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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by NinaM View Post
    yeah sorry... but I wish it were just a bad nightmare but no such luck..
    the worst thing happened..what we all were dreading over at the forum.. actually we dreaded it since we saw the promo,, the advertised the hell out of it thinking it was shocking and would bring in more ratings..of new such luck their rating score that came out today was one of their lowest..

    I hate soaps too.. and this sure took it to heart.. I want to gag at that scene where they throw the best thing away.. I never thought I would come as far as disliking Danny.. but after that.. they have a long road ahead of them for pulling of for me to like him again.. I wonder what Carmine thinks of what they have done to his character..
    So what ep is this
    The last one we got was when that kids Mother stole Danny's gun to go after the guy that caused her son's death and Danny went after her to try stop her..I'm emotionally drained after Atlantis,i dunno if i can take this as well!!

    I tell ya S5 of Atlantis better make up for all they've put us through this season!


      Originally posted by Hope24 View Post

      Thanks, Sci and Nina for the link pages!
      Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
      Thanks! And ditto!!

      NP Hope and TF.

      Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
      Thanks Linda!

      Thanks Cazz, got it!

      Thanks MrsB!

      I notice that no one so far has got the SG1 reference in it...

      I hope you had a great birthday Blue!!

      Thanks Sci! I LOVED your fic too -
      so cute and funny, and I loved the end!

      Thanks Mayra! I hope so...

      I like the pic from the DVD extras when Rachel's pretending to grab his butt... of course David and Jason are doing the same thing, but it's hilarious. There's also a really cute one of them waving from a balcony and looking like the first family lol!
      Hee hee, thanks Ruby.

      I got your pic and I loved them. Thanks so much.

      Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
      Well I'm back but I'm not sure about normal... for instance, it's just gone 3pm here and I woke up half an hour ago... :

      Ok, the reference:
      John's sitting with his leg on the table and it drops to the ground when Teyla kisses him... (and I'm sure at this point everyone who watches SG1 is going ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... but for the benefit of MrsB I'll continue...) there's an ep called 'Divide and Conquer' in series 4 when the same thing happens to Jack - he's lounging there with his leg propped up and then this Tok'ra called Anise kisses him. Jack's reaction is priceless.

      Oh yeah!! I remember that. Boy, was he shocked. The ending is better though.

      Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
      My first attempt at layering...

      Oh very nice.

      Originally posted by elephantgirl View Post
      Very nice.

      (just happened to notice this post looking for Ruby's JF chair pic)
      Ryan Robbins showed up at the Fan Party on Wednesday night, he was so nice and friendly. Loved the photocollage I made for him (will post that in the galleria at some point with my centerpiece art, as promised)

      And since it's MP day in the Galleria

      It's an MP combo (thanks Ruby for the great pic of you):

      Yes, that's me in that second pic.
      Nice job EG.

      Originally posted by wraithlord View Post
      Thanks everyone.

      No you don't sci i just thought it wasn't good.
      NP and I was good. Don't sell yourself short.

      Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
      Here ya go Tey, a nice Teyla whump sig. I hope

      I bet she'll like it. Wonderful job.

      Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
      Hi all How are you ?

      I didn't know this it's really well done thanks for the links
      Hey Asgard, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
      MAFF!!!!! That is freakin great.......Teyla so roxs.,....uh huh oh yes she does!!!

      HUH WHAT WHAT.....What happened....
      Di i even wanna know......The last ep i saw was when that kids Mother stole Danny's gun and Danny went after her to try stop her.........Am i gonna hate this ep.....Oh i can't take...First i was upset about what they done to Teyla in S4 then about everyone picking on Teyla and all the hating that's going on and about the lack of Teyla spoilers that's gettin leaked.....Now this,i don't know if a wanna watch it now, don't know if my shaky emotions can handle anything else at the moment!
      Don't ask.
      Let's just say, I'm not happy with Danny right now.

      Thanks for the cap spam.

      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
      Well let's say it like this...

      If you are a fan of Danny as a character and a fan of DL then it took basically these writers just like 2 minutes of screentime to destroy all that.. took them that short amount of time to destoy the character of Danny so much,, he does nothing but is getting a lot of heat now from fans of his behaviour in this episode..way to go writers for taking something that great and flush it down the toilet.. a slight bump in the road,, my a** ,,that more like freaking dig yourself a hole all the way to China... if this thing doesn't get fixed talk about I've lost all faith in all writers... I think they overdosed on soaps during the strike since this what happened is a simple classic trashy soap move if I ever saw one..
      I was so bummed after that and I really thought she knew. And him acting like there's nothing wrong. Grrr

      If they ever do that to JT I will be furious. Our boy John better never do that.


      Attention Fic Writers. If I'm not around right away, Donna may need help with you RR part. Hopefully one of you can help, if she needs it. Thanks.


        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
        LOVE IT.......That ep is one of my all time favourites,just ask sci how much i like a particular scene

        Yes he can.....He can annoy me anytime
        me too
        Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
        Thanks - I might write a second part - I almost didn't end it there as it was...

        Oh puh-lease - just put your food outside to keep it cold!

        And you should be ashamed for not getting the reference. I could so totally see it in my head lol!

        And the question... well like EG said it wasn't new, it was just a story.

        Basically, I said to BamBam about what Rachel had said about series four being the most gruelling for her physically, and then I asked her how scared he was choreographing fights for a pregnant woman... and he told me he was absolutely terrified. Rachel told him she was pregnant when they were rehearsing for Missing, and he was the first of them to know. She took him to one side, saying 'I need to tell you something' and he had jokingly said 'what are you pregnant?' and she was like 'yeah...' ... and then he started crying at the mere thought of what he was about to put her through! And he took each stuntman to the side personally and told them that if they hurt her he'd kill them. Or something like that. Bless him.
        Oh thanks a lot it's so sweet. I like this guy and he never annoys me too
        Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
        Great caps Linda... and lol for Major Hottie!!!
        What Linda said Thanks a lot really you make my day even if it's almost time for me to go to bed
        Sig by the Great Linda06


          Originally posted by scifan View Post
          NP Hope and TF.

          Hee hee, thanks Ruby.

          I got your pic and I loved them. Thanks so much.

          Oh yeah!! I remember that. Boy, was he shocked. The ending is better though.

          Oh very nice.

          Nice job EG.

          NP and I was good. Don't sell yourself short.

          I bet she'll like it. Wonderful job.

          Hey Asgard, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

          Don't ask.
          Let's just say, I'm not happy with Danny right now.

          Thanks for the cap spam.

          I was so bummed after that and I really thought she knew. And him acting like there's nothing wrong. Grrr

          If they ever do that to JT I will be furious. Our boy John better never do that.


          Attention Fic Writers. If I'm not around right away, Donna may need help with you RR part. Hopefully one of you can help, if she needs it. Thanks.

          Too late sci....I already asked and now i wish i didn't But at least now i know and i won't be as shocked when i actually see it!


            Glad you liked the pic of Kavan... I have loads more, but I haven't put them on photobucket yet.

            Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


              Originally posted by maffieg View Post
              For all those sad about Teyla in the SGA member and the feed the wraith games... I just want to say those who love her are all wonderful people and I am glad to have voted among you all.You can check out my memorial for her in the feed the wraith thread link.

              That was a lovely memorial you did for Teyla maffieg and listed all the reason we love her!.

              Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
              Thanx Maff!

              I've written a fic my first other than the RR

              It doesn't have a title because I'm useless at them so if anybody has any suggestions I would be very grateful,

              Anyway here it is...


              YAY!...your first J/T fic!...well done Cazz!. Totally loved it!. Hope you decide to do more J/T fics!.

              Sig by Camy


                Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                Glad you liked the pic of Kavan... I have loads more, but I haven't put them on photobucket yet.
                Well get uploading then I wanna see more piccies of my baby!


                  Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                  My first attempt at layering...

                  Great job on the layering TeylaFan!....i still need to practice layering, lets see when i have time to make something and play with layers, a lot of you guys know how to do that soooo well!.

                  Originally posted by elephantgirl View Post
                  Very nice.

                  (just happened to notice this post looking for Ruby's JF chair pic)
                  Ryan Robbins showed up at the Fan Party on Wednesday night, he was so nice and friendly. Loved the photocollage I made for him (will post that in the galleria at some point with my centerpiece art, as promised)

                  And since it's MP day in the Galleria

                  It's an MP combo (thanks Ruby for the great pic of you):

                  Yes, that's me in that second pic.
                  LOL! very cool EG!!!. One of the "must have too" places a person has to sit on if they ever visit the SGA set and that is the jumper!!!..lucky gal!

                  Sig by Camy


                    Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                    Thanks - I might write a second part - I almost didn't end it there as it was...

                    Oh puh-lease - just put your food outside to keep it cold!

                    And you should be ashamed for not getting the reference. I could so totally see it in my head lol!

                    And the question... well like EG said it wasn't new, it was just a story.

                    Basically, I said to BamBam about what Rachel had said about series four being the most gruelling for her physically, and then I asked her how scared he was choreographing fights for a pregnant woman... and he told me he was absolutely terrified. Rachel told him she was pregnant when they were rehearsing for Missing, and he was the first of them to know. She took him to one side, saying 'I need to tell you something' and he had jokingly said 'what are you pregnant?' and she was like 'yeah...' ... and then he started crying at the mere thought of what he was about to put her through! And he took each stuntman to the side personally and told them that if they hurt her he'd kill them. Or something like that. Bless him.
                    LOL!!!..Oh man!, i could just imagine how BamBam must have felt and right during shooting Missing! and we all know how whumped Teyla got in that one!. Thank god for stunt doubles! LOL!

                    Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                    Great caps Linda... and lol for Major Hottie!!!
                    Major Hottie is right!...thanks for the pic Ruby!

                    Sig by Camy


                      Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                      LOL!!!..Oh man!, i could just imagine how BamBam must have felt and right during shooting Missing! and we all know how whumped Teyla got in that one!. Thank god for stunt doubles! LOL!

                      Major Hottie is right!...thanks for the pic Ruby!
                      He's mine......He's my Major HOTTIE


                        Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                        Happy Birthday Blue!!

                        I wrote you a little something while I was on the plane... it's very silly:


                        Good night everyone!

                        *passes out from jet-lag*
                        This is such a cute and funny story, well done.

                        Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                        Well I'm heading of to bed now...early morning.. and I'm pissed beyond words right now...

                        OT (CSI NY spoilers)
                        I thought I'm irritated with writers for SGA for pulling crap plot devices like Kanaan.. and pulling this boring storyline to life.. and not being able to take JT forward since the fear of regular characters romance ruins the show.. never thought something would top that... but it did...
                        CSI NY writers seems to have lost screws after the strike... if that was a crappy plot placed into this epi then I don't know what was... thanks a million for ruining everything.. and making me pissed beyond words of one of my favorite the moment.. I don't even wanna think about him.. talk about destroying his character all together.. are they even gonna be able to fix this.. I'm not sure I'm even thrilled of watching the remaining 5 episodes.. *sigh*
                        They said CSI NY wouldn't be handled as a soap flash if anything this epi and the way they handled that was one of the consistant trash of a soap opera.. I just hope this was the last epi I ever have to lay eyes on that female character.. talk about bringing in a character to ruin another one.. hope to whoever that Kanaan doesn't destroy the character of Teyla for me also.. at the moment now..I'm dissapointed, I'm pissed, I'm sad,, and I think right now I've lost all faith in my ships... both of them..

                        Oh Nina, *hugs* I can't even begin to tell you how pee'd off a lot of ppl are over at TV.Com about Danny. I'm so angry and disappointed and upset with them for doing this. They've just gone too far. All that supporting of D/L has been for nothing. I can't even look at pics of Danny right now. I'm THAT upset.

                        Thank god I've still got J/T.

                        Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                        Thanx Maff!

                        I've written a fic my first other than the RR

                        It doesn't have a title because I'm useless at them so if anybody has any suggestions I would be very grateful,

                        Anyway here it is...


                        I love this.
                        Banner By Orangelusik!


                          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                          So what ep is this
                          The last one we got was when that kids Mother stole Danny's gun to go after the guy that caused her son's death and Danny went after her to try stop her..I'm emotionally drained after Atlantis,i dunno if i can take this as well!!

                          I tell ya S5 of Atlantis better make up for all they've put us through this season!
                          It's epi 16 called Right next door

                          Originally posted by scifan View Post

                          Don't ask.
                          Let's just say, I'm not happy with Danny right now.

                          Thanks for the cap spam.

                          I was so bummed after that and I really thought she knew. And him acting like there's nothing wrong. Grrr

                          If they ever do that to JT I will be furious. Our boy John better never do that.

                          No I'm not really happy with him either at the could they do that to him...

                          Gosh her confession to him there in the lab.. and even though he acted at the start like he wasn't affected.. I do think there was some kind of reaction when she confessed to him... I think maybe there he thought what they hell have I done.. and when he said to her they needed to talk..who knows if he was going to confess to her what an a** he had been and what he has done...

                          Even though my faith isn't big in the writers at the moment,,I hope they are able to work through this...I can't handle this ship ending.. and I really don't want to dislike him for all episodes and seasons to come.. and no you are right if JT ever get together I sure hope he never pulls something like the moment I can't fault him really since John isn't involved with Teyla...
                          Sigs by Scifan


                            Originally posted by Cherish4 View Post


                            Oh Nina, *hugs* I can't even begin to tell you how pee'd off a lot of ppl are over at TV.Com about Danny. I'm so angry and disappointed and upset with them for doing this. They've just gone too far. All that supporting of D/L has been for nothing. I can't even look at pics of Danny right now. I'm THAT upset.

                            Thank god I've still got J/T.

                            yeah I know...

                            Oh trust me almost all on DLChem is fuming at the moment,,and Danny isn't high on the list anymore.. they even changed the banner to only Lindsay now..showing her the support in time when he is a complete jerk..time will tell what will happen...I just hope they can work it through in some way or these writers and showrunners have done nothing but outright lie to fans in every damn interview they have done... I hope I never see the face of Rikki again..she has done nothing but destroy Danny's life..yes he is to blame for it... but she should know better too...

                            I might have a hard time with Danny at the moment.. but I can still check out pics of Carmine and listen to his music.. funny I have been able to keep it apart.. Carmine is the actor and I can't really blame him,,,he does his job whatever crap they now seems to have thrown at him..can't even begin to wonder what he is thinking about all of this.. and if he has gotten mail from fans ... I can tell CBS has gotten a whole lot of bad feedback for this epi...

                            I can't say I still have JT either..since I haven't felt it's moved anywhere.. they seems to be pulling in crap with this as well..Kanaan,, another stupid plot device only to bring in angst that really has also done nothing to give favours to the character of Teyla either for me.. season 5 better show better and the remaining 5 epis of CSI NY better show Danny beg and grovel and on his knees and feeling sick of himself especially now when he knows how deep Lindsay's feelings go... *MEN* *lol*
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                              It's epi 16 called Right next door

                              No I'm not really happy with him either at the could they do that to him...

                              Gosh her confession to him there in the lab.. and even though he acted at the start like he wasn't affected.. I do think there was some kind of reaction when she confessed to him... I think maybe there he thought what they hell have I done.. and when he said to her they needed to talk..who knows if he was going to confess to her what an a** he had been and what he has done...

                              Even though my faith isn't big in the writers at the moment,,I hope they are able to work through this...I can't handle this ship ending.. and I really don't want to dislike him for all episodes and seasons to come.. and no you are right if JT ever get together I sure hope he never pulls something like the moment I can't fault him really since John isn't involved with Teyla...

                              Oh,i've still got another 2 eps to see before i get to that one!


                                Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                                Too late sci....I already asked and now i wish i didn't But at least now i know and i won't be as shocked when i actually see it!
                                Ooops Sorry.

                                I'm glad that Nina posted her POV on it last night before I saw it, otherwise I would've been blind sided.

                                Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                                It's epi 16 called Right next door

                                No I'm not really happy with him either at the could they do that to him...

                                Gosh her confession to him there in the lab.. and even though he acted at the start like he wasn't affected.. I do think there was some kind of reaction when she confessed to him... I think maybe there he thought what they hell have I done.. and when he said to her they needed to talk..who knows if he was going to confess to her what an a** he had been and what he has done...

                                Even though my faith isn't big in the writers at the moment,,I hope they are able to work through this...I can't handle this ship ending.. and I really don't want to dislike him for all episodes and seasons to come.. and no you are right if JT ever get together I sure hope he never pulls something like the moment I can't fault him really since John isn't involved with Teyla...
                                Yep. I feel the same.
                                I think once she said she feel in love and needs to forget (or something like that) he looked guilty.

                                As for John, yes, he's not involved with Teyla. So, I will be disappointed in him if he strays in a different direction, but cheating is one thing I hate in soaps and other shows.

