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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Hey guys! I thought I'd pop in here a quick bit to say that I loved this episode! I thought it was great.
    I loved how they showed how much the team cared for each other. And J/T were so cute. I love the way they were sad to say goodbye, and how they were so happy to see each other again at the end. Romantic or not, they have a great bond. It was nice to see them put in that situation of uncertainty. I loved this episode. One of my favorites.
    Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


      It is unfortunate Sky....and it happens all around the shipper threads...from what I'm told...but I have to say Sky...I have many friend posters that are in the Teyla thread that are from other shippers and we get along very well..and some even venture here and we accept them and love to have them here as long as they respect our opinion and our love for this ship...

      Just because a few elite can't play nice, doesn't mean that it represents the majority of shippers and it's really sad because those minority are the ones that speak or write the "loudest" but they don't by any means represent the majority of the shippers in any thread...

      this thread has been respectful and curteous in my knowledge...sometimes things get misinterpreted but that is to be expected....

      It is sad that posters like you have to resort to not join in this type of fanthom because of a few....

      I have consider once too many times to just leave and become a normal viewer...but the reason why I haven't left is because right now, one of my dearest friend is Jenova Synthesis..and she's a Shep/Weir fan...

      My online daughter, SP is a J/T but most of her friends are multishippers..and before the passing of our dearest Whistler84...both SP and I without knowing had told Whistler that for her we'd convert into ShepWeir shippers....and we both were willing to write a fic about those two..

      so you see, for me coming here is to share with those around me what I love and see in the show as far as JT's relationship...but for me, I don't have to participate in the shipping wars to make and state my opinion on why I like this ship....I may say that I don't see one ship or the other and that should be acceptable and's my opinion and my view...

      but I don't have to be disrespectful and put down another ship to state my point...and I am totally against that....

      It's sad..but it's a reality...but still those few who can't play nice, shouldn't and certainly do not speak or represent the majority of shippers representing them...cause in reality you have those all around the shipper world.....

      Now, The Return...oh, my goodness..I LOVED IT!

      so many great moments....AH!


        Originally posted by Skydiver
        Speaking as a POSTER, not as a mod, i gotta say the general air of intolerance amongst many atlantis fans is why i don't play in this part of the fandom.

        THere is the contributing fact that none of the characters are especially enticing and intriguing to me, but the overall attitude of so many atlantis fans is enough to keep me from the fandom

        I look and see how atlantis fans bicker amongst themselves, how they pick on other groups, how intolerant they are and i'm just not in the mood to deal with it.

        What i seem to see is, instead of being drawn together by a joint like, folks waste their energy trying to prove that their personal preferences are 'best' and 'right' and disrespect the likes of others

        Thank you for your interesting words. Glad to see a poster/moderator that is tired of the silly bickering that occurs between some of the Atlantis fans. Though the comment about the Atlantis characters stings a bit (especially to hardcore J/T fans), I see your point and respect your opinion. I, for one, agree with you about not caring what others think. Initially, I wasted time going back and forth on other threads, but now only visit this one. Again, I agree that the bickering is stupid, but I have to say that overall the people who visit this thread are very open minded and enjoy discussing all aspects of J/T ship……..

        Hey folks! Boy, have you folks been busy! Playing catch up......

        Gigajules – That was hilarious. Your reviews are wonderful!

        Loveconquers – Always feel free to speak your mind. As we can see, others do so constantly with and without respect. And remember, it only takes one voice to bring change.

        AG – Beautiful work, as always.

        The Return Part 1 – Yes, has become one of my favorites.

        Cute Scenes: Rodney asking if John really brought back pizza. John and Rodney being excited about finally meeting Ancients. The sad look on John’s face as he walks over his bed and sits down. Ronon giving John a bear hug/grapple.

        J/T Moments: J/T inviting each other to go/stay in Pegasus. The goodbye in the gateroom. ***Teyla’s HUGE smile when John (and others) walked into the new Athosian settlement. John’s ‘did you miss me baby?’ smile. Have to confess. Don’t normally squeee (especially with my parents and husband in the room), but dammit I couldn’t help myself. The look on John’s face was more than his usual charming smile. There was also a very knowing look about it. And I think the smile on Teyla’s face confirmed what John knew. What did he know? (J: Did you miss me baby? T: Of course I did, silly! They run around the cooking pot and envelope each other in a passionate embrace. T: Breaks off the kiss. John is that your P-90, or are you just happy to see me?) HA! ………….(coughs)…..moving along…… ..

        And last, but not least.......



          Okay..I bring good tidings....

          DM, Bella and I have been working diligently on this for you guys....know that more information is to come within the next couple of days if not by tomorrow morning or so....

          you all know that DM is charging her way through uniting all JT sites to participate in this...and she has kept us up to date along the way....

          For now, Bella and I will be hosting the GW JT threads..our goal is to keep things going while we wait those dreaded six months for the second part of Season 3...

          Know that this is all tentative...this is just an organized way for us to maintain the discussions and creations alive....

          This is by far not saying that other things cannot continue, please, feel free to add anything and discuss anything that is in this calendar or not....

          so, for now....this is the calendar sketch for the next six months here in GW...

          remember that we are encouraging everyone to visit and participate in the other sites...

          Remember that the Galleria is included in this plan...

          for now, this is a plan to give you an idea..

          We have divided the months into themes...and within the months there will be challenges, discussion, artwork, and all sorts of games and goodies...

          Also, GW is hosting two major events that should include others from around the world wide web...On October 31 st we are hosting our first Major Event...very soon, I promise, you will see the list of challenges that Bella and I have prepared specifically for this month...since this event will include the entire JT sites..then I will be posting it elsewhere...basically we are asking you to pair up with someone..where one does the fic and the other does the accompanying wall...should be fun...if you don't want to pair, and do both yourself that is fine...more details to come....but there will be vid challenges, icons...etc....

          the other date for our Major Event is February 14...this will be dedicated to pics, graphics and artwork...more to come on that much later...

          but it's all Fun! and don't think you can't contribute if you don't know how to do either...there are so many other things that we have lined up for you guys...

          this is not a competition among JT sites...this is a way for us to unite in the JT love...

          hope you guys like it and contribute and participate in any way! we are open to suggestions and we welcome anything and everything that is JT...




            Originally posted by AthosianGirl
            Awww...Can I get a Squee!!!


            Did someone say Squee? Squeeeeee! I can't get enough of that pic! Loved the WPs too by the way!

            Thanks for the Recap BP!! I want to see the next ep now! 6 months is soooo far away!

            LC-did you say something about doing a vid with the
            Athosian head touching scene?

            Can't wait to see that!

            And Welcome to everyone new to the thread! Glad to have you.
            Sig by Cazzblade


              Hello all sheyla fans!!

              I added the clips to the return at unique bond and some interview clips also and the zip folder for the caps are over at uniquebond and uploaded tons of pics of the return.
              part of:
              Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

              wanna sig? pm me and ill make u one


                Thanks Shey..

                I"m so going to enjoy that file...


                  Okay, now they've done it... I've been so busy I got away from forums and wasn't even being a proper lurker anymore but danged if The Return pt 1 wasn't so good I have to drag my lazy butt over her and squeeee Loved the ep. It was beautiful, total class. Touching, funny, a little actiony, and the the S/T was utterly awesome!


                    Originally posted by Spectrum
                    Did someone say Squee? Squeeeeee! I can't get enough of that pic! Loved the WPs too by the way!

                    Thanks for the Recap BP!! I want to see the next ep now! 6 months is soooo far away!

                    LC-did you say something about doing a vid with the
                    Athosian head touching scene?

                    Can't wait to see that!

                    And Welcome to everyone new to the thread! Glad to have you.
                    Hi Spec! Yes, I am working on a request vid, just finished the intro actually, lol! I'm working on an episodic vid centured around of course, Return 1, and more specifically--

                    Their having to say good-bye with things unsaid and around the whole full circle thing with the head-touching.

                    Well...that's the hope at least! We'll see how it actually turns out!

                    BP--beautiful summary as always! You made me smile, thank you!

                    Divine, thank you!

                    AG--Beautiful WP! It's on my desktop now.

                    Shey, thank you so much!

                    Camy, you and DM and Bella have been working so hard! Thank you!

                    Mel, good to see you here again!

                    Ok, I think that's everyone, sorry if I'm missing anything!
                    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                      Did a simple wall..of the Return...I"m thinking of making it my background for my October Calendar...Hmmm..maybe not...



                        Originally posted by green_eyed_lady
                        Hey Steph!!! Glad you liked the question, lol. Great answer! I can't pick a favourite scene, but the kiss, and the "he cares for you..", and the cave and many from season one are waaay up there lol!

                        Haha yeah...I just gotta hold out for a month or two more! I'll try to be as diligent as I can with the spoilers, but I just started my finle year of highschool (unless I stay the extra year), so I may not be able to post too often... lol.

                        Welecome Mighty girl and other newbies
                        Whatever you have time for would be awesome! Real life has to take a priority of course, LOL! Good luck with your final year! Wow, do I feel old... hehe!

                        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                          Originally posted by Camy
                          Did a simple wall..of the Return...I"m thinking of making it my background for my October Calendar...Hmmm..maybe not...

                          Oh Camy, so beautiful!!! Now I've got yours and AG's wonderful walls to rotate and stare at! LOL! Thank you!!
                          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                            First, must say Hello to all new people! Nice to see another Sheyla out there.

                            And everyone's ideas and feedback from the Return have all been so good. I've read things that I didn't see the first time around, but saw in the second. I love it when that happens, finding all the cute subtle stuff.

                            All in all, it was such a good episode in general. Everyone recieves a gold star for that one!
                            Originally posted by Camy
                            Did a simple wall..of the Return...I"m thinking of making it my background for my October Calendar...Hmmm..maybe not...

                            Camy, awesome job. As usual

                            And I agree with Steph now I can rotate WP's and stare at them

                            I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing


                              felt a bit bored so made a wallie of the return part 1

                              part of:
                              Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

                              wanna sig? pm me and ill make u one


                                Originally posted by Sheylafan87
                                Hello all sheyla fans!!

                                I added the clips to the return at unique bond and some interview clips also and the zip folder for the caps are over at uniquebond and uploaded tons of pics of the return.
                                THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!! i was dying to see these three scenes!!! i absolutely loved
                                head touch, and the touching 'take care' which he says so that only she can hear it...very intimate;
                                and the last scene!!! teyla's joy was palpable!!! the way she says john!!! gah...awesome!!

                                will try and green you, but cause you are *The SHipper of the month* in my eyes, i think i have to spread it a bit more!
                                -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                                Thanks Camy!!

