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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Drewzy
    Oh, so earlier at work(since my mind wanders) I was thinking about the Return and eventhough I haven't seen it yet...
    I was thinking
    Since the Earth team goes on back to'd think that if there *was* something between John and Elizabeth they would hook up or atleast do something together. Since she'd no longer be his boss so to speak and they might have more down time on Earth anyway. Also the fact that 'some time passes' they could have had a golden opportunity. And it doesn't even head that way at all (course I haven't seen it yet...but you know) and since Weir and McKay are together in one scene... I dunno... I know, I know I'm McWeir
    Ok, rambling but it's a thought!
    oh i totally get you Drewzy, it's a two way street,
    their lack of spending time together could be that they don't show it, and if there's enough byplay in the episode to hint that they may have spent some off screen time together okay, it all depends but as you say...nothing so far has shown that. Then again it may be that as we know Shep thinks of them as family and essentially his family has been broken up, so it could have been that he's avoiding, we know that he didn't feel chemistry with his new team, so i'd say he was couping. But i'm with was a golden opportunity to play out all their fantasizes, and if it didn't happen then it really wasn't on either of their minds to begin with.

    I'm totally McWeir also...though i'm partial to Ron/Weir....(VB don't ding me... )......

    if you didn't get that blurb pay no mind to it....

    R.I.P Wraithlord

    Awesome sig by SciFan


      Originally posted by mishy91
      OMG I cannot wait for The Return!!!!!
      I was so bummed when I went to buy the ep but couldn't (they'd taken it down, plus it's US only) and then I was like "It's 2 days, fcol! Get a grip of yourself woman."
      I am so happy that john does the headtouching thing to teyla, to bad he didn't hug her, but I'm happy anyways, even more with the "take care"
      I think the head-touching is by far sweeter than a hug with these two. It shows how much respect he has for her and her people's traditions. It also shows a higher level of acceptance.


        The Return sounds great -

        Can't wait for the head touching scene Can't really see Ronan settling into the Athosian farming comunity. From the spoilers concerning Sunday it really seems like the writers are leading up to something with John and Teyla. Maybe Teyla is hurt in the explosion and realises that she almost missed the chance of telling John how she really feels - so she lets him know her feelings. I know the writers are keeping this quiet and seemingly Rachael didn't even know who she was confessing to. She said that the PTB wanted to keep it under wraps and the actors didn't even know the storyline. Rachael also said that they were going to go deeper into a relationship that has been in the background for the past few seasons. I can't really see this being Ronan as firstly he has only been around for one season and we never have had hints of anything shippy between them. So who else could it be except John - unless the PTB are thinking of throwing someone completley new into the picture.


          Originally posted by WitchBlade007
          Then again it may be that as we know Shep thinks of them as family and essentially his family has been broken up, so it could have been that he's avoiding, we know that he didn't feel chemistry with his new team, so i'd say he was couping.
          Return Pt1
          Interesting point there. It's been heavily hinted at that John has issues with abandonment and didn't have a typical childhood. Now he's finally settled enough and has a strong surrogate family, only for them to be torn apart.

          I can't see any pairing becoming canon just yet. Maybe towards the very end of season three but not quite yet. The family-feeling has been built up so much that I don't even see any 'big' ship moments happening soon. I think sunday will be the turning point and from then on, we'll get more hints at what TPTB are planning.


            bluealien, at the Chicago Con, Jason said that
            nothing was going to happen between Ronon and Teyla and they were more like brother and sister to each other. Of course it's possible TPTB have different ideas. Only time will tell.


              Originally posted by WitchBlade007
              ....isn't that alot of culture....why is it always a tent and a soup pot/bowl....I swear in awhile i'll start thinking that's all the athosians have a TENT and a SOUP POT...

              Ummm...I don't think so....or maybe i missed it...what did he say?...if it's anything like the husky 'take care' tell...

              oh ok...The one with ronon and the gun makes more sense to be in part two when i assume they'll be trying to recapture Atlantis

              John's first words on the settlement involved the soup pot, LOL.
              Sig by Camy


                Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                Return Pt1
                Interesting point there. It's been heavily hinted at that John has issues with abandonment and didn't have a typical childhood. Now he's finally settled enough and has a strong surrogate family, only for them to be torn apart.
                Exactly, that's why i'm also looking forward to this episode
                just seeing his facial expressions when talking to Ronon and Teyla about leaving....him actually offering his Johnny Cash poster to keep, AND the final moments before goodbye, will all be so telling, also when he goes back to fetch Ronon and Teyla. Will definitely make the episode enjoyable. We got major insight to how he would protect/defend them all and now for them to be splitting up.

                I can't see any pairing becoming canon just yet. Maybe towards the very end of season three but not quite yet. The family-feeling has been built up so much that I don't even see any 'big' ship moments happening soon. I think sunday will be the turning point and from then on, we'll get more hints at what TPTB are planning.
                ummm....I still think that's too early, just a bit...maybe somewhere mid season 4 i'd think....that way they move beyond the family-feelings type stage, and get into really deep emotions. But if it's at the end of S3...then I don't mind at all......It will definitely make life way

                I agree Sunday could definitely be a turning point, since we'll be seeing the characters in a different setting.

                R.I.P Wraithlord

                Awesome sig by SciFan


                  Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                  Return Pt1
                  Interesting point there. It's been heavily hinted at that John has issues with abandonment and didn't have a typical childhood. Now he's finally settled enough and has a strong surrogate family, only for them to be torn apart.
                  That is an interesting point. John has come to see his team and Elizabeth as his family - now that family has been split apart. That must be difficult for him and I really can't see him bonding that easily with his new team.

                  can't see any pairing becoming canon just yet. Maybe towards the very end of season three but not quite yet. The family-feeling has been built up so much that I don't even see any 'big' ship moments happening soon. I think sunday will be the turning point and from then on, we'll get more hints at what TPTB are planning.
                  You may be right. I will be surprised if they make any ship canon but maybe the PTB are not going to go down the route of Sam and Jack where it was left hanging for years - maybe they have decided that they will take the bull by the horns and just go for it. I think though that even if feelings are confessed we still won't get any big romance - they may even decide that they are not going to act on their feelings because of the whole Wraith situation. Who knows - the possibilites are endless and its fun to speculate.


                    Originally posted by majortrip

                    John's first words on the settlement involved the soup pot, LOL.

          're totally and without a doubt the Empress of Evilsville......

                    could it have possibly been 'Honey, did you know i'd be home early?'......

                    Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                    bluealien, at the Chicago Con, Jason said that


                    nothing was going to happen between Ronon and Teyla and they were more like brother and sister to each other. Of course it's possible TPTB have different ideas. Only time will tell.
                    he did?....that's kind of odd isn't it?...just coming right out and saying that......oh well....

                    R.I.P Wraithlord

                    Awesome sig by SciFan


                      Originally posted by WitchBlade007
            're totally and without a doubt the Empress of Evilsville......

                      I am the debbil, you know.
                      Sig by Camy


                        Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                        he did?....that's kind of odd isn't it?...just coming right out and saying that......oh well....
                        It was kinda amusing. Everyone else had an air of secrecy about them - like you knew they were being careful what they said - and then Jason comes out and he's just, very natural. Really cool.

                        He was asked straight out: "Is Ronon going to get together with Teyla?" and that's what he answered.


                          Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                          It was kinda amusing. Everyone else had an air of secrecy about them - like you knew they were being careful what they said - and then Jason comes out and he's just, very natural. Really cool.

                          He was asked straight out: "Is Ronon going to get together with Teyla?" and that's what he answered.
                          oh i c....that sounds fishy....but hey anything can happen....

                          Trippy, trippy trippy....tsk tsk know everyone will want to can't keep it to yourself forever...

                          ok all...i've got a date with an Audit Theory i'll ttyl...happy shipping guys

                          Fic Plot idea for Return
                          Write a scene with Shep and what he's thinking about, after they've returned to Earth, like they showed in 'Rising' when he made his decision to go to Atlantis...something with him alone...

                          R.I.P Wraithlord

                          Awesome sig by SciFan


                            Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                            It was kinda amusing. Everyone else had an air of secrecy about them - like you knew they were being careful what they said - and then Jason comes out and he's just, very natural. Really cool.

                            He was asked straight out: "Is Ronon going to get together with Teyla?" and that's what he answered.
                            I imagine that Jason gets a leetle say in where the character goes and what the character does. Since he's the one going to be giving Ronon voice, motion, action, and physicality, I doubt they're going to do something that he's not on-board with.

                            I find it a little amusing that Ronon's open attitude has basis in Jason's frankness. I shouldn't, but I do. *g*

                            Or maybe it's just the screeches of all the people who were hoping that Ronon would take Teyla out of the way of their OTP that I'm finding amusing.



                              I've told people before not to put to much stock in interviews, etc because ultimately it's up to TPTB what happens. What you say makes sense but they've made Carter do stuff that AT was very much against.

                              Hehe, I think I'm one of the very few John/Elizabeth shippers that doesn't ship Spanky aswell. My first thought when Jason said that was: "Yes! Room for McKay/Teyla".

                              ...and now I feel like I should go into hiding.

                              I do like John/Teyla. Not so much the first two series but I like what they've done with Teyla, and John and Teyla's relationship so far in season three. I don't feel like I saw that friendship grow but it's nice to see how close they've become, not just as Commander and subordinate, but as true friends.

                              I really liked the scene at the end of Phantoms
                              where Teyla asks if John saved Holland (?). In a situation where the main focus could have been "Wraith!vibes made us all freaky, omg!", it was nice to see someone ask that. Shows she's not a typical dumb alien, that she recognises the machine was enforcing situations that affected people on a very personal level, and that she observed enough to know this was something that mattered a lot to John. And when John said he didn't save him, she tried to comfort him and was a real friend. None of this "Crap happens. You lose some, you win some. A lot of good men die in battle and at least you tried" stuff you expect to hear from a military team-mate. She showed him the postive, that they managed to survive.
                              Last edited by SallyLizzie; 21 September 2006, 01:24 PM.


                                Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                                Yeah, it was at LFCC where Rachel said
                                Teyla would have to admit her feeling to someone, and I'm pretty sure she said it happened in Sunday.

                                LC, I PMd you about capping from PowerDVD

                                Thank you for the clarification!!!!
                                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!

