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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
    Yeah, Vengance rocked! That's the kind of horror I like. Scifi horror. No offense to anyone who likes these movies, but Saw 4 and stuff? NO FLIPPING WAY IN HELL am i ever gonna watch those films..... the freak my out so bad!!!
    Haven't seen Saw 4 but I liked the first three, especially the second one (Donnie Wahlberg ). You wouldn't like Cube starring DH then I saw it before Stargate Atlantis was a spec on the horizon!

    Horror = possible whump
    What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post

      mom2398 writes: “Any sign of Jeannie Miller in Season 5?”

      Answer: The Shrine of Talus.

      cool writes: “Are we going to see more of Todd the Wraith in Season 5? He always seems to be working on his own, which is interesting since the Wraith seem so hive-oriented. Does he have a Wraith Queen he answers to?”

      Answer: Your last question will be answered this season. So far, we have Todd slated for three appearances.

      "Thank you to James Robbins who has been going all out on the designs and concept drawings for Whispers - and clearly having a hell of a time doing it. This morning, we took a stroll through the village set, the entrance to the cave network, the catacombs, the chamber, and the well. Creeptastic. We’ve done a number of “monster” episodes, but we have yet to do an out and out “horror” eppy. You know, the kind that has you sleeping with the lights on for nights to come. That’s what I’m going for."
      Woot! I feel for you, JT4L, but for me it's BRING IT ON!!!

      Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


        Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
        Round Robin Part 21-ish


        Teyla heard the roar before she felt the searing pain all over her body, and then... nothing.

        Over to MrsB...
        LOL only joking! Here it is really:

        Night had fallen many hours ago and the light in the infirmary was stark and unnatural. The only sound was the steady beeping of the many machines John was hooked up to, and the sound of his breath as he slept on. Teyla sat in a chair at his side, her hand on top of his on the covers. She couldn’t hear her own breathing, or the sound of her pounding heart; her senses were only aware of John.

        Ronon, Rodney and Elizabeth had been ordered to get some rest by Dr Beckett, who had then taken one look at Teyla and known not to even suggest the same thing to her. He himself was in his office, his head down on his note-strewn desk, having dropped off just an hour ago.

        John shifted a little in his sleep, frowning, and Teyla tightened her grip on top of his hand. His sleep had become more fitful in the last little while, and she wondered if he was dreaming. If he was remembering. If he would ever be himself again.

        She looked down at her hand, at the contrast between her dark thumb sliding along the back of his pale wrist. How many times had she watched their hands entwined together, seen his fingers slide through hers? It had become ordinary and familiar to her – but now, faced with the prospect of losing the John she knew forever, just to feel him holding her hand once more would give her the strength she needed to get them both through this.

        Teyla closed her eyes against the heartache.


        Teyla’s eyes flew open. John was awake, and he was looking at her. His eyes were bloodshot, and it was obviously costing him dearly to keep them open, and his voice was quiet and weak. But he was awake. Teyla’s heart soared.

        “John – John how do you feel?” She whispered, her hand gripping his limp hand as tightly as she could.

        “…hurts,” John said weakly.

        Teyla nodded. “I will fetch Carson,” she said, standing up.

        “Teyla –” John’s voice was still weak, but his tone made Teyla pause. She looked down at John, who was staring up at her.

        “Do you remember?” She asked softly.

        John was silent for a moment. “No,” he said eventually. “But you do.”

        Teyla’s eyes filled with tears as she nodded. “Yes, I do,” she said.

        John gave her the smallest of small smiles. “I bet… we’re good.”

        Teyla swallowed hard and nodded again. “We are,” she said, reaching out with her free hand. She slid her palm across his cheek, and felt him lean into the caress, his eyes drifting shut for a moment.

        Then he opened them again and looked up at her. “Sorry,” he said, his voice fainter than ever.

        Teyla shook her head wordlessly, unable to speak.

        “I wish… but I don’t think I can,” John said. His eyes were drifting shut again, and he was almost gasping for breath. "I'm... sorry..."

        Teyla’s head was still shaking, and her hand slid into his hair, helplessly flexing round the back of his head as if she would be able to hold him in place and keep him with her. The tears that had been threatening to fall all night poured down her cheeks and she opened her mouth to speak – to say John’s name, to tell him not to leave her; to tell him that she needed him, needed him to be well again; to tell him that she didn’t know how to carry on without him.

        But no words came out.

        She was pulling at his hair now, desperate, as John’s breathing grew even shallower and his face contorted with pain. She opened her mouth again but all that came out was a strangled dry sob.

        John’s hand turned underneath Teyla’s and gripped her fingers so hard she thought he would crush them together. And, finally, Teyla found her voice.


        Have fun MrsB...
        You are cruel, missy! VERY CRUEL!!!!! MrsB, please make John ok!!!!!! ahhhh, i'm getting all teary....

        BBL (much later)


          Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
          That sucks hun. I hope your fics are ok!!!


          Can't wait to read it! Are you the last one to write, Ruby?

          One other thing.... can we have the next chappy of Lake Atlantis? I'm totally loving the story so far!!! *puppy face* But wait! better yet....

          I am using his adorably cute powers for evil. mwahahahaha!! LOL!
          Oh puh-lease, I have FOUR cats who all look at me like that. I am immune. IMMUNE!

          *shifts uncomfortably*

          Oh alright FINE!! I haven't finished it yet but here's the beginning of Lake Atlantis ch4:

          “Okay… how we gonna do this?” John said, looking round at the large group of boys gathered on the soccer field. “I mean, it’s not like we can pick teams…”

          “Why not?” Demanded Bates. John didn’t know his first name – it was how he’d introduced himself, and everyone called him that.

          “Picking teams is the easiest way of splitting everyone up,” agreed Marshall Sumner, Bates’ roommate. He sported a crewcut and an almost permanent scowl, and John had a very strong feeling that he didn’t like him. What Marshall didn’t know, though, was that when someone didn’t like him, John treated them like they were his best pal, just to annoy them.

          “We don’t know each other yet,” John said cheerily, shrugging at Marshall. “We don’t know how we play.”

          Marshall folded his arms and his scowl deepened. “Alright, what do you suggest then, Sheppard?” He asked coldly.

          John grinned. “Aw, Marsh, you can call me John,” he said jauntily. Marshall’s expression hardened, and John ploughed on before he could reply. “How about this –” He raised his voice. “Everyone who’s born January through June go stand over there,” he pointed to his left, “and everyone born July through December stand over there.”

          The crowd of boys looked a bit confused but they all followed John’s suggestion and split up. John quirked an eyebrow at Marshall and Bates, who both scowled at him for a second before going to join the July to December group.

          John did a quick head count – there were 19 January to Junes, and 21 July to Decembers. “Well that worked better than I thought it would,” he said with a grin. “I’ll join the January to Junes and then we’re even – there’s nothing like a little twenty-a-side, right?”

          There was a ripple of laughter through the two teams, but Marshall shook his head. “Twenty-a-side?” He said incredulously. “Do you know nothing about soccer?”

          John grinned, refusing to let the guy get to him. “It’s not really my thing – I’m more of a football kind of guy,” he said.

          “Basketball for me,” said Ronon, who was standing just behind John.

          “I like fishing,” said Carson Beckett, a Scottish guy John had met at dinner the night before.

          Marshall rolled his eyes. “Well, why don’t you sit the game out then?” He asked.

          John gave him an exaggerated quizzical look. “But then the teams wouldn’t be even…” he said.

          “Oh come on, let’s just get on with it,” exclaimed Rodney impatiently. John’s grin was genuine this time – he knew for a fact that Rodney didn’t want to start the game because he was eager to play; he wanted to start the game to get it over with. The only reason he was here at all was because his roommate, Evan Lorne, had goaded him into playing.

          Evan spoke up now. “Rodney’s right – who cares if it’s twenty-a-side, it’s only a friendly,” he said. He was holding a soccer ball, and tossed it from hand to hand. “Let’s play.”


          Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


            Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
            You are cruel, missy! VERY CRUEL!!!!! MrsB, please make John ok!!!!!! ahhhh, i'm getting all teary....

            BBL (much later)
            BBL, after I very nicely posted Lake Atlantis for you? And you call me cruel...


            Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


              Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
              Round Robin Part 21-ish


              Teyla heard the roar before she felt the searing pain all over her body, and then... nothing.

              Over to MrsB...
              LOL only joking! Here it is really:

              Night had fallen many hours ago and the light in the infirmary was stark and unnatural. The only sound was the steady beeping of the many machines John was hooked up to, and the sound of his breath as he slept on. Teyla sat in a chair at his side, her hand on top of his on the covers. She couldn’t hear her own breathing, or the sound of her pounding heart; her senses were only aware of John.

              Ronon, Rodney and Elizabeth had been ordered to get some rest by Dr Beckett, who had then taken one look at Teyla and known not to even suggest the same thing to her. He himself was in his office, his head down on his note-strewn desk, having dropped off just an hour ago.

              John shifted a little in his sleep, frowning, and Teyla tightened her grip on top of his hand. His sleep had become more fitful in the last little while, and she wondered if he was dreaming. If he was remembering. If he would ever be himself again.

              She looked down at her hand, at the contrast between her dark thumb sliding along the back of his pale wrist. How many times had she watched their hands entwined together, seen his fingers slide through hers? It had become ordinary and familiar to her – but now, faced with the prospect of losing the John she knew forever, just to feel him holding her hand once more would give her the strength she needed to get them both through this.

              Teyla closed her eyes against the heartache.


              Teyla’s eyes flew open. John was awake, and he was looking at her. His eyes were bloodshot, and it was obviously costing him dearly to keep them open, and his voice was quiet and weak. But he was awake. Teyla’s heart soared.

              “John – John how do you feel?” She whispered, her hand gripping his limp hand as tightly as she could.

              “…hurts,” John said weakly.

              Teyla nodded. “I will fetch Carson,” she said, standing up.

              “Teyla –” John’s voice was still weak, but his tone made Teyla pause. She looked down at John, who was staring up at her.

              “Do you remember?” She asked softly.

              John was silent for a moment. “No,” he said eventually. “But you do.”

              Teyla’s eyes filled with tears as she nodded. “Yes, I do,” she said.

              John gave her the smallest of small smiles. “I bet… we’re good.”

              Teyla swallowed hard and nodded again. “We are,” she said, reaching out with her free hand. She slid her palm across his cheek, and felt him lean into the caress, his eyes drifting shut for a moment.

              Then he opened them again and looked up at her. “Sorry,” he said, his voice fainter than ever.

              Teyla shook her head wordlessly, unable to speak.

              “I wish… but I don’t think I can,” John said. His eyes were drifting shut again, and he was almost gasping for breath. "I'm... sorry..."

              Teyla’s head was still shaking, and her hand slid into his hair, helplessly flexing round the back of his head as if she would be able to hold him in place and keep him with her. The tears that had been threatening to fall all night poured down her cheeks and she opened her mouth to speak – to say John’s name, to tell him not to leave her; to tell him that she needed him, needed him to be well again; to tell him that she didn’t know how to carry on without him.

              But no words came out.

              She was pulling at his hair now, desperate, as John’s breathing grew even shallower and his face contorted with pain. She opened her mouth again but all that came out was a strangled dry sob.

              John’s hand turned underneath Teyla’s and gripped her fingers so hard she thought he would crush them together. And, finally, Teyla found her voice.


              Have fun MrsB...
              OMG, I so fell for that! I was like WTH

              I loved it!

              What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                Haven't seen Saw 4 but I liked the first three, especially the second one (Donnie Wahlberg ). You wouldn't like Cube starring DH then I saw it before Stargate Atlantis was a spec on the horizon!

                Horror = possible whump
                Cube is just one of the funniest films I have ever seen!

                Yes, I have a very twisted sense of humour...

                Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                  Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                  OMG, I so fell for that! I was like WTH

                  I loved it!


                  Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                    Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                    Cube is just one of the funniest films I have ever seen!

                    Yes, I have a very twisted sense of humour...
                    You? Nooooooo

                    Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                    My point exactly

                    The ending of Cube was so frustrating though!

                    (I keep writing Cub, doesn't quite have the same ring to it! )

                    What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                      Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                      You? Nooooooo

                      My point exactly

                      The ending of Cube was so frustrating though!

                      (I keep writing Cub, doesn't quite have the same ring to it! )

                      Hard to believe, right?

                      You know I haven't seen Cub in years, I don't even remember how it ends. I just remember I found it hilarious! It was so long ago I didn't even recognise DH!
                      Last edited by ruby_caspar; 27 March 2008, 03:45 AM.

                      Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                        Originally posted by cabouse18 View Post
                        AWESOME Sci

                        Don't know if this was posted or not but....JM's Blog


                        Interesting huh?

                        The bit about Teyla....I am starting to think this might be an ep where a civilization thinks she is there Queen or someone on another planet asks her to be their Queen. If it has nothing to do with a wraith queen, this is the only other thing I can think of. Unless of course Michael comes back.
                        That would be sweet... and John, Ronon and Rodney could be her man slaves.

                        Originally posted by cabouse18 View Post

                        They only really ever whump the men! I mean c'mon...other than Missing and Sunday when was the last time we got some really good Teyla whump?? What they are going to leave her alone, totally unscathed now b/c she is a mother?? WTF? I often hate the double standards for men and women and whumping seems to be one of them IMO. Sleeping around or having more than one significant other is another.
                        JM didn't say
                        Teyla wouldn't be in the infirmary at all - but the boys are just in there more than her. I think Teyla doesn't get whumped as much as Shep and Rodney not because she's a woman but because she's smarter than them....

                        Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                          Ruby - Your RR update is wonderful though your "psyche out first sentence" is a riot, thank you very much.

                          OT - Cube was DA BOMB. Its sequels are just ok.

                          Off to read Lake Atlantis....


                            Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                            Oh puh-lease, I have FOUR cats who all look at me like that. I am immune. IMMUNE!

                            *shifts uncomfortably*

                            Oh alright FINE!! I haven't finished it yet but here's the beginning of Lake Atlantis ch4:

                            “Okay… how we gonna do this?” John said, looking round at the large group of boys gathered on the soccer field. “I mean, it’s not like we can pick teams…”

                            “Why not?” Demanded Bates. John didn’t know his first name – it was how he’d introduced himself, and everyone called him that.

                            “Picking teams is the easiest way of splitting everyone up,” agreed Marshall Sumner, Bates’ roommate. He sported a crewcut and an almost permanent scowl, and John had a very strong feeling that he didn’t like him. What Marshall didn’t know, though, was that when someone didn’t like him, John treated them like they were his best pal, just to annoy them.

                            “We don’t know each other yet,” John said cheerily, shrugging at Marshall. “We don’t know how we play.”

                            Marshall folded his arms and his scowl deepened. “Alright, what do you suggest then, Sheppard?” He asked coldly.

                            John grinned. “Aw, Marsh, you can call me John,” he said jauntily. Marshall’s expression hardened, and John ploughed on before he could reply. “How about this –” He raised his voice. “Everyone who’s born January through June go stand over there,” he pointed to his left, “and everyone born July through December stand over there.”

                            The crowd of boys looked a bit confused but they all followed John’s suggestion and split up. John quirked an eyebrow at Marshall and Bates, who both scowled at him for a second before going to join the July to December group.

                            John did a quick head count – there were 19 January to Junes, and 21 July to Decembers. “Well that worked better than I thought it would,” he said with a grin. “I’ll join the January to Junes and then we’re even – there’s nothing like a little twenty-a-side, right?”

                            There was a ripple of laughter through the two teams, but Marshall shook his head. “Twenty-a-side?” He said incredulously. “Do you know nothing about soccer?”

                            John grinned, refusing to let the guy get to him. “It’s not really my thing – I’m more of a football kind of guy,” he said.

                            “Basketball for me,” said Ronon, who was standing just behind John.

                            “I like fishing,” said Carson Beckett, a Scottish guy John had met at dinner the night before.

                            Marshall rolled his eyes. “Well, why don’t you sit the game out then?” He asked.

                            John gave him an exaggerated quizzical look. “But then the teams wouldn’t be even…” he said.

                            “Oh come on, let’s just get on with it,” exclaimed Rodney impatiently. John’s grin was genuine this time – he knew for a fact that Rodney didn’t want to start the game because he was eager to play; he wanted to start the game to get it over with. The only reason he was here at all was because his roommate, Evan Lorne, had goaded him into playing.

                            Evan spoke up now. “Rodney’s right – who cares if it’s twenty-a-side, it’s only a friendly,” he said. He was holding a soccer ball, and tossed it from hand to hand. “Let’s play.”

                            Carson and his fishing!!! This story is freakin' awesome!


                              Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                              You two have got to be kidding freaking way... I'm staying as far away from fic writing as I can... I've done my share in another fandom once..and I'll never do it again...

                              Yes yes...I think I might do just... *runs screaming from the thread*

                              Night guys... see ya all tomorrow..heading off to bed now..early freaking work day tomorrow... gosh do I hate my job.. *sigh*
                              Awww, Nina.
                              But it's only once a month, twice max and only a few sentences.
                              *runs a hides*

                              Originally posted by taffy rose View Post
                              Thanks Kim.

                              Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                              Good lord that was fabulous writing Sci
                              Awwww. Thanks Maff. *blush*

                              Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                              Good morning JTers!!!
                              How are we all doing today?
                              Good morning. I'm doing ok.

                              Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                              Using xxxxx is fine - it's if you use ****** that you have a problem.

                              I just checked all of mine and they're fine, though I spotted a # symbol in a few of them... apparently that symbol doesn't matter. I use XXXXX for scene changes, but I used to use ******... ffnet always used to display them as little black boxes though, so whatever. Bottom line is, they're all fine. Phew!

                              I'm gonna go write the RR now - BBL!
                              I think I only used the **** and I'll just have to changed to xxx's.
                              I'm glad that I didn't use any other symbols.

                              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                              JM BLOG UPDATE

                              mom2398 writes: “Any sign of Jeannie Miller in Season 5?”

                              Answer: The Shrine of Talus.

                              cool writes: “Are we going to see more of Todd the Wraith in Season 5? He always seems to be working on his own, which is interesting since the Wraith seem so hive-oriented. Does he have a Wraith Queen he answers to?”

                              Answer: Your last question will be answered this season. So far, we have Todd slated for three appearances.

                              "Thank you to James Robbins who has been going all out on the designs and concept drawings for Whispers - and clearly having a hell of a time doing it. This morning, we took a stroll through the village set, the entrance to the cave network, the catacombs, the chamber, and the well. Creeptastic. We’ve done a number of “monster” episodes, but we have yet to do an out and out “horror” eppy. You know, the kind that has you sleeping with the lights on for nights to come. That’s what I’m going for."
                              Oh Thanks MrsB.
                              I'm really looking forward to Whispers now.

                              Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                              Un oh.....
                              JM's pulling a horror ep on us!!! EEEEEEK!! Run for your lives!!!!! *dives behind the sofa*

                              *peeks out over the top of sofa*

                              *dives back behind it*

                              As you can probably tell, I'm not one for horror stuff. Intense stuff I like, creepy stuff I like, scarry stuff I like, but full out horror just isn't my thing.
                              Don't worry JT4L. His ideas seem to be different then ours.
                              He said that there was major whump in Travelers and that the team had rescue him. Well, that wasn't quite accurate.
                              He said that the last 3 eps where going to be a 3 hanky eps. To me, that wasn't quite true either. I was sad about Carson going in to stasis and I did cry in TLM when Sam died, but it was far from a 3 hanky ep.

                              Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                              Round Robin Part 21-ish


                              Teyla heard the roar before she felt the searing pain all over her body, and then... nothing.

                              Over to MrsB...
                              LOL only joking! Here it is really:

                              Night had fallen many hours ago and the light in the infirmary was stark and unnatural. The only sound was the steady beeping of the many machines John was hooked up to, and the sound of his breath as he slept on. Teyla sat in a chair at his side, her hand on top of his on the covers. She couldn’t hear her own breathing, or the sound of her pounding heart; her senses were only aware of John.

                              Ronon, Rodney and Elizabeth had been ordered to get some rest by Dr Beckett, who had then taken one look at Teyla and known not to even suggest the same thing to her. He himself was in his office, his head down on his note-strewn desk, having dropped off just an hour ago.

                              John shifted a little in his sleep, frowning, and Teyla tightened her grip on top of his hand. His sleep had become more fitful in the last little while, and she wondered if he was dreaming. If he was remembering. If he would ever be himself again.

                              She looked down at her hand, at the contrast between her dark thumb sliding along the back of his pale wrist. How many times had she watched their hands entwined together, seen his fingers slide through hers? It had become ordinary and familiar to her – but now, faced with the prospect of losing the John she knew forever, just to feel him holding her hand once more would give her the strength she needed to get them both through this.

                              Teyla closed her eyes against the heartache.


                              Teyla’s eyes flew open. John was awake, and he was looking at her. His eyes were bloodshot, and it was obviously costing him dearly to keep them open, and his voice was quiet and weak. But he was awake. Teyla’s heart soared.

                              “John – John how do you feel?” She whispered, her hand gripping his limp hand as tightly as she could.

                              “…hurts,” John said weakly.

                              Teyla nodded. “I will fetch Carson,” she said, standing up.

                              “Teyla –” John’s voice was still weak, but his tone made Teyla pause. She looked down at John, who was staring up at her.

                              “Do you remember?” She asked softly.

                              John was silent for a moment. “No,” he said eventually. “But you do.”

                              Teyla’s eyes filled with tears as she nodded. “Yes, I do,” she said.

                              John gave her the smallest of small smiles. “I bet… we’re good.”

                              Teyla swallowed hard and nodded again. “We are,” she said, reaching out with her free hand. She slid her palm across his cheek, and felt him lean into the caress, his eyes drifting shut for a moment.

                              Then he opened them again and looked up at her. “Sorry,” he said, his voice fainter than ever.

                              Teyla shook her head wordlessly, unable to speak.

                              “I wish… but I don’t think I can,” John said. His eyes were drifting shut again, and he was almost gasping for breath. "I'm... sorry..."

                              Teyla’s head was still shaking, and her hand slid into his hair, helplessly flexing round the back of his head as if she would be able to hold him in place and keep him with her. The tears that had been threatening to fall all night poured down her cheeks and she opened her mouth to speak – to say John’s name, to tell him not to leave her; to tell him that she needed him, needed him to be well again; to tell him that she didn’t know how to carry on without him.

                              But no words came out.

                              She was pulling at his hair now, desperate, as John’s breathing grew even shallower and his face contorted with pain. She opened her mouth again but all that came out was a strangled dry sob.

                              John’s hand turned underneath Teyla’s and gripped her fingers so hard she thought he would crush them together. And, finally, Teyla found her voice.


                              Have fun MrsB...
                              I loved the begining

                              Seriously, It was an awesome update. So sad.

                              I can't wait for the big Finish.


                                Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                                Oh puh-lease, I have FOUR cats who all look at me like that. I am immune. IMMUNE!

                                *shifts uncomfortably*

                                Oh alright FINE!! I haven't finished it yet but here's the beginning of Lake Atlantis ch4:

                                “Okay… how we gonna do this?” John said, looking round at the large group of boys gathered on the soccer field. “I mean, it’s not like we can pick teams…”

                                “Why not?” Demanded Bates. John didn’t know his first name – it was how he’d introduced himself, and everyone called him that.

                                “Picking teams is the easiest way of splitting everyone up,” agreed Marshall Sumner, Bates’ roommate. He sported a crewcut and an almost permanent scowl, and John had a very strong feeling that he didn’t like him. What Marshall didn’t know, though, was that when someone didn’t like him, John treated them like they were his best pal, just to annoy them.

                                “We don’t know each other yet,” John said cheerily, shrugging at Marshall. “We don’t know how we play.”

                                Marshall folded his arms and his scowl deepened. “Alright, what do you suggest then, Sheppard?” He asked coldly.

                                John grinned. “Aw, Marsh, you can call me John,” he said jauntily. Marshall’s expression hardened, and John ploughed on before he could reply. “How about this –” He raised his voice. “Everyone who’s born January through June go stand over there,” he pointed to his left, “and everyone born July through December stand over there.”

                                The crowd of boys looked a bit confused but they all followed John’s suggestion and split up. John quirked an eyebrow at Marshall and Bates, who both scowled at him for a second before going to join the July to December group.

                                John did a quick head count – there were 19 January to Junes, and 21 July to Decembers. “Well that worked better than I thought it would,” he said with a grin. “I’ll join the January to Junes and then we’re even – there’s nothing like a little twenty-a-side, right?”

                                There was a ripple of laughter through the two teams, but Marshall shook his head. “Twenty-a-side?” He said incredulously. “Do you know nothing about soccer?”

                                John grinned, refusing to let the guy get to him. “It’s not really my thing – I’m more of a football kind of guy,” he said.

                                “Basketball for me,” said Ronon, who was standing just behind John.

                                “I like fishing,” said Carson Beckett, a Scottish guy John had met at dinner the night before.

                                Marshall rolled his eyes. “Well, why don’t you sit the game out then?” He asked.

                                John gave him an exaggerated quizzical look. “But then the teams wouldn’t be even…” he said.

                                “Oh come on, let’s just get on with it,” exclaimed Rodney impatiently. John’s grin was genuine this time – he knew for a fact that Rodney didn’t want to start the game because he was eager to play; he wanted to start the game to get it over with. The only reason he was here at all was because his roommate, Evan Lorne, had goaded him into playing.

                                Evan spoke up now. “Rodney’s right – who cares if it’s twenty-a-side, it’s only a friendly,” he said. He was holding a soccer ball, and tossed it from hand to hand. “Let’s play.”

                                I'm really enjoying this fic. It's so cute and fun. Thanks Ruby.

