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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by GeataRealt
    Gotta go finish my Homework...... keep posting those great pics i absolutley love them and can't wait till i can post some too.......i'll be back later if have time

    I already rated this thread excellent Camy cause there are so many nice people here

    *hug* love ya already!


      Originally posted by Camy
      It's "NoDot," not "NotDot!"

      And as to what I meant by pre-Camy, I just meant before Camy started posting in this thread.

      Now, where's Kip and Em?
      This poster has a Superiority Complex. Apologies in advance.


        Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
        He is ALWAYS looking at her. Geez, it's amazing that the guy gets as much work done as he does! No, seriously, if you look at any team picture or off-world thing, nine times out of ten, those two are right next to each other, and nine times out of ten when THAT happens, they're exchanging those little Shep/Teyla looks that we've come to know and love. And I agree with you on that point -- Shep has the googly eyes for her! I know I could get into trouble for this...but heck..I love a great fight once in awhile....

        Do you think this is planned or do you think this is Joe? Now people please! Don't misinterpret...I am not insinuating that he (the actor) has a thing for her...No way...I am saying that the playing the role and doing things that he believes as an actor would be best for the part...

        I will give example #1...and Witchblade..back me up on this one...since you saw the DVD...
        Oh, I have a visual to go with this one! Oh, I am good, darn it!

        Well, in the DVD....Martin Wood comments with Joe how this scene was all Joe's doing...It was not intended for him to slip and fall and do what he did...but Joe said how the director loved the scene and decided to keep it....
        I am not sure if Joe just slipped and this happened or if he did planned this, but in either case, Martin said, that was Sheppard and that Joe actually turn Sheppard into this kind of a character since they were really not sure how to make Sheppard at this time..

        So, are these subtle look part of Joe playing Sheppard, or is this all from the either case, it is all GOOD....

        Hope you like the pics....


          Originally posted by NoDot
          It's "NoDot," not "NotDot!"

          And as to what I meant by pre-Camy, I just meant before Camy started posting in this thread.

          Now, where's Kip and Em?

          OOOOPPSSSSS! So sorry...NotDot..ooh wait...NOdot...OH wait...NoDot!

          I am just kidding.....LOL...As I have mentioned...I am just not too good at sorry....

          anyways, you didn't respond to my question.....what am I supposed to get?
          UM, cause I still don't get it....

          and who's Kip and Em?

          Are you mocking me? teasing, a bit?



            Wait a minute...

            Uh, DUH! CAMY!

            I think I get it, now......


              For Kip and Em, look back to about the time when I started posting here.

              [edit] Proving that I'm completely insane, or just about, I'm going to do something weird in the Horizon section...
              This poster has a Superiority Complex. Apologies in advance.


                Okay...fix it!

                I love this scene!


                  Ah, did you say more? Okay!

                  Baby, I am on a roll!

                  I actually cropped this one...Oh, I think I have found a new hobby!


                    Hi I am usually a lurker but I have been watching this thread for over a month now and thought it was time to step out of the shadows and make myself known.

                    I have never been much of a shipper not even with Jack and Sam. I have been for John/Teyla since the very beginning, and like GeataRealt I didn't realize how much of a shipper I have become until I started reading this thread. My favorite aspect of this duo has to be everything. I can't narrow it down to the stick fighting, looks, or the kiss. I have come to realize with this pair it is not one thing or a group of things but everything. Just the way they interact with each other the looks and smiles. The way they speak to each other, even when their arguing, with such respect and care. The way they are in tuned to each others thoughts and feelings. The fact that they have made a private time to be together with stick fighting unlike all the other stick fights Teyla has done. With others there is always a crowd. The way they care about each other and take an interest in each others hobbies and culture. It is just so natural and believable.

                    I did rate this thread. I just love the conversations that occur here and keep the fanfic coming. I really enjoy the stories you have created, and as an avid reader I can say without a doubt you guys have real talent.


                      Hi I am usually a lurker but I have been watching this thread for over a month now and thought it was time to step out of the shadows and make myself known.

                      I have never been much of a shipper not even with Jack and Sam. I have been for John/Teyla since the very beginning, and like GeataRealt I didn't realize how much of a shipper I have become until I started reading this thread. My favorite aspect of this duo has to be everything. I can't narrow it down to the stick fighting, looks, or the kiss. I have come to realize with this pair it is not one thing or a group of things but everything. Just the way they interact with each other the looks and smiles. The way they speak to each other, even when their arguing, with such respect and care. The way they are in tuned to each others thoughts and feelings. The fact that they have made a private time to be together with stick fighting unlike all the other stick fights Teyla has done. With others there is always a crowd. The way they care about each other and take an interest in each others hobbies and culture. It is just so natural and believable.

                      I did rate this thread. I just love the conversations that occur here and keep the fanfic coming. I really enjoy the stories you have created, and as an avid reader I can say without a doubt you guys have real talent.


                        Originally posted by Black Panther
                        Hi I am usually a lurker but I have been watching this thread for over a month now and thought it was time to step out of the shadows and make myself known.

                        I have never been much of a shipper not even with Jack and Sam. I have been for John/Teyla since the very beginning, and like GeataRealt I didn't realize how much of a shipper I have become until I started reading this thread. My favorite aspect of this duo has to be everything. I can't narrow it down to the stick fighting, looks, or the kiss. I have come to realize with this pair it is not one thing or a group of things but everything. Just the way they interact with each other the looks and smiles. The way they speak to each other, even when their arguing, with such respect and care. The way they are in tuned to each others thoughts and feelings. The fact that they have made a private time to be together with stick fighting unlike all the other stick fights Teyla has done. With others there is always a crowd. The way they care about each other and take an interest in each others hobbies and culture. It is just so natural and believable.

                        I did rate this thread. I just love the conversations that occur here and keep the fanfic coming. I really enjoy the stories you have created, and as an avid reader I can say without a doubt you guys have real talent.

                        Ah, I can just feel the love in the air...Thank you so much for your kind words....with the exception of this writer....everyone here is just absolutely wonderful...I tend to be a little on the, um....nutty side..You caught me in one of those see, I am on a mission right now..posting all of the John and Teyla moments in this don't mind me...just enjoy the love....again...welcome....thanks for finally joining in...and I was just like you not too long ago..a viewer and not a writer....we have some awesome talented people here..and I know you will be part of the group just like that! Come back again...will ya? You can also see us in the Teyla Thread..(awesome thread, by the way..) and the Teyla Wow thread...well, that's where I hang out the most...and mostly everyone here goes there too....

                        And since you got me in the middle of something..this one is for you....

                        Hey it me or are they holding hands?
                        Love it!

                        Okay...if I am making you guys sick....just let me know..I think I might have just a couple more for tonight...then I will continue tomorrow..please join me!


                          OMG! Camy, that pic is freakin' awesome! I never noticed that before, but it would definitely make sense. Love it!

                          And for all of you newbies -- a big hi-there! and hello to all of you guys. It is so great that you all feel comfortable enough to start posting, and we love to hear from everyone that supports Shep/Teyla...and even those who don't as long as they're nice to us! Definitely keep coming and leaving messages -- the more the merrier. This thread is really coming alive, and I think we'd all like to keep it that way until Season One is released and until the hiatus is over. Great job guys!

                          "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                          HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                            Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                            OMG! Camy, that pic is freakin' awesome! I never noticed that before, but it would definitely make sense. Love it!

                            And for all of you newbies -- a big hi-there! and hello to all of you guys. It is so great that you all feel comfortable enough to start posting, and we love to hear from everyone that supports Shep/Teyla...and even those who don't as long as they're nice to us! Definitely keep coming and leaving messages -- the more the merrier. This thread is really coming alive, and I think we'd all like to keep it that way until Season One is released and until the hiatus is over. Great job guys!

                            I am so glad you like it! isn't it awesome!

                            I don't know what happened earlier but I posted this long response in the Teyla thread for you...let me go over there and see if I got it posted...I will come back to finish the night with some more Shep/Teyla...AHhhhhh!


                              Hi there Black Panther.....thrilled to have you...There a great bunch of fellow posters on this thread and I love it here....

                              I used to be a lurker for a while then Stargate Atlantis went on break and I needed a little pick me up...and here was just the place to go...

                              I just started to post on this thread during the first week of October and now look at me...60 posts? I really have 60 time will fly...

                              The great discussions that occur totally drew me in and here I still am.


                                Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                                Hi there Black Panther.....thrilled to have you...There a great bunch of fellow posters on this thread and I love it here....

                                I used to be a lurker for a while then Stargate Atlantis went on break and I needed a little pick me up...and here was just the place to go...

                                I just started to post on this thread during the first week of October and now look at me...60 posts? I really have 60 time will fly...

                                The great discussions that occur totally drew me in and here I still am.
                                congrats on your 60th....You are already an expert..!

