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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Okay...I should really do something right now about the size of my head..I think it has grown some after viewing that episode...hehehehe

    but, I am working on Chapter 7 tonight..this chapter is just about done...but I am revising beta girls are extremely critical....hehehehe
    just kidding! they got all confused...poor souls..I am confusing them...hehehehe..
    anyways, I LOVE THOSE GIRLS...they have such patience with me..and they make me sound in writing so damn good!
    But, I did need revisions and it's all to make it better for I promise it will be worth the wait...and Yes..It is sooooooo John and Teyla...but I promise, you will be surprised....


      Originally posted by Camy
      Crap...BP It won't let me green you...shucks..have to go around and spread some more lovings....

      Okay, I have to say that yet again, this episode didn't come out as I originally thought it would....I am not going to repeat what BP actually picked up on things that I must have missed...oh, well that only means one thing, I have to see it again...yipee...

      The entire time that John was there, he was clearly not there...his mind was in something else..and one of my favorite lines from the entire episode is the one where he says something like...I have people that I care about there and people that care about me as well, at least I thought they did...hmmmm...I wonder if one of those person's in his mind is Teyla..she certainly had the camera pinned on her more than any of the others to show that she was clearly distraught and extremely concerned for Sheppard...and I did love her line towards Ronon...again people...those who see ship between those don't treat a lover this way...she was scolding Ronon for saying 'it's only been an hour for us' or something like that..why would that comment upset her so is not cold or implying anything but a fact...and of course Ronon was extremely worried about him, they all were..but Teyla hit the jackpot as being most concern...not even Weir showed so much concern for him as she did for Rodney..I got to go visit that ship thread..they must be in hiatus over the moments between Rodney and Weir...okay, sorry...wrong topic..overall, I thought the little moments were sooo there..I thought John clearly showed that he cares for Atlantis and the people there more than he lets on to them...more than they know...well, considering he risks his life for them all the time...but, I couldn't help but feel sorry for him and frankly didn't blame him for responding to Teer...I mean the woman practically told him he was their saviour...and she threw himself at him...Woman! anyways, one thing that I picked up that BP didn't mention...when Teer asked him to go with her...his eyes turn into Teyla's direction...I thought anyways...and the fact that the camera had her in the background and fixing clearly on his expression in this particular scene...only leads me to believe that this was the intention...he was indirectly way! and not only that but I almost got the impression that he didn't want Teyla to figure out that there had been something between them..I mean if he really cared for her..wouldn't he have kissed her goodbye or hugged her or some kind of the end he is like let's get out of here...and the way he yelled at Weir and the others "What took you so long" or something like that...he clearly didn't like it there and didn't want to stay there...overall, I did like this episode and some great moments for all of them...but especially John and Teyla..I
      I agree this episode did not turn out the way I had though it would...and I liked it even more for it...
      The whole Teer thing...nope can't say I blame was six months...he spent most of that time searching for a way back to everyone and it wasn't until the end that he started to for me it wasn't really a 'known ya a day' kinda thing...and he was working on 'abandonment issues'...

      And I so loved that the moment he found out they Teyla, Ronon and everyone else had come for him he was like...'about damn time'...Shep never really gave up hope that they were looking for him...though he had his moments of doubt and that is why I thought he was attracted to Teer...

      Teyla...I think this was a good episode to really emphasize how much she cares for Shep...she is usually so controlled and it is only when those she cares about are in trouble that one can see the real Teyla...worried, concerned...and it is usually always Shep who is that person...

      What I love most was that even though she was worried about Shep...she didn't let it interfere with trying to save him...she didn't become over emotional to the point where it effected her ability to help. Instead she did all she could to help. Just one more episode that makes me believe this couple can work on the actual show.


        Originally posted by Camy

        ...but, I am working on Chapter 7 tonight..this chapter is just about done...but I am revising beta girls are extremely critical....hehehehe
        just kidding! they got all confused...poor souls..I am confusing them...hehehehe..
        anyways, I LOVE THOSE GIRLS...they have such patience with me..and they make me sound in writing so damn good!
        But, I did need revisions and it's all to make it better for I promise it will be worth the wait...and Yes..It is sooooooo John and Teyla...but I promise, you will be surprised....

        Oh bring it on! I want to read it but no pressure Camy...but you do remember that I'm very impatient?

        Just kidding...if it had some great John/Teyla moments then the wait will be worth it!

        I'm finishing up my third chapter of 'Remember Me"...I read over it once and thought 'Boring!" So I had to go back and add more John/Teyla to it...

        Originally posted by Camy
        Okay...I should really do something right now about the size of my head..I think it has grown some after viewing that episode...hehehehe
        As long as you don't turn into a female McKay...everything's okey-dokey!


          Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
          That's kind of what I was thinking too. Actually, I wonder how many people on the base think that something is already going on between them since they spend so much time together. I'm sure most of you have already read this, but it's a wonderful little fic by Tielan that focuses on this idea. It has Bates in it, so it's worth a look:
          Sweetie..I love that fic...Tielan is just too damn good! but hey, you guys are just as good...seriously...

          Anyhow, Love YOU BACK, MEL! *smooch*


            Originally posted by Camy
            Sweetie..I love that fic...Tielan is just too damn good! but hey, you guys are just as good...seriously...

            Anyhow, Love YOU BACK, MEL! *smooch*

            No arguements here!

            I think tielan was actually the first writer I started to read for this ship...and wow...if anyone doubts there is a connection between Shep and Teyla read any fics by tielan...the characters are captured so perfectly in every story I have ever read...

            Plus I am really glad to have found this forum becaue I have found all new writers...SP, Ritter, Witchy and Camy...umm did I mention I'm waiting for you to post your next chapter...?

            But really...this ship is so great becuase of all the fans who get into it and share their inspirations...vids, wallpapers, fics...I never knew shipping could be so fun.


              Oh, geez guys, so many great points!!! This is why I love you all soooo much! Guess I gotta throw in my two cents, but I'm not sure if I can top this stuff.
              I thought that this was exactly how TPTB should be gearing the episodes that are focused on one primary character. This was definitely a Sheppard episode without a doubt, but all of the characters got to do and say some really cool stuff -- Rodney with his MALP on a stick, Weir got to translate, Beckett went off-world, Ronon's bickering with McKay, Teyla's leadership roles and bits. It's nice to see that the other characters don't get pushed to the side despite the primary focus being on Shep.

              That being said, I was really pleased with the way we got to see the reactions of the other characters to his situation, especially Teyla. I know we mentioned this earlier, but I always notice that one of the only times she loses her carefully constructed mask is when Sheppard is in trouble. "Epiphany" showcased that extremely well. The camera was definitely kind to her this week -- it constantly lingered on her for a few extra seconds to show her reaction to what was going on, something it didn't do for anyone else. She balanced this frantic, scared, nearly panicked voice and facial expression with her taking control of the situation and doing everything possible to help him. We got to really see what Teyla felt when someone she really cares about was in trouble, and I gotta say, I liked what I saw.

              "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

              HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                AthosianGirlOh bring it on! I want to read it but no pressure Camy...but you do remember that I'm very impatient?
                Okay, now I am really feeling the pressure!

                Just kidding...if it had some great John/Teyla moments then the wait will be worth it!
                REAlly Feeling the pressure! Please, don't do that to me..because then, if I dissapoint you, it will crush my heart!

                I'm finishing up my third chapter of 'Remember Me"...I read over it once and thought 'Boring!" So I had to go back and add more John/Teyla to it...
                Um, I've read your stories..and there ain't nothing boring about them..but if it was to add more J/T then it is worth the wait as are just too damn good...and the fact that I am writing, is only because all of you fic writers here have inspired me and have supported me...and I love you guys even more for that..but honestly, I am still doing baby steps compared to yours....

                As long as you don't turn into a female McKay...everything's okey-dokey!
                hmmm...female version of McKay..he is HOT! and a bit arrogant, but I can be as! Something like MR. and MRS. Potato Head! You know, they look alike...they are both potatoes and the only difference is that Mr. Potato Head can get a mustache...but not Mrs. Potato Head...OH, and she has that cool hat...oh, I'm really liking this idea!

                See what you, I am off topic again, damn it, look at what you people do to me!


                  Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                  Oh, geez guys, so many great points!!! This is why I love you all soooo much! Guess I gotta throw in my two cents, but I'm not sure if I can top this stuff.
                  I thought that this was exactly how TPTB should be gearing the episodes that are focused on one primary character. This was definitely a Sheppard episode without a doubt, but all of the characters got to do and say some really cool stuff -- Rodney with his MALP on a stick, Weir got to translate, Beckett went off-world, Ronon's bickering with McKay, Teyla's leadership roles and bits. It's nice to see that the other characters don't get pushed to the side despite the primary focus being on Shep.

                  That being said, I was really pleased with the way we got to see the reactions of the other characters to his situation, especially Teyla. I know we mentioned this earlier, but I always notice that one of the only times she loses her carefully constructed mask is when Sheppard is in trouble. "Epiphany" showcased that extremely well. The camera was definitely kind to her this week -- it constantly lingered on her for a few extra seconds to show her reaction to what was going on, something it didn't do for anyone else. She balanced this frantic, scared, nearly panicked voice and facial expression with her taking control of the situation and doing everything possible to help him. We got to really see what Teyla felt when someone she really cares about was in trouble, and I gotta say, I liked what I saw.
                  Smarty pants...look at what you write...and how well you off!
                  But that's why I love you!


                    Originally posted by Camy
                    Smarty pants...look at what you write...and how well you off!
                    But that's why I love you!
                    This episode did have excellent lines for all of the main characters...i guess I read once that this is always challenging...but eventhough it was a Shep
                    episode, I didn't feel it so much and it was played, it didn't hit me in the face like others that this was sooo Shep...and I guess what I liked also about it was that he was helpless this time...eventhough, yes he was the hero again, the ones who stole the screen was the team...don't you agree...his role was kind of um...dumb! not not that word, Trippy will kill me if she read this...Trippy hon...where are you?
                    Let's try this again, eventhough he was the star, yet again in this episode, Shep had to rely on his friend to do the rescuing this time.
                    ..YEah..much better...

                    oooops..forgot the spoiler it...

                    UM..One favor to ask...I need for someone to post a specific pic that I am looking for..It is a picture of John and Teyla sparring, which I assume is from HotZone! but this particular pic has them both clearly in sight, and they actually have a smile on their faces...the ones that I have found so far only show Teyla's face but not John, only his back...please, AG you are really good at this..I already went to and but I haven't been able to find this pic...if you find it, anyone, can you please post it here? thanks a bunch...SP, Someoneelse..and I are doing something special for everyone here and I am in desperate need of that pic....

                    SP...I'm off to finish my fic...AG is putting the pressure on me...and I need to feed the kiddies too...hopefully we can discuss again later on
                    overall, I loved Epiphany...great episode for the team! Great moments for Teyla and John..YIPEE!
                    OH, did I mention that I love the Rodney and Weir moments....too..
                    Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 14 January 2006, 03:29 PM.


                      Originally posted by Camy

                      REAlly Feeling the pressure! Please, don't do that to me..because then, if I dissapoint you, it will crush my heart!

                      Let's review:

                      1. Your story line is great!

                      2. I love how you bring all the characters into it

                      3. Plus you have really captured the characters' personas in your story

                      4. And it's John and Telya

                      and 5. Did I mention it was John/Teyla?

                      But really I love your story...I am sure there will be no dissapointing going on on my end.

                      Originally posted by Camy
                      hmmm...female version of McKay..he is HOT! and a bit arrogant, but I can be as! Something like MR. and MRS. Potato Head! You know, they look alike...they are both potatoes and the only difference is that Mr. Potato Head can get a mustache...but not Mrs. Potato Head...OH, and she has that cool hat...oh, I'm really liking this idea!
                      ...Two peas in a pod...the genius' of!...Just keep McKay in line Camy!


                        Originally posted by Camy

                        UM..One favor to ask...I need for someone to post a specific pic that I am looking for..It is a picture of John and Teyla sparring, which I assume is from HotZone! but this particular pic has them both clearly in sight, and they actually have a smile on their faces...the ones that I have found so far only show Teyla's face but not John, only his back...please, AG you are really good at this..I already went to and but I haven't been able to find this pic...if you find it, anyone, can you please post it here? thanks a bunch...SP, Someoneelse..and I are doing something special for everyone here and I am in desperate need of that pic....
                        Ummm...I'll look!

                        They sparred in 'Hot Zone' and 'The Gift' so if all else fails and I can't find it online I'll pull out my trusty DVD's and cap the pic on my laptop!


                          Originally posted by AthosianGirl

                          Let's review:

                          1. Your story line is great!

                          2. I love how you bring all the characters into it

                          3. Plus you have really captured the characters' personas in your story

                          4. And it's John and Telya

                          and 5. Did I mention it was John/Teyla?

                          But really I love your story...I am sure there will be no dissapointing going on on my end.

                          ...Two peas in a pod...the genius' of!...Just keep McKay in line Camy!
                          ROFLOL!'ve made my night...thanks..

                          Oh, I am soooo angry with hubby..he is not going to take me to see the Movie The New World..cause he says, I already know the Pocantas story,,,saaw it on Disney!...I'm not even write what I think of him right now! But, I always...always...get my way..but's pouring out here and I would have left my boys alone tonight, so I'll drag him tomorrow for the, no fun for him tonight! You know popcorn, pizza...all that good stuff...
                          Anyways, he'd rather see that stupid woman in tights...of course he says it's only for the plot, Underwold 2...Yeah i'm going to sit through with him...
                          My point is that I will be working on my fic tonight and then I will hopefully send it to SP and Witchy and then hopefully have it up before the end of the week..the girls do have school work to do...but, I already have Chapter 8 and 9 in my mind...only thing is that for some strange reason everytime I write and have something in my mind planned out, my keys and my fingers surprise me and this phenomena...has me soooo intrigue in this entire new experience, called writing fic....

                          Okay...someone post a John and Teyla discussion question...and don't forget about my pic...please?


                            Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                            Ummm...I'll look!

                            They sparred in 'Hot Zone' and 'The Gift' so if all else fails and I can't find it online I'll pull out my trusty DVD's and cap the pic on my laptop!
                            YOU ARE AWESOME!


                              Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                              Ummm...I'll look!

                              They sparred in 'Hot Zone' and 'The Gift' so if all else fails and I can't find it online I'll pull out my trusty DVD's and cap the pic on my laptop!
                              Ah Camy...I'm not exactly sure what pic you mean..this one or something else?


                                Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                                Ah Camy...I'm not exactly sure what pic you mean..this one or something else?

                                No, no...They are sparring...they are side to side and they have the sticks in hand and i think they are just coming up from sort of kneeling type position on the floor and they are looking at each other and you can see clearly both of their faces from the side and they have a huge smile on both of their faces...

                                Thanks for doing this for me, AG...

