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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Rachel is having a baby in RL? I didn’t know that. Oh well. Anyway, I have to admit that I’m still very excited about the storylines that I’ve read so far for Season 4. I know a lot of folks are concerned about the Teyla pregnancy; who the father is or how it occurred. But as EC mentioned, this is Sci-Fi. More than likely Teyla will be impregnated….urr artificially or through some type of experimentation. I don’t see them having her assaulted or having a romantic entanglement (unless it’s with John ). And with her being an alien TPTB will be able to make changes necessary to the pregnancy for the continuation of the show.

    Either way, I can’t help but think that John will feel responsible for her. I can only see him, Ronon and even Rodney becoming more supportive of her, especially while she’s dealing with the loss of her people.


      Originally posted by Devine27 View Post

      Rachel is having a baby in RL? I didn’t know that. Oh well. Anyway, I have to admit that I’m still very excited about the storylines that I’ve read so far for Season 4. I know a lot of folks are concerned about the Teyla pregnancy; who the father is or how it occurred. But as EC mentioned, this is Sci-Fi. More than likely Teyla will be impregnated….urr artificially or through some type of experimentation. I don’t see them having her assaulted or having a romantic entanglement (unless it’s with John ). And with her being an alien TPTB will be able to make changes necessary to the pregnancy for the continuation of the show.

      Either way, I can’t help but think that John will feel responsible for her. I can only see him, Ronon and even Rodney becoming more supportive of her, especially while she’s dealing with the loss of her people.

      Well yes it sounds like it... so if it's truly true then I'm truly happy for her...
      I'll still keep a little squee out there for season 4..but treated badly on this story arc well it could very well kill all the squee I have for season 4..or just basically kill season 4 all together for me...

      This is the exact thing that was posted on JM's blog..
      Anonymous #7 writes: “Teyla's pregnant? […] It just proves that if you can't figure out how to develop a female character you off them like you're doing with Elizabeth or you get them pregnant... where have I seen that again? *insert rolling of eyes here*”

      Answer: As far as I know, there are three ways in which shows have dealt with pregnancies: 1) They’ve reduced the actress’s onscreen time drastically and ignored the fact by shooting around her, 2) They’ve written the actress out of the show entirely, 3) They’ve supported the actress by writing the pregnancy into the show. If there is a fourth option you have in mind, I’d love to hear it. Maybe a "Teyla has an eating problem" arc?
      Sigs by Scifan


        Originally posted by NinaM View Post
        About the Seer...

        ... all I can say is that I hope that this wont kill all the good stuff they have been building up for 3 seasons...
        Something makes me think it won't.

        Originally posted by NinaM View Post
        So I'll keep my love for them,,I'll follow Joe and Rachel's work,,,and just hope it isn't a cliché storyline that already has been done in the latest season of SG1...
        I'm voting "no cliche" and keeping my love for them too.


          Originally posted by expendable_crewman View Post
          Something makes me think it won't.

          I'm voting "no cliche" and keeping my love for them too.
          Yeah I guess that's the healthy way to go I guess... I'm keeping my love for them too... I've invested a lot of time to them,,so I think I'm going to see them through it..hoping we will get a lot of good stuff in season 4 between J/T without the "cliché"!!!....and hope we get season 5...
          Sigs by Scifan


            One thing is for sure, this is not what the writers had in mind! How is going to affect our ship, will remain to be seen.


              Hey all! I've been having a time in real life lately so not much time for play! But I had to weigh in on this new spoiler situation! I've got a theory on this one that's similar to some of you but has a slight twist.

              So, lets say that the Wiki spoilers are right and John is copied in Doppelganger AND he has decieved Teyla and gotten her pregnant. This would put both John and Teyla through the ringer. Teyla not knowing if the child is really human or really John's. Teyla having revealed her feelings to John and when John doesn't remember anything from Doppelganger, she's in an akward position. And John having to face that his copy went to Teyla because there are very real feelings that he has for her and they got copied too.

              So she tells John and Carter. They spend the next few months comming to terms with it and exploring their own feelings for each other. BUT in Mortal Coil when the baby is born, something happens and because the child was "too" alien it doesn't live. John and Teyla are left to deal with that as well. MUCH angst and much character development.

              So.... just my fleabitten opinion!


                hey everyone just catching up as i havent had the internet for almost 2 weeks and im so glad at last at last is back on as i have been really missing coming onto this thread although since the last time i was on so much has happened first of all i have just read the spoilers for the seer and im wondering how exactly does teyla get pregnant and im wondering how it all affect her relationship with john and the rest of the team but especially john and how will he take the news of her pregnancy but 1 thing for sure im looking forward to season 4 and last of all im just wanting to say a big hug to all of you as i hae missed you all so much anyway must dah as its my eldests sons birthday in the morning
                Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                  Spoiler tags please!


                    Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                    Hey all! I've been having a time in real life lately so not much time for play! But I had to weigh in on this new spoiler situation! I've got a theory on this one that's similar to some of you but has a slight twist.

                    So, lets say that the Wiki spoilers are right and John is copied in Doppelganger AND he has decieved Teyla and gotten her pregnant. This would put both John and Teyla through the ringer. Teyla not knowing if the child is really human or really John's. Teyla having revealed her feelings to John and when John doesn't remember anything from Doppelganger, she's in an akward position. And John having to face that his copy went to Teyla because there are very real feelings that he has for her and they got copied too.

                    So she tells John and Carter. They spend the next few months comming to terms with it and exploring their own feelings for each other. BUT in Mortal Coil when the baby is born, something happens and because the child was "too" alien it doesn't live. John and Teyla are left to deal with that as well. MUCH angst and much character development.

                    So.... just my fleabitten opinion!
                    I'm in love with this idea. Before someone else says it ...

                    ... the entity copies John but is confined to the dreamscape, according to the spoilers. But ... big *BUT* here ... the spoilers don't tell everything. And this is sci-fi. If the entity appears as an ethereal form copied from Sheppard's touching it, there's every possibility that it uses Sheppard's image because it's absorbed something from him. Otherwise, it could change itself in the dreams of its victim, be Ronon one day and McKay the next. I have no idea how it causes harm to its victims. Is it purely psychological or is there a physical component?

                    With a physical component, who knows? You could get anything.

                    I am intrigued by ...

                    Seer spoiler:
                    ... the possibility some scripts were tweaked, changed, or otherwise re-written to accomodate Mom Teyla.

                    Could be very interesting. Btw, you should be a Stargate writer!


                      Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                      Hey all! I've been having a time in real life lately so not much time for play! But I had to weigh in on this new spoiler situation! I've got a theory on this one that's similar to some of you but has a slight twist.

                      So, lets say that the Wiki spoilers are right and John is copied in Doppelganger AND he has decieved Teyla and gotten her pregnant. This would put both John and Teyla through the ringer. Teyla not knowing if the child is really human or really John's. Teyla having revealed her feelings to John and when John doesn't remember anything from Doppelganger, she's in an akward position. And John having to face that his copy went to Teyla because there are very real feelings that he has for her and they got copied too.

                      So she tells John and Carter. They spend the next few months comming to terms with it and exploring their own feelings for each other. BUT in Mortal Coil when the baby is born, something happens and because the child was "too" alien it doesn't live. John and Teyla are left to deal with that as well. MUCH angst and much character development.

                      So.... just my fleabitten opinion!
                      This is certainly an interesting view, Suz...but I really doubt that the writers will go in this route...I just don't see them making that commitment to the ship but who knows.

                      I know that Wiki reads, After coming across a similar crystalline species that Jack O'Neill encountered 10 years ago, Sheppard is duplicated, and his clone returns to Atlantis in his stead. Now, it's bent on destroying the rest of the expedition by invading their nightmares. So, John's clone goes he must act like John before he takes over their nghtmares otherwise, the team will pick up on it. So, I"m assuming that he takes over the others nightmares but he goes and snuggles with Teyla and instead of haunting her dreams....he.....LOL....but even that would be odd because I don't see Teyla giving in to John that easily, that is so unlike both of how would he do this...woo her in her time of vulnerability....assuming that by this time, her people have already gone missing.....that is....

                      I just don't think that's the way they are going to go. And JM also says that Teyla's story will develop further into the rest of the season, besides if Rachel is pregnant, the rest of the season and as Mallozzi has stated it will be a season long story arc, meaning she has to be pregnant for the entire season....This won't play out until the end and maybe go into Season 5. If it was John's baby, this would be resolved before that, I'd imagine.

                      In addition, JM commented that there won't be two characters in the same season playing parenthood, that clearly leaves out John.

                      I've come to terms with this because as it's implied it was changed due to possibly Rachel's pregnancy,...I"m not bringing Rachel's personal life here, but how it's affecting her role in the, I"m thinking that Teyla will have something to do with Michael....and as horrendous as that sounds and as much as I dislike the idea, it's the only scenario that I can think of that will have our John and Teyla still be able to work out this relationship.

                      I see this is a horrible experimentation on Teyla's by possibly abducting and somehow injecting her with an embryo or whatever or however the Wraith reproduce......I hate the idea and what it will do not just to Teyla but to the rest of the John is going to feel guilty and how the others weren't able to protect her.....I hate the idea of this been such an agony for all of them and for so long....and for some reason I don't see TPTB really honing in on these issues appropriately either.....I mean Sheppard is okay with his events in Common Ground and with all the horrible things, now who knows how quickly Teyla will bounce back and recover from this because we know that this show is not about drama.....If it's the whole John or evil John.....this could go bad too....on the one hand, it isn't John.....and there is going to be an evil John out there waiting to be a parent....on the other hand, will the real John accept this and confess to Teyla that eventhough it wasn't really him, it was his clone expressing what he's always wanted all this is another biggie for them to deal with...and how is Teyla going to deal with it....but in the end, do you really think that TPTB will have a little junior bouncing off the wall of Atlantis..and getting Teyla out of the team and John is going to have to have more marines as part of his team to make sure he comes back alright every time he goes off world? And if the baby dies, cruel is that.....and not only that...if their relationship continues the chances of Teyla getting pregnant again are high!

                      OY, I just can't wrap my finger around this the end, I hope that we aren't thrown with option C....

                      It's not Michael, it's not an experiment, it's not John or psycho John, it's Teyla with another guy that we had no clue of! Carson, Lorne, Chuck, or any other marine....

                      I"m confident that if this story goes with the Michael theory assuming that this was against Teyla's wishes or that Teyla only conceded to somehow rescue her people or that this is a clone John plot, that the real John and Teyla can actually get closer with either of these scenarios, but any other scenario if it's someone else's kid, then John is out of the picture for good!


                      You know what upsets me....I hear all these comments against Teyla and Sheppard having a baby, even most of the JT shippers aren't happy about it, but the ShepWeirs and the Ronon/Teyla's and the Mckays and Carson's shippers with Teyla area all in favor of this...I don't think I've read one Sheppard whumper or even that many Sheppard/Teyla that want Shep/Teyla to make this work......why?

                      Only two posters I've read in the episode thread are in favor of this being something good, clearly stating that why can't this be something that happen naturally and the only complicated issue for Teyla would be that she doesn't want to force John to make a commitment out of one night of passion and that she doesn't want to be taken off of John's team...hasn't that always been the reason why we've suggested that they aren't getting together, they are placing duty above love!?.....sheez! Don't anyone believe in good things come to those who wait! It's plausible for me to believe that John and Teyla finally did it and that would be the best story for me!Course I know it ain't going to happen...*sighs* Too good to be true!

                      I"m not ranting, really......good thoughts, though Suz...thanks for sharing seems everyone here is down and I honestly don't blame you guys...this could go so wrong.....but I"m really hoping that it won't......too much has been invested in this ship by the writers and I honestly believe that Season 4 was going to continue what we saw in Season 3....only difference now, there a little extra bun!



                        OMG!!! i just read the spoiler for "The Seer"!.

                        I honestly don't know how to feel about the pregnancy story arc. At first i wasn't happy about it because for me it just spelled doom for the J/T relationship. But after reading the possible story plots, i feel better about it, especially knowing that this wasn't a direct idea from TPTB but more because Rachel being pregnant. I could see it being some sort of experiement or alien baby...something that was done to her in an earlier episode before The Seer or John's. but once again do to some sort of bizarre outcome just because i don't see the writers right away just putting John and Teyla together. There relationship has grown a lot but it's doubtful that they will just jump to "they suddenly get together and having a baby" so it definitely would have to be because of some sort of circumstance. Writing in baby storylines are difficult in my opinion, so i hope the writers know what they are doing and do it well. None the less, i'm still excited to see what happened that she ended up pregnant and if it's Johns. If it doesn't end up being John's, i just hope this still brings them closer together and he is there to help her through this. The only thing i wouldn't want to see is that it's actually some athosian she loves, a marine or anything other than John, Micheal because he did something to her or an experiment/bizarre circumstance that will still leave the possibility for J/T in the future

                        I just hope they give us more info on this story or how this happens to Teyla!. This news officially made it even harder to wait till season 4!.

                        Sig by Camy


                          Originally posted by expendable_crewman View Post
                          I'm in love with this idea. Before someone else says it ...

                          ... the entity copies John but is confined to the dreamscape, according to the spoilers. But ... big *BUT* here ... the spoilers don't tell everything. And this is sci-fi. If the entity appears as an ethereal form copied from Sheppard's touching it, there's every possibility that it uses Sheppard's image because it's absorbed something from him. Otherwise, it could change itself in the dreams of its victim, be Ronon one day and McKay the next. I have no idea how it causes harm to its victims. Is it purely psychological or is there a physical component?

                          With a physical component, who knows? You could get anything.

                          I am intrigued by ...

                          Seer spoiler:
                          ... the possibility some scripts were tweaked, changed, or otherwise re-written to accomodate Mom Teyla.

                          Could be very interesting. Btw, you should be a Stargate writer!
                          What if?

                          the entity does take over Sheppard and manipulates his body and his mind and turns into this psycho Sheppard, basically mixing John's real character with that other bit of dark side to him...thus his feelings for Teyla would still be real and he messes up everyone else's thoughts but Teyla he does what his "dreams" only's real John..but a dark side, sort of the same idea with the whole Conversion thing that we saw a harsh John that hurt others except Teyla.....I think Cyn wrote this to me...sorry if someone else has thought of this too...I'm all wire the past two days....

                          I could so live with this idea and certainly room for the "complicated" issues!

                          But this is more plausible! ....again, too good to be true!


                            I understand your angst, but really, I think there is more reason to hope and think I may be right here. I always try to look on the bright side!


                              Well I have no problems with it and like what I'm hearing.
                              At first I wasn't too keen if Michael was involved because I felt that it was more like rape. And I still think it would be more like rape if he's involved. I do think however, after sitting on it and thinking through the eyes of a writer that would work because in essence Teyla did aid in Michael's rape twice. It would be an eye for an eye, since I felt he always had an unhealthy vendetta against Teyla. If it's anything or anyone elese's baby, still waiting on the show and can't wait for the ep. I'm a strong believer in JT, so I don't get all worried over spoilers.
                              Wait and see and you might see all your worries were for naught.
                              Click statement above to read article.


                                Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                                OMG!!! i just read the spoiler for "The Seer"!.

                                I honestly don't know how to feel about the pregnancy story arc. At first i wasn't happy about it because for me it just spelled doom for the J/T relationship. But after reading the possible story plots, i feel better about it, especially knowing that this wasn't a direct idea from TPTB but more because Rachel being pregnant. I could see it being some sort of experiement or alien baby...something that was done to her in an earlier episode before The Seer or John's. but once again do to some sort of bizarre outcome just because i don't see the writers right away just putting John and Teyla together. There relationship has grown a lot but it's doubtful that they will just jump to "they suddenly get together and having a baby" so it definitely would have to be because of some sort of circumstance. Writing in baby storylines are difficult in my opinion, so i hope the writers know what they are doing and do it well. None the less, i'm still excited to see what happened that she ended up pregnant and if it's Johns. If it doesn't end up being John's, i just hope this still brings them closer together and he is there to help her through this. The only thing i wouldn't want to see is that it's actually some athosian she loves, a marine or anything other than John, Micheal because he did something to her or an experiment/bizarre circumstance that will still leave the possibility for J/T in the future

                                I just hope they give us more info on this story or how this happens to Teyla!. This news officially made it even harder to wait till season 4!.
                                I soo need Stephie, Mayra...

                                she always knows what to write to me to make me calm down *rolls eyes*

                                Her and Cyn....

                                Others that I won't mention any names.....*wink* have only depressed me more! And this is not implying at anyone in here....she knows who she is....


