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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    ive been on thread already and i must say have these people got any good opinions about anyone they always have to have a go at teyla if they don't like her then they should just get a life and move on and leave the rest of us who does like her character to comment her the way she should be commented on as she is one of my fave characters it makes me so mad when people diss her character how would these people feel if we dissed one of their fav characters and no she shouldn't die as she is one of the best characters in Atlantis
    Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


      Sel, I usually ignore those too...I"ve kept my little shell in here and in the Teyla threads....but it came to my attention that the writers do go to the episode threads and I imagine that they will come back once the season airs again in April here in the that's one place to go and voice your opinions because I know that they do in fact go and like some, like Ken C..the writer of Common Ground, Submersion and the Ark also go there and comment.....

      When The Ark aired in Canada, Ken C...lurked here.....I was so freaking happy! My best ship episode this season and lo and behold....the writer himself lurked in here which to me only means that he wanted to know our reaction to the episode...and boy, did I react!


      Bambam lurked and posted in the Teyla thread once that I know of....but hasn't been back again that I"ve seen....besides that, I really don't now any other thread that they go to...I imagine that Bambam probably goes to his thread...but again, haven't seen him around for a long time, does anyone know why? The last time I read anything was when the whole ship wars started in his thread about Phantoms....


      How sad....

      I went and posted twice in that thread that I posted here..Sel....I am not the best person to state my opinions cause I don't carry a dictionary with me.....or a thesaurus, however, I am very passionate about Teyla and as much as I love JT, I'm in it for Teyla....

      You know...I"m such a doofus sometimes, I've never seen Weir as the geeky girl....but I guess when you put it that way, she can be....I don't see Weir with Sheppard not because I see her geeky, but because one, the show showed me sexual tension from the beginning between John and Teyla..and I liked it and went with it...second, I love Teyla's role...regardless of John....and overall I just think she's got the best's a shame that the writers aren't doing more with her....

      Bottom line, sometimes it's good to ignore it, and sometimes it's good to just voice and sometimes it even opens up others to see what they didn't see before..and I know because i've seen others see things differently once points are presently clearly...

      My feelings is that everyone has their own opinions and I respect that...but to go on a hateful raid, is just not acceptable for me..I've seen shows that I don't like a particular character, but that doesn't mean that I go on a ramping page about the's disgusting really....

      I voiced my thoughts and just like you wrote Sel, they don't even have any points to support their statements....and I challenged someone for that...Ronon can do Teyla's job...PLEASE!

      Oy, no more ranting Camy....I"m off to see the vid, thanks Cyn...


        Originally posted by seldear View Post
        As I said, I haven't seen the thread, but I imagine that some of the Shweirs are jumping in with their dislike of Teyla. I have no doubt that they condemned the 'Pam' person who went around hating on Elizabeth back in the early days of Season 1 - but they're happily hating on Teyla now.

        My advice? Ignore it. Ignore the haters rather than hating on their favourite characters. Torri and Paul (whose fans I suppose to be the ones behaving worst - I may be wrong) have shown themselves to be all class - it's a pity that certain of their fans are showing themselves precisely the opposite.
        I think you're being a bit harsh, judging people just based on who their favourite characters or ships are. Tarnishing a group of people based on assumptions.
        Like you, I haven't seen the topic in question. I saw it and ignored it because it's a pathetic waste of time. I'd rather be shipping, thunking, and wowing personally. But if you haven't seen it then how can you say that it's Shweirs, Torri, and Paul's fans who are most likely to be involved?
        I'm not saying that none of them would be involved, some probably are, but at the end of the day can those people be called real fans anyway? If they were real fans then they would know the true pain of losing a favourite character and they would never wish the pain on any other fan by wishing another character to be dead. So really, I would refuse to call them fans. It's giving them more credit than they deserve.
        Like I got a random PM sent to me yesterday that said this:
        You are very naive. Torri/Elizabeth is gone from the show and your ship is dead. Get a clue.
        *shrugs* It's amazing the level of maturity that one finds sometimes lol. I don't know anything about the person who sent it, other than that they obviously have a lot of time on there hands. That's the end of it though. I could have gone shouting around the Sparky thread saying someone had sent me that and that it was probably Sheyla fans or whatever, but that would have just been pathetic because I know that whoever sent it probably just wants a rise out of it. Plus I don't want to blame anyone who is blameless.

        I mean people have their favourite characters, ships etc. Not everyone is gonna agree, but I seriously question someone who celebrates the killing off of a character or the wishing a character was dead. It's just not nice.
        It's sad that the topic was created but it's best just to ignore it. Afterall, Sheyla shippers aren't so innocent because I know all to well that there is an anti-Shweir topic and an anti-Ronan/Teyla topic

        My thoughts: Don't give the anti threads or the hate threads the time of day. It's not worth it. It's normally just people wanting to cause controvercy. Are shipper wars really worth it anyway? We all share the same love for Stargate at the end of the day. Isn't that what should matter?

        Anyway that's all I wanted to say. I just don't want to see the Sparky shippers being given a bad wrap because most of us in our thread are really nice people who actually like Teyla and wouldn't want to see her dead, especially after all the cast changes we've already had to put up with. Just wanted to let you all know that we aren't all that bad

        Peace and Love people!

        livejournal l My Heroes l Shep l Elizabeth l Rodney l Michael l Smile!
        ~You are who you choose to be~


          Yes after the Ark aired in Canada ..writer Ken C lurked in this thread for some time... so he sure got to see the posetive reaction from us for that episode...

          Camy I'm guessing Bam Bam has been pretty busy...he just posted if it was yesterday or a few days ago on his ask Bam Bam thread... that he was now back at the set and very very busy and working on the project of Sanctuary too... so I guess that is why we haven't seen him on GW for a while...

          I saw that thread too...but didn't pay to much attention to it...why should I..why get into a war..people are going to not like Teyla... just as much as I don't like another character... I don't even have the energy to go aroud all over GW ramping about who I might not like... I rather enjoy about fun things...real life is depressing enough,, I truly enjoy Teyla as a character and the show wouldn't be the same witout her.. Rachel brings so much to the show with just how and who she is.. just as Joe does..

          I'm not going to let anyone get that power over me,,trap me into argueing,,what's the point.. and that seems like it's all they want... guess it will come that we really don't care about Teyla since we wont defend her..but I ask WHY should we always have to...
          I'll stick to the happy threads thank you very much...if I want to depress myself all I have to do is go to work *lol*

          Now away from all of this and onto more happy things... it's what we are here for...the J/T love...

          Blue Haven't heard from you in a while...I knew you said you would be of for a while..but it's good to see that you are okay...hope to talk to you more when you get back...and you have a treat when you do...since there is that 3rd J/T video I had done that you still have to see...
          Take care girl and talk to you soon...

          And for everyone else...keep up the great discussions...all the great artwork and keep writing wonderful fics...
          Devine that was a great fic you did now last... intresting...will give a full review on later..

          Camy - Intresting manip to that didn't mind seeing him without a shirt *lol*

          and last to all that do vids...keep it up everyone... I'm not on my own comp at the moment so I can't give out the link to a video..of a song of Westlife.. I need you... I don't know if it was just up on her LJ or if it was up on youtube too..can't remember in case you haven't see it... but if not I'll link to it when I get home...
          I'll make more videos too soon again...even though I'm planning on a solo John next... but I'll be making more J/T videos too of course...

          Take care all and talk to later...
          Sigs by Scifan


            Originally posted by NinaM View Post
            Yes after the Ark aired in Canada ..writer Ken C lurked in this thread for some time... so he sure got to see the posetive reaction from us for that episode...

            Camy I'm guessing Bam Bam has been pretty busy...he just posted if it was yesterday or a few days ago on his ask Bam Bam thread... that he was now back at the set and very very busy and working on the project of Sanctuary too... so I guess that is why we haven't seen him on GW for a while...

            I saw that thread too...but didn't pay to much attention to it...why should I..why get into a war..people are going to not like Teyla... just as much as I don't like another character... I don't even have the energy to go aroud all over GW ramping about who I might not like... I rather enjoy about fun things...real life is depressing enough,, I truly enjoy Teyla as a character and the show wouldn't be the same witout her.. Rachel brings so much to the show with just how and who she is.. just as Joe does..

            I'm not going to let anyone get that power over me,,trap me into argueing,,what's the point.. and that seems like it's all they want... guess it will come that we really don't care about Teyla since we wont defend her..but I ask WHY should we always have to...
            I'll stick to the happy threads thank you very much...if I want to depress myself all I have to do is go to work *lol*

            Now away from all of this and onto more happy things... it's what we are here for...the J/T love...

            Blue Haven't heard from you in a while...I knew you said you would be of for a while..but it's good to see that you are okay...hope to talk to you more when you get back...and you have a treat when you do...since there is that 3rd J/T video I had done that you still have to see...
            Take care girl and talk to you soon...

            And for everyone else...keep up the great discussions...all the great artwork and keep writing wonderful fics...
            Devine that was a great fic you did now last... intresting...will give a full review on later..

            Camy - Intresting manip to that didn't mind seeing him without a shirt *lol*

            and last to all that do vids...keep it up everyone... I'm not on my own comp at the moment so I can't give out the link to a video..of a song of Westlife.. I need you... I don't know if it was just up on her LJ or if it was up on youtube too..can't remember in case you haven't see it... but if not I'll link to it when I get home...
            I'll make more videos too soon again...even though I'm planning on a solo John next... but I'll be making more J/T videos too of course...

            Take care all and talk to later...
            john vid SQUEE nina!!

            yeh i remember seeing ken C lurk in here after the ark...was pretty obvious who he was shipping tho eh? just like martin gero wrote the kiss and well sunday hello! i notice on JMs blog someone has asked him who he ships for (since he is known for being a sam/jack shipper)i wonder if he'll answer, and what he'll answer with....hmmm!



              Originally posted by seldear View Post

              My advice? Ignore it. Ignore the haters rather than hating on their favourite characters. Torri and Paul (whose fans I suppose to be the ones behaving worst - I may be wrong) have shown themselves to be all class - it's a pity that certain of their fans are showing themselves precisely the opposite.

              Honestly? I think the best 'revenge' we could possibly have is to keep ficcing, piccing, vidding, and meta-ing, and encouraging TPTB so that we get to see more Teyla in Season Four - preferably more Teyla and John doing things, but really Teyla and everyone (in my books, anyway). So keep those postcards rolling in and hopefully we'll be seeing some really good stuff on Teyla when Season Four screens later this year!
              I have to agree w/Sel on this. The best thing we can do in the face of such pettiness is just do what we do best - awesome discussions, art and fic centered around our couple.

              DON'T LET NEGATIVITY SPOIL YOUR FUN! Remember we are the *FUN*ship - let's keep it that way.


                I think you're being a bit harsh, judging people just based on who their favourite characters or ships are. Tarnishing a group of people based on assumptions.
                I can't write for Sel, however, you are right..unfortunately, most of our own experiences with the matter have been with specific groups, but I agree that it's only a loud and vocal minority that do all ships! include our own....

                Like you, I haven't seen the topic in question. I saw it and ignored it because it's a pathetic waste of time. I'd rather be shipping, thunking, and wowing personally. But if you haven't seen it then how can you say that it's Shweirs, Torri, and Paul's fans who are most likely to be involved?
                I have...and I did write something...when I posted it was only on the first page and I was surprised that there was more support for Teyla than, I"m not sure where it is now...

                I'm not saying that none of them would be involved, some probably are, but at the end of the day can those people be called real fans anyway? If they were real fans then they would know the true pain of losing a favourite character and they would never wish the pain on any other fan by wishing another character to be dead. So really, I would refuse to call them fans. It's giving them more credit than they deserve.
                I like how you wrote this and I agree...they are fans of a particular character and not of the show....again...everyone has their own opinions....I don't qualify as one to define what makes a fan and what not....everyone has their particular interest in a show whether it be for one character, or for several....I guess it all depends......but I do see your point as to what their actions are called for...and that I certainly understand..

                Like I got a random PM sent to me yesterday that said this:
                I sympathise with you on this one....I've been around in GW for awhile now...and I've received and read things that just astounds me....but there is very little we can do about that...and bottom line..I think they give us too much credit to go out of their way and even comment about, take it with a grain of salt, I guess...but I do know what that feels like...been there done that!

                *shrugs* It's amazing the level of maturity that one finds sometimes lol. I don't know anything about the person who sent it, other than that they obviously have a lot of time on there hands. That's the end of it though. I could have gone shouting around the Sparky thread saying someone had sent me that and that it was probably Sheyla fans or whatever, but that would have just been pathetic because I know that whoever sent it probably just wants a rise out of it. Plus I don't want to blame anyone who is blameless.
                What and how we react to things is what defines us.....and your actions have defined least that person didn't hide who they are....right?
                You can't blame that on us.... But seriously, it's times like that, that I hate to be even consider part of this fandom.

                I mean people have their favourite characters, ships etc. Not everyone is gonna agree, but I seriously question someone who celebrates the killing off of a character or the wishing a character was dead. It's just not nice. It's sad that the topic was created but it's best just to ignore it. Afterall, Sheyla shippers aren't so innocent because I know all to well that there is an anti-Shweir topic and an anti-Ronan/Teyla topic
                Are you kidding me, the real John and Teyla shippers that post in this thread on an almost daily basis, you will find are the true shippers that only care for John and Teyla and they are innocent! I'd stake my life on them!

                You know...I don't think I ever went into those thread..the idea itself is stupid in my opinion...and well, I wonder if it was even opened by shippers in general....I'd have to look at that...just out of curiosity...maybe not!

                My thoughts: Don't give the anti threads or the hate threads the time of day. It's not worth it. It's normally just people wanting to cause controvercy. Are shipper wars really worth it anyway? We all share the same love for Stargate at the end of the day. Isn't that what should matter?
                Actually what matters the most to me is to have John and Teyla have babies! I really want them to have twins! Don't you want to see little Lizzies and Sheppies in your thread!?

                *bad Camy*

                Anyway that's all I wanted to say. I just don't want to see the Sparky shippers being given a bad wrap because most of us in our thread are really nice people who actually like Teyla and wouldn't want to see her dead, especially after all the cast changes we've already had to put up with. Just wanted to let you all know that we aren't all that bad

                Peace and Love people!
                You know...I'll take your word for it...that's all I can really do at the moment...but for some reason I just go the warm fuzzies at the visual of this...maybe it's the dreamer in me...but reading this makes me smile....

                Just so you know...right now some of my best online friends are ShepWeir shippers...they are just so damn stubborn and refuse to wear my special made JT shipper glasses..but I"m not giving up on them...suffice to say, I"ve felt some harshness even within our, what does that tell you?

                Besides that...I"m sorry that I even posted that link in here....the last thing I want is for this thread to get involved in any way shape or form into another ship war....We have stood our ground and when it is within reason we will state our opinions....we are mostly called the "quiet" group...boy am in the wrong ship!

                but besides that...I really want a wedding! I Athosian mix with an Earthling....that alone sounds so cool! Although I can see Rodney complaining about the food!

                Seriously, thank you for your words..and thank you for stating so neatly your opinion...please don't let it offend you and please don't think that one voice speaks for the majority....I"ve always felt that if it had been Teyla that had been cut off, I wouldn't be holding my banner up in anyones' face but I'd certainly be upset and saddened by such actions.......

                *Camy hides her banner*

                I wish we could just all get along...and chant KumbaYa together!

                or maybe the Macarena!

                Or that Hot Hot Song by Donna Summer! blame that one on Falcon Hours....

                at the end of the day, I've had my good moments and not so good moments in this fandom...and all I can say is.....I love John and Teyla..and whether it ever happens or not.....I"m still enjoying this show..I may not agree with some of the things that the writers are doing but in the end, I have a choice..and that choice is that the day that I"m not enjoying the show anymore..I'll simply change the channel and that is the best message I can send to the PTB!

                Please feel free to come by again! We are, I promise you...nice people! and thank those ShepWeirs over there who like my girl Teyla!


                  Originally posted by SazZat View Post
                  I think you're being a bit harsh, judging people just based on who their favourite characters or ships are. Tarnishing a group of people based on assumptions.
                  Like you, I haven't seen the topic in question. I saw it and ignored it because it's a pathetic waste of time. I'd rather be shipping, thunking, and wowing personally. But if you haven't seen it then how can you say that it's Shweirs, Torri, and Paul's fans who are most likely to be involved?
                  I'm not saying that none of them would be involved, some probably are, but at the end of the day can those people be called real fans anyway? If they were real fans then they would know the true pain of losing a favourite character and they would never wish the pain on any other fan by wishing another character to be dead. So really, I would refuse to call them fans. It's giving them more credit than they deserve.

                  First of all thanks for sharing your opinion w/us it was highly appreciated. And you are right on many counts - *no* group on these forums should use this time or space for hurting others nor make assumptions that the transgressions of a few apply to all in the group. Believe me when I say that I've lived a lifetime of such, I don't need to experience it in TV land - LOL.

                  That said I don't think anyone here would purposely do such a thing for we certainly wouldn't want the same done to us.

                  Moving along the last part of that spoke well of the point you make and I feel you and Sel both hit the nail on the head when you say we should just leave well enough alone.

                  My thoughts: Don't give the anti threads or the hate threads the time of day. It's not worth it. It's normally just people wanting to cause controvercy. Are shipper wars really worth it anyway? We all share the same love for Stargate at the end of the day. Isn't that what should matter?

                  Anyway that's all I wanted to say. I just don't want to see the Sparky shippers being given a bad wrap because most of us in our thread are really nice people who actually like Teyla and wouldn't want to see her dead, especially after all the cast changes we've already had to put up with. Just wanted to let you all know that we aren't all that bad

                  Peace and Love people!

                  Again good thoughts. Thanks for sharing w/us and you are so right...we all share the same love for Stargate at the end of the day, so that is what should matter.

                  And don't worry - no bad rap from this Sheyla fan High five to you

                  Best of all enjoy your day and your fun with *your* ship .

                  Thanks for stopping by
                  Last edited by jtjaforever; 13 March 2007, 09:05 AM.


                    Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post

                    First of all thanks for sharing your opinion w/us it was highly appreciated. And you are right on many counts - *no* group on these forums should use this time or space for hurting others nor make assumptions that the transgressions of a few apply to all in the group. Believe me when I say that I've lived a lifetime of such, I don't need to experience it in TV land - LOL.

                    That said I don't think anyone here would purposely do such a thing for we certainly wouldn't want the same done to us.

                    Moving along the last part of that spoke well of the point you make and I feel you and Sel both hit the nail on the head when you say we should just leave well enough alone.

                    [qoute]My thoughts: Don't give the anti threads or the hate threads the time of day. It's not worth it. It's normally just people wanting to cause controvercy. Are shipper wars really worth it anyway? We all share the same love for Stargate at the end of the day. Isn't that what should matter?

                    Anyway that's all I wanted to say. I just don't want to see the Sparky shippers being given a bad wrap because most of us in our thread are really nice people who actually like Teyla and wouldn't want to see her dead, especially after all the cast changes we've already had to put up with. Just wanted to let you all know that we aren't all that bad

                    Peace and Love people!

                    Again good thoughts. Thanks for sharing w/us and you are so right...we all share the same love for Stargate at the end of the day, so that is what should matter.

                    And don't worry - no bad rap from this Sheyla fan High five to you

                    Best of all enjoy your day and your fun with *your* ship .

                    Thanks for stopping by
                    Oh, the smarty one came along! *hehehehe*


                      Thanks for replying to my comments guys. Wasn't sure how it would be taken.
                      I would reply properly but I now have to go off to work *cry*

                      And yeah, you're all too smart for your own good...Or maybe I just caught your thread at the right time of day

                      Anyways, byesy bye...Made a nice change to venture into unknown territory.

                      Me: have fun shipping!
                      Evil twin: whatever!
                      Me: *slaps evil twin*
                      Evil twin:

                      livejournal l My Heroes l Shep l Elizabeth l Rodney l Michael l Smile!
                      ~You are who you choose to be~


                        Earth WEEK! wooohhoo! I think I have an idea!



                          I think we've done this before...but humor me.....

                          TOP TEN PLACES THAT JOHN Would Take Teyla to On Earth!


                            Originally posted by Camy View Post
                            Oh, the smarty one came along! *hehehehe*

                            Love you too

                            Places John would take Teyla:
                            10 - Vancouver BC - to visit the Bridge Studios -
                            9 - The Grand Canyon
                            8 - California to visit Hollywood
                            7 - The Rio Grande Valley to taste grapefruit -
                            6 - Hawaii - to catch the waves and surf
                            5 - London - the check out the city on the London Eye
                            4 - Paris - for a moonlight dinner
                            3 - New York City for a Broadway Show
                            2 - I don't remember what team he pulled for, but he would take Teyla
                            to see his team play
                            1 - Corney Island for a ferris wheel ride


                              jtjaforever - Great places... I think Teyla would be in awe if she truly got to go to earth with John... we saw what only a shopping spree did to her
                              Sigs by Scifan


                                Those are great Cyn....and are sooo right! can you imagine!

                                Okay....interruption here.....I just came across this really cute I"m loving it...and all I can see is, well, yeah, you guessed it, John and Teyla...

                                So, vid recommendation....

                                My Beautiful Rescue by This Providence...go and look it up, you will like it and someone please make this one for me!


