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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by maffieg View Post
    2000 baby

    YAY I"M AT 2000....

    I would like to thank all the fic writing queens who stories have made me cry, jump for joy and smack my computer.The art divas who splashed colours of JT love. The vid goddesses who piece together wondrous song and vids.

    Without you guys I would never of made it here cuz then I would have nothing to talk about.



      Originally posted by maffieg View Post
      2000 baby

      YAY I"M AT 2000....

      I would like to thank all the fic writing queens who stories have made me cry, jump for joy and smack my computer.The art divas who splashed colours of JT love. The vid goddesses who piece together wondrous song and vids.

      Without you guys I would never of made it here cuz then I would have nothing to talk about.

      Congrats Maff!!!

      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
      Amazing sigs...really awesome

      I'm not going to go over the top worrying about JF's role ...yes we haven't heard alot of spoilers centering around him... hell there isn't any really on Teyla either.. I feel like I have heard most about Ronon actually... McKay I think I've heard of the mid season and then this Tracker.. hrmm anything else..well not that I remember at the moment ...

      But Joe was on Women's Murder Club ,,and while asked if he was going to continue that role even though he has Atlantis.. JM said JF's schedule is so tight this season there isn't any time..and JF said also himself that he didn't have the time for it.. and the last I read of that show they are looking for another guy,,I'm guessing to take over for the part Joe was supposed to have in it..

      I'm not going to stress myself out with thinking to much about spoilers or what is going to happen...I have enough stress and dissapointment with CSI NY for me to last a good few weeks or even month depending of how in the world they will pull off to get away from what they have done... I'm not going to put myself into that with SGA as well... and we have also heard from who was it at the Con that JF is under contract and most likely wont go anywhere ... and I can't really see them reduce his part since the whole team centers around him... sure the spoilers we have gotten may alude to not team epis..but we hardly have spoilers for all 20 epi.. and the short spoilers we do get here or some sides that get's to be seen during season is most always with guest stars and is like what a 3-5 minute scene..
      Can you hear I'm trying to stay optimistic.. I have to hold on I guess to all hope I can or I will loose faith in both my shows..and I can't do that.. these are the only 2 shows I invest this much time into..
      Thanx Nina!

      I personally am not concerned that Shep won't be in it as much its just, like you said the team centres around him, he is the lead, yet it doesn't sound like it from the spoilers and the more we here of eps and spoiler, there's still nothing on Shep and JM seems to be ignoring all the Shep questions in his blog so people are getting upset! I've tried cheering them up but nothing is working

      What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


        Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
        Congrats Maff!!!

        Thanx Nina!

        I personally am not concerned that Shep won't be in it as much its just, like you said the team centres around him, he is the lead, yet it doesn't sound like it from the spoilers and the more we here of eps and spoiler, there's still nothing on Shep and JM seems to be ignoring all the Shep questions in his blog so people are getting upset! I've tried cheering them up but nothing is working

        He keeps ignoring Teyla questions too and we've heard nothing apart from the Queen ep is a Teyla ep....That's it,na na!!


          This is Off Topic but i know there are quite a few Xfiles Fans here so i thought i would post these here
          Hq Pics from the upcoming Sequel

          Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


            Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
            This is Off Topic but i know there are quite a few Xfiles Fans here so i thought i would post these here
            Hq Pics from the upcoming Sequel


            *raises hand* me me,i'm an X-Files fan....Awesome piccies Donna...Thanks for sharing,i can't wait for the Film to come out!!


              Originally posted by scifan View Post
              I just posted this in galleria. I tried something new.

              I love it sci...beautiful

              Originally posted by cabouse18 View Post
              Beautiful Sci

              Congrats in advance on 2000 posts Maff

              Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
              RR FIC PT 6
              But Koyla had already disappeared through a hidden door at the back of the cell. John and Teyla looked around in desperation for any kind of weapon, all there appeared to be in the tiny room was a few barrels and such.

              Then, out of the corner of her eye, Teyla noticed something by the door. Kolya had escaped out of it, she couldn’t make out the shape of what it was at first. She nudged John and told him to look to his right side. At her insistence he did, he noticed the object more clearly as he was nearer and his instincts were telling him exactly what it was but getting to it was another problem.

              He took a deep breath and turned to Teyla to ask her if she was okay. She tried her best not to show her fear but John could see it in her eyes. She replied, “I'm okay, I'll try to distract them."

              At a time like this she really needed to get over her fear so her warrior instinct could take over but it was so hard to concentrate on doing that.

              Bakla, whom they thought was dead was very much alive, and some of his men had started moving toward her. She stepped back as much as she could in what little space she and John had between them Bakla and his men. She tripped over something beneath her, she couldn’t bend down as she would have liked. She needed to keep one eye on the Bakla but as she managed to kneel down she looked closely at the object below her. She realized it was the piece of wood that had been used on the back of John's head, she swiftly picked it up.

              As she was doing so she caught a glimpse of how John was doing; he had managed to get across the room and picked up the shiny metal object. It was as he suspected Kolya had dropped his weapon during his escape. She prayed and hoped they were still a few rounds left.

              Okay im not sure but i think your up next TeylaFan

              nice addition...

              Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
              Woohoo! I saved it for a while too Because you wait for it - what feels like forever, and then suddenly you there!
              I know ... it's the best.

              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
              awwww,well thanks Maff,that's why i love you guys so much....You guys are always so kind and nice and always think about others and make us feel better when we're down
              NP Linda

              Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
              RR Part 7:

              Part 7:

              Teyla tightened her grip on the piece of wood in her hand, preparing for a fight. Her other, free hand, moved to her stomach. The pain had increased, because she was standing up. She was almost certain that she was bleeding internally. Lying down, and curling up on the floor was tempting, but now was not the time to do so.

              John took another step forwards, his stance told her that he too was ready to fight the men advancing upon them.

              The cell they were in right now was even smaller than the previous ones. Leaving barely enough room for Teyla to recover for only a moment, because if the men took another 3 steps, they would be right in front of her.

              John cast a quick glance at her, warning her.

              He attached swiftly, a metal pipe in his hand, to use as a bantos rod. He had learned much, using all of the techniques that she had taught him.

              He could be an excellent student when he chose to be.

              John kept three of the men busy, leaving only one of them for her to deal with. Teyla raised her arm, the long piece of wood in front of her.

              She gritted her teeth, using all of her will power to not double over in pain. It all happened in a matter of seconds, the guard attacked high, and she barely managed to block his stick from contacting with her head.

              Kolya was nowhere to be seen, caring only for himself. He was probably watching from somewhere, taking pleasure in seeing them suffer.

              She vaguely remembered Kolya saying that he was going to kill her, in front of John. He knew that they were married, though how he knew, was a mystery to her.

              Teyla focused on the fight, switching from defence, to offence. Her attack caught the man off guard, and she managed to land a hit on his leg.

              He stepped back, limping slightly. Teyla tried to hit him again, but he was too far away, and she stumbled forwards, leaving her vulnerable to an attack.

              The guard recovered quickly, and she felt his weapon connect sharply with her head.

              The world seemed to tip over, everything in slow–motion. She groaned when she landed on the cold, and hard floor, adding bruises to her already sore body.

              She heard John calling to her, desperate for a response.

              She tried to answer him, but he voice seemed to have vanished.

              John, her lover, her husband… He still fought, for her, for them. She wanted to help him, and fight, but she was so tired… Her eyelids drooped, and closed eventually. The pain faded, her head stopped throbbing. Darkness surrounded her, and the world silenced.


              Woah...that was good TF

              Thanks Linda and CB


                Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                Thanx Donna!

                Sure is

                Where's Shep??? Where's Teyla???

                I'm looking forward to seeing Ronon face his past as a runner - that's a plus.

                I love Ronon and Rodney's relationship and an episode with the two of them on a mission will be great - that's a plus.

                This is the episode with the Rodney/Jen/Ronon triangle, which will be hilarious - that's a plus.

                I love Shep and Teyla (as I hope you guys know) but I also like to see the other characters.

                And I absolutely don't dwell on anything that might be negative about an upcoming episode or make a judgement that I won't like it - as lots of people did for Travellers, Midway or Harmony, all of which turned out to be great eps... (though I know all the Larrin haters are throwing stuff at me now).

                Just my opinion anyway. I'll go now.

                Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                  Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                  Made Hope a siggie


                  Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                  I've just posted my 50th story on - not much when compared with some authors, but I'm happy It's not my 50th SGA fic, but still...

                  Anyways, it's a oneshot, and it's told from Nancy's POV, and it's about her meeting Teyla. I hope you like it - tell me what you really think, because I was totally unsure of how to write her!


                  BTW, this fic is not at all angsty. In case you were wondering. I ain't no Gater or MrsB...
                  Very good job and congrats on this being your 50th story.*applause*

                  Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                  Only 2 more posts to go! POST POST POST!!!
                  hehehe Done and Done.

                  Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                  OT~ I found this picture of Yappichick on the net:


                  *runs away before boss lady sees me*


                    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                    *raises hand* me me,i'm an X-Files fan....Awesome piccies Donna...Thanks for sharing,i can't wait for the Film to come out!!
                    your not the only one im looking forward to it as well
                    Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                      He keeps ignoring Teyla questions too and we've heard nothing apart from the Queen ep is a Teyla ep....That's it,na na!!

                      Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                      I'm looking forward to seeing Ronon face his past as a runner - that's a plus.

                      I love Ronon and Rodney's relationship and an episode with the two of them on a mission will be great - that's a plus.

                      This is the episode with the Rodney/Jen/Ronon triangle, which will be hilarious - that's a plus.

                      I love Shep and Teyla (as I hope you guys know) but I also like to see the other characters.

                      And I absolutely don't dwell on anything that might be negative about an upcoming episode or make a judgement that I won't like it - as lots of people did for Travellers, Midway or Harmony, all of which turned out to be great eps... (though I know all the Larrin haters are throwing stuff at me now).

                      Just my opinion anyway. I'll go now.
                      Don't go
                      Yes the Runner thing does sound interesting

                      And yes I do like Ronon/McKay friendship but a whole ep of it

                      Not sure about the triangle and they havn't done comedy eps that well before especially in SG1

                      I was just hoping that this season we would have the team eps back yet everyone seems to be one or two of them again

                      I was like you (thinking positively that is ) until this spoiler and my squee has snapped

                      What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                        Oh believe me,i know the feeling well......I pretty much feel that way most of the time with Teyla's role of wallpaper........I get the feeling sometimes that it's turning into the Rodney McKay show and everyone else is just his sidekicks
                        Don't even say that. I need my John and Teyla!

                        Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                        2000 baby

                        YAY I"M AT 2000....

                        I would like to thank all the fic writing queens who stories have made me cry, jump for joy and smack my computer.The art divas who splashed colours of JT love. The vid goddesses who piece together wondrous song and vids.

                        Without you guys I would never of made it here cuz then I would have nothing to talk about.


                        Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                        This is Off Topic but i know there are quite a few Xfiles Fans here so i thought i would post these here
                        Hq Pics from the upcoming Sequel

                        AND CONGRATS MAFF ON 2000 POSTS
                        Thanks Donna, I'm definetly seeing that when it comes out. X-Files was a huge part of my childhood. We used to watch it as a family. Then I went through a phase where it scared me for some reason.
                        Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                          Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                          Some people just have no taste!

                          I tried what you suggested in LJ Maff but it didn't work . I've just signed up to so in the future I'll post stuff there anyway! That means I have to write something else doesn't it!

                          Oh no you don't, we can get it to work. Pm me your email address and I will give you a better step by step method. If I and many others can do can you.

                          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                          Round Robin

                          I just wanted to thank TF and YC for they're help.....For the grammar errors i made and they fixed and TF for the last part of the fic

                          I apologise in advance for this but blame TF and YC.....They made me write...

                          Teyla was lying there motionless, while John stared at her for just one moment.


                          "Teyla…Teyla?" John shouted but he got no response.

                          The men started to advance on John, in return he backed up a little,waiting for them to strike.
                          Now he had four men to deal with, and Teyla was unconscious.

                          "You are gonna pay for that!" John said to the men. They just laughed.

                          He had to think off something, four against one seemed like insurmountable odds so he looked around while still keeping an eye on the other men.

                          One of the men dived towards John with his weapon but he jerked out of the way and hit the guy just below the ribcage and he doubled over in pain. Another of the men attacked Sheppard but John was too slow to get out of the way this time and caught one right in the temple and John fell to the floor dazed.

                          He looked over at Teyla and said in a whisper. “I’m sorry I couldn’t save you.”

                          The three men that were still standing were advancing on John once more and just as they were about to strike - the ground shook heavily, and they were deafened for a moment because of what sounded like an explosion.

                          *runa away so fast that all you see is dust* *Ninja does her great disappearing act*

                          *goes into hiding*

                          *runs back in*

                          Oh and it's MrsB's turn....*runs back out*
                          Well I think that pretty good. Can't wait for more.


                            Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                            Did another pic can blame the insanity going on in RL for the insanity I post.

                            The Hair (TM)

                            Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post

                            Submersion siggies...

                            Wallpapers and icons to follow tomorrow

                            oooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh



                              Originally posted by maffieg View Post

                              Oh no you don't, we can get it to work. Pm me your email address and I will give you a better step by step method. If I and many others can do can you.
                              It seems to have worked now! *shrugs* Thanx for the help I really have no idea when it comes to LJ

                              Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                              oooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

                              Thanx Maff!

                              What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                                CONGRATS MAFF!!!!

