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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
    Ok guys, here's chapter 8. Sorry it's a bit short, but I should have an epilogue/the blessed infirmary scene up later. I hope. Enjoy!


    Chapter 8

    Sheppard poked his head out of the cave, looking for Ronon. He could see Rodney, crouching in the underbrush a few steps away, but where had the big man gone?

    “Ronon!” he whispered loudly. “Ronon, where are you?”

    “Right here,” a voice said from his elbow. John nearly jumped out of his skin. He had been right next to him! The man could go dang near invisible when he wanted to. Sheppard took a breath to calm his jangled nerves.

    “I need your help with Teyla,” he said. “she passed out and I can't carry her with my shoulder yet.” With a final glance into the woods, Ronon wordlessly holstered his blaster and entered the cave. He emerged a moment later with Teyla in his arms. Man, she looked pale, Sheppard thought. They needed to get her back to Atlantis.

    “McKay!” Sheppard said. The scientist got up and came over, his face showing concerned surprise at the sight of Teyla in the runner's arms.

    “Good grief, what did you do to her?” McKay asked.

    “What I had to,” Sheppard said, annoyed. Partly with himself. “Keep your eyes open, and be as quiet as possible. No talking unless absolutely necessary,” he said with a pointed look at McKay.

    “What?” came the indignant reply. “Why do you always look at me?”

    “What did I just say?” the colonel asked. Rodney rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, but said nothing.

    “Good,” Sheppard said. “Now let's go.”

    The trip to the gate was extremely quiet, without a hint of any living thing on the planet other than themselves. John was beginning to think that the other wraith had left, but with Teyla unconscious there was no way to tell. They were just about to enter the clearing where the stargate was when John heard the blast of a wraith stunner.
    Ronon fell to the ground, somehow managing not to fall on top of Teyla, but hitting his head on a rock on the way down. John quickly fired a burst of P-90 rounds in to the drone that had fired the shot, the wraith falling with a satisfying thud. Before they could get their breath back, twig snapped behind McKay, and he whirled around, firing his pistol blindly until the pistol clicked on an empty clip.
    Opening his eyes, the scientist looked into the surprised face of wraith with a bullet hole smack in the middle of its forehead. It toppled to the side, its dead face frozen in a permanent expression of shock

    John looked at McKay, his face almost as surprised as the wraith's.

    “Wow, nice shoot--” his words were cut off by a knife whizzing through the air and sinking deep into his thigh.
    “Ah!” he shouted, grabbing at his leg. Suddenly the distinctive sound of Ronon's blaster rang out, and the offending wraith sank to the ground, dead. Sheppard and McKay's heads whipped around, only to see an extremely pale-looking Teyla half laying on the still body of Ronon, his blaster in her hand and aimed at the dead wraith.

    “John!” she said, getting to her feet and swaying unsteadily. Rodney rushed over to grab her before she fell. “ “John are you alright?” she asked.

    “Yeah,” he grunted. “I'll be fine. How's Ronon?” Ronon stirred at the sound of their voices,
    then shot up into a sitting position, reaching for his empty holster. A little too quickly, he almost passed out again.

    “Are all the wraith dead?” he asked. “Where's my gun?” he added a split second later.

    “Yes, all the wraith are dead. And it's right there.” Sheppard said, indicating where Teyla had dropped the gun on the ground. “Teyla borrowed it.” he said with a smirk.

    “Feel up to giving me a hand here?” he asked. “It's kinda hard to walk with a knife embedded in my leg.”

    Ronon nodded, shoved his blaster in his holster and stood up. John draped his arm around the runner's shoulders and looked over at Rodney and Teyla. She seemed to be leaning on McKay a bit more than he would have liked, but he would just have to live with it the short distance to the gate, Sheppard thought. As they hobbled off to the stargate, he couldn't help but think how awful they all looked. He smiled. All of them. They may look terrible, but his team—no, his family—had been reunited. And they were going home. Together.

    YAY! another great chapter!...definitely looking forward to the epilogue!

    Sig by Camy


      Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
      OK here is chapter one of Lost and Wounded

      "So, any idea what you might want to bring back to the city?" John asked Teyla, he knew that every now and again Teyla would find something, or make something on the mainland that she'd want to bring home to the City. John smiled as he spoke, making Teylas face go beet red.

      "Well, perhaps so...." there came a creaking noise from thr back part of the jumper. Causing both of them to look back there.

      "What was that?" John asked looking on the HUD only to see everything fuzzy, "Something worng, Teyla can you check the main conduit area and see if something burned out?" John started to have to struggle with the controls

      Teyla nodded and got up from her seat nd went to the back part and start looking around to see wjhat happened. a few seconds later the bulkhead doors slammed shut, John turned around when Teyla banged on the door. "Teyla?" John hit the seal to open the door.... nothing happened, "Teyla? Can you hear me?"

      Teyla got on her radio, the lights had gone out, "Yes John i can hear you, the door is sealed I cannot open it." Her voice sounded worried.

      "I can't open it on this end either," there came a creak from the back part of the Jumper again, "Teyla, are you by chance opening the back hatch?"

      Teyla didn't answer, she just stared at the slowly growing line of whiteness in the back part of the Jumper as the ramp slowly opened, they were about a hundred or so feet above the tree line and Teyla was then pulled by the rushing wind out of the Jumper as John tried to control both himself and the failing Jumper.

      John tried frantic as ever to keep the Jumper steady, only he was just barely able to keep it on its heading, the open ramp hit a tree and made the jumper go into a nosedive, then it cartwheeled twice and came to a stop, thankfully throwing John free after the second cartwheel. The Jumper left a path of total destruction.

      After getting pulled out of the Jumper Teyla first hit her back against a tree with a very sickening CRACK, the brach then snappen and she headed for the ground, landing with a very loud and very muddy splash unable to move because of the shock of hitting the tree, Teyla sank into the thin yet watery mud.


      Rodney looked at his watch, "They shoulda been here an hour ago what's taking them so long?" he had gone to the mainland to help set up a power planet from the thermal energey station far below the water of the planet. he had hoped to have the thing up and running for the Athosians on the mainland so they had power.

      "It is quite possible that Teyla Emmagan and Col Sheppard were waylaid." Halling said, he didn't say what type of waylaid he meant but he had seen the way the two people he called his friends looked at the other.

      "They're coming from the city not from another planet." Rodney said snarky sounding, then he saw what Halling meant, "Possible" was all he said in a very thoughtful sounding voice.

      He and Halling had turned to go into a tent when they heard the sounds of a Jumper crashing, Rodney looked to Halling "did you hear that?" it was not just them that heard the sound the whole camp heard.

      Halling shouted over to a fellow older looking man, "Keep everyone here, we will need weapons, and most likely dressings for wounds, hurry" Halling looked ot Rodney, who was setting his laptop on a stool and taking out his 9mm handgun and making sure it was loaded, he also made sure he had a second clip, Halling thought that Rodney was just being safe then sorry.

      "Ready?" Rodney asked Halling who nodded when two other men appeared to help the pair find out what happened, "get some tourches too we need to see where we are going." Rodney was partly right as the evening hours were drawing near and sometimes the forset was so thick with trees that it got dark in the woods before the rest of the planet got dark.


      John slowly woke up, he was on his back, looking at the ever darkening sky, 'what the hell? What happened?' he wondered trying to move, only to have a shot of pain lace through him, 'OK John no moving you are hurt, how bad?' John felt himself over and found a good sized piece of tree sticking out of his leg and another piece of thorn sticking out of his ribcage, 'Hurt but alive, check, smashed up Jumper..... check.... Teyla?' John looked around, he did't see Teyla anywhere, "Teyla?!"

      Teyla was missing..... and most likely badly hurt.
      This is great Tey! So when's the next chapter *nudge nudge*

      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
      Great job! Epilogue soon?
      I hope so. . .unfortunately, after a the danger is gone I suddnely ran out of ideas. So far all I can think of would be like 2 paragraghs.
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        Just playing around...

        sig by Sci!

        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


          Soon Winged, don't worry. Glad you like it, Teyla Whump to the MAXI what with slamming ito that branch with her back (you can imageine the pain)

          Try to strech those two paragraphs if you can, you know make it really Sheyla if you can too

          This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
          "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
          "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


            Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
            Ok here is my vcersion of Winged's Story, thankfully mine kis AU so I hope you don't mind it Winged

            From Athos With Love the first part of chapter one

            The Buzz of the Wraith Darts overhead had people scrambling everywhere to get away, though oddly enough noone was taken, only Wraith were beamed down and started firing off their weapons at everyone, stunning everyone they came across.

            "We gotta get out of here!" John yelled firing his P90 as he and Teyla started to backtrack to the stargate, one the buzz lof a stunner blasting past his head made him turn thinking Teyla had gone through the gate ahead of him, allowing him to dive through back to Atlantis.

            Teyla though hit the ground, not one meter from the open gate stunned from a hit the back, she didn't know what was going on, a culling beam picked her up, and all she saw was blackness.

            Waking up in the dark of M3R-177 Teyla looked around, she remembered the place, the last time she had gone there was when Lorne and his team had gone missing, why was she there? Without thinking she started forwards towards the villege. Then thought better of it when she felt cold. She took off into the woods fast as she could, and once deep in them she did a quick inventory of what she had. No food, and only a knife. and a very sore right shoulder.

            'No, make that a knife, a sore shoulder, no food..... and five Wraith' Teyla thought corecting herself as she felt five different Wraith appear in her mind. they weren't that far away, but they were too close for comfort.


            John came out of the gate into Atlantis, and two Wraith stunner fired through the gate as well, and one hit Rodney, once more in the face. When the gate shut off John looked around, "Where's Teyla?"

            Carter came out of her office and looked down from the door to the gateroom below and to John, "Weren't the two of you returning for a visit to Athos? Where's Teyla?"

            "Didn't I just ask that question?" John asked, he looked up to Carter, "yes we were on a return visit to see how the Athosians are doing after being relocated, only the Wraith came by, Teyla and I headed back here." John looked around again, "is she still stuck in the gate?"

            "Well, until Rodney gets up we wont know." Carter said, "but until he does get up all offworld travel through the Stargate will be suspended until we know for sure what happened back there."

            John could only nod and hope that Teyla was stuck inside the Stargate.

            Oh this is definitely off to a great start!...can't wait to find out what happens next!

            Sig by Camy


              Originally posted by scifan View Post
              No. She just going for vacation.
              Oops, did i understand it wrong lol. I thought she said she met a lot of famous people when she worked at Disneyland LOL!. Thanks for correcting me!.

              Congrats to all the milestones!

              Sig by Camy


                Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                Soon Winged, don't worry. Glad you like it, Teyla Whump to the MAXI what with slamming ito that branch with her back (you can imageine the pain)

                Try to strech those two paragraphs if you can, you know make it really Sheyla if you can too
                Yeah, I'll try. Maybe I'll think of something and make it *gasp* three paragraphs!
                Remember when I said I wasn't really a shipper? LOL You guys are working on it, but don't rush things! I'm really more of a tomboy than anything, I don't think I could write "mush" very well. Maybe when I'm older. . .
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                  Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                  OK here is chapter one of Lost and Wounded

                  "So, any idea what you might want to bring back to the city?" John asked Teyla, he knew that every now and again Teyla would find something, or make something on the mainland that she'd want to bring home to the City. John smiled as he spoke, making Teylas face go beet red.

                  "Well, perhaps so...." there came a creaking noise from thr back part of the jumper. Causing both of them to look back there.

                  "What was that?" John asked looking on the HUD only to see everything fuzzy, "Something worng, Teyla can you check the main conduit area and see if something burned out?" John started to have to struggle with the controls

                  Teyla nodded and got up from her seat nd went to the back part and start looking around to see wjhat happened. a few seconds later the bulkhead doors slammed shut, John turned around when Teyla banged on the door. "Teyla?" John hit the seal to open the door.... nothing happened, "Teyla? Can you hear me?"

                  Teyla got on her radio, the lights had gone out, "Yes John i can hear you, the door is sealed I cannot open it." Her voice sounded worried.

                  "I can't open it on this end either," there came a creak from the back part of the Jumper again, "Teyla, are you by chance opening the back hatch?"

                  Teyla didn't answer, she just stared at the slowly growing line of whiteness in the back part of the Jumper as the ramp slowly opened, they were about a hundred or so feet above the tree line and Teyla was then pulled by the rushing wind out of the Jumper as John tried to control both himself and the failing Jumper.

                  John tried frantic as ever to keep the Jumper steady, only he was just barely able to keep it on its heading, the open ramp hit a tree and made the jumper go into a nosedive, then it cartwheeled twice and came to a stop, thankfully throwing John free after the second cartwheel. The Jumper left a path of total destruction.

                  After getting pulled out of the Jumper Teyla first hit her back against a tree with a very sickening CRACK, the brach then snappen and she headed for the ground, landing with a very loud and very muddy splash unable to move because of the shock of hitting the tree, Teyla sank into the thin yet watery mud.


                  Rodney looked at his watch, "They shoulda been here an hour ago what's taking them so long?" he had gone to the mainland to help set up a power planet from the thermal energey station far below the water of the planet. he had hoped to have the thing up and running for the Athosians on the mainland so they had power.

                  "It is quite possible that Teyla Emmagan and Col Sheppard were waylaid." Halling said, he didn't say what type of waylaid he meant but he had seen the way the two people he called his friends looked at the other.

                  "They're coming from the city not from another planet." Rodney said snarky sounding, then he saw what Halling meant, "Possible" was all he said in a very thoughtful sounding voice.

                  He and Halling had turned to go into a tent when they heard the sounds of a Jumper crashing, Rodney looked to Halling "did you hear that?" it was not just them that heard the sound the whole camp heard.

                  Halling shouted over to a fellow older looking man, "Keep everyone here, we will need weapons, and most likely dressings for wounds, hurry" Halling looked ot Rodney, who was setting his laptop on a stool and taking out his 9mm handgun and making sure it was loaded, he also made sure he had a second clip, Halling thought that Rodney was just being safe then sorry.

                  "Ready?" Rodney asked Halling who nodded when two other men appeared to help the pair find out what happened, "get some tourches too we need to see where we are going." Rodney was partly right as the evening hours were drawing near and sometimes the forset was so thick with trees that it got dark in the woods before the rest of the planet got dark.


                  John slowly woke up, he was on his back, looking at the ever darkening sky, 'what the hell? What happened?' he wondered trying to move, only to have a shot of pain lace through him, 'OK John no moving you are hurt, how bad?' John felt himself over and found a good sized piece of tree sticking out of his leg and another piece of thorn sticking out of his ribcage, 'Hurt but alive, check, smashed up Jumper..... check.... Teyla?' John looked around, he did't see Teyla anywhere, "Teyla?!"

                  Teyla was missing..... and most likely badly hurt.
                  Wow!! That's amazing!! Great start Tey, can't wait for the next bit!

                  Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                  Just playing around...

                  Lol wouldn't that make a great screensaver...

                  I posted this in the galleria but here ya go:

                  I really think we should do Runner as the next ship pic contest episode - there are well over 50 caps, we wouldn't even have to repeat!

                  Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                    I was thinking why not Siege III? but then there ARE a dozen or more screens from that eppy and I think Runner would be best as well

                    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                      Thanks for the kinds words about Parallel, guys! About Teyla's POV

                      the whole story is told from John's POV, but I'm starting to think of re-writing it as another one-shot from Teyla's POV. I could call it Parallel Parallel...

                      Let me know what you think when it's done. I'm not writing anymore tonight because it's so late here it's technically not night anymore!

                      Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                        Good night guys!! JT love x

                        Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                          Sorry guys I'm on my upstairs computer. A friend is using my laptop so I won't be on alot. Gotta go. See ya later.


                            Originally posted by scifan View Post
                            Sorry guys I'm on my upstairs computer. A friend is using my laptop so I won't be on alot. Gotta go. See ya later.
                            Aw, that stinks. See you later sci!
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                              It's Wed. I have to get to my meeting! BBL!
                              sig by Sci!

                              Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                                Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                                Parallel 5


                                John stared back at him, trying to think of a response. His mind was blank.

                                “The realities must have diverged after you kissed her,” said the alternate Rodney after a few moments.

                                John clapped his hands together. “Great!” He said. “Can we talk about something else?”

                                I’m curious now,” said the alternate John thoughtfully. “You know we didn’t actually get together ‘til about a week later.”

                                “ What happened?” Asked Rodney.

                                John didn’t want to know. He really didn’t want to know what little trick of fate had happened in one reality but not in his.

                                But the alternate John looked all set to give the details.

                                “We were in the gym again,” said the alternate John. “I’d just got out of the infirmary and I went to find her.” He looked at John and shrugged. “I guess you didn’t.”

                                John frowned. “No, I did that,” he said. “I wanted to apologise. Which I did.”

                                The alternate John tilted his head to one side as he peered at John. “Yeah, so did I,” he said. “What happened next?”

                                John shrugged. “Teyla told me to forget about it,” he said. He remembered it well – it had been one of the most uncomfortable conversations of his life. And all he had wanted to do was kiss her again…

                                The alternate John gaped at him. “And you did?” He asked in disbelief.

                                John blinked. “You didn’t?” He asked.

                                The alternate John snorted. “Hell no! I just kissed her again.”

                                The two Rodneys chuckled and the alternate John looked at them, so they didn’t notice John’s look of utter shock, quickly followed by regret.

                                It hadn’t been a trick of fate. It had been him. The John Sheppard sitting next to him was in relationship with the girl of his dreams because he hadn’t been too scared to take a chance two years ago.

                                “And that’s where it diverged,” said the alternate Rodney.

                                “Fascinating,” said his counterpart.

                                John knew without asking the exact moment that the alternate John had taken the chance he never had. Teyla had told him to “give it no further thought”, and John’s memory had gone into overdrive.

                                All he had been able to think about was the kiss, even as he had said “good, I won’t…” He had looked at her and all he could do was remember the feel of her lips underneath his, of her body moulding against his as he had pinned her up against the wall.

                                Teyla had said “nice to have you back” and started to turn away, and at that moment all John had wanted to do was grab her arm, pull her back round and kiss her again. Every fibre in his body had been screaming at him to just do it, but he hadn’t. Even when she had turned back to him and said his name – which had made his breath catch in his throat – something had held him back.

                                His fear had held him back.

                                “Yeah, fascinating,” John said, sarcastically. There was a moment’s silence, in which John kept thinking back to that moment, and the fear that had stopped him from acting.

                                He shifted uncomfortably and spoke haltingly. “She… she didn’t try to beat you up?” He asked the alternate John.

                                The alternate John grinned. “I’m sure she thought about it,” he said. “But no.”

                                “And you’ve been together ever since?” Asked Rodney.

                                “You didn’t have any problems with the IOA?” Asked John.

                                The alternate John’s face darkened for a moment. “What do they have to do with it?” He asked defensively. “Teyla’s not military so we’re not breaking any rules.”

                                Alternate Rodney leant forward. “Woolsey looked into it for a while, but Elizabeth put a stop to it pretty quickly,” he told them. He and the alternate John exchanged a look that conveyed a silent message, and John got the feeling that his alternate self was being slightly flippant about the IOA’s reaction.

                                Rodney shrugged. “It wasn’t like they could do anything after they were married –”

                                John’s jaw dropped.

                                “Married!?” Rodney said disbelievingly.

                                The alternate John held up his left hand. John and Rodney stared at it, nonplussed, and the alternate John shook his head as if he’d suddenly realised something.

                                “I always forget I don’t wear my ring on missions,” he said, dropping his hand. He smiled ruefully. “Almost a year now.”

                                Rodney nudged John in the ribs. “Just think, if you had –”

                                John didn’t want to hear it. “Yeah, thanks Rodney,” he snapped.

                                John glanced at his alternate self and saw that he was looking back at him with an annoyingly understanding expression on his face.

                                “Come on, we don’t have long,” he said. “Let’s swap intel before we start doing that crazy out-of-faze thing.”
                                Oh poor guy
                                Darn it can't be easy for John to listen to what moment could have changed his whole life...
                                I wonder if he might take a chance after this knowing he can't miss out on things because he is scared... I wonder what Teyla would say if she knew their alternate selfs are married... knowing that might have been like a kick in the stomache for John...

                                Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                                WOW!! fantastic fics everyone .... loving all the updates... we really have an incredibly talented bunch here..

                                Posted some sigs over in the Galleria..

                                this is one of them.

                                Really great....

                                I see it's been discussed that we should do Runner as our next epi for the ship game... well sure why not...

                                Well I'm off to bed... have to be ready for work in 5 hours... *sigh*
                                Sigs by Scifan

