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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Thanks Cyn, Steph and Spectrum...I"m glad you liked it...

    On to finish this week and this month....

    List John's Top Ten Most Annoying Habits From Teyla's POV...use pics if possible.



      Originally posted by Camy View Post
      sorry to interrupt guys...please continue with the round round...It's fun!

      Ah, here is what I promised for today....

      A bit delayed for Angst week...but I hope you guys enjoy it...

      Please leave me your honest review....


      Angst Fic...

      Great story Camy - I wish it had been a bit longer. Loved Johns concern over Teyla and how he went over and kissed her. I can really see a situation like this bringing out his feelings for her. There is so much going on under the surface that it would just take of moment of where she is in danger to cause John to confess his feelings.

      I think that there is great chemistry going on between them which even Joe and Rachael have admitted it, so it would be an easy transition for either of them to play their characters in a relationship.

      I think that the writers are making more of a distinction this season as to the different types of relationships John has with the women on Atlantis and are making it quite clear that John sees Elizabeth as his friend and boss only, while there is still a lot of underline sexual tension between John and Teyla.

      By having John make no effort to contact Elizabeth on Earth, but show him eagerly grabbing the opportunity of getting back to Teyla shows which direction they are going with the two woman. He really missed Teyla - and it was so sweet to see both their reactions when they saw each other. I loved how someone called him Colonel Smirkypants.

      I thought it was interesting at the London Expo when Joe once again denied that anything will ever happen between Sheppard and Weir - he must be getting fed up repeating this - and emphasised that if anything was to happen between John and her - meaning Elizabeth - it would effectively ruin the show - but on the other hand he said that you can still have a relationship angle with the actors, so I don't think relationships are going to be ruled out at all on Atlantis but definitley between Weir and Shep, as the writers never intended to go down that route with them in the first place.

      Even if there is never any confirmation of feelings, the writers and TPTB are really showing us quite a bit this season between John and Teyla and I will be happy to see this continue. I love how Joe also wants more writing for Rachael and that she will be getting more focus in season four which could mean more John and Teyla eps. He loves working with Rachael and said that Phantoms was one of his favourite eps.squeee!! I would be happy just to see them on screen together but I still won't rule out the writers taking the plunge and giving us a bit more than friendship at some stage in the future.


        Thanks Blue...I really think that this is going to be key when the writers if ever, bring these two together....

        I like how you have summarized this season so far between John and the characters...I know many feel that the angle for him this season is a bit off from the John that we saw in Season 1 and 2...even with Teyla...for example.....that Sateda scene...

        John has shown already his feelings and devotion to his friends, so why the whole speech...Teyla should know that he would do anything for any of them, why? because he has....

        but nevertheless...I like it that he's defining his relationships verbally...what I love the most is that in all the times that he's confessed something.....and personal, it has been to Teyla...I think from the beginning, he saw in Teyla a woman that can carry and hold all of his dark demons..and she is strong enough, for her demons are much bigger than his....

        I think her strength feeds him....and gives him strength....and I think separate, they are just regular people trying to survive, but together these two are a force to reckon with...

        about my fic...yeah, VB left me a long review as to how I left everything hanging and how confusing it purpose was certainly not to confuse the reader, but yes, to have the reader find the clues to come up with his/her own version of how things worked out* Steph was a bit confused too....

        so, for those who bit of background on my fic....behind the spoiler...

        I did it in two days or less...I wanted to have it here to you guys by this week...the idea I've had since I started writing fics a year ago....

        Basically, I am not a scifi girl so the whole science stuff is way beyond me..but I've always loved when the writers go and explore Atlantis itself...I think there is a mystery there within itself and I wish they would delve more into this...I also love the idea that John and Teyla have these opposing genes....slight one mind ya...but for's almost as if..the opposites attract type of, I had to use that...I don't think the writers are using enough of this....never mind that Teyla's wraith abilities have been pushed aside, we don't even know that John has an Ancient gene, I love the idea of exploring those two facts this was my motivation for writing this..and of course, like you wrote Blue...only when place in Angsty situations do we really see how John just looses it in regards to Teyla...he's done it for the others, but with Teyla is totally different...

        You know what I did notice about this fic..I did what the writers do to us in the episodes..they leave us hanging and with questions....and I did just that...not intentionally mind you...actually some of it I did....

        The whole idea behind it, John and Teyla together saved each other...John's gene was recognized by the sensors...just as Teyla's was...but when combined it became a perfection unlike any the sensors have been programmed to recognized, and yet it was Perfection at its best!

        thus, the Short Circuit, firework style destruction..I"me horrible with words and with details...

        VB mentioned that I should have described the room...well, maybe but that ewasn't the focus of the fic..the focus was the characters, I even asked my beta if I should have put slight love between John and Rodney..LOL

        I even hated that I love Teyla and yet her part was minimal..OH, IM DOING WHAT THE Writers are doing....AH!

        All kidding aside....the room was a control me, the viewers should see it just like the control room....but a bit bigger and with more gadgets...if I explain it...I'd have to kill you...LOL

        The focus was not in the actual science or the details behind the events...however, you are suppose to put the pieces together with all of this stuff....

        The metaphor behind Teyla's restrains...and how John without her, is helpless....I thought that was romantic!

        Hey, if you haven't noticed, I"m a hopeless romantic..

        I wanted the reader to get that John did save Teyla, but Teyla also saved John...don't ask me how!...but they didn't get one did....the lab was officially destroy thus burying with it all the wonderful things that they could have learned and even the answer to their problem, but if I did that..then that would be the end, and I wanted it to be the beginning....No one knows what happened, or how it happened, according to them, the Deddy saved them...but it really didn't...

        It was also mentioned that Rodney should have explained what happened...

        not in my fic....Rodney knows a lot...but he doesn't know everything...the minute the machine did not recognize or gave Rodney access to the controls..that was Camy's way of saying...Rodney isn't going to save the day in this one....

        my fic was not about the science, but I brought it...believe me if I were to explain it, I would have confused you more....LOL

        but I wanted it in there....somehow for the reader to get...just like the sensors recognized but didn't give access to Rodney to the controls....the sensors recognized Teyla and her gene as an recognized John and allow him to turn on the room...but once join in the kiss with Teyla the sensors recognize him but also picked up the new combination....and it was beyond its capabilities....the perfect union...that also fried the room..LOL

        see, I should just let it be to your imagination....LOL

        hope that helped for you Steph and for Blue...

        I could continue it..but I'd kill me....this is the way it had to end....

        thanks, Camy


          =Camy;5961740]Thanks Blue...I really think that this is going to be key when the writers if ever, bring these two together....

          I like how you have summarized this season so far between John and the characters...I know many feel that the angle for him this season is a bit off from the John that we saw in Season 1 and 2...even with Teyla...for example.....that Sateda scene...
          Really - I don't find John off at all in season three. I really like how he is being portrayed except for a few exceptions.

          bout my fic...yeah, VB left me a long review as to how I left everything hanging and how confusing it purpose was certainly not to confuse the reader, but yes, to have the reader find the clues to come up with his/her own version of how things worked out* Steph was a bit confused too....
          I noticed you had a long review but I didn't find it confusing at all and loved every minute of it. I would have liked to have seen it go on for a bit longer though - but that is just me wanting more John/Teyla.

          Basically, I am not a scifi girl so the whole science stuff is way beyond me..but I've always loved when the writers go and explore Atlantis itself...I think there is a mystery there within itself and I wish they would delve more into this...I also love the idea that John and Teyla have these opposing genes....slight one mind ya...but for's almost as if..the opposites attract type of, I had to use that...I don't think the writers are using enough of this....never mind that Teyla's wraith abilities have been pushed aside, we don't even know that John has an Ancient gene, I love the idea of exploring those two facts this was my motivation for writing this..and of course, like you wrote Blue...only when place in Angsty situations do we really see how John just looses it in regards to Teyla...he's done it for the others, but with Teyla is totally different...

          You know what I did notice about this fic..I did what the writers do to us in the episodes..they leave us hanging and with questions....and I did just that...not intentionally mind you...actually some of it I did....

          The whole idea behind it, John and Teyla together saved each other...John's gene was recognized by the sensors...just as Teyla's was...but when combined it became a perfection unlike any the sensors have been programmed to recognized, and yet it was Perfection at its best!

          thus, the Short Circuit, firework style destruction..I"me horrible with words and with details...

          VB mentioned that I should have described the room...well, maybe but that ewasn't the focus of the fic..the focus was the characters, I even asked my beta if I should have put slight love between John and Rodney..LOL

          I even hated that I love Teyla and yet her part was minimal..OH, IM DOING WHAT THE Writers are doing....AH!

          All kidding aside....the room was a control me, the viewers should see it just like the control room....but a bit bigger and with more gadgets...if I explain it...I'd have to kill you...LOL

          The focus was not in the actual science or the details behind the events...however, you are suppose to put the pieces together with all of this stuff....

          The metaphor behind Teyla's restrains...and how John without her, is helpless....I thought that was romantic!

          Hey, if you haven't noticed, I"m a hopeless romantic..

          I wanted the reader to get that John did save Teyla, but Teyla also saved John...don't ask me how!...but they didn't get one did....the lab was officially destroy thus burying with it all the wonderful things that they could have learned and even the answer to their problem, but if I did that..then that would be the end, and I wanted it to be the beginning....No one knows what happened, or how it happened, according to them, the Deddy saved them...but it really didn't...

          It was also mentioned that Rodney should have explained what happened...

          not in my fic....Rodney knows a lot...but he doesn't know everything...the minute the machine did not recognize or gave Rodney access to the controls..that was Camy's way of saying...Rodney isn't going to save the day in this one....

          my fic was not about the science, but I brought it...believe me if I were to explain it, I would have confused you more....LOL

          but I wanted it in there....somehow for the reader to get...just like the sensors recognized but didn't give access to Rodney to the controls....the sensors recognized Teyla and her gene as an recognized John and allow him to turn on the room...but once join in the kiss with Teyla the sensors recognize him but also picked up the new combination....and it was beyond its capabilities....the perfect union...that also fried the room..LOL

          I didn't really need anymore of a explanation - I gathered that Teyla was released from the beam because John kissed her and his ancient gene was picked up throwing the whole thing into a frenzy because it couldn't recognize what was going on. It couldn't grasp the concept that a wraith gene and an ancient gene were merging together - therefore causing it to short circuit.

          I was probably far too engrossed in the John and Teyla kissing parts though to take in all the technobabble parts.

          I did leave you a review.



            sorry Blue...I sort of used your comment to elaborate on other comments...

            I know what you mean.....

            I'm glad you liked it...and that was probably the reaction that I intended...don't focus on the technobabble...cause I'm horrible at it...LOL

            anyways, Blue...I just thought I'd clarify for those who needed it.....

            Um...yeah, I do see John a bit off...

            I see him more, hmmm...what's the word...

            okay maybe an example...I love this one...

            in the Return part 1

            when John was back at the SG-C and Landry had just explained what was happening in Atlantis...John says...just give me sixty marines....LOL

            I loved that because this is not the same John that in the Eye took on the whole city by himself...trying to rescue Weir and Rodney and keep the city under his control....not by a long shot....and then there was the scene with them planning their little joyride...he kept going back to Teyla and if there was no way in hell he'd go without them....season 1 Sheppard would have just done it and then gone to pick them up when he saved the day....

            this Sheppard is more a team player..the first and second season Sheppard was more...I can do this and only me...In Conversion he acted like his team mates couldn't do this without him...he went off on Weir because he never trusted her to be able to gamble with his, yeah, this Sheppard is a bit different...more expressive..and more conscious of living....the Sheppard in Season 1 wanted to live but risked his life for others...this Sheppard wants to live..and uses more the team to do the Phantoms...and in Common Ground...he kept repeating how he was certain that they were coming for him..and not only that, he was certain that they would indeed rescue him...yeah, I like it too..but I think he's changed but in a good way...I think he's more prepared now to have a relationship with Teyla....rather season 1 sheppard had too much burden and too much on his mind....

            Now, I have to think about Teyla...


              Yes I agree that John has changed since season one, and even from season two. In season one John was a bit of a loose canon. He had the self sacrificing thing going on almost like he didn't care about his own life. He didn't think that anyone really cared whether he lived or died.

              When he first met Teyla he was instantly attracted to her, and I think he felt the connection straight away, but then pushed it to the back of his mind because he wasn't used to letting anyone get close to him. But yet for some inexplicable reason he still trusted Teyla unconditionally which he never really did with Weir.

              He never really let anyone see the real John Sheppard in season one - he hid behind the fly boy easy going casual nature - but yet could still go into ruthless soldier mode when he wanted to. There wasn't anything in between until his friendship with Teyla began to grow.

              He becomes even closer to her in season two - she is now not just someone he has an attraction for, but someone who in gaining his friendship. He really starts to establish actual friendships with his team and Elizabeth, but yet is still reluctant to let anyone in - or let down his emotional barriers. But we see that Teyla can see right though him, and slowly he starts to reveal more about himself, and finds that there are people whom he cares about and that they also care about him.

              This is taken even further in season three. He begins as you say to be more of a team player. He is not willing to rush off on his own - he is not as impetuous as in season one and two. He realises now that he does have friends and he wants to be with them. He never had a death wish, but I feel that he is more cautious now and thinks first before rushing off to battle.

              In the return..

              He consulted with his friends and even offered to go back with a team of marines. He wanted to get his home back and see the woman he has come to care about so much - but he knows that he needs help and is willing to ask for it.

              He sees his team now as family and his life is precious to him - he wants to live and be with the people who mean so much to him now. He is not the same person he was in season one - who had been given a black mark and was probably despised by most of his peers, and had no one who cared if he lived or died.

              Things are different now - he has opened up to Teyla and let her see what he has been hiding for so long. I think he will continue to open up to her and finally tell her that she means more to him than she knows - though I have a feeling that Teyla also feels more for Shep than he really knows - and it will be wonderful when they both finally get around to telling each other.


                Originally posted by Camy View Post

                I like how you have summarized this season so far between John and the characters...I know many feel that the angle for him this season is a bit off from the John that we saw in Season 1 and 2...even with Teyla...for example.....that Sateda scene...

                I don't think John is off. I think we're seeing who he really is. Atlantis is his home, and he's less guarded and more relaxed than he was in the first season. His charm's never gone away, but he's more personally vested in the city and his team than ever before.

                Regarding the Sateda scene:

                I think he needed to say it out loud. I was a little surprised to hear from Teyla how apparantly expendable she felt, but it was nice John allayed her fears by entending his commitment to Ronon's plight to everyone on the team and Elizabeth. He keeps a lot to himself, and the fact that he said something so personal to Teyla tells me he's growing more comfortable expressing himself to her.

                As far as Teyla knowing, you never really know how someone feels till they tell you. You may guess, or think, but you don't know until the words come out of their mouth. It seemed to take a lot for him to say even that to her. I don't think he's ready for any big declarations, but he's more comfortable speaking of personal things with her.

                I still think there'll be some catastrophic event for him to take the plunge, but I've been saying that since you've known me, Camy.
                Sig by Camy


                  the link i promised to post for the myspace profile it even has some really cool atlantis music videos this link works
                  Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


           always leave me speechless...*grins*


                    Where's my new motto for you..hold on...

                    here's your favorite...

                    I agree Trippy..I wouldn't say he's off....I like how Blue and you wrote this..I think the pieces for this John have been there subtly for us...but weren't as obvious..and I think the writers have beautifully moved this character along....and so it's not like he's two different John's ....just a more well rounded one.......LITERALLY!

                    I was capping Hot Zone and he has the black shirt...but then I noticed when I was working with the conversion cap that his arms sort of expanded quite a lot...HOT!
                    but guys know him so much better than I do..



                      Regarding your story Camy, i understood exactly what was happening, and how
                      john was going about saving her with his and her gene etc; i dont think you needed to explain the room anymore either, you explained it enough so that the reader could imagine what they thought it looked like, i had a picture in my head of what it looked like. Furthermore as soon as teyla's hands touched the console i knew that the reason she was in trouble was because of her wraith other words it made perfect sense!! I'm proud of you camy!!

                      love ya all!!! (i am in a good mood today)
                      -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                      Thanks Camy!!


                        Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                        the link i promised to post for the myspace profile it even has some really cool atlantis music videos this link works

                        Where do I find the music Donna? - are they videos, and which heading do I need to click on.



                          you head underneath the links for the episodes and there is a link called stargate music videos but i think there is only about 2 atlantis coll though
                          Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                            Thanks SC........I guess it's a preference of style too....I think that was a new one for me cause I usually do write a lot rather than put in so much dialouge.....I"m so glad you picked up on everything....I know I need lots of improvement, but it's all for fun......

                            Hmmm...Donna....thanks for that link...I will have to look at it later....and CK..I finally read your new fic...LOVED IT and left you a review......I think it's interesting....

                            So, today...What Top Ten Scary Movies Would John watch with Teyla....

                            10. Poltergeist
                            9. Psycho
                            8. The Village
                            7. Dracula
                            6. Harry Porter
                            5. Lord of the Rings The Two Towers *the entire movie was creepy*
                            4. Star Wars Trilogy *Jabba the Hut was creepy*
                            3. There's a Monster in My Closet
                            2. Alien
                            1. The Nightmare Before Christmas


                              Originally posted by Camy View Post
                              Thanks SC........I guess it's a preference of style too....I think that was a new one for me cause I usually do write a lot rather than put in so much dialouge.....I"m so glad you picked up on everything....I know I need lots of improvement, but it's all for fun......

                              Hmmm...Donna....thanks for that link...I will have to look at it later....and CK..I finally read your new fic...LOVED IT and left you a review......I think it's interesting....

                              So, today...What Top Ten Scary Movies Would John watch with Teyla....

                              10. Poltergeist
                              9. Psycho
                              8. The Village
                              7. Dracula
                              6. Harry Porter
                              5. Lord of the Rings The Two Towers *the entire movie was creepy*
                              4. Star Wars Trilogy *Jabba the Hut was creepy*
                              3. There's a Monster in My Closet
                              2. Alien
                              1. The Nightmare Before Christmas
                              I think that John would quite gladly watch all of them himself, but what would he choose to watch with Teyla.

                              I would go for Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers - I think Teyla would enjoy this, and appreciate the devotion and courage displayed by the characters. The epic feel of this moving would be quote awe inspiring.

                              I don't think John would like to subject Teyla to any of the scary movies, but then again he might enjoy it when she grabs hold of him in terror - though I don't think Teyla is scared all that easily and may even find some of the "scary" scenes quite amusing.

                              Maybe Harry Potter but I didn't get all the hype myself about this movie - but I can see John and Teyla enjoying it together, and John having to explain all the magical parts to her.


                                Originally posted by Camy View Post
                                Thanks Blue...I really think that this is going to be key when the writers if ever, bring these two together....

                                I like how you have summarized this season so far between John and the characters...I know many feel that the angle for him this season is a bit off from the John that we saw in Season 1 and 2...even with Teyla...for example.....that Sateda scene...

                                John has shown already his feelings and devotion to his friends, so why the whole speech...Teyla should know that he would do anything for any of them, why? because he has....

                                but nevertheless...I like it that he's defining his relationships verbally...what I love the most is that in all the times that he's confessed something.....and personal, it has been to Teyla...I think from the beginning, he saw in Teyla a woman that can carry and hold all of his dark demons..and she is strong enough, for her demons are much bigger than his....

                                I think her strength feeds him....and gives him strength....and I think separate, they are just regular people trying to survive, but together these two are a force to reckon with...

                                about my fic...yeah, VB left me a long review as to how I left everything hanging and how confusing it purpose was certainly not to confuse the reader, but yes, to have the reader find the clues to come up with his/her own version of how things worked out* Steph was a bit confused too....

                                so, for those who bit of background on my fic....behind the spoiler...

                                I did it in two days or less...I wanted to have it here to you guys by this week...the idea I've had since I started writing fics a year ago....

                                Basically, I am not a scifi girl so the whole science stuff is way beyond me..but I've always loved when the writers go and explore Atlantis itself...I think there is a mystery there within itself and I wish they would delve more into this...I also love the idea that John and Teyla have these opposing genes....slight one mind ya...but for's almost as if..the opposites attract type of, I had to use that...I don't think the writers are using enough of this....never mind that Teyla's wraith abilities have been pushed aside, we don't even know that John has an Ancient gene, I love the idea of exploring those two facts this was my motivation for writing this..and of course, like you wrote Blue...only when place in Angsty situations do we really see how John just looses it in regards to Teyla...he's done it for the others, but with Teyla is totally different...

                                You know what I did notice about this fic..I did what the writers do to us in the episodes..they leave us hanging and with questions....and I did just that...not intentionally mind you...actually some of it I did....

                                The whole idea behind it, John and Teyla together saved each other...John's gene was recognized by the sensors...just as Teyla's was...but when combined it became a perfection unlike any the sensors have been programmed to recognized, and yet it was Perfection at its best!

                                thus, the Short Circuit, firework style destruction..I"me horrible with words and with details...

                                VB mentioned that I should have described the room...well, maybe but that ewasn't the focus of the fic..the focus was the characters, I even asked my beta if I should have put slight love between John and Rodney..LOL

                                I even hated that I love Teyla and yet her part was minimal..OH, IM DOING WHAT THE Writers are doing....AH!

                                All kidding aside....the room was a control me, the viewers should see it just like the control room....but a bit bigger and with more gadgets...if I explain it...I'd have to kill you...LOL

                                The focus was not in the actual science or the details behind the events...however, you are suppose to put the pieces together with all of this stuff....

                                The metaphor behind Teyla's restrains...and how John without her, is helpless....I thought that was romantic!

                                Hey, if you haven't noticed, I"m a hopeless romantic..

                                I wanted the reader to get that John did save Teyla, but Teyla also saved John...don't ask me how!...but they didn't get one did....the lab was officially destroy thus burying with it all the wonderful things that they could have learned and even the answer to their problem, but if I did that..then that would be the end, and I wanted it to be the beginning....No one knows what happened, or how it happened, according to them, the Deddy saved them...but it really didn't...

                                It was also mentioned that Rodney should have explained what happened...

                                not in my fic....Rodney knows a lot...but he doesn't know everything...the minute the machine did not recognize or gave Rodney access to the controls..that was Camy's way of saying...Rodney isn't going to save the day in this one....

                                my fic was not about the science, but I brought it...believe me if I were to explain it, I would have confused you more....LOL

                                but I wanted it in there....somehow for the reader to get...just like the sensors recognized but didn't give access to Rodney to the controls....the sensors recognized Teyla and her gene as an recognized John and allow him to turn on the room...but once join in the kiss with Teyla the sensors recognize him but also picked up the new combination....and it was beyond its capabilities....the perfect union...that also fried the room..LOL

                                see, I should just let it be to your imagination....LOL

                                hope that helped for you Steph and for Blue...

                                I could continue it..but I'd kill me....this is the way it had to end....

                                thanks, Camy


                                I finally left you a review on and also read the long comment. I have to disagree w/it and strongly agree w/others. I think you did a *great* job in getting the story across. You did more than you needed to do with the descript of the room, because the story *wasn't* about it and how it worked , but about the characters and how they interacted during a crisis. The focus was meant to be on esp. John's reaction to Teyla in trouble and I think you did a fine job in doing so.

                                As writers we all start out w/ a concept of where we what the story to go(at least I do) and all though that vision may change during the actual process of writing it is often dictated by the life of the story itself. I feel you stayed true to the story you were trying to tell and you as the writer *trully* know if this is true. We must recognise that not *all* will see what we see, but can only *hope* they come to *enjoy* what we envision. I see if your piece was meant to be something lenghty, novelle in style, but it was not(at least that is what I understood). Your ending was more than approipate to me and *fitting* leaving it open to more *if* you wished to continue.

                                But this is just IMHO. Again, enjoyed. Your writing has improved from some of your first stories I have read(as if I have room to talk - LOL) and I do look forward to MORE.

                                Great job dear,

