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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Donna - Thanks!!

    YC & Elf - TOO FUNNY! I can see it now!!! Thanks!!


      Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
      Here...this is what Elf gave me! And I'll keep him, thank you very much!


      Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
      Ok, chapter 7 is up! We're nearing the end, only a chapter or two to go now. Enjoy!


      Chapter 7

      The wraith who had just emerged from the stargate split up into two groups, but this time there were two hunters and one drone in each group. One group headed toward the village, where one set of Teyla's tracks led, and the other other took the second set of tracks, leading into the forest.

      Back at the alpha site, John, Ronon, and Rodney all stood outside the armory, geared up and ready to head out. John had taken off his sling and stuffed it into his vest, muttering something about it getting in the way. A quick glance at his teammates assured him they were ready, and they headed over to the gate.
      Just as Rodney was about to dial out, the officer on guard noticed them and ran over.
      “Halt!” the soldier shouted. Stopping in front of Sheppard, he lowered his voice a bit. “Do you have proper authorization to be going offworld?” he asked.
      “Something urgent has come up, and my team is needed to take care of it.” he explained patiently to the officer.
      “I wasn't informed of any communications, sir,” the soldier said carefully.
      “Then you weren't very well informed, major,” said the colonel, his tone beginning to sound dangerous. The major gulped.
      “Yes, sir.” he said, stepping back out of their way. “sorry, sir.” John nodded, satisfied.
      “Dial her up, Rodney,” he said. McKay finished the dialing sequence and the gate opened with a whoosh.
      “Let's move out,” Sheppard said. Ronon and McKay followed, Ronon glaring slightly as he passed the offending major. Climbing the steps to the gate, they disappeared through the shimmering wormhole. The gate shut down.
      “Lieutenant,” the major called, still looking at the closed gate. The soldier quickly arrived.
      “Did any communication from Atlantis come through in the past hour?” the major asked.
      “No, sir.” came the answer. The major nodded, considering the information.
      “Thank you, Lieutenant,” he said after a moment. “You may return to your post.” the young soldier saluted smartly and left. The other man stood for a moment, then walked away from the gate.

      As soon as they reached the other side of the wormhole, the three men brought their guns up, checking for any sign of activity. Once the area was secure, Rodney pulled out the LSD he had calibrated to show the wraith tracking signal.
      “Well, looks like Ronon was right,” the scientist said. “there's a tracking signal coming from about half a click away from here, in—that direction.” he said, pointing. John nodded and started to head off.
      “Wait a second,” McKay said, tapping on the screen. “I'm picking up three life signs closing in on her position.” He looked up from the LSD, his face suddenly very worried. “They could be wraith.”
      John looked at them, then broke into a dead run in the direction McKay had pointed to. Ronon and McKay followed as fast as they could.

      Hiding in the underbrush, Teyla watched a group of wraith pass her position, the one drone bringing up the rear. After he passed, she quietly snuck out and drew her knife, throwing it at him. It buried itself deep into the drone's leg. He grunted in pain and turned around, only to meet with Teyla's foot as she kicked him in the face. As he fell backwards, she wrenched the huge stunner from his hands and shot him with it, then quickly plunged the pointed end of it into the stomach of the hunter that had come up behind her. He snarled, dropping to the ground. She pulled it out of him, whirling around to shoot the last hunter, but before she could bring the weapon up to fire, the hunter slammed his fist into her chest. The hit send her sailing through the air, landing with a dull thud on her back. Grimacing in pain, she tried to rise, but the hunter swiftly crossed the distance between them and knelt down on top of her, keeping her still. Hissing in anticipation, he slowly raised his hand to feed.
      Suddenly the clatter of a P-90 rang out and the hunter jerked, newly formed holes in the front of his jacket leaking black blood. His body fell to the side. Standing directly behind him was John, his P-90 aimed at the now dead body of the hunter. Teyla never thought she could be so happy to see him in her life.
      “John!” she shouted joyously, rising on her elbows. He ran toward her, Ronon and McKay coming just up behind him. He knelt down by Teyla's side.
      “Teyla, are you alright?” he said worriedly, taking in her bloody shoulder and the cut on her leg.
      “I will be,” she replied. “John, the drone is only stunned--” Just as the words came out of her mouth, the drone sat up. Only to fall again, his body convulsing from the blast of lethal red energy Ronon's gun emitted. The runner grinned at him, and John smirked back.
      “He's got it covered,” he said. Teyla looked relieved, but still worried.
      “That is not all of them,” she said. “there are still three left on this planet.” Ronon immediately went on full alert, scanning the trees for any activity.
      “They know where I am, John, they will come here,” she said urgently. “They made me a runner.” Sheppard looked at her sympathetically.
      “Yeah,” he said. “Ronon figured as much.” His brow knitted in consternation at what he had to say next.
      “Teyla,” he said hesitantly, “we need to get that thing out of you before we can go back to Atlantis.” She looked at him.
      “I know,” she said.
      “Alright,” he said. “Ronon,” he called, “we need to get in a more defensible position in case those three stooges show up.”
      “There's a cave not far from here,” the runner replied.
      “Good.” Sheppard looked at Teyla, who had not moved since he arrived. “Think you can make it that far?” he asked.
      “Yes,” she replied, sitting up the rest of the way. John offered her his hand, and she accepted it gratefully. She winced noticeably as she stood up, and looked guiltily at Sheppard's concerned face.
      “I believe I may have cracked a rib when I fell,” she said.
      “No, really?” Sheppard said sarcastically, but worry hid behind his joking tone. “I saw that superman impression of yours, you're lucky if it's only one rib you've cracked.” He draped her left arm around his neck, holding her securely.
      “Lead the way, buddy,” he said to Ronon. The big man nodded, taking his place in front of Sheppard, his blaster ever at the ready.
      “This way,” he said.

      They had been following Ronon for about three minutes when the runner stopped at the foot of a small hill.
      “What are you stopping for?” McKay's annoyed voice said. “We're looking for a cave, not a hill. You of all people should know what a cave looks like!” Ignoring him, Ronon stooped over and pushed some foliage aside, revealing the previously invisible dark mouth of a cave. He looked pointedly at McKay.
      “Oh, yes, well, good work,” the scientist said, his eyes anywhere but Ronon's.
      “Alright,” John said. “you two stand guard. I'll get the tracker out.” entering the cave, he gently lay Teyla on the ground, trying not to jar her too much.
      “I'm sorry, Teyla, but you're going to have to roll over,” he said. Groaning slightly, she did so.
      “Okay, you might want to bite down on something,” he warned. “because this is not gonna feel good.”
      Taking a deep breath, he took out his knife and cut a small slit Teyla's shirt in between her shoulderblades. He immediately noticed a fairly new looking scar. Grimacing in sympathy, he placed the edge of his knife on the scar and cut into her back. Teyla whimpered slightly, her arms tensing by her side. Finishing the cut, he probed the wound as gently as possible for the device. Finding it, he removed it and placed it on the floor of the cave. Then he took a rock and smashed it into a million little pieces. Turning back to Teyla, he took a dressing out of his vest and bandaged the wound as best he could.
      “Teyla,” he said. “I'm done. We should go now.” He received no response. “Teyla?” he shook her uninjured shoulder slightly. Still nothing.
      He gently turned her over, and sighed frustratedly. She had passed out. He had been afraid of that, from the looks of it she had lost a lot of blood from her wounds. The problem was that now she would have to be carried to the gate, and since his shoulder still wasn't healed, that someone would have to be Ronon. That left him and McKay against three wraith. Things were not looking good.

      AMAZING update WP I loved how the boys caught up with Teyla, and her 'superman' stunt I can't wait for the next part!

      Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


        Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
        What if I want to keep him...
        Tee hee, you can keep him. Just don't hurt him too badly!
        Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


          Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
          Ok, chapter 7 is up! We're nearing the end, only a chapter or two to go now. Enjoy!


          Chapter 7

          The wraith who had just emerged from the stargate split up into two groups, but this time there were two hunters and one drone in each group. One group headed toward the village, where one set of Teyla's tracks led, and the other other took the second set of tracks, leading into the forest.

          Back at the alpha site, John, Ronon, and Rodney all stood outside the armory, geared up and ready to head out. John had taken off his sling and stuffed it into his vest, muttering something about it getting in the way. A quick glance at his teammates assured him they were ready, and they headed over to the gate.
          Just as Rodney was about to dial out, the officer on guard noticed them and ran over.
          “Halt!” the soldier shouted. Stopping in front of Sheppard, he lowered his voice a bit. “Do you have proper authorization to be going offworld?” he asked.
          “Something urgent has come up, and my team is needed to take care of it.” he explained patiently to the officer.
          “I wasn't informed of any communications, sir,” the soldier said carefully.
          “Then you weren't very well informed, major,” said the colonel, his tone beginning to sound dangerous. The major gulped.
          “Yes, sir.” he said, stepping back out of their way. “sorry, sir.” John nodded, satisfied.
          “Dial her up, Rodney,” he said. McKay finished the dialing sequence and the gate opened with a whoosh.
          “Let's move out,” Sheppard said. Ronon and McKay followed, Ronon glaring slightly as he passed the offending major. Climbing the steps to the gate, they disappeared through the shimmering wormhole. The gate shut down.
          “Lieutenant,” the major called, still looking at the closed gate. The soldier quickly arrived.
          “Did any communication from Atlantis come through in the past hour?” the major asked.
          “No, sir.” came the answer. The major nodded, considering the information.
          “Thank you, Lieutenant,” he said after a moment. “You may return to your post.” the young soldier saluted smartly and left. The other man stood for a moment, then walked away from the gate.

          As soon as they reached the other side of the wormhole, the three men brought their guns up, checking for any sign of activity. Once the area was secure, Rodney pulled out the LSD he had calibrated to show the wraith tracking signal.
          “Well, looks like Ronon was right,” the scientist said. “there's a tracking signal coming from about half a click away from here, in—that direction.” he said, pointing. John nodded and started to head off.
          “Wait a second,” McKay said, tapping on the screen. “I'm picking up three life signs closing in on her position.” He looked up from the LSD, his face suddenly very worried. “They could be wraith.”
          John looked at them, then broke into a dead run in the direction McKay had pointed to. Ronon and McKay followed as fast as they could.

          Hiding in the underbrush, Teyla watched a group of wraith pass her position, the one drone bringing up the rear. After he passed, she quietly snuck out and drew her knife, throwing it at him. It buried itself deep into the drone's leg. He grunted in pain and turned around, only to meet with Teyla's foot as she kicked him in the face. As he fell backwards, she wrenched the huge stunner from his hands and shot him with it, then quickly plunged the pointed end of it into the stomach of the hunter that had come up behind her. He snarled, dropping to the ground. She pulled it out of him, whirling around to shoot the last hunter, but before she could bring the weapon up to fire, the hunter slammed his fist into her chest. The hit send her sailing through the air, landing with a dull thud on her back. Grimacing in pain, she tried to rise, but the hunter swiftly crossed the distance between them and knelt down on top of her, keeping her still. Hissing in anticipation, he slowly raised his hand to feed.
          Suddenly the clatter of a P-90 rang out and the hunter jerked, newly formed holes in the front of his jacket leaking black blood. His body fell to the side. Standing directly behind him was John, his P-90 aimed at the now dead body of the hunter. Teyla never thought she could be so happy to see him in her life.
          “John!” she shouted joyously, rising on her elbows. He ran toward her, Ronon and McKay coming just up behind him. He knelt down by Teyla's side.
          “Teyla, are you alright?” he said worriedly, taking in her bloody shoulder and the cut on her leg.
          “I will be,” she replied. “John, the drone is only stunned--” Just as the words came out of her mouth, the drone sat up. Only to fall again, his body convulsing from the blast of lethal red energy Ronon's gun emitted. The runner grinned at him, and John smirked back.
          “He's got it covered,” he said. Teyla looked relieved, but still worried.
          “That is not all of them,” she said. “there are still three left on this planet.” Ronon immediately went on full alert, scanning the trees for any activity.
          “They know where I am, John, they will come here,” she said urgently. “They made me a runner.” Sheppard looked at her sympathetically.
          “Yeah,” he said. “Ronon figured as much.” His brow knitted in consternation at what he had to say next.
          “Teyla,” he said hesitantly, “we need to get that thing out of you before we can go back to Atlantis.” She looked at him.
          “I know,” she said.
          “Alright,” he said. “Ronon,” he called, “we need to get in a more defensible position in case those three stooges show up.”
          “There's a cave not far from here,” the runner replied.
          “Good.” Sheppard looked at Teyla, who had not moved since he arrived. “Think you can make it that far?” he asked.
          “Yes,” she replied, sitting up the rest of the way. John offered her his hand, and she accepted it gratefully. She winced noticeably as she stood up, and looked guiltily at Sheppard's concerned face.
          “I believe I may have cracked a rib when I fell,” she said.
          “No, really?” Sheppard said sarcastically, but worry hid behind his joking tone. “I saw that superman impression of yours, you're lucky if it's only one rib you've cracked.” He draped her left arm around his neck, holding her securely.
          “Lead the way, buddy,” he said to Ronon. The big man nodded, taking his place in front of Sheppard, his blaster ever at the ready.
          “This way,” he said.

          They had been following Ronon for about three minutes when the runner stopped at the foot of a small hill.
          “What are you stopping for?” McKay's annoyed voice said. “We're looking for a cave, not a hill. You of all people should know what a cave looks like!” Ignoring him, Ronon stooped over and pushed some foliage aside, revealing the previously invisible dark mouth of a cave. He looked pointedly at McKay.
          “Oh, yes, well, good work,” the scientist said, his eyes anywhere but Ronon's.
          “Alright,” John said. “you two stand guard. I'll get the tracker out.” entering the cave, he gently lay Teyla on the ground, trying not to jar her too much.
          “I'm sorry, Teyla, but you're going to have to roll over,” he said. Groaning slightly, she did so.
          “Okay, you might want to bite down on something,” he warned. “because this is not gonna feel good.”
          Taking a deep breath, he took out his knife and cut a small slit Teyla's shirt in between her shoulderblades. He immediately noticed a fairly new looking scar. Grimacing in sympathy, he placed the edge of his knife on the scar and cut into her back. Teyla whimpered slightly, her arms tensing by her side. Finishing the cut, he probed the wound as gently as possible for the device. Finding it, he removed it and placed it on the floor of the cave. Then he took a rock and smashed it into a million little pieces. Turning back to Teyla, he took a dressing out of his vest and bandaged the wound as best he could.
          “Teyla,” he said. “I'm done. We should go now.” He received no response. “Teyla?” he shook her uninjured shoulder slightly. Still nothing.
          He gently turned her over, and sighed frustratedly. She had passed out. He had been afraid of that, from the looks of it she had lost a lot of blood from her wounds. The problem was that now she would have to be carried to the gate, and since his shoulder still wasn't healed, that someone would have to be Ronon. That left him and McKay against three wraith. Things were not looking good.

          Yay Three Stooges I like that referance, i use a lot in my stories myself, keep it coming, keep it coming! yopu gotta put this somewhere like (it is free and you can long in from anywhere) or maybe ever LiveJournal on Beya (Camy'll do it for you) because i wanna read it all in order!!!, plus you can also (when it is on LJ or post a link to it and put said link the Teyla Whumping thread! woohoo a Teyla Whumper convert!!!

          This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
          "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
          "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


            Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
            Can somebody get Ruby off the floor please?

            This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
            "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
            "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


              WP - Excellent update is right. LOL for "Superman Impression" .Update soon.


                Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                Tee hee, you can keep him. Just don't hurt him too badly!
                Thank you very much. But, I've got my Sheppy Clone for that....

                Oh Johnny, where are you?....
                sig by Sci!

                Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                  It's actually a funny story...I had this picture up on my desktop:


                  And my oldest daughter comes up and says, "Daddy silly."
                  Me: "Huh? Daddy's at work, babycakes."
                  Her: "Him." (pointing to the picture) "Daddy don't have a bracelet. They for girls!" (laughing non stop)

                  Point of the story...I guess my oldest thinks my hubby looks like JF and second, according to her, Sheppard wears women's jewlery.
                  Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                    Donna - Thanks!!

                    YC & Elf - TOO FUNNY! I can see it now!!! Thanks!!
                    Now you know it was worth the wait...

                    OOOps! Did the bow fall...
                    sig by Sci!

                    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                      Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                      Ok, chapter 7 is up! We're nearing the end, only a chapter or two to go now. Enjoy!


                      Chapter 7

                      The wraith who had just emerged from the stargate split up into two groups, but this time there were two hunters and one drone in each group. One group headed toward the village, where one set of Teyla's tracks led, and the other other took the second set of tracks, leading into the forest.

                      Back at the alpha site, John, Ronon, and Rodney all stood outside the armory, geared up and ready to head out. John had taken off his sling and stuffed it into his vest, muttering something about it getting in the way. A quick glance at his teammates assured him they were ready, and they headed over to the gate.
                      Just as Rodney was about to dial out, the officer on guard noticed them and ran over.
                      “Halt!” the soldier shouted. Stopping in front of Sheppard, he lowered his voice a bit. “Do you have proper authorization to be going offworld?” he asked.
                      “Something urgent has come up, and my team is needed to take care of it.” he explained patiently to the officer.
                      “I wasn't informed of any communications, sir,” the soldier said carefully.
                      “Then you weren't very well informed, major,” said the colonel, his tone beginning to sound dangerous. The major gulped.
                      “Yes, sir.” he said, stepping back out of their way. “sorry, sir.” John nodded, satisfied.
                      “Dial her up, Rodney,” he said. McKay finished the dialing sequence and the gate opened with a whoosh.
                      “Let's move out,” Sheppard said. Ronon and McKay followed, Ronon glaring slightly as he passed the offending major. Climbing the steps to the gate, they disappeared through the shimmering wormhole. The gate shut down.
                      “Lieutenant,” the major called, still looking at the closed gate. The soldier quickly arrived.
                      “Did any communication from Atlantis come through in the past hour?” the major asked.
                      “No, sir.” came the answer. The major nodded, considering the information.
                      “Thank you, Lieutenant,” he said after a moment. “You may return to your post.” the young soldier saluted smartly and left. The other man stood for a moment, then walked away from the gate.

                      As soon as they reached the other side of the wormhole, the three men brought their guns up, checking for any sign of activity. Once the area was secure, Rodney pulled out the LSD he had calibrated to show the wraith tracking signal.
                      “Well, looks like Ronon was right,” the scientist said. “there's a tracking signal coming from about half a click away from here, in—that direction.” he said, pointing. John nodded and started to head off.
                      “Wait a second,” McKay said, tapping on the screen. “I'm picking up three life signs closing in on her position.” He looked up from the LSD, his face suddenly very worried. “They could be wraith.”
                      John looked at them, then broke into a dead run in the direction McKay had pointed to. Ronon and McKay followed as fast as they could.

                      Hiding in the underbrush, Teyla watched a group of wraith pass her position, the one drone bringing up the rear. After he passed, she quietly snuck out and drew her knife, throwing it at him. It buried itself deep into the drone's leg. He grunted in pain and turned around, only to meet with Teyla's foot as she kicked him in the face. As he fell backwards, she wrenched the huge stunner from his hands and shot him with it, then quickly plunged the pointed end of it into the stomach of the hunter that had come up behind her. He snarled, dropping to the ground. She pulled it out of him, whirling around to shoot the last hunter, but before she could bring the weapon up to fire, the hunter slammed his fist into her chest. The hit send her sailing through the air, landing with a dull thud on her back. Grimacing in pain, she tried to rise, but the hunter swiftly crossed the distance between them and knelt down on top of her, keeping her still. Hissing in anticipation, he slowly raised his hand to feed.
                      Suddenly the clatter of a P-90 rang out and the hunter jerked, newly formed holes in the front of his jacket leaking black blood. His body fell to the side. Standing directly behind him was John, his P-90 aimed at the now dead body of the hunter. Teyla never thought she could be so happy to see him in her life.
                      “John!” she shouted joyously, rising on her elbows. He ran toward her, Ronon and McKay coming just up behind him. He knelt down by Teyla's side.
                      “Teyla, are you alright?” he said worriedly, taking in her bloody shoulder and the cut on her leg.
                      “I will be,” she replied. “John, the drone is only stunned--” Just as the words came out of her mouth, the drone sat up. Only to fall again, his body convulsing from the blast of lethal red energy Ronon's gun emitted. The runner grinned at him, and John smirked back.
                      “He's got it covered,” he said. Teyla looked relieved, but still worried.
                      “That is not all of them,” she said. “there are still three left on this planet.” Ronon immediately went on full alert, scanning the trees for any activity.
                      “They know where I am, John, they will come here,” she said urgently. “They made me a runner.” Sheppard looked at her sympathetically.
                      “Yeah,” he said. “Ronon figured as much.” His brow knitted in consternation at what he had to say next.
                      “Teyla,” he said hesitantly, “we need to get that thing out of you before we can go back to Atlantis.” She looked at him.
                      “I know,” she said.
                      “Alright,” he said. “Ronon,” he called, “we need to get in a more defensible position in case those three stooges show up.”
                      “There's a cave not far from here,” the runner replied.
                      “Good.” Sheppard looked at Teyla, who had not moved since he arrived. “Think you can make it that far?” he asked.
                      “Yes,” she replied, sitting up the rest of the way. John offered her his hand, and she accepted it gratefully. She winced noticeably as she stood up, and looked guiltily at Sheppard's concerned face.
                      “I believe I may have cracked a rib when I fell,” she said.
                      “No, really?” Sheppard said sarcastically, but worry hid behind his joking tone. “I saw that superman impression of yours, you're lucky if it's only one rib you've cracked.” He draped her left arm around his neck, holding her securely.
                      “Lead the way, buddy,” he said to Ronon. The big man nodded, taking his place in front of Sheppard, his blaster ever at the ready.
                      “This way,” he said.

                      They had been following Ronon for about three minutes when the runner stopped at the foot of a small hill.
                      “What are you stopping for?” McKay's annoyed voice said. “We're looking for a cave, not a hill. You of all people should know what a cave looks like!” Ignoring him, Ronon stooped over and pushed some foliage aside, revealing the previously invisible dark mouth of a cave. He looked pointedly at McKay.
                      “Oh, yes, well, good work,” the scientist said, his eyes anywhere but Ronon's.
                      “Alright,” John said. “you two stand guard. I'll get the tracker out.” entering the cave, he gently lay Teyla on the ground, trying not to jar her too much.
                      “I'm sorry, Teyla, but you're going to have to roll over,” he said. Groaning slightly, she did so.
                      “Okay, you might want to bite down on something,” he warned. “because this is not gonna feel good.”
                      Taking a deep breath, he took out his knife and cut a small slit Teyla's shirt in between her shoulderblades. He immediately noticed a fairly new looking scar. Grimacing in sympathy, he placed the edge of his knife on the scar and cut into her back. Teyla whimpered slightly, her arms tensing by her side. Finishing the cut, he probed the wound as gently as possible for the device. Finding it, he removed it and placed it on the floor of the cave. Then he took a rock and smashed it into a million little pieces. Turning back to Teyla, he took a dressing out of his vest and bandaged the wound as best he could.
                      “Teyla,” he said. “I'm done. We should go now.” He received no response. “Teyla?” he shook her uninjured shoulder slightly. Still nothing.
                      He gently turned her over, and sighed frustratedly. She had passed out. He had been afraid of that, from the looks of it she had lost a lot of blood from her wounds. The problem was that now she would have to be carried to the gate, and since his shoulder still wasn't healed, that someone would have to be Ronon. That left him and McKay against three wraith. Things were not looking good.

                      WOW!!! That was incredible!! I love it. Thanks WP.


                        Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                        Ok, chapter 7 is up! We're nearing the end, only a chapter or two to go now. Enjoy!


                        Chapter 7

                        The wraith who had just emerged from the stargate split up into two groups, but this time there were two hunters and one drone in each group. One group headed toward the village, where one set of Teyla's tracks led, and the other other took the second set of tracks, leading into the forest.

                        Back at the alpha site, John, Ronon, and Rodney all stood outside the armory, geared up and ready to head out. John had taken off his sling and stuffed it into his vest, muttering something about it getting in the way. A quick glance at his teammates assured him they were ready, and they headed over to the gate.
                        Just as Rodney was about to dial out, the officer on guard noticed them and ran over.
                        “Halt!” the soldier shouted. Stopping in front of Sheppard, he lowered his voice a bit. “Do you have proper authorization to be going offworld?” he asked.
                        “Something urgent has come up, and my team is needed to take care of it.” he explained patiently to the officer.
                        “I wasn't informed of any communications, sir,” the soldier said carefully.
                        “Then you weren't very well informed, major,” said the colonel, his tone beginning to sound dangerous. The major gulped.
                        “Yes, sir.” he said, stepping back out of their way. “sorry, sir.” John nodded, satisfied.
                        “Dial her up, Rodney,” he said. McKay finished the dialing sequence and the gate opened with a whoosh.
                        “Let's move out,” Sheppard said. Ronon and McKay followed, Ronon glaring slightly as he passed the offending major. Climbing the steps to the gate, they disappeared through the shimmering wormhole. The gate shut down.
                        “Lieutenant,” the major called, still looking at the closed gate. The soldier quickly arrived.
                        “Did any communication from Atlantis come through in the past hour?” the major asked.
                        “No, sir.” came the answer. The major nodded, considering the information.
                        “Thank you, Lieutenant,” he said after a moment. “You may return to your post.” the young soldier saluted smartly and left. The other man stood for a moment, then walked away from the gate.

                        As soon as they reached the other side of the wormhole, the three men brought their guns up, checking for any sign of activity. Once the area was secure, Rodney pulled out the LSD he had calibrated to show the wraith tracking signal.
                        “Well, looks like Ronon was right,” the scientist said. “there's a tracking signal coming from about half a click away from here, in—that direction.” he said, pointing. John nodded and started to head off.
                        “Wait a second,” McKay said, tapping on the screen. “I'm picking up three life signs closing in on her position.” He looked up from the LSD, his face suddenly very worried. “They could be wraith.”
                        John looked at them, then broke into a dead run in the direction McKay had pointed to. Ronon and McKay followed as fast as they could.

                        Hiding in the underbrush, Teyla watched a group of wraith pass her position, the one drone bringing up the rear. After he passed, she quietly snuck out and drew her knife, throwing it at him. It buried itself deep into the drone's leg. He grunted in pain and turned around, only to meet with Teyla's foot as she kicked him in the face. As he fell backwards, she wrenched the huge stunner from his hands and shot him with it, then quickly plunged the pointed end of it into the stomach of the hunter that had come up behind her. He snarled, dropping to the ground. She pulled it out of him, whirling around to shoot the last hunter, but before she could bring the weapon up to fire, the hunter slammed his fist into her chest. The hit send her sailing through the air, landing with a dull thud on her back. Grimacing in pain, she tried to rise, but the hunter swiftly crossed the distance between them and knelt down on top of her, keeping her still. Hissing in anticipation, he slowly raised his hand to feed.
                        Suddenly the clatter of a P-90 rang out and the hunter jerked, newly formed holes in the front of his jacket leaking black blood. His body fell to the side. Standing directly behind him was John, his P-90 aimed at the now dead body of the hunter. Teyla never thought she could be so happy to see him in her life.
                        “John!” she shouted joyously, rising on her elbows. He ran toward her, Ronon and McKay coming just up behind him. He knelt down by Teyla's side.
                        “Teyla, are you alright?” he said worriedly, taking in her bloody shoulder and the cut on her leg.
                        “I will be,” she replied. “John, the drone is only stunned--” Just as the words came out of her mouth, the drone sat up. Only to fall again, his body convulsing from the blast of lethal red energy Ronon's gun emitted. The runner grinned at him, and John smirked back.
                        “He's got it covered,” he said. Teyla looked relieved, but still worried.
                        “That is not all of them,” she said. “there are still three left on this planet.” Ronon immediately went on full alert, scanning the trees for any activity.
                        “They know where I am, John, they will come here,” she said urgently. “They made me a runner.” Sheppard looked at her sympathetically.
                        “Yeah,” he said. “Ronon figured as much.” His brow knitted in consternation at what he had to say next.
                        “Teyla,” he said hesitantly, “we need to get that thing out of you before we can go back to Atlantis.” She looked at him.
                        “I know,” she said.
                        “Alright,” he said. “Ronon,” he called, “we need to get in a more defensible position in case those three stooges show up.”
                        “There's a cave not far from here,” the runner replied.
                        “Good.” Sheppard looked at Teyla, who had not moved since he arrived. “Think you can make it that far?” he asked.
                        “Yes,” she replied, sitting up the rest of the way. John offered her his hand, and she accepted it gratefully. She winced noticeably as she stood up, and looked guiltily at Sheppard's concerned face.
                        “I believe I may have cracked a rib when I fell,” she said.
                        “No, really?” Sheppard said sarcastically, but worry hid behind his joking tone. “I saw that superman impression of yours, you're lucky if it's only one rib you've cracked.” He draped her left arm around his neck, holding her securely.
                        “Lead the way, buddy,” he said to Ronon. The big man nodded, taking his place in front of Sheppard, his blaster ever at the ready.
                        “This way,” he said.

                        They had been following Ronon for about three minutes when the runner stopped at the foot of a small hill.
                        “What are you stopping for?” McKay's annoyed voice said. “We're looking for a cave, not a hill. You of all people should know what a cave looks like!” Ignoring him, Ronon stooped over and pushed some foliage aside, revealing the previously invisible dark mouth of a cave. He looked pointedly at McKay.
                        “Oh, yes, well, good work,” the scientist said, his eyes anywhere but Ronon's.
                        “Alright,” John said. “you two stand guard. I'll get the tracker out.” entering the cave, he gently lay Teyla on the ground, trying not to jar her too much.
                        “I'm sorry, Teyla, but you're going to have to roll over,” he said. Groaning slightly, she did so.
                        “Okay, you might want to bite down on something,” he warned. “because this is not gonna feel good.”
                        Taking a deep breath, he took out his knife and cut a small slit Teyla's shirt in between her shoulderblades. He immediately noticed a fairly new looking scar. Grimacing in sympathy, he placed the edge of his knife on the scar and cut into her back. Teyla whimpered slightly, her arms tensing by her side. Finishing the cut, he probed the wound as gently as possible for the device. Finding it, he removed it and placed it on the floor of the cave. Then he took a rock and smashed it into a million little pieces. Turning back to Teyla, he took a dressing out of his vest and bandaged the wound as best he could.
                        “Teyla,” he said. “I'm done. We should go now.” He received no response. “Teyla?” he shook her uninjured shoulder slightly. Still nothing.
                        He gently turned her over, and sighed frustratedly. She had passed out. He had been afraid of that, from the looks of it she had lost a lot of blood from her wounds. The problem was that now she would have to be carried to the gate, and since his shoulder still wasn't healed, that someone would have to be Ronon. That left him and McKay against three wraith. Things were not looking good.

                        I am enjoying your story, WingedPegasus. Teyla has runner. Cool.


                          Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                          It's actually a funny story...I had this picture up on my desktop:


                          And my oldest daughter comes up and says, "Daddy silly."
                          Me: "Huh? Daddy's at work, babycakes."
                          Her: "Him." (pointing to the picture) "Daddy don't have a bracelet. They for girls!" (laughing non stop)

                          Point of the story...I guess my oldest thinks my hubby looks like JF and second, according to her, Sheppard wears women's jewlery.
                          That is too cute! I know it is hilarious! One day you are going have to post a pic of hubby just so we can see his hair...
                          sig by Sci!

                          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                            Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                            Really? I can see it...
                            I couldn't either. I just thought it was an inside joke to tease MrsB, because she couldn't see at work.


                              Thanks for the compliments everybody! Teyilia, I sent a PM to Camy asking her to post it on livejournal for me when she got a chance.

                              YC: Sheppard doesn't wear bracelets!
                              || twitter || tumblr ||


                                Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                                It's actually a funny story...I had this picture up on my desktop:


                                And my oldest daughter comes up and says, "Daddy silly."
                                Me: "Huh? Daddy's at work, babycakes."
                                Her: "Him." (pointing to the picture) "Daddy don't have a bracelet. They for girls!" (laughing non stop)

                                Point of the story...I guess my oldest thinks my hubby looks like JF and second, according to her, Sheppard wears women's jewlery.
                                Your hubby looks like JF? Lucky lady...

                                Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig

