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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis
    Thanx for inviting me.

    Shipping is all about imagination for me and someone once said "Imagination is the spark that ignites the blaze of genius".

    I kept thinking about that and I realized that discussing all the ships forces me to think even more deeply about my fave ship.

    Is there already a forum to talk (I really mean talk not fight) about different ships?
    I don't know...but that would be a good idea...nuetral territory so to speak...

    I mean I'm not a Shep/Weir shipper but I don't close myself off to understanding how other see this ship...The fact that people find something in this show that gets them interested and wanting to discuss things is great even if we have all differing ideas we are all joined together by the fact that we like to ship characters in our shows...

    Okay EDIT: maybe not so neutal territory... (just read gatelover12's post)


      Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis
      Thanx for inviting me.

      Shipping is all about imagination for me and someone once said "Imagination is the spark that ignites the blaze of genius".

      I kept thinking about that and I realized that discussing all the ships forces me to think even more deeply about my fave ship.

      Is there already a forum to talk (I really mean talk not fight) about different ships?
      There is an active ship discussion thread on C & R. Not too active ATM, but we could light it up. *I wasn't really here *
      Sig by Camy


        Originally posted by gatelover12
        I think it degenerated into a flame war. hmmm
        Sorry to hear that.
        We could do great together.
        You know talking about scenes from different pov.


          Originally posted by gatelover12
          I think it degenerated into a flame war. hmmm
          Yeah those threads can be kinda scary...and we probably shouldn't go that off-topic here...and of course if we start another thread the same thing'll probably happen... I was on the S/J last night and Shep/Teyla Shep/Weir came up. I don't think it got ugly but I left after one of my S/J masters made a comment about the Conversion kiss that I wasn't about to either reply to or listen to more of... I just didn't want to get involved.


            I gotta go, be back around 7:40 if the forum cooperates. bye!


              Originally posted by gatelover12
              I gotta go, be back around 7:40 if the forum cooperates. bye!
              Be a good forum for Ag please?


              Darn it...I keep getting Database error I'll go and say good-bye before it ditches me again...

              Sidenote- Mel...I have SBC Yahoo Messenger...PM me on how to actually get in touch with you and we'll get these lessons started....

              *grumbles and walks away* Forum buddies probably think I ditched 'em...wasn't me it was the forum!


                -I Pm'ed you AG


                  Wow! This is the first time I managed to get an invite to hang around in a thread without fishing for it!

                  Admittedly, I'm a J/S SG1 shipper as I can only sporadically watch Atlantis (I get to watch season 2 properly at Christmas). But I always saw Shep and Teyla because of the whole shopping dream thing in season one and then there was the kiss last night, and all the training stuff.

                  I mean, the J/S lot seem to be very J/W orientated in general. I do like this idea, because I love Weir. And she has shown enough concern, but maybe in a sisterly way? I dunno. I don't really want to upset any groups!!
                  Yepp, it's blank down here.


                    Hey Guys, Just dropping in to say hello...

                    I have writing papers...:sniffle:.....i miss so much Shep and Teyla.....AG, you still have Shep/Teyla t-shirts and cap?.........

                    You have really gotten quite imaginative in the last few days...

                    R.I.P Wraithlord

                    Awesome sig by SciFan


                      Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                      Wow! This is the first time I managed to get an invite to hang around in a thread without fishing for it!

                      Admittedly, I'm a J/S SG1 shipper as I can only sporadically watch Atlantis (I get to watch season 2 properly at Christmas). But I always saw Shep and Teyla because of the whole shopping dream thing in season one and then there was the kiss last night, and all the training stuff.

                      I mean, the J/S lot seem to be very J/W orientated in general. I do like this idea, because I love Weir. And she has shown enough concern, but maybe in a sisterly way? I dunno. I don't really want to upset any groups!!
                      Hey, nice to to see you here again I'm a J/S from way back. My very first ship I was a quiet S/T for a while, because it seems like everyone I knew before was either Shep/Weir, Teyla/Ronon, or both. But then I came here and it's really cool. And it was worth dissagreeing on it with a lot of my old S/J friends. Because Shep and Teyla are just so GREAT together.


                        Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                        Hey Guys, Just dropping in to say hello...

                        I have writing papers...:sniffle:.....i miss so much Shep and Teyla.....AG, you still have Shep/Teyla t-shirts and cap?.........

                        You have really gotten quite imaginative in the last few days...
                        Hey Witchy! How are you girl? Missed you around here, and things have gotten very imaginative


                          I should write a fan fic. hmmm


                            i'm baaaaaaack! I think, stupid database! you guys seen the link for rachels MP3? I'm getting it now.


                              Originally posted by melpomene
                              Hey Witchy! How are you girl? Missed you around here, and things have gotten very imaginative
                              I'm doing good..u?....

                              I missed you all terribly....I'm taking a break from my papers for a moment.

                              Imagination is good, ....

                              We're on page 300!.........

                              I saw the link gatelover, and she's got such a great voice....I've also got the videoclip, she looks so beautiful in that outfit...

                              R.I.P Wraithlord

                              Awesome sig by SciFan


                                Originally posted by Lord Shiva
                                I should write a fan fic. hmmm
                                John and Teyla...right?

