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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by scifan View Post
    Ok. I'm SO bummed. I messed and missed a chunk of the story that I downloaded on FF. I tried to reload it and I'm not sure how long it's going to take before it shows that it's fixed. UUUGGGHHH!!!!

    I'm gonna catch up and get ready for bed. Here's another part.

    The Ties That Bind

    Teyla has just gotten to John’s quarter when she gets a call on her comm. from Sam. Teyla reaches for her ear, “Yes, Colonel Carter.” She pauses to listen and a smile comes across her face, “Thank you so much Colonel Carter. Yes. Yes of course, Sam. Thank you.” Her smile doesn’t fade as she walks into John’s quarters.
    John notices the smile on Teyla’s face. “Hey. I haven’t seen that to often. May I ask what brought that on?” he says with glimmer in his eyes.
    Ronon excuses himself and Teyla pats him on his arm as he walks out. She sits in a chair next to him, “Sam has just allowed me to go visit my people. It has been so long since I have got to see them.”
    John looks with a slight confusion on his face, “They are allowing gate usage now? I thought they were still trying to calibrate it?”
    “I believe that Sam said that they just finished and she is allowing me and Dr. Keller to go tomorrow,” she replies.
    A mischievous looks comes across John’s face, “Do you want company?”
    She gives him a big smile and tells him no. She sees him yawning, “I believe I will leave to let you rest. The pain medication Dr. Keller gave you must be working.” She reaches over him to fix the pillows behind his head.
    John indulges himself and takes in the fragrance of her hair, and images of spending a night with her flash in his head. He fights to stay awake. “Teyla, may I ask,” he yawns. “May I ask you a question?” He struggles to keep his eyes open.
    “Go to sleep John. I will talk to you when I get back tomorrow,” Teyla says softly and quietly leaves the room.

    Great new chapter Scifan!!!

    Are you going to add what may possibly happen on "missing" in the next chapter with the Athosians missing????

    Sig by Camy


      Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
      Let's see what chapter?...

      *Elfie has to think on this....*

      It's not chap. 27. I do not know the number but..

      I think it is the one in the infirmary where Teyla is brought back to life by Red. Or The scene where she is giving birth...the baby is taken by the Acended lady... where she almost dies again but she is not a Wraith right? I hope I got this remotely right. I am gonna have to re read to refresh brain...
      close though the chapter is number 12 Beyond the Night(it has the SAME song in it) and that lovely screenshot actually tells the chapter itself!

      Originally posted by Mayra View Post
      Thanks Nina!, I can't wait for the new season to start! many more day's till the premiere! LOL!. I do wish they would show more of Teyla in the sneak peeks they have been showing!. I think the only one we have seen of her is when
      She is screaming and something is moving in her belly, right????.
      Indeed and she is not a happy camper because of that either, i should know because I'm her kitty

      Only thing is Teyla took off somewheres, where I've no idea and am now on the hunt for her *funny evil grin here as self staggers off in search of owner*

      and Mayra: incase you are wondering of the screenshot I speak of check this out
      Made by the very talented Camy!!

      This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
      "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
      "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


        Originally posted by maffieg View Post
        Posting pics from the galleria. You guys really don't go there?


        Some more:


        and just for fun:

        Hey maffied, these are great....especially the one where Teyla is interrogating John.
        Thanks for the sig Scifan


          Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
          I thought pic fit perfectly with the whole scene..

          It went really well with dietician. Elfie lost 7lbs.
          Baby! Oh! How I so want a KIT KAT BAR!! I am not even lying!! WooHOO!
          Yes. I can believe it. It is my brother's B-Day tomorrow! I am busy this month!
          But, best of all only 8 more FRIDAYS TIL S4! I digress. I still have 3 more
          go for my surgery. My dietician is giving me a break from the food journal for a month. Which a good thing. It was starting to run together. But, I am still working on figuring how to set it up on my LJ for other people who are looking for positive motivation when preparing both pre-op and post-op. I also want to be able to have my SGA and JT stuff on there too! It is still in it's infancy stages. I swear I can not spell!!! But, anyway you get the point!! That's the latest for now. I hope to be able to put as challenge to get a banner made for it to. All in due time and when it up and running I will post it for all of you!

          Hi Elflinn!

          Congrats on loosing 7lbs!!! that's awesome!!!. I'd love to see your site when it's done!.

          Sig by Camy


            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
            Courtesy of wraithfodder
            Thanks for posting this pic MrsB!...i hadn't seen it before!. It's funny how the SGA cast is having a baby boom this year!!!. Too cute!

            Sig by Camy


              Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
              I LOVE THIS!!!

              Ronon: Does it Hurt? ROTFL! SICKO!!! YES! YES!

              John's looks to kill at Ronon! ...hehehehehe..Evil Elfie!!
              Originally posted by scifan View Post
              Ok. I'm SO bummed. I messed and missed a chunk of the story that I downloaded on FF. I tried to reload it and I'm not sure how long it's going to take before it shows that it's fixed. UUUGGGHHH!!!!

              I'm gonna catch up and get ready for bed. Here's another part.

              The Ties That Bind

              Teyla has just gotten to John’s quarter when she gets a call on her comm. from Sam. Teyla reaches for her ear, “Yes, Colonel Carter.” She pauses to listen and a smile comes across her face, “Thank you so much Colonel Carter. Yes. Yes of course, Sam. Thank you.” Her smile doesn’t fade as she walks into John’s quarters.
              John notices the smile on Teyla’s face. “Hey. I haven’t seen that to often. May I ask what brought that on?” he says with glimmer in his eyes.
              Ronon excuses himself and Teyla pats him on his arm as he walks out. She sits in a chair next to him, “Sam has just allowed me to go visit my people. It has been so long since I have got to see them.”
              John looks with a slight confusion on his face, “They are allowing gate usage now? I thought they were still trying to calibrate it?”
              “I believe that Sam said that they just finished and she is allowing me and Dr. Keller to go tomorrow,” she replies.
              A mischievous looks comes across John’s face, “Do you want company?”
              She gives him a big smile and tells him no. She sees him yawning, “I believe I will leave to let you rest. The pain medication Dr. Keller gave you must be working.” She reaches over him to fix the pillows behind his head.
              John indulges himself and takes in the fragrance of her hair, and images of spending a night with her flash in his head. He fights to stay awake. “Teyla, may I ask,” he yawns. “May I ask you a question?” He struggles to keep his eyes open.
              “Go to sleep John. I will talk to you when I get back tomorrow,” Teyla says softly and quietly leaves the room.
              OOOOO! This is gettin' really, really GOOOOOD!
              John fighting to stay awake: "Teyla, may I ask", he yawns. "May I ask you a question?"....! What? What is the question he wants to ask?.....I wanna know..

              Scifan have you gotten a chance to read my comments on the part prior to this one?
              sig by Sci!

              Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                Hi Elflinn!

                Congrats on loosing 7lbs!!! that's awesome!!!. I'd love to see your site when it's done!.
                I will post link when it is ready but, it going to be a while...
                sig by Sci!

                Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                  Originally posted by Teyilia View Post

                  Indeed and she is not a happy camper because of that either, i should know because I'm her kitty

                  Only thing is Teyla took off somewheres, where I've no idea and am now on the hunt for her *funny evil grin here as self staggers off in search of owner*

                  and Mayra: incase you are wondering of the screenshot I speak of check this out
                  Made by the very talented Camy!!

                  LOL!!!...Darn Teyla, how dare she sneak out! LOL!.

                  Lovely Wallie!!!..Camy does some beautiful artwork, i just love it!!!. Thanks for showing it too me!.

                  Sig by Camy


                    Originally posted by scifan View Post
                    Just a quick post and I'll be right back. I know it's short, but its a start.

                    The Ties that Bind. Next part.



                    “It will be awhile before Col. Sheppard gets to go on any off world mission,” Dr. Keller advises Sam.” John makes a face in disagreement. Dr. Keller smiles, “I’ll let you stay in your quarters to rest and you can do some light duties, but that’s all. Those broken bones need to heal or you’ll stay out longer. Understand?” John nods his head yes. He slowly gets off the gurney while grabbing his side and gives a small grunt.
                    Ronon looks at him with a childish grin, “Does it hurt?”
                    John looks at him with a serious face, “Yes! You’re enjoying this aren’t you?” Ronon continues to smile. As John starts to walk out of the infirmary he mumbles, “Sicko.”
                    Ronon turns and smiles at Teyla. Teyla, Sam and Keller try not to laugh. Teyla gives Ronon a slight backhand to his arm and lips the words, “Stop it.” Both Teyla and Sam reassure Keller that John will listen to orders.
                    John starts yelling in the corridor, “THIS SUCKS!”
                    Ronon continues to mock John, “If you didn’t let another woman beat y..”
                    “SHUT UP RONON!” barks John in between his moans.
                    Sam, Keller and Teyla start laughing again. “I better go before John get hurt more,” Teyla says to the lady before leaving. Faintly down the corridor you can still hear John yelling at Ronon. Teyla slowly shakes her head.
                    Hey Scifan, I'm really enjoying you story.
                    Thanks for the sig Scifan


                      Now if I only knew how to get the words "sig by Scifan " to appear on my sig things would be great!!!
                      Thanks for the sig Scifan


                        Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                        Congrats everyone on making it to 31000 posts!!!! wooohoooo J/T rocks....
                        I'm heading to bed now...night all...
                        CONGRATS TO US ON 31000 POSTS!!! WE SURE CAN SPREAD THE JT LOVE!!

                        sig by Sci!

                        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                          What is going on?!? is the TV Stars Baby Boom already?!? I mean think about it for a short sec here, Teyla is going to have a child soon(how soon I've no idea) Dex is to be a father soon, even McKay is gonna be a daddy(in real life I mean I'm just saying the names of my owners friends here), and John is already a father, is the Baby season or something?

                          now anyway

                          Kingdom, all you have yto do is after the [sigpic] marks in the signature editing area you can post "made by" there only it will have to look like this "[/sigpic][/sigpic] made by ?" (take out the / in the first sigpic part though)

                          Elf: I think I gave you too much catnip coffee.... no I didn't

                          This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                          "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                          "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                            Originally posted by scifan View Post
                            Ok. I'm SO bummed. I messed and missed a chunk of the story that I downloaded on FF. I tried to reload it and I'm not sure how long it's going to take before it shows that it's fixed. UUUGGGHHH!!!!

                            I'm gonna catch up and get ready for bed. Here's another part.

                            The Ties That Bind

                            Teyla has just gotten to John’s quarter when she gets a call on her comm. from Sam. Teyla reaches for her ear, “Yes, Colonel Carter.” She pauses to listen and a smile comes across her face, “Thank you so much Colonel Carter. Yes. Yes of course, Sam. Thank you.” Her smile doesn’t fade as she walks into John’s quarters.
                            John notices the smile on Teyla’s face. “Hey. I haven’t seen that to often. May I ask what brought that on?” he says with glimmer in his eyes.
                            Ronon excuses himself and Teyla pats him on his arm as he walks out. She sits in a chair next to him, “Sam has just allowed me to go visit my people. It has been so long since I have got to see them.”
                            John looks with a slight confusion on his face, “They are allowing gate usage now? I thought they were still trying to calibrate it?”
                            “I believe that Sam said that they just finished and she is allowing me and Dr. Keller to go tomorrow,” she replies.
                            A mischievous looks comes across John’s face, “Do you want company?”
                            She gives him a big smile and tells him no. She sees him yawning, “I believe I will leave to let you rest. The pain medication Dr. Keller gave you must be working.” She reaches over him to fix the pillows behind his head.
                            John indulges himself and takes in the fragrance of her hair, and images of spending a night with her flash in his head. He fights to stay awake. “Teyla, may I ask,” he yawns. “May I ask you a question?” He struggles to keep his eyes open.
                            “Go to sleep John. I will talk to you when I get back tomorrow,” Teyla says softly and quietly leaves the room.
                            Scifan, I hope you are able to locate the rest of your story.
                            This part was so sweet....I wonder what he wanted to ask her.
                            Thanks for the sig Scifan


                              Well every now and again we all need a little catnip to pick us up!

                              It certainly has lit us up tonight! Wraithfodder's LJ is really great! She is really good at organizing the stuff from Comic Con!


                              Also because it will not let me green again.....
                              sig by Sci!

                              Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                                Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                                I'm glad you liked it. I'm still a bit iffy on the ending. But for those of you who have read the whole thing, this was the original ending:

                                The five minutes passed slowly for everyone in the room. Finally, the floor of the platform lit up and one John Sheppard appeared. Carson walked up to him. “Colonel, how are you feeling?”

                                He looked around. “Good, I guess,” he answered slowly. “But what are all of you doing down here?”

                                Rodney and Elizabeth exchanged a glance, Teyla and Ronan looked at each other. “What do you mean, John?“ Elizabeth asked.

                                “Well, last thing I remember is me stepping on that platform.” He turned to Zelenka. “You were telling me it would take months to be able to work this thing.”

                                “Rodney,” Elizabeth said, worry in her voice. “What happened?“

                                McKay thought for a moment before snapping his fingers. “I think I know what he did. It’s rather ingenious if I say so myself. I think they all decided not to remember. If they did that, then it’s possible that the filter would erase all their memories.”

                                John started to look a little panicked. “What are you guys talking about?“

                                Carson walked up to him. “Colonel, you stepped on the platform yesterday. Quite a bit has happened since then.”

                                He looked at Elizabeth and winced. “I’m in trouble, aren’t I?”

                                She smiled briefly. “We’ll worry about that later. Right now, go to the infirmary. I want a full report on your condition after Carson looks at you.”

                                “All right,“ he said slowly. He hated being in the dark about things. Wanting to be near people he was comfortable with, he made his way to Teyla and Ronan.

                                Ronan grabbed his shoulder. “Good to see you, Sheppard. All one of you.”

                                John shook his head. “When is someone going to tell me what exactly happened?”

                                Teyla looked at him a bit sadly. “Perhaps it is best that you do not remember what happened, Colonel.“

                                Damn. Now he really wished he knew what happened. He hadn’t seen Teyla that upset since he left for Earth. He leaned closer to her. “Did I do something to upset you?”

                                She flashed a small smile, despite the situation. “No, Colonel, not at all. You should go to the infirmary soon. I am sure that Carson will tell you what happened.” She walked out of the room.

                                Ronan looked at his friend and shook his head. “Boy, Sheppard, if I were you, I’d be regretting that decision to forget everything.”

                                “But, I don’t remember anything!”

                                So, which ending did y'all prefer?
                                That was so great Jess!!!
                                Thanks for the extra Dr.Davis parts. hee hee. I needed that. It mad a sucky night more tollerable(sp?).

                                As for the ending. I like them both, I would have to agree with MrsB. The shippper in me say let it stay the way it is.

