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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Nick 0208 Ldn
    Oh very nice green_eyed_lady, it'd make a good alternative scene for the DVD box set when it comes out i think.
    Oh how I wish!!!

    = Happy Thoughts


      Ah ok... I'm like... I don't know!! Excited?

      I was watching the vid that DANIquinn put the link to (amazing by the way ) and I was watching the scene from The Return... (you all know what I'm talking about ) and I was thinking.....

      We can't see their hands! There is just a zoom in on their faces! While I love the scene, it seems less intimate than it could have been.. could it be that they were holding hands out of view of the camera?? Just a little brush of hands or something! It makes sense right? John's expression and their tone of voice seemed way to personal for just the bow thingy! (sorry for lack of good adjectives)

      ... haha ok so I had to post that.. just HAD to!! And if I'm reading too much into it... it'll at least give me happy J/T thoughts for the rest of the 6 months


        Originally posted by 4prettierships
        Ah ok... I'm like... I don't know!! Excited?

        I was watching the vid that DANIquinn put the link to (amazing by the way ) and I was watching the scene from The Return... (you all know what I'm talking about ) and I was thinking.....

        We can't see their hands! There is just a zoom in on their faces! While I love the scene, it seems less intimate than it could have been.. could it be that they were holding hands out of view of the camera?? Just a little brush of hands or something! It makes sense right? John's expression and their tone of voice seemed way to personal for just the bow thingy! (sorry for lack of good adjectives)

        ... haha ok so I had to post that.. just HAD to!! And if I'm reading too much into it... it'll at least give me happy J/T thoughts for the rest of the 6 months
        Hehe..that's a thought...
        Way back in 'Rising' when Teyla did the Athosian head bow she placed both of her hands on his shoulders but not this time...look what you did 4ps...gave me happy thoughts for 6 months that they touched, merest of brushes of thier fingertips, as they said 'goodbye;

        Must rewatch 'The Return' again!


          Two headers, variations on the same theme. With 'spoiler' pics from The Return, Pt I.

          The first one feels like it needs a bit more in the centre - I was looking for a really hi-res graphic of the city or the Stargate, but couldn't find one. The second one might be a bit too busy.

          I prefer the second one, though!


          (See? Big blank spot in the middle!)

          Graphics resources are from the sites of insomniax and gender.

          These took me most of the day to put together! Whew! Time to try to get some writing done!



            Awesome SEL! i really dont mind either....but perhaps i like the 2nd one slightly more!!! both are really sharp and well done!!
            -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

            Thanks Camy!!


              Originally posted by spirited Chihiro
              Awesome SEL! i really dont mind either....but perhaps i like the 2nd one slightly more!!! both are really sharp and well done!!
              I'm going to agree with SC and say I think I like the second one a wee bit more...mainly because it's got the pic from 'Conversion' right in the middle, love ...but also both have pics that are amazingly clear, especially the 'Return' pic...

              ..Wonder what the family's going to say when they come in in the morning and see John and Teyla smiling back at them ..well just have to see...right click..set as background!

              Beautiful Job!


                Originally posted by seldear
                Two headers, variations on the same theme. With 'spoiler' pics from The Return, Pt I.

                The first one feels like it needs a bit more in the centre - I was looking for a really hi-res graphic of the city or the Stargate, but couldn't find one. The second one might be a bit too busy.

                I prefer the second one, though!


                (See? Big blank spot in the middle!)

                Graphics resources are from the sites of insomniax and gender.

                These took me most of the day to put together! Whew! Time to try to get some writing done!


                I also like the second one!! The addition in the middle really makes it work, yet not be too overpowering! They are both gorgeous! The second one just has a little more pizazz!


                  Originally posted by Nick 0208 Ldn
                  I thank you Sheylafan87, as someone who is yet to see the ep in full and has had to look on from afar at all the excitement and reviews, very welcome.

                  I'm coming in late here and much has already been said, i agree with most of what i have read so i'll try and keep this brief and attempt not to go over old ground too severely.

                  Being partially sighted it is not as easy as i would like for me to pick up on some of the subtlties and looks exchanged between Teyla and John in his quarters. So when you lot raise then and the like, it is appreciated, particularly i am not able to do so meself. Generally though i liked the scene, Ronon's view of Sheppard and visa versa ahs come on a long way since he joined Atlantis. It is clear that if Ronon were not there things would have played out a little differently but there we go, for some reason the bit were Teyla sked for popcorn sticks out at the minute, it jsut sounded so.....well normal, hm.

                  But the really pivotal moments as far as the Sheyla ship is concerned were of course the goodbye at the gate and the homecoming at the Athosian settlement. The way i saw it, it was as if one scene had been set aside for each of them to go beyond the outright subtle in emphasise that little bit more how they feel toward eachother. Sheppard's was the goodbye at the gate and Teya's at the village. Disregarding vague pleasantries and expected formalities, and adopting a more "personal" approach.

                  I think if we don't see significant progress in the ship, in the near future or further down the line, the writers will have bottled it completely and betrayed the relationship as it stands and where it is heading.

                  Now i have actually typed it, it's not all that brief is it, ha, oh well.

                  Oh very nice green_eyed_lady, it'd make a good alternative scene for the DVD box set when it comes out i think.
                  Haha! Thanks your too sweet !

                  I really liked your thoughts on The Return! And I agree sheps goodbye at the gate and teyla's excited outburst in the village were very sweet moments!

                  Thanks to everyone for the lovely pic fic comments lol!

                  Ooo tonight "Irrrisitable" is on the movie network. I'm kinda excited about this one...even though alot of people didn't think it was that great, I just can't wait to see the scene where
                  Lucius is hittin on teyla! Sounded very funny from what you all said

                  love the graphics seldor!!
                  Made By Snogging Piccard- Thank you


                    Originally posted by 4prettierships
                    Ah ok... I'm like... I don't know!! Excited?

                    I was watching the vid that DANIquinn put the link to (amazing by the way ) and I was watching the scene from The Return... (you all know what I'm talking about ) and I was thinking.....

                    We can't see their hands! There is just a zoom in on their faces! While I love the scene, it seems less intimate than it could have been.. could it be that they were holding hands out of view of the camera?? Just a little brush of hands or something! It makes sense right? John's expression and their tone of voice seemed way to personal for just the bow thingy! (sorry for lack of good adjectives)

                    ... haha ok so I had to post that.. just HAD to!! And if I'm reading too much into it... it'll at least give me happy J/T thoughts for the rest of the 6 months

                    Yes I noticed they didn't show that...but there one other thing I noticed...

                    When they stand down there I can't see anything in John's hand,,but I noticed when he stepped back from Teyla he had something in his hand ,, and were looking at it when they started to walk to the whatever it was I have no idea... just something I noticed that's all... *lol*
                    Sigs by Scifan


                      Ooh!! More shippy stuff to watch for when I watch the ep again! Thanks!

                      have I mentioned how much I love J/T lately?


                        Originally posted by NinaM
                        Yes I noticed they didn't show that...but there one other thing I noticed...

                        When they stand down there I can't see anything in John's hand,,but I noticed when he stepped back from Teyla he had something in his hand ,, and were looking at it when they started to walk to the whatever it was I have no idea... just something I noticed that's all... *lol*
                        Okay...I read this and just opened up 'The Return' on itunes and I can't make it out,
                        but it must have been something important...he was holding it in his hand and turning it over and over...I think...


                          Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                          Okay...I read this and just opened up 'The Return' on itunes and I can't make it out,
                          but it must have been something important...he was holding it in his hand and turning it over and over...I think...
                          Can't make it out either...

                          I saw it in his hand when he stepped away from Teyla...and thought hrmm what's that...then he looked at it and then started to turn it over and over in his hand when he walked to the gate...darn that I couldn't see what it was,,,the camera was to far away to make out what it was...
                          Sigs by Scifan


                            This is a snippet of a transcript from 'The Return' from

                            TEYLA: You have been good friends – to all the people of this galaxy.

                            (Hesitantly, John walks over to her. He looks at her for a moment, then bows his head. Teyla bows hers and they touch foreheads.)

                            TEYLA: Farewell. (She lifts her head and looks up at him.)

                            SHEPPARD (softly): Take care.

                            (Ronon looks on, his eyes a little teary. Rodney arrives at the bottom of the stairs and smiles at Teyla as he walks past her.)

                            McKAY: Bye. (He walks over to Elizabeth, John and Carson.) Hi.

                            Now I may have to watch again
                            but I didn't think Ronon was teary eyed...but darn it...if it doesn't tell me what John was holding as he went through the gate!


                              Oh your evil! Now everytime I look at that scene I'll be thinking that they are! And you're right, it does make it more intimate!



                                Originally posted by seldear
                                Two headers, variations on the same theme. With 'spoiler' pics from The Return, Pt I.

                                The first one feels like it needs a bit more in the centre - I was looking for a really hi-res graphic of the city or the Stargate, but couldn't find one. The second one might be a bit too busy.

                                I prefer the second one, though!


                                (See? Big blank spot in the middle!)

                                Graphics resources are from the sites of insomniax and gender.

                                These took me most of the day to put together! Whew! Time to try to get some writing done!

                                Oh I love this, thanks!


