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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    nice idea.......

    And i'm with you max, i think Teyla is very mature.

    R.I.P Wraithlord

    Awesome sig by SciFan


      Originally posted by WitchBlade007
      OK last set...I promise...

      Witchblade..These pics made my day! All of them...I've been sick all day and I think I'm going to get a bad one!


        Originally posted by Camy
        Witchblade..These pics made my day! All of them...I've been sick all day and I think I'm going to get a bad one!

        Oh no don't say've been working to hard....lots of liquids...and rest that's what you need.... .....

        R.I.P Wraithlord

        Awesome sig by SciFan


          Originally posted by ChillinTheMost
          Okay, we've waited long enough, Camy! Get back here and share your experiences!

          --Just kidding. I don't want to work, so I thought I would harass Camy.

          Oh, you are my favorite...come and harrass me ANYTIME!...hehehehe

 you people think that after so many posts that I have done I am suddenly going to drop it? C'mmon....but seriously..I didn't take my laptop to school today...I was literally walking like a zombie today...and I don't dare use the one in my office to chat with you guys..just doesn't feel, now I am home and I really do have so much to do..but I promise, it will be all worth it....

          Yet, no one has told me where I should post this..I have so much information about her and the other actors..that I want to share it with as many people as I can...Some people in the Teyla thread don't come here or don't post here so I don't want to keep repeating maybe I should just do it in the Teyla Wow thread..okay..but then the shippy talk, I can post it here..which really is not much.....

          So, anyhow, I am literally as we speak downloading my pics from my digital camera in my other computer cause the software is not program in this one, so then I can put it all in a CD, come to this computer and crop the pics...and then do the whole imageshack thing and then post them in the Teyla Wow do you see what I mean that this is going to take me awhile....Patience people..I promise will love it...

          Now, as I was driving home I was listening to my little recorder..and it taped it all...I'm so Happy...but again, I am going to have to listen to an hour + of recording and pick out what I think you guys will be very interested in....She gave us a lot of her personal information...the questions were very much about her..not so much Teyla...she even sang for us guys...OH, MY! She sang for us...YES! Someone asked her if she could sing and she blushed and said she would think about it and she sang the most beautiful song ever....and so appropriate for John/Teyla..OH..and I have on tape...but I don't know how to do any of that downloading....I don't know the song, but since she is so much into performing in theater, I bet you one of you guys will know it and will tell me it's some famous, I will write it...again, give me some time....

          Finally, I was very surprised about the con..see I only went on Sunday..and the big night was Saturday, but Rachel only came for even though I paid for the entire weekend, I didn't care for the other stuff...Leornard Nemoy was their big VIP guy and he was there on, when I went there was hardly anyone there...Now.....side note..SnoggingPicard, one of the actors was one of the characters from Harry Porter..he is just tooooo cute.. I heard only part of his chat....hardly could understand him...anyways, I will tell you who once I get my program since I am not a Harry Porter fan at all..and know close to nothing about it...
          Anyways, my point, when Rachel's turn came...she was the very last guest to speak in the I didn't have to sit through the whole thing, it wasn't like that..if you wanted to hear it, you just went to the big room, otherwise, they had movies playing, and they had exhibitions, dealers, I couldn't hear the Harry Porter kid because at that time, I was taking my pic with Rachel in another room....anyways, bare with me..cause I want to share everything with you...but, my point...when it came for Rachel, the room filled up and she was so was loaded with my seat was supposed to be in the back..but since there were a few empty seats, I got to sit, on the second row, on the first chair closest to exciting....and I got to see, please, be patient, I am not doing this on purpose...I didn't sleep at all on Sat. night..I spent the whole night finishing it up...I almost didn't have any space for everything that I wanted to put in it...because everyone wrote at least one full page and so that was one scrapbook page with, the whole episode page and Shep/Teyla page went down the it was more a scrapbook based on the nice letters, notes, messages that you guys sent me...

          Now, last thing and then I will go....told you I had a lot to write...
          I told her about Gateworld and wrote it in my message to her...but she is not into going online and checking anything about the she said..because she says that she is very sensitive and she doesn't want to read anything that is demeaning (i promise once I have the notes I will write exactly how she said it, i am just paraphrasing right now) I know she didn't say demeaning, but basically that is what she said, but also she doesn't want to read about people praising her too much either because she does this because she loves to do it and doesn't want any opinions from others to either praise her or crash her spirit...but so many people mentioned it to her and I told her that the scrapbook was done by me but from people that love her and that always talk about her the last thing she said was that she would consider it and that she will really look into it..she mentioned how David Hewlett is very into it and so is Paul McGillon and the directors and producers...which that we know...and one other very important thing..she mentioned how these people..DH and PMCGIllon and the producers...etc..take very seriously what the people write to them online...KEY people...they do listen to our comments..something that I have always felt...otherwise, why bother even posting or commenting or taking the time that they take away from their stuff to write here.....only makes we need to stay on top of this thread and all of the Teyla threads...they do care and take in very seriously what we write and not write....
 to do the pics and some stuff around the patient..I promise you will not be dissapointed...'

          love ya guys....


            Originally posted by AthosianGirl
            Okay have not seen this one yet becuase I am on one slooowww computer but check it says it's a 'very sweet John/Teyla' music vid...


            It's called 'Don't cry for pain'

            To find it just scroll down the page... past the 'Andromeda' section to the Stargate Atlantis one and you'll find it (along with a few other though they are not John/Teyla)

            Thanks for the link AG, I just love that vid, pics are great and Camy at least give us a link if you post the stuff on the Teyla wow thread, we all love to hear what you saw and heard... scifi cons are just weird for non hardcore scifi geek... so don't beat yourself up over it, we're going nuts down here. Keep downloading, or uploading, I've gotta go.
            Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


              Luv ya Camy and thanks!!


                HI Witchblade..I know, I am just so tired and having been taking care of myself...I am going to try to go to bed early but I also need to cook, clean and spend time with my kiddies not to mention with you guys as well...

                Okay...I have to share this with you....

                The first question that was asked to Rachel was if Ronon was Teyla's new romance in the series...? or something like that...and she said, Hmmmm....I don't know...Teyla and Ronon started the series with a brother/sister's hard to tell but we will just have to see....

                Now, my impression was that at the moment, that is not in the writers mind or even Rachel...She didn't say it like this but later on other comments were mentioned....

                Now she was asked what was her favorite episodes and she clearly stated Trinity....
                we all know that Trinity was such a great Teyla episode and that's why I know she liked it....not because of anything shippy between Ronon and Teyla and she mentioned this..she said that the reason was because it brought some tension into Teyla's character one that we had not seen before; she got to develop her relationship with Ronon based on their secret...and she was able to do many things in that episode that revealed a lot about Teyla's understandable that this is one of her favorite the second one she liked was Condemned and the reason for that one was because she liked the action...she mentioned that during filming it was one of the most difficult episodes because it was extremely hot during that time and it was gruesome but that this is action type of stuff with this type of weather is what she as far as the action, she is all for it...

                She also mentioned that she does most of her stunt work...only when there might be a slight chance of her getting injured will she be replaced by her stunt double.

                Last but not least..I asked sooo many questions, and the most important one I didn't dare ask her because there were so many people but I didn't want to be so desperate...crazy I know...shoot me later..
                I didn't ask her about John and Teyla because like I said, the very first question was directly about Ronon and her she did say, that as of yet, it is unclear where the writers are going with the ship stuff....she didn't mention anything about other Shep/Weir and it was not brought up either...but she did say that the writers and the actors are looking into the chemistry and the pairing is based on how it looks on-screen and what the dynamics is right now it seems to me that the onscreen hot stuff and shippy stuff is going towards John/Teyla...the last episodes have had such subtle but very interesting things between them that I just felt comfortable with the response that she gave and I knew she wasn't going to give me any straight answers..she did say that she herself did not know where her character was going romantically wise and that her directors hadn't said anything to her....

                but, every time she spoke about Joe/John it was very different than with the's almost as if she knows that this is the ship that the show is going for right now...but that is just my hunch.. I will tell you why in another posting...

                Finally, her favorite episode this season is I can only assume that this is going to be very Teyla-centric....she didn't say it..but why else would she mention it? and then based on what she said about Trinity, I can only assume that she will come out a lot...

                She talked about Amanda coming to the show..and yes, this is definetly going to happen....stay tune for more news...


                  Camy, I'm hardly a forum expert, but I think you should put the stuff about Rachel on the thread about her. That way more fans will see it, not just the shippers. But like Cpt Ritter said, put a link here!

                  Don't wear yourself out, we'll wait!

                  --I just checked out the threads and the WOW thread seems more suited for posting lots of pictures. Just my opinions, others know this forum better than I do.


                    Thanks, Camy. Take care of yourself.
                    Sig by Luciana


                      AthosianGirl wrote...
                      I love 'Home' for the line "I thought that was you" This just said to me that John really knew Teyla and could tell her apart from some illusion...
                      (I also like the look he threw her when he said this..
             have to give me more detail on this one...I was so confused and didn't get this line at all....I understand now what you said about the whole he knew she was not an illusion...but what was the look about? He looked her up and I interpret it like if she had really been in his mind and it was all played by him, things would have been very different than how they actually played out....did I just confuse you, cause I know I confused, if he would have really imagine her, the question would be, what would she have been like and what would things really have turned out? that is why I think he gave her that look..he had other things in his mind about her..but no doubt about it! She was in his mind....real or not real...he was thinking about her....Yeah!


                        Originally posted by ChillinTheMost
                        Camy, I'm hardly a forum expert, but I think you should put the stuff about Rachel on the thread about her. That way more fans will see it, not just the shippers. But like Cpt Ritter said, put a link here!

                        Don't wear yourself out, we'll wait!

                        --I just checked out the threads and the WOW thread seems more suited for posting lots of pictures. Just my opinions, others know this forum better than I do.
                        That is a great idea...but i was thinking of maybe opening my own thread....and that way even more people can go there in case they don't want to lurk in the teyla thread..but you are right...I just don't want to like you say repeat myself..I will go to the Teyla Wow and Teyla thread and post the link to this thread about what I have written so far...thanks...still downloading pics..thanks for your patience guys...


                          Hey guys. There is an absolutely amazing fic up at right now. One of the best that I have read ever. Here's the link: Please go check this one out!

                          "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                          HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                            Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                            Hey guys. There is an absolutely amazing fic up at right now. One of the best that I have read ever. Here's the link: Please go check this one out!

                            THanks for the update..I love this story..she does the characters so well...


                              Geez you guys went crazy today! I'm so proud -- you ate up nearly two whole pages in around four hours. And the posts that you guys made are amazing! Everyone that I am able to green is getting some jello from me!

                              Okay, "Home". I haven't seen this one for a weekend was eaten up by my Shep/Teyla paper (heehee ) and chemistry, but I remember the scenes that you guys are talking about. I loved the great relationship that these two have so early on, and this episode shows it off to the best it can be. Here are some of my favorites:

                              1) The beginning scene when Shep and Teyla do the little walk and talk in Atlantis. I LOVE the little grin he gives her when she first comes up to him -- just adorable. And the bit about popcorn is completely Sheppard, and you can tell she's just humoring him by that point.

                              2) The limo scene. Come on, he rents her a limo, takes her shopping all day long, apparently hands over his credit card at some point during the day, and still manages to compliment her on what she's picked out. Sounds like love to me! Their scenes together are so light-harded in this episode but still manages to convey a flirty tone. And I agree with those of you who mentioned the little smug smile that Teyla gets when Shep compliments her. Too cute!

                              3) The beer-chugging scene is precious as well. You guys have already made some good points about this one, so I won't repeat them, but he definitely seems to appreciate a woman who enjoys a good beer. Heehee!

                              4) The little cryptic look he gives her in the gateroom when he says "I thought that was you". Hmmm...wonder what he was trying to get Teyla to do in that fantasy world of his? I guess we can only wonder. And is it just me or did he kind of have this frozen, guilty look on his face when he said it?

                              And Camy : Love all of the tidbits that you've thrown out to us already! Take your time with going all out on a con report -- we can't have you getting sick on us. I find it interesting that a lot of the actors and producers read on-line comments. I hope that they manage to find good threads to go to that are generous with their praise. I'd think it would be very encouraging as an actor or producer to know that your work is appreciated by so many people. And I'm so jealous that you got to hear her sing! I bet it was just beautiful -- at least we'll all get to hear that later this season. I'm glad you made such a great impression on her about Gateworld -- I understand why she'd be so hesitant to come on-line, particularly after Torri had a bad experience when she first ventured onto a forum. Maybe she'll lurk once in a while after she reads all of our letters and realizes that she is really appreciated and loved. I'll bet that that scrapbook will make her year! Thanks so much for representing us, Camy -- and I'd definitely love to know who the actor was from Harry Potter. Midnight showing in three days!!!! If I dress up for the movie maybe I'll try to post a pic somewhere on-line. Anyways, I'm looking forward to hearing every little detail about the con. Glad to hear that you had such a great time meeting Rachel. Hope I get the opportunity someday!

                              "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                              HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                                This one is just for you....SP.

                                He was adorable! Very much a gentleman...couldn't understand due to his Brittish accent...and sat for only the last ten minutes of his chat....Wondeful, though..his parents were there and he was just so him..
                                Matthew Lewis

