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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by scifan View Post
    Clever kitten.
    I wish mine could do that. Talk to me that is.
    my own kitten Autumn (Morgans mother) and myself actually made ourselves a language we could understand, and it works pretty well... though I wake up with a headache from that tire iron

    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


      Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
      my own kitten Autumn (Morgans mother) and myself actually made ourselves a language we could understand, and it works pretty well... though I wake up with a headache from that tire iron
      LOL. I would too.

      WE have 13 guests lurking.Come on in and join the fun!!!

      Sorry Steph. I can't stay awake any longer. I'll try to read very early in the morning. I'm about to fall asleep sitting here.
      Last edited by scifan; 26 October 2007, 07:33 PM.


        Hey Rememberie!!
        I haven't but spill it please so I can go to bed.
        I'm sorry I was working on it, and then lost it. I'm going to start again but it will take time.


          Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
          Hi Rememberie!!! Are you new here? I don't remember seeing your name before? Just in case, welcome to the thread!!!!!

          Hi, I've posted once or twice. Thanks for the welcome though!


            Travelers detailed summary:

            This will be a quick summary, but first off, there was only ONE kiss, not three like we feared. She kissed him, he did kiss back, but then she pulled her gun on him and stunned him. That was it! All those angles in the caps and previews were all from the same kiss and it wasn't that big a deal at all. Still annoying that they kissed, but no worse than the tower kiss. So I can live with this. LOL!

            Anyway, ep opens with John flying in a jumper by himself talking to Rodney over coms. He had been assisting with restocking of a research station. That just "happened to be a tropical paradise with people with little to no inhibitions." Someone starts shooting the jumper, he loses communications. Big ship takes the jumper onboard and goes through hyperspace window.

            John gets dragged through ship and into a room. Take a sample of blood and demand to know who he is. He doesn't cooperate of course, so gets beat up.

            Rodney, Teyla, and Ronon have a brief scene, walk and talk as try to figure out who took John and how to track him.

            Back to John getting beat up, GREAT whump shot here with blood dripping from his mouth and face. Larrin comes in, tells him he should cooperate. She has him brought to a table where they give him "food" that looks terrible. She tells him the ship is their home and they are Travelers. She tells him they know he has the gene and need him. Threaten to kill him a few times as he's not very cooperative. Take him to another room with his jumper, activate force shield and open hanger bay doors so he's "hanging" in space. An ancient Aurora class warship floats behind him. She tells him that is what it is all about. That he is going to help her get it operational again.

            Walk on Ancient ship and have John sit in chair. They tell him to move the ship forward, he does so without activating the dampeners, so the Travelers people go flying around and get knocked out. He takes one of their guns, comments it's exactly like Ronon's and that he always wondered where he got it from, he stuns his two captives and then talks to Larrin who was in another part of the ship, as he takes over the ship.

            Brief shot of Rodney, Ronon, Teyla, and Lorne flying in jumper, trying to trace John. Found his last known location, but are stuck from there.

            Larrin threatens to flood bridge with radiation unless John turns over controls of the ship. He is afraid to call her bluff. Next shot, John in a jail cell, Larrin tells him he was reckless. One of her officers tells her they are stuck. They obviously need John's help. They want to use the ship to house more of their people as they are running out of room on their own ships.

            Back to Atlantis, Rodney tells Ronon and Teyla he found an SOS code from John.

            Larrins stalks into John's cell and starts punching him as they found his SOS signal. Tells him he broadcast their location and that the wraith have found them.

            John convinces her to let him help as he can operate the ship and fight back. John sits in chair and blows away wraith ship, but not before they took on several hits, including one that took out the section the other officers were on.

            John activates more of the ship, including life signs. Talks to Larrin over coms as they try to access damage.

            Quick shot of Lorne, Rodney, Teyla, and Ronon in jumper with several other jumpers going after John.

            John and Larrin verbally spar over coms as work on ship. He initially traps her in a room, but she shoots her way out. He suddenly sees another life sign on the ship coming towards her. She runs to it, thinking it's one of her men, but turns out to be a wraith. She fights it briefly, John appears and shoots it. He has a life signs detector with him and they start to walk, when he suddenly pulls her into a room, which turns out to be a closet (OH BROTHER!) She protests, so he clamps his hand over her mouth. She fights back a bit, puts her hand over his mouth as well. They hear footsteps and she finally realizes what's going on. The wraith are right outside.

            Quick shot of the team in the jumper.

            John and Larrin argue in closet, kind of blaming each other. Face to face, a bit of sexual tension here, UGH, but not really a big deal. Wraith walk off, leave closet, only to realize the wraith are between them and the control room and John left the controls on so the wraith can fly it if they find the control room first. Argue some more. She comes up with plan for John to get in chair to shoot drones at them while she lures them out from the middle of the ship to one end. She uses herself as bait, but gets caught and fed on. The wraith ages her, but stops and tells her he can bring her back if she tells him what he wants. John shoots drones that kill the other wraith in the meantime. Then as wraith is telling Larrin to talk, he appears and puts a gun to wraith's head. Has the wraith put Larrin back and chases wraith off. Does not kill him.

            Helps Larrin to stand, she is weak, so hanging onto him (the caps of them standing together with arms around each other). She starts flirting with him. "You saved my life...In the interest of inter-stellar relations, I think we should at least try to get along." Kisses him, he starts to kiss her back, she pulls her gun. John says, "You've got to be kidding me." And she says sorry and stuns him.

            Runs off, John wakes up pretty quickly and argue more over coms. She tells him her people arrived before his people did.

            Brief shot of team in jumper again, getting closer.

            John back in jail cell. Larrin tells him her people are having trouble activating everything and need his help. He is angry, but she says she's doing it for her people. John tells her it's wrong to keep on hiding, that they need to work together as they can tip the balance in their favor in the war against the wraith if they put their technologies together and work together.

            Team in jumper, find John and the Travelers ships. They disappear into hyper space just as they arrive. Suddenly get a contact from a single jumper and realize it's John.

            Back in the city, team sitting at table. John and Teyla next to each other (aww) and John enthusiastically pigging out. Says he has new appreciation for good food. Comments he's not sure why they let him go.

            End conversation:

            Rodney, "There's something you're not telling us." Pause. "She was hot, wasn't she?"

            Teyla looks up at Rodney sharply, then looks sharply at John. (LOVE THIS!)

            John, looking down, keeping on cutting his food. "I don't know what you're talking about."

            Rodney, "Oh! I knew it! That is so typical!"

            John, eyes darting really quickly to Teyla and then back to Rodney. "She had me beat Rodney. She threatened to kill me several times. It wasn't like we were hanging out in the spa together."

            Rodney. "Whatever. All I know is that everytime I get taken captive, it's the wraith. Just once, I would like to get taken prisioner by the sexy alien."

            Teyla stares at Rodney as John looks straight ahead at him as well.

            John, 'Well you may still get a chance."

            Ronon, "Yeah, what do you mean?"

            John, "She's still out there."

            Rodney looks kind of intrigued, kind of nervous at the thought.

            Teyla rolls her eyes. (LOVE this even more! LOL!)

            John looks thoughtful, takes a breath and resumes eating.

            Fade to black.

            All in all, it was okay. Definitely not my favorite by any means. I tend to get bored with the single character eps like this one. Even when it's John, for some reason, I miss the rest of the team. So anyway, because of that, it was only okay for me. But GREAT John whump in here, YAY, and the whole Larrin thing was not a big deal at all. Felt like a season two kind of ep, which is annoying, but ultimately, means nothing. LOVED Teyla's reaction at the end to the "hot sexy alien" comments. Her sharp glance at him and her rolling her eyes. Also loved how John gives Teyla a sideways glance and refuses to answer Rodney. LOL! Cute team moment at the end. Wish we could have had more of the team in this ep, those are my favorite kinds!
            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


              Originally posted by scifan View Post

              Sorry Steph. I can't stay awake any longer. I'll try to read very early in the morning. I'm about to fall asleep sitting here.
              Sorry!!!! I was typing as fast as I could!
              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                Originally posted by Rememberie View Post
                Hi, I've posted once or twice. Thanks for the welcome though!
                Sorry I missed you before!!!!
                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                  Some of my favorite parts:
                  the teaser at the beginning: John is in a Jumper about to enter a space gate. He's been on a supply run to one of the research sites. Rodney's in the gateroom, commenting on how this is the first supply run he's ever volunteered for. He alludes to Sheppard's enthusiasm for the trip is a result of the people of the planet's friendliness, and "little or no social inhibitions." John says that had nothing to do with his decision, but that the people were very, very friendly.

                  When Larrin comes in to check on John's interrogation/beating the guard states that they got his name out of him: Reed Richards. (a bit ashamed it took me a minute to get the reference, wasn't expecting it.)

                  After surrendering control of the bridge back to Larrin, they argue a bit before the guard comes in to report that the hyperdrive is offline again. Larrin wonders what else Sheppard did while in control of the ship, and refuses to let him try to help. The soldier states that it doesn't make sense for Sheppard to sabotage them now, if they stay there, he will die with them. Larrin says that's what worries her, she says something like "Does he act like someone who's thinks his life is about to end?" Sheppard is slouched against his cot, arms spread, looking like he doesn't have a care in the world.

                  The end: the team's together and John's recounting what happened. Teyla can't imagine living her whole life in space, Ronan thinks he would go crazy. John agrees that some of them were a little off kilter. Rodney suspects that he's leaving something out, then asks "Was she hot?" When John doesn't deny it, Rodney goes off in a tirade about how it is so typical, that when he gets captured, it's by the Wraith, and that just once he wants to get captured by the sexy alien. John replies that he might get his chance: Larrin is still out there. Rodney looks thoughtful, Teyla is rolling her eyes at the both of them.

                  Also: loved how all throughout the episode, Rodney's explaining how impossible it will be to find John, and Ronan speaks up saying they still have to try, for Sheppard, or that the risk is worth it, that they can't do anything else, and then everyone agrees. Not a lot of 'ship, I thought, even the John and Larrin kiss was under the pretense of preserving ambassadorial/diplomatic relations and 'keeping interstellar peace'. Oh, and it was also Larrin's ruse to get the wraith stunner from him. He did give his name out as Mr. Fantastic though, could that count?

                  Anyway just my initial, two cent reaction to the show.


                    Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                    Travelers detailed summary:

                    This will be a quick summary, but first off, there was only ONE kiss, not three like we feared. She kissed him, he did kiss back, but then she pulled her gun on him and stunned him. That was it! All those angles in the caps and previews were all from the same kiss and it wasn't that big a deal at all. Still annoying that they kissed, but no worse than the tower kiss. So I can live with this. LOL!

                    Anyway, ep opens with John flying in a jumper by himself talking to Rodney over coms. He had been assisting with restocking of a research station. That just "happened to be a tropical paradise with people with little to no inhibitions." Someone starts shooting the jumper, he loses communications. Big ship takes the jumper onboard and goes through hyperspace window.

                    John gets dragged through ship and into a room. Take a sample of blood and demand to know who he is. He doesn't cooperate of course, so gets beat up.

                    Rodney, Teyla, and Ronon have a brief scene, walk and talk as try to figure out who took John and how to track him.

                    Back to John getting beat up, GREAT whump shot here with blood dripping from his mouth and face. Larrin comes in, tells him he should cooperate. She has him brought to a table where they give him "food" that looks terrible. She tells him the ship is their home and they are Travelers. She tells him they know he has the gene and need him. Threaten to kill him a few times as he's not very cooperative. Take him to another room with his jumper, activate force shield and open hanger bay doors so he's "hanging" in space. An ancient Aurora class warship floats behind him. She tells him that is what it is all about. That he is going to help her get it operational again.

                    Walk on Ancient ship and have John sit in chair. They tell him to move the ship forward, he does so without activating the dampeners, so the Travelers people go flying around and get knocked out. He takes one of their guns, comments it's exactly like Ronon's and that he always wondered where he got it from, he stuns his two captives and then talks to Larrin who was in another part of the ship, as he takes over the ship.

                    Brief shot of Rodney, Ronon, Teyla, and Lorne flying in jumper, trying to trace John. Found his last known location, but are stuck from there.

                    Larrin threatens to flood bridge with radiation unless John turns over controls of the ship. He is afraid to call her bluff. Next shot, John in a jail cell, Larrin tells him he was reckless. One of her officers tells her they are stuck. They obviously need John's help. They want to use the ship to house more of their people as they are running out of room on their own ships.

                    Back to Atlantis, Rodney tells Ronon and Teyla he found an SOS code from John.

                    Larrins stalks into John's cell and starts punching him as they found his SOS signal. Tells him he broadcast their location and that the wraith have found them.

                    John convinces her to let him help as he can operate the ship and fight back. John sits in chair and blows away wraith ship, but not before they took on several hits, including one that took out the section the other officers were on.

                    John activates more of the ship, including life signs. Talks to Larrin over coms as they try to access damage.

                    Quick shot of Lorne, Rodney, Teyla, and Ronon in jumper with several other jumpers going after John.

                    John and Larrin verbally spar over coms as work on ship. He initially traps her in a room, but she shoots her way out. He suddenly sees another life sign on the ship coming towards her. She runs to it, thinking it's one of her men, but turns out to be a wraith. She fights it briefly, John appears and shoots it. He has a life signs detector with him and they start to walk, when he suddenly pulls her into a room, which turns out to be a closet (OH BROTHER!) She protests, so he clamps his hand over her mouth. She fights back a bit, puts her hand over his mouth as well. They hear footsteps and she finally realizes what's going on. The wraith are right outside.

                    Quick shot of the team in the jumper.

                    John and Larrin argue in closet, kind of blaming each other. Face to face, a bit of sexual tension here, UGH, but not really a big deal. Wraith walk off, leave closet, only to realize the wraith are between them and the control room and John left the controls on so the wraith can fly it if they find the control room first. Argue some more. She comes up with plan for John to get in chair to shoot drones at them while she lures them out from the middle of the ship to one end. She uses herself as bait, but gets caught and fed on. The wraith ages her, but stops and tells her he can bring her back if she tells him what he wants. John shoots drones that kill the other wraith in the meantime. Then as wraith is telling Larrin to talk, he appears and puts a gun to wraith's head. Has the wraith put Larrin back and chases wraith off. Does not kill him.

                    Helps Larrin to stand, she is weak, so hanging onto him (the caps of them standing together with arms around each other). She starts flirting with him. "You saved my life...In the interest of inter-stellar relations, I think we should at least try to get along." Kisses him, he starts to kiss her back, she pulls her gun. John says, "You've got to be kidding me." And she says sorry and stuns him.

                    Runs off, John wakes up pretty quickly and argue more over coms. She tells him her people arrived before his people did.

                    Brief shot of team in jumper again, getting closer.

                    John back in jail cell. Larrin tells him her people are having trouble activating everything and need his help. He is angry, but she says she's doing it for her people. John tells her it's wrong to keep on hiding, that they need to work together as they can tip the balance in their favor in the war against the wraith if they put their technologies together and work together.

                    Team in jumper, find John and the Travelers ships. They disappear into hyper space just as they arrive. Suddenly get a contact from a single jumper and realize it's John.

                    Back in the city, team sitting at table. John and Teyla next to each other (aww) and John enthusiastically pigging out. Says he has new appreciation for good food. Comments he's not sure why they let him go.

                    End conversation:

                    Rodney, "There's something you're not telling us." Pause. "She was hot, wasn't she?"

                    Teyla looks up at Rodney sharply, then looks sharply at John. (LOVE THIS!)

                    John, looking down, keeping on cutting his food. "I don't know what you're talking about."

                    Rodney, "Oh! I knew it! That is so typical!"

                    John, eyes darting really quickly to Teyla and then back to Rodney. "She had me beat Rodney. She threatened to kill me several times. It wasn't like we were hanging out in the spa together."

                    Rodney. "Whatever. All I know is that everytime I get taken captive, it's the wraith. Just once, I would like to get taken prisioner by the sexy alien."

                    Teyla stares at Rodney as John looks straight ahead at him as well.

                    John, 'Well you may still get a chance."

                    Ronon, "Yeah, what do you mean?"

                    John, "She's still out there."

                    Rodney looks kind of intrigued, kind of nervous at the thought.

                    Teyla rolls her eyes. (LOVE this even more! LOL!)

                    John looks thoughtful, takes a breath and resumes eating.

                    Fade to black.

                    All in all, it was okay. Definitely not my favorite by any means. I tend to get bored with the single character eps like this one. Even when it's John, for some reason, I miss the rest of the team. So anyway, because of that, it was only okay for me. But GREAT John whump in here, YAY, and the whole Larrin thing was not a big deal at all. Felt like a season two kind of ep, which is annoying, but ultimately, means nothing. LOVED Teyla's reaction at the end to the "hot sexy alien" comments. Her sharp glance at him and her rolling her eyes. Also loved how John gives Teyla a sideways glance and refuses to answer Rodney. LOL! Cute team moment at the end. Wish we could have had more of the team in this ep, those are my favorite kinds!
                    Larrin gets FED ON?! Suuuhhhheeettt!!!! Bummer Teyla didn't get to do a few wacks! I woulda stole bought a cable hookup to see that! anyways good sumup!

                    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                      Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                      Travelers detailed summary:

                      This will be a quick summary, but first off, there was only ONE kiss, not three like we feared. She kissed him, he did kiss back, but then she pulled her gun on him and stunned him. That was it! All those angles in the caps and previews were all from the same kiss and it wasn't that big a deal at all. Still annoying that they kissed, but no worse than the tower kiss. So I can live with this. LOL!

                      Anyway, ep opens with John flying in a jumper by himself talking to Rodney over coms. He had been assisting with restocking of a research station. That just "happened to be a tropical paradise with people with little to no inhibitions." Someone starts shooting the jumper, he loses communications. Big ship takes the jumper onboard and goes through hyperspace window.

                      John gets dragged through ship and into a room. Take a sample of blood and demand to know who he is. He doesn't cooperate of course, so gets beat up.

                      Rodney, Teyla, and Ronon have a brief scene, walk and talk as try to figure out who took John and how to track him.

                      Back to John getting beat up, GREAT whump shot here with blood dripping from his mouth and face. Larrin comes in, tells him he should cooperate. She has him brought to a table where they give him "food" that looks terrible. She tells him the ship is their home and they are Travelers. She tells him they know he has the gene and need him. Threaten to kill him a few times as he's not very cooperative. Take him to another room with his jumper, activate force shield and open hanger bay doors so he's "hanging" in space. An ancient Aurora class warship floats behind him. She tells him that is what it is all about. That he is going to help her get it operational again.

                      Walk on Ancient ship and have John sit in chair. They tell him to move the ship forward, he does so without activating the dampeners, so the Travelers people go flying around and get knocked out. He takes one of their guns, comments it's exactly like Ronon's and that he always wondered where he got it from, he stuns his two captives and then talks to Larrin who was in another part of the ship, as he takes over the ship.

                      Brief shot of Rodney, Ronon, Teyla, and Lorne flying in jumper, trying to trace John. Found his last known location, but are stuck from there.

                      Larrin threatens to flood bridge with radiation unless John turns over controls of the ship. He is afraid to call her bluff. Next shot, John in a jail cell, Larrin tells him he was reckless. One of her officers tells her they are stuck. They obviously need John's help. They want to use the ship to house more of their people as they are running out of room on their own ships.

                      Back to Atlantis, Rodney tells Ronon and Teyla he found an SOS code from John.

                      Larrins stalks into John's cell and starts punching him as they found his SOS signal. Tells him he broadcast their location and that the wraith have found them.

                      John convinces her to let him help as he can operate the ship and fight back. John sits in chair and blows away wraith ship, but not before they took on several hits, including one that took out the section the other officers were on.

                      John activates more of the ship, including life signs. Talks to Larrin over coms as they try to access damage.

                      Quick shot of Lorne, Rodney, Teyla, and Ronon in jumper with several other jumpers going after John.

                      John and Larrin verbally spar over coms as work on ship. He initially traps her in a room, but she shoots her way out. He suddenly sees another life sign on the ship coming towards her. She runs to it, thinking it's one of her men, but turns out to be a wraith. She fights it briefly, John appears and shoots it. He has a life signs detector with him and they start to walk, when he suddenly pulls her into a room, which turns out to be a closet (OH BROTHER!) She protests, so he clamps his hand over her mouth. She fights back a bit, puts her hand over his mouth as well. They hear footsteps and she finally realizes what's going on. The wraith are right outside.

                      Quick shot of the team in the jumper.

                      John and Larrin argue in closet, kind of blaming each other. Face to face, a bit of sexual tension here, UGH, but not really a big deal. Wraith walk off, leave closet, only to realize the wraith are between them and the control room and John left the controls on so the wraith can fly it if they find the control room first. Argue some more. She comes up with plan for John to get in chair to shoot drones at them while she lures them out from the middle of the ship to one end. She uses herself as bait, but gets caught and fed on. The wraith ages her, but stops and tells her he can bring her back if she tells him what he wants. John shoots drones that kill the other wraith in the meantime. Then as wraith is telling Larrin to talk, he appears and puts a gun to wraith's head. Has the wraith put Larrin back and chases wraith off. Does not kill him.

                      Helps Larrin to stand, she is weak, so hanging onto him (the caps of them standing together with arms around each other). She starts flirting with him. "You saved my life...In the interest of inter-stellar relations, I think we should at least try to get along." Kisses him, he starts to kiss her back, she pulls her gun. John says, "You've got to be kidding me." And she says sorry and stuns him.

                      Runs off, John wakes up pretty quickly and argue more over coms. She tells him her people arrived before his people did.

                      Brief shot of team in jumper again, getting closer.

                      John back in jail cell. Larrin tells him her people are having trouble activating everything and need his help. He is angry, but she says she's doing it for her people. John tells her it's wrong to keep on hiding, that they need to work together as they can tip the balance in their favor in the war against the wraith if they put their technologies together and work together.

                      Team in jumper, find John and the Travelers ships. They disappear into hyper space just as they arrive. Suddenly get a contact from a single jumper and realize it's John.

                      Back in the city, team sitting at table. John and Teyla next to each other (aww) and John enthusiastically pigging out. Says he has new appreciation for good food. Comments he's not sure why they let him go.

                      End conversation:

                      Rodney, "There's something you're not telling us." Pause. "She was hot, wasn't she?"

                      Teyla looks up at Rodney sharply, then looks sharply at John. (LOVE THIS!)

                      John, looking down, keeping on cutting his food. "I don't know what you're talking about."

                      Rodney, "Oh! I knew it! That is so typical!"

                      John, eyes darting really quickly to Teyla and then back to Rodney. "She had me beat Rodney. She threatened to kill me several times. It wasn't like we were hanging out in the spa together."

                      Rodney. "Whatever. All I know is that everytime I get taken captive, it's the wraith. Just once, I would like to get taken prisioner by the sexy alien."

                      Teyla stares at Rodney as John looks straight ahead at him as well.

                      John, 'Well you may still get a chance."

                      Ronon, "Yeah, what do you mean?"

                      John, "She's still out there."

                      Rodney looks kind of intrigued, kind of nervous at the thought.

                      Teyla rolls her eyes. (LOVE this even more! LOL!)

                      John looks thoughtful, takes a breath and resumes eating.

                      Fade to black.

                      All in all, it was okay. Definitely not my favorite by any means. I tend to get bored with the single character eps like this one. Even when it's John, for some reason, I miss the rest of the team. So anyway, because of that, it was only okay for me. But GREAT John whump in here, YAY, and the whole Larrin thing was not a big deal at all. Felt like a season two kind of ep, which is annoying, but ultimately, means nothing. LOVED Teyla's reaction at the end to the "hot sexy alien" comments. Her sharp glance at him and her rolling her eyes. Also loved how John gives Teyla a sideways glance and refuses to answer Rodney. LOL! Cute team moment at the end. Wish we could have had more of the team in this ep, those are my favorite kinds!

                      Oh thank you Steph for the awesome review of the episode!!!. Now i can go to bed comfortable and wait till tomorrow too see it.
                      I'm sooo glad the John and Larrin moments weren't that bad....probably gross and annoying but nothing for us to worry about. Especially after the last scene with John not looking a Teyla while Rodney was joking with him about the hot alien!!!. Very telling and Teyla looking annoyed and rolling her eyes at there comments! YAY!. It sucks that this Larrin chick is coming back but hopefully this time, Teyla is around and hopefully we get some good Teyla jealous moments lol...i know, i lot to hope for!. I love action and whump myself but yeah, doesn't sound like it would be one of my favs. I guess i'll find out tomorrow. I'm already really sleepy and having to wake up really early, at least this episode, i think i can wait till tomorrow to see it.

                      Sig by Camy


                        Originally posted by Rememberie View Post
                        Some of my favorite parts:
                        the teaser at the beginning: John is in a Jumper about to enter a space gate. He's been on a supply run to one of the research sites. Rodney's in the gateroom, commenting on how this is the first supply run he's ever volunteered for. He alludes to Sheppard's enthusiasm for the trip is a result of the people of the planet's friendliness, and "little or no social inhibitions." John says that had nothing to do with his decision, but that the people were very, very friendly.

                        When Larrin comes in to check on John's interrogation/beating the guard states that they got his name out of him: Reed Richards. (a bit ashamed it took me a minute to get the reference, wasn't expecting it.)

                        After surrendering control of the bridge back to Larrin, they argue a bit before the guard comes in to report that the hyperdrive is offline again. Larrin wonders what else Sheppard did while in control of the ship, and refuses to let him try to help. The soldier states that it doesn't make sense for Sheppard to sabotage them now, if they stay there, he will die with them. Larrin says that's what worries her, she says something like "Does he act like someone who's thinks his life is about to end?" Sheppard is slouched against his cot, arms spread, looking like he doesn't have a care in the world.

                        The end: the team's together and John's recounting what happened. Teyla can't imagine living her whole life in space, Ronan thinks he would go crazy. John agrees that some of them were a little off kilter. Rodney suspects that he's leaving something out, then asks "Was she hot?" When John doesn't deny it, Rodney goes off in a tirade about how it is so typical, that when he gets captured, it's by the Wraith, and that just once he wants to get captured by the sexy alien. John replies that he might get his chance: Larrin is still out there. Rodney looks thoughtful, Teyla is rolling her eyes at the both of them.

                        Also: loved how all throughout the episode, Rodney's explaining how impossible it will be to find John, and Ronan speaks up saying they still have to try, for Sheppard, or that the risk is worth it, that they can't do anything else, and then everyone agrees. Not a lot of 'ship, I thought, even the John and Larrin kiss was under the pretense of preserving ambassadorial/diplomatic relations and 'keeping interstellar peace'. Oh, and it was also Larrin's ruse to get the wraith stunner from him. He did give his name out as Mr. Fantastic though, could that count?

                        Anyway just my initial, two cent reaction to the show.
                        Oh, great comments!!

                        I LOVED his reference back to Mr. Fantastic as well! That was great! Also loved when John is lounging back in his cell like he doesn't have a care in the world when it becomes apparent they can't do anything without him and need his help. LOL! That was a great John moment.
                        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                          I liked this ep a lot more than I thought I would... But I'm still annoyed at the whole Larin story line. *glares at JM* Dang Shep, why does he just let himself get sucked in by these women! And she wasn't even nice!

                          Good plot though, and this will probably be a fan favorite for a lot of reasons.


                            Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                            Oh thank you Steph for the awesome review of the episode!!!. Now i can go to bed comfortable and wait till tomorrow too see it.
                            I'm sooo glad the John and Larrin moments weren't that bad....probably gross and annoying but nothing for us to worry about. Especially after the last scene with John not looking a Teyla while Rodney was joking with him about the hot alien!!!. Very telling and Teyla looking annoyed and rolling her eyes at there comments! YAY!. It sucks that this Larrin chick is coming back but hopefully this time, Teyla is around and hopefully we get some good Teyla jealous moments lol...i know, i lot to hope for!. I love action and whump myself but yeah, doesn't sound like it would be one of my favs. I guess i'll find out tomorrow. I'm already really sleepy and having to wake up really early, at least this episode, i think i can wait till tomorrow to see it.
                            No problem!!! I need to get going here myself. Still have a million things to do and it's already late. Have a good night!!!

                            But yeah, it was a nice ep. Some great moments, and some predictable moments. So overall, not bad, just sort of bland feeling to me, the same way I feel about all the singular character focused eps. They are never my favorites.
                            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                              Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                              Oh thank you Steph for the awesome review of the episode!!!. Now i can go to bed comfortable and wait till tomorrow too see it.
                              I'm sooo glad the John and Larrin moments weren't that bad....probably gross and annoying but nothing for us to worry about. Especially after the last scene with John not looking a Teyla while Rodney was joking with him about the hot alien!!!. Very telling and Teyla looking annoyed and rolling her eyes at there comments! YAY!. It sucks that this Larrin chick is coming back but hopefully this time, Teyla is around and hopefully we get some good Teyla jealous moments lol...i know, i lot to hope for!. I love action and whump myself but yeah, doesn't sound like it would be one of my favs. I guess i'll find out tomorrow. I'm already really sleepy and having to wake up really early, at least this episode, i think i can wait till tomorrow to see it.
                              Personally, I hope Teyla kicks her skanky butt. Sorry, I couldn't help myself.


                                Oh, great comments!!
                                Thanks, I love your sum-up, I had already forgotten some of the details!
                                Did he really glance at Teyla when talking about Larrin, I hadn't noticed that!

