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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by majortrip
    I think I do ship now...for Ronon and Shep

    Ahem...Trippy's official opinion:

    I think TPTB are screwing with shippers. Simple, yes, but that's my opinion. Look, there's been one kiss with Teyla, one kiss with Liz (to come). I hate triangles. I don't think they're doing this for Sheppard, they're doing this for fans who are looking for ship. Don't forget, in "The Tower" they give Shep another chic to flirt with.
    Yay! Trippy's back! And I gotta say that I agree with you 100% here.
    I think that TPTB still aren't really sure what direction they're going to take as far as shipping goes or even if, ultimately, they decide to pursue any. They are definitely just exploring their options at this point and leaving themselves plenty of room to choose a few seasons down the road. All of this ambiguity only gives them the ability to choose whatever ship they want to pursue later on, since technically, there is evidence for every single plausible pairing in the show at this point.

    Of course, they could know exactly what they're planning on doing, and are just jerking us around for the fun of it before springing it on us at a later point. I'd hope that this isn't true, or if it is, I hope it's a satisfying ending to all of this frustration.

    As far as JF goes, he said, at Burbank, I think, that it will be years before Shep is shipped with anyone, if ever. Some people will say that the actors will say cryptic things regarding their possible ships because TPTB tell them to, but Joe has already said that he thinks the 'romance' aspect distracts from the dangerous situations the expedition find themselves in and that Sheppard is keeping his options open. That to me says that you all (and I mean all shippers) have a few more agonizing seasons to sit through and may be subjected to more Pegasus girls smooching Shep, and even a couple more lip-locks involving Teyla or Weir. Sorry I can't be more positive.
    I have heard the same thing reported as well as something similar from Torri at a recent convention where she said that she could hardly be seen "holding hands" with Sheppard all the time and that a romantic thing with them wouldn't really work out (at least in the current situation). At this point, I think it's a mix of the characters still getting to know one another and still working out their relationships and the idea that an on-screen romance has to really be plausible for it to work. The Sam/Jack ship got very...messy and unresolved toward the end of RDA's time as a series regular, and we still don't know if and when anything is going to be confirmed. I think most of us can say that we don't want a repeat of this situation to happen on Atlantis -- and I say this as a long-term Sam/Jack shipper.

    I have also had several discussions with members of all different shipping camps regarding the effect of ship on character development, and there was an unanimous consensus that NONE of us wanted to see ANY ship if it was going to come at the sacrifice of a character, especially Teyla and Weir. Though I love, love, love Weir, it worries me that she has recently become a more public worrier for the team's safety; it sounds like she is going to get a lot of cool stuff to do in the second half of the season, but one of my major concerns about Weir developing feelings for Shep or anyone else on the team is that her occasional "mother hen" tendencies will become even more commonplace. In the same vein, I wouldn't want to see Teyla in a reduced role or one that is less impressive merely because of ship. It isn't worth it.

    I think TPTB will give 'moments' between various ship camps. You can enjoy those as you wish. No one should tell you it's bad, wrong, stupid, etc. I just feel that as far as TLG goes, without acknowledgement or discussion between the characters, you're back at square one. I'm not sure I agree with some people's conclusions regarding the Shep/Teyla kiss, and I won't be able to form a real opinion about this other one until I see it with my own two eyes.
    They are definitely going to keep throwing all of us little bones for all of the ships, either because they're keeping their options open at this point, or they just want to confuse us. And I completely agree that no one should be flat-out rejecting the "shippy" moments since there could be a grain of truth in all of them. Plus, that's the beauty of ship -- lots of different interpretations for the same exact scene. Everyone can take something different out of it, and hopefully, we'll all learn to accept the opinions of others in this regard.

    As far as our "kisses" go...I think that there are certainly differences in the situations and the possible ramifications, but yeah, it's difficult to judge without having scene "TLG" or follow-up episodes yet. Spoilers are hardly the be-all and end-all, and have been known to be kind of purposely misleading at times. We'll see what happens, but I think it's hardly the time for any ship to be declaring "victory" or another to be afraid that they've sunk. It's still too early to tell IMHO.

    Some of you may have noticed my postings in the other ship thread. I don't feel like taking sides, but I like to have fun and post funny pics/caps. To be honest, I can't go wrong- my fave guy may get with either of two smart, beautiful, strong women. Yay for me!
    Hee! I saw you in S/W, and your pics were hilarious! I was laughing soooo hard at Liz's line, "You're a brilliant man..." Great stuff, Trippy. And I admire your thread-hopping stance. It's definitely cool that you manage to stay on the periphery of all of us crazy shippers. We need some level-headed people like you around!

    "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

    HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


      Originally posted by Camy
      Whatever you need...WE WILL BE THERE!

      SP...with her cookies...and milk...
      AG..with pics and powers
      Cpt. on guard and some vid suggestions
      Black Panther...On the prowl
      Camy...Wonder Power
      Lord Shiva...Overseer of All
      Yay! The power of cookies and milk...and I might need to throw in some whoopie pies for good measure! Whenever a Shep/Teyla shipper needs some shippy replenishment or another Atlantis fan (regardless of ship leaning) just wants a sugar high -- I'll be there! Love the super powers, guys.

      "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

      HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


        **sniffel sniffel**

        I'm feeling really down at the moment and need some happy shippy moments to cheer me up.
        You see the power in my house was out yesterday evening so i missed Atlantis......the repeat isn't till tommorow and ...**sniffel**... and ...**sniffel**... and it was conversion.

        **goes to get a tissue**

        I like work. It fascinates me. I sit and look at it for hours.

        A positive attitude may not solve everything, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.


          Bwah! "Conversion"?! Love that ep! Oh, sorry...not helping. Um, how about a nice, pretty pic or two?

          Hope that helps at least a little bit! And here's the link to a GREAT post-"Conversion" story that'll help pass the time:

          Have fun!

          "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

          HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


            Originally posted by starfox
            Hey, not really an S/T shipper here, but I've got a discussion question for y'all. This may have been previously answered, but there are way too many pages here for me to look for it.

            With Ford gone, McKay being Mr. Science Dude, and Ronon as the newbie, Teyla's pretty much John's second in command off-world. How do you think they would deal with this if they got together, or do you think it would keep them apart for a little while longer? And do you think the writers would be capable of doing this, dealing with the consequences of J & T's actions, and without the "oh we want each other...oh we can't!" of Jack/Sam?

            This is one of the hurdles I come to with this ship, just wondering how y'all see it.
            Well, hi there and hello to you, Starfox! Sorry I'm just getting to this question and school hate me at the moment. Okay, this is a very interesting question for any of the potential ships on the series, and it's definitely something that TPTB are going to have to think very seriously about before pursuing one of them religiously.

            As far as Shep and Teyla go, yes she is currently serving as his subordinate on his team, and yes they are having to combine their personal and professional relationships at this point. Can they keep it up if it moves beyond friendship? That's tough to say. I'm a Sam/Jack shipper as well (Mel is too) and the unrequited, unresolved situation that we found ourselves in during later seasons didn't impress me in the slightest. That being said, I think there are definite differences between S/J and S/T. Teyla, while she is serving the base, is working with the team and not for the military. I feel that she does not fall under the jurisdiction of the expedition nor the military procedures because her position on Atlantis is completely voluntary -- she can walk away at any given point or ask to be assigned to a different sort of position if and when she feels it is necessary. Though I doubt that Caldwell and the others will look very highly on a relationship between Shep and Teyla, I really wonder exactly how much of a say they would have in shutting in down. Certainly, it would be questioned given the nature of their working relationship, but would it actually be against fraternization regulations for them to be involved since she has no military affiliations?

            Honestly, this would definitely have to be a barrier or an issue that would need to be resolved, and questions would definitely be raised by some who were concerned. However, I think that with a bit of fiddling, Shep and Teyla could easily work out a way for them both to maintain equivalent positions on Atlantis and their relationship at the same time. Shep has already been accused by Bates of allowing his personal feelings for Teyla to interfere with his duties, so I'm sure we can count on this issue being raised again if the ship is pursued.

            Okay, any S/W lurkers -- don't hate me and I'm sorry, but I see the potential for Shep/Weir to lie much more along the lines of what happened with Sam and Jack. Weir's tendency to worry after Shep is very similar to late-season S/J in my eyes, and while his involvement with Teyla might be questioned, I have no doubt that a similar relationship with Weir would be extremely difficult to pull off. While she is completely free from military ties, their positions on Atlantis are such that to have them in a relationship would be almost prohibitively involving on their parts. She is the civilian leader and he is head of the military faction -- in my opinion we already see too much of Weir worrying for my taste, and I can't imagine this getting any better if she develops and confesses feelings for Shep. For some reason, I can definitely see them developing this ship only to have it turn into Sg-1 Part Two by having these two sit on their feelings. This scares me more than anything, since I really don't want a replay of this sort of ship.

            Sam and Jack were both military, and they kind of came to an understanding that their jobs didn't allow them to protect the other all of the time. It was difficult and emotional for them at times, but on the whole, they dealt with sending the other into dangerous situations. Weir already has problems with this since she is such a humanistic, caring, non-military person, and I could only see this being compounded infinitely if she and Shep were romantically involved. I think the emotional aspect of this relationship (for Weir particularly) and the inevitable questions at its impropriety would make S/W almost impossible to pull off. While S/T has its fair share of growth and barriers to overcome, in my mind they are minimal compared to this.

            At this point, I'm not even sure that TPTB have decided to really pursue a ship or even which one(s) they might be interested in. I think most of them are well aware of the issues with the (lack of) resolution of the Sam/Jack ship -- Joe M. has at least two or three questions at every answer session in his thread -- and I'm pretty sure that this is the kind of thing they're looking to avoid this time around. We're all looking at the same show, and we're all picking up different things from the characters, which is how I think it's meant to be. I get the feeling that they're going to continue tugging us back and forth and dropping us little hints about their relationships for at least another entire season.

            Some people here are worried about "TLG". I can't say that I don't get nervous about it, but the S/W shippers were just as concerned about "Conversion" for their ship, and not only didn't we get any answers about ship direction on the show, they were pleasantly surprised at the interaction between Shep and Weir. And this is the same attitude that S/T shippers need to have for "TLG". Heck, maybe Shep and Weir will confess their undying love for each other, but I think we're just going to get a lot more mixed, confusing messages instead of answers.

            Honestly, I think it is way, way too early to call or predict what is going to happen between these characters, especially since we're only mid-way through the second season. We all just need to take it as it comes, and all ship camps need to gear themselves up for the fact that, eventually, we can't all get what we want. Maybe nobody will pair up, and all we'll have is a lot of UST and hundreds of intepretations. Maybe their will be nothing but couples by the end, or maybe we'll see a lot of shifting emotions, pair-ups, and break-ups. It's tough to call right now, so let's all just take a breather, cross our fingers, trust in the writers, and remember that there are always fanfictions if things don't go our way. We've (hopefully!) got years until this concludes itself, so there is plenty of time for things to develop and change. Just take it as it comes. Peace.

            Crap, that was a lot. And I have no idea what I just wrote...could be a bad thing.

            "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

            HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


     can never post anything wrong...or incoherent...I do it all the time, but never you...

              And your WOW! breathtakingly wonderful...

              Yeah, I need to take all this lightly...I need to convince myself of this...but do you guys think we should just enjoy the writers way of playing with us..or should we be dissapointed that they are trying to conquer and divide our ships...

              I really doubt that we are going to get any love confessions out of Weir and Sheppard...just like we are not going to get any from Shep/Teyla any time soon, if ever..however, my friend shared this with me from others who have watched the recent episodes..and some are things discussed already by others but I thought we needed a lifter upper like Gatearealt here it is...

              Heres some of the posts this one if from epihany.
              At the end when John is asked if he wants to go with Neara (was that
              her name?), he looks slightly over his shoulder as if he is
              conscious of those listening behind him. Now the only person you
              can see behind him is Teyla - was that look towards Teyla only? Did
              he want to stay because of her? (as well as his "I have
              responsibilities" thing?) I thought it had a possible shippy note
              there - what do you guys think?? My JT brain may just be making it

              You know what? I didn't even notice that! I just zipped to the scene
              and you're right, it does look like he glanced toward Teyla, though
              he didn't turn far enough to actually see her. And her gaze flicks to
              him from Teera (I think). So, Teyla was watching him, waiting for his

              The way they framed the shot, it did look like a shippy moment.

              This one is from the Hive

              Nothing explicit, nothing definite, but what I thought were some cool
              John/Teyla interactions.

              loved how Teyla smiled at him when he came to rescue them. It was so cute!

              I did notice how he and Teyla seemed to ask about each other without
              actually saying the other's name, and seemed to look for each other a
              lot. That was cool.>>

              :-). Yes, that was nice.

              Not sure what episode this one is but I think it's both the above mentioned
              You sure you want spoilers? :-)

              Well, I'll say this, both eps have some slight JT type moments to me--moments where John or Teyla or both seem really concerned about the other one. And they work together almost as if they know what the other is thinking/going to do. It's pretty cool.

              So, let's have fun with this ship...have a great day everyone!


                Thank you i feel soooo much better know i think i might be able to survive untill tommorow......**Gives everyone a big hug**......i wuv you guys

                ok that makes me sound like i'm insane but like my signature says........

                Gotta go....some fanfics to finish reading

                I like work. It fascinates me. I sit and look at it for hours.

                A positive attitude may not solve everything, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.


                  What's this?...oh no!!

                  I missed my forum buddy GeataRealt...Noooo!!!! *pouts*

                  Love your Siggy!!!!

                  Married Couple!


                    Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                    Bwah! "Conversion"?! Love that ep! Oh, sorry...not helping. Um, how about a nice, pretty pic or two?

                    Hope that helps at least a little bit! And here's the link to a GREAT post-"Conversion" story that'll help pass the time:

                    Have fun!
                    SP...someone taught you how to post pics...AWESOME!


                      Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                      What's this?...oh no!!

                      I missed my forum buddy GeataRealt...Noooo!!!! *pouts*

                      Love your Siggy!!!!

                      Married Couple!

             just made my day! Love that look on their faces...CLASSIC!


                        Originally posted by Camy
               just made my day! Love that look on their faces...CLASSIC!
                        They're smiling at each other...looking into each others eyes...Squeee!!!


                          Adding my two cents about the upcoming episodes, I don't think any shipper should throw in the towel (or celebrate victory) at this point. As several posters have mentioned, TPTB seem to be on the road to milking the various ships for all they are worth and will probably never resolve any ship to anyone's satisfaction.

                          This very ambiguity is why I've just been going with the flow. If I see sexual tension between certain characters, then I enjoy it and wait for fanfic to expand on it. If I don't see sexual tension between certain characters then I avoid fanfic that features it.

                          It would be very, very disappointing to watch a show for years, expecting my favorites to get together only to have TPTB muck it up. Unfortunately, I've been there. So, unless a ship is clear in the beginning (and well done), I would rather TPTB keep it under the radar. Otherwise, it just gets too messy.
                          Sig by Luciana


                            Wow there have been some changes around here! Hey Camy, Snoging. I should be able to get on more soon. The net has not been kind recently, but I should have broadband by Jan! anything happen around here recently?

                            EDIT: Ok, IMHO TPTB are playing a balencing game. If they ship to one side too much they risk aleinating the other side and vise versa and if the play BOTH too much they may alienate the non-shippers, so in an attempt to keep ratings up they string us along. JMHO
                            Last edited by gatelover12; 08 December 2005, 12:48 PM.


                              This'll be my only post for today because I have absolutely no time at all. I am hereby here to post my only opinions..... which I've convieniently forgotten. Give me some time to think.

                              OOHHHHH! That's it, married couple. If LFP wasn't a setup to showing just how much of a married couple they were, then I'm Peter Pan. "I can fly!!!"

                              Sorry, the Cpt. flew away for awhile. But I have to say their arguement was so much like a married couple... I thought it was lovely, because in the end they both care for each other.
                              Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                                Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                                This'll be my only post for today because I have absolutely no time at all. I am hereby here to post my only opinions..... which I've convieniently forgotten. Give me some time to think.

                                OOHHHHH! That's it, married couple. If LFP wasn't a setup to showing just how much of a married couple they were, then I'm Peter Pan. "I can fly!!!"

                                Sorry, the Cpt. flew away for awhile. But I have to say their arguement was so much like a married couple... I thought it was lovely, because in the end they both care for each other.
                                Well of course you can're thinking of a happy thought....John and Teyla together!!

