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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by HyperCaz
    *creeps into thread*

    So I hear you people don't bite I'm a sheyla shipper.
    Hey Caz, no creeping, we don't bite...honestly...*looks up for the lightening bolt*....

    Glad to have another shep/teyla, sheyla, shepmagan, shipper...Join the fun!...

    I'm the thread's Witch...I love casting spell, with my wand...*waves wandless hand*...., i have a wand really i do, around here--- somewhere.....

    Ok who cleaned the thread last, I can't find my wand....:sniffle:....

    Oh i got snow also...3-4 inches......

    R.I.P Wraithlord

    Awesome sig by SciFan


      Originally posted by HyperCaz
      *creeps into thread*

      So I hear you people don't bite I'm a sheyla shipper.
      Welcome to our happy little shippy thread caz, it's nice to have you here
      Now as for me i'd have to say i'm probably the shy little baby of the thread, i send most of the lurking around but i do have my hyper shippy squee where is my twin shipper AthosianGirl, its no fun having no life without her (don't ask, she'll remember what i'm talking about)!!!

      Bye the way i saw conversion *does really really happy dance* and i gotta say that music the were playing juring the end scene was very light happy and dare i say it.......romantic

      I like work. It fascinates me. I sit and look at it for hours.

      A positive attitude may not solve everything, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.


        Originally posted by Black Panther
        SnoggingPicard we hope to see you more often now that the semester is over and that your finals went well. You have been missed.
        Awwww! Thanks so much! No, seriously, your words really mean a lot, and I missed all of you guys too. My days just weren't the same without a GW visit. Christmas break is three days away, and I forsee a lot of fanfiction writing and thread hopping...::happy sigh::

        And GeataRealt: Was that the first time you had ever seen it!? Oh, wasn't that last scene just lovely. We've been talking a lot recently about how shippers of different slants see the same exact scenes with completely different ideas. Personally, I thought that last scene with Shep and Teyla was much, much more shippy than the actual kiss and left the door wide open for the future while other ships see it as effectively ending the chances of pursuing S/T. I thought that that conversation between them could have been played out in a very different light if they were trying to put the seal on their relationship, but the mood in my eyes, while a bit awkward (naturally), was very light, teasing, flirty, and cute. I think if Shep was seriously concerned about where he stood with Teyla he would have been much more serious about the whole thing. For some reason, I don't think he had any doubts about them being okay. I know we've talked this thing to death, so don't feel any need to respond or follow this up -- this is just for my own benefit.

        "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

        HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


          Originally posted by Camy

          Green eye Lady...thanks for the update....
          I knew it! I knew it! Didn't I even write it!
          John was not going to hear Teyla sing.....because you know that he would have dropped everything right there and then and just kiss her uncontrollably after she was done...he would have confess everything and realized that this woman is too good to just let be...
          Thre great thing out of all this is what you said..Rachel is really coming out and owning Teyla's character and as long as she is doing this...then it will only be a matter of time and patience from my part before we get what we want...AHHHHHH!
          keep believing this Camy...

          Oh,well....let's wait and see what happens in Michael...I really think that is the episode for us....shippy souls...

          LOL you have a good point about
          why he didn't hear her sing, although there was a moment where he was running into a room, and I thought he was looking for Teyla because she and some of her people weren't evacuating.... but yeah.

          Also I am not too pleased about the Long Goodbye spoiler someone just posted.
          saying that Shep and Weir will kiss, because now I can't be all smug about our Sheyla kiss and go around saying " A kiss is better than a hug" because after the long goodbye Shweir fans will have both a kiss and a hug!!
          Made By Snogging Piccard- Thank you


            Originally posted by WitchBlade007
            Hey Caz, no creeping, we don't bite...honestly...*looks up for the lightening bolt*....

            Glad to have another shep/teyla, sheyla, shepmagan, shipper...Join the fun!...

            I'm the thread's Witch...I love casting spell, with my wand...*waves wandless hand*...., i have a wand really i do, around here--- somewhere.....

            Ok who cleaned the thread last, I can't find my wand....:sniffle:....

            Oh i got snow also...3-4 inches......
            Now, now dear don't cry. *fishes spare magic wand out of closet* I bought this at a garage sale two years ago. I cleaned and polished it up real nice as I'm good at that sort of thing, overhauling old clothes, cutting them to fit...*blinks* anyway it looks great but I never could get the hang of using it Which is why I chose to become a muse instead... So here it is, all yours *pats Witchy on head*


              Originally posted by green_eyed_lady
              LOL you have a good point about
              why he didn't hear her sing, although there was a moment where he was running into a room, and I thought he was looking for Teyla because she and some of her people weren't evacuating.... but yeah.

              Also I am not too pleased about the Long Goodbye spoiler someone just posted.
              saying that Shep and Weir will kiss, because now I can't be all smug about our Sheyla kiss and go around saying " A kiss is better than a hug" because after the long goodbye Shweir fans will have both a kiss and a hug!!
              But I hear the kiss is while thier inhabited by aliens!! And while the Shweir vidders will make the most of it, for it's a vidders job to take things out of context... I think it's nothing more than a consolation prize


                Originally posted by green_eyed_lady
                Also I am not too pleased about the Long Goodbye spoiler someone just posted.
                saying that Shep and Weir will kiss, because now I can't be all smug about our Sheyla kiss and go around saying " A kiss is better than a hug" because after the long goodbye Shweir fans will have both a kiss and a hug!!
                I think it's time we got a hug....maybe one of those they see each other in the distance and run toward each other, and HUG!........

                they will kiss, it's more of Weir grabbing him and planting one on Shep....but it's still a kiss, and it looks pretty good....*ducks the rotten tomatoes*.....But as Mel said it's when they're possessed. When Thalan is first transfered into Sheppard's body, and Phoebus in Weir's body kisses him, maybe just to convince everyone that they're really husband and wife, since that's the reason she wanted them to retrieve his lifepod. And anyway, they aren't themselves so it doesn't count...right?...

                R.I.P Wraithlord

                Awesome sig by SciFan


                  Originally posted by melpomene
                  Now, now dear don't cry. *fishes spare magic wand out of closet* I bought this at a garage sale two years ago. I cleaned and polished it up real nice as I'm good at that sort of thing, overhauling old clothes, cutting them to fit...*blinks* anyway it looks great but I never could get the hang of using it Which is why I chose to become a muse instead... So here it is, all yours *pats Witchy on head*
                  Oh Thank you, Thank you Mel, you're so generous....

                  It's so pwetty, and shiny, time for Shepmagan Magic....

                  R.I.P Wraithlord

                  Awesome sig by SciFan


                    Originally posted by green_eyed_lady
                    Also I am not too pleased about the Long Goodbye spoiler someone just posted.
                    saying that Shep and Weir will kiss, because now I can't be all smug about our Sheyla kiss and go around saying " A kiss is better than a hug" because after the long goodbye Shweir fans will have both a kiss and a hug!!
                    Hey once again a Shweir shipper slips in here to give my two pence. I don't think that the (TLG spoilers)
                    kiss will mean much in the long run apart from possibly sparking off some sexual tension after they get control of their bodies back. Ultimately there's no way the PTBs are going to make either ship canon at this point, they just love playing with us

                    Also, someone was talking about Conversion. I would argue that the
                    kiss there can be looked at in the same way as TLG - it can't count because he was starting to change into a giant bug thing! On the other hand, the real pain that Elizabeth shows looking at John to me just seems a bit more than friendly concern.
                    Don't you want to look beyond the horizon?

                    In the 2 hours and 14 minutes that Torri Higginson was online, there were 272 posts in the Elizabeth Weir Wow Thread. I was responsible for 2 of them. (Oh yeah and Gateworld crashed, but that's not important)

                    Please click here to feed the hungry, protect endangered land, and help fight breast cancer without spending a penny (inspired by the Whistler 84 in Memoriam thread)


                      Ugh, I wish the writers would stop messing with us.


                        Originally posted by HyperCaz
                        Ugh, I wish the writers would stop messing with us.
                        You and me both!
                        Made By Snogging Piccard- Thank you


                          Originally posted by green_eyed_lady
                          Also I am not too pleased about the Long Goodbye spoiler someone just posted.
                          saying that Shep and Weir will kiss, because now I can't be all smug about our Sheyla kiss and go around saying " A kiss is better than a hug" because after the long goodbye Shweir fans will have both a kiss and a hug!!
                          Oh, don't feel so bad
                          It's not even a real kiss, they're being possessed by the aliens with really weird names. I'm a Shep/Weir shipper and i'm not thrilled about the "kiss" either. It's the way tptb have for torturing us without compromising, they've already done that with you Shep/Teyla fans, now it's our turn, and i'm not pleased but what can we do?, just not let them play with us anymore. This is just the start if experience serves me, and more of this little games will come. I was *SO* p*ed about the "kiss" (the Shep/Weir one, curiously enough i wasn't miffed by the Shep/Teyla one), it's so typical :shakes head:, bah!, screw them (tptb), blubbering idiots they are. LOL, i had to come ***** for a while here with people who are not liking the kiss either so as not to crash my fellow shipmates squee party .


                            Originally posted by melpomene
                            Yeah those threads can be kinda scary...and we probably shouldn't go that off-topic here...and of course if we start another thread the same thing'll probably happen... I was on the S/J last night and Shep/Teyla Shep/Weir came up. I don't think it got ugly but I left after one of my S/J masters made a comment about the Conversion kiss that I wasn't about to either reply to or listen to more of... I just didn't want to get involved.
                            Yeah.... I can't remember how we got onto J/T J/W ships. I was talking about the J/T kiss though. Although I'd assume I didn't make the offensive comment.
                            Yepp, it's blank down here.


                              Hey, just to follow on, now I''ve caught up with the real time conversation. As a proud Jack / Sam shipper, I am going to impart a few words of "wisdom" (i.e the blantantly obvious dressed up in Christmas frillies).

                              TPTB have now had 8-9 years of playing tricks, time loops, viruses, nanites, hallucinations, alternate realities etc on us. Somehow (hate to say it, guys, love you as I do), I can't see them giving way in one season. You're in for a long long ride, but it'll be worth it in the end.

                              I always thought John and Teyla were meant to be together, there was a spark from the beginning. Now I'm sure. And your friendliness, conviction and loyalty has convinced me. For a Jack / Sam shipper, I feel it all beginning again, and it makes my heart go fuzzy.

                              So let me propose a toast from one shipper for her new adopted family: To John and Teyla: may the powers that be learn from their past mistakes!
                              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                                Okay so maybe the [spoile] shweir smooch wont be so bad if they are possesd[/spoiler]

                                Uh oh.... look at the pics here


                                from the galleries there, looks like for inferno were due for some Teynon and Shep/Random alien chick.... maybe one year our shipper prayers will be answered.... not this season it appears.
                                Made By Snogging Piccard- Thank you

