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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Wraith Cruiser, Minor Damage -VERY FUNNY!!!
    Sig made by Cazzblade! Thanks!


      Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
      Some more MPs from S&R:


      These ROCK!! You should post the last one in the whump thread! They would get a kick out of it!!
      sig by Sci!

      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
        Well doens't look like i'll be able to amke anything....Can't get freakin PSP to work Even tried downloading and installing PSP X2 but that's the same

        UGH *storms off*
        Oh no Linda.

        Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
        When you think about it is that simple, they are at the age when they can chose to take thweir meds or not, ten years ago they were both properly overseen for a overnight stay at the ward, now ten years later they make the choice of "no more meds already" and BAM they are being truamatized by Child phsycos that think they can help when all they are doiong is making things worse.

        Let me just say I'm majorly worried about my nephews, they are like sons to me, more then sons, brothers for goddess sakes! And here they are being trated like nutzoid for making their OWN choices

        Is it too much to ask to just leave them alone for a while and let them be themselves? Is that too much to ask? that is really all i'm saying here,m is it too much to just let them by themselves and not force them into things they do not want (it is bad enough they have to wear school uniforms on a daily basis which drives all three that go totally crazy)
        How old it old enough??

        Originally posted by NinaM View Post
        I've got them... but I see I haven't gotten to the ones where they do mention this ..but I see Steph came to your rescue on that
        Thanks any way Nina.

        Originally posted by NinaM View Post
        Feeling like ugh -OT

        Finally home....not easy pulling a 9½ hour shift with this damn cold... coughing at times so much I can hardly breathe.. my head feels like ugh.. foggy brain...
        One of my co workers basically ordered me to stay home okay I'll just sleep in and hope to kick this before the damn week is over...

        I need to get something to eat even if I don't feel like I want too... but I guess I need to.. but I'll see you all around at some point...if not more tonight then I'll check in sometime tomorrow...
        Oh no

        I hope you feel better soon.

        Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
        This actually isn't the episode I was talking about. I put the wrong one. I am going to go back through the eps and find the right one. The one one I was referring is where the commentary is done by Will Warring (ep director) and Paul Mullie. I so have to go back and find the right one for all of you.
        Oh, Let me know when you do.

        Originally posted by Rockhound View Post
        I finally got my keyboard fixed. yeah! To finish what I was saying before - We came back from vacation and my daughter got such a severe headache and fever. I had to take her to the ER because she couldn't even open her eyes and was just crying all the time. Turns out she has viral meningitis. She is getting better now thankfully and will be able to start school on Monday.

        Now my question about GiTM is
        Did anyone else think that John's expressions as Teyla left the room after speaking with Weir were odd? I've rewatched it and he's watching her get up and walk away and it almost seems like he can't look away from her or wants her to stay. And why is Teyla so formal now with the uniform jacket and all.

        Oh hun. That's awful.
        I'm glad she's getting better.

        Yeah. I saw that too.

        Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
        Beautiful hun
        Thanks hun.



          Oh, Let me know when you do.
          I will. It wasn't very in depth. Or, not as involved as the comments as JM.
          sig by Sci!

          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


            lol Jess those are hilarious
            and Np Lea
            Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


              Originally posted by scifan View Post
              How old it old enough??
              12 is age of child allowed their own choices, only thing being that John is going ot be 11 on 27 December, and Mike is going to be 13 20 Sept, and I told my mom and dad of my thoughts on what to do, and maybe even tell my brother and his wife to at the very least try my idea of bringing them home, letting them do as they wish, no meds no nothing, just them as carefree as possible over night (24 full hours) and see what happens, My mom said that none know what might happen, the fact being that maybe, just maybe, Mike and John will become happier without their meds and the child wierdos that are being no help at all.

              LOVE the first one!!

              This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
              "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
              "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                I will. It wasn't very in depth. Or, not as involved as the comments as JM.
                Oh ok.
                I'm still looking forward to it, and you get to do all that research.

                Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                12 is age of child allowed their own choices, only thing being that John is going ot be 11 on 27 December, and Mike is going to be 13 20 Sept, and I told my mom and dad of my thoughts on what to do, and maybe even tell my brother and his wife to at the very least try my idea of bringing them home, letting them do as they wish, no meds no nothing, just them as carefree as possible over night (24 full hours) and see what happens, My mom said that none know what might happen, the fact being that maybe, just maybe, Mike and John will become happier without their meds and the child wierdos that are being no help at all.

                LOVE the first one!!
                At that age...
                The parent is responsible for their health, actions and etc. If something happens, for example: They go off their meds and get in trouble, they parent will be held accountible as well.

                If they are not being violent, then I dont' what to say, but as an outsider, we don't always see the whole picture.

                If they send them to your parents or your house, are you going to take all responsibility for them 24/7? If yes, then I hope they let you do it until they get better.


                  Originally posted by scifan View Post
                  At that age...
                  The parent is responsible for their health, actions and etc. If something happens, for example: They go off their meds and get in trouble, they parent will be held accountible as well.

                  If they are not being violent, then I dont' what to say, but as an outsider, we don't always see the whole picture.

                  If they send them to your parents or your house, are you going to take all responsibility for them 24/7? If yes, then I hope they let you do it until they get better.
                  All five boys, Josh, Mike, John, Tim & Daniel are more then nephews to me, they are like actual brothers to me, and I'm personally concerned for their own santity, Heck my mom would jump at the cahcne to bring them down here for a overnight stay, much more a full week far as I care, which means i'm insnely concerned for their sanity as the child phsycos are not helping them at all, the poor boys have been tormented by them too much already and people say they aren't allowed to make their own choices?? That is the SYSTEM talking folks!

                  This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                  "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                  "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                    Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                    All five boys, Josh, Mike, John, Tim & Daniel are more then nephews to me, they are like actual brothers to me, and I'm personally concerned for their own santity, Heck my mom would jump at the cahcne to bring them down here for a overnight stay, much more a full week far as I care, which means i'm insnely concerned for their sanity as the child phsycos are not helping them at all, the poor boys have been tormented by them too much already and people say they aren't allowed to make their own choices?? That is the SYSTEM talking folks!
                    Are they bi polar or something else.

                    So you would take care of them or would it just be your mom?

                    How many bros and sisters do you have?? Just curious


                      Originally posted by scifan View Post
                      Are they bi polar or something else.

                      So you would take care of them or would it just be your mom?

                      How many bros and sisters do you have?? Just curious
                      My other brother (they are his boys), an older sister who lives in their town not too far away, and a younger sister that also lives in their town (800 miles north of me)

                      And personally i look to the boys as my own brothers, and I'm just really concerned for them and want them o be as free as they can be without any trouble from the stupid system that I figured out a long time ago by getting off my own meds 12 years ago for my F.A.D.

                      And I would take them all in if the need came up (I'm Daniels God Father, and Daniel is the youngest of the five boys but their siyter Emma is youngest of the family as whole).

                      It is just that i';m really concerned for them is all. asto what Mike and John are, i've no idea, only know that they do not want any more meds ever

                      This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                      "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                      "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                        Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                        My other brother (they are his boys), an older sister who lives in their town not too far away, and a younger sister that also lives in their town (800 miles north of me)

                        And personally i look to the boys as my own brothers, and I'm just really concerned for them and want them o be as free as they can be without any trouble from the stupid system that I figured out a long time ago by getting off my own meds 12 years ago for my F.A.D.

                        And I would take them all in if the need came up (I'm Daniels God Father, and Daniel is the youngest of the five boys but their siyter Emma is youngest of the family as whole).

                        It is just that i';m really concerned for them is all. asto what Mike and John are, i've no idea, only know that they do not want any more meds ever

                        I understand that they are like your brother and I don't agree what they do in psych(sp) ward do too. I hate how they dope them all up to the point of being a vegetable, but I still think they should be on their meds.
                        My nephew, who is now 31 is the main reason why I say that. Now that he's on his meds, he stays off of drugs, he not as manic and he's been able to hold his job for many years without being paranoid.

                        I know another guy that is bi polar, and is in his mid 40s. He doesn't take his med and he doesn't have a job either. He's not a responsible parent and has a nasty temper. He was never diagnose to have it and he abuse my friend. Her two boys both have it too, (She is now, luckily divorced from him). The oldest movied in when he was 14 or 15, the father told him he didn't need his meds, so the kid stopped. He was doing well in Tech school until he stopped his meds. He kept getting in trouble and ended up quitting school. The youngest wants to stay on his meds because he doesn't want to be like his brother and dad. He's getting ready for High School. He also has an anger disorder.

                        I'm glad that you are doing great without you meds, but in the long run, this might be better for them. You don't see it now, but things can get serious.

                        I've seen the difference both ways.

                        I know you don't agree and that's fine, but I wanted to show you other things too.

                        I think I know, but what's FAD mean?

                        If you want to keep talking hun. I think we should go to PM since this is so OT


                          Originally posted by scifan View Post
                          I understand that they are like your brother and I don't agree what they do in psych(sp) ward do too. I hate how they dope them all up to the point of being a vegetable, but I still think they should be on their meds.
                          My nephew, who is now 31 is the main reason why I say that. Now that he's on his meds, he stays off of drugs, he not as manic and he's been able to hold his job for many years without being paranoid.

                          I know another guy that is bi polar, and is in his mid 40s. He doesn't take his med and he doesn't have a job either. He's not a responsible parent and has a nasty temper. He was never diagnose to have it and he abuse my friend. Her two boys both have it too, (She is now, luckily divorced from him). The oldest movied in when he was 14 or 15, the father told him he didn't need his meds, so the kid stopped. He was doing well in Tech school until he stopped his meds. He kept getting in trouble and ended up quitting school. The youngest wants to stay on his meds because he doesn't want to be like his brother and dad. He's getting ready for High School. He also has an anger disorder.

                          I'm glad that you are doing great without you meds, but in the long run, this might be better for them. You don't see it now, but things can get serious.

                          I've seen the difference both ways.

                          I know you don't agree and that's fine, but I wanted to show you other things too.

                          I think I know, but what's FAD mean?

                          If you want to keep talking hun. I think we should go to PM since this is so OT
                          True, many poeple WANT to be on thier meds, but some don't, like Mike and John, they want off their meds, they are both sweet kids, and opresonally if my logic is right, which it most likely is since my mom (a former Red Cross Nurse and St Joseph Mercy Hospital Nurse) agrees with me to just bring them home and try 24 hours with out their meds and see what happens.

                          Heck I'd even go to their mom and ask personally if the pair could just be with me for 24 hours and let me be thier medication.

                          Anyhow back on toipic, I should have the link to my LJ post up soon. sorry fopr having everyone read my worrie and concern for my nephews

                          This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                          "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                          "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                            Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                            True, many poeple WANT to be on thier meds, but some don't, like Mike and John, they want off their meds, they are both sweet kids, and opresonally if my logic is right, which it most likely is since my mom (a former Red Cross Nurse and St Joseph Mercy Hospital Nurse) agrees with me to just bring them home and try 24 hours with out their meds and see what happens.

                            Heck I'd even go to their mom and ask personally if the pair could just be with me for 24 hours and let me be thier medication.

                            Anyhow back on toipic, I should have the link to my LJ post up soon. sorry fopr having everyone read my worrie and concern for my nephews
                            Got ya hun. I PMed you back too.

                            I look nervously forward to your beginning of the RR fic.

                            NP hun. That's what we are here for.



                              Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                              Some more MPs from S&R:


                              Hahahah...those are awesome...minor damage,,I'll say

                              Originally posted by scifan View Post

                              Oh no

                              I hope you feel better soon.

                              Thanks sweetie....yeah I hope I can kick this soon and not have to battle it for like 2 weeks or something like I usually do... even though I hardly celebrate my birthday these days anymore,,but atleast I don't want to be down with a terrible cold....

                              Well I'm heading of for bed...see ya... sweet JT dreams to all
                              Sigs by Scifan


                                Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                                Hahahah...those are awesome...minor damage,,I'll say

                                Thanks sweetie....yeah I hope I can kick this soon and not have to battle it for like 2 weeks or something like I usually do... even though I hardly celebrate my birthday these days anymore,,but atleast I don't want to be down with a terrible cold....

                                Well I'm heading of for bed...see ya... sweet JT dreams to all
                                NP hun. Let's hope you don't have it for your Bday. Get some rest hun and take care.

