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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by bluealien
    A telepathic link - that would be very interesting

    It would be great if the writers did explore the reprecussions of being fed on in Common Ground and whether it has left John with any Wraith DNA. This could certaintly explain how Teyla would be able to link to Johns thoughts. The ancient device could highten these telepathic thoughts which makes it easier for Teyla to sense what John is feeling. There are many possiblities that could be explored in Phantoms. Or if feelings are expressed in a dream state it will still give the writers their "get out of making the relationship canon" clause so they can still carry on as before.
    I agree it would be very intresting if they went somewhere in that direction...
    Sigs by Scifan


      Originally posted by bluealien
      A telepathic link - that would be very interesting

      It would be great if the writers did explore the reprecussions of being fed on in Common Ground and whether it has left John with any Wraith DNA. This could certaintly explain how Teyla would be able to link to Johns thoughts. The ancient device could highten these telepathic thoughts which makes it easier for Teyla to sense what John is feeling. There are many possiblities that could be explored in Phantoms. Or if feelings are expressed in a dream state it will still give the writers their "get out of making the relationship canon" clause so they can still carry on as before.
      That would great, but I don't want to get excited about an ep that I don't know much about, I'll just get dissapointed
      If only, If only.....



        Originally posted by mishy91
        That would great, but I don't want to get excited about an ep that I don't know much about, I'll just get dissapointed
        If only, If only.....

        I know what you mean,,, I try not to get to excited about an epi because I might be let down,,although running around in two different Shep threads had me become a little too excited for Common Ground,,but I sure was glad I wasn't dissapointed when I saw it,,, so I'm hoping for the best for Phantoms,, but keeping in mind to not to pay to much attention to the small spoilers,, and hopefull I'll be surprised in a good way...well maybe I'll see something of intrest on the 20 sec promo next friday,,or saturday morning in my case...
        Sigs by Scifan


          I wonder if we will get a promo after McKay and Mrs Miller for Phantoms.

          It has been strange not having an ep this week. Looking forward to McKay and Mrs Miller, though I do hope that the team get some decent screentime as well.

          How will I cope with a 6 month hiatus.

          I have heard that there may not be a hiatas in Cananda and the eps will run through as normal with the usual break over christmas. I hope this is true.


            Originally posted by bluealien
            I wonder if we will get a promo after McKay and Mrs Miller for Phantoms.

            It has been strange not having an ep this week. Looking forward to McKay and Mrs Miller, though I do hope that the team get some decent screentime as well.

            How will I cope with a 6 month hiatus.

            I have heard that there may not be a hiatas in Cananda and the eps will run through as normal with the usual break over christmas. I hope this is true.
            Well we might...but I don't know... I mean the same thing happened with Common Ground,, no specific spoliers,, no pics but the promo finally came ...
            but who knows with SciFi....

            Well I do hope the ones that live in the US will be able to cope with 6 months,,I hate to see SGA lose even more viewers... they need to keep it steady or have more in case there will be a 5th season... I would love to see this show go on for several more years... I'm actually more excited about SGA then I am of SG1 these days...

            Yes I've heard too that Canada is going to show all 20 episodes in one go and just taking a break over christmas and new year as I believe they have done before... I hope they truly will...if so Canada will get the second part of the seasn before the US....
            Sigs by Scifan


              Ever since I watched 'Common Ground' I have wanted to see a JT Music video done to it and I just found one in my friend's LJ section!

    's by ladysarahjane and was posted in sheppard_teyla....follow the link...

              The music she used doesn't have any words but it is a beautiful instrumental piece...check it out!

              And as for no photos for 'Phantoms' a lot of you I'm on the same page...I'm glad...I have had the hardest time keeping away from spoilers ever since I started to post here I remember experiencing the first season and first half of the second season spoiler free...'Conversion' was a HUGE surprise for me...I hope 'Phantoms' offers me surprised too...


                Thanks for the vid link! I'll have to check it out.

                As for Canada getting the season straight through, well, they haven't even started getting season three yet, have they? So they just had their hiatus before the season while the US gets it in the middle.

                Oh, about my theory, I'm not saying I think it *will* happen. Actually I'm pretty sure it won't. It would make a great story to read, wouldn't it?



                  Athosiangirl - Thanks for the link will have to check that out...

                  As on Canada and the 3rd season...well from what I heard from my brother they aired the 3rd episode this week...
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    Originally posted by NinaM

                    Yes I've heard too that Canada is going to show all 20 episodes in one go and just taking a break over christmas and new year as I believe they have done before... I hope they truly will...if so Canada will get the second part of the seasn before the US....
                    Hmm, I always wanted to spend a year in Canada. How's the weather?

                    What an interesting day I've spent thinking about writing. I really want to do something that shows in a story why John is attracted to Teyla and why she is attracted to him. I have lots of little ideas and feelings about it, but to really drill down and get my mind (and heart) around it well enough to show it in a story ... that would be nice. So, I've been smiling all day, getting started. I can only imagine how many times everyone here has discussed this. There are many talented people on this thread. I've read your fics, seen your screen caps, and watched the vids. Is anyone up to discussing the "magic" something that connects John & Teyla in friendship and / or more?


                      Thanks AG for the vid was EXCELLENT...very touching!!!
                      -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                      Thanks Camy!!


                        What did you have in mind??

                        But that's for me in that case to discuss tomorrow if I can ... since I have to go to bed now since I have to be up in about 4½ hours...but I'll check in tomorrow after my work... take care..see ya...and discuss away of the lovely topic...

                        The video you gave a link to Athosiangirl...was really a beautiful one... I actually have been struggling with my own but if I can't get it done I might just have to scratch that project...
                        Sigs by Scifan


                          Thanks for the link Athosiangirl that vid was really beautiful great work done on it.


                            Originally posted by expendable_crewman

                            I'm still not sure, in that I agree with others who worry this could get dragged on forever and then a day longer. One thing I have realized. After going on an SGA binge (May, June) that included watching every episode almost back to back and snatching up the companion book for season one (which I still deny doing to family and friends, lol), I am convinced the writers have deliberately left the door wide open for this relationship.

                            Until this spring, I had no idea the TPBs talked about it at all. My fan status back then was to watch or tape the episodes on Friday and that was it. They took SGA away during the hiatus-- no re-airings, nothing --and I had some mild withdrawal. Actually, I about lost my mind.
                            That's me! I fell inlove with SGA all over again when I splurged at the begining of summer and bought S1 on dvd. That's really when I started noticing. Because I could actually watch it at my own pace. And having seen all of those episodes before, I was able to look a bit deeper into than just the story that was being told that episode. I missed a lot of S2 (first 1/2), so I have a bit to catch up on. Some of the stuff yall talk about here, I don't know what or why. I'm just gonna smile and nod my head. Haha! A lot that I haven't seen, but from the sounds of it, sounds really interesting, esp. for J/T. I'm excited. I wish they'd put it out on dvd (R1) already. *sigh* Not making that mistake with S3! Got every one of those babies taped, and ready to be DVRed! Mini-marathon during hiatus! WOO!
                            Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                              OH! I likey the vid! I love that song! It was so pretty. If I wasn't hooked before, I definantly am now. I love those two...
                              Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                                may be a bit to bog so its behind a spoiler

                                sateda wallie of sheyla.

                                part of:
                                Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

                                wanna sig? pm me and ill make u one

