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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Thanks Elf! *BIG HUG HERE* also I little JT dream I had last night.....
    John, Teyla and myself (when Teyla first found me) We took off out of my cell on the planet then headed for the surface fast as we could, Mikes kids yowling behind us until we got to the fresh air, we weren't done yet though. Not by a long shot. We still seven Km to run before getting to the gate and Atlantis. Anyhow we stayed up in the trees knowing that Mikes kids can't climb a ticks back (a tick being that lovely little bug that was giving John the "Hug of Death" in season one).

    Anyway I was sleeping soundly (if you count keeping watch like a hawk on the "kids" below us) I could NOT help but here the following between my "recueres"

    John: How did you know she was here?
    TEyla: I could feel her.
    John: OK did you know of her playmates?
    TEyla: I did not.
    John: Then how did you know she(me) was there?
    Teyla: I do not know, Only she is weak, and is in need of medical care.

    The night went on and I woke up in the Infirmary with Teyla on the bed to my left and John next to her each of us were really badly beatup, only Teyla was badly burned and Shep (I just KNOW Elf is gonna love this bit) Was nekked under the bedsheet with five IVDrips and a heart monitor and was in a coma. Teyla suffered third degree burns over most of her body (her hair was fine though her chin left something to be desired) Anyhoo

    We all got beat up and that was the dream I had after writing my little PNN Headline News story

    OH and when John finally got up and walked around again Teyla had almost fulled healed from the burns (she still had a few on the side of her neck and left shoulder/upper arm area though) But get this!
    They KISSED!!! BIG TIME kiss too! A BIG Like-nothing-I-could-or-would-never-been-able-to-write-it-out KISS!!!!
    How is THAt for a very happy JT WHUMP FILLED dream after getting such a slap to the face in Missing when Teyla mentioned
    Canoe, somehow this name is WAY better ten what they had before
    I'm going to try and sleep now Teyla needs a lap kitty because John.... is erm.... currently he is erm.... uh.... (Elf'll like this) Back in the Infiramry after really ticking off the Wraith, poor guys has a O2 and a TER3 tubes going into him making him look like a scarecrow on Christmas

    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress



      Anonymous #2 writes: “Keller must go. I've never seen such a spineless character.”

      Answer: You mean besides fan-favorite Rodney McKay, don’t you?

      Lauren writes: “Joe, why are you sometimes so curt to people who express their dislike of Carter (or Weir leaving, etc.)? I'm not talking about the people who are rude first--I've seen more than a few people who've left comments that made me cringe with embarrassment--but I've also seen some polite, well thought out questions and comments that you've responded to in the same tone as the horrible ones.”

      Answer: Clearly we disagree on what is considered impolite or disrespectful. There are plenty of regular visitors to this blog who have made it very clear that they disagree with some of the creative decisions that have been made, and they have done so in a pointed yet respectful manner. I have neither rejected their posts nor have I belittled their opinions.

      Anonymous #4 writes: “If this guy is supossed to be her crush, mentioned in Sunday, then you have made a big mistake, I'm afraid.”

      Answer: Or the individual she mentioned in Sunday is not “this guy”.

      Semisweet writes: “She's a doctor, for crying out loud! How could she EVER be capable of doing surgery if she's as spineless as this?”

      Answer: I’d say there’s a big difference between keeping your cool performing surgery and keeping your cool while on the run from a band of savage cannibals.

      Paul first pitched out the idea late in season 3: “We go to the planet, but the Athosians aren‘t there. They‘re missing.” I was intrigued: “Where’d they go?”. “I don’t know,”he shrugged. “What happened to them?”I pressed. “I don’t know,”he repeated. A year and a half later, we finally know and by WE I mean those involved in the production of Atlantis’s fourth season. WE know, but WE ain’t telling because the revelation is the key to a major arc we kick off in Missing. It was to be, at the time we got together to brainstorm the idea, the impetus for Teyla’s dark turn - an exploration of her character that we were poised to follow through on - until we learned that Rachel was pregnant. Congratulations were in order! Congratulations and a quick reconsideration of the game plan. On the one hand, this curveball forced us to rethink the arc we had envisioned. On the other hand, it afforded us the opportunity to develop a different aspect of the character - and throw our own curveball into a hitherto comfortable friendship. But more on that interesting little development in the coming weeks. Yeah, again, WE know, but WE ain’t telling.

      Dudessssssssssss, I hate when GW is down lol And if anyone has any last minute questions for Carl Binder who will be hosting Jm Blog tonight, hurry the hell up and go post a comment


        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post

        Anonymous #2 writes: “Keller must go. I've never seen such a spineless character.”

        Answer: You mean besides fan-favorite Rodney McKay, don’t you?

        Lauren writes: “Joe, why are you sometimes so curt to people who express their dislike of Carter (or Weir leaving, etc.)? I'm not talking about the people who are rude first--I've seen more than a few people who've left comments that made me cringe with embarrassment--but I've also seen some polite, well thought out questions and comments that you've responded to in the same tone as the horrible ones.”

        Answer: Clearly we disagree on what is considered impolite or disrespectful. There are plenty of regular visitors to this blog who have made it very clear that they disagree with some of the creative decisions that have been made, and they have done so in a pointed yet respectful manner. I have neither rejected their posts nor have I belittled their opinions.

        Anonymous #4 writes: “If this guy is supossed to be her crush, mentioned in Sunday, then you have made a big mistake, I'm afraid.”

        Answer: Or the individual she mentioned in Sunday is not “this guy”.

        Semisweet writes: “She's a doctor, for crying out loud! How could she EVER be capable of doing surgery if she's as spineless as this?”

        Answer: I’d say there’s a big difference between keeping your cool performing surgery and keeping your cool while on the run from a band of savage cannibals.

        Paul first pitched out the idea late in season 3: “We go to the planet, but the Athosians aren‘t there. They‘re missing.” I was intrigued: “Where’d they go?”. “I don’t know,”he shrugged. “What happened to them?”I pressed. “I don’t know,”he repeated. A year and a half later, we finally know and by WE I mean those involved in the production of Atlantis’s fourth season. WE know, but WE ain’t telling because the revelation is the key to a major arc we kick off in Missing. It was to be, at the time we got together to brainstorm the idea, the impetus for Teyla’s dark turn - an exploration of her character that we were poised to follow through on - until we learned that Rachel was pregnant. Congratulations were in order! Congratulations and a quick reconsideration of the game plan. On the one hand, this curveball forced us to rethink the arc we had envisioned. On the other hand, it afforded us the opportunity to develop a different aspect of the character - and throw our own curveball into a hitherto comfortable friendship. But more on that interesting little development in the coming weeks. Yeah, again, WE know, but WE ain’t telling.

        Dudessssssssssss, I hate when GW is down lol And if anyone has any last minute questions for Carl Binder who will be hosting Jm Blog tonight, hurry the hell up and go post a comment
        Might the part that I put on bold.. could this be another confirmation to what we know

        and also this about the arc with the Athosians and seems like they were planing on taking Teyla for a dark turn but seems to have been to rethink that after finding out that Rachel was pregnant...maybe they had to shorten the story...or that she might not go for such a dark turn they maybe had thought first ,,since it seems they had to change some stuff of the story... but yes it sounds like they are going to stir up for JT... I can't rememeber from which epi later in the season that I've seen on a promo but they seemed fine by then,,,so I think John will take it hard that she haven't trusted him enough to tell him,,,and yes Teyla might see just how much she might mean to him when she sees hs reaction to the whole thing..maybe getting a small confirmation that he feels something more for her then friendship...since a friend don't really get jealous if that is the turn John will take...and I think he just needs a short while to get through it all and then he will be by her like he has always been,,,he might even turn even more protective towards her now...

        Just my I've seen some haven't seen Missing yet and says they might be the only ones...nope you are not...I haven't fully seen it headache got so horrible yesterday I had to shut it off... so I have to see it tonight instead... the little I did see,,, Rachel handled it very well... she has a powerful personality that I'm confident that she can carry a meaty story a large part on her own,,she has that charisma to me...
        Sigs by Scifan


          Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
          Yep, it's from tonight!
          And we don't know what he means exactly either, but I think it's a good thing. Either way, we know they are at least thinking about John and Teyla's relationship and throwing some curveballs at them! Sounds nice and angsty to me.
          I think we are definitely in for a few angsty and heated moments between John and Teyla... I really can't wait to see his reaction when he finds out about her pregnancy..



            Vote for J/T on Adrift in the Favorite Ship Episode Picture Game

            Pics to follow for use in game: (Under spoiler tags with a description of why)

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            VOTING UPDATE

            Adrift has now 17 votes...

            LET THE VOTING BEGIN!!!


            The latest John Sheppard video that was done for the Whump Marathon

            John Sheppard #5 (Trouble)


            Nominate videos to Stargate Music Video Award 2007
            Let's make sure there are video with John, Teyla and John/Teyla
            Nominations are open until 11th November


            Watch part 2 of Joe answering fans questions...just some tiny spoilers in it...


            Check out the Infanity Special that was done on Stargate Atlantis. Behind the scene stuff, talking to the cast, stunts, costumes, visuals and some fan questions.

            Video links


            Check out reports from some fans from the Armageddon Convention in Melbourne where fans got to meet Joe Flanigan

            Report Links

            Video Links
   (bit of Joe's talk and him getting a taste of Vegemite...)

   (First 25 min of his talk)

            Pics links



            You can find some awesome pics of Joe on the Armageddon Convention in Melbourne right here..

            Be aware though that the owner have asked that these pics are NOT to be reposted anywhere... you can snag them for your own enjoyment,,just not post them anywhere public like other pages and here at please respect that request from the owner of these pics



            Check out videos from Joe Flanigan's talk (almost 40 min) and some pics of him from the Armageddon Convention in Auckland. When more turn up it will be added.

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            Vote for your favorite Stargate Atlantis actor... take the poll now...


            Atlantis has been nominated for a People Choice Award for Best SciFi show..
            Go and vote people..
            Sigs by Scifan


              Congrats Blue on 4600 posts!!!
              Sigs by Scifan


                Morning Y'all!

                Just popping in before I have to leave to check all the juicy stuff happening..

                I really like some of your thoughts and comments Nina on the turn of events of JT! When I get back later I will comment more!

                It's good to see you Blue and MrsB!! ((((HUGS))) to All!

                sig by Sci!

                Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                  Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                  Congrats Blue on 4600 posts!!!
                  Thanks Nina...

                  See ya later Elf..


                    Hi guys...some really great discussions and different points of view here.

                    I had a hard time but I finally saw Missing last night, and when I came and wrote my thoughts here, GW decided to shut down on me! *sighs* So I emailed Stephie and Mrs. B. *wink*

                    I have so many mix feelings about this plot. My worst fears seem to be unfolding in front of my eyes and well, it's all because my favorite character, Teyla is so out of character for me.

                    Missing thoughts....and beyond...
                    First of all, I don't mind that Teyla went with another man. I liked how Devine wrote her comments in regards to how she views JT and how this action on Teyla's part is not something that surprised her. I agree with a lot of what she wrote.

                    John owes Teyla nothing and Teyla owes John nothing. There hasn't been any confirmation on their part and for all we know everything that has been done between them can be construed as friendship. But we know better of course, *wink*

                    So, that being said, that Teyla after everything that has been going on finds comfort with an old friend that is dear to her and important to her people, that I can understand and accept and not mind it at all. If we think of her description of Kanan, he's very similar to John and to a man that I would see Teyla falling for. He's a natural leader, holds himself some reservations, and is dedicated to his people. Sounds like someone else I know....

                    So, all of this I can understand and accept. It's the pregnancy piece that bothers me because of how I interpret Teyla's decision so out of character for her. So, she doesn't know about birth control pills, okay! But she didn't know that sleeping with a man would result in a pregnancy?

                    That I have a problem with. Teyla's careless decision of pursuing a romantic venture will affect the team and her role as part of the team, not to mention her relationship with the others...hence that's exactly what JM said would hold her from admitting it to them and that to me translates, that this was not something that Teyla expected or planned and this was a careless decision on her part. So, Teyla can whip anyone's ass, she can bring the team to reason in the worst dire times, she can snap John out of going into a suicide mission, and can make the tides of Atlantis in their favor with a simple questions but when it comes to choosing a man for herself and commmiting to a relationship that can seriously hurt her future with her team and her relationship with her friends, she doesn't know how to do it and she goofs up! NICE!!!!

                    That is such a horrible way to present my favorite character. I'd like to think that a strong woman and a leader doesn't necessarily have to display a weakness when it comes to her personal choice of who she's going to spend the rest of her life with.

                    Now, just when I was finally accepting that okay, she decided to go with Kanan and leave Sheppard behind, the writers tell me that her crush is in fact John and that in actuality, Teyla may still harbor feelings for John while sleeping with the enemy! LOL

                    Gosh, this is so not fair to my Teyla. But, I'll hold my thoughts till the end of this plot.

                    I think we are going to see jealous Shep. I think Ronon will literally slap some sense into him. I think that we will see protective Sheppard. And I can't wait till John meet Kanan. And most likely he knows Kanan. He spends plenty of time with the Athosians. But I wonder if Kanan just recenly reunited with them, or if he's been there all along and what if anything will be the result of all of this. Will Kanan die, will Teyla dump him *God help me*, will the baby die as well, will there be more of twist to this plot?

                    I still go back to evil Shep in DG and think of his words to Teyla as to her not acting the same since she tapped into the Wraith's mind...I wonder still if this is somehow going to play in this plot. Then I wonder what Mrs. B got from Mallozzi that there will be someone out of character...will that be John...jealous John, protective John, upset John to me is not out of character, but Teyla is certainly acting out of this piece will be interesting to see how it unfolds...Larrin, ex-wife and a smitten John over some princess will also be interesting to see how he reacts to these after he's realizing that he may have had more feelings for Teyla than he wanted to led to beleive and how this will affect his future encounters with the opposite sex! Will he give up and now that he will admit his true feelings also realize that he may have lost any chance with Teyla whatso ever!? See, I don't see John admitting anything to Teyla while she's pregnant and bedding and chasing after another man, just like I don't see Teyla using this time to tell John I liked you first but since you didn't come onto me, I took the next best thing *God help me again*

                    I do see that Teyla has made a choice. Her choice was to go with the man that was clearly and honestly admitting his feelings for her and opening up a new side for Teyla. That I find beautiful to believe and hell I don't blame Teyla at all. But I've always felt that when Teyla chooses a man, it will be forever. And Rachel replied to this question I had by saying that the only thing that would separate Teyla from this man she's chosen would be death. And so, unless Kanan is a figment of her imagination, or he's part of Michael's plan...which I doubt since she's known him since childhood, then I think Kanan is going to die. But I still don't see Teyla going to John while she still has feelings for this man.

                    I see a lot of angst for our duo. I should be happy because clearly the writers were intending on bringing John and Teyla to the next level but this curveball brought to a different direction than what they had in mind, but still keeping it John and Teyla in the end. But for some reason, as I"ve always said, for me it's how they get there, not so much that they get there.

                    I'm still holding my breath that the writers will redeemed Teyla for this. She's too great of a character for them to not take her actions lightly. If one thing Missing showed me was that they did give this plot a lot of thought. And I hope they make up for it in the end.

                    I"m not upset, I"m more saddened than anything else. I love Teyla's character and keeping her true to her values, morals and her true self is very important to me because that's what attracted me to her character and her relationship with John.

                    If Teyla was willing to bed any man that would show her some attention, then why didn't she bed John a long time ago, or better yet, if John had pursued her further, would this mean that Teyla would have bedded John ages ago, and probably have had tons of kids with him by now? See, this is not how I viewed Teyla. And I wonder how much of her decision to go along with Kanan was based on her own ideal of her people's acceptance of him and her continued role with her people. Don't you think that if Teyla had chosen Kanan for a further relationship then perhaps even her role as part of the team was something she was questioning for something in the future? or was Teyla simply seeing Kanan and seeing it were it would lead to? See, I don't see Teyla like that...I don't know!

                    In any case, I don't think it's the end AT ALL for JT. I think this is only confirming that JT is very much a part of the plot of the show. And with JM's comments last night on his blog, he's telling us JT shippers, don't give up!
                    Cause they sure as hell haven't!

                    I"m not sure if I should be happy about that though or not!

                    I so didn't want a Sam/Jack scenario...and it looks like we are going to get a doozy!

                    I still love John and Teyla. I always will. I still think there are pieces of this that we don't know. I'm still hoping that this is either a Teyla clone *the evil one* or that Michael somehow tapped into Teyla's mind or has manipulated Kanan to get to Teyla....either way, I hope the twist is not something as predictable and stupid as Michael will kill the baby and Kanan too....that would be so soapy and so damn lame!

                    But, I was right about this pregnancy...I wasn't going to like it!

                    Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 11 November 2007, 06:43 AM.


                      Oh, btw....

                      Missing spoilers
                      It's so sad that Kanan's name was mentioned once and yet all I could leave a review on was that piece of the episode.

                      Overall, I thought the episode was VERY GOOD! I loved how Teyla kicked ass and I loved her reaction throughout the entire episode. Keller annoyed the crap out of me, but it was worth it to see Teyla respond to this girly attitude.

                      I looooved John waiting on them and watching them as they left. I hated that Teyla lied to him...again...don't get me started!

                      Dee wrote that why should she confess anything to them...well, she only has complete trust and confidence with her team to share a dream with them. That was a big thing for her to share with them. She goes to them and comforts them when they are there. She lives with them now moreso than with her own people and she only hangs out with them 24/7. So, did I expect Teyla to admit to John that she has a hot date, NO! But did I expect her to blatantly lie to him about it so defiantly, NO!

                      She could have ignored him like she did Keller or she could have joked with him like she's done in the past and said, It is none of your concern...or something to that nature, but to lie to me spells that Teyla is unsure of her relationship with Kanan. That she's testing the waters first before she announces it. And from what she told Keller, she is struggling with that. She told Keller she hasn't told anyone, YET! that means, she knows that at some point, she can't deny it anymore, meaning, why would she care what the others think, if she didn't know that it might affect the team and even more so the reaction of a certain someone, or even better yet, what if she thinks that by acknowledging a relationship with Kanan, she's pretty much killing any future with John? *Oh, man this is too soapy for me*

                      In any case, that bit annoyed me! Very out of character for Teyla in my POV!
                      At least not one that I care to see for her. Not even John hides his relationships with the woman that he's been with. Well, yeah, he did try to hide Chaya but still, it was so freaking obvious and Teyla wasn't dumb and everyone noticed it except Weir.

                      Now, her reaction to John's presence in the infirmary was expected and very much what I would have done as well. She has not mourned her people yet, she's feeling so many emotions at the moment of her people and even of Kanan, since she was going to see him and the last person I'm sure she wanted to see was John. Hiding too many things already from him must be shattering. Her thoughts of how she's going to pursue her vengeance is something that she knows he will be against. The last thing she wants to hear is a word of good conscience and she knows that John is not going to let her go on her own on a wild vengeance spree. She knows this. Not to mention all the feelings, thoughts, confusion, guilt that must have been going through her mind. Now, the news of her pregnancy will be another reaction that I can't wait to see from her and from John.

                      I really do hate this whole plot!


                        About the arc for Teyla...

                        I may be way of base and out of line...but what if this just isn't everything... what if there is still something we don't know about it all...
                        When Joe was asked about Teyla's pregnancy at a recent con...he said I guess in a funny way that she thought it was a miracle according to her,,but then more serious after thinking for a few seconds saying there was a twist to the whole thing... so even if this is Kanan's then it still might be a twist in there somewhere... who knows... it's like we still don't know the full story...

                        I may not be happy with the whole Kanan route..a lame roadblock they have to overcome... and to have a norman pregnancy on a sifci show..when has that happened last...hrmm don't know if there ever have been one... so to go this cliche way of *boom* she gets attention from a childhood friend,,suddenly ends up in bed with him and *boom* she is pregnant,,,little to convenient... I rather take a twist to it all... I guess in the end it all comes down to if they are going to explain it all to us at some point... since I can't see Teyla like that...she have been by John for so long,,waited for him to make some move and suddenly one guy,,childhood friend or not,,showing some affection and she ends up in bed with her...not really the strong Teyla that I'm used too... but as I said I have to see how this will be explained if at all... or is he truly the dad or does she just think that he will be but something else has happened that she might not realize yet... wishful thinking I know but whatever...

                        Is this the end for JT...hardly I see a rocky road infront of them... he might show jealousy.. he might be annoyed and maybe feeling betrayed that she would feel she couldn't confide in him... he's not used to her backing away from I think he has some adjustment to do... but in the end I know he will be there for her,,, he will support her in her time of need... and stand be her as he has always done,,, and even might be even more protective of her...

                        JM pretty much on his blog also confirmed when asked if this guy was the crush she was talking about then he had made a misstake,,and his answer was to that maybe "this guy" isn't the one she is having a crush on...

                        What true love is easy... that's not what Joe want...a sweet suger story between two people...he wants to rather see two people struggle to be together,,and let me tell you these two are going to have to fight for it now...

                        I'm a JT shipper and I'll always be one,,,I'll still have my faith they will work it out and we will see what we want ,,well by Stargate standard.. *lol*
                        I have to ships I have to see going through hard I have strap myself in for twice the bumby ride,,,
                        Sigs by Scifan


                          I agree Nina...there is more to this plot and there's no doubt in my mind and by what the writers are saying that this is not the end of JT by a long shot! But I don't think this is how they wanted to get there, just that circumstances spelled for them the means.

                          I agree that I do hope the twist is something more interesting than the regular scenarios that could easily play out!

                          wishful thinking here, but wouldn't it be funny if Teyla admitted that her relationship with Kanan didn't indeed go to the point where they slept together, but rather, maybe Teyla thinks that this is somehow something as a result of a prophecy or something like that..

                          yeah, right! Wishful thinking indeed, Rachel stated that the pregnancy was not by means of divine intervention.....but you are right, we don't know the whole story and I think that Missing brought about more questions than answers...that guy there, what was he doing there? why was he left behind? Was he there to capture Teyla? Was he there to bring Teyla on her knees to share the location of Atlantis in order to save her people? Too many questions still to be answered.....


                            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                            JM BLOG UPDATE

                            Anonymous #2 writes: “Keller must go. I've never seen such a spineless character.”

                            Answer: You mean besides fan-favorite Rodney McKay, don’t you?

                            Lauren writes: “Joe, why are you sometimes so curt to people who express their dislike of Carter (or Weir leaving, etc.)? I'm not talking about the people who are rude first--I've seen more than a few people who've left comments that made me cringe with embarrassment--but I've also seen some polite, well thought out questions and comments that you've responded to in the same tone as the horrible ones.”

                            Answer: Clearly we disagree on what is considered impolite or disrespectful. There are plenty of regular visitors to this blog who have made it very clear that they disagree with some of the creative decisions that have been made, and they have done so in a pointed yet respectful manner. I have neither rejected their posts nor have I belittled their opinions.

                            Anonymous #4 writes: “If this guy is supossed to be her crush, mentioned in Sunday, then you have made a big mistake, I'm afraid.”

                            Answer: Or the individual she mentioned in Sunday is not “this guy”.

                            Semisweet writes: “She's a doctor, for crying out loud! How could she EVER be capable of doing surgery if she's as spineless as this?”

                            Answer: I’d say there’s a big difference between keeping your cool performing surgery and keeping your cool while on the run from a band of savage cannibals.

                            Paul first pitched out the idea late in season 3: “We go to the planet, but the Athosians aren‘t there. They‘re missing.” I was intrigued: “Where’d they go?”. “I don’t know,”he shrugged. “What happened to them?”I pressed. “I don’t know,”he repeated. A year and a half later, we finally know and by WE I mean those involved in the production of Atlantis’s fourth season. WE know, but WE ain’t telling because the revelation is the key to a major arc we kick off in Missing. It was to be, at the time we got together to brainstorm the idea, the impetus for Teyla’s dark turn - an exploration of her character that we were poised to follow through on - until we learned that Rachel was pregnant. Congratulations were in order! Congratulations and a quick reconsideration of the game plan. On the one hand, this curveball forced us to rethink the arc we had envisioned. On the other hand, it afforded us the opportunity to develop a different aspect of the character - and throw our own curveball into a hitherto comfortable friendship. But more on that interesting little development in the coming weeks. Yeah, again, WE know, but WE ain’t telling.

                            Dudessssssssssss, I hate when GW is down lol And if anyone has any last minute questions for Carl Binder who will be hosting Jm Blog tonight, hurry the hell up and go post a comment
                            Thanks MrsB for Blog update.
                            I sent a couple of questions.

                            Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                            Might the part that I put on bold.. could this be another confirmation to what we know

                            and also this about the arc with the Athosians and seems like they were planing on taking Teyla for a dark turn but seems to have been to rethink that after finding out that Rachel was pregnant...maybe they had to shorten the story...or that she might not go for such a dark turn they maybe had thought first ,,since it seems they had to change some stuff of the story... but yes it sounds like they are going to stir up for JT... I can't rememeber from which epi later in the season that I've seen on a promo but they seemed fine by then,,,so I think John will take it hard that she haven't trusted him enough to tell him,,,and yes Teyla might see just how much she might mean to him when she sees hs reaction to the whole thing..maybe getting a small confirmation that he feels something more for her then friendship...since a friend don't really get jealous if that is the turn John will take...and I think he just needs a short while to get through it all and then he will be by her like he has always been,,,he might even turn even more protective towards her now...

                            Just my I've seen some haven't seen Missing yet and says they might be the only ones...nope you are not...I haven't fully seen it headache got so horrible yesterday I had to shut it off... so I have to see it tonight instead... the little I did see,,, Rachel handled it very well... she has a powerful personality that I'm confident that she can carry a meaty story a large part on her own,,she has that charisma to me...
                            I hope he does Nina.
                            I hope your headache is better too.

                            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                            I think we are definitely in for a few angsty and heated moments between John and Teyla... I really can't wait to see his reaction when he finds out about her pregnancy..
                            I hope so and I can't wait either.

                            Congrats Blue on 4600 posts!!!!


                              Originally posted by Camy View Post
                              Oh, btw....

                              Missing spoilers
                              It's so sad that Kanan's name was mentioned once and yet all I could leave a review on was that piece of the episode.

                              Overall, I thought the episode was VERY GOOD! I loved how Teyla kicked ass and I loved her reaction throughout the entire episode. Keller annoyed the crap out of me, but it was worth it to see Teyla respond to this girly attitude.

                              I looooved John waiting on them and watching them as they left. I hated that Teyla lied to him...again...don't get me started!

                              Dee wrote that why should she confess anything to them...well, she only has complete trust and confidence with her team to share a dream with them. That was a big thing for her to share with them. She goes to them and comforts them when they are there. She lives with them now moreso than with her own people and she only hangs out with them 24/7. So, did I expect Teyla to admit to John that she has a hot date, NO! But did I expect her to blatantly lie to him about it so defiantly, NO!

                              She could have ignored him like she did Keller or she could have joked with him like she's done in the past and said, It is none of your concern...or something to that nature, but to lie to me spells that Teyla is unsure of her relationship with Kanan. That she's testing the waters first before she announces it. And from what she told Keller, she is struggling with that. She told Keller she hasn't told anyone, YET! that means, she knows that at some point, she can't deny it anymore, meaning, why would she care what the others think, if she didn't know that it might affect the team and even more so the reaction of a certain someone, or even better yet, what if she thinks that by acknowledging a relationship with Kanan, she's pretty much killing any future with John? *Oh, man this is too soapy for me*

                              In any case, that bit annoyed me! Very out of character for Teyla in my POV!
                              At least not one that I care to see for her. Not even John hides his relationships with the woman that he's been with. Well, yeah, he did try to hide Chaya but still, it was so freaking obvious and Teyla wasn't dumb and everyone noticed it except Weir.

                              Now, her reaction to John's presence in the infirmary was expected and very much what I would have done as well. She has not mourned her people yet, she's feeling so many emotions at the moment of her people and even of Kanan, since she was going to see him and the last person I'm sure she wanted to see was John. Hiding too many things already from him must be shattering. Her thoughts of how she's going to pursue her vengeance is something that she knows he will be against. The last thing she wants to hear is a word of good conscience and she knows that John is not going to let her go on her own on a wild vengeance spree. She knows this. Not to mention all the feelings, thoughts, confusion, guilt that must have been going through her mind. Now, the news of her pregnancy will be another reaction that I can't wait to see from her and from John.

                              I really do hate this whole plot!
                              Poor Camy, I know it sucks right now, but it's not the end.
                              We have to be honest with each other and ask if we would rather have a rushed relationship with John and..
                              have him as the dad? I'm sure it would've been different if RL wasn't really pregnant during this time.


                              Congrats on 10,700 posts Camy!!!!

                              Congrats on 7600 posts Nina!!!!



                                Congrats Blue, Nina, & Camy!

