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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Camy View Post
    GUYS! Prion just posted the link to the new vid release of Season 4 in the Rachel/Teyla thread....


    It's Teyla and Keller...WOOHOOO!
    Cool,thanks for sharing,
    poor Teyla,hope she finds them safe and well!

    I'm never gonna catch up....SLOW DOWN will ya!


      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
      Actually September 28
      WHAT!?????? I thought it was the 18th? did the date change? Ahhhhhh!

      I'm off!


        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
        Cool,thanks for sharing,
        poor Teyla,hope she finds them safe and well!

        I'm never gonna catch up....SLOW DOWN will ya!
        Don't worry, that's why we have the newsletters!


          Originally posted by Camy View Post
          WHAT!?????? I thought it was the 18th? did the date change? Ahhhhhh!

          I'm off!
          The 18th is the release date for the DVD set of season 3. YEAH!!!

          Have fun Camy.


            Great updates MrsB and scifan....

            I love having these to read when I come home from work.

            As far as I know Camy it's always been the 28th..


              Originally posted by scifan View Post
              So many good questions and I love the thought on the last one.
              Well, that is unless they were able to open up the gate travel or any Athosians stayed behind...
              but not really everyone was evacuated only the few remained. But they must have been able to bring back the rest of the team either via Daedelous or with Carter's ship. Hmm....I hope John is the father. It would be perfect. I mean can you imagine if Teyla is not only losing her people but also she has some weird entity in her? would she be able to cope with all the angst?I would think that knowing a child is within her, that this would bring her some hope and comfort. But an alien entity!!!! Oh, man this is going to kill me!


                Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                Great updates MrsB and scifan....

                I love having these to read when I come home from work.

                As far as I know Camy it's always been the 28th..
                Well, there you go! I'm so lost its' not even funny! LOL

                Okay. I"m really leaving this time.

                Keep the JT love alive! AND GO AND POST THOSE CAPS IN THE GAME SECTIONS!



                  Originally posted by Camy View Post
                  Don't worry, that's why we have the newsletters!
                  Yeah but, that means I have to keep up too! I am even having to play catch up!
                  sig by Sci!

                  Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                    OK here is what I got thus far of Unbreakable Bond

                    It had been almost seven months since the Seer came by, and John knew something was wrong, mostly because Teyla was sleeping more and more as the days passed. Thankfully Carter gave the go ahead to let him have a pair of guard keeping watch over Teyla to keep her safe. He had wanted to have Teyla in his own rooms but Carter said yes to only keeping a pair of guards posted at her bedroom doors. She would NOT let John have Teyla in his rooms even if his life was at stake.

                    So, trying to get his mind off the baby for a bit, as the little one was all he was thinking about the last six months John went in search of Rodney, and found the man in his lab, like normal. "How're the repairs to the city coming?"

                    "I have no idea, I've been working my butt off for the last... what eight months? and now I find out the main stardrive control is shot" Rodney complained. "Other then that I'm just dandy."

                    "Just checking." John said seeing the pile of crystals and wires on the tables through out the lab. He was not gonna ask what those came from.

                    "How's Teyla?" Rodney spoke up from a pile of wires and crystals.

                    "Sleeping more often now. At least she is happy that Jinto is still alive" John said rmeembering how Teyla had acted when she saw Jinto back on Athos two months ago. John had thought he never saw her so happy in his life since he woke up the Wraith four years ago.

                    "He's still alive? I thought he was...uh.... yeah anyway, anything else I should know about?" Rodney then put his finger into his mouth, "ouch that hurt" he said said around the finger.

                    "Other then you missed the past.... six paychecks from Earth and...oh your sister called twice she wants you to call her back when you can." John told Rodney before leaving.

                    As he walked down thr hallway he noticed Dr. Keller rushing towards him, "Hey Doc, what's up?'

                    Keller was out of breath, "Teyla wants to see you now, she's in the Infirmary." Keller replied.

                    That's not good! John thought as he and Keller headed for the Inifmrary, "How is she? Is she ill?"

                    "No but she is nearing the time to have the baby, only she thinks it is best to have me try to remove the nanites now then before the Replicators get here after the baby is born."

                    "Can you do that?" John asked sounding both confused and worried, if Teyla wanted to have the baby nanite free, and if Keller made a wrong move.... He didn't want to think of what would happen.... yet.

                    As they neared the floor where the Infirmary was they bothheard Teyla screaming, mostly she was screaming bloody murder and also screaming for John. John broke into a run and dashed into the Infirmary, and found Teyla on a bed covered in sweat, and in pain.

                    Something was wrong.

                    hope you like!

                    Linda not yet, it will be soon
                    Last edited by Princess Awinita; 07 August 2007, 12:18 PM.

                    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                      Next chunk of Nightmares

                      John placed the technicians lifeless body down on the cold floor with trembling hands. Lorne stood,stock still, his gun still aimed towards them, eyes wide in confusion. John stood slowly, his face contorted in a mixture of rage and sadness. "Put down your gun, Lorne," he said gruffly.

                      Lorne eyed the motionless body carefully. "Wha-What if it isn't dead?" John held back a nasty retort and replied through gritted teeth. "Believe me, Lorne. You got it." Lorne still looked unconvinced as John began very slowly making his way towards him.

                      Lorne closed one eye as he positioned himself, straightening his aim upon the womans head. "Maybe I should just make sure though, Colonel," he started to say extending his arm.

                      In an instant and with a giant roar, John lunged at Lorne tackling him hard to the ground. Lorne's gun clattered loudly as it slid across the smooth floor and hid itself under another shadow. John gripped Lorne's wrists and screamed into his face. "You just killed a civilian, soldier! You will DESIST!" Lorne's blue eyes seemed to pass through his superior as he struggled wildly under John's grip.

                      John, knowing it was a futile effort to try to convince him any further, called to the women hiding in the alcove. "Can one of you go find me something to tie him up with?" he called as politely as he could although he felt quite overwhelmed with rage over the technicians unneccesary death.

                      He held the flailing Major until finally Dr. Keller located a stash of wires and together they bound Lorne, cautiously trying to avoid being hit as he lashed out with his arms and feet.

                      Once he was contained, John approached the dead body with the two woman by his side. He lifted his hand and closed the lids of her glazed over eyes with his sweaty palm. He looked up at both doctors, a look of pain echoed on his normally smiling face. "Do you you think she's really dead, ya know, like in the real world?"

                      Both women looked at each other. Dr. Keller said, "I think thats a better question for you, Kate." Kate sighed deeply staring at the woman on the ground. "Well, my knowledge on dreams is fairly limited. But I do know that most cultures have some sort of lore following the same mantra. Basically it says that if you die in your sleep, you die in real life, to put it in simple terms. It's also a scientific logistic that the mind is greater than all other things, meaning whatever your mind thinks is real, becomes, in fact, real."

                      John stood nervously, soaking in what Kate just said. "I think that just might be the worst thing I've heard all day."

                      Entirety located @
                      poor Lorne,he's gonna feel like crap when he realises what he's done!

                      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                      OASIS - PART 11

                      "JOHN!" screamed Teyla after his body flew over the edge into the dark pit. She flung herself towards the opening, hanging her head over in hopes of seeing some sign of his existence, but all she could see was the endless nothingness.

                      She choked back tears as her breath came in short little wisps, her hands buried deep in mounds of sand. She sat back staring at nothing but the vision of him kissing her and then being dragged away that was etched, still burning in her mind.

                      She didn't know how long she sat there before she noticed the deafening silence surrounding her. Remembering Ronon and Rodney she bolted up, aiming her light to where she last remembered seeing them walk away. Her light caught nothing but sand and shadows.

                      She felt a large hand suddenly grab her shoulder and she turned quickly swinging the gun as a handheld weapon. It was caught swiftly by Ronon's open palm as the light shined directly into his face. "Its' me," he said roughly as he squinted away from the bright light. Teyla could make out several deep gashes on Ronon's face but the blood and white slime that covered him was obviously not his own.

                      She almost laughed in her excitement to find he was alive. "And Rodney?" she asked hesitantly.

                      "Hey..... I'm still here...Somewhere...." came his wavering voice out of the darkness. Her smile continued.

                      "Where's Sheppard?" Ronon asked, wiping away bits of the creatures flesh from his clothes. Teyla's smile disappeared and Ronon followed her long gaze toward the dark opening.

                      They both stood over the edge, peering in, as Rodney finally managed to find them. He crawled over and looked down as well. "Hey, did you guys know theres a big hole here?"

                      Teyla turned her head quickly and looked at Ronon. "There is rope in your pack Ronon, if we combine it with the rope in mine, it might be enough for..."

                      "No." Ronon's voice came hard.

                      "It was not a request, Ronon."

                      "I'm not gonna let you go down there. It's suicide."

                      "I will be fine, just get the rope, please."

                      "Teyla, listen to me! He could be dead for all we know!"

                      "Get the rope, Ronon."


                      "THE ROPE. NOW." Her eyes held a fiery glow of fury as Ronon struggled to defy her further.

                      "Just get her the damn rope," Rodney slurred.

                      Ronon's eyes battled a war against hers and ultimately, he surrendered, turning to open his pack and muttering angrily to himself.

                      As she readied, Teyla closed her eyes and pictured John, broken but alive, lying at the bottom of the pit.

                      She couldn't leave him. She could never leave him.

                      These were her thoughts as Ronon tied the rope around her and she began her descent as Rodney waved a lazy hand in farewell.

                      YIKES!!!!!Teyla losing her head,now that's a thing you don't see very often but when Sheps involved you can understand her anger after seeing the man she loves falling into what seems a bottomless pit and Ronan is never gonna win when she's in that kinda mood!


                        Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                        Close but...just a little off..
                        35...I know. I feel way younger....

                        ELF,your a year older than me!!!


                          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                          ELF,your a year older than me!!!
                          amazing Elf and Linda are BOTH older then Teyla who is actually 29 where I live!

                          This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                          "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                          "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                            Originally posted by Camy View Post
                            AH, you wanted something with a death warrant! I'll work on something! *g*
                            I'm not gonna stop you *lol* but you don't really need to....I basically meant that was what the pic of them holding their arms up could stand for... the ones who don't vote we will take prisoner until they do...

                            But I don't know if you feel like doing some choises...then okay I'm not gonna hold any artwork talen at bay
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                              OK here is what I got thus far of Unbreakable Bond

                              It had been almost seven months since the Seer came by, and John knew something was wrong, mostly because Teyla was sleeping more and more as the days passed. Thankfully Carter gave the go ahead to let him have a pair of guard keeping watch over Teyla to keep her safe. He had wanted to have Teyla in his own rooms but Carter said yes to only keeping a pair of guards posted at her bedroom doors. She would NOT let John have Teyla in his rooms even if his life was at stake.

                              So, trying to get his mind off the baby for a bit, as the little one was all he was thinking about the last six months John went in search of Rodney, and found the man in his lab, like normal. "How're the repairs to the city coming?"

                              "I have no idea, I've been working my butt off for the last... what eight months? and now I find out the main stardrive control is shot" Rodney complained. "Other then that I'm just dandy."

                              "Just checking." John said seeing the pile of crystals and wires on the tables through out the lab. He was not gonna ask what those came from.

                              "How's Teyla?" Rodney spoke up from a pile of wires and crystals.

                              "Sleeping more often now. At least she is happy that Jinto is still alive" John said rmeembering how Teyla had acted when she saw Jinto back on Athos two months ago. John had thought he never saw her so happy in his life since he woke up the Wraith four years ago.

                              "He's still alive? I thought he was...uh.... yeah anyway, anything else I should know about?" Rodney then put his finger into his mouth, "ouch that hurt" he said said around the finger.

                              "Other then you missed the past.... six paychecks from Earth and...oh your sister called twice she wants you to call her back when you can." John told Rodney before leaving.

                              As he walked down thr hallway he noticed Dr. Keller rushing towards him, "Hey Doc, what's up?'

                              Keller was out of breath, "Teyla wants to see you now, she's in the Infirmary." Keller replied.

                              That's not good! John thought as he and Keller headed for the Inifmrary, "How is she? Is she ill?"

                              "No but she is nearing the time to have the baby, only she thinks it is best to have me try to remove the nanites now then before the Replicators get here after the baby is born."

                              "Can you do that?" John asked sounding both confused and worried, if Teyla wanted to have the baby nanite free, and if Keller made a wrong move.... He didn't want to think of what would happen.... yet.

                              As they neared the floor where the Infirmary was they bothheard Teyla screaming, mostly she was screaming bloody murder and also screaming for John. John broke into a run and dashed into the Infirmary, and found Teyla on a bed covered in sweat, and in pain.

                              Something was wrong.

                              hope you like!

                              Linda not yet, it will be soon
                              Is this a continuation on Scifan's fic? Or is there another part you posted to this that I did not read or see yet? This is Great! I can not wait until the next update!!
                              sig by Sci!

                              Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                                Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                                ELF,your a year older than me!!!
                                Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                                amazing Elf and Linda are BOTH older then Teyla who is actually 29 where I live!
                                Very Cool! This is how the age range at my church is too! The Praise and Worship Members that is! I am the oldest in age then it is like stair steps between us! It is really cool! So, I am like the "mature" one of us!!!...
                                sig by Sci!

                                Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..

