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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Oh, you poor kid! *pats SC*

    at least you get to read it from all of us....

    Okay, it's You WANT ME DAY over in the Galleria...if you have any artwork, please come and share it even if you've posted it before...the idea is that others may snag, only if you want them to....

    Have fun!




      *pokes screen*

      Anybody home?

      Okay...List John's Top Ten Hidden Talents that Teyla LOVES...

      I'll be back with mine later on....maybe even with some pics for those visual learners....


        Johns top 10 hidden talents that Teyla loves.

        1. His patience

        2. His sense of humor

        3. His Compassion

        4. His loyalty

        5. Making his hair look good in any situation.

        6. His ability to learn quickly.

        7. His understated intelligence.

        8. His love of the outdoors.

        9. His passion for helping others.

        10 His ability to see into her soul.


          Oh those are great choices Blue for his hidden talents...
          Sigs by Scifan


            Originally posted by NinaM View Post
            Oh those are great choices Blue for his hidden talents...


            Have a go Nina


              Originally posted by bluealien View Post
              Johns top 10 hidden talents that Teyla loves.

              1. His patience

              2. His sense of humor

              3. His Compassion

              4. His loyalty

              5. Making his hair look good in any situation.

              6. His ability to learn quickly.

              7. His understated intelligence.

              8. His love of the outdoors.

              9. His passion for helping others.

              10 His ability to see into her soul.

              those are a combination, of great and funny traits ok really only #5 is absolutely funny.......#10 is just so sweet...

              R.I.P Wraithlord

              Awesome sig by SciFan


                okay my go
                1. his capacity to listen to her
                2.he always shows his concern for her and other members of atlantis
                3.he always makes her laugh
                4.he is intelligent at the best of times
                5.he tends to share his feelings with her
                6. he trusts her
                7he is protective of her
                8. the way he always has a plan when things go bad
                9.the way he honours hers and the athosion traditions
                10.his puppy dog looks he sometimes gives her
                thats my list of johns hidden talents
                Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                  Awww! I love the lists of hidden talentlists you all came up with!! I completely agree with you Camy, Blue and Donna!


                    Hey, folks! Sorry I haven't been posting much, but I'm in the middle of a chapter. I've been following the dicusssion and have to say:

                    Happy Belated Trippy! (Camy, shame on you! ROTFL).

                    No comment on the spoilers...we'll just see what happens.

                    Saw the vid by LadyBozi - Very nice!

                    Johnny's Top Ten:

                    1. His silence
                    2. His bravery
                    3. His kindness
                    4. His optimism
                    5. His ingenuity
                    6. His enthusiasm
                    7. His respectfulness
                    8. His sense of humor
                    9. His receptiveness to her ideas/opinions
                    10. His love (for her) and the rest of his family

                    .....the looks they gave each other at the end of Return Pt 1....
                    ....You mean this.......


                      Like your sig Devine

                      and they only had eyes for each other

                      John couldn't seem to take his eyes off her even when he was going through his plan to get Altantis back.


                        Oy, I can't wait till the Return Part 2..In a way I"m so glad that Part 1
                        had them together again cause I"d be dying if I had to wait six months to see them together again
                        ..I have no clue how they both held it together....LOL

                        guys, I'm working on a fic...and it's killing me...I"m never doing those ficathons's too stressful to come up with an idea...someone else's ideas...when there are certain restrictions and then time constraints...AH!

                        I can't do it....

                        so, anyways, I'm even doing research if you can believe that! AHHHHHHHHHH!

                        I'll probably post more than I should to get a break...*sighs*


                          HIDDEN TALENTS WEEK!
                          Question: When John and Teyla have little JT's and Little Teyla's *we have to come up with a good girl name* what talents or gifts that John and Teyla have do you think they would inherit?


                            Hey Everyone!!!

                            I'm not at school because my grandad died yesterday and well, yeah... but re-watching JT shippy moments has helped...

                            guys, I'm working on a fic...and it's killing me...I"m never doing those ficathons's too stressful to come up with an idea...someone else's ideas...when there are certain restrictions and then time constraints...AH!

                            I can't do it....

                            so, anyways, I'm even doing research if you can believe that! AHHHHHHHHHH!
                            Don't worry Camy we know you can do it *hugs*

                            Hmmm... talents lil' JT and little Teyla (i agree we do need a name for her) would inherit...

                            Well they would probably get the ancient gene and the wraith gene... er... and the girl would inherit Johns fun-loving side his love of flying
                            Magnificent sig by Sheylafan87!!! *hugs*


                              Originally posted by Camy View Post
                              HIDDEN TALENTS WEEK!
                              Question: When John and Teyla have little JT's and Little Teyla's *we have to come up with a good girl name* what talents or gifts that John and Teyla have do you think they would inherit?

                              A little girl would inherit her mothers looks and her fathers fun and mischievious nature. She would have her father wrapped around her little finger an she could turn on the charm and use that puppy dog look that her father uses on her mother. She would inherit her mothers diplomacy to get her out of any sticky situations. She will be blessed with both parents talent at physical endurance and will be begging her mother to let her participate in stick fighting. She will probably have more visits to the infirmary than any other child her age and will tell Carson that she "is fine" so she can get back to getting involved in some other dangerous activity.

                              She will drag her brother along on all her wild endeavers but he is the calmer and wiser of the two, inheriting this from his mother. He rolls his eyes in frustation at his sisters antics and threatens to tell their parents, but actually never does as he is secretly admires his big sister for her adventurous side. He has also inherited his parents competitive side and excells in most things he puts his mind to. He is a bit of a dreamer and spends most of his free time travelling in the Puddle Jumpers with his father when he goes to Athos. After only a few secret lessons from Uncle Carson (who told him that he has a natural affinity for flying - just like his Dad - and because he has a stronger ATA gene that his father, he should be flying Puddle Jumpers before he is ten. His sister told him that Carson was only pulling his leg but he refused to believe her.


                                Originally posted by Camy View Post
                                Oy, I can't wait till the Return Part 2..In a way I"m so glad that Part 1
                                had them together again cause I"d be dying if I had to wait six months to see them together again
                                ..I have no clue how they both held it together....LOL

                                guys, I'm working on a fic...and it's killing me...I"m never doing those ficathons's too stressful to come up with an idea...someone else's ideas...when there are certain restrictions and then time constraints...AH!

                                I can't do it....

                                so, anyways, I'm even doing research if you can believe that! AHHHHHHHHHH!

                                I'll probably post more than I should to get a break...*sighs*
                                Oh Camy I know how you feel! Thats why I didn't do the ficathon...I get enough of that craziness at school with essays, lol!
                                Made By Snogging Piccard- Thank you

