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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by mcdonaldldcm View Post
    Hello all, I am new here and just wanted to say I'm loving this thread. I have been reading for about a week and finally decided to join in. Hope you will have me....
    Welcome to the thread and to all the other Newbies as well
    Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


      Originally posted by seldear View Post
      Aww, Donna, I'm so sorry!

      When do you get to see the episodes, then?

      I dont see them at all until i watch them online But Lea the dear is Recording them for me
      Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


        Originally posted by Mayra View Post
        Yup, i agree.
        Her being part of the team and being usefull to the team has always been important to her and now with her people being missing and Kanan, i'm sure its the main cause of her lack of excitment. It still feels weird not seeing her excited about being pregnant but it makes sense as well because her people aren't there for her to celebrate. Her worry and the fact that her baby might be the last of her kind doesn't help.

        Wanted to say welcome to all the newbies and de-lukers!!!.
        Nicely said.
        I couldn't say it better myself.

        Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
        To all the newbies!!!

        Like Ruby said,
        I was almost dying when Ronon had to drag poor, oblivious McKay out of the locker room.... JT's argument that followed was really good. In most scifi realtionships, fights are alwys a good sign of growth (and ANGST!!! yay!) and JT can certainly have a go at each other! When he was avoiding looking at herr at the beginning, John just seemed to be scared, not only for Teyla and the baby, but he looked like he might be taking this to the next level, subconciously. Thinking things like 'what will this do to our friendship?'. He must have thought about at least once, or he wouldn't care for Teyla as much as he does.

        More angst to come in Quarantine!!! WH00T!
        Some good points JT4L.
        And I just found out that I have to wait til Sunday to get Quarentine.
        Hubby has to to away for a couple of days and he's taking the laptop.
        I hope I can survive an extra day.

        Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
        I've been thinking about the series four preview...
        and I wonder... the man that grabs Teyla as she's swept up by the dart - could that be the genii chappy from Missing? Is it a silly idea?
        It could be, but I don't think so.
        If you freeze it just right he doesn't look the same. I'm wonder if it's Bolo Kai or K himself.

        Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
        Oh and I added the 6th and final missing moment to my BAMSR fic:
        Man! I'm so behind.

        Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
        Since we have so many newbies (YAY!), i'll say it again:

        Cool thanks man!

        Has anyone seen the interviews with the SGA cast on They're really, really, laugh out loud funny, and we get alot of new footage too! Click here!
        I know she is so funny. ROFLMBO!!!!

        Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
        I dont see them at all until i watch them online But Lea the dear is Recording them for me
        I know. I gotta try to send you a copy soon. It's not the best cause dad did it and he hasn't sent me more.

        Everyone has so many wonderful POVs. Thanks guys.


          Dudes we're getting further and further down the page.

          Post SoW, that's the last thing I'd expect!
          don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

          facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


            This may have already been touched on, but wasn't it great how even though
            Teyla was working through the Queen John believed her right away? He didn't hesitate or ask stupid questions, he just KNEW it was her. And then for him to respond like a vengeance when she cried out for her and her baby. It said to me how utterly dependent they are on each other- and how connected as well.

            Which brings me back to GRRRRRR! Writers! How do they expect us to believe Teyla is in love with someone else? Anyway.... I'm just happy they are having so much terrific emotional interaction. You really do see why these two are meant for each other- they connect on a deeper level that any other characters on the show (both past and present)


              Hey dudes.....

              You guys see the Quarantine caps???


                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                Nicely said.
                I couldn't say it better myself.

                Some good points JT4L.
                And I just found out that I have to wait til Sunday to get Quarentine.
                Hubby has to to away for a couple of days and he's taking the laptop.
                I hope I can survive an extra day.

                It could be, but I don't think so.
                If you freeze it just right he doesn't look the same. I'm wonder if it's Bolo Kai or K himself.

                Man! I'm so behind.

                I know she is so funny. ROFLMBO!!!!

                I know. I gotta try to send you a copy soon. It's not the best cause dad did it and he hasn't sent me more.

                Everyone has so many wonderful POVs. Thanks guys.

                I hope you can survive that extra day! My Dad who has the only quicktime working computer is going away for a week the day before it airs, so my friend said that she'd put her webcam infront of her tv so i can watch! problem is, she's 3 hours behind so I'll be watching from 1am-2am. Plus, I'm going to a party that evening! I'll be so wiped...

                Canoe? NOOOOOOO!!!!

                I know, Amanda makes me laugh! LOL

                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                Hey dudes.....

                You guys see the Quarantine caps???
                The ones on the stargate.mgm website? YES!!!! omg I'M SO EXCITED!


                  Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                  Hey dudes.....

                  You guys see the Quarantine caps???
                  Yeah I've seen the caps on MGM's site...
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    Yup, I have...I'm so upset that there aren't any of Teyla from SOW in the MGM site...jeepers...the woman was AWESOME!


                      Originally posted by Camy View Post
                      Yup, I have...I'm so upset that there aren't any of Teyla from SOW in the MGM site...jeepers...the woman was AWESOME!
                      Who you trrying to kid Camy?! Rachel is ALWAYS awesome!! (even moreso in person)

                      This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                      "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                      "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                        Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                        This may have already been touched on, but wasn't it great how even though
                        Teyla was working through the Queen John believed her right away? He didn't hesitate or ask stupid questions, he just KNEW it was her. And then for him to respond like a vengeance when she cried out for her and her baby. It said to me how utterly dependent they are on each other- and how connected as well.

                        Which brings me back to GRRRRRR! Writers! How do they expect us to believe Teyla is in love with someone else? Anyway.... I'm just happy they are having so much terrific emotional interaction. You really do see why these two are meant for each other- they connect on a deeper level that any other characters on the show (both past and present)
                        I love that part too Suz.
                        I saw the same thing and his facial expression when she says,"It's me John." I was like awwww. I have a feeling that he kinda knew though. Maybe that was just me.

                        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                        Hey dudes.....

                        You guys see the Quarantine caps???
                        Yes I did. I love Teyla's outfit.

                        Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                        I hope you can survive that extra day! My Dad who has the only quicktime working computer is going away for a week the day before it airs, so my friend said that she'd put her webcam infront of her tv so i can watch! problem is, she's 3 hours behind so I'll be watching from 1am-2am. Plus, I'm going to a party that evening! I'll be so wiped...

                        Canoe? NOOOOOOO!!!!

                        I know, Amanda makes me laugh! LOL

                        The ones on the stargate.mgm website? YES!!!! omg I'M SO EXCITED!
                        Oh man!! I guess I can't complain. Sorry hun.

                        Originally posted by Camy View Post
                        Yup, I have...I'm so upset that there aren't any of Teyla from SOW in the MGM site...jeepers...the woman was AWESOME!
                        I know!!! I agree.




                            Originally posted by Camy View Post
                            *hugs Camy because self is now in a hugging mood*

                            This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                            "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                            "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                              *is wary of Camy, who now weilds the ability to knock all fan fic writing sense out of me*

                              don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                              facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                                There aint no way in hell I'm catching up with the whole damn thread that I missed lol but I will repeat the one post I made awhile back regarding my fav scene from SOW:

                                "John, help me..."

                                BOOM BOOM BOOM.....

                                Freaking awesome scene.....

                                and I think its cool, (even coming from someone who seeks out spoilers) that the hug at the end was a surprise.

