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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Blue - Love the sig you're having...
    Wish I was good at artwork...then I would have done one for the new year...
    Sigs by Scifan


      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
      Blue - Love the sig you're having...
      Wish I was good at artwork...then I would have done one for the new year...
      Thanks Nina but Camy made it for me - she has made me a nice little supply for different occasions.

      How are you?


        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
        Thanks Nina but Camy made it for me - she has made me a nice little supply for different occasions.

        How are you?
        Oh I'm good except I feel like I've been hit by a truck in my back *lol*
        Had massage yesterday and my muscles are like iron I was told...

        Well I wish I had a little supply of sigs that I could change from time to time...

        How are you??
        Sigs by Scifan


          Originally posted by NinaM View Post
          Oh I'm good except I feel like I've been hit by a truck in my back *lol*
          Had massage yesterday and my muscles are like iron I was told...

          Well I wish I had a little supply of sigs that I could change from time to time...

          How are you??
          Hope your back feels better soon.

          I am fine thanks.

          I have another few days off now until the new year and I am thoroughly enjoying them. It has been a nice relaxing xmas and I'm not looking forward to getting back into my busy routine next week but at least I have had a nice break.

          Really looking foward to the remaining eps of season three and its not too long now before the Ark airs.


            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
            Hope your back feels better soon.

            I am fine thanks.

            I have another few days off now until the new year and I am thoroughly enjoying them. It has been a nice relaxing xmas and I'm not looking forward to getting back into my busy routine next week but at least I have had a nice break.

            Really looking foward to the remaining eps of season three and its not too long now before the Ark airs.
            Yes hopefully the back will feel better soon...sore like nothing else at the moment...could use Shep's tender care right about now *lol*

            I have two days off now,,,then I'm back on the job monday to do inventory,,,*shudders* hate that...then day off on thusday and then it's pretty much back to normal again...

            yes I can't wait either until the rest of the season airs... I hope it will be great episodes all of them...
            Sigs by Scifan


              Originally posted by NinaM View Post
              Yes hopefully the back will feel better soon...sore like nothing else at the moment...could use Shep's tender care right about now *lol*

              I have two days off now,,,then I'm back on the job monday to do inventory,,,*shudders* hate that...then day off on thusday and then it's pretty much back to normal again...

              yes I can't wait either until the rest of the season airs... I hope it will be great episodes all of them...
              Well after a few rather disappointing eps I am feeling more positive about the remaining episodes of the season. I think we are going to get more darker and action filled eps from now on, though Sunday sounds like a good character ep - which will have everyone involved. Not usually a fan of Martin Gero but he seems really excited about this ep and says it is his favourite of the season - so hopefully it will be an ep to remember.


                Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                Well after a few rather disappointing eps I am feeling more positive about the remaining episodes of the season. I think we are going to get more darker and action filled eps from now on, though Sunday sounds like a good character ep - which will have everyone involved. Not usually a fan of Martin Gero but he seems really excited about this ep and says it is his favourite of the season - so hopefully it will be an ep to remember.
                yes character episodes are always great....hopefully it will be a good one..
                Yes I'm sure he rest of the episodes are going to be darker,,,even though I don't really think Sunday will be one of them,,,but the rest might very be just that...
                Sigs by Scifan


                  Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                  yes character episodes are always great....hopefully it will be a good one..
                  Yes I'm sure he rest of the episodes are going to be darker,,,even though I don't really think Sunday will be one of them,,,but the rest might very be just that...
                  may have its fair share of angst though. An explosion on Atlantis - we have no idea who has been hurt and I think there will be some deaths as well (though I'm sure they will be people we dont even know). Gero has said that it is the best acting that all of them have done so it sounds very promising.


                    Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                    may have its fair share of angst though. An explosion on Atlantis - we have no idea who has been hurt and I think there will be some deaths as well (though I'm sure they will be people we dont even know). Gero has said that it is the best acting that all of them have done so it sounds very promising.
                    Yes it sounds intresting... so lets hope the last 5 will be very good episodes
                    Sigs by Scifan


                      Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                      Thanks Blue!!!!! Here's to many more!

                      Thanks Anna!!!!! How's baby doing by the way? Everyone getting over all the sickness floating around? I've been sick for the past two months myself...not fun! (Sinus infection, strep, sinus infection again, now some kind of chest cold..Argh!) I just want to be able to breathe again! I hope your family is getting better!

                      We were talking in STF today and a reminder came up about another Rachel interview that I had completely forgotten about!!! I even have it saved on my computer, but still forgot about it, LOL! It's an audio interview that Rachel did for Digital Spy. It's only 50 seconds long, but in one part, she comments, "There's an angle that's being touched on right about love interests that been toyed at for the last few seasons..." I posted this here at the time it came out, but then promptly forgot about it!
                      So this, in combination with all the other recent news, gets me really excited for Sunday and these other eps coming up (Ark, Submersion)!!!! AH!!! Can't wait!


                      Hey Steph,
                      Sorry to hear you've sick hope it resolves itself soon. I read your comment of STF about the interview and I remember those comments now also. It does put a different spin on her other interview comments and what we have been hearing about Sunday.

                      Also, congrats on 500 post .

                      Anna, sorry to hear you and the family have been sick also. Hope you all are doing better. How big is that baby now - LOL.

                      I have a question to you or anyone else here. I seem to be behind the times, but what was the upset concerning
                      Irresistable and Irresponsible? Did I miss something??


                        I also have some thoughts on Sunday:

                        We had high hopes and anticipation w/Phantoms, because rumors from BamBam was that it would have shippy moments esp between J/T. As it turned out the ship was just an exploration into the strength/trust of their *friendship* not romantic *ship*. Could it be since Sunday is to be a snippet of how each character spends his down time that the *shippiness* may well refer to strengthen familiar ties among the team since this seems to be the message for S3? Also there is some mention in Gero's interview I believe where he saids the Weir/Teyla relationship will be explored more. This also could be another aspect of the *ship* from TPTB POV.


                          Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post
                          I also have some thoughts on Sunday:

                          We had high hopes and anticipation w/Phantoms, because rumors from BamBam was that it would have shippy moments esp between J/T. As it turned out the ship was just an exploration into the strength/trust of their *friendship* not romantic *ship*. Could it be since Sunday is to be a snippet of how each character spends his down time that the *shippiness* may well refer to strengthen familiar ties among the team since this seems to be the message for S3? Also there is some mention in Gero's interview I believe where he saids the Weir/Teyla relationship will be explored more. This also could be another aspect of the *ship* from TPTB POV.

                          Its very possible that tptb idea of "ship" could be very different from ours. I do think that this ep will be a strenghtening of friendship bonds as well and we will get a further glimpse of how the team have become close to one another. But I also feel that the ptb must have an idea of what "ship" is considering they are asked so many times if there will be ship between certain characters. For them to actually say that it will be a big "ship" episode seems to indicate that someone more than friendship could be revealed. But I could be wrong because snippets we have had in the past have turned out very different than we expected.

                          As to Irresistable and Irresponsible...

                          Irresistable started the whole furour - it was light hearted ep centered about a character called Lucius who had found a herb that caused those around him to see him in a much better light and be suceptable to his wishes. Lucius had several different wives and the fact that these woman probably wouldnt have been with him if they werent under the influence of this pheremone that the herb caused, caused some to say that it was rape and that the writers were condoning rape. The entire ep was really seeing the effect that Lucius had on the Atlantis team and Lucius was always portrayed as the sleezy villian who in the end was caught by Shep and sent back to his people for punishment. It was like a love potion type of ep I guess and I enjoyed it for what it was and didnt look into the darker side that some latched onto.
                          Irresponsible had Lucius again and this was enough to annoy a lot of people - he was not as annoying I thought in this ep but the whole story was pretty weak. Koyla came into the picture and he didnt really deserve to be in an ep with a character like Lucius - it just wasnt the right setting or fitting for one of the best villians of the show. The ending was pretty lame and a lot were disappointed in how pathetic a send off that Koyla got. We did get some great J/T moments in this ep though.


                            Originally posted by spirited Chihiro View Post
                            ooohhh i am sooo very excited...i have my copy of season 2 SGA right in FRONT OF ME....squee....i am going to watch Conversion NOW!!!


                            Ah Conversion - the ep that actually converted me into a J/T shipper. Always saw the connection between them from the moment they met but couldnt believe the passion between them when they sparred and later when they kissed. That is certaintly romantic chemistry - which I havn't seen between anyone else on Altantis.

                            ENJOY SP..


                              Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                              As to Irresistable and Irresponsible...

                              Irresistable started the whole furour - it was light hearted ep centered about a character called Lucius who had found a herb that caused those around him to see him in a much better light and be suceptable to his wishes. Lucius had several different wives and the fact that these woman probably wouldnt have been with him if they werent under the influence of this pheremone that the herb caused, caused some to say that it was rape and that the writers were condoning rape. The entire ep was really seeing the effect that Lucius had on the Atlantis team and Lucius was always portrayed as the sleezy villian who in the end was caught by Shep and sent back to his people for punishment. It was like a love potion type of ep I guess and I enjoyed it for what it was and didnt look into the darker side that some latched onto.
                              Irresponsible had Lucius again and this was enough to annoy a lot of people - he was not as annoying I thought in this ep but the whole story was pretty weak. Koyla came into the picture and he didnt really deserve to be in an ep with a character like Lucius - it just wasnt the right setting or fitting for one of the best villians of the show. The ending was pretty lame and a lot were disappointed in how pathetic a send off that Koyla got. We did get some great J/T moments in this ep though.
                              I saw both shows was just uncertain what all the *noise* was about. Thanks .



                                Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post
                                I saw both shows was just uncertain what all the *noise* was about. Thanks .


                                Ah - ok I thought you hadnt seen the eps.

                                I'm still not certain what all the noise was about either.

