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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Irresponsible Shippy Report Part 2

    They are in Lucius' house. He saved them from the mob. They argue with him about what he did. They hear gun shots and people start screaming. They all look out the windows. Kolya and his men are taking over the village. Teyla looks at John. John at first is shocked and can only stare at the mayhem happening outside. Then he goes around looking out the other windows. John tries to explain to Lucius who the Genii are but Lucius already knows. Teyla watching this moves to the door. Lucius mentions this is the perfect opportunity for him to solidify his place in the community. John won't let him. Rodney gives Lucius a reason why he shouldn't and John backs him up. Lucius walks up to John. Lucius: So go ahead. Shoot him. John appears to be in a trance. John: Good idea. John cocks his gun and walks toward the door. Teyla: Colonel, you can't. She is standing in his way. John: Just Kolya. Teyla: The shooting will not stop then. Ronon: She's right. We'll have to kill them all. I'm all right with that by the way. John: Good, let's do it. Teyla (sternly): John! John (angry): What?! Teyla (firmly): You can't. John: Well I'm pretty sure I can. In fact... Teyla interrupts him. Teyla (sternly): If we engage in open fire with them, then many of these townspeople will certainly be killed. They do not deserve to die because of us. John makes a face knowing she has a point but not wanting to hear it. (In a softer but still persistent tone.) If they search the town and cannot find us, then they will simply move on. John bites his lower lip in frustration, but knowing she has a point tries to think. Carson and Rodney back her up. Lucius gives them a place to hide. John looks at Teyla and motions with his head to get in. They all do except Lucius. Who goes out to confront Kolya.

    Kolya forces Lucius to tell him where they are hiding. When the Genii get there though they are gone. They went upstairs to hide. John and Teyla are watching through the two windows. John: Well, that didn't take to long. All right, let's get out of this town. Set up a decent ambush John stares at Teyla as he passes by. without all these people around. They leave.

    Lucius is being held hostage. Kolya and his men leave. John comes in to rescue him. John notices that they tied lit dynamite to the table leg Lucius is tied to. John runs out of the tavern and it explodes. Hearing the explosion the team comes out of their hiding places. Teyla comes out looking fierce, clenching her gun, holding it tightly against her shoulder, and in a hurry to find out what happened. The team is captured one by one except John. Lucius survives the explosion thanks to the shield device.

    The group is put into a prison. They watch a Genii pass by. Teyla (anxious): Do you think he got away? Carson: If they capture the Colonel, wouldn't he be here with us? Rodney: He'll be back in a Jumper in no time. Aramis brings them food. Aramis: Your friend escaped the village. Interestingly he mainly looks at Teyla when he says this. After one more glance at Teyla he moves down to Carson and Ronon to give them their food. They're still looking for him. Teyla doesn't touch her food she just holds the bowl and listens anxiously to what Aramis is saying. Rodney: If they haven't found him yet, chances are that he slipped the perimeter. Aramis: Yes, he and Lucius are no doubt plotting our rescue as we speak.

    Kolya reveals to them that he plans on killing John and ransoming them for a few p-90s, grenades, and ammunition. Kolya then radios John. As he does this Teyla glares at him. She actually looks scarier then Ronon who is glaring as well. Kolya tells John to come back and face him or he will start killing his friends. John is horrified at this. Kolya decides he will start with Rodney. If you watch Teyla while taken aback at first when Kolya announces he will kill one of them she just gets angrier knowing what strings Kolya is pulling with John. John agrees to come back.

    The Genii take them out of the prison and lead them to the town square. As they do this you can see Teyla's anger and concern written on her face. John arrives at the square. You can see the fear on Teyla's face. The Genii fire upon John emptying their clips, but he protected by the shield. The shield dies and Kolya tell his men to reload. Lucius comes with the villagers who he has talked into standing up for themselves. John gives Kolya the opportunity to surrender. Kolya just chuckles. John and him get into a showdown. Teyla watches intently. John wins killing Kolya. Teyla watches Kolya fall. After seeing Kolya is dead she looks at John and raises her eyebrows clearly impressed. John orders the other Genii to lower their weapons. After they do this the villagers start to rejoice. Teyla takes a final look at Kolya then looks at John. She turns to face him more directly.

    At the end there is an amusing team moment. John returns the shield device with a twinkle in his eye and neglects to tell Lucius it no longer works. The others are amused by this especially Teyla. She smiles just as she passes by the camera. It is hard to tell though because she is so close and out of focus. Because of this Lucius gets hurt. Teyla and Carson exchange a smile and he places a hand on her shoulder.

    Last edited by Black Panther; 01 May 2007, 12:51 PM. Reason: Had to edit because I missed a part. Now it is complete!


      Awesome recap Black Panther....

      Sheez seems like I have missed a few looks between them *lol* so now I know where to look next time...
      Sigs by Scifan


        Originally posted by NinaM View Post
        Awesome recap Black Panther....

        Sheez seems like I have missed a few looks between them *lol* so now I know where to look next time...
        BP shipper skill, besides giving us great recap summaries, is making JT shippers feel blind. I always have to rewatch and follow her posts word for word to pick up on what she sees.
        Click statement above to read article.


          Originally posted by vaberella View Post
          BP shipper skill, besides giving us great recap summaries, is making JT shippers feel blind. I always have to rewatch and follow her posts word for word to pick up on what she sees.
          Well look at this way...we get extra scenes to's great we have a hawke eye when it comes to J/T moments... *lol* and getting it written we get to see just how much they do have ... how often they look at eachother,,, it's kind of intresting just how even if they talk to the whole group often enough they look at eachother and ignore everyone around them
          Sigs by Scifan


            Originally posted by Black Panther View Post
            Sorry for being late. Things came up. Now onto the shippy report!

            Irresponsible Shippy Report Part One
            Teyla is talking to Elizabeth about what a fellow Athosian told her about a 'super hero' who has arrived in the village they are going to visit. Ronon joins them and they head down stairs where John and Carson are waiting. Elizabeth mentions that they would like to have a guy like that on their side. John: Provided the rumors are true. John turns to Teyla and looks her over. It sounds to me someone's imagination is running a little wild. Teyla smiles at that. Teyla: As I said, my fellow Athosian, who spoke to me of this hero, saw him in action against several armed men. Teyla gives John a pointed look and smiles. Ronon points out he does that all the time and John asks where Rodney is. Rodney: I'm here. I'm here. I just had to get my autograph book in case Teyla's superhero turned out to be the real deal. Teyla gets a 'I can't believe he just said that' expression on her face and looks at John.

            The team, Carson included, are walking into the town. John and Teyla are taking the lead. John: My childhood hero was Evel Knievel. Teyla: Was he not evil? John: No, it was just his name. He was a daredevil. John then realizes how what he said could be taken. Which isn't a kind of a devil. He just jumped motorcycles over things. Ronon: Why? John: Just because. He didn't always make it either. Teyla: And you greatly admired this behavior? John stares at Teyla. John: No, I just... John glances between her and Ronon. Look, at least my hero is human. McKay's is Batman. Rodney tells them what it is he liked about Batman. Carson then informs them of his own hero. Teyla listens to him, gets confused, and glances at John. John doesn't notice. Ronon takes his turn in talking about his hero. Teyla turns to look at him but briefly stops and allows her gaze to rest on John before glancing at Ronon. As Ronon continues to talk Teyla sneakily takes a glance at John. They are greeted by Amaris. Teyla takes the initiative and assures him they are fair traders and asks him about their town hero. Amaris informs them their truly is a hero and agrees to take them to him. Teyla looks at John and smiles victoriously. They are lead to the town square where there is a huge crowd gathered around their hero. They are lead through the crowd and it is revealed to be Lucius. Teyla looks at John then back at Lucius. John looks over at Teyla.

            The team is now seated around Lucius. Except Carson who is taking a blood sample from Lucius. John is listening unamused. Rodney can't believe what he is hearing. Teyla is completely bored, playing with a stick, and keeps glancing back at John. Ronon looks like it is actually giving him physical pain to be listening to him. Carson getting annoyed jabs the needle into Lucius hard. John and Ronon then start asking questions about his story forcing him to go into details he obviously doesn't have. So Lucius puts an end to story time and shoos off the villagers. He then admits that he got his inspiration for his stories from the mission reports he read while in Atlantis. Teyla raises a brow and looks at John. Carson announces he is done. Lucius assures them they won't find the herb in his system and that he learned his lesson. Teyla looks at John. Teyla (doubtful): You mean these people are not drugged? They simply She looks at Lucius. (sarcastically) adore you for who you are? She smiles at him but her smile doesn't reach her eyes. Lucius realizing none of them are believing him tells them about how he saved the village and that he is now invincible. When they don't believe him he goes off to look for a way to prove it to them. Teyla looks over at John. Lucius notices men trying to hoist a crate of heavy sacks. Lucius: Perfect. Hey! Time for a demonstration. He positions himself under the crate. Teyla: What is he...? We see Teyla just as she turns away from looking at John to stare at Lucius. Lucius has the men drop the crate on his head which doesn't harm him at all. John is in complete shock and looks at Teyla.

            They are in a tavern at a table and Lucius is telling them about the ancient personal shield device he has. John and Teyla are sitting next to each other. Lucius leaves to take a walk. The team talks about him and what they should do. Carson joins them and informs them that Lucius doesn't have the herb in his system. They go to leave and the town is attacked. One of the men take a woman hostage forcing them to put down their guns. Lucius comes and faces off with the men. The men gather around him and attack him. At first he does nothing and stands there as they try to beat on him. John and Teyla glance at each other. After the weapons the men were using break Lucius beats them up with one hand behind his back. Then he makes a speech about how the village will always be safe so long as he is there. The villagers cheer and run up to him to hug and thank him. Teyla glances at Ronon then looks over at John. John turns and looks back at her.

            The villagers are surrounding Lucius at a table at the tavern and he is telling them stories. John and the team walk in. Lucius spots them. Lucius: Hey, Colonel Sheppard! Hey, come in sit down, sit down. John plasters a smile on his face and looks over at Teyla. Lucius turns to a woman and tells her to move so John can sit. John tells him that they have to leave. Lucius then makes them thank him. After doing that they leave.

            It turns out they only did that so they could follow Lucius and find out the truth. They find out Lucius paid those men to attack the village. The team returns to the village to tell them the truth. John and Teyla lead the way. The villagers don't believe them and turn into an angry mob.

            Have I told you lately that I love you?


              Originally posted by Camy View Post
              Have I told you lately that I love you?
              I think we all do..

              The recaps are really great and insightful...
              Sigs by Scifan


                YUP, BP...I Thought I"d lost you! Please don't do that to me again! *wink*

                Okay.....In the Galleria I Thought I'd do something fun....I think I"ve done or tried to do this before...

                But, so that you can help out....

                Start with 10 and work your way to the one you think is most obvious as number 1.

                If you can find caps to prove it, go ahead! Woohooo!

                Here's my number 10.....
                What's shis face? And I'm not referring to Ronon...he's obvious!


                  Intresting Camy...should we all just get on that list...I hardly think we can find like 10 seperate people all together..might be almost all lists the same...well whatever....

                  Oh and that pic you posted of what's his face *lol* .... Ronon is ready to fight,,while John and Teyla doesn't seem focused on the threat but rather on eachother *lol*
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    oh camy excellent challenge ill have to think about this one before before post anything
                    DASHING OFF TO THINK CYA LATER
                    Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                      Originally posted by Camy View Post
                      YUP, BP...I Thought I"d lost you! Please don't do that to me again! *wink*
                      I'll try not to. Love you as well! I love everyone here! Especially this couple!

                      Go check the Irresponsible Shippy Report Part 2 again. I realized I didn't paste the first part of the argument between John and Teyla. So I edited it and put it in. Now it is complete!


                        Originally posted by Black Panther View Post
                        I'll try not to. Love you as well! I love everyone here! Especially this couple!

                        Go check the Irresponsible Shippy Report Part 2 again. I realized I didn't paste the first part of the argument between John and Teyla. So I edited it and put it in. Now it is complete!
                        Ah yes....I was wondering what I missed when I read it the first time... no wonder then

                        Thanks again for the great recap...and we all love you too and yes we all love this couple too....
                        Sigs by Scifan


                          Originally posted by Camy View Post
                          New fic.....My part of the tag fic with Cyn in tracking little JT's life....he's about one month in this one....feedaback is greatly appreciated...I'm a bit hesistant...cause this one was very hard....It's through Rodney's point of view....and it was inspired by Slodwicks's manip of Rodney and the, it's somber and there is a character death...I know, I promised myself I would never do it...but this fic had me all depressed, thank goodness I had finished it before hell broke loose!

                          fic is here...I"ve been working on this all I didn't even look to see if it's okay in fanfic....hopefully it is....


                          Hey girlie, sorry I'm so late getting back to you w/this but RL has been a bear. Anyway, you did a great job w/both story and Wallie...loving both . So, it's my turn...huh?? I don't know if I can do anything to come close to this but I will give it a shot. The muse has not been kind of late, so be patient .

                          Again wonderful job




                            *blushes* Thanks!

                            Don't give me that.....get going! I need fics to get through this whole hiatus and all! LOL

                            I"m already thinking of my next one....let's see JT will be around 3 years old...I need a manip!


                              Are you kidding me, I can find twice as

                              Here's my number 9....this guy....he's sort of blurry in the background...but you can see his face...HE KNOWS!


                                What are we doing on page two ? ...

                                Just because I have been away for a while... tut tut..

                                Hope everyone is well and I will have to catch up when I get a chance..

                                Will be back a little later.

                                Long live John/Teyla...

