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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by green_eyed_lady
    However, later on after an interesting discovery is made, Caldwell says, "I doubt we were ever talking to Weir in to begin with." So.... it may not have been Weir asking Sheppard to do it at all, it may have been Phebus. I think the reason she asked him to do it, was because she new he was the senior military comander.

    Hope that didn't spoil too much!
    Cut the rest of the post because yall already know what I'm going to say about that seeing that I'm a Sparky shipper. Cutting to the chase.

    I don't know if it's been said already but I think I read somewhere that that was not Weir. I might be wrong, my memory isn't the best really. But from the way see it (without Sparky goggles lol.) I think that Phoebus may habe been a scandelous gal and was most probably attracted to him and liked the idea of getting some hand to hand touchy combat with him, seeing that they didn't have anything to gain by killing the commanders on Atlantis because that they didn't have no beef with Atlantis. Phoebus and Thalan were sent to kill each other.

    Just helping with some spoilers.


      Originally posted by xkawaiix
      Cut the rest of the post because yall already know what I'm going to say about that seeing that I'm a Sparky shipper. Cutting to the chase.

      I don't know if it's been said already but I think I read somewhere that that was not Weir. I might be wrong, my memory isn't the best really. But from the way see it (without Sparky goggles lol.) I think that Phoebus may habe been a scandelous gal and was most probably attracted to him and liked the idea of getting some hand to hand touchy combat with him, seeing that they didn't have anything to gain by killing the commanders on Atlantis because that they didn't have no beef with Atlantis. Phoebus and Thalan were sent to kill each other.

      Just helping with some spoilers.

      Um..good interpretation...

      I'd have to agree with someone else's point of view on the episode, which I have not seen yet..but besides getting
      Weir to kiss John and getting Teyla to show more of her feelings to John...the rest of the episode seems kind of pointless...why did Caldwell not take on his military hat and just ordered the aliens to be killed ...I mean common...aren't they supposed to be ready for this type of thing...

      Black and SP have said it best...we can't really be sure on what the possessed ones said and did...because they were not themselves...but those who weren't possessed are the ones that matter the most...

      I read another posting that said they didn't understand why the scene with Teyla and John
      since the outcome was evident....Teyla was never going to shoot John or kill him since we know he isn't going to die...and my computer just went dead or I should say, the forum gave me the technical difficulty thing when I was going to reply...but anyways, in my point of view..I'd like to give the writers more credit than that..their point was not whether to build tension if Teyla would shoot him or not..but the actual struggle and tension with Teyla herself on what she is willing and not willing to loose...GREAT character development piece....

      Oh, there was a reason why I've stopped by..I've been catching up on some fics...and found this cute little thing...




          Originally posted by Camy
          SP..I am speechless...I can only add to that but it can never compare to your words...

          Jenova...It's great to have your point of view...Thanks! It is good to see that there are those who can always have a discussion eventhough they ship for someone else..I do hope you continue to post here and give us your point of view...I know we will be very kind to we always say here..We can agree to disagree..respectfully!

          Witchy...You awesome girl, you...your statements short...but so powerful....

          So, here's my two cents...

          I was over in the Season 2 Episoded TLG thread and I only read the first I must continue..but it is very interesting the different perspective and more importantly the ones that are less biased than say if I go over to the Shep/Weir thread...or even our own, I will quote some of the comments that I found...

          This was written by A Dark Faith...
          Other good point, Rachel was great! We can see that the dilemma Teyla faces is terrible for her. And we also see that as much as she likes Shepp,(obvious when she pleads Phoebus not to make her do this) she would have killed him for the sake of the others.

          A perfect example of what many have shared as to how Teyla is showing some new sides that we have not seen until recently and like you have pointed out seems that the conflict within her is always when it comes to Sheppard...For example...she was very clear as to her emotions with Ronon in Trinity...she did not hesistate to make her point across...

          My view on her recent behavior is that before Sheppard and everyone else..she was in charge of her people...and of her, not only is she under the command of several....Weir, Sheppard, Caldwell, even Rodney...but she also has to deal with the culture differences that might just be completely new to her...We don't know if Teyla's people practice arrange marriage...thus this whole thing of her feelings towards Sheppard may be something completely new and unexplainable to her...We don't know how she feels about the entire thing of John being her superior and in addition a foreigner and an alien in their eyes..

          And something that I really feel is a hinderance for her more than anything else...She just found out she has Wraith DNA...this most be troubling her still..thus the reason why she felt so connected and bonded with Ellia in Instinct...she is concerned about her people's reaction towards her now that they now she has part do you think she thinks that the Atlantians feel about her knowing that she has Wraith DNA in addition to being an alien?....She already has to deal with some of Rodney's comments which although part of his personality...must hurt her at some point or at least get her thinking..

          So, for her to suddenly be bombarded with a kiss in Conversion and now with an alien acknowledging John's feelings towards her must be crushing for her...

          she hesitated in killing him...yes..but I think anyone in the team would have reacted the same...thus why Caldwell told her that it would be her decision..(I have my own opinion about that) but what is more intriguing to me and more telling than this is that she was apparently willing to let people die in order to not have to kill Sheppard...Now, of course she thinks about it because she asks how many will she did think about it..Now, we know Teyla..this is the same Teyla that in LFP was willing to die in order to save the life of Orin and his family...she would never risk the lives of anyone over her own..but for Sheppard? Yes, she thought of it...(I can't find the poster who posted this..) Eventually, she did the right thing and was going to shoot Sheppard...but she even said..I'm sorry John..(I could be quoting this incorrectly) so, this is more than friendship feelings people, she actually consider John's life more important than those of others...and this was not a moment of Teyla changing her real thoughts and putting Sheppards' life as more important than others..but this was a moment where her guard was down, her emotions were flowing and the man who she cannot even think of living without is about to die by her hands and she is the one that needs to choose...So, this is more than friendship feelings in my view, from Teyla's point of wouldn't consider risking the lives of others as she did so defiantly for just a friend...Yes, you could, but in this case, it is the thought that Teyla couldn't see herself without a moment where her feelings were completely out of her most weak point...Yes, John is her weakness...he is the one whom she looses all of her control...can a friendship do that ? I don't know...only the true love of someone whom you cannot be without can cause such irrational behavior in someone as self disciplined as Teyla...
          Wow Camy!!! Bang on the dot!

          It's funny I was thinking along the same lines (but more for a fanfic) Sheppard IS her weakness!
          Made By Snogging Piccard- Thank you


            Originally posted by xkawaiix
            Cut the rest of the post because yall already know what I'm going to say about that seeing that I'm a Sparky shipper. Cutting to the chase.

            I don't know if it's been said already but I think I read somewhere that that was not Weir. I might be wrong, my memory isn't the best really. But from the way see it (without Sparky goggles lol.) I think that Phoebus may habe been a scandelous gal and was most probably attracted to him and liked the idea of getting some hand to hand touchy combat with him, seeing that they didn't have anything to gain by killing the commanders on Atlantis because that they didn't have no beef with Atlantis. Phoebus and Thalan were sent to kill each other.

            Just helping with some spoilers.

            Hehe that could be true I wouldn't blame her. but
            it would kind of be gross because.... Pheobus's body was that of an old woman
            Made By Snogging Piccard- Thank you


              And another one on the whole TLG...take...hehehe
              and from the looks of it, this writer is a Shep/Weir fan..



                Originally posted by Camy
                Um..good interpretation...

                I'd have to agree with someone else's point of view on the episode, which I have not seen yet..but besides getting
                Weir to kiss John and getting Teyla to show more of her feelings to John...the rest of the episode seems kind of pointless...why did Caldwell not take on his military hat and just ordered the aliens to be killed ...I mean common...aren't they supposed to be ready for this type of thing...
                I've read this in TLG episode thread. I think that if they had worked harder on the story and the plot this would have been an all time favorite episode of mine. I still can't believe that Caldwell would give in so easily into believing an alien that they don't know anything about. And it seems OT because if he doesn't trust Teyla or Ronon, why trust someone who's even more of an outsider than they were? This reminds me of some of those stupid films that are action packed but with a horrible story, except this might not be horrible, maybe missing a few things but not horrible.


                  Originally posted by green_eyed_lady
                  Wow Camy!!! Bang on the dot!

                  It's funny I was thinking along the same lines (but more for a fanfic) Sheppard IS her weakness!
                  Thanks...I just can't wait to see the episode now..okay..back to reading more fics...


                    Originally posted by xkawaiix
                    I've read this in TLG episode thread. I think that if they had worked harder on the story and the plot this would have been an all time favorite episode of mine. I still can't believe that Caldwell would give in so easily into believing an alien that they don't know anything about. And it seems OT because if he doesn't trust Teyla or Ronon, why trust someone who's even more of an outsider than they were? This reminds me of some of those stupid films that are action packed but with a horrible story, except this might not be horrible, maybe missing a few things but not horrible.
                    Yeah..I've been reading in the TLG thread but haven't been able to catch up...but it seems that the writers focus for this episode was so poor....I think overall Atlantis really needs to improve...from reading J.Mallozzi's blog it seems that they are still very much involved with SG-1 and less with Atlantis and I think it is showing in both shows..My husband and I were so disappointed with SG-1 when Atlantis first aired and now I stopped watching, frankly because I can't stand Vala...and now he tells me that this season SG-1 was, I wonder if all of their focus is going towards SG-1 and less towards Atlantis..even in J. Mallozzi;s blogs he writes more about SG-1 than about Atlantis....if this is true...then somebody really needs to stop it because it seems that this second half of the season is not at all at par with what it should have been...GEEZ am I rambling? don't answer that....


                      More...I'm sure people have read this one..but just in very popular...


                        Originally posted by Camy
                        Um..good interpretation...

                        I'd have to agree with someone else's point of view on the episode, which I have not seen yet..but besides getting
                        Weir to kiss John and getting Teyla to show more of her feelings to John...the rest of the episode seems kind of pointless...why did Caldwell not take on his military hat and just ordered the aliens to be killed ...I mean common...aren't they supposed to be ready for this type of thing...
                        Imo Caldwell develops aswell. Since the incident in CM
                        where he was the host for a goa'uld and nearly destroyed Atlantis
                        he knows exactly about the situation Liz and John were in. He didn't blame 'them' for what they were doing, he knew that they weren't themselves.
                        Later in the infermery he asks them if they now understand how he feels bc Rodney still blames him for being the traitor.

                        My few cents. Jen


                          Originally posted by green_eyed_lady
                          Hehe that could be true I wouldn't blame her. but
                          it would kind of be gross because.... Pheobus's body was that of an old woman
                          Well, they have been in stasis. From what I've read, it seems to me that Phoebus is a bit like Vala.


                            Originally posted by Camy
                            Yeah..I've been reading in the TLG thread but haven't been able to catch up...but it seems that the writers focus for this episode was so poor....I think overall Atlantis really needs to improve...from reading J.Mallozzi's blog it seems that they are still very much involved with SG-1 and less with Atlantis and I think it is showing in both shows..My husband and I were so disappointed with SG-1 when Atlantis first aired and now I stopped watching, frankly because I can't stand Vala...and now he tells me that this season SG-1 was, I wonder if all of their focus is going towards SG-1 and less towards Atlantis..even in J. Mallozzi;s blogs he writes more about SG-1 than about Atlantis....if this is true...then somebody really needs to stop it because it seems that this second half of the season is not at all at par with what it should have been...GEEZ am I rambling? don't answer that....
                            I'd be pretty dissapointed. They started 2 shows and can't write one show good without dropping another. IMO, they should be working more on the commercialization and the stories for Atlantis seeing that it's still new like they did in s1. I don't think I'd be looking forward to 2-3 flops in a row.

                            Eh, but I won't stress about it too much. It's not like I know for a fact that they're slacking or really working at the both of them and heck, I take forever to update fanfics.

                            To make it seem like I'm not going OT I'll post this picture. Interpret it how you will.

                            -Zooms back to Sparky thread-


                              Originally posted by xkawaiix
                              Well, they have been in stasis. From what I've read, it seems to me that Phoebus is a bit like Vala.
                              Imo she just wanted to play with him. Actually she (Phoebus) could have killed Thalan when he still was in his pod, when he was this old dying man. Would have saved a lot of work. But also fun.


                                Um..Yeah..AG...I just caught up with some fics and now I remember Clutching Straws...just reread it again...

                                I'm off to go outside right's like 20F...but I need to cool down after reading that fic....


