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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
    YAY,another X-Files fan....Donna would probably be able to tell ya but if i remember correctly i think it's either June or July!!!
    Ok, thanks. I can't wait.
    Sigs made by the talented Cazzblade, Donna, Jeyla, Linda, Luciana, Mayra, Mrs.B, Padme
    Scifan, Teylafan, WraithLord & YC & me.

    Thanks for the memory to the cast and crew of Stargate Atlantis.
    WraithLord - R.I.P.


      Originally posted by bluealien View Post
      I was feeling very generous and gave it an A...I really felt that this season was top notch.. I'm sure there is a little room for improvement next season...
      Cool I voted B It really was a good season, but there can always be more Teyla....

      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
      Don't think i've seen that one but i have seen others,not seen any for a while though!

      OT X-Files
      Yeah it's kinda scary for a kid...I was older when it was on and well i don't scare easily!
      Well, it's really one of the best imo!

      Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
      Thanks. *hugs* I am debating the good weekend part. I had to get my car service.

      I miss the beginning of the ep. It was an interesting ep for me from what I did see. I have a couple of quibs, but I did enjoy the ep.
      I actually like Rodney and Keller's pairing. (Please no stones from the Ronon and Keller's shippers in here.) I figured once John went missing there would be dire consequences. Wow, who knew how dire. So, I really wasn’t surprise by anything.
      Hm, yeah I liked that as well.. And sorry about your car..
      *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

      “Because you can.”



        Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
        Cool I voted B It really was a good season, but there can always be more Teyla....

        Well, it's really one of the best imo!

        Hm, yeah I liked that as well.. And sorry about your car..
        Yes there can always be more Teyla and from the little we've seen of Teyla this season i sure hope we see alot more of her next season to make up for it


          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
          Yes there can always be more Teyla and from the little we've seen of Teyla this season i sure hope we see alot more of her next season to make up for it
          I hope so too!! That would be most welcome
          *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

          “Because you can.”



            Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
            Reminds me of one movie........ Matrix...... dunno why...... is it possible somebody can make a Teyla shot of that? Just Teyla though?
            I thnk it's kinda Matrix-ish because of the text going vertical and stuff, kinda like rain. That's how they designed the coding in the Matix to look.... I can make it a bit smaller if you want! Would you like it in a banner or an icon or anything in particular??

            Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
            Hi Hope! You're back soon! How was your trip?

            OT~ I just saw the Documentary 'Earth' - It was so beautiful. I centainly recommend it!!
            Sounds good, I'll have to check it out!
            About Global Warming, I think it's great that people are making documantaries about it, and showing the resulting effects that we're all suffering from, including the animals.

            I'll have to check out that link under your signature.


              Originally posted by bluealien View Post
              A review of The Last Man on TV Squad...

              plus a poll on what you thought of season 4.

              I gave it a B, it was solid. But, it can be improved!
              sig by Sci!

              Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                Sounds good, I'll have to check it out!
                About Global Warming, I think it's great that people are making documantaries about it, and showing the resulting effects that we're all suffering from, including the animals.

                I'll have to check out that link under your signature.
                True, it's important that people at least know what's happening...

                It's a good website, you can even donate money. I'll have to save a bit before I can donate it though..
                *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                “Because you can.”



                  Originally posted by Camy View Post
                  Thanks for the link Blue...I gave it a solid B and I was really struggling between a B and a C. Overall, my biggest gripe of the season was Teyla's poor arc and the lack of team episodes.

                  Character moments were really a center piece for this season and I guess that's a good thing, but to me the ones that shone this season once again, was Rodney even moreso than John himself.

                  We got to really see some good sides and bad sides to Rodney and he really grew as a character even more. Not only did he get most of the screentime *althought I think John gets that one* but character growth I have to say was Rodney.

                  From loosing his two best and most closest friends and colleagues, in Weir and Carson, to finding and loosing and finding again love. To saving the day and saving the galaxy with his ingenius brain even at the cost of his entire life.

                  Very profound character growth for Rodney.

                  Teyla....she had some great character moments. I think Blue spelled it out the best...We got to see a new side of Teyla...a vulnerable side, a more sensitive and broken side of her. We didn't see Teyla the warrior as much but Teyla the woman. And that is good. But I still think that her plot was not handled in the best way. And I do hope that Season 5 makes it up to her cause we know have a full rounded character in her that is just dying to come out.

                  John...gosh! If anyone needed a hug this season was John. From the start the man got to be Commander of Atlantis and I wish we had seen more of that. Even if just for a short time but I wanted to see that side of John better. We got to see a dark side of John in DG even if was an entity. And we got to see him going back to his home and playing out some loss memories and saddened times and got a real explanation of why Atlantis is his new home and why his team is his only and true family. His emotional outpour from Teyla's news of her pregnancy to now realizintg that he may have lost her forever, it's something that for him is just barely on the brink of insanity, and this is where John works the best.

         sweet Ronon...I think he's the one that has lost the most...Reunion didn't cut it for me and Midway was great but not really about him as much as him and Tealc and then John and Rodney. He so needs more to his character. Thankfully, and hopefully....he can erase that encounter with Keller in Quarantine and move on! It's great to see though, that for our boy, only John and Teyla can complete him. He didn't give up on Teyla until he found her and that's when he finally let go and continued the fight.

                  I think this season had some great, great character moments and some really interesting stories, but they weren't fully told.

                  Let's hope that Season 5 can pick up where Season 4 lagged.

                  Yes I agree that Teyla's arc was my least favourite part of the season.. though Rachels pregnancy spurned that one and it probably didnt turn out as well as the ptb expected..maybe the idea seemed much better on paper to them but it was a huge mistake throwing in Kanaan and having Teyla come up with this secret relationship and lover out of the blue..I couldnt connect to any of it and look forward to the whole thing wrapping up.. but it still did give us some lovely JT moments... the hugs, the balcony scene and that beautiful moment in Quarantine where she takes his hand and lays it on her stomach.

                  Rodney as usual got the lions share of the angst and meaty stuff... he seems to be the only one allowed to express those feelings.. thats a real shame for me.. they should all be allowed to express themselves and to show how the events of the season have effected them. To me John has been through the most as he has the weight of the world on his shoulders.. he feels responsible for all of them and I think because of this the most guilty and holds the heaviest burden. Unfortunately he isnt allowed to share his burden with anyone and keeps all those feelings bottled up like a good little soldier.

                  JF thankfully shows a lot in his expresions and in his eyes so he conveys to us a lot of how he is feeling but it would be nice if he could verbalise it a little bit as well from time to time.. and I think Teyla was the best in getting him to open up.. I've missed those kind of scenes between them this season and there has been a bit more tension because of this pregnancy... again that is a shame.. I really was hoping to see a little more openess between them... but I think we have seen a lot of simmering feelings which hopefully will be expressed in season 5.


                    Sorry I had to quit

                    Originally posted by Camy View Post
                    Thanks for the link Blue...I gave it a solid B and I was really struggling between a B and a C. Overall, my biggest gripe of the season was Teyla's poor arc and the lack of team episodes.

                    Character moments were really a center piece for this season and I guess that's a good thing, but to me the ones that shone this season once again, was Rodney even moreso than John himself.

                    We got to really see some good sides and bad sides to Rodney and he really grew as a character even more. Not only did he get most of the screentime *althought I think John gets that one* but character growth I have to say was Rodney.

                    From loosing his two best and most closest friends and colleagues, in Weir and Carson, to finding and loosing and finding again love. To saving the day and saving the galaxy with his ingenius brain even at the cost of his entire life.

                    Very profound character growth for Rodney.

                    Teyla....she had some great character moments. I think Blue spelled it out the best...We got to see a new side of Teyla...a vulnerable side, a more sensitive and broken side of her. We didn't see Teyla the warrior as much but Teyla the woman. And that is good. But I still think that her plot was not handled in the best way. And I do hope that Season 5 makes it up to her cause we know have a full rounded character in her that is just dying to come out.

                    John...gosh! If anyone needed a hug this season was John. From the start the man got to be Commander of Atlantis and I wish we had seen more of that. Even if just for a short time but I wanted to see that side of John better. We got to see a dark side of John in DG even if was an entity. And we got to see him going back to his home and playing out some loss memories and saddened times and got a real explanation of why Atlantis is his new home and why his team is his only and true family. His emotional outpour from Teyla's news of her pregnancy to now realizintg that he may have lost her forever, it's something that for him is just barely on the brink of insanity, and this is where John works the best.

           sweet Ronon...I think he's the one that has lost the most...Reunion didn't cut it for me and Midway was great but not really about him as much as him and Tealc and then John and Rodney. He so needs more to his character. Thankfully, and hopefully....he can erase that encounter with Keller in Quarantine and move on! It's great to see though, that for our boy, only John and Teyla can complete him. He didn't give up on Teyla until he found her and that's when he finally let go and continued the fight.

                    I think this season had some great, great character moments and some really interesting stories, but they weren't fully told.

                    Let's hope that Season 5 can pick up where Season 4 lagged.
                    Very well said. I totally agree with you on Ronon I find too that it seems less present. I agree too on Teyla but I find her screen time great and I was a little depressed with the storyline at start I didn't think we would have so many JT moment. Their relationship had progresssed.

                    Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                    I think this season has been different, I find it difficult to compare with the other seasons because I've really enjoyed this season but there are things that I miss from season 1-3. I still absolute love it though

                    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                    Yes there can always be more Teyla and from the little we've seen of Teyla this season i sure hope we see alot more of her next season to make up for it
                    Yeah I hope we see more of Teyla but I like where the intrigue lead us until now. I have hope for season 5
                    Sig by the Great Linda06


                      Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
                      Sorry I had to quit

                      Very well said. I totally agree with you on Ronon I find too that it seems less present. I agree too on Teyla but I find her screen time great and I was a little depressed with the storyline at start I didn't think we would have so many JT moment. Their relationship had progresssed.

                      Yeah I hope we see more of Teyla but I like where the intrigue lead us until now. I have hope for season 5
                      Yes well now that Rachel has had her baby hopefully she'll be in S5 alot more to make up for the lack there of in S4!


                        My thoughts on season 4.......
                        I feel that there's something missing from it, if that makes any sense. There was a kind of, I dunno how better to say it, but there was a different feel/atmosphere in S4 than in the first 3 seasons.

                        The main thing that bugged, there weren't as many team eps and those usually tend to be the best ones (and they get higher ratings). Teyla's so called 'story arc' wasn't really much of one, to be honest. As for the actual plot, there definetly was an arc, but in terms of her character, I couldn't really see it, mostly cuz Rachel had all of 10 seconds of screen time as the season wore on. I know that she was pregnant, but they could've had her in for just a few minutes in each ep, like how they did it in Midway. That was a nice way to have her in for just a few minutes so you don't completely loose the character.

                        I thought that this was gonna be THE SEASON of all seasons, but it turned out not so good as I would have hoped. Yeah, I did like it overall, but it didn''t feel like the SGA I knew from seasons 1-3. What with all the changes that went on, I think we lost alot of what made SGA the show that it is. If you ask me, tptb are making too many changes too fast. It started with Carson, then Elizabeth, then Teyla, and now Carter's gone (for Woolsey??? ugghhh...). it's so much that the perfect balance between intense main plotline eps and single storyline eps has been tipped more towards the intense side.

                        I did love the season, but there was stuff missing that shouldn't have been missing. I just wish that some of this can get cleared up by season 5, cuz what worries me is that people won't like it anymore, and the scifi channel might try and cancel it. But from what I've heard (JM's blog), season 5 is gonna have more of that team feel, and less of the super intense eps.

                        Sorry 'bout the rant, I couldn't help myself!


                          Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                          True, it's important that people at least know what's happening...

                          It's a good website, you can even donate money. I'll have to save a bit before I can donate it though..
                          That's sweet of ya!


                            Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                            OK. I need yer honest opinion here.
                            Whadday'all think?

                            This is really pretty!!!..but what does it say? LOL!

                            Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                            That's right the winning work from last year can't be nominated again... the ones that where nominated but didn't win I guess those are fair game...
                            Thanks Nina!, i'll have to go back and check last year's winners.

                            Originally posted by scifan View Post
                            Ok, guys. Sorry I haven't been all day. I'm sooooo behind. I did see JT4L's part on RR fic and it was awesome.

                            I know I have tons of other things to respond to but I won't be doing it today.

                            It was a long day and I also found out that my dad is back in the hospitals. I'll give more details later tomorrow. Bro and I are going up in the morning to see him. If I get a chance I will post Fic link update in the morning before I go. I know I have tons of pages to catch up on in the morning. Maybe I can think of my part of RR fic too by then.
                            I'm so sorry Lea, my prayers are definitely with you and your family.

                            Sig by Camy


                              Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                              My thoughts on season 4.......
                              I feel that there's something missing from it, if that makes any sense. There was a kind of, I dunno how better to say it, but there was a different feel/atmosphere in S4 than in the first 3 seasons.

                              The main thing that bugged, there weren't as many team eps and those usually tend to be the best ones (and they get higher ratings). Teyla's so called 'story arc' wasn't really much of one, to be honest. As for the actual plot, there definetly was an arc, but in terms of her character, I couldn't really see it, mostly cuz Rachel had all of 10 seconds of screen time as the season wore on. I know that she was pregnant, but they could've had her in for just a few minutes in each ep, like how they did it in Midway. That was a nice way to have her in for just a few minutes so you don't completely loose the character.

                              I thought that this was gonna be THE SEASON of all seasons, but it turned out not so good as I would have hoped. Yeah, I did like it overall, but it didn''t feel like the SGA I knew from seasons 1-3. What with all the changes that went on, I think we lost alot of what made SGA the show that it is. If you ask me, tptb are making too many changes too fast. It started with Carson, then Elizabeth, then Teyla, and now Carter's gone (for Woolsey??? ugghhh...). it's so much that the perfect balance between intense main plotline eps and single storyline eps has been tipped more towards the intense side.

                              I did love the season, but there was stuff missing that shouldn't have been missing. I just wish that some of this can get cleared up by season 5, cuz what worries me is that people won't like it anymore, and the scifi channel might try and cancel it. But from what I've heard (JM's blog), season 5 is gonna have more of that team feel, and less of the super intense eps.

                              Sorry 'bout the rant, I couldn't help myself!
                              Yeah,that's been how i felt abotu this season too
                              There's just something missing,probably mainly Teyla...That's maybe partly why Teyla's arc didn't work like it was supposed to because she wasn't there much in the second half and well it's hard to make a story arc work when the focus of the arc isn't even on screen for the most part....

                              I also agree that i hope we get more team eps again.i miss those and as much as i like Rodney i hope we don't get as much of him next season.....It's been like Rodney overload this season!!!


                                Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                                That's sweet of ya!
                                Yeah well, you watch it! I'm sure you'll want to do the same then...
                                *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                                “Because you can.”


