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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by outta-orbit View Post
    Hi guys I posted here a very long time ago, however I've since gone back into lurk mode, but i just have to pop in and say that coming in here brings a smile to my face, because I leave here always with a number of ways in which I can view/assess J/T’s relationship; it’s really great; and the conversations of late have been really insightful--just a delight to read.

    Just wanted to say that before sauntering back into lurk mode.
    Hi Outta-orbit! Thanks for delurking and sharing your comments! That's awesome! This thread always brings a smile to my face as well. Which is why I'm again posting away when I should be working! LOL!
    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


      Still at work, haven't seen it yet, but here are some initial spoilers for Submersion:

      It was Submersion, I thought it was okay but not the best(in my opinion anyway.) I thought the beginning scene was funny, McKay is trying to find an underground drilling facility and he can't find it(their's quite a few people in the jumper so it's kind of funny, their all getting on each other's nerves.) Their trying to get this facility up and running so they can draw power from the core of the planet and a Queen Wraith is aboard and has been down their since the first attack on Atlantis.

      It was quite Teyla heavy, she got posessed by the Wraith Queen and kicked Ronan's ass. My problem was that right before they even started the episode they showed previous shows of Teyla contacting Wraith's so you know exactly what's going to happen.

      They didn't even mention Carson once.

      When they were searching the facility they split into teams and Ronan went with Teyla and Weir went with Sheppard.
      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


        It's been cool reading through the responses to my post - I haven't much time to put together more than a single post, so several things may be blurrily addressed in here, rather than answering every single response.

        I can see what the people who disagree are getting at - like I said, this is my perspective on John/Teyla.

        Right now, I'm thinking that I should probably clarify a few things about my points.

        1. I think that John and Teyla have been interested/attracted to each other from their first scene together in Rising. I think that interest and attraction has not abated and that they are still interested in each other beyond 'just friends'. In Sunday,
        witness Teyla's conversation with Dr. Houston (presuming it was about John), and even John's conversation with Ronon.

        Sorry, Camy, but John's a guy - and a guy's guy, at that. He's not going to admit to liking a woman if she might not be wholly positive. Especially not to a guy who may very well turn out to be a rival. JF said something to the effect that John and Ronon's relationship is bigger than the question of whether they're in love with the same woman. And that's what I'm seeing in the 'denial' scene: John being casual about 'everyone in Atlantis', then being half-pleased, half-surprised when Ronon calls him on it with Teyla in mind.

        2. For 'proof of ship', I tend to avoid glances, touches, and casual interactions. Why? Because of what I'm going to call "Shep/Weir Syndrome": the belief that because two characters share screentime, hold conversations, and exchange looks, their interaction is more-than-friends.

        'Proof of ship' in canon means text and context to me, with the subtext of looks, touches, and casual interactions as backup. Thus, it's what John and Teyla say and do in relation to their feelings about each other that gives their interaction 'the ship angle' that makes a John/Teyla romantic interest canonical in my eyes.

        I use subtext for my fanon ships - the pairings I like in my head that may or may not have anything to do with their interactions in canon.

        3. The way I read the John/Teyla 'shippy' interactions, John's shown a more overt interest in Teyla than Teyla has shown in John. It doesn't mean she doesn't care about him, just that his actions have been more indicative of interest than hers. Maybe, as several people have pointed out, this is just a cultural and personality aspect rather than an index of interest, but even if so, it's still significant from a meta-show perspective: what the writers and PTB are intending us to observe.

        On Conversion: (behind spoiler space because it's neater)
        Camy, my take on the John/Teyla kiss is that Teyla does struggle against him once she realises that this is an assault, not a seduction. She pushes him away with the hand on the shoulder, and John's movement away from her is half-push, half-pull. Her struggles are ineffectual since he's so much stronger with the Iratus virus in him.

        As to John kissing her while under the influence... There was a point made in the John/Teyla ship manifesto that I'm going to steal: John was still John when he kissed Teyla. Before that scene, he was John being competitive with Ronon and 'winning'; after that scene, he was John being angry with Elizabeth's restrictions on him and acting out. In the scene sparring against Teyla, he was John without the inhibitions he usually employs - the self-control and restraint we learn in social dealings with our fellow human beings.

        At the end, John's apologising for acting 'out of character', sure - but there's also an element of a question in there. "I did some things that you might say were...out of character."

        They both know what he's talking about. But Teyla directs the conversation away from the kiss to another situation entirely: "Shooting at the marines?" "Among other things." (Forgive the paraphrasing, I don't have that scene memorised.)

        My understanding from the recent posts on this thread is that people are taking the diversion as an indication that Teyla won't accept John's apology for something she feels he isn't responsible for.

        I take it as an indication that she doesn't want to address it - that she's not prepared to address it at the moment - although she does leave the door open with her teasing use of his name.

        No, it's not a declaration of love on John's part - and certainly doesn't indicate his emotional state - but I read it as a declaration of attractive/sexual interest. And that is something he hasn't shown to any other regular or recurring character on the show.

        Someone brought up the conversation in Sateda:
        In Sateda, yes, Teyla starts the overall conversation regarding how far John will go for his team-mates, but she speaks of it in general terms. "This shows me how far you will go for someone not of your world." It's John who turns it personal, making it about him and his personal take on the definition of family.

        Teyla speaks generally, John speaks personally. This seems to be a frequent pattern between them - that Teyla plays it cool, while John puts a little more on the table emotionally with Teyla than he does with the other members of the cast.

        However, I'll pay that I'm reaching a little with Michael and Phantoms. *g* I just like those two eps and the possibilities inherent in them regarding the way John and Teyla interact and regard each other.

        Like Majortrip and LC, I'm generally content with what we get on the show. (*wants more Teyla in S4*) I loved the SG1 Sam/Jack ending of S8 - but I was one of very few among my Sam/Jack friends who felt that way.

        I'd like to have outright John/Teyla on the show - sure! But I'm not holding my breath waiting.



          Originally posted by seldear View Post
          It's been cool reading through the responses to my post - I haven't much time to put together more than a single post, so several things may be blurrily addressed in here, rather than answering every single response.

          I can see what the people who disagree are getting at - like I said, this is my perspective on John/Teyla.

          Right now, I'm thinking that I should probably clarify a few things about my points.

          1. I think that John and Teyla have been interested/attracted to each other from their first scene together in Rising. I think that interest and attraction has not abated and that they are still interested in each other beyond 'just friends'. In Sunday,
          witness Teyla's conversation with Dr. Houston (presuming it was about John), and even John's conversation with Ronon.

          Sorry, Camy, but John's a guy - and a guy's guy, at that. He's not going to admit to liking a woman if she might not be wholly positive. Especially not to a guy who may very well turn out to be a rival. JF said something to the effect that John and Ronon's relationship is bigger than the question of whether they're in love with the same woman. And that's what I'm seeing in the 'denial' scene: John being casual about 'everyone in Atlantis', then being half-pleased, half-surprised when Ronon calls him on it with Teyla in mind.

          2. For 'proof of ship', I tend to avoid glances, touches, and casual interactions. Why? Because of what I'm going to call "Shep/Weir Syndrome": the belief that because two characters share screentime, hold conversations, and exchange looks, their interaction is more-than-friends.

          'Proof of ship' in canon means text and context to me, with the subtext of looks, touches, and casual interactions as backup. Thus, it's what John and Teyla say and do in relation to their feelings about each other that gives their interaction 'the ship angle' that makes a John/Teyla romantic interest canonical in my eyes.

          I use subtext for my fanon ships - the pairings I like in my head that may or may not have anything to do with their interactions in canon.

          3. The way I read the John/Teyla 'shippy' interactions, John's shown a more overt interest in Teyla than Teyla has shown in John. It doesn't mean she doesn't care about him, just that his actions have been more indicative of interest than hers. Maybe, as several people have pointed out, this is just a cultural and personality aspect rather than an index of interest, but even if so, it's still significant from a meta-show perspective: what the writers and PTB are intending us to observe.

          On Conversion: (behind spoiler space because it's neater)
          Camy, my take on the John/Teyla kiss is that Teyla does struggle against him once she realises that this is an assault, not a seduction. She pushes him away with the hand on the shoulder, and John's movement away from her is half-push, half-pull. Her struggles are ineffectual since he's so much stronger with the Iratus virus in him.

          As to John kissing her while under the influence... There was a point made in the John/Teyla ship manifesto that I'm going to steal: John was still John when he kissed Teyla. Before that scene, he was John being competitive with Ronon and 'winning'; after that scene, he was John being angry with Elizabeth's restrictions on him and acting out. In the scene sparring against Teyla, he was John without the inhibitions he usually employs - the self-control and restraint we learn in social dealings with our fellow human beings.

          At the end, John's apologising for acting 'out of character', sure - but there's also an element of a question in there. "I did some things that you might say were...out of character."

          They both know what he's talking about. But Teyla directs the conversation away from the kiss to another situation entirely: "Shooting at the marines?" "Among other things." (Forgive the paraphrasing, I don't have that scene memorised.)

          My understanding from the recent posts on this thread is that people are taking the diversion as an indication that Teyla won't accept John's apology for something she feels he isn't responsible for.

          I take it as an indication that she doesn't want to address it - that she's not prepared to address it at the moment - although she does leave the door open with her teasing use of his name.

          No, it's not a declaration of love on John's part - and certainly doesn't indicate his emotional state - but I read it as a declaration of attractive/sexual interest. And that is something he hasn't shown to any other regular or recurring character on the show.

          Someone brought up the conversation in Sateda:
          In Sateda, yes, Teyla starts the overall conversation regarding how far John will go for his team-mates, but she speaks of it in general terms. "This shows me how far you will go for someone not of your world." It's John who turns it personal, making it about him and his personal take on the definition of family.

          Teyla speaks generally, John speaks personally. This seems to be a frequent pattern between them - that Teyla plays it cool, while John puts a little more on the table emotionally with Teyla than he does with the other members of the cast.

          However, I'll pay that I'm reaching a little with Michael and Phantoms. *g* I just like those two eps and the possibilities inherent in them regarding the way John and Teyla interact and regard each other.

          Like Majortrip and LC, I'm generally content with what we get on the show. (*wants more Teyla in S4*) I loved the SG1 Sam/Jack ending of S8 - but I was one of very few among my Sam/Jack friends who felt that way.

          I'd like to have outright John/Teyla on the show - sure! But I'm not holding my breath waiting.

          Hey Sel! Thanks so much for the clarifications! Turns out we're actually more similar than I realized! LOL! I differ with you on a few minute points, but not important.

          And for proof of ship, I too avoid glances and such. I was referring to those moments as times that I see Teyla showing adoration and interest in her expression, but certainly not proof of ship. I was discussing moments of subtext, as you so aptly called them. I focused on those moments because that's mostly what we've been given so far. I find very few moments of overtness, as typical of Stargate. I've always said I have a very strict sense of shippy myself and do not count what most people do in that category. Just had to clarify that.

          Thanks again!
          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


            Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
            Still at work, haven't seen it yet, but here are some initial spoilers for Submersion:

            It was Submersion, I thought it was okay but not the best(in my opinion anyway.) I thought the beginning scene was funny, McKay is trying to find an underground drilling facility and he can't find it(their's quite a few people in the jumper so it's kind of funny, their all getting on each other's nerves.) Their trying to get this facility up and running so they can draw power from the core of the planet and a Queen Wraith is aboard and has been down their since the first attack on Atlantis.

            It was quite Teyla heavy, she got posessed by the Wraith Queen and kicked Ronan's ass. My problem was that right before they even started the episode they showed previous shows of Teyla contacting Wraith's so you know exactly what's going to happen.

            They didn't even mention Carson once.

            When they were searching the facility they split into teams and Ronan went with Teyla and Weir went with Sheppard.
            After this, I want to give birth to Teyla's babies, who's with me!!
            Split of team means little to me. I say this, because I always get the impression that Ronon will run on a tangent and since Weir can't even dial a gate, taht being said ((she needs someone reliable to protect her.)) Teyla on the other hand--she can control Ronon when on a tangent, especially with Wraith around; not to mention protect herself if left behind by Ronon. This means <---NO Liability!!! <---Major Liability!! Weir needs to be with Shep when she's off world; and please no one can tell me she has something to offer team action. She barely and I mean barely has a grasp on Ancient.

            But thanks for letting me know.
            Click statement above to read article.


              my damn plane got cancelled due to bad weather so no las vegas for my birthday present oh well i can still come on this thread and catch up on all the discussions so it makes me feel better has anybody a full review on submersion yet and were there any good jt scenes in it at all
              Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                aw im so sorry, but happy birthday


                  Re: The JT Birthday Bash,

                  Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                  oooh great! i'll be there!!!
                  Thanks for the head's up!!
                  You're welcome! I'm hoping we get a large turnout and lots of goodies.



                    Nina, loved your vid. Well done. Thank you very much for sharing.

                    Camy, I get where you're coming from with Sunday.

                    There are a lot of opinions about how and if a relationship with John and Teyla exists and has progressed.

                    The PTB aren't here, so it's just a bunch of somewhat likeminded people tapping on a keyboard and looking to see if what we like or saw jives with what someone else likes or saw.

                    And if the fates are good, or whatever, about a million people liked and saw what we saw, because that means a consultant paid for by a PTB will catch on and advise the PTBs to do more of the same.

                    Seldear, I get where you're coming from about fan expectations and, um, reality. Heck, I wrote a post almost like it on another thread.

                    On this thread, I like it that people can define JT in whatever way they wish. People can discuss episode ups and downs, and it's okay.

                    That's not true everywhere online.

                    I loved Sunday for every aspect except one, and that one was so minor that it's not worth mentioning. Had nothing to do with character interaction,
                    and IMO Sunday was about characters interacting, something I've had on my wishlist for a while.

                    I experienced something similar to Camy's disappointment a lot earlier in season three, so like I said I get where Camy is coming from.

                    Btw, I love how posters on this thread always say they are speaking for themselves and don't think they are invoking the uncounted masses who so obviously think like they do.

                    With that said, my take is there was a shift in season three and season three does not jive with the previous two seasons of what we have seen in the characters.

                    I did not see any hesitation in the interaction, whatever it was, between John and Teyla in season one. If I wanted to torture myself, I would put in LFP and then watch something more recent and compare the stammering and hesitation in the later sample to the "gee let's just say what we really think" sample from LFP.

                    I felt that seaon one was (friendship or more, take your pick) an introduction to two uniquely compatible adults who had bonded over a common goal. Didn't matter, in my mind, if that bond existed within the context of friendship or went deeper. In my mind, the interaction I saw in season one was a good enough foundation that even if John and / or Teyla needed or wanted to approach the subject of *deeper feelings* they had ample time and a broad enough foundation of respect and trust to do so comfortably. I saw the storytelling and rec room time introduced in Hide & Seek as an ongoing thing. This was reinforced by comments in Home about popcorn addiction, etc. The show can't go everywhere, and I'm used to this in action/adventure and sci-fi. I collect what the show tells me and use it flesh out my understanding of the characters. Note the emphasis on the word MY. I don't have a hotline to an SGA writer, so if I'm going to interpret what I'm given, I have to do it on my own.

                    In season one, John and Teyla hung out off duty, and not just for breakfast.

                    As a shipper (sorry, I get a tickle whenever I write "as a shipper"!), I saw those two as the least likely members of the cast to hem and haw and run around the bush.

                    So for me, season three has been jarring. I've spoken to others, who tell me, relax, season three is just entering a new frontier called character development. As I read in earlier posts, season one meant a lot to some people and it meant a lot to me. I fell in love with many aspects of the series based on its season one content.

                    My expectation (ah, yes, the dangerous word) was to see an even build-up or growth that included all that had gone before. So, here I am, one person, and I get where Camy's coming from, because I don't think season three did or does that.

                    I'm a little on my own here, I know, which is why I haven't mentioned it before.

                    I'm not going to say I love season three, because that would not be true. Wait, well, now it is true. Okay, wait. It's more true if I say, "I got used to it and now I love most of it."

                    My take on season three is a little like what JF said:
                    it's a soft reset.
                    And it took a lot of work for me to settle down and begin to enjoy it. Actually, I've enjoyed most parts of every ep, but the parts that jarred were character parts that didn't mesh with what I saw had gone before. I literally had to erase the blackboard and say, "Okay ..." to get to the point where

                    (Sunday) Spoilers

                    ... a girlish Teyla chattering in a crowded hall about a crush and John Sheppard, Lt. Colonel, Air Force, crushing beer cans against his or anyone else's forehead didn't make me cringe. Actually, that an outpost like Atlantis would even have beer ... I wonder how that product read on the Daedalus's manifest? I think I took it well but, yeah, I needed a whole different outlook on the show to prepare to see a beer can imported from Earth impacting Ronon's forehead. Oh boy, did I.

                    The moral of this story, though, is not to approach one's TV viewing without expectations. Heck, networks play to our expectations every day.

                    That's why networks advertise their shows using previews of a particular episode's plotline, and some advertise by showing evolving character interactions, as anyone who saw a BSG preview last week can attest.

                    And I'm only speaking for myself.

                    Been nice reading everyone's take, and the pleasant way in which everyone discusses perspectives.

                    Crossing my fingers on a good season four.


                      Originally posted by expendable_crewman View Post
                      With that said, my take is there was a shift in season three and season three does not jive with the previous two seasons of what we have seen in the characters.
                      IMO, they're doing the types of episodes and character development in S3 that the should have done in S2. Don't get me wrong- there were a few really good episodes in S2, but they were way more plot driven and character development got pushed aside for the most part.

                      Originally posted by expendable_crewman
                      So for me, season three has been jarring. I've spoken to others, who tell me, relax, season three is just entering a new frontier called character development. As I read in earlier posts, season one meant a lot to some people and it meant a lot to me. I fell in love with many aspects of the series based on its season one content.
                      Season one was execellent, and season two turned out to be a bit of a disappointment, especially sandwiched between the first and now this third season. As far as J/T go, there was a trajectory for their relationship, a getting-to-know-you vibe. For the next season, they could've moved it forward even more after Conversion, but chose not to while still dropping hints in later episodes (TLG). For me, NO ONE got adequate development in S2. They seem to be making up for lost time this season, and I definitely can see where some people are finding it jarring.

                      I think we're a pretty diverse crown in this thread. My best thread buddy and I tend to see things very differently sometimes, but that's never bothered me. Everyone's opinion counts and we'd all like like to see J/T together in some fashion, and it's uniting and comforting. *group hug*
                      Sig by Camy


                        Originally posted by majortrip View Post
                        IMO, they're doing the types of episodes and character development in S3 that the should have done in S2. Don't get me wrong- there were a few really good episodes in S2, but they were way more plot driven and character development got pushed aside for the most part.

                        Season one was execellent, and season two turned out to be a bit of a disappointment, especially sandwiched between the first and now this third season. As far as J/T go, there was a trajectory for their relationship, a getting-to-know-you vibe. For the next season, they could've moved it forward even more after Conversion, but chose not to while still dropping hints in later episodes (TLG). For me, NO ONE got adequate development in S2. They seem to be making up for lost time this season, and I definitely can see where some people are finding it jarring.

                        I think we're a pretty diverse crown in this thread. My best thread buddy and I tend to see things very differently sometimes, but that's never bothered me. Everyone's opinion counts and we'd all like like to see J/T together in some fashion, and it's uniting and comforting. *group hug*
                        yea thats true that season one was excellent but then season two turned out to be a bit to blah at first but the more u watch it the more it kind of shows why the writers went to that certain direction and the directing seemed to need a bit more work. But there were a few epsides that had some flirting goin on and the characters got to be more themselves then the first season. Its a scifi show and most scifi shows dont tend to go in that direction but they love to make us squee when it comes to a storyline involving John and Teyla. Martin and Ken both seem to like the way its written for John and Teyla and dont want to push it to far that if the characters start something then other fnaas wont want that and that would make it look bad for the show. I perfer to wait and see where John and Teyla relationship may go and the writiers all seem to make a few hints here and there about John and Teyla feeling a chemistry but Its up to how the writers see it. Rachel and Joe i think perfere to let the chemistry grow before anything parks since they are the ones playing John and Teyla.
                        part of:
                        Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

                        wanna sig? pm me and ill make u one


                          Sel, I have to reply to your've definetly made some great points and like Steph wrote I think I"m more agreeing with you than I'm expressing...

                          I think right now, EC wrote it the best! I think that for me, and this is for me, the Teyla shown in Sunday is not the Teyla that I've seen in Season 1 and Season 2...It was a bit of a shocker..and EC explained this very well as to why?

                          Teyla girlish, please!

                          So, for me right now...I"m not sure what to think anymore...I'm not sure if I know these characters at all...frankly, I don't.

                          One thing I do know...Teyla and John sparked the screen from the very first time they met, and they've done it since....

                          If I'm to believe and ship John and Teyla..I wouldn't be doing it if I didn't believe that Teyla cares for John and has shown it just as much but differently as John has....I can't ship, for me, John and Teyla unless I feel strongly about how they both feel for one another...I don't ship for characters that I see more interest in one and not the other.....

                          I can agree that Teyla has shown her feelings differently, but that is to be expected. And if John wants a Teyla sauntering over him, then I don't think he would find her as someone as deeply as he does now...that's why Teyla for him stands all on her own from any other woman. All the other woman have thrown themselves at him and we've seen how much commitment he's wanted with them, the minute Teyla comes along, is bye-bye....If Teyla had shown John how she feels for him so quickly, I wonder if the relationship would have lasted and probably why the writers won't go there either....I've read that Rachel has commented, and what then?

                          So, I like to think that Teyla has been a woman among woman. That she has not fallen for his charms and for his looks as others have because simply put she is looking for the real man in there the one that she wants to know will commit to her as she will commit to him.

                          And John Sheppard has not shown that as far as his relationships with women is concern.

                          Yes, a guy is guy...I know of all of that...but has John given anything concrete that tells Teyla that he's ready for commitment and that he's ready for anything more than just a friendship?

                          I don't think so.

                          I think that both of them have shown their attraction, their trust, their admiration and their friendship.

                          what lies ahead now depends on who will make the first move.

                          And I don't think that John has made any definite moves on Teyla.

                          for whatever reason, everything that he's done that could mean something is hinder or even sidetracked by his own actions and words.

                          Conversion, again...very good points...however, I still don't see John's or Teyla's actions as assaultive...sorry, I just don't see it....never had...

                          It's everyone's perspective...

                          All I can say is that from the comments by Joe and tells me that both Teyla and John didn't see it that way either....

                          And I never saw Teyla push John away. I saw her put his hands up. Again, that is always going to be a difference of viewing as well because the scene was cut in several points.

                          I saw her hand go up his shoulder and not push him aside.
                          But again...we could go on this forever,

                          But something came to me the other day, Martin Gero's comment about Conversion before it aired...again, I didn't look it up..

                          but didn't he say something like, John and Teyla have a strong bond and connection, but will it turn into something more....?

                          I think that sums it up beautifully, my point with Conversion and that kiss....whether we agree on how that kiss was interpreted it or not or how Teyla reacted and vice versa...we can only get the straight answer from the writers, producers and Joe and Rachel who actually played the scene.

                          But to me, the entire scene..both scenes was to show what I've said all along, that kiss was an indicator, that kiss developed something more....

                          I think it happened to John and I think it happened to Teyla..and for me, Season 2 after that showed a more emotional Teyla towards John everytime his life was in danger and for me, it changed many things about how Teyla saw John..

                          Okay...again...I"m still trying to figure this out myself. LOL

                          Thanks Sel for you wonderful points...

                          yeah, John is a guy....but if he's smart, he should figure out that he's going to have to make that first move....and I like Teyla for that....I maybe an oldtimer...but I still believe that the guy should make the first move...




                            For me, the "girlish Teyla" is a natural part of her character that they just haven't had the right type of episode to show yet. Sunday is supposed to show their off-duty time, which they've had all along, but we've seldom seen.

                            Most people have many different sides to their personalities.They act differently at work than at home, and even differently depending on who's standing nearby. Even big macho men can break into baby talk when handed an infant, or melt into a puddle of goo when a toddler asks them for something. So it's quite easy for me to accept that this is something that's always been there that we just haven't seen. To me, if Teyla *didn't* have a softer side, even if just in private, she'd be too one-dimensional.

                            No one can be tough all the time. Her showing this side is perfectly natural to me and makes the character better.

                            Just my opinion.



                              Hey guys!

                              Finally got out of my work meeting so am sending a summary of Submersion finally!


                              Opens with the team, Elizabeth, Zalenka, and several others crammed into a jumper that is flying underwater. They are looking for an Ancient underwater outpost that had been used to drill into the planet's crust, looking for a power source. Rodney has pinpointed the area it's located, but it's still taking them hours to find it and they're all getting on each other's nerves. Teyla comes forward from the back and taps Rodney and calls "shotgun." He reluctantly trades places with her and she sits in the seat behind John. The others bicker some more and John jokingly asks if he'll have to pull over.
                              They find the outpost and dock. Rodney gets the power turned on in no time and they begin to explore. Teyla suddenly stops in her tracks, telling them she senses a wraith. They question her, but John and Ronon trust her and order everyone back to the main control room. Rodney tells them it's impossible for a wraith to be there since nothing shows up on the sensors. Teyla is sure and suggests she try mind connecting with the wraith. If there is one, she'll be able to tell for sure and if not, then there will be no one to connect with.

                              Teyla sits in a meditation position, John whispers to Ronon to have his gun on stun just in case. Teyla gives him a look, partially at his words and mostly for interrupting her concentration. He mutters, "sorry." LOL! She seems to connect, but then opens her eyes, saying there was no one there.

                              Elizabeth wants to continue exploring and wants to be included. John tells Ronon and Teyla to go one direction while he and Elizabeth go another.

                              Ronon comments to Teyla that she is being very quiet. She walks up to him and puts her hand on his shoulder, telling him his friendship is very important to her. He looks at her in confusion when she suddenly lashes out, knocking him out and kicking him several times as he's laying on the ground.

                              Somewhere in all this, a lone figure is seen swimming towards the outpost and then another shot of a wraith female popping her head above water in some kind of underwater entrance to the outpost.

                              Teyla runs up to a console and starts to sabotage the outpost. Lights go out and force fields activate, trapping people in various sections. John gets suspicious when he can't reach Teyla and Ronon. They search and find Ronon unconscious, he tells them Teyla attacked him. John sends Elizabeth back with Rodney while he and Ronon search for Teyla.

                              At the console, Teyla comes to and turns with her gun pointed to suddenly find John and Ronon pointing their guns at her.

                              Teyla, gasping, confused, holding her gun.
                              John, "Drop it."
                              She drops it immediately, gasping again. "John?" She falls heavily against the console as though her knees gave out.
                              John, "What the hell's going on?"
                              Teyla, "I do not know."

                              Rodney and the others keep on working trying to restore the damage Teyla did to the station. John radios and tells them Teyla has no memory of what happened to her. They meet in crew quarters. Teyla stands when Elizabeth walks in, apologizing. She remembers connecting with a wraith and then her next memory is them holding their guns on her. She tells them it's a wraith queen. John says he hates queens. They want to go find her. Teyla wants to help, but Elizabeth says no.

                              Two scientists are working in a hall. One goes back to the jumper and finds a puddle of water. He comes face to face with the wraith.

                              Rodney and Zalenka are still working. Elizabeth and Teyla wait in the crew quarters while John and Ronon search. Teyla is upset by what happened, Elizabeth tells her it's not her fault, but that it's too risky for her to be out looking. Teyla is confident the wraith could only control her because she opened her mind to it and that it can't happen at any other time. She has difficulty just sitting and waiting.

                              John and Ronon search the halls.

                              The other scientist in the hallway comes face to face with the wraith and manages to call for help. John hears the cry, but doesn't know who it is or the location. He tells Rodney to get the force fields down. Teyla warns them that the wraith prescence is stronger now. The man calls for help again, but John and Ronon are separated from him by the force fields. Rodney finally gets them down, but they are too late and find the scientists dead. John finds the one in the jumper while Ronon went after the other one. John suddenly goes quiet over radio. He turns and see the queen right behind him. She forces him to his knees and tells him he will fly her back to the surface. The others call for him over radio, but he doesn't answer. Ronon suddenly appears and shoots out the jumper window behind John and they are flooded with water. The force of the water knocks the queen away. John and Ronon crawl to their feet and see her lying unconscious. John tells Ronon not to kill her since they lost the jumper and communication with Atlantis, so wants to see if she can help them.

                              The wraith awakes strapped down to a table and they try to interrogate her. Of course they get nowhere. she tells them they are all about to die.

                              Rodney and the scientists discover a wraith cruiser underwater a little ways from the station and figure out that she swam from the cruiser to the outpost. They are astonished the pressure from that depth didn't kill her.

                              Teyla wants to try to connect again, to find out what the queen knows. She says she knows what to expect this time and the wraith is heavily sedated. She tells them to stun her if she doesn't seem like herself. She connects to the wraith and sees her leading an attack against the war with the Ancients, they crashed into the ocean, she fed on her own crew to survive and slept for centuries, waiting for rescue, awoke when she sensed their presence and knew they had a ship. She swam over, but couldn't fly the jumper. Teyla suddenly gasps and says, "You are all about to die."
                              John, "That doesn't sound like Teyla."
                              They aim their guns, but she tells them to wait. She searches deeper and tells them the wraith set the self destruct on the cruiser.

                              Rodney and Zalenka tells them that the detonation in the location it's on would be disastrous and would hit the city as well. Rodney remembers seeing dive suits in the database, so he and John find them and suit up to get to the cruiser. Rodney is less than thrilled and a bit panicked at being underwater at that depth with that much pressure.

                              Teyla wants to try again to connect. The queen tells her she is weak. Teyla says, "We shall see who's stronger."

                              John and Rodney get to the cruiser and Rodney says it's remarkably preserved and he may be able to salvage it. They search for the self destruct.

                              Teyla gasps and grabs her head. The wraith tells her she is weakening and that she could have crushed her with a single time. Elizabeth won't let her try again.

                              John and Rodney find the control console for the self destruct, but don't have the command code to turn it off. John radios and tells them they need the code.

                              Teyla wants to connect to get the code, but Elizabeth says no. Teyla walks into the room where Ronon is watching the queen and tells him there is an emergency and is help is needed. He leaves and she connects again with the queen. Teyla then reaches over and unties the queen and lets her go. The queen raises her hand to feed, but pauses, says Teyla is trying to hide something. She searches her and sees John and Elizabeth telling Teyla that the ship is salvageable and that John thinks he can fly it the surface before it explodes. The wraith smiles as Teyla falls unconscious to the ground.

                              The queen shows up on the cruiser and finds John at the console trying to start it up to fly. She turns off the self destruct and then Rodney suddenly shoots her and they reveal it was their plan all along, to bait her.

                              They gather again in the crew quarters of the outpost. Elizabeth and Teyla have their vests off, Ronon takes off his belt and lays down on one of the bunks. John also sits in one of the bunks. They comment on how strong Teyla was to trick a wraith like she did. She says it was because there were so many lives at risk. Rodney comes in, eager to get to work on the outpost and tells them Zalenka restored communication and another jumper is on its way. Elizabeth joins him, also eager. The others remain behind.

                              Ronon, laying down on his stomach. "Is he serious?"
                              John, now with his vest off as well, looks like he's untying his boots or something. "Yeah, he is."
                              Teyla, "Well, I for one intend to spend the next little while resting." She grabs her jacket to use as a pillow and also lays down. The camera cuts away from her to Ronon and then John.
                              Ronon, "Same here."
                              John, "Same here," as he also lays down on his back and the camera fades to black.

                              Nice ep, a little slower than I thought it would be. Loved all the Teyla moments, she had lots of screen time in this one!! And loved the attention back on her wraith DNA. We didn't really learn anything new about her abilities as I had hoped, but it was nice to see them being used again. I suppose the one thing we did learn was that they for sure cannot take over her unless she connects first. We also learn that she can be very strong when needed and there are possibilities of her further strengthening her gift.
                              No real J/T moments, the entire ep was one of those mission mode ones where they're all working the entire time. Overall, a nice classic mission ep with wraith baddies and a happy ending.

                              Sorry if there are major typos, I'm going very fast here as I have another meeting coming up that I need to prepare for! Thanks!
                              Last edited by LoveConquers; 23 January 2007, 08:53 AM.
                              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                                Originally posted by Doxymom View Post

                                For me, the "girlish Teyla" is a natural part of her character that they just haven't had the right type of episode to show yet. Sunday is supposed to show their off-duty time, which they've had all along, but we've seldom seen.

                                Most people have many different sides to their personalities.They act differently at work than at home, and even differently depending on who's standing nearby. Even big macho men can break into baby talk when handed an infant, or melt into a puddle of goo when a toddler asks them for something. So it's quite easy for me to accept that this is something that's always been there that we just haven't seen. To me, if Teyla *didn't* have a softer side, even if just in private, she'd be too one-dimensional.

                                No one can be tough all the time. Her showing this side is perfectly natural to me and makes the character better.

                                Just my opinion.

                                I completely agree with you on this! I know a lot of people, including myself, who are one way in school and completely different at home or somewhere else. It was nice to finally see Teyla not all tough and serious.

