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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post


    Carson’s neck snapped up as he heard Teyla’s scream, waking him from his much overdue sleep. Running half dazedly out of his office and into the infirmary, his eyes caught Teyla’s frantic face and then quickly turned towards the monitors.

    Seeing the numbers flashing on the monitor screen quickly cast away any lingering sleepiness he might have had and Carson Beckett went straight to work.

    An hour later after he had successfully resuscitated the Colonel to a steady yet critical state, Carson removed his surgical mask and walked out to the increasingly crowded infirmary hold to where Elizabeth, Ronon, Rodney and a still-frantic Teyla waited.

    He sighed as he looked upon them and did his best to look hopeful though he felt anything but. “He’s stable at least, thanks heavens, but the outer tissue that works as a protective barrier for the creature is twice as damaging to Colonel Sheppard as it was to Teyla. Frankly, I’m afraid to laser through it for fear of permanent damage to the Colonel’s higher brain function. I’ll know more later after we get his latest test results, but without any in depth knowledge of these creatures or their primary function, every step we make is all based on guess work.”

    Looking at the sullen faces of his friends, he quickly added, “But I’m still hopeful as you lot should be. The fact the Colonel has survived this long, only proves his resilience to the creature and his will to live.”

    Leaving them with a feigned smile, he returned to his office to continue studying all that had happened in search for further answers.

    Teyla turned to the others and suggested they all pray for the Colonel, stating she would stay with him until all of this had passed.

    “Wouldn’t you rather take a break Teyla, one of us could-“ Rodney started.

    “NO.” Teyla stated firmly. Her face became instantly apologetic for her harsh tone as she said, “Thank you though Rodney, that is most kind.”

    Teyla resumed her spot at the Colonel’s bedside and soon nodded off to a deep yet dreamless sleep.

    Now, in the very middle of the night when Atlantis was most still and quiet, Colonel Sheppard’s eyes fluttered open to a soft strange hissing noise that seemed to echo deep in the back of his hazy mind.

    “Wha—“, he tried to speak, though the dryness of his mouth stopped him briefly.

    Teyla was propped halfway against the wall to his left and her mouth was slightly agape as she slept soundly though obviously uncomfortably.

    “Tey-“ he tried to speak again but the words could barely form as the progressively strange hissing noise increased tenfold in the back of his mind.

    He attempted to lift his head and peer out into the eerie darkness of the infirmary around him and found between its emptiness and this strange unidentified sound he was beginning to become extremely nervous.

    He felt heavy, so unbearably heavy as he began to sit up with a loud groan of pain. His head was pounding with a disgusting amplification although finding the source of this noise was momentarily his number one priority.

    Ripping the tubes and suction cups from his arms and chest, he shakily raised himself from the metallic cold gurney and used its steadiness to help him ease his bare feet to the cool tiled floor.

    Wearing only a white and blue printed hospital gown and keeping one hand pressed against his aching head, he began to search the darkened infirmary for the source of the noise with squinted eyes.

    “Where are you,” he said softly speaking to no one in particular as he searched. “I can’t hear you…..”

    Teyla rustled softly in her deep slumber against the wall and Sheppard turned towards her and smiled despite his intense pain. Knowing whomever she was that she cared this much about him, made his heart jump with a rampant thump.

    The hissing continued steady though and had morphed slightly into an inconceivable whisper, playing tricks in the back of Sheppard’s mind.

    The soles of his bare feet slapped strangely against the clean floor and Sheppard continued searching for the source, wondering if someone was playing a game with him.

    Suddenly though, the whisper became extremely clear in John’s aching mind as finally its words formed bolting him to the very spot on the floor where he stood.

    “Kill her…”

    John was frozen for a moment, unsure he had heard what he thought, finally whispering loudly, “Who said that!?”

    Silence reached him as he waited and yet again the whisper came, “Kill her…”

    John swung his head towards the peacefully resting Teyla and then looked wildly around the room.

    “SHOW YOURSELF!” he screamed moving as quickly as possible towards a table in the back that held a large scalpel that he grabbed forcefully and wielded towards the empty dark infirmary.

    The pain in Sheppard’s head was becoming more and more intense to the point where he fell to his knees in pain, the scalpel clattering to the floor merely feet from him.

    “AHHHH!” he cried as he put both hands to his head and scrunched his face in agony.

    “Kill her…Kill her NOW…,” the voice continued, its monotonous voice echoing loudly in his inner ear.

    Sheppard’s eyes flicked to Teyla’s still resting form and thought of this stranger who he felt such a connection to even through their shared trauma. He knew she was special, he knew she was strong, and he would rather die than let anything happen to her, especially by his own hand.

    Through the searing pain, Sheppard reached out for the fallen scalpel and held it in his shaking hand. The voice was practically screaming in his brain now, begging for her death and Sheppard turned the sharp edge of the instrument to point directly at himself as he remained there kneeling on the infirmary floor.

    “KILL HER!!!!!” the dark voice screamed.

    “GO TO HELL!!!!!!” Sheppard retorted and with that, with all his diminished strength, he brought the knife up towards his own face without a second thought or hesitation.

    “Sheppard, wake up!!!” a distant voice called. Sheppard leapt up, his empty hands quickly searching his face for a protruding knife or ghastly wound.

    Finding nothing, Sheppard looked towards the calling voice only to find a severely annoyed looking Rodney standing feet from him with a clipboard perched in his hands.

    “Rodney---What---“ Sheppard stammered.

    “I just think you should know,” Rodney stated with an ugly frown. “Not only is it a requirement of your job to understand my findings about these strange creatures we encountered on that last planet but falling asleep is just extremely RUDE."

    Sheppard stared incredulously down at the pink slug on the metallic lab tray on the table he had fallen asleep at.

    “Sheppard????” Rodney said inquisitively as Sheppard stared in awe.

    And he stared with complete disbelief as Sheppard turned and ran as fast as he could out of the room.
    I am so behind on RRF. I need to catch up on my reading. I can't read this now. Walking away in disgust.

    Originally posted by scifan View Post
    Awesome job MrsB.
    I can't believe it was all a dream. Great job

    Hey Hope.

    Hey Elf.
    Hi Sci!
    Sigs made by the talented Cazzblade, Donna, Jeyla, Linda, Luciana, Mayra, Mrs.B, Padme
    Scifan, Teylafan, WraithLord & YC & me.

    Thanks for the memory to the cast and crew of Stargate Atlantis.
    WraithLord - R.I.P.


      *ninja Linda sneeks in* I wonder if TF or yappi are here......oh i see TF *ninja Linda hides*


        Originally posted by NinaM View Post
        I don't know which epi to do next..I'm taking suggestions...

        And then I'm sure you are back to bugging me the next time again
        I'll try to remember not to next time.

        Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
        I am so behind on RRF. I need to catch up on my reading. I can't read this now. Walking away in disgust.

        Hi Sci!
        Hey hun.

        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
        *ninja Linda sneeks in* I wonder if TF or yappi are here......oh i see TF *ninja Linda hides*

        You're safe for now.

        I know I've been slacking off on my art so, here a sig from Rising.


          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
          *ninja Linda sneeks in* I wonder if TF or yappi are here......oh i see TF *ninja Linda hides*
          And why does 'Ninja Linda' hide from me?? Huh? You know you said yes, so you have to participate now!!
          *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

          “Because you can.”



            Originally posted by scifan View Post
            I'll try to remember not to next time.

            Hey hun.

            You're safe for now.

            I know I've been slacking off on my art so, here a sig from Rising.

            Nice sig Sci
            Sigs made by EG & Teylafan
            &=AWESOME &Forever
            No SGA fics yet....but ya never know


              Title: Tainted Survival, part 7
              Summary: For it is a knell that summons thee to heaven or to hell...
              Characters: Beckett, McKay, Weir, Lorne
              Rating: K+-T

              To the livejournal!
              don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

              facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                You're safe for now.

                I know I've been slacking off on my art so, here a sig from Rising.

                No she's not!!

                Wow!! That sig is sooo beautiful!! Can't... stop... staring... - That's how awesome it is!
                *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                “Because you can.”



                  Really great job Sci......


                    Originally posted by scifan View Post
                    I know I've been slacking off on my art so, here a sig from Rising.

                    I love it Sci! Great caps and clolouring

                    What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                      Originally posted by scifan View Post

                      I know I've been slacking off on my art so, here a sig from Rising.

                      Love this, Sci Very pretty
                      don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                      facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                        Originally posted by scifan View Post
                        Good night Linda. We do it all out of love.
                        HA.....yeah that' what you say......but you won't be laughing after you see my writing .......You know English was my second weakest subject at school ya know,behind History!

                        Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                        Ok, even I think that adorable and I don't like cats!

                        All this Teyla whump talk, I hope you get what you want in the The Queen plus...

                        She is having a baby in S&R, if that ain't whumpy then nothing is! AND the EXTREME Shep whump ep has been moved and replaced by The Queen so it better be good!

                        Yeah maybe it's been moved but at least you're getting
                        a good ol whump ep.......Oh no no nononononononono,i can take shootings,stabbings,torture,beatups but i draw the life at child birth......That is just too freaking gross

                        Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                        Un oh.....
                        JM's pulling a horror ep on us!!! EEEEEEK!! Run for your lives!!!!! *dives behind the sofa*

                        *peeks out over the top of sofa*

                        *dives back behind it*

                        As you can probably tell, I'm not one for horror stuff. Intense stuff I like, creepy stuff I like, scarry stuff I like, but full out horror just isn't my thing.
                        a horror eppie......I cannot wait,i'm not easily scared!

                        Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                        Ooo, if its anything like Vengence then I'll love it! I get scared by strange things though, the scariest film to me as a kid was Stargate the movie , those Jaffa suits just freaked my out!
                        huh,wait....this coming from a whumper???

                        Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                        Awesome update

                        *lol* You can try all you want to talk me into it I just wont do it... I've written fan fics before and I so suck at it... that I don't even wanna read them myself so no thanks I'll give that to the ones that actually can write stories..

                        Intresting..didn't see that ending coming.

                        Gosh how boring was Rodney's speech..
                        Now where were you yesterday,i needed some backup....even sci turned against me

                        Originally posted by scifan View Post
                        I'll try to remember not to next time.

                        Hey hun.

                        You're safe for now.

                        I know I've been slacking off on my art so, here a sig from Rising.

                        Oh i am so lovin this!

                        Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                        And why does 'Ninja Linda' hide from me?? Huh? You know you said yes, so you have to participate now!!
                        dang,busted......oh are so gonna be sorry you forced.....i mean asked me to join in!!!


                          Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                          Round Robin Part 21-ish


                          Teyla heard the roar before she felt the searing pain all over her body, and then... nothing.

                          Over to MrsB...
                          LOL only joking! Here it is really:

                          Night had fallen many hours ago and the light in the infirmary was stark and unnatural. The only sound was the steady beeping of the many machines John was hooked up to, and the sound of his breath as he slept on. Teyla sat in a chair at his side, her hand on top of his on the covers. She couldn’t hear her own breathing, or the sound of her pounding heart; her senses were only aware of John.

                          Ronon, Rodney and Elizabeth had been ordered to get some rest by Dr Beckett, who had then taken one look at Teyla and known not to even suggest the same thing to her. He himself was in his office, his head down on his note-strewn desk, having dropped off just an hour ago.

                          John shifted a little in his sleep, frowning, and Teyla tightened her grip on top of his hand. His sleep had become more fitful in the last little while, and she wondered if he was dreaming. If he was remembering. If he would ever be himself again.

                          She looked down at her hand, at the contrast between her dark thumb sliding along the back of his pale wrist. How many times had she watched their hands entwined together, seen his fingers slide through hers? It had become ordinary and familiar to her – but now, faced with the prospect of losing the John she knew forever, just to feel him holding her hand once more would give her the strength she needed to get them both through this.

                          Teyla closed her eyes against the heartache.


                          Teyla’s eyes flew open. John was awake, and he was looking at her. His eyes were bloodshot, and it was obviously costing him dearly to keep them open, and his voice was quiet and weak. But he was awake. Teyla’s heart soared.

                          “John – John how do you feel?” She whispered, her hand gripping his limp hand as tightly as she could.

                          “…hurts,” John said weakly.

                          Teyla nodded. “I will fetch Carson,” she said, standing up.

                          “Teyla –” John’s voice was still weak, but his tone made Teyla pause. She looked down at John, who was staring up at her.

                          “Do you remember?” She asked softly.

                          John was silent for a moment. “No,” he said eventually. “But you do.”

                          Teyla’s eyes filled with tears as she nodded. “Yes, I do,” she said.

                          John gave her the smallest of small smiles. “I bet… we’re good.”

                          Teyla swallowed hard and nodded again. “We are,” she said, reaching out with her free hand. She slid her palm across his cheek, and felt him lean into the caress, his eyes drifting shut for a moment.

                          Then he opened them again and looked up at her. “Sorry,” he said, his voice fainter than ever.

                          Teyla shook her head wordlessly, unable to speak.

                          “I wish… but I don’t think I can,” John said. His eyes were drifting shut again, and he was almost gasping for breath. "I'm... sorry..."

                          Teyla’s head was still shaking, and her hand slid into his hair, helplessly flexing round the back of his head as if she would be able to hold him in place and keep him with her. The tears that had been threatening to fall all night poured down her cheeks and she opened her mouth to speak – to say John’s name, to tell him not to leave her; to tell him that she needed him, needed him to be well again; to tell him that she didn’t know how to carry on without him.

                          But no words came out.

                          She was pulling at his hair now, desperate, as John’s breathing grew even shallower and his face contorted with pain. She opened her mouth again but all that came out was a strangled dry sob.

                          John’s hand turned underneath Teyla’s and gripped her fingers so hard she thought he would crush them together. And, finally, Teyla found her voice.


                          Have fun MrsB...
                          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                          ROUND ROBIN FINALE


                          Carson’s neck snapped up as he heard Teyla’s scream, waking him from his much overdue sleep. Running half dazedly out of his office and into the infirmary, his eyes caught Teyla’s frantic face and then quickly turned towards the monitors.

                          Seeing the numbers flashing on the monitor screen quickly cast away any lingering sleepiness he might have had and Carson Beckett went straight to work.

                          An hour later after he had successfully resuscitated the Colonel to a steady yet critical state, Carson removed his surgical mask and walked out to the increasingly crowded infirmary hold to where Elizabeth, Ronon, Rodney and a still-frantic Teyla waited.

                          He sighed as he looked upon them and did his best to look hopeful though he felt anything but. “He’s stable at least, thanks heavens, but the outer tissue that works as a protective barrier for the creature is twice as damaging to Colonel Sheppard as it was to Teyla. Frankly, I’m afraid to laser through it for fear of permanent damage to the Colonel’s higher brain function. I’ll know more later after we get his latest test results, but without any in depth knowledge of these creatures or their primary function, every step we make is all based on guess work.”

                          Looking at the sullen faces of his friends, he quickly added, “But I’m still hopeful as you lot should be. The fact the Colonel has survived this long, only proves his resilience to the creature and his will to live.”

                          Leaving them with a feigned smile, he returned to his office to continue studying all that had happened in search for further answers.

                          Teyla turned to the others and suggested they all pray for the Colonel, stating she would stay with him until all of this had passed.

                          “Wouldn’t you rather take a break Teyla, one of us could-“ Rodney started.

                          “NO.” Teyla stated firmly. Her face became instantly apologetic for her harsh tone as she said, “Thank you though Rodney, that is most kind.”

                          Teyla resumed her spot at the Colonel’s bedside and soon nodded off to a deep yet dreamless sleep.

                          Now, in the very middle of the night when Atlantis was most still and quiet, Colonel Sheppard’s eyes fluttered open to a soft strange hissing noise that seemed to echo deep in the back of his hazy mind.

                          “Wha—“, he tried to speak, though the dryness of his mouth stopped him briefly.

                          Teyla was propped halfway against the wall to his left and her mouth was slightly agape as she slept soundly though obviously uncomfortably.

                          “Tey-“ he tried to speak again but the words could barely form as the progressively strange hissing noise increased tenfold in the back of his mind.

                          He attempted to lift his head and peer out into the eerie darkness of the infirmary around him and found between its emptiness and this strange unidentified sound he was beginning to become extremely nervous.

                          He felt heavy, so unbearably heavy as he began to sit up with a loud groan of pain. His head was pounding with a disgusting amplification although finding the source of this noise was momentarily his number one priority.

                          Ripping the tubes and suction cups from his arms and chest, he shakily raised himself from the metallic cold gurney and used its steadiness to help him ease his bare feet to the cool tiled floor.

                          Wearing only a white and blue printed hospital gown and keeping one hand pressed against his aching head, he began to search the darkened infirmary for the source of the noise with squinted eyes.

                          “Where are you,” he said softly speaking to no one in particular as he searched. “I can’t hear you…..”

                          Teyla rustled softly in her deep slumber against the wall and Sheppard turned towards her and smiled despite his intense pain. Knowing whomever she was that she cared this much about him, made his heart jump with a rampant thump.

                          The hissing continued steady though and had morphed slightly into an inconceivable whisper, playing tricks in the back of Sheppard’s mind.

                          The soles of his bare feet slapped strangely against the clean floor and Sheppard continued searching for the source, wondering if someone was playing a game with him.

                          Suddenly though, the whisper became extremely clear in John’s aching mind as finally its words formed bolting him to the very spot on the floor where he stood.

                          “Kill her…”

                          John was frozen for a moment, unsure he had heard what he thought, finally whispering loudly, “Who said that!?”

                          Silence reached him as he waited and yet again the whisper came, “Kill her…”

                          John swung his head towards the peacefully resting Teyla and then looked wildly around the room.

                          “SHOW YOURSELF!” he screamed moving as quickly as possible towards a table in the back that held a large scalpel that he grabbed forcefully and wielded towards the empty dark infirmary.

                          The pain in Sheppard’s head was becoming more and more intense to the point where he fell to his knees in pain, the scalpel clattering to the floor merely feet from him.

                          “AHHHH!” he cried as he put both hands to his head and scrunched his face in agony.

                          “Kill her…Kill her NOW…,” the voice continued, its monotonous voice echoing loudly in his inner ear.

                          Sheppard’s eyes flicked to Teyla’s still resting form and thought of this stranger who he felt such a connection to even through their shared trauma. He knew she was special, he knew she was strong, and he would rather die than let anything happen to her, especially by his own hand.

                          Through the searing pain, Sheppard reached out for the fallen scalpel and held it in his shaking hand. The voice was practically screaming in his brain now, begging for her death and Sheppard turned the sharp edge of the instrument to point directly at himself as he remained there kneeling on the infirmary floor.

                          “KILL HER!!!!!” the dark voice screamed.

                          “GO TO HELL!!!!!!” Sheppard retorted and with that, with all his diminished strength, he brought the knife up towards his own face without a second thought or hesitation.

                          “Sheppard, wake up!!!” a distant voice called. Sheppard leapt up, his empty hands quickly searching his face for a protruding knife or ghastly wound.

                          Finding nothing, Sheppard looked towards the calling voice only to find a severely annoyed looking Rodney standing feet from him with a clipboard perched in his hands.

                          “Rodney---What---“ Sheppard stammered.

                          “I just think you should know,” Rodney stated with an ugly frown. “Not only is it a requirement of your job to understand my findings about these strange creatures we encountered on that last planet but falling asleep is just extremely RUDE."

                          Sheppard stared incredulously down at the pink slug on the metallic lab tray on the table he had fallen asleep at.

                          “Sheppard????” Rodney said inquisitively as Sheppard stared in awe.

                          And he stared with complete disbelief as Sheppard turned and ran as fast as he could out of the room.
                          Guys,awesome endings to this fic......Now you see i would never have thought of still want me to write!!!


                            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                            dang,busted......oh are so gonna be sorry you forced.....i mean asked me to join in!!!
                            Forced?? Who - me?? *innocent face* I doubt I will be sorry!

                            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                            Guys,awesome endings to this fic......Now you see i would never have thought of still want me to write!!!
                            Yes. No way you're getting out now.
                            *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                            “Because you can.”



                              Originally posted by cabouse18 View Post
                              Nice sig Sci
                              Thank Cabouse.

                              Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                              Title: Tainted Survival, part 7
                              Summary: For it is a knell that summons thee to heaven or to hell...
                              Characters: Beckett, McKay, Weir, Lorne
                              Rating: K+-T

                              To the livejournal!
                              I will read after I do some RL stuff. I'm so behind.

                              Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post

                              Wow!! That sig is sooo beautiful!! Can't... stop... staring... - That's how awesome it is!
                              *blush* thanks TF.

                              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                              Really great job Sci......
                              Thanks MrsB. I love you're cap for Lost. The perfect love Triangle. IMO

                              Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                              I love it Sci! Great caps and clolouring
                              Aww. thanks Cazz.

                              Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                              Love this, Sci :Very pretty
                              Thanks Laura.

                              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                              HA.....yeah that' what you say......but you won't be laughing after you see my writing .......You know English was my second weakest subject at school ya know,behind History!

                              Yeah maybe it's been moved but at least you're getting
                              a good ol whump ep.......Oh no no nononononononono,i can take shootings,stabbings,torture,beatups but i draw the life at child birth......That is just too freaking gross

                              a horror eppie......I cannot wait,i'm not easily scared!

                              huh,wait....this coming from a whumper???

                              Now where were you yesterday,i needed some backup....even sci turned against me

                              Oh i am so lovin this!

                              dang,busted......oh are so gonna be sorry you forced.....i mean asked me to join in!!!
                              Well then, you're one up on me cuz English was my #1 worst.
                              I ain't got no scene when it comes grammer and things. That's why I have Jess beta for me.

                              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                              Guys,awesome endings to this fic......Now you see i would never have thought of still want me to write!!!
                              Trust me. I didn't think of that or see that ending coming.

                              Elf felt the same and I think for a newbie she's doing great.
                              Donna is going to join too and she's about freaked as you and Nina are.
                              But she's still gonna try. It's all in the name of fun.

                              I almost forgot, here's another one sig.

                              Gotta go do RL stuff.
                              When I come in here I neglect some things, like house work.



                                Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                                Title: Tainted Survival, part 7
                                Summary: For it is a knell that summons thee to heaven or to hell...
                                Characters: Beckett, McKay, Weir, Lorne
                                Rating: K+-T

                                To the livejournal!
                                Nice update Gater

                                Man am I glad I didn't get roped into the RR fic....and before someone asks; the answer is NO!!
                                Sigs made by EG & Teylafan
                                &=AWESOME &Forever
                                No SGA fics yet....but ya never know

