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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I put together some conversion pics for those who havent seen it:

    *major spoilers*
    gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
    so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
    love Torri


      YEAH YEAH YEAH!! They finally kissed!!
      We are followers of eternal Hathor!!

      "We are the queen of the Gods, we are the mother of all Gods."


        Ay, there's so many cool theories I want to respond to. WHere to start...

        Snogging Piccard: Wow, that was an awesome analysis.
        I didn't catch the look on Shep's face while Teyla was walking away because I couldn't help but notice hers. I agree that it looked similar to how you would feel after speaking to your crush -- relief that the awkwardness, tension, whatever was handled for the moment. I think that I would call it an exhale (think: 'Waiting to Exhale' movie) instead of a sigh. It was an awesome moment but now I'll have to go back and watch John's face.

        astronomicalchick: Hi! you wrote that you're glad:
        the kiss wasn't an assault and was more a primal/loss of inhibitions thing. For the sake of Sheppard's character and the integrity of the PTB. ..As for Teyla's reaction, I'm a bit confused by that, because my fantasy Teyla would have nailed that John was sexually attracted to her, because let's face it, she must be used to men coming onto her all the time, so the surprise thing mystifies me a wee bit.
        I agree that
        the kiss could not be interpreted as an assault -- the way he dropped his weapon and cupped her face. And that sweet moment after when he's a mixture between confused, intereted (to quote him "that was interesting"), and concerned for Teyla . How cute was it when he says, with huge, puppy dog eyes, "Are you okay?"!

        However, on your comment about Teyla having to deal with guys coming on to her all the time, I think I disagree. I could be wrong but I don't remember the series hinting at that. I think many men would find her intimidating (despite her beauty) -- she is probably stronger than the typical man and she is considered the leader of her people. She has the respect of most people she's encountered. I'm not saying she hasn't had romantic relationships, I'm sure she must have -- but I don't think guys come on to her all the time.
        Last edited by cherryblossomjen; 10 September 2005, 03:15 PM.


          Qasim, those are GREAT images! Thank you.

          Can we use them to make icons... etc?


            Okay, a little off the topic here, but this was sooo funny that I couldn't help but post it. It's the most hilarious thing I've seen in a long time -- an "Atlantis" music video called "Tarzan" and features Ronon in the title role. Seriously, if you want a laugh, go see this!
  [email protected]/tarzan.html

            "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

            HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


              Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
              Okay, a little off the topic here, but this was sooo funny that I couldn't help but post it. It's the most hilarious thing I've seen in a long time -- an "Atlantis" music video called "Tarzan" and features Ronon in the title role. Seriously, if you want a laugh, go see this!
    [email protected]/tarzan.html
              Haha, lol Reyclou's so silly.


                Ok spoilers becase I don't want to lower or higher anyones expectations
                I think the shipper in me may be in a coma. I felt nothing. NOTHING! Ok I sorta felt betrayed by the fact I felt nothing, but thats it! Maybe I'll feel it on the re-run. I hope so. Oh yeah the bugs seemed smaller, was this just me?
                Anyway, I got photoshop elements free and clear.*too excited for words!* So between that and an essay on Alexander The Great, This is a sort of teaser for when I can really post again. I should be back in time for the season finale of SGA. If only my computer was on the net so I could photoshop something Sheyla.


                  Originally posted by Kip_Cathey_Furlings_are_Cats
                  Finnaly! A REAL discussion! Man its been far too long.

                  Hans, I give you huggles and ECookies for telling off Pam! Maybe if it becomes obvious NONE of us want her, she'll get the message.

                  But enough about that.

                  Tonights ep was OMG!
                  The Kiss wasnt what I had been expecting, but, Teyla didnt pull back and Shep just had his inhibitions lowered And she checks out his bum as he walks by at the end! Weeee! And they actually MENTION the kiss, if not in a roundabout way.

                  And she calls him John! WHOOTWHOOOOOT!

                  Anyone else really enjoy this epi, or did it not live up to your expectations? Hmm?

                  Not a chance!

                  Hi there, Camy, oooppsss sorry, Pam here....I"M BACK!!!!!!!


                    Well, I have to put my 2 cents...


                    SnoggingPicard...great review...and you have answered many of my questions.....thanks....

                    I watched it just about a half hour ago...In my recordings...
                    I have to say...the entire time my heart was pounding at the anticipation of what was to come....
                    I posted in the Teyla thread that I kinda of miss something...I think that I was so anxious that I didn't enjoy the I am going to have to watch it again...without my kids....and husband making comments...

                    I'd have to say that just as I predicted before...there were more Weir/Shep than Teyla/ Shep....but like SnoggingPicard wrote, the little scenes between them were powerful and Teyla's expressions were priceless..although I have to admit, until I read your (SnoggingPicard)review, I really wasn't sure how to interpret all of Teyla's facial expressions and all....

                    Also, another of my predictions...Weir/Caldwell...Oh mY.....These two are going to be very interesting..nothing too shippy, but there is something there....My husband stated in their last scenes, go and get her some flowers or there is something brewing there....but you all know how it is...the writers are teasing us....

                    Joe did a great job in this episode...He really out did himself.....

                    But, I have to admit it....YES I am going to admit it...I think the star of this episode was Weir....She came out as everything that I have always wanted to see in her character...Strong, focused, determined, heartfelt and completely aware of what her role was and in control of the situation...besides the points made again by SnoogingPicard, as far as going in to see Sheppard alone, I have to say, she stole the episode from Sheppard and Teyla....It's good to see that the writers are clearly defining these roles...For me, Weir needed to demonstrate that she is not influenced by Sheppard's decisions or anyone else's for that matter and that she needed to do her job regardless of what others thought....and boy did she ever do it in this episode..and for me anyways, she had not done this until now...Glad to see...
                    As far as the everyone else here was not an assault like and on the can that guy kiss.....This kiss was the blasted anything that he did with what was her name again...chaya...

                    Teyla's reaction,,, my goodness, I would have dropped him on the ground it's still unclear as to how their relationship is going to play out....and I don't think that the writers are going to play with this for awhile since putting these two together now would really change the dynamics of the series...but certainly clear that these two like each least for me there is no doubt that Sheppard is attracted to her....Teyla, well she is attracted but I don't know, I expected her to do more...but her small lines and appearances were enough to show that she does have some sort of feeling for him but perhaps is still confused as to just what it is that she feels....just my opinion....
                    overall, the episode was okay.


                      Oh, BTW, I watched Atlantis with a male friend of mine a few months ago, it was Hot Zone. I said to him, "Which woman does Sheppard have the vibe with? Elizabeth or Teyla" and he said Teyla, because "Look, he's got his head in her breasts" I just rolled my eyes and threw a cushion at him.

                      That is husband made some similar comments to this as well...but he has also seen Shep/Weir moments.....even though I disagree...


                        That's funny, that's sounds like the same paranoia Pam exhibits., I wonder...
                        No one is out to get Shep/Teyla ship, nor the thread. I'd like some discussion yeah, and not the same regurgitated 'I hope they don't go with Ronon/Teyla because it'd be a mistake/everyone can so clearly see Sheyla is the way but are ignoring it' stuff I've noticed of late.

                        You sure fooled me!

                        Really? Fab. I'll just ignore all your posts here from now on then, shall I, because if you really don't mind.

                        Do you promise?

                        To me it seems stilted and devoid of anything much, which considering how other ship threads are doing great I didn't understand how it could be. I thought there were more S/T fans than M/W and yet that thread is flourishing and this isn't. But you can decide if that means it's going great
                        of course.

                        You heard it from the horses mouth...people! What are you doing here then...if this is how you feel about this thread? Causing some trouble perhaps?

                        Oh yes, telling me your hispanic totally proves you're not Pam! Good at this, at what? I'm telling it how it feels to me. And no, there is no group strategy, I said what I felt should be said and a fair amount of others happen to agree. It'd be a mighty coincidence if we all mistakenly believed you were Pam when you're not, don't you think?

                        Your ignorance astounds me!

                        Where is there bashing in either Rachel or Joe's threads?! Plus people do have the right to an anti-ship thread as much as a ship one. Leave them be, it's no more strange than spending effort on a ship thread really.

                        Again, your ignorance astounds me!

                        plus the pretending not to know spoilers/links/quotes etc doesn't help, you've posted enough you should know (infact someone here told you how to!), as it is it looks like you're bodging them to try to prove something.

                        Yes, I am going through all this trouble pretending that I have no clue just to deviate you from thinking that I am not Pam....I should have known I couldn't fool you....Darn it! But, you don't mind if I still pretend not to know, right? Let me just have a little more fun will ya....

                        Also your contradicting yourself in brief times - you say here that you can't se any ship working apart from S/T () but now you post on M/W suddenly? You also said had some great stories, here and here, so where are they if you also agree on the badness of most of them having pregnant Teyla (while simultaneously praising the fic there)?

                        I don't have to explain have already done that for me...

                        It's really not so much you've been offensive as Camy but the evidence just adds up to you being Pam - a certain sense of deja vu anyone?
                        Finally, something that you and I can agree on...GROUP HUG!
                        Thank you for stating the obvious....


                        couldn't say what you really wanted to? Oh wait you did, funny because I've only seen one other person take this phrase...
                        In front of the jury, please, is this your final answer.....
                        Oh so now Pam is the only one that writes these that your final answer?

                        Darling, the only thing that you have managed to proved in this entire posting is what I have said all along...

                        I am not Pam....hate to dissapoint you...but like I said to you before....Call me Pam if you want give it a are not going to get rid of me like you did Pam...not that easily anyways....


                          Originally posted by Whistler84
                          :jaw drops: Purpleyin, remind me never to piss you off.

                          Do you really think she beat me....
                          Oh well....This is a tough crowd.....

                          I don't think she is that scary


                            Originally posted by Camy

                            But, I have to admit it....YES I am going to admit it...I think the star of this episode was Weir....She came out as everything that I have always wanted to see in her character...Strong, focused, determined, heartfelt and completely aware of what her role was and in control of the situation...besides the points made again by SnoogingPicard, as far as going in to see Sheppard alone, I have to say, she stole the episode from Sheppard and Teyla....It's good to see that the writers are clearly defining these roles...For me, Weir needed to demonstrate that she is not influenced by Sheppard's decisions or anyone else's for that matter and that she needed to do her job regardless of what others thought....and boy did she ever do it in this episode..and for me anyways, she had not done this until now...Glad to see...
                            Now compare this to what Pam said on another forum:

                            Originally posted by Pam

                            No .. I still think she is useless and annoying and still see no chemistry between Weir and Shep ..
                            Conversion again showed how pathetic she is as a Leader and I'm still trying to figure out how everything else suddenly stopped and the whole focus became trying to save Shep It was a great show but had alot of Huh ? moments and the biggest hype and best outcome was the SIZZLING HOT KISS between Shep & Teyla Woo-Hoo
                            Don't care what the antis say this kiss was SMOKIN' HOT and although I really do not expect anything to come from it the chemistry between Shep & Teyla is what's standing out for me ..
                            Weir was the weakest character on SGA last night and the only person I even liked her with was Caldwell and Beckett but outside that she really served no great purpose except being in Shep's face all the time and I actually liked seeing Shep grab her by the throat and I was thinking she deserved it after how stupid she was in handling everything ..

                            Now, I may be in the minority here, but how about we give Camy a break? Please? What Camy wrote above is not something Pam could ever write. It would go against ever single fibre of her being! Say something genuinely nice about Weir? She'd rather kiss a wraith, I'm sure. Camy, on the other hand, has demonstrated that she can step out of the 'Shelya-all-the-way' stuff and talk intelligently. That's two things Pam also could not do.

                            Yes, there are similarities in writing style. And yes, I'm not a good judge of that because I only caught the tail-end of the 'JohnandTeylaalltheway' vomit-inducing diatribe that Pam always spewed, but I'd like to think GW is better than most other forums online. Even if she is Pam, and I'm not saying she is or isn't, how about we treat her with more respect than she ever treated our differing opinions? Let's live up to a higher standard here.

                            This may be annoying to most of your veteran people, who have an honest gripe with Pam, but I just felt somebody should stand up and call it quits. Camy, can you discuss Stargate in a mature and reasonable fashion? Do you promise not to make outrageous accusations at any character/poster that are purposely vilifying, all because it may get in the way of the John/Teyla relationship? Will you try to be respectful in this environment? If the answer to all of the above is yes, then please continue posting. I, for one, will respond.

                            Anybody else has a problem, then please, just put her on 'Ignore'. That way everybody can co-exist. What's happened to the Sheppard/Teyla thread is a real travesty. Let's just get everybody back on track with talking about this ship.
                            Last edited by Whistler84; 10 September 2005, 08:24 PM.

                            Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                            I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                            Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                              Originally posted by Whistler84
                              Now compare this to what Pam said on another forum:
                              QUOTE]Now, I may be in the minority here, but how about we give Camy a break? Please? What Camy wrote above is not something Pam could ever write. It would go against ever single fibre of her being! Say something genuinely nice about Weir? She'd rather kiss a wraith, I'm sure. Camy, on the other hand, has demonstrated that she can step out of the 'Shelya-all-the-way' stuff and talk intelligently. That's two things Pam also could not do.

                              ONE MORE...THANK YOU......

                              Yes, there are similarities in writing style. And yes, I'm not a good judge of that because I only caught the tail-end of the 'JohnandTeylaalltheway' vomit-inducing diatribe that Pam always spewed, but I'd like to think GW is better than most other forums online. Even if she is Pam, and I'm not saying she is or isn't, how about we treat her with more respect than she ever treated our differing opinions? Let's live up to a higher standard here.

                              I AM NOT PAM!

                              This may be annoying to most of your veteran people, who have an honest gripe with Pam, but I just felt somebody should stand up and call it quits. Camy, can you discuss Stargate in a mature and reasonable fashion? Do you promise not to make outrageous accusations at any character/poster that are purposely vilifying, all because it may get in the way of the John/Teyla relationship? Will you try to be respectful in this environment? If the answer to all of the above is yes, then please continue posting. I, for one, will respond.
                              My statement has always been that I will state my opinions whether people like it or not is a difference of opinion....but I will always do it respectfully...I have stated that someone show me and prove me wrong...that when have I posted anything that has not been without respect for the characters or people in this thread...if you can find one of my postings, please show it to me...for as far as I am concerned I have done it with respect to everyone.....
                              Thank you and even if you are the only one that feels this way, it is something to look forward to....thanks are the best.

                              Anybody else has a problem, then please, just put her on 'Ignore'. That way everybody can co-exist. What's happened to the Sheppard/Teyla thread is a real travesty. Let's just get everybody back on track with talking about this ship.

                              Couldn't have said it better myself.....
                              Thanks again....


                                Okay, let's face it, I'm a n00b. Who the h*lls is Pam?

