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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Ag..I'm going now, have to feed kids..and hubby..but i will be back tonight later if you find it, please post it for me and I will check later...thank you sooo much...I was thinking of doing the same thing and just going out and bying the CD but i am still catching up with all of the credit card bills from the holidays and I want to wait a little longer before I go and spend 50 bucks on the thank you...if you can't find it, then don't's the thought that counts...



      Originally posted by Camy
      No, no...They are sparring...they are side to side and they have the sticks in hand and i think they are just coming up from sort of kneeling type position on the floor and they are looking at each other and you can see clearly both of their faces from the side and they have a huge smile on both of their faces...

      Thanks for doing this for me, AG... problem...I'll take a look...then get out my DVD's and rewatch 'Hot Zone'...not that I mind...

      Originally posted by Camy
      Ag..I'm going now, have to feed kids..and hubby..but i will be back tonight later if you find it, please post it for me and I will check later...thank you sooo much...I was thinking of doing the same thing and just going out and bying the CD but i am still catching up with all of the credit card bills from the holidays and I want to wait a little longer before I go and spend 50 bucks on the thank you...if you can't find it, then don't's the thought that counts...
      Ah not to worry...with all of us here who have the DVD's one of us will find it...

      Just watch me...I'll find it...I hope!


        Well, I have a question, but it's part of my I won't post it until after I've posted my i driving you guys crazy or, I will do the date question...I love that pic from home where Teyla and John go off on their first date...I think we should count that as their first date..both of them were aware of what they were doing and both of them agreed and thought of the same COOL! That was John and Teyla's first Date! Loved it! never thought of it that way@!
        Let's see, he took her out shopping...but her almost everything she wanted..took her to his apartment...yeah! and then threw a party to show her off...YES, that was definetly their first date!


          Wow! I never thought of it that way either, Camy. SQUEE! That just made my night!

          "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

          HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


            Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
            Wow! I never thought of it that way either, Camy. SQUEE! That just made my night!
            Yeah, don't avoid the situation, TAG YOU'RE it!


              Originally posted by Camy
              Well, I have a question, but it's part of my I won't post it until after I've posted my i driving you guys crazy or, I will do the date question...I love that pic from home where Teyla and John go off on their first date...I think we should count that as their first date..both of them were aware of what they were doing and both of them agreed and thought of the same COOL! That was John and Teyla's first Date! Loved it! never thought of it that way@!
              Let's see, he took her out shopping...but her almost everything she wanted..took her to his apartment...yeah! and then threw a party to show her off...YES, that was definetly their first date!
              *Slaps hand against forehead...DUH!!!!*

              Okay I cannot believe I didn't think of that!

              Oh Camy...that made my day...ummmm...night!


                Originally posted by Camy
                No, no...They are sparring...they are side to side and they have the sticks in hand and i think they are just coming up from sort of kneeling type position on the floor and they are looking at each other and you can see clearly both of their faces from the side and they have a huge smile on both of their faces...

                Thanks for doing this for me, AG...
                Okay...Camy...How about this one?

                I went through my DVD but I never got a close up of them together in the same screen then I remembered I forgot to check the website Gifted...and when I did I found this right?

                It's huge so I linked...

                Sorry so late...since it's almost 11:30 in my neck of the woods it's way later for you.


                  Originally posted by Camy
                  Well, I have a question, but it's part of my I won't post it until after I've posted my i driving you guys crazy or, I will do the date question...I love that pic from home where Teyla and John go off on their first date...I think we should count that as their first date..both of them were aware of what they were doing and both of them agreed and thought of the same COOL! That was John and Teyla's first Date! Loved it! never thought of it that way@!
                  Let's see, he took her out shopping...but her almost everything she wanted..took her to his apartment...yeah! and then threw a party to show her off...YES, that was definetly their first date!
                  Never thought of it that way until today Camy... bravo!!

                  (**Jumps up and down antsy-like for Camy and AG's fics to update**)
                  Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                    Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                    Okay...Camy...How about this one?

                    I went through my DVD but I never got a close up of them together in the same screen then I remembered I forgot to check the website Gifted...and when I did I found this right?

                    It's huge so I linked...

                    Sorry so late...since it's almost 11:30 in my neck of the woods it's way later for you.

                    You are awesome AG..that is the one...look at their faces they are both smiling....can you see it? and you can see both of their it! Thanks, hon...
                    And please don't slap yourself on the head...I should have thought of this myself too..but look at Teyla..she is ready for a smooch from John....
                    What is the man waiting for, right?

                    Okay, we need to help Teyla...No wonder John is taking his time..the girl needs help...Makeup Please..! And also, we really need to teach her how to kiss...any suggestions...

                    No, no, no, Bob...or Steve...I get you two confused all the time...On a first date, you don't want to open up your mouth like can scare the other away! it's too..hmmm...creepy!

                    Okay, any one else....
                    Ronon! Hon, putting your hands up like that doesn't indicate a kiss coming, more like your going to hurt someone..c'mmon weren't does Seteda girls practicing with you...You should know this stuff!

                    John: I know how to kiss!

                    Good, show us...

                    A bit too much puckering, but it will do! Good one...JOhn...

                    okay, i wanted to do a story but imageshack is very slow today...


                      Originally posted by Black Panther
                      Awwwww A group hug with John and Teyla. I love it!

                      I missed you too AG! I missed all of my Shepmagan friends! Everyone GROUP HUG!

                      I just finished watching Epiphany and here is my run down of the shippy moments.

                      First, as usual Teyla is right behind John while walking to the portal, and they stay near each other until John is sucked through the portal.

                      When they reach the portal John glances back a few times at Teyla while talking to Rodney. He just can't seem to be able to take his eyes off her. Doesn't he?

                      Just before John tries to go through the portal he gives Teyla one last look.

                      When the portal starts pulling John in, before John says anything, Teyla starts to look worried. Teyla seems stunned/shocked as this scene unfolds and just stands there at first, but when John asks for help she unfreezes and rushes to help. You can see her worry/horror of the situation in her expression and hear it in her voice when she says, "It's too strong!"

                      After the commercial is over the first thing we see is Ronon talking to Rodney. In the background Teyla is still standing at the portal staring at it. It is like she is in shock. When she turns around and starts talking and asking questions she is extremely worried and seems nearly panicking. She than desperately tries to reach John on the headset.

                      When Rodney has the flowers in the portal and he starts counting. As he passes 10 Teyla gets annoyed and her expression seems to say hurry up! When the flowers get pulled back and she sees how they have aged she gets this horrified expression on her face. She still carries the same expression as she mentions that they have at least aged a couple hours.

                      I thought it was interesting to note that while Rodney was acting snarky and giving orders Teyla didn't get annoyed once. Usually when Rodney is like this she rolls her eyes or shares a look with Ronon, but she didn't seem to notice or care while this was going on. Rather she actively participated and hurried to get things done.

                      When Teyla gets the camera ready to put it through the portal again and explains what she is doing to Ronon. Ronon says, "To see if Sheppard is still alive." A pained expression crosses Teyla's face before she continues with her explanation. When she watches the footage on the camera and sees John is not on the other side you can clearly hear and see she is upset.

                      When they get back to her and Ronon. Teyla is still watching the recording. (I wonder how many times she did that.) When she sees the arrow of stones John left behind her expression is that of relief and hope. You can hear it in her voice as well.

                      It is also interesting to hear that she wasn't idle while Ronon and her waited for Rodney to return with backup. She used her watch to figure out that the time dilation was 250-1 and she sent a note to John explaining what has happened. Unfortunately John doesn't seem to have received the letter.

                      Latter Weir explains what she has figured out. When she translates the writing on the wall at one point both Rodney and Teyla gets the same exasperated look and rolls their eyes. While the others continue talking Teyla gets irritated again at the time their taking and turns to get ready before the others have finished and do the same.

                      Teyla takes point as they are looking for John and is well ahead of everyone else. (I wonder if she is eager? )

                      When they finally get John and are confronted with the dream monster. Teyla heads straight to John's side to fight side by side with him. When Weir mentions they have company John first looks at Teyla before turning around to look at Weir and see what is happening.

                      During the scene where Teer asks John to join her in ascension the shot has Teyla and only Teyla in the background watching. Her expression I have a hard time discerning. She seems shocked and keeps glancing between the two. When John refuses and watches Teer go he gets a somewhat sad expression on his face. When Teyla sees this she looks down and away hiding her reaction.

                      After Teer and her people have left Teyla moves directly in front of John. When John says he missed them and Ronon mentions that it actually only has been a few hours for them. Teyla sternly says Ronon's name and precedes to tell John that they missed him too.

                      The only other thing I can say. John thought he was abandoned and unloved. WHAAAAAA
                      Wow..... great run through Black Panther!! I forgot alot of that stuff.
                      Made By Snogging Piccard- Thank you


                        Okay, I've thought about it and Hide and Seek was really their first date..There is popcorn, movie, and lots of smiles...but then again, if we really think about it, shouldn't their sparring sessions count as dates also...? Hmmmmm.....

                        Okay, some great pics I found...

                        Perfect date...he asked her out...she accepted, then they went out on the date, ate popcorn watched a movie, and at the end of the day, he is still thinking about their date and explaining to her all about the Hail Mary...YeP...that is definetly their first date! Second date, had to be in Home...I'll post pics for that one another time...YIPEE!
                        John and Teyla have had so many dates! and all are good!


                          Originally posted by Camy
                          You are awesome AG..that is the one...look at their faces they are both smiling....can you see it? and you can see both of their it! Thanks, hon...
                          Oh yeah...I'm glad it was the right one!

                          okay, i wanted to do a story but imageshack is very slow today...
                          Oh we need more picture about a theme...we did pizza...macarena dancing....anyone have an idea of what we should do next?

                          I'll update me fics soon...I'm actually writing the third chapter for both of my's hoping I don't mix of the storylines!


                            Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                            Oh yeah...I'm glad it was the right one!

                            Oh we need more picture about a theme...we did pizza...macarena dancing....anyone have an idea of what we should do next?

                            I'll update me fics soon...I'm actually writing the third chapter for both of my's hoping I don't mix of the storylines!

                            Me, Me, Me...I have an idea...well not my guys started it about a first date pic story? Love it...I will do mine later on today..
                   must finish your stories, I won't like you anymore if you don't..they are just too darn good..and then you leave me hanging..NOWAY!
                            So, my personal favorite right now is the one where the other guys comes in the picture..LOVE IT! We need Sheppard to get jealous so that he can realize what he is missing and be force to declare his love for her....AHHHH!

                            I've been skimming through some quotes that might apply to John and is this one..

                            When he will, she won't; and when he won't, she will....Terrence

                            OH, here is a very sensous one..

                            Red hair she had and golden skin,
                            Her sulky lips were shaped for sin
                            . Sir John Betjeman

                            Okay..that's all folks.. .


                              Cute little story Camy.... AG, write fics... you know my life depends on it. As for Hide and Seek being a first date... gonna have to go back and watch it.

                              By the way, is anyone missing ANY of my three vids?

                              Nice quotes Camy.
                              Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                                Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                                By the way, is anyone missing ANY of my three vids?
                                Would you mind posting the links so I can check? I'm not sure if I've seen them or not.
                                It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!

