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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by scifan View Post
    LOL. Yes I did.
    G'night Maff. I won't be around this weekend either. Have a good weekend.

    Oh. Crescere I can't wait to see your costume. Sounds like it's coming along.

    I think it would be nice too.

    Sweet JT dreams guys. G'night!!!
    Good night Sci! We'll miss you over the weekend!
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      Slow night at work, so I've been reading through the spoiilers for the eps again, trying to decide which ep for the new bet. LOL! And now I've completely changed my orignal thoughts from yesterday. I haven't actually guessed yet, so now I'm going to. I'm probably totally wrong, but after reading the spoilers, I'm guessing either Seer or Quarantine, so out of the two, I'm going to go with Seer as I'm hoping Teyla doesn't wait that long to tell them and to tell John specifically!

      We know it can't be before Seer as sometime in that ep, Davos tells Teyla he knows and she confesses she hasn't told anyone else yet. There is also supposed to be a surprise or shocker ending for Seer, so I'm guessing??? that it's maybe tied to her pregnancy announcement.
      After Seer is Miller's Crossing, which doesn't seem to have room for Teyla's announcement. Then we begin the big three parter that I was thinking might originally be when it's announced, but after reading about them, I don't think so anymore. From what it sounds like, Weir comes back in This Mortal Coil and this three parter features Atlantis teaming together with some wraith and the Travelers race (Including Larrin--yuck!) to fight the Replicators. This Mortal Coil is also supposed to have a stunning revelation followed by a scene of the team privately coming to terms of this revelation, so I'm assuming this will have to do with Weir's fate as she is not in BAMSR or Spoils of of War as far as we know. These three eps sound ACTION-PACKED and are already dealing with Weir, the Larrin character working with John again (BIG groan!), the wraith and the replicators. The wraith birth scene is also in here. So it sounds pretty crowded arleady, so I don't see the Teyla announcment being in here either now. So the first ep after Seer and all these action eps is Quarantine. We don't know who Teyla is stuck with, but I found one spoiler that said John is stuck with McKay, Carter, Lorne, and Zalenka. No mention of Teyla here. So because of that and because of how much later it is in the season, I decided to go with Seer.

      And that is my pathetically long and rambling explanation coming from a very boring day at work! LOL!
      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


        Originally posted by Mayra View Post
        I really liked "Teyla's Party"!!!.
        Do you mean the part where the songs says "i wear my jeans a little tight to watch the boys come undone" and in that point they show the scene where John slips as he is going down the hill in Rising LOL!!!!
        because i was laughing at that part and giggling!.
        Yes!!!! I thought that was so hilarious and clever! Hehe!
        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


          OH, can someone spill the recent spoilers?

          I think it's still going to be either the Seer or this Mortal Coil.


            Originally posted by sanssong View Post
            ACK!!!!!! Whoooooot!!!!!! I finally saw DG!!!!!!!
            OMG What a totally awesome episode!!!! I was blown away by not only the amazing JT and R/K stuff, but just the overall greatness of the ep itself. What a difference from last year! The new team dynamic is outstanding the writing was spot on and it as just a terrific story from start to finish. I can't wait till everyone gets to see this one. It ROCKS the JT house!

            I think I'll be smiling for WEEKS!!!!!
            That's awesome!!! I'm so glad you loved it too!!!! It's nice to see confirmation that others are seeing the same thing!
            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


              Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
              Good night Sci! We'll miss you over the weekend!
              I'll miss you and everyone else too.

              Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
              Slow night at work, so I've been reading through the spoiilers for the eps again, trying to decide which ep for the new bet. LOL! And now I've completely changed my orignal thoughts from yesterday. I haven't actually guessed yet, so now I'm going to. I'm probably totally wrong, but after reading the spoilers, I'm guessing either Seer or Quarantine, so out of the two, I'm going to go with Seer as I'm hoping Teyla doesn't wait that long to tell them and to tell John specifically!

              We know it can't be before Seer as sometime in that ep, Davos tells Teyla he knows and she confesses she hasn't told anyone else yet. There is also supposed to be a surprise or shocker ending for Seer, so I'm guessing??? that it's maybe tied to her pregnancy announcement.
              After Seer is Miller's Crossing, which doesn't seem to have room for Teyla's announcement. Then we begin the big three parter that I was thinking might originally be when it's announced, but after reading about them, I don't think so anymore. From what it sounds like, Weir comes back in This Mortal Coil and this three parter features Atlantis teaming together with some wraith and the Travelers race (Including Larrin--yuck!) to fight the Replicators. This Mortal Coil is also supposed to have a stunning revelation followed by a scene of the team privately coming to terms of this revelation, so I'm assuming this will have to do with Weir's fate as she is not in BAMSR or Spoils of of War as far as we know. These three eps sound ACTION-PACKED and are already dealing with Weir, the Larrin character working with John again (BIG groan!), the wraith and the replicators. The wraith birth scene is also in here. So it sounds pretty crowded arleady, so I don't see the Teyla announcment being in here either now. So the first ep after Seer and all these action eps is Quarantine. We don't know who Teyla is stuck with, but I found one spoiler that said John is stuck with McKay, Carter, Lorne, and Zalenka. No mention of Teyla here. So because of that and because of how much later it is in the season, I decided to go with Seer.

              And that is my pathetically long and rambling explanation coming from a very boring day at work! LOL!
              WOW Steph. Some good logic in you POV.
              Is it here yet?!!

              I know I said G'night, but I saw some Lurkers. Come on in and join the fun.


                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                JM BLOG UPDATE

                Anna writes: “Will Carter get angry and yell at anyone this season?”

                Answer: Yes. There’s one little exchange in particular that stands out - in Be All My Sins Remember’d where she dresses a certain character down for disrespecting one of her people.

                Chevron 7 writes: “That mound of sand in the Atlantis corridor is very interesting. Care to speculate?”

                Answer: I already know why it’s there. Why would I speculate? I leave that to you…

                Zabadoo writes: “1.)Will we see effects as good as in Adrift more often this season? 2.)Will there be a lot more deaths this season? 3.)Can you give us any hint on what the season finale will be about?”

                Answer: 1) Yes, definitely. 2) It depends what you mean by a lot. 3) Check out today’s video.

                Thors a ecrit: “Beaucoup de fan pense qu'Atlantis n'est qu'un "Copier-Coller" (ex : Doppelganger) de SG1 aux niveau Scénario. Un commentaire ?”

                Answer: I’ll respond to this one in English. Thors writes “A lot of fans think that Atlantis is nothing but a carbon-copy of SG-1” and uses Doppleganger as an example. Well, for starters, there are going to be plenty of similarities between SG-1 and Atlantis because both shows are part of the same Stargate franchise, and both series follow the same template: team explores other worlds via the gate. As for similarities between scripts - again, given that we are working within the same (Stargate) universe, there will be similarities between certain story elements. Take Doppleganger, for instance, which has been compared to Cold Lazarus. The parallels being drawn are to the crystal entity that (in a nutshell) causes the targeted individual to hallucinate. Again, given that we are operating within the same story-telling framework, we it is not outside the realm of possibility (in fact, it’s even probable) that our heroes will encounter similar species or off-shoots of certain species - in this case, the crystal entity. Complaining about this aspect of the script is like complaining about using the goa’uld or the wraith on more than one occasion. The crystal entity may not be as prevalent as the aforementioned races, but we have already established them as part of the same Stargate universe.

                Anonymous #2 writes: “How long do you think that the shippers will hang around for confirmation that Sam and Jack are together, before they give up and find another show to watch?”

                Answer: So, just to confirm, the only reason you’re watching is because you’re waiting for confirmation of Sam and Jack?

                SMB_Books writes: “Indicating that a group of fans (“former” or not) are demonstrating an “inhuman amount of ignorance” is an interesting tactic to take…”

                Answer: Specifically, I said that those fans who consider the obvious effects the internet, and the proliferation of channels have had on television ratings (and not just ours) as nothing more than excuses demonstrate an inhuman amount of ignorance - and I’ll stand by that statement. To completely dismiss the influence of all of the aforementioned is just downright silly. And to be perfectly honest, given your intelligent and well-argued past comments, I’m surprised you vehemently disagree.

                SMB Books also writes: “ I have posted in the anti-season 4 thread on GW. From my observation, I can tell you there appear to be different kinds of fans who post in that thread.”

                Answer: And there are fans who have posted their criticisms here as well. But there’s a big difference between someone criticizing changes in the show and someone claiming they have abandoned the show (the “former” fans) who nevertheless take the time to remain active criticizing a show they no longer watch AND enthusiastically root for its cancellation. In the case of the first group of critics - hey, so long as their posts are respectful, they’ll always have a forum here. In the case of the latter, I’d say their pointless behavior is fair game.

                Camy writes: “Btw, didn't you mention that Scifi would broadcast in HD this season or did I dream that?”

                Answer: No, you didn’t dream it. SciFi will be broadcasting season four in HD - eventually.

                Anonymous #4 writes: “Are you still optimistic for a 5th season pick-up, now that Adrift has aired? Is it possible that the fact that Adrift leaked before it aired hate an affect on the ratings?”

                Answer: Given that the episodes were only available for a limited amount of time before the airing of the actual finished version, I don’t think the leak influenced the ratings. As for season 5, I remain optimistic.

                Mrs.B108 writes: “Will the Seer reveal any prophecies or portents of things to come?”

                Answer: Un huh.

                Video -
                Oh, he answered my question...WOOHOOOO! Yours too Mrs. where are my spoilers.....


                  Originally posted by scifan View Post
                  I'll miss you and everyone else too.

                  WOW Steph. Some good logic in you POV.
                  Is it here yet?!!

                  LOL, thanks! Quarantine is a good possibility still too as we also know

                  that John and Teyla are supposed to share a heated moment in this ep. So it could be as Donna speculated and that it's her being forced to reveal her condition because of possible dangers. But I'm hoping she tells him sooner, which is why I went with Seer. If John knows in Quarantine, then the heated moment could be him trying to protect her and her not liking being put on the sidelines and wanting to help or be involved. I could see that being a possibility too. It's hard to say! It could be any ep, LOL! But I think these two look like good possibilities!
                  Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                    Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                    That's awesome!!! I'm so glad you loved it too!!!! It's nice to see confirmation that others are seeing the same thing!
                    Oh, Stop it! she's a shipper! She suffers from our same illness....foggy vision, exxagerated interpretations, overemphasized nearness syndrome and who knows what else we have! and that's only cause she likes Teyla....the list for those that suffer from John and Teyla is worse!


                      Originally posted by Camy View Post
                      Oh, he answered my question...WOOHOOOO! Yours too Mrs. where are my spoilers.....
                      Camy, what spoilers? I haven't heard of any new ones lately?? Unless I missed them too, in which case, someone spill! But I don't think there's been anything new yet??
                      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                        Originally posted by scifan View Post
                        LOL. I know how you feel.
                        DG spoiler:
                        I got the mistake from Itunes. I've watched 5-6 times and I swear I pick up more each time. So what did you about the hug, Teyla's look, him teasing her about her dream, the list is endless.

                        Everything is under the cut, cause it ALL be spoilers!

                        I thought the hug was one of the shippy highlights of the ep. It was so beautifully done with the writers setting up the moment with each of the grieving separately and then seeking the other out! God, that was just amazingly tender and beautiful. Anyone who can look at that and NOT see how much these two depend on each other and care for each other is completely ingoring the facts. The hug itself was very emotional with John trying to come to terms with his roll in Kate's death and as others have said before, making himself accept Teyla's comfort. It was very well done by Joe F. I think if he had just grabbed onto Teyla right away we wouldn't have felt John's sense of guilt and loss so keenly as we did. These two have taken a giant step in their emotional evolution and it's making me giddy to think about it. No wonder the anti's and the other ship were spinning their brains out, this was colateral damage for them and then some.

                        The other moments were the teasing, yes, the beginning when she went with him to make sure he was okay, the dream, which I'm still trying to assimliate... You're right the list is endless! I'm in ship overload at the moment trying to assimliate it all!


                          Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                          LOL, thanks! Quarantine is a good possibility still too as we also know

                          that John and Teyla are supposed to share a heated moment in this ep. So it could be as Donna speculated and that it's her being forced to reveal her condition because of possible dangers. But I'm hoping she tells him sooner, which is why I went with Seer. If John knows in Quarantine, then the heated moment could be him trying to protect her and her not liking being put on the sidelines and wanting to help or be involved. I could see that being a possibility too. It's hard to say! It could be any ep, LOL! But I think these two look like good possibilities!
                          I"m telling you Steph....I"m right on this one... I have to be! It's the Seer!


                            Originally posted by Camy View Post
                            Oh, Stop it! she's a shipper! She suffers from our same illness....foggy vision, exxagerated interpretations, overemphasized nearness syndrome and who knows what else we have! and that's only cause she likes Teyla....the list for those that suffer from John and Teyla is worse!
                            *snort* Yeah, we're all suffering delusions, that's why all of them run to tattle to JM on me when I open my mouth about things I think will happen on the show. *rolls eyes*


                              Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                              Camy, what spoiiers? I haven't heard of any new ones lately?? Unless I missed them too, in which case, someone spill! But I don't think there's been anything new yet??
                              So, why is everyone writing that due to recent spoilers....blah, blah, blah...

                              OH MY WORD...tell me that Sansong didn't change her sig....please tell me!


                                Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                                Everything is under the cut, cause it ALL be spoilers!

                                I thought the hug was one of the shippy highlights of the ep. It was so beautifully done with the writers setting up the moment with each of the grieving separately and then seeking the other out! God, that was just amazingly tender and beautiful. Anyone who can look at that and NOT see how much these two depend on each other and care for each other is completely ingoring the facts. The hug itself was very emotional with John trying to come to terms with his roll in Kate's death and as others have said before, making himself accept Teyla's comfort. It was very well done by Joe F. I think if he had just grabbed onto Teyla right away we wouldn't have felt John's sense of guilt and loss so keenly as we did. These two have taken a giant step in their emotional evolution and it's making me giddy to think about it. No wonder the anti's and the other ship were spinning their brains out, this was colateral damage for them and then some.

                                The other moments were the teasing, yes, the beginning when she went with him to make sure he was okay, the dream, which I'm still trying to assimliate... You're right the list is endless! I'm in ship overload at the moment trying to assimliate it all!
                                I told you it is the shippiest episode to date! and you know what...I've been thinking about this and it's also a very much Teyla episode as it is a John episode.

                                Oh, gosh...I think I"m getting a headache from your sig!

