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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard View Post
    LOL! I've been following that story from the beginning––it's definitely worth it to start from the top. It's absolutely hilarious!
    So right. I agree. Since we now have time - indulge all, you will not regret.



      Originally posted by WitchBlade007 View Post
      ....maybe i'm just focused on these situations but doesn't it seem that Shep is constantly going toward Teyla
      i.e. going to see her after being released from the infirmary, to 'MAYBE' apologize, and then also following her in 'allies' to talk to her...and again he makes the first step in 'return' toward her while she was the one who went to him in 'rising'....

      According some convention clip of Paul McGillion I saw on Youtube, the one where he mentions the prank he pulled on Rachel L.,
      Sheppard will be checking up on Teyla in the Infirmary in the later half of the 3rd season. I think he said the episode was The Ark.

      YouTube clip

      He doing the same thing O'Neill used to do when Carter was in the Infirmary checking up on the person he cares about more then a friend.

      Another think I noticed is every time / stick fight Teyla wears the same outfit but if she stick fights with someone else say she wears something different so the other outfit must be her special "Stick fightin' with Shep" outfit

      Signs by Scifan and me. | My Forum - Planet TV Role Play | My Fan Fiction | My Mini City - Rygel City


        Originally posted by planet_tv View Post
        Another think I noticed is every time / stick fight Teyla wears the same outfit but if she stick fights with someone else say she wears something different so the other outfit must be her special "Stick fightin' with Shep" outfit[/COLOR][/FONT]
        HAHA...thats awesome that you noticed that!! you really are a shipper!!
        -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

        Thanks Camy!!


          For those interested I did want to give a heads up. I have a new fic on I cann't post here because it is for M readers(& my first, so if you do read be kind).

          And I wanted to thank Steph for the beta and Wedjati for the encouragement.



            Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post
            For those interested I did want to give a heads up. I have a new fic on I cann't post here because it is for M readers(& my first, so if you do read be kind).

            And I wanted to thank Steph for the beta and Wedjati for the encouragement.


            Very nice - I enjoyed it - thanks.


              Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post
              Hi gang just a quick intrusion into the fun. I have a fic I think you would like. Actually it is just the current part of a series call - Memoranda from the Edge by Dr. Dredd. This series is funny and pointed at the same time. Start w/120 and read through to the end of the latest additions. There *is* cute J/T interaction in there - so I thought all would like.

              Hope you enjoy :


              This fic is one I recommend from the start. It's hilarious! Don't let the number of chapters scare you either. They're really short so it's a fast read.



                Originally posted by WitchBlade007 View Post

                The fanmix is great, I left Nytel a comment.....

                I've missed lots...from the calendar......but it's alright i'm back... Really just to leave a random thought, but is it me and maybe i'm just focused on these situations but doesn't it seem that Shep is constantly going toward Teyla
                i.e. going to see her after being released from the infirmary, to 'MAYBE' apologize, and then also following her in 'allies' to talk to her...and again he makes the first step in 'return' toward her while she was the one who went to him in 'rising'....
                Very true.

                They really are becoming closer and as you say John is instigating many of their encounters. He really seems to care about how Teyla feels, and her opinion matters a great deal to him.

                In the return...
                when he kept bringing up Teyla and Ronan - he always put Teyla's name first. She was foremost in his mind all the time and when he saw her at the Athosian settlement he only had eyes for her and hardly even glanced at Ronan.

                Season three really seems to be bringing them closer and I'm hoping this trend will continue, and if TPTB don't want to have an obvious relationship at least they are showing us the different kinds of relationships John has with the woman on Atlantis.

                In the return..
                we really get to see how John sees both of these woman - Elizabeth is a close friend and his boss but when Atlantis was taken away from them they really didn't have anything in common and didn't even have any contact with each other - but yet John missed Teyla and jumped at the opportunity to get back to the PG - and his face lit up everytime he mentioned her name. He only had eyes for her on their first encounter. So yes I think TPTB are definitly showing us just how special Teyla is to John and that he sees her a more than just a friend.
                Last edited by bluealien; 07 November 2006, 05:59 AM.


                  Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                  Very true.

                  They really are becoming closer and as you say John is instigating many of their encounters. He really seems to care about how Teyla feels, and her opinion matters a great deal to him.

                  In the return...
                  when he kept bringing up Teyla and Ronan - he always put Teyla's name first. She was foremost in his mind all the time and when he saw her at the Athosian settlement he only had eyes for her and hardly even glanced at Ronan.

                  Season three really seems to be bringing them closer and I'm hoping this trend will contiue, and if TPTB don't want to have an obvious relationship at least they are showing us the different kinds of realtionships John has with the woman on Atlantis.

                  In the return..
                  we really get to see how John sees both of these woman - Elizabeth is a close friend and his boss but when Atlantis was taken away from them they really didn't have anything in common and didn't even have any contact with each other - but yet John missed Teyla and jumped at the opportunity to get to the PG - and his face lit up everytime he mentioned her name. He only had eyes for her on their first encounter. So yes I think TPTB are definitly showing us just how special Teyla is to John and that he sees her a more than just a friend.

                  I agree with you one all of it....

                  In The Return...
                  How he did tell her she was welcome to come to earth with him,,, then how his toughts seems to be only on her,,, he kind of even looked bored at the dinner,,,not really into talking,,, and for me seemed only to have contact with Rodney outside of the SGC...,,, seems like his mind or heart wasn't really there... think he left a piece of his heart behind with Teyla...

                  Then getting back,,,he took the first chance he got and Teyla was the first thing that was in his mind,,, and how he kept saying her name first...

                  Ahh and then when he came into the settlement,,,the look in his eyes and that smile,,,he couldn't keep his eyes away from her,,, and even in the tent he kept looking at her most of the time,,, he hardly paid any of the others any attention,,,
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                    I agree with you one all of it....

                    In The Return...
                    How he did tell her she was welcome to come to earth with him,,, then how his toughts seems to be only on her,,, he kind of even looked bored at the dinner,,,not really into talking,,, and for me seemed only to have contact with Rodney outside of the SGC...,,, seems like his mind or heart wasn't really there... think he left a piece of his heart behind with Teyla...

                    Then getting back,,,he took the first chance he got and Teyla was the first thing that was in his mind,,, and how he kept saying her name first...

                    Ahh and then when he came into the settlement,,,the look in his eyes and that smile,,,he couldn't keep his eyes away from her,,, and even in the tent he kept looking at her most of the time,,, he hardly paid any of the others any attention,,,

                    In the return...

                    He did seem bored at the dinner - being on Earth realy didn't appeal to him at all and he had the first genuine smile on his face only when he was back in the PG and when he saw Teyla..


                      Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                      In the return...

                      He did seem bored at the dinner - being on Earth realy didn't appeal to him at all and he had the first genuine smile on his face only when he was back in the PG and when he saw Teyla..
                      In the return...
                      I just felt that he was out of place on earth,,, the only little thing that came close to being Shep was when he was talking to Rodney,,just a tiny tiny smirk on his face when he asked if it was him Rodney missed *lol* but other than that it was like he wasn't really there,,,just going through the motions during the day... his eagerness came with the prospect of going back "home" and the most amazing smile graced his face when he saw Teyla again... and oh boy the looks he gave her,,, it was like his eyes just lit up.... it was like he felt whole again....

                      Oh and by that I'm gone in Joe land again *lol* just the whole talk about his eyes lighting up and that smile...just gets me to remember the same thing when I told him how great he was in Common Ground... darn even some Shep things gets me remember and think about the weekend..guess it has to do with him putting a piece of himself into his character....*sigh*
                      Sigs by Scifan


                        Hi Guys..

                        sorry to interrupt Nina and Blue....great convo btw...which I had more time to join...but no time...

                        Just dropped by to say, CYN, hon that fic was MARVELOUS!

                        LOVED IT!

                        You must do more..althouth, I did miss JT....


                        sorry, that's gonna stick for awhile! LOL

                        and if you haven't checked Wedj's fic...The Promise of Skin...OH, my you have to! both Cyn's and Wej..are HOT fics!

                        love it!



                          No to interrupt *lol*

                          Hrmm read those stories I think... yes Promise of skin I have on a mailing list..and gave feedback...loved that fic....
                          Sigs by Scifan


                            Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                            In the return...
                            I just felt that he was out of place on earth,,, the only little thing that came close to being Shep was when he was talking to Rodney,,just a tiny tiny smirk on his face when he asked if it was him Rodney missed *lol* but other than that it was like he wasn't really there,,,just going through the motions during the day... his eagerness came with the prospect of going back "home" and the most amazing smile graced his face when he saw Teyla again... and oh boy the looks he gave her,,, it was like his eyes just lit up.... it was like he felt whole again....

                            Oh and by that I'm gone in Joe land again *lol* just the whole talk about his eyes lighting up and that smile...just gets me to remember the same thing when I told him how great he was in Common Ground... darn even some Shep things gets me remember and think about the weekend..guess it has to do with him putting a piece of himself into his character....*sigh*
                            It was lovely seeing those little Shep moments as you call them - at the weekend in London. I think that there is a lot of Joe's character in Shep. He is also so laid back and charming - just like Shep, but can also get that really intense look that Shep has now and then.

                            I loved watching Joe walk - that little swagger he does - he kind of favours his left hip a bit. Soo cute and I notice it a bit on the show as well.

                            I agree that John only really came to life once he started to plan on how they could get back to the Pegasus Galaxy. He really seemed like his old self then while before he was as you say just going through the motions.


                              Hey everyone!!!

                              Camy: I know that it's ridiculously late but i hope you had a brilliant birthday!!!

                              Cyn: Loved the fic!!! Cheered me up no end lol!!!

                              Currently waiting for tomorrow to get here lol!!! I've already seen Sateda on YouTube but it's always better to see it on the TV lol!!! I wonder how much my family will enjoy it lol (my lil' sis has already seen 'The Scene' lol she's a JT shipper too lol... but my mum's a Shweir shipper )

                              Magnificent sig by Sheylafan87!!! *hugs*


                                Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                                It was lovely seeing those little Shep moments as you call them - at the weekend in London. I think that there is a lot of Joe's character in Shep. He is also so laid back and charming - just like Shep, but can also get that really intense look that Shep has now and then.

                                I loved watching Joe walk - that little swagger he does - he kind of favours his left hip a bit. Soo cute and I notice it a bit on the show as well.

                                I agree that John only really came to life once he started to plan on how they could get back to the Pegasus Galaxy. He really seemed like his old self then while before he was as you say just going through the motions.
                                *lol* I know what you mean about what you said about Joe in London...I loved it too... it was so darn cute,,,ah heck everything about him was cute and sexy *lol*
                                Sigs by Scifan

