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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by gater101 View Post
    Title: Memento Mori
    Summary: Casting one more glance to their quiet moment on the balcony, Jennifer Keller was reminded that John Sheppard was only human.
    Characters: Keller, Sheppard, Teyla
    Pairing: John/Teyla, Teyla/Kanan
    Rating: K
    Spoilers: Post Quarantine but not a tag.

    Jennifer Keller was paused, her fork half way to her mouth as a familiar laugh floated over the usual din of the mess hall. She hadn’t noticed Teyla when she had chosen her seat and when Keller turned in the direction of the laugh, she knew why. Out on the balcony, she was sitting with John Sheppard and both were laughing mirthfully at something. Keller smiled and resumed her forks journey to her mouth. She was glad to hear Teyla laughing once more, as she’d not had much occasion to, recently. The father of her child – her entire people - was missing. Jennifer couldn’t imagine what a burned that would be.

    As another chuckle filtered into her hearing she glanced back at the pair with curious eyes. She’d seen, like everyone else, the relationship those two had and Keller had been a little surprised when Teyla had told her about Kanan; like Ronon, Jennifer had believed the two would eventually get together. She didn’t know Colonel Sheppard too well – she knew that not many people aside from his team members really did, and even then their knowledge was vague at best – but she knew enough about him to know that he also didn’t smile enough. The past few months had been hard on him, trying to adjust to a life without two of his best friends, a new leader, being answerable for so many, fighting a war with enemies too evil to be completely comprehended.

    Seeing him sitting with Teyla, smiling and relaxed was rare.

    She sat back in her chair and folded her arms, observing the two through interested eyes. She’d never had a chance to observe them when they were completely alone and it was intriguing to say the least. Sheppard sat beside Teyla, rather than across from her and Jennifer wondered who it was that had chosen the seating arrangement. He was leaning against the railing that the table was pushed up against facing Teyla, a knee drawn his chest draped with a forearm while the other adorned the table near to Teyla’s hand. Teyla herself was angled slightly towards him, the sun lighting them both from behind. There was a single plate between them and two cups. They were talking animatedly and Jennifer could only imagine what Sheppard was trying to explain to her as his hands tumbled over one another as his eyes widened comically.

    She watched them for a minute or so longer, smiling lightly, ignoring the food on her plate. It was quite the thing, to people watch. She was no psychologist but she could see the familiarity between them, the friendship and she almost envied it. She’d never had that with someone, not really. Looking at those two now, it would take some convincing to prove to someone that they’d only known one another for four years.

    It was when she lifted her fork again that she saw something change and she concentrated on them yet again. His comical look had disappeared. In its place, a softer, almost loving smile appeared and his eyes trained on her distended stomach. She watched as his hand rose and his fingers reached out and stroked the fabric of her dress with such gentle assurance that Jennifer felt like she was intruding, even from her distance. When she glanced back, Teyla had turned to him completely and Jennifer could no longer see her face but John’s eyes were trained there, and Teyla’s hand had covered his on her stomach.

    Jennifer felt something inside of her constrict. The sight before her spoke volumes of something she wasn’t sure she could comprehend. There was a bitter sweetness to it that Jennifer could almost taste. And sudden clarity cleared her eyes as she watched, the scene wrenching something in her gut. Their connection was so deep, so real that Jennifer could feel it, could see it.

    As Sheppard’s eyes lowered and his hand withdrew, his smile becoming uncertain, the knot in her stomach twisted and she was reminded of their situation. It stung. And she wasn’t even a part of it.

    She pushed her plate away. Suddenly, she wasn’t hungry anymore and as she stood to leave, she cast one more glance out to their stolen moment on the balcony, trying to dislodge the stubborn and unwelcomed lump in her throat.

    What she saw reminded her that no matter what John Sheppard did, no matter his ‘super hero complex’ as Ronon liked to say, he was only human.

    And he was hurting.
    Oh Gator!! Don't have the survival kit I gave for that very reason....Hmmm...must figure out a way to send electric shock to you just to give a little jolt to let you know: Don't do that! You are going to have to reap the consequences later!

    This is wonderful! I love being able to visualize and read about Keller's POV! FaB!! I always find it amazing the of what other people can see just by observing. I myself, am a person who, like, Keller did just that. What she was able to see. That no matter how much John and Teyla both try to camouflage what they actually feel. It is still very present. The bond that they have is not one of just friendship. It way, way deeper than that. I love this fic! I would love to see if you could possibly write Ronon's POV! I am so dying to read that. That would so rock! Ronon is so much deeper than what everyone sees. He is even more observant for this reason. PLEASE!!!!!!! Let the muse flow in abundance.......PLEASE!!! I let you have chocolate, coke, cheeseburgers, pizza, chocolate cake, ice cream, even cheesecake, which I do not even eat!! What about some really good homemade fried chicken, fresh biscuits, mashed potatoes and gravy!! And, some homemade pie!!! I'll send those to you for the muse not to have an attitude!!! Cookies!! I send cookies!!! Anything! I am begging here! You know Elfie does not beg! I am so becoming like Camilita!! I so do need therapy....
    sig by Sci!

    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


      Originally posted by seldear View Post
      For Teylafan, who asked for John and Teyla on vacation.

      Title: Concerning
      Rating: PG-13

      John found Teyla on the deck out the back of her 'tent' at sunset, staring out across the flat, red land with unseeing eyes.

      "Teyla?" He paused, uncertain of his welcome, but when she turned, her mouth curved up at the corner, softening her features, and he took that as an invitation.

      "Is it dinnertime?"

      "Not quite yet. Another hour to go..." John padded across the deck in his bare feet and sat down beside her, dangling his feet off the deck edge, over the pool below them. "Ronon said something about going for a run. Rodney's swathed in netting and working on a report."

      She nodded and looked back out over the view. "It is lovely here. Peaceful."

      "Yeah, well, we need some peace for a while." He stared down at the reflection of the sky off the water - the deepening shadows meant the water acted as a mirror, and the vivid blue and white and pink and gold and purple of the sunset gleamed back at him from the sky.

      "I begin to wonder if my son..." She got that far before stopping, her voice thick and choked. John lifted his head, panic pulsing beneath his breastbone.

      "Teyla. You couldn't have done anything..." Of all the clichéd platitudes, John had ever had to make or listen to, he thought that one was the worst. It implied helplessness - something he hated. If he could do something, take action, make something better, he would.

      This time, like Teyla, he couldn't do anything. Her son had been marked for death by Michael from the moment the Wraith-hybrid had become aware of his existence. And nothing John or Teyla could have done would have changed that.

      He'd had to accept it as truth, even if the failure bit deep.

      And the thought that really gnawed at him in the moments of regret was whether he should have tried harder. If it would have made a difference if a part of him hadn't resented the child and the claim it made on Teyla. He didn't think so, but he wasn't sure, and the uncertainty was the hardest part.

      "Perhaps not," Teyla murmured, lifting her face to be washed by scarlet sunlight in the last, fading rays of the fiery sun. "That does not stop the questions."

      John watched her for a moment, then looked away. He wasn't any good at this; too afraid of failing to give what was needed - too afraid of failing to be what she needed. But he took a risk and reached out to cover her hand with his, squeezing her fingers.

      Teyla's head turned towards him, and he saw both grief and gladness in her eyes.

      And she didn't let his fingers go until Rodney came asking about dinner.


      Dinner was quiet. Teyla seemed to be in a good humour, and the candlelight hid the shadows in her eyes. Rodney complained about the kangaroo steak's rawness until Ronon speared it and began dragging it over to his own plate, at which point a fight of cutlery ensued.

      John rolled his eyes as they argued, and the steak dripped juices off Rodney's plate and onto the tablecloth. It wasn't a fancy restaurant - they were on a desert retreat in the middle of the Australian outback - and they were tucked into a corner of the eating space, but he knew there were standards of behaviour even in such far-flung outposts as this.

      Of course, when Teyla leaned past the candles with the tongs from the vegetable dish and neatly tugged the kangaroo off Rodney's fork, John nearly spat his beer in a choke.

      "You can't possibly be hungry for that!" Rodney objected as Teyla sliced off a strip of the meat and chewed it thoughtfully.

      "Why not?"

      "Well, because you had the starter already and you've eaten most of your entrée..."

      "Perhaps I am eating for two again," she said with what John thought was creditable serenity, given that an hour ago, she'd been tensely tearless.

      John didn't manage to be quite as serene when two heads turned towards him with narrow, accusing gazes. "What? Don't look at me!"

      Up went Ronon's eyebrow, before he broke into a grin and sat back in his chair before reaching for the beer. "Who else can we look at?"

      "That aspect of my life does not concern you," Teyla interrupted. "Any of you," she added, looking around the table, from John to Rodney to Ronon. "At all."

      John thought he managed okay for the rest of the night, considering how much that pronouncement hurt. It helped that they turned to teasing Ronon about his relationship with Dr. Keller. Teyla certainly seemed to know quite a bit of the gossip about it, although there were things she said were held in confidence and which she would not reveal out of deference to Jennifer.

      But much later, when Rodney snored comfortably behind them in the hammock strung up in the overhang and Ronon had gone back to his own 'tent' to sleep, John came to stand at the edge of the deck as Teyla stepped down into the pool. Water lapped around her calves, a slow ripple of liquid washing up over her skin, but not reaching the hems she held above the water.

      "A bit late for swimming," he murmured, glancing up at the stars overhead.

      There was a rustle of material, and John's gaze was dragged down, to the slim, dark figure that tossed her dress to the stairs and slid deeper into the water, the fine bones of her shoulders framing the line of her back above the curve of her buttocks.

      "Night is the best time in the water," Teyla murmured, "The darkness hides what the water does not conceal."

      John swallowed hard and thought that the water wasn't going to conceal much, even in the darkness. It was only a half-moon overhead, but even that was bright enough to cast a silvery light over the wet curves in the pool below him as Teyla looked up at him, her eyes shadowed beneath her brow. "Are you coming in, John?"

      He stared at her like a man in a dream, waiting to wake up.

      I'm not ready for this.

      When will you be ready, then?

      I don't know. Not now.

      If you wait too long, do you think she'll still be there? Remember how it felt to hear her say she was pregnant? Remember how her son felt beneath your hand - another man's child?

      I'm not ready for this.

      And if you're not ready now, when will you be? She's giving you a choice, John. You step up and make it work, or you walk away and never know.

      Teyla was still watching him with a careful reserve in her eyes.

      John shucked out of his shirt, tossed it aside; shed his trousers and kicked them away. Then he walked into the smooth, enveloping silk of the water and Teyla's waiting arms.

      Don't ask questions and you won't get answers you don't want to hear.

      "You said your love life didn't concern us," he murmured in the moment before their lips met.

      John briefly wondered if Kanan of Athos had felt this trembling fear the first time he kissed Teyla. Then their mouths met in delicate burning heat, and tender ferocity, and it didn't matter. Nothing mattered compared to the feel of her arms around his neck, her waist in his hands, and her body pressed against him as she took as fiercely as he gave.

      And when she drew her mouth away from him, he could hardly bear to let her go, afraid that she might vanish like morning mist.

      "It does now."


      I've only got one thing to say about this Sel!!
      They should also have vacations more often. Maybe not have to bring the whole family.....
      sig by Sci!

      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


        Originally posted by scifan View Post
        I did a little ficlet for after the end of Quarantine. I hope it came out ok. Enjoy.

        Casual Conversation:


        After Radek leaves the table John convinces Ronon to go with him to visit Rodney. Ronon begrudgingly agrees and they leave.

        Teyla releases a sigh of relief and Jennifer looks at her confused.

        Jennifer lets out a nervous giggle, “What’s that for?”

        Teyla shows an exhausting smile, “I do not want to sound… ungrateful, but John has been hovering over me ever since this whole quarantine mishap ended.”

        “Well, obvious he’s worried about you,” Jennifer smiles. “Were you left alone during the lockdown?”

        “No, we were in Rodney’s lab when the lockdown happened,” Teyla answers.

        “Oh… something must’ve happen for him to be concern. Did you have any complications while you were in there that I should know about?” Jennifer says with concern.

        “No, actually things went surprisingly well. I wanted to talk to him about my roll on Atlantis after my child is born. I was worried that if I go on missions and something would happen then my child would possible be without two parents,” Teyla explains.

        “What did Colonel Sheppard say?” asks Jennifer.

        Teyla smiles, “He told me of a story of a friend that is a mother of three and she is a police officer. She saw her job as a way to protecting her family from those that could harm them and other children. Then, he reassured me that my child had a family here if anything would happen to me.”

        Jennifer smiles in awe, “Well, he’s right. We would take care of your child should anything happen.” She pauses to a moment to take a drink. “You know, I did hear he broke a window and climbed the tower, but I didn’t know he was with you. Is that rumor right?”

        “Yes, after I had him feel the baby kick…” Teyla begins to answer.

        Jennifer interrupts and is a little shocked, “Wait a minute. What did you just say? You actually got him to feel the baby kick?”

        Teyla is slightly amused, “Yes, he was actually willing and he kind of smiled too.”

        The memory brought a bigger smile to Teyla’s face.

        “Well, I shocked. You two must have a wonderful, close friendship. I don’t think I could see Colonel Sheppard do that with anyone else here. You are very lucky and from what you just said, I’m sure when he finally gets married he’ll be a wonderful dad,” Jennifer comments.

        Teyla became uncomfortable with the thought of John marrying and having his own family. She couldn’t understand why. She knew that she had feelings for him, but since she was with Kanan and now carrying his child, she thought she had those feeling repressed, but she was wrong. Jennifer could she Teyla’s face flush and that she was looking upset.

        “Teyla, are you ok?” Jennifer asks with worry and gets up to check on her.

        “Yes. Yes. I am fine. I think that this whole ordeal taken a lot more out of then I thought. I believe I just need to rest for a while,” Teyla reassures Jennifer.

        Jennifer reluctantly dismisses it and Teyla excuses herself to go to her quarters. As she walks down the corridors towards her room, the thoughts of John one day having a family of his own still haunted her mind. She can feel the tears well up in her eyes and she tries to force herself to think for rationally.

        After John and Ronon leave the mess hall, John radios Rodney to see where he is and John finds out that he is in his lab. He quickly cuts Rodney off before he starts to complain about the broken window and the draft coming in.

        “Why are we going to see Rodney?” ask Ronon.

        “Well, before this happened he said he might have some news. I can’t say what it is yet, but either way I think I need to give him a beer.

        Ronon looks at John with a puzzled look, but dismisses it just a quickly. Their conversation grows dead and John annoying keeps looking at Ronon out of the corner of his eyes. Ronon notices and becomes a little frustrated.

        “What!” Ronon snaps.

        John is shocked with Ronon’s sudden outburst, “Nothing. I… I just noticed…” he searches his words carefully. “I noticed that you and the doc seemed to have gotten more… friendlier.”

        Ronon doesn’t say anything for a moment, “Well, we did talk some. She told me some stuff about here and I told her that she… in some way I guess she reminds me of…” he is unable to finish.

        “Oh. She reminds you of the woman you had in Sateda?” John asks.

        Ronon nods a little, “They are in some ways the same but Dr. Keller is different in others… but never mind me. I heard you climbed the tower.”

        Ronon smiles proudly and John gets the hint that Ronon is done talking about him and Keller.

        “Yeah, there was no other way. After Teyla had me feel the baby kick, she looked a little sick or something and I…” John begins.

        “Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Ronon exclaims.

        He stops in the tracks and grabs John’s shoulder to turn him around. He stands momentarily dazed.

        “Did I hear you right? You got to feel the baby kick?”

        John tries to maintain a straight face, “Yeah… then she didn’t look so good. I had to do something so I decided to climb the tower.”

        John begins to walk again in hopes that Ronon would end the conversation. Ronon carefully tries to examine John’s facial expression while they continue their trek to see Rodney.

        “So, Is Teyla ok?” Ronon asks.

        “I think so. I’m sure I drove her crazy though. I went to check on her after we got the doors open and then I walked with her to the mess hall,” John replies.

        “I bet it was scary to experience feeling the baby. I’d go out of the window too,” Ronon teases.

        John smiles, “I was actually pretty…. I don’t know. It’s hard to describe.”

        They both begin to laugh and Ronon pats John on his back.

        “I think you’ll be a great dad one day,” Ronon says with a smile.

        John’s smile slightly fades, “Thanks man.”

        John never thought of being a father before and while at Atlantis, he didn’t know when that would happen. He continues to enjoy the thought of the moment that he had with Teyla, but he quickly realizes that he would have to happy to be Teyla’s support while the father of her child is gone.

        An hour and a few beers later, John decides to visit Teyla. He bumps into Keller on the way and she mentions that Teyla didn’t look well and she may be sleeping.

        He hovers by her door contemplating whether to see her or not, but then he hears some movement. He waves his hand over the crystal and it chimes. The door opens and she is surprised to see him.

        “Hey Teyla, Are you ok? I heard you weren’t feeling so good,” John asks softly.

        Teyla’s eyes smile and she grins, “I am feeling much better. Thanks you. Would you like to come in?”

        John steps in and the door closes. He ends up staying for a while talking about various things, especially about Ronon and Jennifer and they both giggle over it.

        This time, Teyla didn’t mind John being there with her and John didn’t feel nervous around her any more. She feels safe and comfortable and he feels happy to be there for her.

        The friendship they have isn’t something they could explain, but they both decide in their hearts continue to keep their feelings for each other secret and for now they would just enjoy what they do have.

        The End.

        Isn't it the truth!!
        You know what they do not realize is that they are killing us!!! Yes. Elf! connects that they are fictional folks! But, seeing and reading this stuff has just sucked me in!! I could just kick myself! This is a great little ficlet....sucking me in all the more!!....
        sig by Sci!

        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


          Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
          I know this is off topic but as seen as most of you are Xfiles Fans as I am i thought i would i would post this
          Coolie thanks Donna...hmmm i wonder if Chris Carter has the same sense of humour as JM,if he does i'd say it's a red herring!

          Originally posted by seldear View Post
          I'm sure they're expressing their feelings on this. I'm expressing mine.

          Frankly, I see no valid reason to stop mentioning Kanan (or, more insultingly, calling him by a bastidised version of his name) just because some people don't like that the character was invented as a reason for Teyla to get knocked up.

          If others are free to character-bash Kanan and Larrin, then I daresay I'm free to take a stand and say that I'm not going to join in. I won't stop them, but I'm not going to join in, either.

          And others are free to join me if they wish.

          Re: Season Four ender
          I suspect Teyla will still be missing at the end of Season Four. I don't think that the events of The Last Man will have anything particularly significant to do with her (although the 'she dies and Shep has to change the past' angle is certainly one of my favourite fictional twists). She'll just be a casualty of war in the overall situation. For Shep to want to change the past just to keep her alive a little longer implies a little too much romance for this sci-fi show.

          As to Carson being present for Teyla's birth - a definite possibility, especially since it seems it's going to have to take place some time between the Season Four ender and the Season Five opener. I haven't paid that much attention to the spoilers, though, so I have no idea what they are or aren't doing.

          We're only having a bit of fun.....We gotta amuse ourselves somehow But if he's wayyyyy HOT boy am i gonna have a hard time disliking him

          Originally posted by WendyJ View Post
          Well I gotta go folks since i am on the road to Pegasus 3 tomorrow. Anyone going I'll see you there. I'll be the girl in the science blue Atlantis uniform with short blond hair. Answers to the name of Wendy Jackson and i'also be stewarding so come say hello!

          John Sheppard is my happy place
          aww man,not you too.....I'm not Jealous,nope not Jealous at all

          Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
          I know! And evil is a strong word... adorably puckish is a better description

          Ok then adorably puckish it is then

          Originally posted by seldear View Post
          For Teylafan, who asked for John and Teyla on vacation.

          Title: Concerning
          Rating: PG-13

          John found Teyla on the deck out the back of her 'tent' at sunset, staring out across the flat, red land with unseeing eyes.

          "Teyla?" He paused, uncertain of his welcome, but when she turned, her mouth curved up at the corner, softening her features, and he took that as an invitation.

          "Is it dinnertime?"

          "Not quite yet. Another hour to go..." John padded across the deck in his bare feet and sat down beside her, dangling his feet off the deck edge, over the pool below them. "Ronon said something about going for a run. Rodney's swathed in netting and working on a report."

          She nodded and looked back out over the view. "It is lovely here. Peaceful."

          "Yeah, well, we need some peace for a while." He stared down at the reflection of the sky off the water - the deepening shadows meant the water acted as a mirror, and the vivid blue and white and pink and gold and purple of the sunset gleamed back at him from the sky.

          "I begin to wonder if my son..." She got that far before stopping, her voice thick and choked. John lifted his head, panic pulsing beneath his breastbone.

          "Teyla. You couldn't have done anything..." Of all the clichéd platitudes, John had ever had to make or listen to, he thought that one was the worst. It implied helplessness - something he hated. If he could do something, take action, make something better, he would.

          This time, like Teyla, he couldn't do anything. Her son had been marked for death by Michael from the moment the Wraith-hybrid had become aware of his existence. And nothing John or Teyla could have done would have changed that.

          He'd had to accept it as truth, even if the failure bit deep.

          And the thought that really gnawed at him in the moments of regret was whether he should have tried harder. If it would have made a difference if a part of him hadn't resented the child and the claim it made on Teyla. He didn't think so, but he wasn't sure, and the uncertainty was the hardest part.

          "Perhaps not," Teyla murmured, lifting her face to be washed by scarlet sunlight in the last, fading rays of the fiery sun. "That does not stop the questions."

          John watched her for a moment, then looked away. He wasn't any good at this; too afraid of failing to give what was needed - too afraid of failing to be what she needed. But he took a risk and reached out to cover her hand with his, squeezing her fingers.

          Teyla's head turned towards him, and he saw both grief and gladness in her eyes.

          And she didn't let his fingers go until Rodney came asking about dinner.


          Dinner was quiet. Teyla seemed to be in a good humour, and the candlelight hid the shadows in her eyes. Rodney complained about the kangaroo steak's rawness until Ronon speared it and began dragging it over to his own plate, at which point a fight of cutlery ensued.

          John rolled his eyes as they argued, and the steak dripped juices off Rodney's plate and onto the tablecloth. It wasn't a fancy restaurant - they were on a desert retreat in the middle of the Australian outback - and they were tucked into a corner of the eating space, but he knew there were standards of behaviour even in such far-flung outposts as this.

          Of course, when Teyla leaned past the candles with the tongs from the vegetable dish and neatly tugged the kangaroo off Rodney's fork, John nearly spat his beer in a choke.

          "You can't possibly be hungry for that!" Rodney objected as Teyla sliced off a strip of the meat and chewed it thoughtfully.

          "Why not?"

          "Well, because you had the starter already and you've eaten most of your entrée..."

          "Perhaps I am eating for two again," she said with what John thought was creditable serenity, given that an hour ago, she'd been tensely tearless.

          John didn't manage to be quite as serene when two heads turned towards him with narrow, accusing gazes. "What? Don't look at me!"

          Up went Ronon's eyebrow, before he broke into a grin and sat back in his chair before reaching for the beer. "Who else can we look at?"

          "That aspect of my life does not concern you," Teyla interrupted. "Any of you," she added, looking around the table, from John to Rodney to Ronon. "At all."

          John thought he managed okay for the rest of the night, considering how much that pronouncement hurt. It helped that they turned to teasing Ronon about his relationship with Dr. Keller. Teyla certainly seemed to know quite a bit of the gossip about it, although there were things she said were held in confidence and which she would not reveal out of deference to Jennifer.

          But much later, when Rodney snored comfortably behind them in the hammock strung up in the overhang and Ronon had gone back to his own 'tent' to sleep, John came to stand at the edge of the deck as Teyla stepped down into the pool. Water lapped around her calves, a slow ripple of liquid washing up over her skin, but not reaching the hems she held above the water.

          "A bit late for swimming," he murmured, glancing up at the stars overhead.

          There was a rustle of material, and John's gaze was dragged down, to the slim, dark figure that tossed her dress to the stairs and slid deeper into the water, the fine bones of her shoulders framing the line of her back above the curve of her buttocks.

          "Night is the best time in the water," Teyla murmured, "The darkness hides what the water does not conceal."

          John swallowed hard and thought that the water wasn't going to conceal much, even in the darkness. It was only a half-moon overhead, but even that was bright enough to cast a silvery light over the wet curves in the pool below him as Teyla looked up at him, her eyes shadowed beneath her brow. "Are you coming in, John?"

          He stared at her like a man in a dream, waiting to wake up.

          I'm not ready for this.

          When will you be ready, then?

          I don't know. Not now.

          If you wait too long, do you think she'll still be there? Remember how it felt to hear her say she was pregnant? Remember how her son felt beneath your hand - another man's child?

          I'm not ready for this.

          And if you're not ready now, when will you be? She's giving you a choice, John. You step up and make it work, or you walk away and never know.

          Teyla was still watching him with a careful reserve in her eyes.

          John shucked out of his shirt, tossed it aside; shed his trousers and kicked them away. Then he walked into the smooth, enveloping silk of the water and Teyla's waiting arms.

          Don't ask questions and you won't get answers you don't want to hear.

          "You said your love life didn't concern us," he murmured in the moment before their lips met.

          John briefly wondered if Kanan of Athos had felt this trembling fear the first time he kissed Teyla. Then their mouths met in delicate burning heat, and tender ferocity, and it didn't matter. Nothing mattered compared to the feel of her arms around his neck, her waist in his hands, and her body pressed against him as she took as fiercely as he gave.

          And when she drew her mouth away from him, he could hardly bear to let her go, afraid that she might vanish like morning mist.

          "It does now."


          awww,that was a little sad at the beginning and a bit fun then holy macaroni........skinn........nevermind


            Originally posted by scifan View Post
            I did a little ficlet for after the end of Quarantine. I hope it came out ok. Enjoy.

            Casual Conversation:


            After Radek leaves the table John convinces Ronon to go with him to visit Rodney. Ronon begrudgingly agrees and they leave.

            Teyla releases a sigh of relief and Jennifer looks at her confused.

            Jennifer lets out a nervous giggle, “What’s that for?”

            Teyla shows an exhausting smile, “I do not want to sound… ungrateful, but John has been hovering over me ever since this whole quarantine mishap ended.”

            “Well, obvious he’s worried about you,” Jennifer smiles. “Were you left alone during the lockdown?”

            “No, we were in Rodney’s lab when the lockdown happened,” Teyla answers.

            “Oh… something must’ve happen for him to be concern. Did you have any complications while you were in there that I should know about?” Jennifer says with concern.

            “No, actually things went surprisingly well. I wanted to talk to him about my roll on Atlantis after my child is born. I was worried that if I go on missions and something would happen then my child would possible be without two parents,” Teyla explains.

            “What did Colonel Sheppard say?” asks Jennifer.

            Teyla smiles, “He told me of a story of a friend that is a mother of three and she is a police officer. She saw her job as a way to protecting her family from those that could harm them and other children. Then, he reassured me that my child had a family here if anything would happen to me.”

            Jennifer smiles in awe, “Well, he’s right. We would take care of your child should anything happen.” She pauses to a moment to take a drink. “You know, I did hear he broke a window and climbed the tower, but I didn’t know he was with you. Is that rumor right?”

            “Yes, after I had him feel the baby kick…” Teyla begins to answer.

            Jennifer interrupts and is a little shocked, “Wait a minute. What did you just say? You actually got him to feel the baby kick?”

            Teyla is slightly amused, “Yes, he was actually willing and he kind of smiled too.”

            The memory brought a bigger smile to Teyla’s face.

            “Well, I shocked. You two must have a wonderful, close friendship. I don’t think I could see Colonel Sheppard do that with anyone else here. You are very lucky and from what you just said, I’m sure when he finally gets married he’ll be a wonderful dad,” Jennifer comments.

            Teyla became uncomfortable with the thought of John marrying and having his own family. She couldn’t understand why. She knew that she had feelings for him, but since she was with Kanan and now carrying his child, she thought she had those feeling repressed, but she was wrong. Jennifer could she Teyla’s face flush and that she was looking upset.

            “Teyla, are you ok?” Jennifer asks with worry and gets up to check on her.

            “Yes. Yes. I am fine. I think that this whole ordeal taken a lot more out of then I thought. I believe I just need to rest for a while,” Teyla reassures Jennifer.

            Jennifer reluctantly dismisses it and Teyla excuses herself to go to her quarters. As she walks down the corridors towards her room, the thoughts of John one day having a family of his own still haunted her mind. She can feel the tears well up in her eyes and she tries to force herself to think for rationally.

            After John and Ronon leave the mess hall, John radios Rodney to see where he is and John finds out that he is in his lab. He quickly cuts Rodney off before he starts to complain about the broken window and the draft coming in.

            “Why are we going to see Rodney?” ask Ronon.

            “Well, before this happened he said he might have some news. I can’t say what it is yet, but either way I think I need to give him a beer.

            Ronon looks at John with a puzzled look, but dismisses it just a quickly. Their conversation grows dead and John annoying keeps looking at Ronon out of the corner of his eyes. Ronon notices and becomes a little frustrated.

            “What!” Ronon snaps.

            John is shocked with Ronon’s sudden outburst, “Nothing. I… I just noticed…” he searches his words carefully. “I noticed that you and the doc seemed to have gotten more… friendlier.”

            Ronon doesn’t say anything for a moment, “Well, we did talk some. She told me some stuff about here and I told her that she… in some way I guess she reminds me of…” he is unable to finish.

            “Oh. She reminds you of the woman you had in Sateda?” John asks.

            Ronon nods a little, “They are in some ways the same but Dr. Keller is different in others… but never mind me. I heard you climbed the tower.”

            Ronon smiles proudly and John gets the hint that Ronon is done talking about him and Keller.

            “Yeah, there was no other way. After Teyla had me feel the baby kick, she looked a little sick or something and I…” John begins.

            “Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Ronon exclaims.

            He stops in the tracks and grabs John’s shoulder to turn him around. He stands momentarily dazed.

            “Did I hear you right? You got to feel the baby kick?”

            John tries to maintain a straight face, “Yeah… then she didn’t look so good. I had to do something so I decided to climb the tower.”

            John begins to walk again in hopes that Ronon would end the conversation. Ronon carefully tries to examine John’s facial expression while they continue their trek to see Rodney.

            “So, Is Teyla ok?” Ronon asks.

            “I think so. I’m sure I drove her crazy though. I went to check on her after we got the doors open and then I walked with her to the mess hall,” John replies.

            “I bet it was scary to experience feeling the baby. I’d go out of the window too,” Ronon teases.

            John smiles, “I was actually pretty…. I don’t know. It’s hard to describe.”

            They both begin to laugh and Ronon pats John on his back.

            “I think you’ll be a great dad one day,” Ronon says with a smile.

            John’s smile slightly fades, “Thanks man.”

            John never thought of being a father before and while at Atlantis, he didn’t know when that would happen. He continues to enjoy the thought of the moment that he had with Teyla, but he quickly realizes that he would have to happy to be Teyla’s support while the father of her child is gone.

            An hour and a few beers later, John decides to visit Teyla. He bumps into Keller on the way and she mentions that Teyla didn’t look well and she may be sleeping.

            He hovers by her door contemplating whether to see her or not, but then he hears some movement. He waves his hand over the crystal and it chimes. The door opens and she is surprised to see him.

            “Hey Teyla, Are you ok? I heard you weren’t feeling so good,” John asks softly.

            Teyla’s eyes smile and she grins, “I am feeling much better. Thanks you. Would you like to come in?”

            John steps in and the door closes. He ends up staying for a while talking about various things, especially about Ronon and Jennifer and they both giggle over it.

            This time, Teyla didn’t mind John being there with her and John didn’t feel nervous around her any more. She feels safe and comfortable and he feels happy to be there for her.

            The friendship they have isn’t something they could explain, but they both decide in their hearts continue to keep their feelings for each other secret and for now they would just enjoy what they do have.

            The End.

            awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that was sweet little ficlet!


              Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
              I just popped in to post this
              Oh very nice Donna!

              Originally posted by gater101 View Post
              Title: Memento Mori
              Summary: Casting one more glance to their quiet moment on the balcony, Jennifer Keller was reminded that John Sheppard was only human.
              Characters: Keller, Sheppard, Teyla
              Pairing: John/Teyla, Teyla/Kanan
              Rating: K
              Spoilers: Post Quarantine but not a tag.

              Jennifer Keller was paused, her fork half way to her mouth as a familiar laugh floated over the usual din of the mess hall. She hadn’t noticed Teyla when she had chosen her seat and when Keller turned in the direction of the laugh, she knew why. Out on the balcony, she was sitting with John Sheppard and both were laughing mirthfully at something. Keller smiled and resumed her forks journey to her mouth. She was glad to hear Teyla laughing once more, as she’d not had much occasion to, recently. The father of her child – her entire people - was missing. Jennifer couldn’t imagine what a burned that would be.

              As another chuckle filtered into her hearing she glanced back at the pair with curious eyes. She’d seen, like everyone else, the relationship those two had and Keller had been a little surprised when Teyla had told her about Kanan; like Ronon, Jennifer had believed the two would eventually get together. She didn’t know Colonel Sheppard too well – she knew that not many people aside from his team members really did, and even then their knowledge was vague at best – but she knew enough about him to know that he also didn’t smile enough. The past few months had been hard on him, trying to adjust to a life without two of his best friends, a new leader, being answerable for so many, fighting a war with enemies too evil to be completely comprehended.

              Seeing him sitting with Teyla, smiling and relaxed was rare.

              She sat back in her chair and folded her arms, observing the two through interested eyes. She’d never had a chance to observe them when they were completely alone and it was intriguing to say the least. Sheppard sat beside Teyla, rather than across from her and Jennifer wondered who it was that had chosen the seating arrangement. He was leaning against the railing that the table was pushed up against facing Teyla, a knee drawn his chest draped with a forearm while the other adorned the table near to Teyla’s hand. Teyla herself was angled slightly towards him, the sun lighting them both from behind. There was a single plate between them and two cups. They were talking animatedly and Jennifer could only imagine what Sheppard was trying to explain to her as his hands tumbled over one another as his eyes widened comically.

              She watched them for a minute or so longer, smiling lightly, ignoring the food on her plate. It was quite the thing, to people watch. She was no psychologist but she could see the familiarity between them, the friendship and she almost envied it. She’d never had that with someone, not really. Looking at those two now, it would take some convincing to prove to someone that they’d only known one another for four years.

              It was when she lifted her fork again that she saw something change and she concentrated on them yet again. His comical look had disappeared. In its place, a softer, almost loving smile appeared and his eyes trained on her distended stomach. She watched as his hand rose and his fingers reached out and stroked the fabric of her dress with such gentle assurance that Jennifer felt like she was intruding, even from her distance. When she glanced back, Teyla had turned to him completely and Jennifer could no longer see her face but John’s eyes were trained there, and Teyla’s hand had covered his on her stomach.

              Jennifer felt something inside of her constrict. The sight before her spoke volumes of something she wasn’t sure she could comprehend. There was a bitter sweetness to it that Jennifer could almost taste. And sudden clarity cleared her eyes as she watched, the scene wrenching something in her gut. Their connection was so deep, so real that Jennifer could feel it, could see it.

              As Sheppard’s eyes lowered and his hand withdrew, his smile becoming uncertain, the knot in her stomach twisted and she was reminded of their situation. It stung. And she wasn’t even a part of it.

              She pushed her plate away. Suddenly, she wasn’t hungry anymore and as she stood to leave, she cast one more glance out to their stolen moment on the balcony, trying to dislodge the stubborn and unwelcomed lump in her throat.

              What she saw reminded her that no matter what John Sheppard did, no matter his ‘super hero complex’ as Ronon liked to say, he was only human.

              And he was hurting.
              awwwwwwwww so sweet yet a little sad but i loved it!

              Originally posted by methosivanhoe View Post
              actually pondering what John and Teyla's children would look like...




              Um YIKES!!! Yep gotta agree,that's a little disturbing!


                Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                Isn't it the truth!!
                You know what they do not realize is that they are killing us!!! Yes. Elf! connects that they are fictional folks! But, seeing and reading this stuff has just sucked me in!! I could just kick myself! This is a great little ficlet....sucking me in all the more!!....
                Thanks Elf.
                Boy you got it bad.

                Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that was sweet little ficlet!
                Thanks Linda.


                  Some JT MP spam from Quarantine to brighten up your darkest day :




                    Originally posted by elephantgirl View Post
                    Some JT MP spam from Quarantine to brighten up you darkest day :


                    Freakin brilliant...I especially love the second one,i wonder why???

                    Oh hey guys...Is it tonight Ruby goes to the con??


                      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                      Freakin brilliant...I especially love the second one,i wonder why???

                      Oh hey guys...Is it tonight Ruby goes to the con??
                      Agree, love that one too, and the other ones as well!

                      And yes I believe she is, WendyJ is so..
                      *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                      “Because you can.”



                        For Gator's Muse!!!


                        sig by Sci!

                        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                          Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                          Agree, love that one too, and the other ones as well!

                          And yes I believe she is, WendyJ is so..
                          Oh yeah....I'm not Jealous......I'm reaaalllyyyyyyy not Jealous!

                          Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                          For Gator's Muse!!!


                          Oh my word...Gaters muse is never gonna help her write after eating all that!


                            Oh my word...Gaters muse is never gonna help her write after eating all that!
                            I hope not...
                            sig by Sci!

                            Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                              Freakin brilliant...I especially love the second one,i wonder why???

                              Oh hey guys...Is it tonight Ruby goes to the con??
                              No, it's tomorrow night that Ruby goes to the con Why d'you ask?

                              Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                                Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                                No, it's tomorrow night that Ruby goes to the con Why d'you ask?
                                I was just wonderiing where you were,i thought it was tonight....And no i'm still not Jealous!

