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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by scifan View Post
    According to Wikipedia: OT
    And I'm very roughly paraphrasing. Rise of the Googlions 1 and 2 are the eps that bring back Beckett. I don't know how true this is. We'll see if I get a response from JM. Googlion---McGuillion kinda looked the same to me. Maybe it has to do with both Becket and Micheal? Just a wild wild guess.
    This could be true, but JM hasn't confirmed it yet. And the name "Rise of the Googlion" is not confirmed as the title, its so far just used as a place holder.
    Click statement above to read article.


      I'm not really going to bother responding to anything you've said here. Two points which I highlighted have pretty much unnerved me to the point that I can't be bothered. Sounds like the same stuff I hear from the anti's and shweir shipper, which always make me wonder why some people waste the time on the show and shipping a pairing.

      So on that note, I'm done with this conversation. I'm not about to succomb to pessimistic ideas, when really nothing has identified it as such. This is just an added aspect of the character and I'm not the only one to see that. Me, Sanssong, Trippy and a few others see the benefit of this and see it far from being very JT in the end. Plus as I've said, RL has made several interviews dropping hints discounting a few negative ideas.

      I'm not against negativity, but as I've always said negativity engages negativity. I see positive things from this and I have no problems with what's going on. I figured other people would be able to see that so many arcs in one story is part of the whole seasonal arc which might be pushed into S5, but people are just freaking out. And yeah, people are freaking out...I respond to comments like the above as such.

      In any event, those who want to think along those lines of this is a disaster, JT might be destroyed and what not, go ahead. I've said it once and I'll say it again, if the two mains in a group aren't recurring or dead the ship is still alive and SGA is not going anywhere it seems for a while. If people feel it's a sinking ship, then get off the boat. Maybe, I'm also just tired of hearing anti nonsense.

      *** On a last note...we know nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, about Teyla to know what she would do or has had. If we did, then we'd be able to make a clear estimation. Further more, this goes for John as well
      I think Suz made a very fine observation:

      Originally posted by sanssong View Post
      I love that we can all speculate and discuss what we think will happen in a fun and mature way. In the end, we'll only know for sure when the episodes in question air. It's gonna be a LONG summer!
      This is so true. The joy of *this* thread is that we can get a little wired and talk about things, but at the end of the day its all right. We all *respect* each other's opinions although we may not agree. That's the wonder of individually and the beauty of free expression. There is *no* right or wrong...just different POVs.

      Let's keep this a *FUN* ship and live and let live. That's what this is and should be about

      Have a great day ALL


        Ok where do I start....

        Havn't really had time to digest this info but have to admit wasn't at all happy about it...

        Let me try and explain why... may be long so will put in spoilers..

        Firstly I don't think this is great news... I am a John/Teyla shippper and am only interested in this pairing.... I have no interest in any other pairing or seeing John with anyone else or Teyla... I would not compare John's little flings (I can't even call them flings.. more like flirtations)... to finding out that Teyla has been having a relationship which she has been hiding from eveyone and may be carrying this persons child.... totally different ball game IMO..

        Secondly I am not becoming anti John/Teyla or see this as the end of them... because I will ALWAYS be for John and Teyla and still hope they will end up together ... but that doesn't mean I have to think that introducing an angsty 3 way type of relationship scenario is the way I want to see things go..

        I am all for good character development for Teyla but again as a John/Teyla shipper I do not want to celebrate Teyla having a relationship with someone else in the John and Teyla shipper thread.. I feel this type of discussion should be taken to the Teyla discussion thread..

        I could understand John and Teyla both keeping their feelings to themselves as they are both dedicated to fighting the Wraith and keeping everyone on Atlantis safe on a daily basis... I am convinced that this is the only thing keeping them from revealing their true feelings for each other.. but eventhough we have not heard them verbally admit anything ... we have seen many times through their actions that they care deeply for one another and I thought the writers were doing a wonderful job with progressing their relationship. But now all of a sudden we are to believe that Teyla has been having a love interest all along and hiding it from everyone... her crush in Sunday then .... is someone else from Atlantis that we have never met..

        some random guy out of the blue that in Sunday hadn't even made a move ... but they have obviously gotten past that and are in a serious relationship if this person is the father of her child...

        Are we to accept this as being feasable... Teyla who hangs out with John and Ronan seemingly in her freetime has had the time to be with another guy and become fairly serious and has had no problem obviously being in a relationship or telling this guy how she feels about him..... while she seemed unable to do any of this with John .. with whom she has spent the last 3 years getting to know and become closer to...

        Rachel has also said that it will be revealed in season four who she was referring to in sunday.... so again IF this love interest is indeed the guy she mentioned in sunday... didnt things move along a bit quickly and for me just seems very out of character to how we have seen Teyla in the past. If the crush in sunday is the "guy" then again he is not Athosian as Teyla said that his ways are different to her people... so again... we are back to some random guy/marine she has been interested in all along... sorry this just doesn't sit well with me... anyone we knew even if it wasn't John would have been easier to accept .. but someone who we have never met before, just seems contrived and out of left foot to me.

        Next scenario..... lets just ignore everything Teyla said in Sunday and what Rachel said about finding out about who she was referring to in sunday .... and asume the writers are going to conveniently forget about this and say her love interest is some old flame... an Athosian or some other guy from anther planet... who I guess has ways that are different to her peoples... again the big issue for me is where did she get the chance to see this guy and progress into a serious relationship that results with her being pregnant.. and why does she keep it from everyone... why the need to keep it a secret.,

        she spends a lot of time on the team... and she hangs out with John and why isn't she with this love interest... not even a hint from any of the others that Teyla hasn't been around .. we see her with John in every downtime scene...

        Maybe her love interest and the father of the baby are not the same person... I do hope the writers don't forget all the inconsistancies and give us a plausable reason as to where this guy has suddenly appeared from and also why Teyla is pregnant so soon. But bringing in these sudden love interests to act as a foil between John and Teyla just screams cliched to many times do we get this type of scenario ... Sam/Pete for one and that was handled very badly IMO and I'm not even a Jack/Sam shipper.. it was contrived and boring and made me loose all interest in Sam and I had no interest in Pete whatsover.

        I would have preferred John and Teyla to come to the realisation that they care about each other without throwing in a love interest for one them to force the issue.. this kind of forced angst doesn't really appeal to me.... they had 3 years to tell each other how they felt and Teyla I feel is not some wilting flower who has to wait for John to make a move if she really cared for him... so just because John didnt make a move she got fed up and went to someone who did make a move... well her feelings for John couldn't have been that strong.... all this is just specualtion of course and there may be reasons that still havn't come to light as to why Teyla has become pregnant but I hope they are well thought out and written well.

        So I'm still not really happy with these events but am not saying that this is the end of John and Teyla.... but it's contrived and cliched scenario IMO and one that has been done so many times but all I can hope for is that the writers handle it well. The love interest will probably come and go as they do.. again thinking of Pete, and after all the angst is over .. how will it effect John and Teyla... how does John accept that the woman he may have feelings for has been in another relationship and has a child that is not his. I guess we will just have to wait and see...
        Last edited by bluealien; 16 June 2007, 01:27 AM.


          A little something to lighten the mood.

          The Summer Steam Harlequin Challenge has a new mini plot posted by friendshipper. Check it out here. I know you will enjoy:

          Last edited by jtjaforever; 16 June 2007, 05:51 AM.


            Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post

            I think Suz made a very fine observation:

            This is so true. The joy of *this* thread is that we can get a little wired and talk about things, but at the end of the day its all right. We all *respect* each other's opinions although we may not agree. That's the wonder of individually and the beauty of free expression. There is *no* right or wrong...just different POVs.

            Let's keep this a *FUN* ship and live and let live. That's what this is and should be about

            Have a great day ALL
            Question...why is it that you found a need to call out my post when giving this statement?! Was I in some way lacking respect for other's opinions?

            I never said anyone's views were wrong, I just think that people are freaking out before they even see the episode on a statement that may never come to fruition or maybe completely out of context. It's like everyone saw the ep and this is terrible. This is why JM called people lemmings and misinformed lemmings at that. It wasn't a compliment. I thought the JTers were a bit beyond this.

            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
            Ok where do I start....

            Havn't really had time to digest this info but have to admit wasn't at all happy about it...

            Let me try and explain why... may be long so will put in spoilers..

            Firstly I don't think this is great news... I am a John/Teyla shippper and am only interested in this pairing.... I have no interest in any other pairing or seeing John with anyone else or Teyla... I would not compare John's little flings (I can't even call them flings.. more like flirtations)... to finding out that Teyla has been having a relationship which she has been hiding from eveyone and may be carrying this persons child.... totally different ball game IMO..

            Secondly I am not becoming anti John/Teyla or see this as the end of them... because I will ALWAYS be for John and Teyla and still hope they will end up together ... but that doesn't mean I have to think that introducing an angsty 3 way type of relationship scenario is the way I want to see things go..

            I am all for good character development for Teyla but again as a John/Teyla shipper I do not want to celebrate Teyla having a relationship with someone else in the John and Teyla shipper thread.. I feel this type of discussion should be taken to the Teyla discussion thread..

            I could understand John and Teyla both keeping their feelings to themselves as they are both dedicated to fighting the Wraith and keeping everyone on Atlantis safe on a daily basis... I am convinced that this is the only thing keeping them from revealing their true feelings for each other.. but eventhough we have not heard them verbally admit anything ... we have seen many times through their actions that they care deeply for one another and I thought the writers were doing a wonderful job with progressing their relationship. But now all of a sudden we are to believe that Teyla has been having a love interest all along and hiding it from everyone... her crush in Sunday then .... is someone else from Atlantis that we have never met..

            some random guy out of the blue that in Sunday hadn't even made a move ... but they have obviously gotten past that and are in a serious relationship if this person is the father of her child...

            Are we to accept this as being feasable... Teyla who hangs out with John and Ronan seemingly in her freetime has had the time to be with another guy and become fairly serious and has had no problem obviously being in a relationship or telling this guy how she feels about him..... while she seemed unable to do any of this with John .. with whom she has spent the last 3 years getting to know and become closer to...

            Rachel has also said that it will be revealed in season four who she was referring to in sunday.... so again IF this love interest is indeed the guy she mentioned in sunday... didnt things move along a bit quickly and for me just seems very out of character to how we have seen Teyla in the past. If the crush in sunday is the "guy" then again he is not Athosian as Teyla said that his ways are different to her people... so again... we are back to some random guy/marine she has been interested in all along... sorry this just doesn't sit well with me... anyone we knew even if it wasn't John would have been easier to accept .. but someone who we have never met before, just seems contrived and out of left foot to me.

            Next scenario..... lets just ignore everything Teyla said in Sunday and what Rachel said about finding out about who she was referring to in sunday .... and asume the writers are going to conveniently forget about this and say her love interest is some old flame... an Athosian or some other guy from anther planet... who I guess has ways that are different to her peoples... again the big issue for me is where did she get the chance to see this guy and progress into a serious relationship that results with her being pregnant.. and why does she keep it from everyone... why the need to keep it a secret.,

            she spends a lot of time on the team... and she hangs out with John and why isn't she with this love interest... not even a hint from any of the others that Teyla hasn't been around .. we see her with John in every downtime scene...

            Maybe her love interest and the father of the baby are not the same person... I do hope the writers don't forget all the inconsistancies and give us a plausable reason as to where this guy has suddenly appeared from and also why Teyla is pregnant so soon. But bringing in these sudden love interests to act as a foil between John and Teyla just screams cliched to many times do we get this type of scenario ... Sam/Pete for one and that was handled very badly IMO and I'm not even a Jack/Sam shipper.. it was contrived and boring and made me loose all interest in Sam and I had no interest in Pete whatsover.

            I would have preferred John and Teyla to come to the realisation that they care about each other without throwing in a love interest for one them to force the issue.. this kind of forced angst doesn't really appeal to me.... they had 3 years to tell each other how they felt and Teyla I feel is not some wilting flower who has to wait for John to make a move if she really cared for him... so just because John didnt make a move she got fed up and went to someone who did make a move... well her feelings for John couldn't have been that strong.... all this is just specualtion of course and there may be reasons that still havn't come to light as to why Teyla has become pregnant but I hope they are well thought out and written well.

            So I'm still not really happy with these events but am not saying that this is the end of John and Teyla.... but it's contrived and cliched scenario IMO and one that has been done so many times but all I can hope for is that the writers handle it well. The love interest will probably come and go as they do.. again thinking of Pete, and after all the angst is over .. how will it effect John and Teyla... how does John accept that the woman he may have feelings for has been in another relationship and has a child that is not his. I guess we will just have to wait and see...
            PM in about 20 minutes, we really need to talk. Actually, it's imperative that we speak. On messenger of course.
            Click statement above to read article.


              WOOOOOH i think we should all pull back a bit here as we get ahead of ourselves this is my thoughts behind spoilers of course
              Camy chill out hun i don't think you should worry about the JT relationship as i recall i haven't read anywhere that this love interest will be sticking around for long so i dont think it will affect their relationship too much you neve know we might even get to see a jealous shep which personally i would just love to see as it could probably force him to admit his feelings for her and as everyone else has promptly stated on this thread is that we are all 100% jt shippers and i speak for myself when i say im do'nt ship any other couple than these two but my favourite character is most certainley Teyla and im glad she is definatley getting some limelight at last but the love interest they have for her could also be to our advantage as well maybe the love interest makes her realize her feeings for john that would make a really great angle on the story and i know for a fact it could cause some angst between them but in the mean time nothings final i mean the writers said they would be no shippy stuff for anyone in season 4 but look at the hug between them so far who knows we may even get more scenes like that i just think people are thinking way too ahead of them selves to assume anything at this time and for all we know John and Teyla could get a lot closer in season 4 but for now im just sitting pretty waiting for more information to come out but until more info comes out regarding the jt relationship is doomed which i don't think it is im not going to worry
              Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                Okay ALL!!!!

                MASSIVE updates at John Teyla Convergence! I've added all the new vidders and posted a note that the Fic Archive is getting more great author's all the time! Now, if we can just get all the GREAT AWESOME Graphic's you all make into the Graphics Archive, we'll be good!

                I've still got to file away all of BP's lovely Ep reviews, but other than that, I'm all caught up! YAY!!!!
                Got to say it looks really great... and a lot easier to find the video someone might want to see when you just get to click on the vidders name to get all of that persons videos up... awesome... just had to check out my little vid page even though my first J/T vid link doesn't work
                Sigs by Scifan


                  Good on! It looks great! Now, if I could only find the time to read more fics...

                  As for the spoiler everyone's talking over, this is how I feel about it:
                  It actually sounds like the birth may have some connection to the Wraith. I'm not even going to speculate on what that could be, if it's true, but that's what I get from the interview. As far as who the father is, if it isn't Shep, I believe Teyla could have cared about someone else, or thought she did, but still cares more for Shep, in which case things will work out. If he is the father, and we don't figure that out before you actually see Teyla pregnant, I frankly agree with anyone who's expressed frustration that these two felt the need to "hide" their relationship. To be honest, I'm hoping that when they talk about filming scenes out of sequence, they mean that the relationship will develop where we will actually see it, and so it will not be something that Teyla and Shep need to confess to, as it were. Honestly, I don't mind them actually getting together; if anything, I would be happy about it. I just don't want Teyla to be with anyone else but Shep, and I especially do not want her to be with anyone else but Shep for any extended amount of time. I don’t imagine that happening, however, and am in the optimistic court overall on this.


                    I'm going to start by posting a snip here:
                    At the end of the article, the writer summarized that "Teyla may also find a little romance."

                    The interviewer added a comment from Rachel: "She actually does have a love interest that she's been hiding from everybody," she said with a laugh. "We haven't met him yet. I haven't met him yet. I hope I'm part of the casting process."

                    Assuming the actress wasn't throwing out her final comments wryly, a la David Hewett or Joseph Mallozzi:

                    Possibility # 1)
                    Her love interest, whom we haven't met, is a hometown guy and he's only on screen as a flashback after Teyla's people go missing.

                    Advantages: We get a springboard to angst and some ampage on an emotional level for Teyla due to this missing person. He's not been hired as of the date of the interview. We know the article was published in June but we don't know when Rachel was interviewed. If the interview was recent, this fellow isn't in the front half of season four.

                    Disadvantages: As Blue so beautifully explained, Sunday anyone?

                    Possibility # 2)
                    Her love interest is a person on the expedition.

                    Advantages: You don't have to do an impression of a pretzel with your brain to work it into context with Sunday. As LC mentioned, the pregnancy story will require retro-active (retconning) continuity, as in the actress wasn't pregnant when Sunday was filmed, no one knew she'd become pregnant before all of season four was in the can, and there was no need (when Sunday was filmed) to push, write, force (insert your favorite word choice here) a story about a love interest. For all I know, the writers may have planned to drag the "Teyla's love interest" storyline out over the next three sesaons.

                    Disadvantages: Uh ... and then there's ... and of course, why hasn't John kicked his butt yet? Okay, okay.

                    This is assuming Rachel didn't have her tongue in her cheek.

                    I mean, okay, I'm pumped for season four. Bring it on. New eps, yea and all that.

                    So you know, my starting place with this show is the big round thing that everybody gets all fired up to walk through. I get wound up about the other stuff just like everybody else, but I need the sci-fi and this is where I go to get it. The cast gives my sci-fi to me with ribbons, balloons, sparklers, whatever, because even when the story is, um, not as falvorful as I'd like, the way the cast pulls it off is like me sitting down to Thanksgiving dinner on a Friday. Sorry for the corny analogy. (Obviously, I'm delaying breakfast to write this post!) I'm just sayin'. I'm not as particular as others about who is main cast. I'm more loyal to some characters than others ... Teyla is my favorite, John is second, and I crush Rodney, yowza, but I've decided that I'm not going anywhere until the PTBs start hiring people who can't act.

                    I'm just throwing that out there.

                    So, if Teyla is going to hold hands and skip around on the balcony with a man I've never seen, I hope (a) the actor who plays him can act, and (b) he's of the "here today and gone tomorrow" variety, like Nareem for Sam, or even Martouf.

                    For the record, when I read the article, I laughed. Yeah right. Because it's a pretty *big* retcon, as evidenced by the fact that, if Rachel's not poking fun at the (constant) silly (did I mention, constant?) ship questions, the actor to play her man hasn't been hired yet.

                    So no flashing back to refer to him (visually) in the front half, or if there is a flashback, then it will be pregnancy-related (no other reason for a Teyla-story retcon) and it may feel a bit like an add-on.

                    If it was always intended for season four, he's still a back-half story person, and so where is he when she's working through her early pregnancy issues?


                    If I'm to take her comment seriously, there's meat for Rachel to sink her acting teeth into. And it explains why John didn't know what to do with his hands.

                    But I'll be honest ...

                    I didn't take her comment seriously (or expect that she was serious) until I continued reading this thread.


                      Originally posted by vaberella View Post
                      This could be true, but JM hasn't confirmed it yet. And the name "Rise of the Googlion" is not confirmed as the title, its so far just used as a place holder.
                      I know,but maybe that's his weird way of telling us.


                        I really don't buy into this
                        "past love" or "Fling" thing is some how connected to the baby. If either ,however, comes to pass I will not be able to view Teyla the same way. Teyla seems like the person that wouldn't rush into such things. I can't see her saying that she likes a guy one minute then saying that she pregnant by him the next. I would rather much like it if her pregnancy was asexual or some freakish ancient device caused her and John to exchange genetic make-up, which in turn causes her preganancy.

                        Also I wanted to add
                        that the baby is THE LAST of Teyla's kind. Taking Rachel's words at face value the baby and herself are the last athosians.

                        Last but not least,
                        I learned to not look too much into interviews or spoilers because nine times out of ten the actual episode won't be as advertised; they are made to throw you off. ie Everyone is saying that Carson is coming back when it really could be just a flashback.


                          Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                          You should put them ALL in. That's what the archive is for. Now if VB would just update the format so that normal humans can figure out how to post their work there..... *ahem*.....

                          Well, I got my wallies and most banners up. I have to wait on my S4 sig, I wasn't sure how I felt about the ferris wheel sig either. I also had to revise one of them(banner) because I deleted it by accident.

                          It's pretty much the same, but the script is different.


                            Originally posted by scifan View Post
                            Well, I got my wallies and most banners up. I have to wait on my S4 sig, I wasn't sure how I felt about the ferris wheel sig either. I also had to revise one of them(banner) because I deleted it by accident.

                            It's pretty much the same, but the script is different.
                            Looks good... even though I love basically anything with them both on pics..
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              *Head hanging low. In shame.*

                              I know, I know. I'm almost done. I was hoping I would have finish it by now, but today was not the day. I'm sooo close. I've been fighting with the idea of the end. I'll try to finish it tomorrow night. The day is going to be busy. I knew it was a mistake to mention it the other day. It always seemed that something either didn't flow with the story or something came up. Sorry.

                              I know I didn't have you beta it, it was so short, but a did a ficlet. It's Just Another Sunday. It was for Camy's ferris wheel challenge.
                              Sci, my dear, you have nothing to be sorry for. I've been working on a story for a year (in a different fandom) and I probably have that much longer to complete it. Part of a Beta's job description is to make sure you keep writing!

                              Just read the ficlet. How sweet!
                              Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                                Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                                Sci, my dear, you have nothing to be sorry for. I've been working on a story for a year (in a different fandom) and I probably have that much longer to complete it. Part of a Beta's job description is to make sure you keep writing!

                                Just read the ficlet. How sweet!

                                I feel better now. Thanks Jess.

