyla & John Moment

          (If one of your favorite J/T moment isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

          *NEW*H&H Top Stargate Atlantis Episode
          An all season game. The 6 top episodes from season 1-4 that went head to head in their own season epi games before are now placed together. So give a point to your
          favorite episode and take away one point from an epi you may not like so much. Vote only once each day!!

          *NEW*All time Favorite Stargate Character
          Vote for your favorite Stargate character, it could be someone from SG1 or Atlantis. Read the first post so you will understand how this one will play out.
          Vote once a day!!

          *NEW*Vote for your Favorite Sad Moment
          Do you have a favorite sad moment that you have enjoyed in the show, then put it down on the voting thread. First to 50 wins.
          Here though you can vote for 3 moments each day if you want. Vote once a day!!

          *NEW*Atlantis Character Tournament
          A new game, that is a tournament between characters of Stargate Atlantis.
          Check out the very first post so you will be able to understand how this game will be played out.


          Well Search & Rescue has now made it into the list,,, and can you all believe it ,,Search & Rescue is our 31st JT episode on the list...
          In the Straight Ship Pic Game (First to 50) John & Teyla managed to snag 1st place.. great work JT shippers I'm sure Camy is proud of us
          We also managed to snag 1st place in the Teyla multishipping game. Awesome work JT shippers


          *NEW*05x11 The Lost Tribe

          Watch a preview on the new episode called The Lost Tribe airing October 10.
          MGM Promo
          Not up yet
          SciFi promo


          Check out Rachel's official site.. updated with a little message to her fans
          Keep showing her your support and write her a comment to show our love for her.


          Check out Jewel's official website for latest news and projects and send Jewel a note if you like to show her your support as well.

          *NEW*SFX AWARDS 2008

          Alright it's time to vote in the SFX Awards. What might be your favorite SciFi movie, show, actor or actress..
          Make sure to vote. The scroll down menu for each category is there for help but if there is someone that you rather like to take the award in the categories then choose option "other" and write in what you want. For example in the category of Best Actress, if you want to vote for Rachel then click "other" and write in Rachel Luttrell (Stargate Atlantis) in the box below the option. Sounds clear enough? Good..then off you go to vote. You have to vote in all categories before you can send away your vote.
          You will need to cast your votes by 28 October!!

          *NEW*ISIS AWARDS 2008

          The Isis Award is here again. This award was created to showcase the het pairings that may not get as much attention in archives and in larger fandom awards. So why not join in and support. Let's make it a good JT year. So get in there and check out how to nominate work and I'll make sure down the line to put up dates of when to nominate and when the voting starts.
          Nominations opens - October 4
          Nominations will close - October 25


          Check out a video where some of the cast talks about the cancelation of Stargate Atlantis. Get to hear about their thoughts and emotions on the fact that the one show they have been working full time on for so many seasons is coming to an end as a weekly series. Check out the video here.


          Check out an interview over at Solutions Blog with Rachel Luttrell & Paul McGillion. Where they talk about the cancelation and about their castmates and their strong &
          loyal fanbase. A really touching and sweet interviews with them giving a huge wonderful thank you to all their fans for supporting them. Check it out


          Check out an exclusive interview with Joe Flanigan.. he talks about the show, about Rachel, and generally how it is to act with sci-fi and his thoughts on TV and what he
          likes and doesn't like, and also a little talk also about season 5. So check it out.


          Check out these short videos of interviews online at The Sun, with Joe Flanigan and Rachel Luttrell. Short talk of their characters and episodes in season 4, more particular
          The Last Man for Joe and The Kindred for Rachel. Check them out.

          Joe Flanigan

          Rachel Luttrell


          Check out an interview with Brad Wright, Ben Browder, Rachel Luttrell & Jewel Staite where they discuss the show and their characters.
          So check out the little video interview.


          Joe Flangian made the list of TVguide's Sexiest Sci-Fi Stars after being nominated by fans.
          Fans was asked to nominate who ever they wanted in Sci-Fi, who they saw as being their sexiest stars. At the end Joe Flanigan made the cut, as the only one from Stargate
          Atlantis. Check the link out if you like.


          An interview with Joe Flanigan, Robert Picardo & Jewel Staite for was done on Comic Con this year..little talk about their characters, the show in season 5 and little something what we can expect from season 5 regarding some of their check it out


          Check out an interview with Joe, Robert & Jewel that was done at Comic Con this year. A little talk about their characters, what might be coming up, and what it's like to work in a long running series as Atlantis has become.

          COMIC CON 2008

          Watch the whole video clip of a little more then 40 min of the Stargate Atlantis panel on Comic Con 2008. Cast members Joe Flanigan, Robert Picardo & Jewel Staite answer questions and give comments,,and they are a lot of fun to listen to and they seem to have so much fun together. Also there is a question as Steph mentioned about JT, and it's cool they answered it instead of just going over it quick and ignore it.


          Go check out the JT Newsletter over at LiveJournal... there you will find intresting things found on JT...Challanges, ficathons, fics, videos, artwork,, and much
          head on over and check it out.


          From Movie web
          Exclusice cast interview. Interviews with like Robert Picardo, David Hewlett, Rachel Luttrell and Jason Momoa to name some. A visit to the set where we get a look at what we can expect coming from season 5.


          *NEW* Read a small article on the rally outside Bridge Studios as fans come together and rally against the cancelation of Stargate Atlantis.
          Check it out here.

          Read about Peg and Linzi's visit to Stargate Atlantis

          Sigs by Scifan


            Originally posted by gater101 View Post
            Title: Meridian
            Summary: He found that despite his protestations, he was glad of her company.
            Characters: John and Teyla [Ronon & Rodney]
            Pairing: John-Teyla
            Rating: T
            Notes: Um... the author requests that the readers not kill her.


            WOW.....Awesome Donna!

            Originally posted by perkin127 View Post
            hiya, just thought id drop in and say hi, as i am an occasional sheyla shipper, (you know its true love!) i normally only post on the dr and the wildman thread but i thought id start to spread my wings
            Originally posted by CaptainBoomer View Post
            i'm new to gateworld, but since i LOVE john/teyla, i figured i'd stop by the john/teyla thread! *waves to everyone* we need to have some more john and teyla before the season ends! it's so obvious they're meant to be
            Welcome to the lunatic asylum JT thread guys

            Originally posted by maffieg View Post
            Waves to everyone and newbies to the JT club.
            Aww darn...I missed you again

            Originally posted by scifan View Post
            Oh definately. I tend to lean toward favoring Shep, but Teyla is our girl and I hate when the under use her.
            They under use her like......ALOT

            Originally posted by maffieg View Post
            hmm I wonder who that might be but agreeing with ya.
            hmm I dunno who it could be

            Originally posted by scifan View Post
            Great songs Planet.

            I'm still waiting for a Shep whump vid with 3 Doors Down, "It's Not My Time". But everyone is busy.

            Not Just an Ordinary Birthday: Chapter 2

            John is cleared of anything medically wrong, but they suggest that if any begins to happen that he return for further testing. He agrees to do so and leaves with Rodney and Radek.

            As he is leaving, Woolsey radios him and asks how he is doing. John tells him what the medical staff had said and that he will inform him if things change. Woolsey sounds pleased and signs off.

            Rodney looks at John curiously, “You sure you’re feeling ok?”

            John smiles widely, “Actually, I feel better then ok. This morning I was feeling sore and stiff, but now I feel… I feel like I did five years ago.”

            “Really?” Rodney asks with excitement.

            “Rodney... we are not going to have you get in there unless we know for sure that thing worked. Let’s give it a couple of day. This way, if anything does go wrong, we won’t have to treat both of you,” Radek softly reprimands.

            Rodney rolls his eyes and sighs, “Fine, whatever.” He looks at John. “So what are you going to do now?”

            John pats Rodney on the shoulder, “I think I’m gonna go for a run and then get something to eat.”

            “Fine. Let me know when you go to the cafeteria and I’ll join you,” Rodney says as he walks away with Radek.

            “Sounds great,” John replies as he jogs away.


            A half an hour later, Ronon, Teyla and Keller arrive back to Atlantis. Woolsey meet them in the gate room and informs them of the day’s advent. They are relieved that John is all right, but Keller suggests that she run another series of tests in the morning to make sure he remains fine.

            Ronon, Teyla and Jennifer, meet up with John and Rodney in the cafeteria. They notice that John seems to be a little hyper than normal, but he dismisses it as being excited. He sees the concern look on Teyla and Ronon’s face and asks if they mind sparing with him to prove that he’s physically fine.

            “I don’t know,” Ronon begins. “Last time you acted like this you it was because you were…”

            “Becoming a bug? Thanks for reminding me,” John blurts out. “Plus, this time it’s different.”

            “How so?” Jennifer asks.

            “I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s just different,” John says with some frustration.

            They all decide to let the subject end and Ronon, Teyla and Jennifer begin to talk about their day off world.


            When Ronon, Teyla and John go to the gym, Teyla suggests that she just observes instead of participating. John can see a worry look on her face and pulls her aside.

            “Teyla, you ok?” John asks gently. “It won’t be like last time. I would never do that to you again…I promise.”

            Teyla gives him a gentle smile, “I will see how you do with Ronon and then I will decide whether to join in or not.”

            John gives her a boyish smile, “That sounds fair.”

            While John spared with Ronon, they noticed that his skills didn’t improve, but endurance has. He spares with Ronon for an hour and then another hour with Teyla before he gets tired. They all agree at the end of it all that it is time for them to retire for the night.

            They know they have an early morning staff meeting and they don’t want to be late. None of them wants to hear Woolsey’s tiring lecture.

            It takes a while before John falls asleep and before he knows its morning. Teyla is banging on his door. He slowly wakes up and struggles to get out of bed. His legs feel weak and he figures it’s because he over did it the night before.

            “I’m coming!” he shouts.

            “John, you are running late for this morning’s meeting!” Teyla yells back through the door. “I was worried when you never answered your comm.”
            John opens the door, “I didn’t even hear it.”

            Teyla’s eyes widens in fear as soon as John opens the door and he can see the fear in her face. She quickly clicks her radio and tells Keller that she needs to get to John’s quarters right away.

            “What? What’s wrong,” John asks with concern.

            “Something has gone terribly wrong,” she says wearily.

            He looks down at his hands and sees they are wrinklier then before. He begins to walk towards the mirror in his room. Teyla tries to stop him, but it only makes him more determine to go look. What he sees shocks him. He has aged about twenty years.

            Oh they gotta fix him...But don't let a certsin someone anywhere near him


              Originally posted by gater101 View Post
              Tee hee. You is too nice, English
              heehee....It always reminds me of CSI NY when you say that....When Danny called Lindsay "Montana"......awwwwww must be love


                Originally posted by Linda06 View Post

                WOW.....Awesome Donna!

                Welcome to the lunatic asylum JT thread guys

                Aww darn...I missed you again

                They under use her like......ALOT

                hmm I dunno who it could be

                Oh they gotta fix him...But don't let a certsin someone anywhere near him
                Thanks hun
                Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                  i start to read slowly and all and ater I haven't time anymore so I think I'll keep the story for the week end thanks to Sci besides I try to quote them all so I'll search on my posts lol
                  Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                  Thanks asgard...And very nice!
                  Originally posted by scifan View Post
                  NP and thanks.

                  I loved The Police too. They had so many great songs.

                  OH and I have way too much time for me to do these sigs and lots of times they take a long time to do.

                  Thanks again and You're gift is awesome.
                  Yeah but with a lot of time on my hand I can't make so many sigs besides they low in quality yours are all awesome *jealous* LOL
                  I love POlice yeah and Genesis really great
                  LOL they are awesome I love them and I love the friendship one with Daniel and Rodney LOL

                  Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                  Ha! Love those...


                  Linda - Beautiful Queen sig! I like the first one best.
                  And Lea, wow - 5 awesome sigs! I love all of them. Wonderful job!


                  Happy Birthday LandJ!

                  I hope you like it.

                  It's so beautiful besides I love the Ark and aesome effects
                  Originally posted by scifan View Post
                  Man!!! It's so slow in here today

                  Happy Birthday October Kiddies!!!

                  Not Just an Ordinary Birthday: Part 1

                  Awesome start but what happened ? (we need a smiley Sherlock Holmes lol)
                  Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                  Thanks Asgard
                  Tf that is really Beautiful
                  Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                  Title: Meridian
                  Summary: He found that despite his protestations, he was glad of her company.
                  Characters: John and Teyla [Ronon & Rodney]
                  Pairing: John-Teyla
                  Rating: T
                  Notes: Um... the author requests that the readers not kill her.

                  I haven't time to read it right now
                  >They are so beautiful awesome
                  Originally posted by perkin127 View Post
                  hiya, just thought id drop in and say hi, as i am an occasional sheyla shipper, (you know its true love!) i normally only post on the dr and the wildman thread but i thought id start to spread my wings
                  Hi and welcome hey I'm like you I don't go on a lot of thread I should spread my wings too but it's just too great in here you will love it
                  Originally posted by CaptainBoomer View Post
                  i'm new to gateworld, but since i LOVE john/teyla, i figured i'd stop by the john/teyla thread! *waves to everyone* we need to have some more john and teyla before the season ends! it's so obvious they're meant to be
                  Hi and WELCOME to this awesome thread Have fun
                  Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                  very true there..this thread is hard to stay away from

                  HEY RUBY! long time no see. Hope your cool and all.Yep to your FC comment.

                  Hi sci *HUGS*

                  We're in total agreement there.

                  Fair to fine with the possibility of sunnyness.
                  So true and so I'm here again LOL but I'm sad to miss you
                  Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                  LOL! i do have some in mind, it's finding the time lol..but i will.

                  Beautiful Asgard!

                  LOL! those were hilarious Snowball!!!.

                  Wow! pretty TeylaFan!!!.

                  Love it! can't wait to find out what happens next!.
                  Thank you so much
                  Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                  so cool!

                  very pretty *dreamy sigh*

                  ah just lovely

                  hmm I wonder who that might be but agreeing with ya.

                  Pretty and loving the heroes sig.
                  love Sylar's badness

                  don't get me started sci. People will have to beg me to stop spamming the thread.
                  Thank you so much HUGS
                  Originally posted by planet_tv View Post
                  Here's a small update to the / song list:

                  The new ones:
                  Leave A Light On by Belinda Carlisle

                  So Unbelievable by Craig David

                  Sanctuary by Jamie O’Neal

                  Total number of songs so far: 152.

                  I have stopped working on this for the time being so that I can use the list as you see it for a base for my Sam/Jack song list so until I get every song on the list tested for them don't expect another update any time soon.
                  Great choice of songs
                  Sig by the Great Linda06


                    Originally posted by scifan View Post
                    Great songs Planet.

                    I'm still waiting for a Shep whump vid with 3 Doors Down, "It's Not My Time". But everyone is busy.
                    Not Just an Ordinary Birthday: Chapter 2

                    John is cleared of anything medically wrong, but they suggest that if any begins to happen that he return for further testing. He agrees to do so and leaves with Rodney and Radek.

                    As he is leaving, Woolsey radios him and asks how he is doing. John tells him what the medical staff had said and that he will inform him if things change. Woolsey sounds pleased and signs off.

                    Rodney looks at John curiously, “You sure you’re feeling ok?”

                    John smiles widely, “Actually, I feel better then ok. This morning I was feeling sore and stiff, but now I feel… I feel like I did five years ago.”

                    “Really?” Rodney asks with excitement.

                    “Rodney... we are not going to have you get in there unless we know for sure that thing worked. Let’s give it a couple of day. This way, if anything does go wrong, we won’t have to treat both of you,” Radek softly reprimands.

                    Rodney rolls his eyes and sighs, “Fine, whatever.” He looks at John. “So what are you going to do now?”

                    John pats Rodney on the shoulder, “I think I’m gonna go for a run and then get something to eat.”

                    “Fine. Let me know when you go to the cafeteria and I’ll join you,” Rodney says as he walks away with Radek.

                    “Sounds great,” John replies as he jogs away.


                    A half an hour later, Ronon, Teyla and Keller arrive back to Atlantis. Woolsey meet them in the gate room and informs them of the day’s advent. They are relieved that John is all right, but Keller suggests that she run another series of tests in the morning to make sure he remains fine.

                    Ronon, Teyla and Jennifer, meet up with John and Rodney in the cafeteria. They notice that John seems to be a little hyper than normal, but he dismisses it as being excited. He sees the concern look on Teyla and Ronon’s face and asks if they mind sparing with him to prove that he’s physically fine.

                    “I don’t know,” Ronon begins. “Last time you acted like this you it was because you were…”

                    “Becoming a bug? Thanks for reminding me,” John blurts out. “Plus, this time it’s different.”

                    “How so?” Jennifer asks.

                    “I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s just different,” John says with some frustration.

                    They all decide to let the subject end and Ronon, Teyla and Jennifer begin to talk about their day off world.


                    When Ronon, Teyla and John go to the gym, Teyla suggests that she just observes instead of participating. John can see a worry look on her face and pulls her aside.

                    “Teyla, you ok?” John asks gently. “It won’t be like last time. I would never do that to you again…I promise.”

                    Teyla gives him a gentle smile, “I will see how you do with Ronon and then I will decide whether to join in or not.”

                    John gives her a boyish smile, “That sounds fair.”

                    While John spared with Ronon, they noticed that his skills didn’t improve, but endurance has. He spares with Ronon for an hour and then another hour with Teyla before he gets tired. They all agree at the end of it all that it is time for them to retire for the night.

                    They know they have an early morning staff meeting and they don’t want to be late. None of them wants to hear Woolsey’s tiring lecture.

                    It takes a while before John falls asleep and before he knows its morning. Teyla is banging on his door. He slowly wakes up and struggles to get out of bed. His legs feel weak and he figures it’s because he over did it the night before.

                    “I’m coming!” he shouts.

                    “John, you are running late for this morning’s meeting!” Teyla yells back through the door. “I was worried when you never answered your comm.”
                    John opens the door, “I didn’t even hear it.”

                    Teyla’s eyes widens in fear as soon as John opens the door and he can see the fear in her face. She quickly clicks her radio and tells Keller that she needs to get to John’s quarters right away.

                    “What? What’s wrong,” John asks with concern.

                    “Something has gone terribly wrong,” she says wearily.

                    He looks down at his hands and sees they are wrinklier then before. He begins to walk towards the mirror in his room. Teyla tries to stop him, but it only makes him more determine to go look. What he sees shocks him. He has aged about twenty years.

                    the poor what happened LOL great story really interesting
                    Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                    In the whump thread we've started discussing how everybody got their username, it's very interesting So I wanna know how you all came up with yours

                    Mine is pretty simple, Cazz is my nickname, short for Carolyn, and Sheffield United are known as The Blades, hence I am a Blade for supporting them
                    Ok try to remember you're Carolyn (beautiful name )

                    Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                    Well... my real name is Laura... that's how I got gater101...

                    I actually can't remember. I've had this username for everything since I started using the internet... I started with it on the MGM board in season 5 of SG-1... I really can't remember but it's stuck. It's obviously got to do with Stargate... you know, gater, lol but I'm not sure
                    Laura this I knew it LOL
                    Originally posted by perkin127 View Post
                    my name is my surname (which i always gt called at school due to there being a million other sarahs) and 127 is the number from the end of my first ever email add, and its just stuck, i put it on the end of all my usernames
                    Sarah happy to know you
                    Originally posted by scifan View Post
                    That's a cool idea Cazz.

                    Well, my real name is Lea.
                    I didn't want to use my real name when I first got here because it was the first time ever getting on a forurm... and I was shy.
                    I like most science fiction shows, so that's how I picked my name.

                    NP hun.

                    And I'm glad that it won't bother you.
                    I just usually ignore it.

                    Thanks for sharing that Laura.

                    Thanks for that Sarah. Can we call you Sarah??
                    Lea too I knew it

                    Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                    I think I know where that is headed

                    Guess not. Wasn't expecting that.

                    Hi JT's hope all is well. Just popping in & out. Gosh you guys talk a lot I'm not going to try to catch up from last time
                    HI Gateraid How are you ? HUGS
                    Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                    I just use my normal Name but registered it in caps because i was just Learning My way round the Internet at the time
                    Thank you Donna for symplifying things for my poor head at first when people spoke and you didn't use the pseudo I never knew who it was LOL
                    Originally posted by Rockhound View Post
                    Rockhound is the name of my son's baseball team. My real name is Nancy. I've also used the name Mikilayla (on which is my daughter, Mikayla's nickname.
                    Wow your daughter name is so beautiful but not really common where I live in all the case

                    Originally posted by Snowball View Post
                    Youre crazyyyyy! But I love it
                    I cant believe you gave us the switch around i seriously thought he would get younger but hey old shep is probably still good looking

                    Oh and in case you guys want to know i got my user name from my dog. He's a white terrier mix and my sister named him snowball which i didn't like in the beginning but i warmed up to it and its my user name now. I used to have a different one (JAG) it was the first letter of my name and the first two letters of my last name.

                    Welcome to the new people!!
                    JAG it's just too cool in France too mine means something only that I am really french LOL it's not as cool
                    Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                    That confused me. I googled it, and apparently you live on a sail boat. One which sank this month. Apparently google is not infallable

                    Edit: I should add that although google didn't have it (or at least not in the first 40 pages) the other option is in Antartica. That one is more plausible than the bottom of the ocean
                    lol sorry try this and it's probably well know for soe of you because of War religions. This is people from my region which created Berlin
                    It's my fault I didn't precise which part was included in asgard

                    Wow I have a lot of vids to see too even if I know a lot of them it's always great to see them again
                    Sig by the Great Linda06


                      Originally posted by scifan View Post
                      Thanks Sarah.

                      Linda: Dust in the Wind

                      Sariana: Protect You

                      TeylaJohn: Sorry

                      Love Conquers: Footprints

                      Nina:Gravity of Love

                      Mayra: Can't Live Without You

                      Donna: Best of John and Teyla

                      LandJrule: Keep Holding On

                      Quania: At the Beginning
                      Laura: I Will Love You

                      Sheppynette: Saving Me

                      Here is just a small sample of vids. I'm sorry if I forgot anyone.

                      Enjoy Sarah

                      Again!!! And I'm still waiting on pics from the last trip.
                      Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                      Tee hee. You is too nice, English

                      I've got two, actually I will love you and "Something to talk about" Just look me up on youtube
                      Originally posted by TeylaJohn4ever View Post
                      LOL...the JohnTeyla video belongs to me I have lots more on my youtube channel
                      thanks guys, i can never seem to find the good ones on youtube!

                      Originally posted by scifan View Post
                      Heee hee. Glad to know that I wasn't predictable.

                      How have you been?

                      Hey!! Guess who else does vids??? Sarah.
                      I love this one!!! I'll have to check out some more after little one goes to school.

                      Kung fu Atlantis

                      yea like i said im obsessive, i love to make and to watch vids, glad u liked my kung fu atlantis! i seem to be making a vid a day atm if ive got the right music, so hopefully im getting better, and although i will ship almost anyone my faves are john/teyla ronon/keller and my new fav is carson/rodney lol. Right im off too watch more vids!


                        Originally posted by scifan View Post
                        Hee hee. Thanks hun.
                        You know me and my Shep whump. I couldn't resist.
                        Moves up fic pecking order

                        Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
                        Ok try to remember you're Carolyn (beautiful name )
                        Aww, thank you Just like Doctor Lam I think Carolyn is a much more common name in the US, its pretty rare over here but when I went to America last year and looked at those magnets and things that have your names on them Carolyn was there, I exist in America

                        What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                          heehee....It always reminds me of CSI NY when you say that....When Danny called Lindsay "Montana"......awwwwww must be love
                          Ah those were the days - the "Season 2, full of flirting and possibilities" days!

                          Oh yeah....

                          Welcome to the Newbies!


                          Banner By Orangelusik!


                            Originally posted by Cherish4 View Post
                            Ah those were the days - the "Season 2, full of flirting and possibilities" days!

                            Oh yeah....

                            Welcome to the Newbies!


                            Yes...It was so sweet when he called her Montana


                              Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                              Great story... didn't expect that in the end of chapter 2...

                              Welcome to our JT family

                              Yup..I make videos.. you can look them up here..
                              Oh good. I hope the rest is a surprise too, but who knows. You guys are pretty smart.

                              Originally posted by Snowball View Post
                              Doesn't seem rushed at all. Its pretty wonderful from where i'm standing

                              Well I'm off to school I have a test on the Revolutionary War today
                              *crosses fingers* It's worth 30 percent of my Political and Social History class grade. Talk to you guys later
                              Oh thanks Snowball.

                              I guess I've been second doubting myself after a review for one of my stories, "Our Time".

                              They were trying to give some nice, sound criticism, but having it compared to a grocery list was not what I was expecting.
                              Sorry for the self pitty.

                              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post

                              WOW.....Awesome Donna!

                              Welcome to the lunatic asylum JT thread guys

                              Aww darn...I missed you again

                              They under use her like......ALOT

                              hmm I dunno who it could be

                              Oh they gotta fix him...But don't let a certsin someone anywhere near him
                              Thanks Hun, but...
                              That's going to be kinda hard you know.

                              Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
                              i start to read slowly and all and ater I haven't time anymore so I think I'll keep the story for the week end thanks to Sci besides I try to quote them all so I'll search on my posts lol


                              Yeah but with a lot of time on my hand I can't make so many sigs besides they low in quality yours are all awesome *jealous* LOL
                              I love POlice yeah and Genesis really great

                              LOL they are awesome I love them and I love the friendship one with Daniel and Rodney LOL

                              It's so beautiful besides I love the Ark and aesome effects

                              Awesome start but what happened ? (we need a smiley Sherlock Holmes lol)


                              I haven't time to read it right now

                              >They are so beautiful awesome

                              Hi and welcome hey I'm like you I don't go on a lot of thread I should spread my wings too but it's just too great in here you will love it

                              Hi and WELCOME to this awesome thread Have fun

                              So true and so I'm here again LOL but I'm sad to miss you

                              Thank you so much
                              Thank you so much HUGS

                              Great choice of songs

                              Thanks Asgard, but you do great too. Don't sell yourself short.
                              I started doing art with just using Paintbrush, and another free online program,but right now, I'm really enjoying GIMP.
                              Oh yeah!! How can I forget Genesis!! I love Phil Collins too.

                              Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
                              the poor what happened LOL great story really interesting

                              Lea too I knew it

                              Wow I have a lot of vids to see too even if I know a lot of them it's always great to see them again
                              You'll seee.

                              Knew what??

                              That's just a small list of vids

                              Originally posted by perkin127 View Post
                              thanks guys, i can never seem to find the good ones on youtube!

                              yea like i said im obsessive, i love to make and to watch vids, glad u liked my kung fu atlantis! i seem to be making a vid a day atm if ive got the right music, so hopefully im getting better, and although i will ship almost anyone my faves are john/teyla ronon/keller and my new fav is carson/rodney lol. Right im off too watch more vids!

                              No problem hun.

                              I will watch some of your other vids later too.

                              Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                              Moves up fic pecking order

                              Aww, thank you Just like Doctor Lam I think Carolyn is a much more common name in the US, its pretty rare over here but when I went to America last year and looked at those magnets and things that have your names on them Carolyn was there, I exist in America
                              Hee hee. Thanks hun.

                              Would you rather us calling you Carol or Carolyn?


                                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                                OOOOO!!! Awesome sig TF
                                Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                                And love the sig....what does the eansy shmeansy writing say
                                LOL, you don't wanna know! Let's keep it at total JT fluff, and love talk.

                                Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                                Tf that is really Beautiful
                                Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
                                It's so beautiful besides I love the Ark and awesome effects
                                Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                                TeylaFan, love the sig you made for LJ It's beautiful.
                                Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                                Wow! pretty TeylaFan!!!.
                                Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                                Love the siggy TF!
                                Wow, thanks you guys! I kinda thought it sucked... But I'm glad you all seem to like it!

                                Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                                Okay Happy Birthday Land J Rule

                                Great sigs Donna! Like the last one best.

                                Originally posted by perkin127 View Post
                                hiya, just thought id drop in and say hi, as i am an occasional sheyla shipper, (you know its true love!) i normally only post on the dr and the wildman thread but i thought id start to spread my wings
                                Originally posted by CaptainBoomer View Post
                                i'm new to gateworld, but since i LOVE john/teyla, i figured i'd stop by the john/teyla thread! *waves to everyone* we need to have some more john and teyla before the season ends! it's so obvious they're meant to be
                                Welcome to the thread Newbies!

                                Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
                                TF!! *hugs* LOL, I know and considering how slow it was getting in, it is a miracle I continued. I tried to come in at work and that was a pain, so I came in after I got home. If only that were true! But not really, the last couple of days, I had to monitor the schedule, so I have been on the phone constantly confirming and coordinate appts and avoiding conflicts. Now, tomorrow, I get to do only my job.
                                Ugh, that sucks! Glad you got some less stuff to do today though!

                                Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                                Fair to fine with the possibility of sunnyness.
                                Um... Is that good then?
                                *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                                “Because you can.”


