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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
    That's what I said, it's the same color/pattern/whathaveyou, only in this reality it is a top, only here where I am now it is a reather nice nightgown that is about the same length and a wedding dress
    Oh, I'm sorry! I get lost sometimes when you roleplay. It would make a pretty nightgown as well though...with a little added length that is. LOL!
    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


      Originally posted by Toomi View Post
      Hiya, and thanks!!!


      LOTR was my first ever 'obsession'. Read the books before I ever knew the movies were being made and loved them all!!!! Big fan of the Aragorn storyline...

      Edited coz I just saw LC's You guys are making me blush.. Yup, massive Farscape fan. If you're interested, in about 12 days or so I'll be posting pics to my LJ from the Con in Burbank....
      Way, way OT . . .
      I'd have to say LOTR was my first obsession too. I love everything about it, really. I have a copy of everything Tolkien wrote (to my knowledge), including an extremely well-thumbed three-in-one version of LOTR itself. 'tis a marvelous piece of literature!
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        Originally posted by CKO View Post
        *pokes in...* miss me... anyway


        SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! i loved the hug.... and how ronon mentioned that they were together... while havin dinner
        damn right they are...
        Hi CKO!!!!!! Long time no see!!! This is SO great to see some more of our J/T shippers stopping by!!! YAY!!

        And a big SQUEE is right!!!! Such an awesome moment!!!!
        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


          Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
          Oh, I'm sorry! I get lost sometimes when you roleplay. It would make a pretty nightgown as well though...with a little added length that is. LOL!
          Roleplay what's that? nevermind, I'm currently curled up in the lovely SILKY purple top and am about to go to bed because my mind is a total mess again, night all, and thanks a again Toomi, Winged! you guys may let me know of what character(or if just as yourselves by the names you use here on GW) in the story!

          This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
          "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
          "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


            Originally posted by Toomi View Post
            Yeah, I like to write... Mostly SG-1 and one Farscape Xover... began writing a SGA fic but it's John/Other so I can get the 'feel' of the characters (my first SG-1 fic was a team fic for the same purposes). Planning a J/T fic but lost most of what i have in a recent hard drive crash.

            I'll check out your LJ probably tomorrow, got some posting to do on my own lol.

            Thanks again!
            Ouch, sorry to hear about your computer crash. I hope you are able to do a J/T fic sometime! That would be awesome!
            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


              Originally posted by CKO View Post
              *pokes in...* miss me... anyway


              SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! i loved the hug.... and how ronon mentioned that they were together... while havin dinner
              damn right they are...
              Hiya, before I go to bed ju8st wanted to say, aren't you in the free green thread too?! mental green since i gotta spread the loving around but you are a JT shipper too? YAY!!


              This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
              "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
              "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                Roleplay what's that? nevermind, I'm currently curled up in the lovely SILKY purple top and am about to go to bed because my mind is a total mess again, night all, and thanks a again Toomi, Winged! you guys may let me know of what character(or if just as yourselves by the names you use here on GW) in the story!
                Have a good night!! And hopefully your computer problems will get fixed!! And I'm sure there will be a transcript of DG out very soon so you can read all about it very soon as well. There very well could be one out already actually since a lot of people have already seen it.
                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                  Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                  Hiya, before I go to bed ju8st wanted to say, aren't you in the free green thread too?! mental green since i gotta spread the loving around but you are a JT shipper too? YAY!!

                  Goodnight Tey!
                  I'm a little more than halfway through betaing your story for you. Hopefully I'll have it tomorrow, unless my family's doing something for my b-day a little early.
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                    Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                    Goodnight Tey!
                    I'm a little more than halfway through betaing your story for you. Hopefully I'll have it tomorrow, unless my family's doing something for my b-day a little early.
                    Happy Birthday, WP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    Darn, can't green you! So sending you BIG MENTAL GREENS instead!
                    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                      Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                      Hiya, before I go to bed ju8st wanted to say, aren't you in the free green thread too?! mental green since i gotta spread the loving around but you are a JT shipper too? YAY!!

                      yep on the free green thread too... and i am a shipper... so many good moments in tonites ep


                        Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                        Goodnight Tey!
                        I'm a little more than halfway through betaing your story for you. Hopefully I'll have it tomorrow, unless my family's doing something for my b-day a little early.
                        I wanna have it ready to post by Monday Winged! and have fun if anything with the family though unplanned comes up! *rolls over in teh purple top and starts into as light snooze*

                        This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                        "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                        "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                          Thought I'd re-post my comments on DG since it's now officially aired!

                          LOVED IT! I would put this one on the same level as Sunday without a doubt. Not a shippy episode as obviously they were not the focus, but VERY shippy moments throughout! The entire ep is just filled with delicious subtext; I can't believe it! I was thrilled to get just one moment and instead we got TONS! AH! Where to start?! LOL!

                          Detailed DG summary part one:

                          The ep opens with them exploring a planet, find a crystal entity attached to a tree, John finds himself drawn to it and touches it. It blows him backwards. Teyla, "Are you alright?" She kneels next to him and rests her hand on his chest. Teyla and Ronon both help him stand.

                          Next scene is John sitting on an infirmary bed, Teyla standing next to him. Keller tells him he is fine, John and Teyla exchange cute smiles, and he hops off bed and walks out, Teyla walks out with him.
                          John, "I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted."
                          Teyla, "Well, it's been a long day."
                          John, "Well, thanks for hanging out."
                          Teyla, looks at him and smiles, voice softening a little, "Just wanted to be sure." (Kind of like the "I know," tone in Ark, not quite, but close).
                          John puts his hand on the back of her shoulder, we see a glow which is the entity being passed to Teyla by touch. So obviously a practical moment, but I still love it when they touch each other.
                          John, "I'm fine." Walks out the door as Teyla pauses, turns back to her, "Get some sleep."
                          Teyla, "Good night, John." The camera pans around her as she looks after him and smiles.

                          Next scene, Teyla sleeping in bed, agitated. Then we see her dream, back in Rising outfit and in tent. John is eating at the table.
                          John, "This is pretty good. What is it?" (Surprised...she is a bad cook after all! LOL!)
                          Ronon suddenly is in the tent as well, a smug grin on his face. "I knew you two were eventually going to hook up."
                          Teyla, looking flustered, a bit defensive. "We are not hooking up, it's just dinner." Classic defensive reaction just like we saw in John when Ronon confronted him about Teyla in Sunday. LOVED it!
                          Rodney suddenly walks by and then John is standing right in front of her, looking intense. This is now Evil John.
                          Teyla, "John, what are you doing?"
                          He starts voicing aloud her inner fears. Carter doesn't trust you, no one does but've never been the same since you got inside that wraith queen, etc." I LOVE that her inner fear is that John is the only one that trusts her. Despite her massive insecurities, she knows without a doubt that John trusts her completely. Awww!
                          Anyway, she hears someone call her name outside, she yells "Father" as darts are heard. She lifts the tent flap to go out and suddenly Bug John appears and forces her back inside and bending backwards over the table with one hand around her neck and the other drawn back to feed on her. She wakes up gasping.

                          Next scene. Teyla, Ronon, and Rodney eating breakfast. Teyla has just told them about her dream. John strolls in.
                          John, "Morning." Looks around at everyone looking weird. "What?"
                          Rodney, "Teyla had a dream about you last night."
                          John, sounding interested. "Really?"
                          Teyla, reprimanding. "Rodney."
                          John, "What was it about?"
                          Teyla, "Actually it was more of a nightmare and I'd rather not talk about it."
                          John, still seeming amused by the fact he was in her dream and not really catching on she is uncomfortable yet. "Was I the dashing hero saving you from the big bad monster?"
                          Ronon, "Actually you were the big bad monster."
                          John, still not concerned, still amused. "Really?"
                          Teyla, "Like I said, I'd rather not talk about it." Stands up to leave.
                          John, finally getting a clue, LOL, "Where are you going?"
                          Teyla, "I'm sorry, I have a headache. I did not sleep well last night."
                          John, "Is she really mad at me?" Pause. "I can't control what's in her dreams!"

                          Next scene, Teyla telling Kate about her dream.
                          Teyla, "I know it's not really Col. Sheppard, but I can't help but feel...different towards him. Do you think it's my subconscious trying to tell me something?"
                          Kate, "If there is something real going on between you and Col. Sheppard that you feel you need to address you definitely should...(Teyla takes a deep breath here, breaks eye contact)...otherwise, don't let it bother you." I LOVE the subtext here as well. Kate telling Teyla to face her feelings! YAY! LOL!
                          Teyla then goes on to explain this nightmare feels different than any other and she is afraid of falling asleep.

                          Next scene, Keller examines Teyla, finds nothing wrong and gives her sleeping pills. Teyla thanks her and touches her shoulder, passing on the entity. Keller is woken up from sleep and called to the infirmary.
                          Teyla is on a bed curled on her side toward John who is standing by her side.
                          John, "We were in the mess for a late night snack, she started complaining about her stomach, and then she just doubled over. (And yet MORE subtext!!! I love it!!! Keller sees them together in her dream as well! LOL! Okay, technically John has to be there as the entity takes his form, but it didn't have to be Teyla with him, but it was. Love that!)
                          Teyla screams in pain, alien comes out of her stomach as John and nurse hold her arms. Blood splashes on her face, she dies and iratus bug bursts from her stomach. John gets the intense look as Evil John again and watches in excitement. "Can you believe this?!" Keller wakes up. She goes to the infirmary to get sleeping pills, John and Ronon startle her. They were sparring and John "got in a lucky shot" and Ronon's head is bleeding. He needs stitches. John leaves and Keller stitches him up. One weird line is as John leaves, Keller looks distracted. Ronon watches her and says, "I don't think he's seeing anyone, you know..." Keller hastily interrupts, "Oh no, no, that's alright." So Ronon misunderstood her distraction from her nightmare as distraction with John. Annoyed by Ronon's comment, LOL, but guess it can't be perfect. Anyway, Ronon falls asleep and has his nightmare. City is deserted, he runs around alone again, suddenly finds himself in a forest, gets hit, wakes to John burying him alive. Suddenly wakes up, startles Keller who is still stitching him up.

                          Next scene is team speculating about what's going on, why John is the one in all their dreams. Rodney starts to tell about his nightmare. He starts, "Last night, I dreamed Col. Carter invited me to her quarters for dinner." Teyla interrupts, "Maybe you shouldn't be telling us this Rodney..." I love that Teyla thinks a private dinner shouldn't be something they should be talking about, as it indicates romance and privacy, and in her dream, she was doing the very same thing with John and was so defensive with Ronon about! LOL! Thought that was kind of a funny little connection. Anyway Keller tells Carter about the dreams, then they are called to the where Lorne is standing barefoot and pointing a gun at John. Lorne is sleepwalking and thinks John is a replicator, then Carter too. He is about to shoot John, Ronon stuns him. Teyla, taking replicator gun and smiles, "I take it I don't have to shoot either of you with this?"
                          Talk more, make connection to the crystal and an entity being passed through touch. Carter mentions the crystal entity from SG1. Team meets in conference room, talk to Kate.
                          John turns to Teyla. "Did I have a goatee?"
                          She shakes her head at him.

                          Go back to planet, find another crystal entity, bring back the one John touched and the other one. Examine them.

                          Teyla walks and sees Kate standing on a ledge, like she's about to jump. She pleads Teyla to help her, that she doesn't want to die. Teyla lunges forward to help her, but Evil John suddenly appears and holds her back. Teyla struggles against John as Kate falls.
                          Keller walks into Kate's bedroom where Teyla stands in shock, saying she couldn't wake her up. Kate is dead. (So sad! I wasn't expecting THAT at all!! I liked Kate!)
                          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                            And reposting again..

                            DG Detailed Summary Part two:

                            Carter makes announcement to city. John laying on his bed, sits up and goes to door. Opens it and surprised to find Teyla there.
                            John, "I was just about to come see you, but I wasn't sure if you wanted to see me." He looks her up and down as he says this.
                            Teyla, still reeling from Kate's death, goes right into his arms with a small sob/gasp/sigh sound. As we've seen in the hug clip we saw before, she clenches him tightly, both arms around him and fingers digging into his shoulder. She is crying into his chest. John stands stunned for a moment, unsure, Puts a hand on her back, lifts it in the next shot, then puts it back again. His lower hand is off screen, but looks to be around her as the top of his arm is visible and going around her body. His brows crease in emotion as if he's not sure how to help her. I LOVE this scene!!! It's pretty much what we've already seen before, but now we know the context as well. I think this shows us that Kate was a good friend of Teyla's and also a confidant of hers. The way Kate so casually told Teyla to explore her feelings for John if they were real makes it appear they've discussed John before. So I imagine Dr. Hewston in Sunday was not the only friend Teyla confided in. Kate was both her friend and her doctor and after losing so much, she is in shock and goes to John for comfort. John is unsure as in his mind, she is still mad at him and he is to blame for Kate's death, since it was his touching the entity that indirectly caused it. He is feeling guilty and unsure as his words show, "I wasn't sure if you wanted to see me." When she then cries into his arms, his mind is reeling here, and probably more guilt racketing him as well. He tentatively touches her as she cries more. The scene is also obviously cut. John's hand goes to her back and then suddenly the next angle is before he touches her and his hand is in the air again and then again tentatively giving her that first touch. It's like we see that first touch from two different camera angles that were edited together. So I think that's partly why it looks a little awkward, since we see one motion from him twice because of the editing. So Joe didn't play it that way, but it came out that way on screen. But as I said in my description, the way it's editing, he touches her, lifts his hand, and then touches her again and holds it there. His lower arm is around her the whole time. So it adds a feeling of awkwardness I think, which is too bad, but in this scene and in this moment, given John's state of mind, it works. Teyla is holding very tight the whole time. Awww!!!!!!!!! BIG SQUEE!!!!!!

                            They find out the entity is in Rodney. They isolate him. Team talk. John says there must be a way to get into Rodney's dreams to help him. Carter remembers that dream connection machine thingy from SG1 and John wants to do it.
                            Teyla, concerned steps up to him. "It does not have to be you."
                            John, "Yeah, well, it's my bad idea."
                            On a side note, I found it annoying how much they dumbed down poor Ronon in this scene! He was like, "Huh, what?" this whole scene. Didn't fit!

                            John and Rodney are hooked up to machine, Rodney's dream is rowing a boat in a storm, trying to get back to the city. Evil John sits in boat telling him he can't do it. Real John appears behind him telling him to keep going. Rodney tells him to help him row, John appears next to him and they both row in the storm. John comments his dream is not what he expected, and Rodney says, "What about that?!" They turn to see a clown sitting behind them. John comments that he hates clowns. LOL! Great scene between them! Whale comes up and swallows the whole boat. John awakes to see Rodney going into cardiac arrest. Keller tells him he's dead. John walks despondent down the hall, suddenly others come up to him making mean comments, he sees Evil John in background and realizes the entity is in him now. Back to the infirmary again and Rodney wakes up. Back in John's dream world, he fights Evil John. GREAT whumping scene of them fighting! AWESOME! Evil John yells John's worst fears of failing his friends while they fight. Rodney appears in his dream to encourage him, tells him he's not dead, and helps distract Evil John so John can beat him and throw him through the gate. John and Rodney both wake up. They return the crystals to the planet and leave.

                            Final scene, John sitting in mess hall by himself at night. Teyla joins him.
                            Teyla, "Couldn't sleep."
                            John, "Yeah, me too."
                            She sits in the chair across from him.
                            Camera shows passage of time, Rodney next joins them with a tray full of food. Then Carter and Keller. Team talking together as camera fades to black. I love this ending!!!! They all went through this experience together and in the end, find comfort being together.

                            SUCH A GREAT EP!!!! Definitely one of my new favorites!!! Shippy subtext and whumping John! WAHOO!
                            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                              Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                              Thought I'd re-post my comments on DG since it's now officially aired!

                              LOVED IT! I would put this one on the same level as Sunday without a doubt. Not a shippy episode as obviously they were not the focus, but VERY shippy moments throughout! The entire ep is just filled with delicious subtext; I can't believe it! I was thrilled to get just one moment and instead we got TONS! AH! Where to start?! LOL!

                              Detailed DG summary part one:

                              The ep opens with them exploring a planet, find a crystal entity attached to a tree, John finds himself drawn to it and touches it. It blows him backwards. Teyla, "Are you alright?" She kneels next to him and rests her hand on his chest. Teyla and Ronon both help him stand.

                              Next scene is John sitting on an infirmary bed, Teyla standing next to him. Keller tells him he is fine, John and Teyla exchange cute smiles, and he hops off bed and walks out, Teyla walks out with him.
                              John, "I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted."
                              Teyla, "Well, it's been a long day."
                              John, "Well, thanks for hanging out."
                              Teyla, looks at him and smiles, voice softening a little, "Just wanted to be sure." (Kind of like the "I know," tone in Ark, not quite, but close).
                              John puts his hand on the back of her shoulder, we see a glow which is the entity being passed to Teyla by touch. So obviously a practical moment, but I still love it when they touch each other.
                              John, "I'm fine." Walks out the door as Teyla pauses, turns back to her, "Get some sleep."
                              Teyla, "Good night, John." The camera pans around her as she looks after him and smiles.

                              Next scene, Teyla sleeping in bed, agitated. Then we see her dream, back in Rising outfit and in tent. John is eating at the table.
                              John, "This is pretty good. What is it?" (Surprised...she is a bad cook after all! LOL!)
                              Ronon suddenly is in the tent as well, a smug grin on his face. "I knew you two were eventually going to hook up."
                              Teyla, looking flustered, a bit defensive. "We are not hooking up, it's just dinner." Classic defensive reaction just like we saw in John when Ronon confronted him about Teyla in Sunday. LOVED it!
                              Rodney suddenly walks by and then John is standing right in front of her, looking intense. This is now Evil John.
                              Teyla, "John, what are you doing?"
                              He starts voicing aloud her inner fears. Carter doesn't trust you, no one does but've never been the same since you got inside that wraith queen, etc." I LOVE that her inner fear is that John is the only one that trusts her. Despite her massive insecurities, she knows without a doubt that John trusts her completely. Awww!
                              Anyway, she hears someone call her name outside, she yells "Father" as darts are heard. She lifts the tent flap to go out and suddenly Bug John appears and forces her back inside and bending backwards over the table with one hand around her neck and the other drawn back to feed on her. She wakes up gasping.

                              Next scene. Teyla, Ronon, and Rodney eating breakfast. Teyla has just told them about her dream. John strolls in.
                              John, "Morning." Looks around at everyone looking weird. "What?"
                              Rodney, "Teyla had a dream about you last night."
                              John, sounding interested. "Really?"
                              Teyla, reprimanding. "Rodney."
                              John, "What was it about?"
                              Teyla, "Actually it was more of a nightmare and I'd rather not talk about it."
                              John, still seeming amused by the fact he was in her dream and not really catching on she is uncomfortable yet. "Was I the dashing hero saving you from the big bad monster?"
                              Ronon, "Actually you were the big bad monster."
                              John, still not concerned, still amused. "Really?"
                              Teyla, "Like I said, I'd rather not talk about it." Stands up to leave.
                              John, finally getting a clue, LOL, "Where are you going?"
                              Teyla, "I'm sorry, I have a headache. I did not sleep well last night."
                              John, "Is she really mad at me?" Pause. "I can't control what's in her dreams!"

                              Next scene, Teyla telling Kate about her dream.
                              Teyla, "I know it's not really Col. Sheppard, but I can't help but feel...different towards him. Do you think it's my subconscious trying to tell me something?"
                              Kate, "If there is something real going on between you and Col. Sheppard that you feel you need to address you definitely should...(Teyla takes a deep breath here, breaks eye contact)...otherwise, don't let it bother you." I LOVE the subtext here as well. Kate telling Teyla to face her feelings! YAY! LOL!
                              Teyla then goes on to explain this nightmare feels different than any other and she is afraid of falling asleep.

                              Next scene, Keller examines Teyla, finds nothing wrong and gives her sleeping pills. Teyla thanks her and touches her shoulder, passing on the entity. Keller is woken up from sleep and called to the infirmary.
                              Teyla is on a bed curled on her side toward John who is standing by her side.
                              John, "We were in the mess for a late night snack, she started complaining about her stomach, and then she just doubled over. (And yet MORE subtext!!! I love it!!! Keller sees them together in her dream as well! LOL! Okay, technically John has to be there as the entity takes his form, but it didn't have to be Teyla with him, but it was. Love that!)
                              Teyla screams in pain, alien comes out of her stomach as John and nurse hold her arms. Blood splashes on her face, she dies and iratus bug bursts from her stomach. John gets the intense look as Evil John again and watches in excitement. "Can you believe this?!" Keller wakes up. She goes to the infirmary to get sleeping pills, John and Ronon startle her. They were sparring and John "got in a lucky shot" and Ronon's head is bleeding. He needs stitches. John leaves and Keller stitches him up. One weird line is as John leaves, Keller looks distracted. Ronon watches her and says, "I don't think he's seeing anyone, you know..." Keller hastily interrupts, "Oh no, no, that's alright." So Ronon misunderstood her distraction from her nightmare as distraction with John. Annoyed by Ronon's comment, LOL, but guess it can't be perfect. Anyway, Ronon falls asleep and has his nightmare. City is deserted, he runs around alone again, suddenly finds himself in a forest, gets hit, wakes to John burying him alive. Suddenly wakes up, startles Keller who is still stitching him up.

                              Next scene is team speculating about what's going on, why John is the one in all their dreams. Rodney starts to tell about his nightmare. He starts, "Last night, I dreamed Col. Carter invited me to her quarters for dinner." Teyla interrupts, "Maybe you shouldn't be telling us this Rodney..." I love that Teyla thinks a private dinner shouldn't be something they should be talking about, as it indicates romance and privacy, and in her dream, she was doing the very same thing with John and was so defensive with Ronon about! LOL! Thought that was kind of a funny little connection. Anyway Keller tells Carter about the dreams, then they are called to the where Lorne is standing barefoot and pointing a gun at John. Lorne is sleepwalking and thinks John is a replicator, then Carter too. He is about to shoot John, Ronon stuns him. Teyla, taking replicator gun and smiles, "I take it I don't have to shoot either of you with this?"
                              Talk more, make connection to the crystal and an entity being passed through touch. Carter mentions the crystal entity from SG1. Team meets in conference room, talk to Kate.
                              John turns to Teyla. "Did I have a goatee?"
                              She shakes her head at him.

                              Go back to planet, find another crystal entity, bring back the one John touched and the other one. Examine them.

                              Teyla walks and sees Kate standing on a ledge, like she's about to jump. She pleads Teyla to help her, that she doesn't want to die. Teyla lunges forward to help her, but Evil John suddenly appears and holds her back. Teyla struggles against John as Kate falls.
                              Keller walks into Kate's bedroom where Teyla stands in shock, saying she couldn't wake her up. Kate is dead. (So sad! I wasn't expecting THAT at all!! I liked Kate!)
                              *sleepliy* So you are saying here that....
                              Kate bit the dust while in a dream?! how is that possible? she is sytill alive and well over here, though I'm....looking....forwards to waking up and reading the episode!
                              *falls back alseep, dreaming many Sheyyla dreams of John, Teyla & self going offworld and getting shot at, so what else is new?*

                              This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                              "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                              "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                                Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                                Thanks Scifan and Steph!
                                yup, i thought because the lights turned off it might be Quarantine but your right, i think they said John will be stuck with Ronon, Carter, Zelenka and Keller. I remember i think Zelenka is supposed to go through a vent or something lol don't remember. I know!, i wonder who Teyla gets stuck with...i hope at one point with John but she isn't mentioned at all as far as the spoilers we have read, so i have no idea where she is going to be. Wasn't this the episode where some people said John and Teyla might have there "heated exchange"?

                                LOL!!! yup, looks like today FINALLY i'll be home to watch it. I actually should be starting my homework but yes, today i'm definitely watching DG! YAY!!!. Now next week...Travellers...can't say i'm too excited to see that one lol
                                You're welcome Mayra. Which ever ep it comes from I can't wait.

                                Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                                LOL!!! i was just going to answer your first post above and then a few more scrolls down you posted that they actually started calling out Suz and her supposed "insider" lol!!!. Oh god, can these people ever learn!. I'm hoping that at least some non-shipper see what we are seeing between John and Teyla in this episode because lets face it, those shippy glasses from the other ships will not see it no matter what. Poor JM, he is going to get a lot of ugly posts in these next few days after DG airs. But the good thing is that it looks like he knows how to not take what they say seriously and joke back!.

                                Very well said scifan and Steph!. It's sad but true and i'm also just looking forward to the little shippy moments we get between John and Teyla and the slow progress of there relationship. I always hope that at least when the show comes to an end, that they will put them together but yeah, look what happened between Jack and Sam, the show ended and there is still no conclusion! lol!
                                Thanks Mayra.
                                I'm sure that it will be different than J/S.

                                Originally posted by Toomi View Post
                                Long time no see!!!! I stayed clear as I'm a spoiler hog and love to read 'em all.... So now I'm back and am able to watch the eps


                                I LOVE THIS EP!!!!!!!!! Perhaps may even rival my fave SGA ep so far (Home). Was fanfrellingtastic!!!!! I loved Teyla's nightmare (not so much the bugJohn) and Ronan's comment was perfect.

                                Plus the hug...

                                *happy sigh*

                                TOOMI!!! How are you? I'm glad you came to visit.
                                I love DG too. [SPOILERS]I've seen it many times on Itunes. I the love you phrase fanfrellingtastic!!! I miss Farscape.
                                Any way. There was so much in that ep I loved and major sqeeeing during the hug and Ronon's comment. Teyla in the infirmary with John. I can go on and on..SPOILERS]

                                Originally posted by Toomi View Post
                                Seriously a fantastic ep though...
                                Spoilers for some vid on SciFi, definatly season 4... it was one of the interviews posted there...
                                Was it Jewel's interview? The Ronan/Keller thing!!! I really liked that idea and can't wait for that ep.


                                I've gotta go back and do some capping coz there were so many great J/T moments... and there's going to be loads more to come. I'm really excited about season 4!!!!

                                The bug in Teyla's abdomen was freaky though!!! Reminded me of Alien.
                                Come back soon Toomi.
                                With or without caps, you're welcome here.
                                And speaking of caps,Thanks for sharing.

                                Originally posted by CKO View Post
                                *pokes in...* miss me... anyway


                                SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! i loved the hug.... and how ronon mentioned that they were together... while havin dinner
                                damn right they are...
                                Hey CKO!! How are you too. Yes, we missed you.
                                LOL. I'm so loving that everyone is excited over this ep. I was too.
                                My hubby thought I was nuts for all the SQEEEing I did. LOL

