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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by YappiChick View Post

    That's exactly what I was thinking. They could have taken the others (with the exception of one or have both Rodney's come up with a quick plan to make the PJ go on auto-pilot or something) to another planet. That way they couldn't track the ship they came in.

    And what happened to that Marine and his team that were already there? Dead I'm assuming? Couldn't they have made room in the PJ?

    Weir was never a favorite of mine, but I feel bad for those people who did like her. For them, it's like she has died twice (Once in Lifeline and then in TMC)

    And dude, Teyla better tell someone about her baby soon or else Rodney will think she's been sneaking the chocolate cake out of the mess hall and that's why she's gained some weight. (Plus, wouldn't John/Ronon know because she wouldn't be sparring for weeks?)

    Yeah it was a bit odd that all of them had to go but I guess they thought they would make their escape and wanted to stay together. At the end of the day the writers couldn't have 2 teams in Atlantis and they obviously wanted go get rid of Weir. It does look like she gets to die twice though. It would have been easier on her fans if they had got away and at least she is still out there somewhere but she wasn't the real Weir anyway.

    Rachel was really showing in the ep so it's a bit of a stretch of the imagination now that no one has noticed that Teyla is pregnant. We really need to find out soon or its beginning to make the team look a bit silly. I know they are guys but they can't be that blind. She hid it a bit better in the real Teyla uniform but her bump was so obvious in the Repli Teyla uniform..


      Hey did any of you catch the end of Women's Murder Club last night! JF was in it after all! This was posted by Salty in the whump thead!!

      JF came in at the end of the ep!! I missed it!! I tried watching it but there was 'an 8 yr old's drama to be dealt with'!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
      sig by Sci!

      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


        Originally posted by YappiChick View Post

        That's exactly what I was thinking. They could have taken the others (with the exception of one or have both Rodney's come up with a quick plan to make the PJ go on auto-pilot or something) to another planet. That way they couldn't track the ship they came in.

        And what happened to that Marine and his team that were already there? Dead I'm assuming? Couldn't they have made room in the PJ?

        Weir was never a favorite of mine, but I feel bad for those people who did like her. For them, it's like she has died twice (Once in Lifeline and then in TMC)

        And dude, Teyla better tell someone about her baby soon or else Rodney will think she's been sneaking the chocolate cake out of the mess hall and that's why she's gained some weight. (Plus, wouldn't John/Ronon know because she wouldn't be sparring for weeks?)

        Excellent points, but put my quote under spolier tags!!!

        Weir wasn't my favourite character but there isn't a main SGA character that I don't love, so it's sad that she's gone. I thought the end of TMC was really sad, and I'm not kidding - I cried. The conversation between Rodney and Radek was just so touching.

        Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
        May I just say that I loved this ep!!
        At first it didn't seem like there was anything up at all just normal Atlantis stuff! And, I love the banter with Shep/Mckay in this ep! I love when Shep tells MK that he screwed up! I also loved the line about Rodney's sandwich exploding!! That was freaking hilarious!! But, the sparring with Ronon and Shep! OMG! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEE!!!! I absolutely loved it! Ronon getting him back in a way after DG!!! You tell that Ronon liked that he whacked Shep in the head and caused a gash with visible drippy blood for a trip to the infirmary for stitches!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! That scene was so for the whumpers!!!! But, what I noticed is Keller acting she was on drugged! But, when it was revealed she was replicator it made sense! I liked JS in this ep! To me, she did an awesome job as the 'leader of the replicator Atlantis Team' if you will. That's a lot coming from me because, I've had a hard time trying to get passed how whiny she is, so points for her. The total RepliElizabeth angle was cool. I was expecting it to be the real Elizabeth. That angle was spot on for me. What I do have to do is watch ep again because, I didn't catch how they got the info from the Carson angle though. I didn't remember him with them in Progeny when they had their minds probed to extract the info. There was Shep, Teyla, Mckay, Ronon, and Elizabeth but, no Carson with them then. Unless, they got the info from Carson during the Return Pt. 2. even though, they only showed Woolsey and O'Neill getting mind probed. When the our team met up with the Repliteam that was hilarious!!!!!! I was ROFL and Squeeeing inwardly because, I could not freak everyone our in the house!!! I loved the Mckays and Sheppys reacting to each other!! Classic!! I really liked how this ep gelled together. The last couple haven't really flowed like that and you can tell the actors seemed to enjoy being all together. The Ronon's were hilarious and HOT! I love SHEP!! But, my gosh two Ronons is breath taking!! I don't think they can do that very much as they will send the younger girlies into comas!! Us older ones can handle well, because, let face ladies! What's better than one Shep and Ronon? FOUR of them, BABY!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! To me, I consider this ep as one of my Christmas gifts just for that moment in the PJ with the twin Ronons and Sheppykins! I did like how they actually had JT actually sitting next to each other and had the walking to the infirmary! I really think think they should go ahead and reveal the pregnancy already. I know that Teyla just is only supposedly a few weeks along or so, but, they may have to start making the P-90 even bigger for her to carry to conceal it more. She is really showing. The jacket to me just made it show more. And, also, another thing to let you know that they were the Repliteam was that Teyla and Mckay were wearing the old jackets not the new uniforms for this season. There is even a line between the MK's where replia one compliments the real one on his new one!! It's great!! Now the repliateam in the jumper when the replicators find them. You know that they shoot RShep but, you don't know about the others. I am not so sure that they are going to pop in the future again. Which wouldn't be a bad thing. You can definitely tell that this was a Brad Wright story concept. It made sense. And the the moment with Shep and Mckay at the end was very touching. And, when the Replicator Asurian ships kept popping up that was great!! The score (music) was kick ass in this! it reminded of Allies and The Storm!! Great!! I loved the OH CRAP! at the end!! Classic!!! One of things I noticed is that this ep did not seem to drag like the Seer and Miller's Crossing did to me. And, the editing was done a lot better in this one than MC also. Now, I have to wait until Jan. 4th! It's seems like a lifetime but, hey that's better than 7 mos.!!!!! I will believe it when I see them return Jan 4th if Sci-Fi has a brain cell left at all!! They still have not redeemed themselves for treating SGA like the unwanted step child in my book. But, I am willing if they do their part on their end!
        About Carson
        When they probed their minds in Progeny the replicators found out info about Atlantis in general, so they would have found out about Carson. Then they probed Weir when they captured her and found out about Keller.

        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
        Yeah it was a bit odd that all of them had to go but I guess they thought they would make their escape and wanted to stay together. At the end of the day the writers couldn't have 2 teams in Atlantis and they obviously wanted go get rid of Weir. It does look like she gets to die twice though. It would have been easier on her fans if they had got away and at least she is still out there somewhere but she wasn't the real Weir anyway.

        Rachel was really showing in the ep so it's a bit of a stretch of the imagination now that no one has noticed that Teyla is pregnant. We really need to find out soon or its beginning to make the team look a bit silly. I know they are guys but they can't be that blind. She hid it a bit better in the real Teyla uniform but her bump was so obvious in the Repli Teyla uniform..
        I KNOW!!!
        It's just stupid now. Are they blind?!?! Grr...

        Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


          Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
          Hey did any of you catch the end of Women's Murder Club last night! JF was in it after all! This was posted by Salty in the whump thead!!

          JF came in at the end of the ep!! I missed it!! I tried watching it but there was 'an 8 yr old's drama to be dealt with'!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
          I didn't see it (obviously) but I did see a cap of him in it in the thunk thread. He's in a suit. He looks hot. It's all good.

          Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


            Another video from Creation of Joe at the Burbank Convention...he's talking about turkey sandwich... I like seeing him like open,,funny,,having all these stories about his life and all.. and gosh do I love seeing him all smiles and laughs...
            Sigs by Scifan


              Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
              I didn't see it (obviously) but I did see a cap of him in it in the thunk thread. He's in a suit. He looks hot. It's all good.
              Thanks RUBES!! *Elf sprints momentarily to the thunk thread*
              sig by Sci!

              Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                Well i ain't seen the ep yet,just got back from the footie,man what i day it's been,first it was peltin it doon with rain then it was bucketing doon wi snow and then rain again when we were walking back up the road for the train,i was very much drookit when i got hame...

                Anywho i wanna stay away from most of the spoilers so i've only got one question that i want answered
                does Teyla tell them about the pregnancy yet?


                  Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                  INDEED!!! ahem.....

                  Thanks muchly to Zuz, we now have (now actually my own property but useable as long as you cred Zuz for making them and me for allowing you to use) John and Teyla Christmas Smilies!!!

                  then another

                  Go thank Zuz guys, remember I asked and got them! (and amazingly fast too!!)

                  I have them all saved down to my computer as well as have them on my LJ too
                  Way cool! Thanks Tey!

                  I'm trying to avoid spoilers because I'm not going to watch TMC until the second part airs. I'm horrible with cliffies. (Actually, my self-control will probably hold out for a few days. Then I'll watch it. )
                  || twitter || tumblr ||


                    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                    Anywho i wanna stay away from most of the spoilers so i've only got one question that i want answered
                    does Teyla tell them about the pregnancy yet?

                    It's brutal out there in the season 4 thread. People are divided between good and horrible. Some fans are objective and the others are just plain bitter. It's safe in here.

                    my ships


                      Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                      Way cool! Thanks Tey!

                      I'm trying to avoid spoilers because I'm not going to watch TMC until the second part airs. I'm horrible with cliffies. (Actually, my self-control will probably hold out for a few days. Then I'll watch it. )
                      Actually it doesn't have much of a cliffhanger.

                      Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                        Originally posted by girlinabox View Post

                        It's brutal out there in the season 4 thread. People are divided between good and horrible. Some fans are objective and the others are just plain bitter. It's safe in here.
                        aw man
                        when is she gonna tell them,i mean how much longer can she wait before it comes blatantly obvious,even guys aren't that oblivious!!!

                        So was it a good ep or a bad ep?


                          Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                          Actually it doesn't have much of a cliffhanger.
                          Which is the one thing I think it needed.

                          my ships


                            Originally posted by girlinabox View Post
                            Which is the one thing I think it needed.
                            Hmm, yeah I do know what you mean, now that you say it.

                            Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                              aw man
                              when is she gonna tell them,i mean how much longer can she wait before it comes blatantly obvious,even guys aren't that oblivious!!!

                              So was it a good ep or a bad ep?
                              Unless she remains locked in her quarters till she goes into labor.

                              I liked it.

                              my ships


                                Originally posted by girlinabox View Post
                                Unless she remains locked in her quarters till she goes into labor.

                                I liked it.
                                yeah,i wonder what excuse she would give them then why she locks herself in her quarters..

                                Kewl,i might watch it tomorrow!

                                Question GNB - Is that a quote from an ep that you've got under your sig,i can't remember that!

