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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by gater101 View Post
    Just dropping this off...

    Title: Shatter
    Summary: Rodney doesn’t talk much; not when he feels like this. Kindred tag.
    Characters: John & Rodney
    Pairing: John/Teyla
    Rating: K

    “What about you?”

    John grunts as he looks up, his gaze landing on the (until now) quiet scientist. Rodney doesn’t talk much, not when he feels like this. John knows because he was there, the first time and he was there with Elizabeth. Rodney is all talk about doom and gloom but when it comes, when it grips them with cold, unrelenting fingers he’s different. He’s not like John – who hides everything – or Ronon – who beats the crap out of everything. John wonders if it’s the over-whelming amount of alcohol the Canadian has consumed that has drawn the words from him but when he meets the blue eyes of his friend, there is a clarity – as startling as it is painful – chilling John to the bone.

    “I didn’t just lose my best friend – again.”

    They’d had to drag Rodney out of the stasis room at dinner time. Rodney’s eyes mist over again but John doesn’t look away, doesn’t ask him to hide them. This is how Rodney deals with it. It’s better than John’s way.

    “He’s not gone... not yet.”

    John nods, casting his eyes away from Rodney’s, afraid his true thoughts might shine through and shatter whatever illusion it is that Rodney is under. John wants Carson back just as much as anyone else but he’s come to realise that that is an unlikely situation. He’s tried to console himself with the speech that Ronon laboured onto them – he’s just a clone; it’s not really Carson.

    Rodney’s cheerleading must have done a number on him.

    “I meant Teyla.”

    John looks up again, his eyes lingering on Rodney’s once more before glancing down to the beer bottle in his hand. The label is almost half off and he’s not even taken a sip from it yet. He can’t. He can’t drink when he knows she’s out there. He sighs and looks up at the ceiling, wondering if the mystical architecture of the city of the Ancients will provide him with the answer. It hadn’t the night before, so he’s not surprised when it doesn’t again.

    “We’ll find her.”

    Rodney purses his lips, casts his own glance out the window that is shrouded by an eerie mist. The city had descended into silence one Carson had been put in the chamber, since John had come back without Teyla. John knows it’s the eye, the calm before the storm. The air is a heavy burden on his heart and shoulders, his lungs and muscles and he can’t wait for the fog to lift.

    “That’s not what I asked.”

    John knows this but he doesn’t answer because he doesn’t have the words to answer. She’s gone and there’s nothing he can do about it. They’d done all they could; still it wasn’t enough. He’d seen what Michael had done to the others; he can’t let himself think he’s done the same to Teyla. He has to believe that they’ll find her.

    He’ll never forgive himself if he doesn’t – if they don’t.

    He meets Rodney’s eyes again and the scientist smiles flatly.

    “That’s what I thought.” John tries to smile in return. He flicks the label away with his thumb and forefinger. He can hear Rodney cough – or is it a sob? -, emit a low laugh and he can imagine the head shake that accompanies it. “We’re quite the pair.” He lifts the rim of the bottle to his lips; doesn’t drink.

    John does the same, lowers it and gazes out to the shroud around Atlantis.

    “We’ll do it.”

    There’s a beat and John lowers his gaze again.


    He wishes he could hear the enthusiasm he’s sure Rodney tried to put into the word.


    He can’t even hear it in his own.
    Oh Laura. That is such a sad but beautiful tag. Thanks.
    Long live the Queen of Angst


      Originally posted by scifan View Post
      Oh Laura. That is such a sad but beautiful tag. Thanks.
      Long live the Queen of Angst
      Yeah so much for "Vive le revolution de fluff!"
      This time I AM off to bed. Night!
      don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

      facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


        Originally posted by gater101 View Post
        Yeah so much for "Vive le revolution de fluff!"
        This time I AM off to bed. Night!
        Hee hee. G'night hun.

        Oh and I left you a review for Six Days.


          Originally posted by gater101 View Post
          Just dropping this off...

          Title: Shatter
          Summary: Rodney doesn’t talk much; not when he feels like this. Kindred tag.
          Characters: John & Rodney
          Pairing: John/Teyla
          Rating: K

          “What about you?”

          John grunts as he looks up, his gaze landing on the (until now) quiet scientist. Rodney doesn’t talk much, not when he feels like this. John knows because he was there, the first time and he was there with Elizabeth. Rodney is all talk about doom and gloom but when it comes, when it grips them with cold, unrelenting fingers he’s different. He’s not like John – who hides everything – or Ronon – who beats the crap out of everything. John wonders if it’s the over-whelming amount of alcohol the Canadian has consumed that has drawn the words from him but when he meets the blue eyes of his friend, there is a clarity – as startling as it is painful – chilling John to the bone.

          “I didn’t just lose my best friend – again.”

          They’d had to drag Rodney out of the stasis room at dinner time. Rodney’s eyes mist over again but John doesn’t look away, doesn’t ask him to hide them. This is how Rodney deals with it. It’s better than John’s way.

          “He’s not gone... not yet.”

          John nods, casting his eyes away from Rodney’s, afraid his true thoughts might shine through and shatter whatever illusion it is that Rodney is under. John wants Carson back just as much as anyone else but he’s come to realise that that is an unlikely situation. He’s tried to console himself with the speech that Ronon laboured onto them – he’s just a clone; it’s not really Carson.

          Rodney’s cheerleading must have done a number on him.

          “I meant Teyla.”

          John looks up again, his eyes lingering on Rodney’s once more before glancing down to the beer bottle in his hand. The label is almost half off and he’s not even taken a sip from it yet. He can’t. He can’t drink when he knows she’s out there. He sighs and looks up at the ceiling, wondering if the mystical architecture of the city of the Ancients will provide him with the answer. It hadn’t the night before, so he’s not surprised when it doesn’t again.

          “We’ll find her.”

          Rodney purses his lips, casts his own glance out the window that is shrouded by an eerie mist. The city had descended into silence one Carson had been put in the chamber, since John had come back without Teyla. John knows it’s the eye, the calm before the storm. The air is a heavy burden on his heart and shoulders, his lungs and muscles and he can’t wait for the fog to lift.

          “That’s not what I asked.”

          John knows this but he doesn’t answer because he doesn’t have the words to answer. She’s gone and there’s nothing he can do about it. They’d done all they could; still it wasn’t enough. He’d seen what Michael had done to the others; he can’t let himself think he’s done the same to Teyla. He has to believe that they’ll find her.

          He’ll never forgive himself if he doesn’t – if they don’t.

          He meets Rodney’s eyes again and the scientist smiles flatly.

          “That’s what I thought.” John tries to smile in return. He flicks the label away with his thumb and forefinger. He can hear Rodney cough – or is it a sob? -, emit a low laugh and he can imagine the head shake that accompanies it. “We’re quite the pair.” He lifts the rim of the bottle to his lips; doesn’t drink.

          John does the same, lowers it and gazes out to the shroud around Atlantis.

          “We’ll do it.”

          There’s a beat and John lowers his gaze again.


          He wishes he could hear the enthusiasm he’s sure Rodney tried to put into the word.


          He can’t even hear it in his own.
          *starts bawling* ANGST! Sweet, sweet angst!
          Jess | he/his/him | future ruler of the universe
          "Roger that. Remind me to underachieve twice as hard from now on."
          dA | tumblr | twitter


            Originally posted by girlinabox View Post
            Happy Birthday Padme!

            I'm coming. I'm coming. A grl can take a hint. lol

            Round Robin Part 6

            Feeling returned slowly for John, along with his hearing, as his mind crawled out of the darkness. He could hear a rhythmic beeping in the background as well as a jumbled noise he assumed were voices. He remembered the blue energy that struck him and the feeling of the needle like pain as it spread across his body until he felt nothing. And he remembered watching as his female companion fell to the ground. He didn’t even know her name.

            He then realized that the chatter had stopped. They knew he wasn’t asleep. No use in trying to pretend otherwise, and with that thought, he slowly opened his eyes.

            “Hello” The gentle voice belonged to a woman with short, lightly curled, brown hair. There were a total of nine people watching him, the brown haired woman, a doctor, the big-haired guy that his accomplice hit with the pole, the smaller guy from before, and the soldiers that shot them down in the hall.

            “My name is Doctor Elizabeth Weir, this is Doctor Carson Beckett, Ronon, Rodney, Major Lorne and his team.” she nodded toward the men with the guns. “I believe you already met.”

            “Briefly.” He looked at Lorne, his words framed with sarcasm. “Nice to see you fellas again.”

            Elizabeth took a breath, 'patience' with forever be her mantra. “I understand that you may be a little confused-”

            John snorted, interrupting her. “Just 'a little'? Well, then how ‘bout helping me alleviate some of this ‘confusion‘. Who am I, and what the hell do you want with us?”

            “If you had been prisoners you would have been restrained and under guard.” She assured him as a blatantly skeptical look crossed his face.

            “What about the big guy?” He nodded toward Ronon. He wasn’t about to take her word at face value just yet.

            “Your teammate and friend.” Elizabeth wondered what exactly Ronon did to warrant such a vicious whack on the head. “As for who you are, your name is Lt. Colonel John Sheppard, you are in command of all military and security personnel on this base.”

            John sat unmoving, his arms crossed, as his eyes slowly inched towards Lorne. He took a moment to glare at them.

            “If I’m their boss, then they really don’t like me very much. I swear this one was smiling when he shot me.” He pointed at one of the guards who had the decency to hold a neutral expression.

            Suddenly, John’s expression abruptly changed from mock indignant to alarmed as he urgently scanned the room.

            “Where is she?” he asked darkly, as his eyes bore into Elizabeth. If they hurt her…

            The doctor walked over to the light blue curtain that was drawn next to John’s bed and pulling it back to reveal the woman he was searching for. “She’s right here, lad.”
            WOW!! It is love that I am feeling right now!

            Click here daily to give free mammograms

            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


              Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
              Progeny, I think!
              Thank you WP!

              Originally posted by sillyscipia View Post
              We must convert LInda from shipper to thunking shipper.
              Totally agree!

              Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
              I have no idea Cabouse, but I'm going to have to love ya and leave ya! Should have gone to bed an hour ago

              anyway... posted these in the galeria...




              Beautiful CazzBlade

              Originally posted by gater101 View Post
              Just dropping this off...

              Title: Shatter
              Summary: Rodney doesn’t talk much; not when he feels like this. Kindred tag.
              Characters: John & Rodney
              Pairing: John/Teyla
              Rating: K

              “What about you?”

              John grunts as he looks up, his gaze landing on the (until now) quiet scientist. Rodney doesn’t talk much, not when he feels like this. John knows because he was there, the first time and he was there with Elizabeth. Rodney is all talk about doom and gloom but when it comes, when it grips them with cold, unrelenting fingers he’s different. He’s not like John – who hides everything – or Ronon – who beats the crap out of everything. John wonders if it’s the over-whelming amount of alcohol the Canadian has consumed that has drawn the words from him but when he meets the blue eyes of his friend, there is a clarity – as startling as it is painful – chilling John to the bone.

              “I didn’t just lose my best friend – again.”

              They’d had to drag Rodney out of the stasis room at dinner time. Rodney’s eyes mist over again but John doesn’t look away, doesn’t ask him to hide them. This is how Rodney deals with it. It’s better than John’s way.

              “He’s not gone... not yet.”

              John nods, casting his eyes away from Rodney’s, afraid his true thoughts might shine through and shatter whatever illusion it is that Rodney is under. John wants Carson back just as much as anyone else but he’s come to realise that that is an unlikely situation. He’s tried to console himself with the speech that Ronon laboured onto them – he’s just a clone; it’s not really Carson.

              Rodney’s cheerleading must have done a number on him.

              “I meant Teyla.”

              John looks up again, his eyes lingering on Rodney’s once more before glancing down to the beer bottle in his hand. The label is almost half off and he’s not even taken a sip from it yet. He can’t. He can’t drink when he knows she’s out there. He sighs and looks up at the ceiling, wondering if the mystical architecture of the city of the Ancients will provide him with the answer. It hadn’t the night before, so he’s not surprised when it doesn’t again.

              “We’ll find her.”

              Rodney purses his lips, casts his own glance out the window that is shrouded by an eerie mist. The city had descended into silence one Carson had been put in the chamber, since John had come back without Teyla. John knows it’s the eye, the calm before the storm. The air is a heavy burden on his heart and shoulders, his lungs and muscles and he can’t wait for the fog to lift.

              “That’s not what I asked.”

              John knows this but he doesn’t answer because he doesn’t have the words to answer. She’s gone and there’s nothing he can do about it. They’d done all they could; still it wasn’t enough. He’d seen what Michael had done to the others; he can’t let himself think he’s done the same to Teyla. He has to believe that they’ll find her.

              He’ll never forgive himself if he doesn’t – if they don’t.

              He meets Rodney’s eyes again and the scientist smiles flatly.

              “That’s what I thought.” John tries to smile in return. He flicks the label away with his thumb and forefinger. He can hear Rodney cough – or is it a sob? -, emit a low laugh and he can imagine the head shake that accompanies it. “We’re quite the pair.” He lifts the rim of the bottle to his lips; doesn’t drink.

              John does the same, lowers it and gazes out to the shroud around Atlantis.

              “We’ll do it.”

              There’s a beat and John lowers his gaze again.


              He wishes he could hear the enthusiasm he’s sure Rodney tried to put into the word.


              He can’t even hear it in his own.
              Beautifully written Gater!. You can definitely feel the emotions coming out of Rodeny and John!

              Sig by Camy


                Just thought I'd pop in. Finally say hi and Happy Shipping after lurking for so long.

                I almost feel like I need to write out a nice, long eloquent post stating my reasons for loving this ship, the two characters, and clearly stating my intentions towards them. Almost like an admissions essay.

                I won't do that....this time....not because the ship and it's shippers don't deserve it but because I just finished writing 2 life-sci mid-terms and a really long history paper. My brain is dead. That and I just want to look at the pretty. There is so much pretty in this thread so my hat goes off to everyone's artistry and skills.

                So I've come for the pretty and the fics (so many awesome ones, gater yours come to mind cause I just finished reading some). Maybe at some point, when my brain isn't fried, I'll think up some wonderful rhetoric and type out a long essay on the wonderful pairing that is Teyla/Shep (Sheyla??? Do we call it that?).

                Now I'll go back to learning ( or attempting to) PS CS3 so I can eventually do something like the brand-spankin new sig Camy made for me. We'll see how that goes. I will of course ensure that the pairing is matched to the thread.

                And I'm off.


                  The good news is I got my SGA DVD's today .. The bad news is I got a bad head cold with an annoying cough and bad sore throat too and can't hear very well since my ears are all clogged so until I am feeling better I cannnot watch the episodes


                  sigs by Cazz,scifan,elephantgirl, john-and-teyla , Donna , Linda, maffieg, and wraithlord . I'm in AWE of your talent and J/T is the best


                    Originally posted by taffy rose View Post
                    The good news is I got my SGA DVD's today .. The bad news is I got a bad head cold with an annoying cough and bad sore throat too and can't hear very well since my ears are all clogged so until I am feeling better I cannnot watch the episodes

                    Irony in action, ladies and gentlemen!
                    Jess | he/his/him | future ruler of the universe
                    "Roger that. Remind me to underachieve twice as hard from now on."
                    dA | tumblr | twitter


                      Originally posted by taffy rose View Post
                      The good news is I got my SGA DVD's today .. The bad news is I got a bad head cold with an annoying cough and bad sore throat too and can't hear very well since my ears are all clogged so until I am feeling better I cannnot watch the episodes

                      Aw, you poor thing . . . hope you feel better soon!
                      || twitter || tumblr ||


                        Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                        *Spec helps herself to a piece of cake*

                        Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                        Just dropping this off...

                        Title: Shatter
                        Summary: Rodney doesn’t talk much; not when he feels like this. Kindred tag.
                        Characters: John & Rodney
                        Pairing: John/Teyla
                        Rating: K

                        “What about you?”

                        John grunts as he looks up, his gaze landing on the (until now) quiet scientist. Rodney doesn’t talk much, not when he feels like this. John knows because he was there, the first time and he was there with Elizabeth. Rodney is all talk about doom and gloom but when it comes, when it grips them with cold, unrelenting fingers he’s different. He’s not like John – who hides everything – or Ronon – who beats the crap out of everything. John wonders if it’s the over-whelming amount of alcohol the Canadian has consumed that has drawn the words from him but when he meets the blue eyes of his friend, there is a clarity – as startling as it is painful – chilling John to the bone.

                        “I didn’t just lose my best friend – again.”

                        They’d had to drag Rodney out of the stasis room at dinner time. Rodney’s eyes mist over again but John doesn’t look away, doesn’t ask him to hide them. This is how Rodney deals with it. It’s better than John’s way.

                        “He’s not gone... not yet.”

                        John nods, casting his eyes away from Rodney’s, afraid his true thoughts might shine through and shatter whatever illusion it is that Rodney is under. John wants Carson back just as much as anyone else but he’s come to realise that that is an unlikely situation. He’s tried to console himself with the speech that Ronon laboured onto them – he’s just a clone; it’s not really Carson.

                        Rodney’s cheerleading must have done a number on him.

                        “I meant Teyla.”

                        John looks up again, his eyes lingering on Rodney’s once more before glancing down to the beer bottle in his hand. The label is almost half off and he’s not even taken a sip from it yet. He can’t. He can’t drink when he knows she’s out there. He sighs and looks up at the ceiling, wondering if the mystical architecture of the city of the Ancients will provide him with the answer. It hadn’t the night before, so he’s not surprised when it doesn’t again.

                        “We’ll find her.”

                        Rodney purses his lips, casts his own glance out the window that is shrouded by an eerie mist. The city had descended into silence one Carson had been put in the chamber, since John had come back without Teyla. John knows it’s the eye, the calm before the storm. The air is a heavy burden on his heart and shoulders, his lungs and muscles and he can’t wait for the fog to lift.

                        “That’s not what I asked.”

                        John knows this but he doesn’t answer because he doesn’t have the words to answer. She’s gone and there’s nothing he can do about it. They’d done all they could; still it wasn’t enough. He’d seen what Michael had done to the others; he can’t let himself think he’s done the same to Teyla. He has to believe that they’ll find her.

                        He’ll never forgive himself if he doesn’t – if they don’t.

                        He meets Rodney’s eyes again and the scientist smiles flatly.

                        “That’s what I thought.” John tries to smile in return. He flicks the label away with his thumb and forefinger. He can hear Rodney cough – or is it a sob? -, emit a low laugh and he can imagine the head shake that accompanies it. “We’re quite the pair.” He lifts the rim of the bottle to his lips; doesn’t drink.

                        John does the same, lowers it and gazes out to the shroud around Atlantis.

                        “We’ll do it.”

                        There’s a beat and John lowers his gaze again.


                        He wishes he could hear the enthusiasm he’s sure Rodney tried to put into the word.


                        He can’t even hear it in his own.
                        Sci said it best, sad but beautiful.

                        Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                        Just thought I'd pop in. Finally say hi and Happy Shipping after lurking for so long.
                        *Passes Pandora a piece of cake* Brain food! Enjoy the prettiness!

                        Originally posted by taffy rose View Post
                        The good news is I got my SGA DVD's today .. The bad news is I got a bad head cold with an annoying cough and bad sore throat too and can't hear very well since my ears are all clogged so until I am feeling better I cannnot watch the episodes
                        Poor Taffy! Maybe SGA has the power to cure the common cold... Elf always talks about the power of "Teh Hair."
                        Sig by Cazzblade


                          Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                          Just thought I'd pop in. Finally say hi and Happy Shipping after lurking for so long.

                          I almost feel like I need to write out a nice, long eloquent post stating my reasons for loving this ship, the two characters, and clearly stating my intentions towards them. Almost like an admissions essay.

                          I won't do that....this time....not because the ship and it's shippers don't deserve it but because I just finished writing 2 life-sci mid-terms and a really long history paper. My brain is dead. That and I just want to look at the pretty. There is so much pretty in this thread so my hat goes off to everyone's artistry and skills.

                          So I've come for the pretty and the fics (so many awesome ones, gater yours come to mind cause I just finished reading some). Maybe at some point, when my brain isn't fried, I'll think up some wonderful rhetoric and type out a long essay on the wonderful pairing that is Teyla/Shep (Sheyla??? Do we call it that?).

                          Now I'll go back to learning ( or attempting to) PS CS3 so I can eventually do something like the brand-spankin new sig Camy made for me. We'll see how that goes. I will of course ensure that the pairing is matched to the thread.

                          And I'm off.
                          WELCOME TO THE THREAD PANDORA!!

                          I think we usually call it JT, but you can call it Sheyla if you like.
                          || twitter || tumblr ||


                            Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                            Just dropping this off...

                            Title: Shatter
                            Summary: Rodney doesn’t talk much; not when he feels like this. Kindred tag.
                            Characters: John & Rodney
                            Pairing: John/Teyla
                            Rating: K

                            “What about you?”

                            John grunts as he looks up, his gaze landing on the (until now) quiet scientist. Rodney doesn’t talk much, not when he feels like this. John knows because he was there, the first time and he was there with Elizabeth. Rodney is all talk about doom and gloom but when it comes, when it grips them with cold, unrelenting fingers he’s different. He’s not like John – who hides everything – or Ronon – who beats the crap out of everything. John wonders if it’s the over-whelming amount of alcohol the Canadian has consumed that has drawn the words from him but when he meets the blue eyes of his friend, there is a clarity – as startling as it is painful – chilling John to the bone.

                            “I didn’t just lose my best friend – again.”

                            They’d had to drag Rodney out of the stasis room at dinner time. Rodney’s eyes mist over again but John doesn’t look away, doesn’t ask him to hide them. This is how Rodney deals with it. It’s better than John’s way.

                            “He’s not gone... not yet.”

                            John nods, casting his eyes away from Rodney’s, afraid his true thoughts might shine through and shatter whatever illusion it is that Rodney is under. John wants Carson back just as much as anyone else but he’s come to realise that that is an unlikely situation. He’s tried to console himself with the speech that Ronon laboured onto them – he’s just a clone; it’s not really Carson.

                            Rodney’s cheerleading must have done a number on him.

                            “I meant Teyla.”

                            John looks up again, his eyes lingering on Rodney’s once more before glancing down to the beer bottle in his hand. The label is almost half off and he’s not even taken a sip from it yet. He can’t. He can’t drink when he knows she’s out there. He sighs and looks up at the ceiling, wondering if the mystical architecture of the city of the Ancients will provide him with the answer. It hadn’t the night before, so he’s not surprised when it doesn’t again.

                            “We’ll find her.”

                            Rodney purses his lips, casts his own glance out the window that is shrouded by an eerie mist. The city had descended into silence one Carson had been put in the chamber, since John had come back without Teyla. John knows it’s the eye, the calm before the storm. The air is a heavy burden on his heart and shoulders, his lungs and muscles and he can’t wait for the fog to lift.

                            “That’s not what I asked.”

                            John knows this but he doesn’t answer because he doesn’t have the words to answer. She’s gone and there’s nothing he can do about it. They’d done all they could; still it wasn’t enough. He’d seen what Michael had done to the others; he can’t let himself think he’s done the same to Teyla. He has to believe that they’ll find her.

                            He’ll never forgive himself if he doesn’t – if they don’t.

                            He meets Rodney’s eyes again and the scientist smiles flatly.

                            “That’s what I thought.” John tries to smile in return. He flicks the label away with his thumb and forefinger. He can hear Rodney cough – or is it a sob? -, emit a low laugh and he can imagine the head shake that accompanies it. “We’re quite the pair.” He lifts the rim of the bottle to his lips; doesn’t drink.

                            John does the same, lowers it and gazes out to the shroud around Atlantis.

                            “We’ll do it.”

                            There’s a beat and John lowers his gaze again.


                            He wishes he could hear the enthusiasm he’s sure Rodney tried to put into the word.


                            He can’t even hear it in his own.
                            Very angsty. Poor John and Rodney...


                              Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                              Just thought I'd pop in. Finally say hi and Happy Shipping after lurking for so long.

                              I almost feel like I need to write out a nice, long eloquent post stating my reasons for loving this ship, the two characters, and clearly stating my intentions towards them. Almost like an admissions essay.

                              I won't do that....this time....not because the ship and it's shippers don't deserve it but because I just finished writing 2 life-sci mid-terms and a really long history paper. My brain is dead. That and I just want to look at the pretty. There is so much pretty in this thread so my hat goes off to everyone's artistry and skills.

                              So I've come for the pretty and the fics (so many awesome ones, gater yours come to mind cause I just finished reading some). Maybe at some point, when my brain isn't fried, I'll think up some wonderful rhetoric and type out a long essay on the wonderful pairing that is Teyla/Shep (Sheyla??? Do we call it that?).

                              Now I'll go back to learning ( or attempting to) PS CS3 so I can eventually do something like the brand-spankin new sig Camy made for me. We'll see how that goes. I will of course ensure that the pairing is matched to the thread.

                              And I'm off.

                              Welcome Pandora's Box to the John and Teyla thread...

                              Would love to hear your thoughts on what drew you to the John and Teyla pairing but whenever you feel like it Great to have new fans of this wonderful pairing and I'm sure you'll enjoy the discussions and the lovely friendly folk here.... welcome..


                                Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                                Beautiful as always Camy!!!

                                Very nice scifan!!!...i love that scene from Rising!.

                                More pretty sigs for Padme!...awesom artwork TeylaFan and Donna!
                                Thanks Mayra and Taffy hope you get Better soon
                                Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana

