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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
    Camy, great thoughts on Quarantine. I left you a review for your story too. BTW, are you going to join the Round Robin next month?
    thank you! I read your review....GRACIAS!


      Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
      YES!!! You hit the nail on the head!! That is what I guess is bittersweet to me. Does that make sense? Please some feedback please.
      *blushes* I just wrote that for Stephie, and I thought I'd copy it and paste it here too! I've always been very passionate about these two, you guys know that, and I don't think I'm so far off from the truth either!

      Whatever happens between them, no one can deny that their connection is very much there.

      yes, bittersweet indeed! It goes with the saying that life is not fair.


        Originally posted by Camy View Post
        *blushes* I just wrote that for Stephie, and I thought I'd copy it and paste it here too! I've always been very passionate about these two, you guys know that, and I don't think I'm so far off from the truth either!

        Whatever happens between them, no one can deny that their connection is very much there.

        yes, bittersweet indeed! It goes with the saying that life is not fair.
        Isn't the truth! It just breaks my shippy heart too!!

        You know John is just going end up being Uncle John.
        sig by Sci!

        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


          Originally posted by Camy View Post
          Sweetie, be patient with me. I take forever to do things and I"m late with things, but I do deliver.
          I'll wait then!

          I GOTTA HUG SOMEBODY!!!! *grabs nearest person (ends up being Camy and Elfie)*

          This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
          "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
          "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


            Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
            yup yup yup!!!

            Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
            gonna watch last nights eppy tomrrow,and I think the Atlantis Three Stooges (John, Ronon & Rodney) sing a bit more ON Key then off it, in fact it IS like the Three Stooges because of two things....

            There are three guys that all but want the other dead, and there is one girl they all have hots for.... erm... I'll shutup now

            ETA: am currently watching Moe, Curly and Larry in Idol Roomers on youtube
            Enjoy the ep.
            I haven't heard them sing yet.

            Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
            Hey y'all!

            Here's a new JT fic..
            I think this is the first JT fic by this author.

            Comfort Found by Sue2
            Thanks for fic rec

            Originally posted by Camy View Post
            My thoughts on Quarantine...still not quite there, but almost.

            The episode was lacking something but I think they did this one better than Tabula Rasa for sure. I loved the pairings that they use in a way, but I truly care not to see Ronon and Keller. First of all, for me, the only thing that would get Ronon to look at Keller is that she's in medecine like his girlfriend was. For some reason, I just don't think that Keller is the woman for Ronon. She's a whiner and a whimp and eventhough I have no problem with that convo, I just...I don't know maybe I just still hold resentment that she took Carson's place, maybe the writers are making me rush into liking her too much by throwing her down my throat. She's supposed to be a recurring character and I feel that she's had just as many scenes if not more than Teyla!!! and that bugs me! It's already bad enough that I have to see Carter in Atlantis, and I actually like Carter...I don't know, I just think the writers are rushing. I mean even if they had done this with John and Teyla I would have hated it.

            I mean, one minute Ronon is telling her that he didn't like her at the beginning and now because she came up with an idea of the oxygen tank he wants to sleep with her? What?

            I don't know...I don't like them!


            I'm not going to root against them and I won't hold it against you or anyone esle, I promise, if you do. It's just that I don't like them.

            who knows, maybe they'll grow on me later....

            I think it's interesting what the writers did. and because I was so focused on the JT moments and so sickened by Ronon/Keller moments, I missed the whole point to Rodney and Katie. And when I saw the ending, I was like...what??????

            So, I have to see it again.

            Two things I did noticed...the writers are clearly defining some things in here about relationships.

            John and Teyla is clearly seen as the one that has the foundation, the one that is firm and has been together the longest. You can see how the writers begin their story with them in a comfortable state almost. yes, you see John hesitate with her presence and the baby, but that is not discomfort around her just him being paranoid about delivering a baby alone.

            that's normal in any man especially one that has a personal attachment to her. Almost what a husband would do.

            You see with the two of them how where the others are trying to find a way out, John and Teyla just stop quickly and go about a different approach and are almost insync with their actions whereas the other couples are still trying to figure each other out. And you would think that Carter and Zelenka would be the easiest because they are both scientist....

            But yet, John and Teyla standout as the one that finds a comfort zone earlier than the others and find the commonality and are one of the same right from the beginnning...sitting at the computer, doing the same thing together, thinking of Rodney, etc...they are one. That only comes from a married couple. Not even brothers and sisters or friends do that. That only comes from you spending intimate and private time with someone on a different level and the writers were going with that feel for these two. Hence, there was no tension, there was no angst, there was no confusion because they were one in the same.

            With Keller/Ronon there was uncertainty, there was uncomfortableness, there was an odd feeling and there was a hesitant urgency to get out. Keller used it on the fact that she was needed out there. She has a very low self esteem if you notice and that's not a woman for Ronon. Ronon was trying to understand her and open up to her in a friendly matter, but by him sharing so much of his personal life so quickly with her, I felt that they toned down Ronon way too much too soon. It almost made him look desperate to me, and that makes me not like Keller even more because it almost sends the message that the girl just wants attention from a man. And that's the only way she feels comfortable.

            I don't know if I'm making any sense. But clearly the writers were showing her a beginning of something that may or may not turn into something more. But to me, this will be an entire different relationship all together. These two had sexual tension. John and Teyla are beyond that based on this section. There's is a deeper meaning. One of a lifetime, hence John's confession of a family again! Ronon and Keller are testing the waters and basing their foundation on attraction and sexual tension.
            A sort of could be, could not be. They are going to see where it goes.

            Katie and Rodney are the odd couple. They are the couple that is trying so hard to want to be in love, to want to be together, to want to be the perfect couple that in the end, they forget who they really are and what they really want. Katie wants the house and the picket fence. Katie wanted Rodney to propose to her. Whether it be that she loves him or not, I don't think so. From her look at the end there, it tells me that she is in love with love, but not with Rodney. And I think Rodney realized that he wanted something that he thought he could never have and finally when he realized that he can have it, he isn't ready for it. Whether it be that Katie is not the right woman, I"m not sure. But clearly, Rodney realized that even in his death, he still couldn't propose to her, and that told him, she's not the one.

            Sad, but they both realized it before they made the mistake and for me, I missed it when it happened. And I have to see it again.

            But again, I loved the different scenarios and how the writers presented each one of them. Teyla and John's level of trust and comfort is beyond any other relationship. It's unique, it's special, it's everlasting and unbreakable. If you are seeing this episode for the first time unaware of the background between these two, you get the feeiling that they are indeed a married couple. But then upon hearing Teyla's words, you sense the unfairness and the irony of it all because both are acting the same way, that they are a couple and this is their child.

            Jonn's reaction to her sudden gasp...he strodes to her instantly. Only a lover does that. A father. Her instant reaching out to him to feel her tummy. You do that only with those that are closest to you and only if you are a touchy feely person. Teyla is NOT a touchy feely person. She's reaching out to him as if he's the father of her child. And when she realizes that he's not, she shudders and looks away. Almost regretting and shamefully and saddened.

            He panics. He knows it in her eyes that she's suffering but he misinterprets her anguish as simply worrying for her child and for her safety and hence he springs to life and finds a way out. Only with Teyla would he do such things and act such ways. There are no boundaries and no limits to what he would do for her.

            In the end, again, the clarity of their connection, the worrisome of her eyes, and the carefree to which they flow back to normal and spot in their friend instanty and again, insync that Ronon has something to hide in relation to Keller.

            Even at the end, the writers continued the theme between these two. The comfortable established couple, the ones that lost themselves in a time when you would think they would cling to one another and the new and questionable couple that exhudes uncertainty, mistrust and no foundation but the simple fact that they are physically attracted to one another. John and Teyla are way beyond that. And have tested and passed the test that Rodney and Katie failed.

            I paid very little attention to Carter and Zelenka.

            Great POV.


              Originally posted by scifan View Post
              Enjoy the ep.
              I haven't heard them sing yet.
              I shall and here you go. . . . Larry, Moe and Shemp singing "Hello!" (at 3:14-17 of the thing after a slap attack from Moe, I know it is OT but still can't help it!!)

              This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
              "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
              "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                Isn't the truth! It just breaks my shippy heart too!!

                You know John is just going end up being Uncle John.
                No, that's where I think you are wrong...he's not!

                Something in me tells me that the angst is going to be....the bittersweet as you say,
                that maybe by John going ahead of time, he's really going to have to go back in time to fix something and by going back in time to fix something, he's going to change the events of time. And if he changes the event of time, he's coming back to Atlantis with a not pregnant Teyla...but the question lies, now that John clearly knows how he feels for her, will he still hold back thinking that her love will still be Kanan and not him.

                Just a thought! *wink*


                  Originally posted by Camy View Post
                  he's really going to have to go back in time to fix something and by going back in time to fix something, he's going to change the events of time.
                  this made me suddenbly relize I'm doing a Altantis version of the HG Weels book The Time Machine (only using the movie from 2002 as a springboard to run alongside of) John goes back into the past to keep Teyla from dying BUT she still dies that same night somehow, because if Teyla does not die John does not make the Time Machine seen in the movie(same one as the 2002 movie) John then goes forwards in time to 2020 then to 2072(the moon falling apart) then from there to 904,762 in the far flung futur of Earth(the stargates are gone, and nobody knows of them by that time because of the moon falling apart.)

                  trust me guys this stiory I'm writing MIGHT even tie in with Last Man too, only my story goes another 900,000 years into the future

                  This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                  "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                  "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                    OK guys I updated John Sheppard, Time Traveller with two new chapters! here is chapter three. . . Titled, "Botching his Chance". . .
                    Finally it was done, John put the last crystal into place, and a faint hum started from the machine, the thing looked like something similar to a fan on both the front and the back, with a pair of fanblades made of clear crystaline glass interwoven with silver metal, the dashborad was done, and it was ready for use.

                    John got cleaned up, and took a look at his watch, it was just after midnight on a friday in June, exactly one year from when Teyla and he were married, and exactly four years since her death that same day. He made a mental note to go back five extra days so he could get to the SGC in time to save his wife from her death.

                    Sitting in the seat he took a crystal covered staff about seven or so inches long out of his vest, and put it in its place, securing it with a pin. a low hiss sounded off as the contacts of the handle and the main control unit made contact with the other. John grabed a P90 from his desk, as well as some ammo. He'd need it. He made a mental note to get a few knives from the SGC Armory as well when he' make a pitstop by there for more ammo.

                    "OK John, go save Teyla." He pressed the crystal handle forwards and the fans begain to move ever faster, a greygreen light hitting the front, and the back as the four blades spun ever faster, time begain to move at a good pace, then it happened, ball of blue light appeared around him and the machine in which he sat, and the readout on the dash begain to go backwards four years, and five days, when with a boom, it was over, he was in the past, and Teyla was sdtill alive, but he had only five days in which to get to the SGC before she died.

                    Turning the machine off and locking the bedroom door, John looked out the window, everything was the same as it was four years into the future, only the room was cleaner, and there was not as many desks or tables. John also saw that it was dark, and he had begun to go against the clock as it was right then. He took off for the SGC.

                    Two days later he arrived, and faked his name and rank as a Col Joshua Stone to get inside, then he hid in a closet and waited. he heard the normal daily doings, then the orders his team was to get, he smiled, he was already there, but then the rest of his team, and his wife, weren't.

                    Then he saw his team, and himself arrive, he'd seen Walter get killed already, hell he was the one that found his body as well. he also felt a krick in his kneck, 'maybe I shouldn't have done that vulcan neck bench on myself' he thought after hiding himself in another room. as he took his own place with Teyla, this time she was taking point.

                    "See anything?" He asked a minute or so later of joining up with his wife, he wanted to hug her right then and there but kept himself from doing so. he kept an eye on thier six, putting himself in Teyla's place.

                    "Nothing." Teyla said as she and him looked through the jumper bay, John kepts a close eye on the door, so far so good. "There is none here in this room but us." she said at last when they finished with the jumpers storeroom above the gate.

                    "OK, lets see, Rodney find anything yet?" John asked into his radio.

                    "Nothing yet, other the ntwo dead soldiers heading your way." Rodney said "Ronons injured from gunfire, but he's good to go"

                    "OK nothing her ewith the jumper, be with you guys at the Infirmary." John said before motioning to Teyla to take the lead again as he keopts a sharpe eye on the halls behind. Gunfire was heard ahead, "This is Sheppard, Teyla and I are nearing gunfire, those shooting please respond if on our side." He was met with silence. then a scream as Teyla was hit by a stray bullet in the hip. "oh hell" John swore, his mind thinking 'not again, not this soon!!' He put a field dressing on the wound.

                    He then half caried half suppoerted Teyla as she fired her P90 at the person that attacked her, and the Asrak fired one more shot, then died, thankfully John pulled Teyla out of the line of fire, but he did not keep her from death.

                    And Chapter four, titled, "Unanswered Questions". . .
                    John had left the SGC like he did before and had gone home, he stared at the locket he had of Teyla, which hung on the dash of the Time Machine he had made with Janus' work and research, It had all come for naught, and he knew it, maybe the answer was in the future? He slid the crystaline control into place and started up the machine, then headed for the future.

                    Time outside the machine rushed past at a faster rated then it did backwards, he watched himself make the machine, then he went forwards in time, watching through the bubble as his familys home was taken down, and a city was made in its place, and the farmland was built into a city. then he noticed something else.

                    The year was two thousand and twenty, he stopped the machine and took hold of the handle, and slid it into his pocket, and made sure he had the weapons he had clooected from the SGC before leaving, if anyone mugged him in this city where his familys home once stood, he'd be ready for them, what with his flak vest and gun, looked like a soldier that just got off the plane at the wrong station.

                    Everything was different, there was cars, like his own world, only these were different like everything else, all darker colors, nothing in a retor look to them at all, some had what looked to be bike wheels while others had wheels used for hauling cattle, but then there was no cattle to be seen.

                    John entered what he remembered was the Flint Library, it was differetn, not as many books, but there was other things, there was what looked like a black ball in the center of a room, with four halls going in two different diecretions, each hall had what looked like six panes of glass.

                    "Welcome to the Vox Datatransfer System, How can I help you?" a voice said as a three wing of light appread on the black ball.
                    John turned around fast, his P90 aimed and ready to fire, "Who said that?"

                    "I did." came the voice.

                    "And you are.... where?" John asked lowing his weapon, the libarary was oddly empty of staff, where was everyone?

                    "Right here sir." the voice said appearing in a pane of glass. "area of inquiry?" he asked.

                    "uh... Past events two thousand to two thusand and ten" John said, there had to be something of his wife's death on records, maybe even a marrige record of them getting wed.

                    "Accessing records of events" Vox said, ten years showed up, "year of inquiry sir?"

                    "uh... two thousand and seven please, August the third." John said, he found it odd, but then again it was, how the hell did he know about the dates? he never remembered them very well, but then this was all on a total whim.

                    The data came onto the glass, and John read it as the Vox spoke, "August the third two thousand and seven, President Hayes speaks at a funeral of a freind and gives at the same place a ceremony to one John Sheppard of Flint Michigan his discharge. John sheppard later disappeared after four years, never to be seen again, a memorial was planned but never happened."

                    "You said John Sheppard?" John asked looking up from the data, he was reading what He heard Hayes say twice. "Tell me about him."

                    "John Sheppard, 1967 to 2007, a man of the military life, had a falling out with his father and mother at a young age and was married twice, his first wife remarried to a Sir Tomas Goodwine, his second wife died shortly before he did." Vox said as if reciting info for a school teacher. "Is there anything else sir?"

                    "Yes, uh... what was his cause of death?" John asked.

                    "Cause of death was researchged for John Sheppard, he went missing on August the fifith from his home in Flint after a power outage, a memorial was planned but never took place. he was near fourty years of age. Would there be anything else sir?"

                    "What was his motives for his disapearance?"

                    "Unknown, the data is inaccessible, would you like me to try another access path sir?"

                    "Uh... no thank, I think I'll take my chances without knowing." John said turning and leaving the library, heading back for his machine, so far this new world was different, then something struck him, "actually there is something. The Stargate Program, anything on it?"

                    "The stargate program headed first by Generasl West, then later by General George Hammond, begain in 1992 with its first mission, may people thought it a hoax, until Preisnet Hayes came out in 2009 with the truth behind the secret program. John Sheppard was a member of a team that went through the stargate on a monthly basis. The program is still going on today, curently headed once more by General Hammond. Will therebe anything else sir?"

                    "Yes, why can't one change the past?"

                    "Because onr cannot travel into, the past."

                    "But what if one could?"

                    "One cannot."

                    "Thanks anyway, I'll try again in the future." John said leaving the library in a disgusted manner. So far things weren't easier, he'd read what Hayes had said at his wifes funeral of all things, he was hopingto get that twice damned speech out of his head! John went back to the machine, and slid the control back into its place, and started forwards again, only there was something wrong about the moon, he'd noticed it as he walked back to the machine, it was closer then he knew it to be, but then, wasn't it always close to the Earth?

                    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                      Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                      OK guys I updated John Sheppard, Time Traveller with two new chapters! here is chapter three. . . Titled, "Botching his Chance". . .
                      Finally it was done, John put the last crystal into place, and a faint hum started from the machine, the thing looked like something similar to a fan on both the front and the back, with a pair of fanblades made of clear crystaline glass interwoven with silver metal, the dashborad was done, and it was ready for use.

                      John got cleaned up, and took a look at his watch, it was just after midnight on a friday in June, exactly one year from when Teyla and he were married, and exactly four years since her death that same day. He made a mental note to go back five extra days so he could get to the SGC in time to save his wife from her death.

                      Sitting in the seat he took a crystal covered staff about seven or so inches long out of his vest, and put it in its place, securing it with a pin. a low hiss sounded off as the contacts of the handle and the main control unit made contact with the other. John grabed a P90 from his desk, as well as some ammo. He'd need it. He made a mental note to get a few knives from the SGC Armory as well when he' make a pitstop by there for more ammo.

                      "OK John, go save Teyla." He pressed the crystal handle forwards and the fans begain to move ever faster, a greygreen light hitting the front, and the back as the four blades spun ever faster, time begain to move at a good pace, then it happened, ball of blue light appeared around him and the machine in which he sat, and the readout on the dash begain to go backwards four years, and five days, when with a boom, it was over, he was in the past, and Teyla was sdtill alive, but he had only five days in which to get to the SGC before she died.

                      Turning the machine off and locking the bedroom door, John looked out the window, everything was the same as it was four years into the future, only the room was cleaner, and there was not as many desks or tables. John also saw that it was dark, and he had begun to go against the clock as it was right then. He took off for the SGC.

                      Two days later he arrived, and faked his name and rank as a Col Joshua Stone to get inside, then he hid in a closet and waited. he heard the normal daily doings, then the orders his team was to get, he smiled, he was already there, but then the rest of his team, and his wife, weren't.

                      Then he saw his team, and himself arrive, he'd seen Walter get killed already, hell he was the one that found his body as well. he also felt a krick in his kneck, 'maybe I shouldn't have done that vulcan neck bench on myself' he thought after hiding himself in another room. as he took his own place with Teyla, this time she was taking point.

                      "See anything?" He asked a minute or so later of joining up with his wife, he wanted to hug her right then and there but kept himself from doing so. he kept an eye on thier six, putting himself in Teyla's place.

                      "Nothing." Teyla said as she and him looked through the jumper bay, John kepts a close eye on the door, so far so good. "There is none here in this room but us." she said at last when they finished with the jumpers storeroom above the gate.

                      "OK, lets see, Rodney find anything yet?" John asked into his radio.

                      "Nothing yet, other the ntwo dead soldiers heading your way." Rodney said "Ronons injured from gunfire, but he's good to go"

                      "OK nothing her ewith the jumper, be with you guys at the Infirmary." John said before motioning to Teyla to take the lead again as he keopts a sharpe eye on the halls behind. Gunfire was heard ahead, "This is Sheppard, Teyla and I are nearing gunfire, those shooting please respond if on our side." He was met with silence. then a scream as Teyla was hit by a stray bullet in the hip. "oh hell" John swore, his mind thinking 'not again, not this soon!!' He put a field dressing on the wound.

                      He then half caried half suppoerted Teyla as she fired her P90 at the person that attacked her, and the Asrak fired one more shot, then died, thankfully John pulled Teyla out of the line of fire, but he did not keep her from death.

                      And Chapter four, titled, "Unanswered Questions". . .
                      John had left the SGC like he did before and had gone home, he stared at the locket he had of Teyla, which hung on the dash of the Time Machine he had made with Janus' work and research, It had all come for naught, and he knew it, maybe the answer was in the future? He slid the crystaline control into place and started up the machine, then headed for the future.

                      Time outside the machine rushed past at a faster rated then it did backwards, he watched himself make the machine, then he went forwards in time, watching through the bubble as his familys home was taken down, and a city was made in its place, and the farmland was built into a city. then he noticed something else.

                      The year was two thousand and twenty, he stopped the machine and took hold of the handle, and slid it into his pocket, and made sure he had the weapons he had clooected from the SGC before leaving, if anyone mugged him in this city where his familys home once stood, he'd be ready for them, what with his flak vest and gun, looked like a soldier that just got off the plane at the wrong station.

                      Everything was different, there was cars, like his own world, only these were different like everything else, all darker colors, nothing in a retor look to them at all, some had what looked to be bike wheels while others had wheels used for hauling cattle, but then there was no cattle to be seen.

                      John entered what he remembered was the Flint Library, it was differetn, not as many books, but there was other things, there was what looked like a black ball in the center of a room, with four halls going in two different diecretions, each hall had what looked like six panes of glass.

                      "Welcome to the Vox Datatransfer System, How can I help you?" a voice said as a three wing of light appread on the black ball.
                      John turned around fast, his P90 aimed and ready to fire, "Who said that?"

                      "I did." came the voice.

                      "And you are.... where?" John asked lowing his weapon, the libarary was oddly empty of staff, where was everyone?

                      "Right here sir." the voice said appearing in a pane of glass. "area of inquiry?" he asked.

                      "uh... Past events two thousand to two thusand and ten" John said, there had to be something of his wife's death on records, maybe even a marrige record of them getting wed.

                      "Accessing records of events" Vox said, ten years showed up, "year of inquiry sir?"

                      "uh... two thousand and seven please, August the third." John said, he found it odd, but then again it was, how the hell did he know about the dates? he never remembered them very well, but then this was all on a total whim.

                      The data came onto the glass, and John read it as the Vox spoke, "August the third two thousand and seven, President Hayes speaks at a funeral of a freind and gives at the same place a ceremony to one John Sheppard of Flint Michigan his discharge. John sheppard later disappeared after four years, never to be seen again, a memorial was planned but never happened."

                      "You said John Sheppard?" John asked looking up from the data, he was reading what He heard Hayes say twice. "Tell me about him."

                      "John Sheppard, 1967 to 2007, a man of the military life, had a falling out with his father and mother at a young age and was married twice, his first wife remarried to a Sir Tomas Goodwine, his second wife died shortly before he did." Vox said as if reciting info for a school teacher. "Is there anything else sir?"

                      "Yes, uh... what was his cause of death?" John asked.

                      "Cause of death was researchged for John Sheppard, he went missing on August the fifith from his home in Flint after a power outage, a memorial was planned but never took place. he was near fourty years of age. Would there be anything else sir?"

                      "What was his motives for his disapearance?"

                      "Unknown, the data is inaccessible, would you like me to try another access path sir?"

                      "Uh... no thank, I think I'll take my chances without knowing." John said turning and leaving the library, heading back for his machine, so far this new world was different, then something struck him, "actually there is something. The Stargate Program, anything on it?"

                      "The stargate program headed first by Generasl West, then later by General George Hammond, begain in 1992 with its first mission, may people thought it a hoax, until Preisnet Hayes came out in 2009 with the truth behind the secret program. John Sheppard was a member of a team that went through the stargate on a monthly basis. The program is still going on today, curently headed once more by General Hammond. Will therebe anything else sir?"

                      "Yes, why can't one change the past?"

                      "Because onr cannot travel into, the past."

                      "But what if one could?"

                      "One cannot."

                      "Thanks anyway, I'll try again in the future." John said leaving the library in a disgusted manner. So far things weren't easier, he'd read what Hayes had said at his wifes funeral of all things, he was hopingto get that twice damned speech out of his head! John went back to the machine, and slid the control back into its place, and started forwards again, only there was something wrong about the moon, he'd noticed it as he walked back to the machine, it was closer then he knew it to be, but then, wasn't it always close to the Earth?

                      Goodmorning everybody!

                      Hey tey... isn't it about time for you to go to bed...?
                      Ohh... a lot to read!

                      I will read all of the fics on and leave a review, camy's as well, BBL!
                      Oh and Camy, my fic is all done now! So you can read it...
                      *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                      “Because you can.”



                        Guys I made a sig!! It's actually kinda bad because I made it with Paint...
                        My computer still isn't fixed so I had no other option..
                        But I was looking through the screencaps from seasons 1-3 and I just noticed that

                        Here it is:

                        So what do you guys think, is it really terrible or ok?
                        Last edited by TeylaFan; 20 January 2008, 04:14 AM.
                        *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                        “Because you can.”



                          Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                          Guys I made a sig!! It's not very good because I made it with Paint...
                          My computer still isn't fixed so I had no other option..

                          Here it is:

                          So what do you guys think, is it OK? Cause then I can use it as my sig!
                          I am running in to answer your question. I think it is wonderful!!! If that counts! Running back out.


                            Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
                            I am running in to answer your question. I think it is wonderful!!! If that counts! Running back out.
                            You do? Well, thanks!
                            *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                            “Because you can.”



                              Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                              You do? Well, thanks!
                              Yesssssssss, I do! I would green, but I can't. Here are some greens! I love the pics that you chose.

                              Excellent job on your fic!


                                Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
                                Yesssssssss, I do! I would green, but I can't. Here are some greens! I love the pics that you chose.

                                Excellent job on your fic!
                                Thanks sweetie! I greened you though
                                And thanks again!
                                *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                                “Because you can.”


