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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by scifan View Post
    How's this.

    Rememberance. Part 5.

    John break from his worse memories were short lived. Again, John is forced to see the burial of his mother. Nancy, his ex-wife, is standing by his side comforting him and as John brings her hand up to kiss it you can see that she has a wedding ring on. Immediately after, other horrible events immerge onto the screen. His ordeal while he was in the war and the friends he lost. He and Nancy getting divorce and the fight with his family that follows after.

    Again, John tries to fight his haunting memories. As he struggles in the chair and he restrains to verbalize his pain, many flashes of more pleasant memories appear. Some were from Earth, but most of his memories are of him in Atlantis.

    They hear his laughter and those of Ronon, Rodney and Teyla. They are sitting around a table in the mess hall. Other images appear, Teyla’s smile, Ronon drinking beer, him beating Rodney at chess and many other people in Atlantis. In between those are John and his friends in the service doing similar things, like watching football and playing practical jokes.

    John’s breathing becomes more laborious and the monitors indicate that his heart rate is becoming dangerously high. Those who were working on a solution to shut the machine down watch helplessly.

    The screen grew dark again and lasted for several minutes. Almost as if it was giving John a break, but this time he didn’t talk. His eyes are barely open as he tries to look around to his friends. They can see the exhaustion plastered on his face. Teyla, Sam and Ronon try to give him words of encouragement. He closes eyes and the whole thing begins again.

    They witness him fighting in combat during the war and his struggles to save his friends and losing many. When he finally gets to go home he has trouble coping. Nancy has a hard time understanding why he is so different and his family comes to her defense. They have a heated argument and when he gets a call to help in a mission, to find any MIA soldiers, he jumps at the chance. Shortly after, he gets some divorce papers and he signs them reluctantly.

    After showing the events that he struggled with on Earth they begin to see his burdens from Atlantis. Starting with the culling on Athos, him having to kill Sumner and releasing the Wraith. The loss of Ford, Carson and Weir hit John pretty hard. He goes a secret place to let out his frustrations. A place where no one can hear or see him, while he let out his rage by screaming at the top of his lung. Everyone grows silent and some shed some tears, including Teyla.

    John’s monitor indicates they his is getting weaker by the moments. His struggles between the hard memories are few and far between now. Nobody knows what to say. Unless Mckay and the science team are able to shut it down there is no hope for John.

    Ronon hears the conversation between John and Teyla when they thought he was going to leave Atlantis to be with his Satedan friends. Ronon hangs his head down in sadness.

    They all witness John’s nightmare with the crystal entity. Rodney, for the first sees how John would react to his death. He forces himself not to choke up.

    The next event is the worse one they witness. At first it seems to be a minor memory, John is alone with Teyla and she begins to tell him that she’s pregnant. She explains the whole story and John silently listens. She thanks him for being understanding and leaves. They next scene is something no one expected. John goes to his room and begins to throw stuff around. He leaves and begins to go to his secret place. The screen goes black.

    John begins to yell in pain. He tries to force more pleasant memories to the surface but he is so weak that it’s difficult. In between the more cheerful recollections they see glimpses of John going ballistic.

    “Way to go John!” he roars. “She’s pregnant by another man! Why didn’t you just tell her before how you feel! You idiot!”

    Tears flow down Teyla’s face. She looks at Ronon with deep sadness.

    “Did you know about this?” she asks him. He shakes his head no.
    Perfect. And wow, what an update! Nice job.
    I think I'll head off to bed now. See ya guys!
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      Originally posted by maffieg View Post
      Thanks for the weaponry Tey I knew I could count on a whumper!

      *nails Larrin here*

      also Maff the Mirror Scecne is in my last post!

      This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
      "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
      "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


        Hey Sci...for titles about Mind's Eye or Envisage???

        At least I'm trying you know how I feel about coming up with titles...
        Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


          Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
          Perfect. And wow, what an update! Nice job.
          I think I'll head off to bed now. See ya guys!
          G'Night WP!!!
          sig by Sci!

          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


            Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
            It's all glittery and shiny and stuff!
            LOL, your hilarious Elf


            Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
            You are just like Linda no worries I;'ll have the Mirror Scene up shortly...


              Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
              Perfect. And wow, what an update! Nice job.
              I think I'll head off to bed now. See ya guys!
              Goodnight WP. Sweet JT dreams.

              Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
              Hey Sci...for titles about Mind's Eye or Envisage???

              At least I'm trying you know how I feel about coming up with titles...
              Oooo. I like Mind's Eye.
              What does Envisage mean?

              I just look it up. Envisage it perfect!! Thanks Jess.



                Maffs bowin' down to Elfie!....I so love it..

                sig by Sci!

                Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                  Originally posted by scifan View Post
                  Goodnight WP. Sweet JT dreams.

                  Oooo. I like Mind's Eye.
                  What does Envisage mean?

                  I just look it up. Envisage it perfect!! Thanks Jess.
                  You're welcome! Glad I could come up with something.
                  Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                    Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                    You're welcome! Glad I could come up with something.
                    Hey Jess-
                    Just sent you a PM
                    sig by Sci!

                    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                      Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                      You're welcome! Glad I could come up with something.
                      See, I've been out of school for 20 yrs and I'm still learning.
                      Thanks Jess.


                        Originally posted by scifan View Post
                        See, I've been out of school for 20 yrs and I'm still learning.
                        Thanks Jess.
                        You are crackin' me up!

                        Yes...SCI can be taught...
                        sig by Sci!

                        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                          Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                          You are crackin' me up!

                          Yes...SCI can be taught...
                          I guess that saying old dogs can't be taught old tricks isn't always true.

                          Goodnight all.

                          Jess. I'll give you part 4 and 5 tomorrow. Thanks


                            Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                            Hey Jess-
                            Just sent you a PM
                            Got it...sent you a PM back!

                            Originally posted by scifan View Post
                            See, I've been out of school for 20 yrs and I'm still learning.
                            Thanks Jess.
                            And see, I'm going back there...LOL, I told you I'm trying to brush up on my English! You're welcome!
                            Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                              Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                              you mean you missed the love in what I said?! *starts to tear up* maybe THIS SNIPPET will take care of that ey?

                              A Missing Mirror Home Sniipet #8..... (NOTE: Rachel will be actually mentioned in this story rather then seen, that and Teyla is as we see her in seasn two and three)
                              John stared at Joe, and Joe stared back, then as if moving on a mirror John/Joe went to the left side (the right for Joe) of the hall and went into a door, then John peeked out and Joe did as well. John moved his right hand is a wave motion, and the "mirror" did likewise, John ducked back around the corner.

                              The phone rang, "I'll get it" came not one but TWO voices, both of them alike, Joe on the inside of a room he had ducked into stuck a finger into his ear and tried cleaning it, John did the same in the room he had ducked into. This was just too weird.

                              In the room he was in John saw a rack on a wall, and got an idea, grabbing a hat off the rack he went out dancing stage style and so did Joe, John danced backwards into the room he was hiding in, "this is just odd." he told himself over and over. "it's just a mirror you are fine John just a mirror.... It's just a... oh boy!" John peeked around the corner again this time with the hat and Joe didn't peek out. "OK not a mirror... now what?" John stepped out of the room he was in and peeked into the room Joe had been in, he'd fainted "OK this is a bad thing if I don't wake him up." he said to himself.

                              He got onto his radio, "Teyla get in here quick we got a problem." Teyla didn't even respond other then to arrive a few seconds later.

                              "What is it?" She asked before seeing Joe out cold on the floor. Her eyes widened seeing who might have been for all she knew John. "Is he?"

                              "He's fine, he's still breathing, I think he passed out somehow. See if you can find Teyilia I'll try and wake.... me.... up." John said, Teyla nodded and took off while John started patting 'himself' on the cheeks, "come on self wake up! can't die on me now!"
                              LOL ...Oh my sides Tey
                              love the "come on self wake up!"

                              Originally posted by Elflinn View Post

                              Maffs bowin' down to Elfie!....I so love it..

                              Well if you're going to go rolling on the floor it will make it very hard for me to bow to you Queen Elf.


                                Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                                Well if you're going to go rolling on the floor it will make it very hard for me to bow to you Queen Elf.

                                Elf is a queen and Sci is an Auntie???? Hmmm...maybe I could be the Court Jester. LOL
                                Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain

