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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Camy View Post
    Those are great Cyn....and are sooo right! can you imagine!

    Okay....interruption here.....I just came across this really cute I"m loving it...and all I can see is, well, yeah, you guessed it, John and Teyla...

    So, vid recommendation....

    My Beautiful Rescue by This Providence...go and look it up, you will like it and someone please make this one for me!

    Hrmm never heard of that song...have to look it up when I get home if I can find it...
    For me to do a video I have to like the song.. and to tell you all the truth I've only done 1 video to a song someone wanted a video done on,,,and that was my latest J/T video "Keep hanging on" other wise I usually never do them... but hey who knows what I might come up with in the future...
    Sigs by Scifan


      Nina...I understand that...and I respect it...when I joined two ficathons last year...November and December...I thought it would be fun....but suffice to say the experience was a complete were two or more fantastic ideas that I could certainly see a story but I just couldn't bring myself to do it....and it was torture....both experiences were torturing and I have to thank Stephie, Witchy, SP and EC for putting up with me during those long months....both I turned in very late and both were driving me think that someone had something in mind and here you are trying to even come close..*sighs* that was very challenging for, I agree....just like writing an idea has to come from have to see it, feel it and want to do it in order to get it done right and be happy with it...I understand that vidding has to be the same way....

      So, I am sorry if my suggestion make you or anyone here feel like you *have* to or "want" to do's really just a suggestion, and I won't take any offence to it....

      no worries....*wink*

      *jeepers, I"m not hitting the right keys today* *G*


        Originally posted by Camy View Post
        Nina...I understand that...and I respect it...when I joined two ficathons last year...November and December...I thought it would be fun....but suffice to say the experience was a complete were two or more fantastic ideas that I could certainly see a story but I just couldn't bring myself to do it....and it was torture....both experiences were torturing and I have to thank Stephie, Witchy, SP and EC for putting up with me during those long months....both I turned in very late and both were driving me think that someone had something in mind and here you are trying to even come close..*sighs* that was very challenging for, I agree....just like writing an idea has to come from have to see it, feel it and want to do it in order to get it done right and be happy with it...I understand that vidding has to be the same way....

        So, I am sorry if my suggestion make you or anyone here feel like you *have* to or "want" to do's really just a suggestion, and I won't take any offence to it....

        no worries....*wink*

        *jeepers, I"m not hitting the right keys today* *G*
        No no don't worry about it Camy...I don't feel like that at please do suggest songs...who knows there might end up being one I see, feel and want to do that's what suggestion is all about...

        You are right... I really have to feel it, see it, and want it when I hear a song... I have so so so many songs everywhere...on CD's on my harddrive,,I couldn't even begin to count all of them and even though I love a lot of music... and even if I read a lyric that very well could work for J/T I have to be able to see a theme to it when I hear the song... does that make sense??

        Just like with Keep holding on.... I saw those scenes when I heard the song...I knew right away that it needed those deep emotions to rise from both of them when put in danger and what goes through the other persons mind and heart at that I was able to work with may sound crazy that I have to see it so cleary in my mind to be able to do it...

        I have a instrumental piece in mind for my next John's a pretty ..oh how should I put it...heavy I guess... there are very few places of the song that is more slow and a lot more of heavy sound in it,,and more fast paced...and when I hear it...I see a large part of those scenes to be John enormous struggle and war against his enemies...

        It's never easy to make a video on command...and I guess it's the same with fics... I usually always did Buffy & Angel I used to really like them and have a friend who loves them...we usually sends videos and stuff for eachothers birthdays and Christmas and stuff...but this year..she has her birthday next week and I haven't been able to do even 1 of those videos... I'm so into John & Teyla these days...heck I'm into Danny & Lindsay on CSI N.Y that I really don't feel like doing B/A videos... and it makes her sad that I have seemed to lost intrest...and I feel bad for it...but I can't will myself to do something I don't have my heart and soul into.. you know what I mean??

        Okay rambling on a little to far so I'll shut up now *lol*

        But never feel bad Camy for suggesting songs...keep doing that...heck everyone can do it...actually by doing so I have heard some good songs..and even if I wont be making videos to them,,,I have something good to listen to
        Sigs by Scifan


          *sighs* Thanks for know...Stephie told me the same thing....LOL

          I"m still hogging her to do one for a song that I want....LOL

          yeah, I do understand....

          I would imagine that also, you hear a song but then you have to find the right caps and scenes to go with it....I mean, what do you do when the song calls for moonlight dancing? or what about a monkey is sitting on my bed!?


          that's why, I don't think I will ever do a vid in my life....I"d just put scenes of JT and let the song roll!



            Originally posted by Camy View Post
            *sighs* Thanks for know...Stephie told me the same thing....LOL

            I"m still hogging her to do one for a song that I want....LOL

            yeah, I do understand....

            I would imagine that also, you hear a song but then you have to find the right caps and scenes to go with it....I mean, what do you do when the song calls for moonlight dancing? or what about a monkey is sitting on my bed!?


            that's why, I don't think I will ever do a vid in my life....I"d just put scenes of JT and let the song roll!


            *lol* Trust me I know what you mean and I understand..if you don't make videos and like a song and would like to see a J/T video to it,,I can understand you pretty much depend on people who actually do I know...guess everything just came out wrong in my first post...I have to blame it on my headache...gets me to talk nonsense *lol*

            But as I said keep suggesting's never wrong

            Oh girl trust me I know all about it... there was a song...when I tried my hand for a while back on J/T had something in the lyrics of driving...and I was like...okay great when have I ever seen John drive a car..ended up using the helicopter...and boy did that feel weird... and then another line of walking down my favorite street...uhm okay,,what street..they are in PG where would John's favorite street be...couldn't really use a darn corridor in Atlantis *lol*
            so that video ended up in the trash,,,*lol* and tried my hand at a John video which came out I guess better...hrmm have to have been since I got plenty of feedback for it...which I love by the way
            I think I have released 6 videos so far and gotten way over 100 feedback mails...which has made me just go WOW!!! *lol* but it is also that what keeps me going...
            Sigs by Scifan


              im just wondering im wanting some help as i want to get into making videos but i have no idea where to start could someone show me how i have windows movie maker on my comp but i have no idea how to use it
              Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                *lol* Trust me I know what you mean and I understand..if you don't make videos and like a song and would like to see a J/T video to it,,I can understand you pretty much depend on people who actually do I know...guess everything just came out wrong in my first post...I have to blame it on my headache...gets me to talk nonsense *lol*

                But as I said keep suggesting's never wrong

                Oh girl trust me I know all about it... there was a song...when I tried my hand for a while back on J/T had something in the lyrics of driving...and I was like...okay great when have I ever seen John drive a car..ended up using the helicopter...and boy did that feel weird... and then another line of walking down my favorite street...uhm okay,,what street..they are in PG where would John's favorite street be...couldn't really use a darn corridor in Atlantis *lol*
                so that video ended up in the trash,,,*lol* and tried my hand at a John video which came out I guess better...hrmm have to have been since I got plenty of feedback for it...which I love by the way
                I think I have released 6 videos so far and gotten way over 100 feedback mails...which has made me just go WOW!!! *lol* but it is also that what keeps me going...
                That's why I leave stuff like that to the pros! LOL

                Or, I guess I could start with just instrumental music! Now, there's an idea!


                  Originally posted by Camy View Post
                  That's why I leave stuff like that to the pros! LOL

                  Or, I guess I could start with just instrumental music! Now, there's an idea!
                  Well that could work... finding a beautiful or sensual intrumental song that might work for J/T...
                  Since I seems to use most instrumental songs for John videos..I usually go with clips that fit the mood of the music... heavy powerful parts well there I might go for action clips or very very angst filled clips... well you get the idea...*lol* I have 2 of them out there *lol*
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                    im just wondering im wanting some help as i want to get into making videos but i have no idea where to start could someone show me how i have windows movie maker on my comp but i have no idea how to use it
                    You could go online and they have an excellent tutorial for WMM. I did and it's fairly easy to understand. I also got a little help from some JT friends when I came up w/questions that still bothered me.

                    I haven't done anything yet except a little something for my daughter, but I'm hoping to maybe have a little something done before the hiatus is over - but, don't hold me to it


                      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                      jtjaforever - Great places... I think Teyla would be in awe if she truly got to go to earth with John... we saw what only a shopping spree did to her
                      Thanks Nina. You know Teyla did have lots of fun shopping, can you imagine her cut loose on Rodeo drive when they went to California or Saks when in NY. Best yet what if John took her to Tiffany's to look at a little something for her finger...hummm

                      Plot bunny go away...shoo

                      Now see what you started Nina



                        Hey, where is Nick!

                        Nick! We need you hon! Where are those plot bunnies of yours....


                          NinaM. The pic on the right side of your sig, which ep is that from?

                          As for the eps, been busy at work, haven't gotten past Rising. Soon though.


                            Originally posted by SazZat View Post
                            I think you're being a bit harsh, judging people just based on who their favourite characters or ships are. Tarnishing a group of people based on assumptions.
                            Please note the modifiers in my post; I said some of the Shweirs and Torri-/Paul- fans, not all.

                            Originally posted by SazZat View Post
                            if you haven't seen it then how can you say that it's Shweirs, Torri, and Paul's fans who are most likely to be involved?
                            Because I've seen this played out in multiple fandoms - including Stargate SG1 back when Daniel was the character who left the show.

                            Whether the fandom is Stargate, Harry Potter, or Smallville, fans are still fans. Wherever there are people "putting the boot" into a character, you'll find the loudest and most derisive are those who feel that their preferred character is being sidelined for the other character to come in, or their preferred pairing has been sunk by the creators of the canon.

                            Certain Jack/Daniel fans slammed Sam when Daniel left; some Harry/Hermione fans went nutso after JKR said that Harry/Ginny was canon; and nearly everyone in SV fandom seems to hate on Lana.

                            My comment was that the most likely suspects in the situation are people with a specific axe to grind against Teyla - namely fans of the two characters whose parts have been set to recurring, and eliminated entirely.

                            And I did note that I might be wrong.

                            I'm sorry for having outraged you with my statement, but I have to stand by what I meant to say: that it is most likely that the people hating the hardest on Teyla are the ones whose preferred characters have been hardest hit by the changes - and they'd likely all say that bashing their favourite character is wrong...but they'll still slam Teyla.

                            That doesn't mean that all the people whose preferred characters have been lessened are being *****y, just some of them. Just like some of the John/Teyla fans seem to be going around and antagonising fans of other pairings just because our preferred pairing seems to be on the up-and-up.


                            Which brings me to my next point:

                            On behalf of the John/Teyla shippers about Gateworld, I apologise for any distress caused by that extremely rude PM. If I knew who it was, I'd slap them down.

                            I'm not a fan of Shep/Weir, but people enjoy the pairings they enjoy. I have my preferences, others have theirs. We might disagree on the degree of canonicity of those preferences, but in the present moment, neither is canon.

                            And now I'm going to get beaten up by the hardcore John/Teyla shippers on this thread for saying that John/Teyla isn't canon...




                              Originally posted by Toomi View Post
                              NinaM. The pic on the right side of your sig, which ep is that from?

                              As for the eps, been busy at work, haven't gotten past Rising. Soon though.
                              Hey Toomi! Sorry to hear life's been too busy for you to watch more wonderful eps! Well, hopefully you'll be able to see some more soon! I thought your assessment of Rising 1 and 2 was right on! The cave scene was wonderful in establishing the instant trust and bond between them as well as showing the instant sexual tension that exists between them as well. It was written deliberately into the script and you'll see several more subtle instances of this throughout the seasons as well. You'll also see it develop into deeper trust in season one, deeper friendship in season two, and deeper feelings and connection in season three. It's all so very subtle and so very wonderful to see!
                              Speaking of sexual tension being built up, that kiss picture from Nina's sig is from ep 208, Conversion. Of course as is typical of Stargate, there's a catch to that kiss, but we still love it anyway. Camy has some great HD caps from that kiss, I'm sure she could be coaxed to post them again... It's also been used in many a vid, as you can well imagine.

                              Blue!!! Welcome back!!!! It's too quiet around here lately! And you were at Atlantis! LOL! I love it! And ironic too since I was just telling Camy a few days ago that I may be going to the Atlantis in the Bahamas next year! It would be through work though. But would still be very cool! Hope you found lots of J/T inspiration while you were there!

                              Cyn, you are so right! This is the FUN ship, so let's get back to that! And don't think for one moment we're not going to keep bugging you until you make that vid. I'm proud of you for even trying!

                              Speaking of vids, Donna, there are some wonderful resources online. Here are some to get you started.

                              And Camy, you're bugging me to vid a certain song? What song? *Looks around innocently* LOL! But seriously, I didn't forget one, did I? I'm actually not sure I know what you're talking about. I swear, I would forget my head lately if it wasn't attached..

                              And speaking of vids yet again, question for you guys! Since we've been playing around with manips lately, what is your opinion on using manips in vids? I know, in general, in the vidding community, it is very common and can add a fun challenge to making a vid. But the one and only time I tried that a little bit with one of my early SGA vids (Memorybook), I got a lot of negative feedback on it. Not on the vid itself, but on the use of manips for some clips. I used a few shots of John with whats-her-name in Sanctuary and a few from Farscape. Nina, that kind of goes with your comments on trying to find clips to fit the words, LOL!
                              But in Memorybook, it was very basic manipulation, and I can do a lot more than that with some of the clips I have from Joe in other shows, but I don't know if that would be welcome or not. What do you guys think??
                              From what I've gathered from people's reactions, it seems that vidders like manips for the sake of the editing skill--or lack thereof, LOL--and for the sake of telling a story, while non-vidders and the general audience don't like them because they're watching them to see their favorite moments, not to see something made up.

                              Okay, enough about vids. Sorry about that!

                              Camy, thanks for reposting the calendar! I think it would be great to get back on schedule again! You and Bella put so much work into planning it and now is exactly when we need activities to help pass the time while waiting for new eps. Gonna be a long wait, but I think it will go by fast, time always does! I just keep staring at all the J/T prettiness in the interim.

                              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                                Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post

                                And speaking of vids yet again, question for you guys! Since we've been playing around with manips lately, what is your opinion on using manips in vids? I know, in general, in the vidding community, it is very common and can add a fun challenge to making a vid. But the one and only time I tried that a little bit with one of my early SGA vids (Memorybook), I got a lot of negative feedback on it. Not on the vid itself, but on the use of manips for some clips. I used a few shots of John with whats-her-name in Sanctuary and a few from Farscape. Nina, that kind of goes with your comments on trying to find clips to fit the words, LOL!
                                But in Memorybook, it was very basic manipulation, and I can do a lot more than that with some of the clips I have from Joe in other shows, but I don't know if that would be welcome or not. What do you guys think??
                                From what I've gathered from people's reactions, it seems that vidders like manips for the sake of the editing skill--or lack thereof, LOL--and for the sake of telling a story, while non-vidders and the general audience don't like them because they're watching them to see their favorite moments, not to see something made up.

                                YAYYY!!!!!!! Steph's back!!! We missed you How's Mom??

                                I liked what you did w/Memory Book (granted I have a special place in my heart for that vid - LOL), but the manips worked for the song. A manip was used in that French vid Animal Attraction/Desire and it worked well w/the music. As a vidder I would assume that you know how best to tell your story and help alternating a scene slightly to achieve that result works for me. I felt those were subtle things and did not take away from the quality of the vid.

                                And I guess others agreed it did win a SGA award - didn't it

