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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
    well you may post challenges in the rules comments area (then I'll copy/paste them into their own post)

    LINDA!!!! *tacklhugs Linda then sits in her lap*

    OK now that I am all caught up, Scifan you like this title for a follow up story to Ties That Bind? "Unbreakable Bond" jumped into my head when I was thinking of a title.
    It ties well with it. LOL No pun intended.


      Oh and incase nobody saw this, I know I did Camy!

      Rachel had her baby three nights ago!!!.... at least that is what 2Bam says

      Yay newborn kitt...err... baby!! *dances, then kills all the witnesses as self is a very bad dancer*

      This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
      "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
      "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


        Originally posted by Toomi View Post
        Mornin/afternoon. I have a question about the LJ fic challenges that I saw yesterday. Do we have to let everyone know if we choose one or is it just up for grabs from anyone? Is there a due date?
        actually it does not really matter on when you finiish the story, though any and all challenges are up for grabs and to say which you want to do you just post in the "comments" area for that challenge.

        and Yes Camy it is for fanfics (I thought about doing one for fanart but then thought, "We need more fanfic challenges for JT!!") so i made it for only fanfics

        This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
        "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
        "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


          Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
          Let's all repeat after me. Jess does not make videos. Ever. No way. I'll leave that to the masters. I write fic...the only reason why I have been posting the "posters" is because the site does it for me.

          Speaking of which, I have another one:

          I hope everyone had a great Sunday!
          Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
          another poster
          These are brill!

          Originally posted by scifan View Post
          Great job Donna.

          Thanks for the link Blue.

          Thanks jtjaforever and MrsB. I'm glad you liked it.

          The Ties That Bind:


          John finally catches up to Teyla later that day. He can see that she is nervous being next to him, “Teyla? Did I do something wrong? You’ve been avoiding me for days now.”
          Teyla knew this day would come, but she still didn’t know what to say. She tries to act normal, but the pitch of her voice deceives her, “Wrong? Avoiding You? No, I have… I have just been busy with searching for my people, that is all.” She forces a little.
          John gives her an unconvincing look, but lets her excuse go, “Ok. If you’re sure.” He was about to walk away, but a thought came across his mind, “How about dinner tonight?”
          “Dinner? Tonight? Well um…” Teyla tries not to stutter.
          John’s look gets a little more serious. “See!” as he interrupts and points a finger at her. “There’s something wrong. Why are you hiding something?”
          Teyla can’t tell him yet, but she knows she has to do it soon, “John, it is complicated.” She sees he’s about to say something, but she stops him. “I will explain soon, but I can’t do it now. Can I have dinner with you tomorrow night instead?” John still looks unsettled, but he agrees to wait for their dinner date. They both go their separate ways and Teyla gives a sigh of relief.
          The next day the man who can see the future comes to Atlantis. He agrees to see Teyla first. Teyla tries not to appear excited, but she does tell him how grateful she is. Carter, John and Ronon join Teyla and the man in the conference room. Rodney decides not to join because of disbelief the man’s abilities. The man sits next to Teyla and holds her hand. He tries to see what he can about her people, but unfortunately, the news is not what she expected. He tells her that he can’t see where they are. He stops abruptly and looks around to the others. He asks to speak to Teyla alone. Carter, John and Ronon give each other a curious look, but the get up to give them privacy.
          The man can see the worry look on Teyla’s face, “Do not worry. I know that you are with child, but why do you hesitate to tell the father? Is he a type of man that will not kind or understanding?”
          Teyla is shocked that he knows about her pregnancy. She was beginning to doubting that he was who he said he was, “No, he not that type of a man, but I’m afraid that he will not let me continue his search for my people.”
          “I can not say that he will not try, but do you think that your friends will stop supporting? Is there another reason why you hesitate to tell your news?” Teyla lowers her head and nods yes. “It will be hard at first, but your friends will be there for you.” He gets up, gives her a smile and walks out of the room.
          Teyla pauses before she gets up to leave. As walks out of the room she sees John waiting for her. He sees that she is upset. She tries to walk by him quickly, but he grabs a hold of her shoulders. “Teyla? You’re shaking.” His look goes from concern to anger. “Did he do something to you? Because you know I can just…”
          Teyla interrupts, “No John. It is that there is something I need to do and I have postponed it long enough. Are we still on for dinner tonight? Trying to switch his thought on something different. John smiles and nods yes. “I will meet you at your quarters before we go. Is that fine? John tells her yes and leaves with a satisfying smile.

          She has to tell him at dinner!


            Welcome back Camy!!!

            Great discussions today! guys are throwing soooo many possibilities out there that it's hard to keep track and they all sound like possible scenarios that could happen to

            Teyla and her pregnancy. It's like we have gotten a lot of possible clues but not enough to put anything together just yet. I agree with everyone who has said that they very much doubt the father of Teyla's baby will be DG John. As much as i would like it to be him, i don't see the writers going that way....i don't know, anything that would remotely make it "seem" like John's baby is out of the question for them. I think making DG John for them is still too close to making it seem like it's John's. I think they will stay clear of that scenario. So for me at this point, i'm hoping it's not a normal pregnancy. I just don't want it to be from another guy/love interest that isn't John but it's a big possibility that it could be which would suck and not make sense since we haven't seen this love interest and for them to make us believe she has had one all this time....i don't think so, i wont buy that.

            I agree with Camy, i would love to see possessive, jealous and carring John. I just hope this pregnancy will bring them closer together and i think it will by looking at that clip of Teyla hugging John...i just don't see it any other way. There bond is just soooo tight for the writers to suddenly take that away. Yeah, clonflict, angst and heated arguments will happen which i'd love to see but just as long as they don't take that bond they have with each other.

            Ah! i can't wait!....i want answers! LOL!!!. I saw the clip Camy!, thanks for posting it!. It just makes it that much harder to wait LOL!.

            I loved seeing Teyla in her athosian outfit!...she looks sooo pretty!

            How many Friday's did we say we had left...7? LOL!

            Sig by Camy


              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
              Next chunk of Nightmares

              John placed the technicians lifeless body down on the cold floor with trembling hands. Lorne stood,stock still, his gun still aimed towards them, eyes wide in confusion. John stood slowly, his face contorted in a mixture of rage and sadness. "Put down your gun, Lorne," he said gruffly.

              Lorne eyed the motionless body carefully. "Wha-What if it isn't dead?" John held back a nasty retort and replied through gritted teeth. "Believe me, Lorne. You got it." Lorne still looked unconvinced as John began very slowly making his way towards him.

              Lorne closed one eye as he positioned himself, straightening his aim upon the womans head. "Maybe I should just make sure though, Colonel," he started to say extending his arm.

              In an instant and with a giant roar, John lunged at Lorne tackling him hard to the ground. Lorne's gun clattered loudly as it slid across the smooth floor and hid itself under another shadow. John gripped Lorne's wrists and screamed into his face. "You just killed a civilian, soldier! You will DESIST!" Lorne's blue eyes seemed to pass through his superior as he struggled wildly under John's grip.

              John, knowing it was a futile effort to try to convince him any further, called to the women hiding in the alcove. "Can one of you go find me something to tie him up with?" he called as politely as he could although he felt quite overwhelmed with rage over the technicians unneccesary death.

              He held the flailing Major until finally Dr. Keller located a stash of wires and together they bound Lorne, cautiously trying to avoid being hit as he lashed out with his arms and feet.

              Once he was contained, John approached the dead body with the two woman by his side. He lifted his hand and closed the lids of her glazed over eyes with his sweaty palm. He looked up at both doctors, a look of pain echoed on his normally smiling face. "Do you you think she's really dead, ya know, like in the real world?"

              Both women looked at each other. Dr. Keller said, "I think thats a better question for you, Kate." Kate sighed deeply staring at the woman on the ground. "Well, my knowledge on dreams is fairly limited. But I do know that most cultures have some sort of lore following the same mantra. Basically it says that if you die in your sleep, you die in real life, to put it in simple terms. It's also a scientific logistic that the mind is greater than all other things, meaning whatever your mind thinks is real, becomes, in fact, real."

              John stood nervously, soaking in what Kate just said. "I think that just might be the worst thing I've heard all day."

              Entirety located @
              Another awesome Chapter MrsB!!!!.

              It makes it even more scarry to think that if this is a dream, they are definitely not safe from being killed!.

              Sig by Camy


                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                I know, actually its been kinda like this for a couple days I feel -
                probably once september rolls around though this place will be moving like crazy with all the real live episodes and all....ahhh people never wished away their summer so

                Pop Quiz Hotshot: On a scale from ONE to TEN
                how happy will you be if Doppleganger Shep is the real father of Teyla's baby?

                Me? I'd give it a 9.5
                Eh about 9.3 for me,
                I'd just be happy as long as it isn't a normal pregnancy with someone that isn't John!

                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                Thanks MrsB and Nina. And speaking of....

                The Finale. Enjoy!


                Teyla is in her quarters and she is getting ready to go see John when the chimes on her door rings. She goes to the door and she is surprised to see John waiting there.
                “I know you said that you would meet me at my quarters, but I just decided to come her instead,” John smiles.
                Teyla motions him to come in. Her heart begins to beat harder. “John, I need to talk you about something.” He sits down in one of her chairs. She pauses, takes a deep breath and exhales, “Do you remember the night when that crystal entity made everyone had dreams and nightmares?” John squints at the thought of the night and nods yes. “Well there was something that happened to me that night that I thought was dream…” she sits down on her bed facing him. She continues with a gentle smile, “A wonderful dream, but it didn’t start out that ways. I had a bad dream about what happened in the Asuran city and I came to you…”
                John’s eyes open wide, “You were crying. You had a dream that I left you behind.” Teyla tells him yes. A small smile crosses his face, “You mean that you and I. We did spend the night together?” Again Teyla answers yes. “Then why did you leave?”
                “I don’t know what happened. When I went to reach over to touch you I saw that I was in my bed. And with everyone else saying what they were going through I just thought that it was a dream as well.”
                John smiles grew bigger, “I thought the same thing.” He starts to get up to go to her, but she put out her hand to motion him to stop.
                “There’s more John.” John sees her worry face and become concern. “I have recently had a new dream. I dreamt that the Asurans did an experiment on me and if I was to say try to fix what they were planning on doing they would harm my people.”
                “Are you saying that the replicators are responsible for your people disappearing and that they have done something to you? Are you sure that it’s not because of all you’ve been through?” John asks.
                “No, John. It is true, but please let me finish. This is not easy to say. What I say in my dream was that the replicators what a child that is part human and part them.” She looks for his expression to change, but he remains still. “They want a child that is part Ancient.” Finally John got what she was saying.
                “You mean that your…” he pauses.
                “Yes, John. I am pregnant and you are the father.” John just sat there numb and unable to speak. Teyla regrets saying anything and tries to quickly leave her room. John jumps up and grabs her arm before she reaches the door.
                “Teyla, stop. I’m sorry. It’s just a shock that’s all,” John tells her with a comforting tone. “I knew something was bothering you, but I had no idea. How long have you known?
                “After I found out that my people were missing,” she replies.
                “You knew that long? Why were you afraid to tell me?” asks John.
                “Would you have let me go all over the place to find my people?” she continues.
                John pauses briefly, “I suppose not, but we would figured it out. Is that why you were upset when that man talked to you in private? Does he have something to with this?”
                “No John, but he did know that I am pregnant. He was the one who encouraged me to tell you. There’s more John.”
                “These more? Ok, what else?” John asks with concern.
                “The replicators said that they would come back for the baby. I think they believe that this child will help them ascend,” she says sadly.
                John leads her to the bed and they sit down together. He takes her hand. “Look Teyla, why don’t we see Dr. Keller first to find out if the replicators really did do anything? If they have then once we find your people we will figure out how to get rid of the nanites without hurting the baby.” A tear runs down her face. John wipes her tear away and gives her a boyish smile, “Don’t get me wrong, I’m still a little overwhelm by this news, but I’m not going to leave you or be mad at you.” A bigger smiles comes across his face, “I also know other thing. I’m not crazy. The night we had was wonderful and I do care for you a lot. I, I…”
                Teyla places a figure over his lips, “I love you too.”
                John pulls her closer, wraps his arms around her and whispers in her, “We’ll find them Teyla.” He stops to rub her stomach, “And I’ll be here for you and our baby.”
                For the first time in months Teyla is finally able to relax. She is with the man she loves and he loves her too. She is still worried about her people, but now she doesn’t have to worry about telling John about the baby and the replicators. John goes to the mess hall to pick up some food for them and brings it to her quarters. After they finish eating he takes off her shoes and his own. He convinces her to lie down on the bed and he joins her. He nestles up behind her. The warmth of his body comforts her and she soon falls asleep, for the longest time he watches her and takes in her beauty. He finally settles in and as he does he hears a sigh of happiness escape her lips. He smiles and falls asleep.

                The End.

                Awwww,BOOHOO,it's finished *sniff sniff* loved it though!


                  Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                  OASIS - PART 11

                  "JOHN!" screamed Teyla after his body flew over the edge into the dark pit. She flung herself towards the opening, hanging her head over in hopes of seeing some sign of his existence, but all she could see was the endless nothingness.

                  She choked back tears as her breath came in short little wisps, her hands buried deep in mounds of sand. She sat back staring at nothing but the vision of him kissing her and then being dragged away that was etched, still burning in her mind.

                  She didn't know how long she sat there before she noticed the deafening silence surrounding her. Remembering Ronon and Rodney she bolted up, aiming her light to where she last remembered seeing them walk away. Her light caught nothing but sand and shadows.

                  She felt a large hand suddenly grab her shoulder and she turned quickly swinging the gun as a handheld weapon. It was caught swiftly by Ronon's open palm as the light shined directly into his face. "Its' me," he said roughly as he squinted away from the bright light. Teyla could make out several deep gashes on Ronon's face but the blood and white slime that covered him was obviously not his own.

                  She almost laughed in her excitement to find he was alive. "And Rodney?" she asked hesitantly.

                  "Hey..... I'm still here...Somewhere...." came his wavering voice out of the darkness. Her smile continued.

                  "Where's Sheppard?" Ronon asked, wiping away bits of the creatures flesh from his clothes. Teyla's smile disappeared and Ronon followed her long gaze toward the dark opening.

                  They both stood over the edge, peering in, as Rodney finally managed to find them. He crawled over and looked down as well. "Hey, did you guys know theres a big hole here?"

                  Teyla turned her head quickly and looked at Ronon. "There is rope in your pack Ronon, if we combine it with the rope in mine, it might be enough for..."

                  "No." Ronon's voice came hard.

                  "It was not a request, Ronon."

                  "I'm not gonna let you go down there. It's suicide."

                  "I will be fine, just get the rope, please."

                  "Teyla, listen to me! He could be dead for all we know!"

                  "Get the rope, Ronon."


                  "THE ROPE. NOW." Her eyes held a fiery glow of fury as Ronon struggled to defy her further.

                  "Just get her the damn rope," Rodney slurred.

                  Ronon's eyes battled a war against hers and ultimately, he surrendered, turning to open his pack and muttering angrily to himself.

                  As she readied, Teyla closed her eyes and pictured John, broken but alive, lying at the bottom of the pit.

                  She couldn't leave him. She could never leave him.

                  These were her thoughts as Ronon tied the rope around her and she began her descent as Rodney waved a lazy hand in farewell.

                  That's our Teyla!!!...she would never give up on John because she loves him sooo much!. YAY!!!

                  Can't wait for the next chapter!

                  Sig by Camy


                    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                    Eh about 9.3 for me,
                    I'd just be happy as long as it isn't a normal pregnancy with someone that isn't John!

                    Awwww,BOOHOO,it's finished *sniff sniff* loved it though!
                    Thanks Linda. I'm glad you liked it.


                      Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                      OK I've finally got around to starting some artwork... this was inspired by the Games .... and the new Favourite Kiss game.... hopefully everyone will post in there each day so we should have a good chance of winning... but everyone needs to post their pics daily.

                      This is a bit different.. more of a sketch John/Teyla..


                      WOW,that's stunningly fantastic!

                      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                      Just checked the Favorite kiss pic game... a whole page basically with Daniel/Vala...yup we are losing big time against them... as always... but thanks to all J/T fans for voting...the ones who haven't voted in it and in the favorite ship episode pic game...get going...!!!

                      I have to keep Camy happy... don't want her coming after me with her bat,,,
                      I just voted,i couldn't vote yesterday cause i ws away all day and didn't get back till about midnight!

                      Originally posted by scifan View Post
                      I did this for fic, but I'm not really happy with it. Does any one what to make a better one.
                      Awesome scifan,i think it goes well with the fic!

                      Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                      So I've been thinking...

                      S4 spoilers:

                      So if I have heard through the grapevine correctly, John's going back to Earth to deal with...issues? I think I have heard maybe it's his ex-wife or something. But what if it's his child? Maybe because of Teyla's pregnancy and his involvement with it (even if it is just to be a support), he feels compelled to "tie loose ends" with his own kid.

                      If it was this scenario, what do you think? Help or hurt the JT love?

                      And to answer your question MrsB, I would be fine with any scenario as long as Ronan, Zelenka, Rodney, Carson or anyone else from Atlantis (and that included smooth Colonel Caldwell ) isn't the father.
                      I've never heard him mention anything about a kid,are we sure he has one!


                        Did anyone catch this on JM's blog yesterday?


                        It makes me sad to think that Teyla has found any of her people and has to lay them to rest. I may be just for a clue to find, but who knows.


                          Originally posted by scifan View Post
                          Did anyone catch this on JM's blog yesterday?


                          It makes me sad to think that Teyla has found any of her people and has to lay them to rest. I may be just for a clue to find, but who knows.
                          Hmmm... well good on you for noticing it. I didnt give it a second look to read the writing...Well heres what I think:

                          Its made for a memorial of some sort, but they wont actually like find their dead bodies or anything. Maybe Carter tells Teyla she'd like to do something after they search and search endlessly and find nothing, something like to help Teyla cope with their "passing" which they convince themselves is what happened.


                            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                            Hmmm... well good on you for noticing it. I didnt give it a second look to read the writing...Well heres what I think:

                            Its made for a memorial of some sort, but they wont actually like find their dead bodies or anything. Maybe Carter tells Teyla she'd like to do something after they search and search endlessly and find nothing, something like to help Teyla cope with their "passing" which they convince themselves is what happened.
                            I hope you're right.
                            I'd hate to see that she has to bury anyone.

                            This is what I found for a definition of Kindred:


                            A group of related persons, as a clan or tribe.
                            (used with a pl. verb) A person's relatives; kinfolk.

                            Of the same ancestry or family: kindred clans.
                            Having a similar or related origin, nature, or character: kindred emotions.

                            What if she is talking about the past remembering and this is where Carson comes in. As a memory and not for real. Isn't there a clip where Teyla has her long hair? Do you see where I'm going with this?
                            Last edited by scifan; 07 August 2007, 10:32 AM.


                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              I hope you're right.
                              I'd hate to see that she has to bury anyone.
                              sig by Sci!

                              Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                                Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                                OT rant

                                you mean to tell me you never HEARD of the Muppets?!

                                back on topic before I lose my mind....

                                sneak peek at War of Roses

                                Teyla didn't say anything as the pair appeared in the doorway of the power room and noted that the generator was already a black pile of soot, "I do believe that Dr. McKay is going to... blow his top?" She stated simply

                                "Yup" John said seeing the pile of burned out soot, at least the thing did not blow like a tac nuke. "I'm thinking that the others are going to be the same, the city has to be drawing power from somewhere, only question is, where?" The LSD beeped, "come on into the vent. Quick three Replicators on the way to us."

                                Teyla merely nodded and climbed into the vent, John followed, looking up for a few seconds before looking back down, something telling him he was not thinking right, that and the fact that he and Teyla just sparred and she was still barefoot and in her sparring clothes.... that made it all the harder to focus on retaking the city back... at the time

                                John finally tore his gaze back towards climib, and stopped next to Teyla, "Something tells me you are thinking of me going up frist this time yes?" John said in good humor, Teyla just looked at him as if he had lost his mind. "I'll take that as a yes?"

                                Teyla just rolled her eyes and said, "Where do we go from here?"

                                "I'm thinking the Control Room or the Jumper Bay for more ammo" John said.

                                "The Control Room is closer, let us go there and see how many of the Asureans there are in the city." Teyla said, John nodded and Teyla led the way towards the Control Room, the pair moved fast through the vents, She came to what looked like a huge vent grid, that actually slid upwards when she arrived, "I donnot see anyone." she said to John.

                                "Nor does the LSD see any Reps, lets see what happened shall we?"

                                Teyla nodded and dropped out of the vent and promtly screeched in pain as her bare feet hit a very hot floor. only it was not JUST her feet that hit the very hot floor, when she landed she not only got burns on her feet but also her midsection and arms as she actually fell to the ground, thankfully her clothes did not catch fire.

                                John landed on his feet, thankfully he had shoes on, he grabbed Teyla from the floor as fast as he could, "Hold on to me, I'll get you to a place you can sit." He said, Teyla only nodded, not able to talk because of the searing pain shooting through her body. John headed for Weir's office, and looked down over the stargate one floor below, what he saw took his breath away.

                                There were dozens... no hundreds of dead replicators on the floor, piles and piles of them.Aand the floor looked to be boiling hot as well. Teyla noticed as well and John could feel her take in a strong breath at seeing the Stargate floor. "what is happening?" She asked from where she hung onto John as he mostly carried/somewhat dragged Teyla to Weirs' office.

                                hope you like

                                This is really good,is it on

