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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
    Oh, LOL, I was just going to post a response and you pretty much said exactly the same thing I was going to say! Only better! I totally agree, Blue!!! And I'm glad to see that so far everyone here is agreeing as well rather than getting all upset over nothing. So I'll put my ramblings in spoilers since it's pretty much the same thing already said. LOL!

    So for me, my immediate impression was that at first he is very vague as usual and just says no plans. But then when the interviewer does a GREAT job probing deeper and says that they've been building up the teasing between them for the past three seasons, he concedes a bit. First off, he says TRUE! I LOVE that! LOL! It's yet more confirmation of the deliberate tension and teasing moments written between them and yet more proof that we are NOT imagining these moments and we are the only ship to have such confirmation! (Well, except for Rodney/Katie and maybe Ronon/Keller coming up!) LOL! So I thought that single word alone was great.

    And even better, he gives a more in depth explanation of his previous generic "no plans" comment. His "for the time being," and his "you know, at least for the season four Teyla is attached" response proves that he IS talking about the immediate plans and the plots of season four, which of course is not a surprise and of course is all what we already know. We hate it, but we already know Kanan will be in the picture. He then concedes a little more and says there will be subtle reactions from Shep for us to see still at least. So all he is really saying is no plans for outright romance right now. We already knew that wasn't going to happen in season four. We already know they deliberately gave us tension in the past three seasons, and we already know John is going to give us jealousy and some subtle hints of his feelings by his reactions to her pregnancy. So that is a small concession from the writers that they haven't forgotten what they've built up over the past three years and while Teyla is "attached" in season four, they are still keeping it up.

    Now I'm not totally naive. I do think the "no plans for romance" pretty much applies for all the seasons in general, but that is something we've also always known, that they will not do outright romance between main characters in Stargate, not during the show's run at least. We just talked about this yesterday in fact! But I do think we'll continue to get the subtle J/T moments we've seen all along. Heck, if they can still hint at them while she's with another guy, we know they will still keep on giving them to us, LOL!

    But what is still open, I believe, is the possibility of their getting together at show's end, which is what I've always hoped for and expected with this ship since we know we won't get outright romance like we'd love to see. So yes, it's disappointing, but it's nothing new and nothing we haven't known before.

    To ramble and analyze his answer even more if anyone is even still reading, LOL, his initial answer does sound damning at first as he says no plans and lumps J/T in with R/T, but what is key is that in the same sentence he finishes they have no plans for romance with either and that neither are the father. So this tells us that he was answering from the viewpoint of the pregnancy. I can guarantee you that some people are only going to hear the "no plans" part and get all upset about it or will get all gleeful and try to rub it in our faces. But I'm telling you, you have to understand this man, listen to the question and follow his thought process. If you do, it isn't really anything new. The second half of the second proves that, after the interviewer probes more and brings the question back around to the bigger picture, beyond the pregnancy, and then he confirms with the "true" and hedges that his comments are for season four with Teyla not having outright romance with John because she's attached to Kanan for the moment. So I'm happy by his "true" and glad to know he was focusing mostly on the now and in the season four plot, because if he had just stopped with the "no plans" then it would have been disappointing. But I'm still cringing because like I said, I guarantee that's all that anyone is going to hear and I hate the thought of all the drama it's going to cause. Ugh! So that's my reaction, LOL!

    So all in all, I'm not really too surprised by his answer as he shows he was talking about season four and when probed further he actually confirms the deliberate J/T moments, similar to Rachel's recent interview actually (YAY!). At this point, I'm hoping it doesn't spill over into season five too much since it looks like it very well could with Teyla's pregnancy going into season five and with Kanan's fate unknown for season five (from Rachel's interview). I'm really hoping for a very early resolution to the storyline and for things to get back to normal...well as normal as they can be for this show! As we've also discussed before, I can't imagine the pregnancy being drawn out for too long into season five as it will be putting Rachel into a pregnancy suit and we can see how huge Teyla is at the end of season four, so is obviously due very soon. Depending what they do with baby, with the missing Athosians, and with Kanan, it may or may not be a huge part of season five as well.
    Nice rambling I agree with ya

    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
    Man i wish i could write down what i want to say like you guys do....I've know what i wanna say but can't get it from my head to the screen so i'll steal one of Elf's words and say DITTO to you and blue!
    I also hope we get a resolution to this whole pregnancy thing and this Kanan guy very early in S5,i don't want it to drag on into the latter part of the Season!
    THat would be pure torture if if were dragged on that long.... I would go mad, guarenteed

    Originally posted by Teyilia View Post

    You are more then welcome to come and snooze on my iMax screen!!

    Originally posted by scifan View Post
    Thanks TF!!
    I couldn't help it.

    Here you go DM!!

    Oh. I didn't know they were in the same month. Do you know RL's bday. I think I can find JF's. His Bday is the same as Paul McGillion.

    LOL. Thanks JT4L.
    That would be funny.

    ROFLMBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Bows to the Smiley Queen*
    I would never figured that out.
    Thanks Linda.

    Hey guys I'm gonna pimp my girl's fics. Look under her sig and start reading. She's got a new Teyla fic that rocks!!
    And give her big JT hugs.

    ok then: (((HUGS))) Sadly, I don't know Stargate ppls b-days


      Originally posted by scifan View Post
      Here you go DM!!

      Oh. I didn't know they were in the same month. Do you know RL's bday. I think I can find JF's. His Bday is the same as Paul McGillion.
      RL is January 19th and JF is January 5th. And four years apart. I am a IMDb hound.

      Sig by me!
      My FanFic's


        Originally posted by Anlaria Onyx View Post
        RL is January 19th and JF is January 5th. And four years apart. I am a IMDb hound.
        *whacks AO with a door* I wanted to keep Sci guessing ya nut! (all meant in love AO, all meant in JT love)

        This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
        "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
        "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


          Originally posted by scifan View Post
          Thanks TF!!
          I couldn't help it.

          Here you go DM!!

          Oh. I didn't know they were in the same month. Do you know RL's bday. I think I can find JF's. His Bday is the same as Paul McGillion.

          LOL. Thanks JT4L.
          That would be funny.

          ROFLMBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Bows to the Smiley Queen*
          I would never figured that out.
          Thanks Linda.

          Hey Hope!!!
          How are you? Good I hope. Long time no talk. LOL

          Hey guys I'm gonna pimp my girl's fics. Look under her sig and start reading. She's got a new Teyla fic that rocks!!
          And give her big JT hugs.

          Hey, Sci!!!
          Fine. Yes. LOL! And you?

          You are making me blush. I am glad you like my fics. Thanks!

          I didn't see those pictures of Shep & Larrin as well. Thanks for the link. Here is my response to the pics



            Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
            *whacks AO with a door* I wanted to keep Sci guessing ya nut! (all meant in love AO, all meant in JT love)
            OW! Geeze! Leave a note next time!

            Sig by me!
            My FanFic's


              Originally posted by Anlaria Onyx View Post
              OW! Geeze! Leave a note next time!
              Will do so next time, just be happy it was not the gate I hit you with, that is reserved for Silly, speaking of the little Wackko, I miss her where is she?! *is in very major need of a JT fic update*

              This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
              "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
              "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                Will do so next time, just be happy it was not the gate I hit you with, that is reserved for Silly, speaking of the little Wackko, I miss her where is she?! *is in very major need of a JT fic update*
                Oooh, I'm happy I'm not Silly!

                Sig by me!
                My FanFic's


                  Originally posted by Linda06 View Post

                  zuz made some New Year smileys
                  Thanks Linda for the link.

                  Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                  I will only say this Sci, it is VERY close now, she is the same age as my older sister Lori (36) or if you want my older sister Valuri (4500)
                  Oh. Ok. Thanks Tey.

                  Originally posted by Anlaria Onyx View Post
                  RL is January 19th and JF is January 5th. And four years apart. I am a IMDb hound.
                  Oh Cool!!! Thanks Anlaria.
                  Did I mention how much I loved your update for Ancient Baby Maker? It's one of my fav stories.

                  Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                  *whacks AO with a door* I wanted to keep Sci guessing ya nut! (all meant in love AO, all meant in JT love)
                  LOL. I'm glad she's got my back. ROFL!!

                  Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
                  Hey, Sci!!!
                  Fine. Yes. LOL! And you?

                  You are making me blush. I am glad you like my fics. Thanks!

                  I didn't see those pictures of Shep & Larrin as well. Thanks for the link. Here is my response to the pics

                  Still hanging in there.

                  Oh boy!! I got you blushing. LOL.

                  LOL. You're welcome.



                    Originally posted by scifan View Post
                    Oh Cool!!! Thanks Anlaria.
                    Did I mention how much I loved your update for Ancient Baby Maker? It's one of my fav stories.
                    Thanks Sci, if you liked that chapter, just wait till the next one. ALL JT! Well, maybe a phone conversation with Ronon or Anna... But that's it, I swear!

                    Sig by me!
                    My FanFic's


                      Originally posted by scifan View Post
                      Thanks Linda for the link.

                      Oh. Ok. Thanks Tey.

                      Oh Cool!!! Thanks Anlaria.
                      Did I mention how much I loved your update for Ancient Baby Maker? It's one of my fav stories.

                      LOL. I'm glad she's got my back. ROFL!!

                      Still hanging in there.

                      Oh boy!! I got you blushing. LOL.

                      LOL. You're welcome.

                      For Sci,
                      For Sci only!
                      Kids are resilient it is the grown ups who are not.

                      Sci, see !! LOL!!!

                      Thank you!

                      You got time for a little reading?
                      Last edited by Guest; 30 December 2007, 11:53 AM.


                        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                        Man i wish i could write down what i want to say like you guys do....I've know what i wanna say but can't get it from my head to the screen so i'll steal one of Elf's words and say DITTO to you and blue!
                        I also hope we get a resolution to this whole pregnancy thing and this Kanan guy very early in S5,i don't want it to drag on into the latter part of the Season!
                        Thanks Linda!!! I hope so too!!!!

                        Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
                        I wish I could green you but I can't!

                        Well said!!!
                        Thanks Hope!!! I tried to green you too, but I apparently need to spread the love some more first too. LOL!

                        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post

                        zuz made some New Year smileys
                        Oh, those are SO cute!!! Thanks for the link!!! Zuz is so good at making those!

                        Originally posted by Anlaria Onyx View Post
                        RL is January 19th and JF is January 5th. And four years apart. I am a IMDb hound.
                        LOL, yeah, we had a big birthday themed J/T party last year in honor of both their real-life b-days being in Jan. It was fun!
                        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                          Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                          Oh, LOL, I was just going to post a response and you pretty much said exactly the same thing I was going to say! Only better! I totally agree, Blue!!! And I'm glad to see that so far everyone here is agreeing as well rather than getting all upset over nothing. So I'll put my ramblings in spoilers since it's pretty much the same thing already said. LOL!

                          So for me, my immediate impression was that at first he is very vague as usual and just says no plans. But then when the interviewer does a GREAT job probing deeper and says that they've been building up the teasing between them for the past three seasons, he concedes a bit. First off, he says TRUE! I LOVE that! LOL! It's yet more confirmation of the deliberate tension and teasing moments written between them and yet more proof that we are NOT imagining these moments and we are the only ship to have such confirmation! (Well, except for Rodney/Katie and maybe Ronon/Keller coming up!) LOL! So I thought that single word alone was great.

                          And even better, he gives a more in depth explanation of his previous generic "no plans" comment. His "for the time being," and his "you know, at least for the season four Teyla is attached" response proves that he IS talking about the immediate plans and the plots of season four, which of course is not a surprise and of course is all what we already know. We hate it, but we already know Kanan will be in the picture. He then concedes a little more and says there will be subtle reactions from Shep for us to see still at least. So all he is really saying is no plans for outright romance right now. We already knew that wasn't going to happen in season four. We already know they deliberately gave us tension in the past three seasons, and we already know John is going to give us jealousy and some subtle hints of his feelings by his reactions to her pregnancy. So that is a small concession from the writers that they haven't forgotten what they've built up over the past three years and while Teyla is "attached" in season four, they are still keeping it up.

                          Now I'm not totally naive. I do think the "no plans for romance" pretty much applies for all the seasons in general, but that is something we've also always known, that they will not do outright romance between main characters in Stargate, not during the show's run at least. We just talked about this yesterday in fact! But I do think we'll continue to get the subtle J/T moments we've seen all along. Heck, if they can still hint at them while she's with another guy, we know they will still keep on giving them to us, LOL!

                          But what is still open, I believe, is the possibility of their getting together at show's end, which is what I've always hoped for and expected with this ship since we know we won't get outright romance like we'd love to see. So yes, it's disappointing, but it's nothing new and nothing we haven't known before.

                          To ramble and analyze his answer even more if anyone is even still reading, LOL, his initial answer does sound damning at first as he says no plans and lumps J/T in with R/T, but what is key is that in the same sentence he finishes they have no plans for romance with either and that neither are the father. So this tells us that he was answering from the viewpoint of the pregnancy. I can guarantee you that some people are only going to hear the "no plans" part and get all upset about it or will get all gleeful and try to rub it in our faces. But I'm telling you, you have to understand this man, listen to the question and follow his thought process. If you do, it isn't really anything new. The second half of the second proves that, after the interviewer probes more and brings the question back around to the bigger picture, beyond the pregnancy, and then he confirms with the "true" and hedges that his comments are for season four with Teyla not having outright romance with John because she's attached to Kanan for the moment. So I'm happy by his "true" and glad to know he was focusing mostly on the now and in the season four plot, because if he had just stopped with the "no plans" then it would have been disappointing. But I'm still cringing because like I said, I guarantee that's all that anyone is going to hear and I hate the thought of all the drama it's going to cause. Ugh! So that's my reaction, LOL!

                          So all in all, I'm not really too surprised by his answer as he shows he was talking about season four and when probed further he actually confirms the deliberate J/T moments, similar to Rachel's recent interview actually (YAY!). At this point, I'm hoping it doesn't spill over into season five too much since it looks like it very well could with Teyla's pregnancy going into season five and with Kanan's fate unknown for season five (from Rachel's interview). I'm really hoping for a very early resolution to the storyline and for things to get back to normal...well as normal as they can be for this show! As we've also discussed before, I can't imagine the pregnancy being drawn out for too long into season five as it will be putting Rachel into a pregnancy suit and we can see how huge Teyla is at the end of season four, so is obviously due very soon. Depending what they do with baby, with the missing Athosians, and with Kanan, it may or may not be a huge part of season five as well.

                          Great post Steph and very well said...

                          Season 5 spoilers...

                          I can't see the pregnancy going on for very long into season 5. I can't see Rachel wanting to sport a pregnancy suit after being pregnant for 9 months. I think it will get tied up pretty quickly and if Michael has anything to do with it as I believe he has he may whisk the baby off somewhere, never to be seen again. JM did say that Teyla would go through the biggest change out of all the characters and I think losing her baby will have a huge effect on her.. and I'm sure she will need all the comfort she can get from John....
                          Last edited by bluealien; 30 December 2007, 01:03 PM.


                            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                            Great post Steph and very well said...

                            Season 5 spoilers...

                            I can't see the pregnancy going on for very long into season 5. I can't see Rachel wanting to sport a pregnancy suit after being pregnant for 9 months. I think it will get tied up pretty quickly and if Michael has anything to do with it as I believe he has he may whisk the baby off somewhere, never to be seen again. JM did say that Teyla would go through the biggest change out of all the characters and I think losing her baby will have a huge effect on her.. and I'm sure she will need of the comfort she can get from John....
                            That's what I'm hoping for too!!!

                            From the very vague spoilers we know about so far, it seems like that

                            the baby storyline will be resolved fairly quickly since it appears Michael will have some involvement that will add a Sci-Fi twist to the birth and will, I'm assuming, give a final resolution fairly quickly the baby itself.

                            What we don't know yet is what they plan for the Athosians and Kanan. We don't know if that storyline will be resolved at the same time or continue on its own. I'm hoping it too will be resolved fairly quickly as it seems the baby storyline will be.

                            But oh yes, hopefully lots and lots of comfort from John! LOL! (Hey, we can dream!)
                            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                              Originally posted by Anlaria Onyx View Post
                              RL is January 19th and JF is January 5th. And four years apart. I am a IMDb hound.
                              Me too! I love IMDb
                              RL and JF are only 4 years appart, eh?
                              if they weren't already married, they'd be ok, age-wise! sorry, i just couldn't resist mentioning that...

                              Nice sig Erika!

                              Originally posted by Anlaria Onyx View Post
                              Oooh, I'm happy I'm not Silly!
                              Ditto! I don't envy ya right now, Silly!

                              American Football OT-
                              Did anyone watch the game last night between the Giants and the Patriots??? I did! grrr, I was rooting for the Giants!!! Personally me no likey the Patriots Not that this really applies to stargate, but Shep likes football, i like football: there is a very small connection, there!


                                Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                                Me too! I love IMDb
                                RL and JF are only 4 years appart, eh?
                                if they weren't already married, they'd be ok, age-wise! sorry, i just couldn't resist mentioning that...

                                Nice sig Erika!
                                IMDb is the best. I always knew Teyla was younger, even though Sheppards acts like a 13 year old sometimes.

                                Ain't the sig great?! She is so awesome!

                                Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                                Ditto! I don't envy ya right now, Silly!

                                American Football OT-
                                Did anyone watch the game last night between the Giants and the Patriots??? I did! grrr, I was rooting for the Giants!!! Personally me no likey the Patriots Not that this really applies to stargate, but Shep likes football, i like football: there is a very small connection, there!
                                I KNOW!!!!! My stepdad is a big Giants/Yankee's fan and I was rooting for the Giants to take the Patriot's DOWN! I was sad.

                                Sig by me!
                                My FanFic's

