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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Nick 0208 Ldn
    Now this is going to seem like a right dumb question probably, being a Brit i've been spoiling away if you will on here and reading the views and hopes you lot whilst we play catch up [S3 doesn't begin till October], what is this 6 months business i have to ask?

    There are other reasons why it would appear i'm dreadfully out of the loop but um......yah, i just what this delay is, so the season is split into two and The Return P2 won't air in the US till what, April?

    As for the John/Teyla goodbye in The Retrurn, well i'm with you in what you're hoping to see happen, something one on one and not just the formalities you'd expect from the team, although with little else to go on, hope is all we have.

    Once again, forgive the ignorance.

    EDIT: Just checked out the promo on YouTube and it bottom lined matters pretty much, still though, 6 months? That means like 9 months before it reaches British TV proper and six is bad enough.
    Yes the season is split in two...they usually air 10 episode first then go on a 3 months break and then air the last 10 epis after that...but suddenly this time they are instead of taking a 3 months break they are taking a 6 months break instead... so The Return part 2 wont be shown in the US until oh about March I geuss...while Canada will already at one of their channels get the second half of the season next month,,, don't know how it will be in UK...if you run all 20 in straight,,, not even gonna think how long it will be until Sweden shows season 3,,,oh I know,,,NEVER!!! will just have to see how this all effects with the whole 6 months business...
    Sigs by Scifan


      Originally posted by Nick 0208 Ldn
      That means like 9 months before it reaches British TV proper and six is bad enough.
      Sky (British TV) are unlikely to have a similar hiatus. They normally just have a two week break over christmas, so you're likely to see the second half before the Americans


        Originally posted by WikkedAngel
        Sure thing. Its:




          One thing would have been intresting to have been shown on Phantoms,,but maybe it can be shown or told at some point...or I wish Teyla could have asked him about it making him tell her...

          About his background.....How Holland never made it ,,,and how John got out of there...
          Sigs by Scifan


            In a perfect world...

            John would come to Teyla's door the night before they all leave and they would spend the night together... not even R rated.. just even talking or watching football or what not *sigh*

            Is Canada having a 6 month hiatus too?

            awesome sig by Camy!
            Sheppard/Teyla LiveJournal


              Originally posted by NinaM
              One thing would have been intresting to have been shown on Phantoms,,but maybe it can be shown or told at some point...or I wish Teyla could have asked him about it making him tell her...

              About his background.....How Holland never made it ,,,and how John got out of there...
              Isn't that what fanfic is for? *g*

              I have to say, it's nice to drop in to this thread and see so many more people participating! I'm not much of a one for doing more than writing fic and chatting with a handful of friends, and I generally like to avoid spoilers for future episodes.

              Still, it's a nice feeling to know that there are still John/Teyla fans around the place, even if the characters don't get a lot of screentime together.

              And I'm with WikkedAngel (I think she said it): I'd be happy with team and friendship/partnership moments between John and Teyla - although it would be a lovely bonus to have them actually in a relationship on the show without necessarily having to deal with it in the foreground.

              It can be done, and it doesn't have to take over the show. A relationship on TV needn't be all angst and life-or-death situations - in fact, it would be a refreshing change to have something quiet and solid and only occasionally commented on, but assumed to be there.

              Plus, it would have to deal, at least once, with how the Athosians felt about Teyla's absence from among them. Which, to my thinking, would be all to the good.



                I think the writers know it can be done...but it seems like they are hesitant...

                but Joe did have this latest interview..I got it from someone who posted it in the Joe Flannigan thread..or the Shep Whump thread..

                but clearly, he knows that it can be done....and Rachel is all for a relationship...but I think the writers might be afraid of what the ramifications of it would be....who knows....don't they know it's been done before?

                Dreamwatch magazine issue 145 October 2006

                he's asked the 'ship question and this is what he says:

                "You have to be very careful about consummating relationships between series regulars. You walk across the threshold and you can't really come back. Now if that's going to become part of the storyline then that's fine. It seems like most sucessful shows tread a delicate balance between that consummation and tension. We can go in that direction but it doesn't seem we are heading there right now.
                As far as Sheppard's serious vunerabilities with women, you will probably see something more with that. It's important that everyone cares for each other but once you sleep together, the dynamics of the team go out of whack."


                  Originally posted by seldear
                  Isn't that what fanfic is for? *g*

                  I have to say, it's nice to drop in to this thread and see so many more people participating! I'm not much of a one for doing more than writing fic and chatting with a handful of friends, and I generally like to avoid spoilers for future episodes.

                  Still, it's a nice feeling to know that there are still John/Teyla fans around the place, even if the characters don't get a lot of screentime together.

                  And I'm with WikkedAngel (I think she said it): I'd be happy with team and friendship/partnership moments between John and Teyla - although it would be a lovely bonus to have them actually in a relationship on the show without necessarily having to deal with it in the foreground.

                  It can be done, and it doesn't have to take over the show. A relationship on TV needn't be all angst and life-or-death situations - in fact, it would be a refreshing change to have something quiet and solid and only occasionally commented on, but assumed to be there.

                  Plus, it would have to deal, at least once, with how the Athosians felt about Teyla's absence from among them. Which, to my thinking, would be all to the good.

                  I can be done,,,it doesn't have to take over the show...just show some moments here and there ,,basically just so we know they are together,,,I'm not asking for hug e makeout sessions in every epi *lol* just a kiss here and there,,,quite moment together on their downtime...and so on..
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    Originally posted by Celede
                    In a perfect world...

                    John would come to Teyla's door the night before they all leave and they would spend the night together... not even R rated.. just even talking or watching football or what not *sigh*

                    Is Canada having a 6 month hiatus too?
                    No they wont...they will show all epis in a row from what I'm told...most likely taking a short break over Christmas...
                    Sigs by Scifan


                      Originally posted by Camy
                      I think the writers know it can be done...but it seems like they are hesitant...

                      but Joe did have this latest interview..I got it from someone who posted it in the Joe Flannigan thread..or the Shep Whump thread..

                      but clearly, he knows that it can be done....and Rachel is all for a relationship...but I think the writers might be afraid of what the ramifications of it would be....who knows....don't they know it's been done before?

                      Dreamwatch magazine issue 145 October 2006

                      he's asked the 'ship question and this is what he says:

                      "You have to be very careful about consummating relationships between series regulars. You walk across the threshold and you can't really come back. Now if that's going to become part of the storyline then that's fine. It seems like most sucessful shows tread a delicate balance between that consummation and tension. We can go in that direction but it doesn't seem we are heading there right now.
                      As far as Sheppard's serious vunerabilities with women, you will probably see something more with that. It's important that everyone cares for each other but once you sleep together, the dynamics of the team go out of whack."
                      Interesting Joe interview..thanks Camy.
                      I like that actors don't blatantly bash having a relationship on the show or a relationship dynamic. I bet they are also pretty interested in how their character will head in certain directions. But it's true you will have to tread softly in that area since you can make the show crazy after the slightest hint towards anything (not to mention fans who will feel like they're getting shoved out the equation if it's not their 'ship')...
                      I am all for a relationship on Atlantis eventually but it's interesting to see exactly how Sheppard's vulnerabilities with women will play out.

                      He should just stop kirking

                      I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing


                        Originally posted by NinaM
                        About The Return...

                        I do wonder what might happen at the time where they have to say goodbye,,,will they think they will never come back to Atlantis,,or might he tell her that he is coming back... I do hope they do show something,,that it's not like the whole team is standing around and they just say goodbye and are off...
                        It would be no surprise if the goodbye will be just a fast line or something ,,, I do wish for something more though,,,them alone maybe talking,, maybe she can give him something to remember her by if she is thinking she will never see him again and he tells her this is not goodbye,,I'm coming back....that would be great... I'm not going to be expecting something great,,but I can hope for the best... or atleast that they do something... and not just brush past it for time issue...
                        I totally agree with you there NinaM.
                        Interesting interview Camy thanks for that.


                          WELCOME NICK!!! Thanks for joining this happy shipper family!!! Dont worry about being out of the loop...cause i am worse off than u and i still am able to talk with these guys...u'll just be terribly spoilt!!
                          -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                          Thanks Camy!!


                            Originally posted by Drewzy
                            But it's true you will have to tread softly in that area since you can make the show crazy after the slightest hint towards anything (not to mention fans who will feel like they're getting shoved out the equation if it's not their 'ship')...
                            The irony here is that there is no 'shoving out of the equation' from the POV of TPTB. As far as they're concerned, they've been writing Shep/Teyla from Day One.

                            In a conversation with Joe Mallozzi, I noted that the multiple scenes between Sheppard and McKay, Sheppard and Weir, and Teyla and Ronon were promoting those pairings, and he seemed pretty surprised that people were reading them as shippy.

                            A lot of otherwise basic interaction between characters is read with a shippy bias - there's no getting around that. And there's a basic issue with the portrayal of Sheppard as the "hero-protagonist" of the show: he always get thrown in as saviour of the day, no matter who the 'helpless' one is. Whether it's Rodney (The Defiant One) or Weir (The Storm/The Eye, The Real World) or the whole city (Hot Zone), or even himself (Common Ground) - Sheppard is almost always the one who has to make the last move - who must be in control of his own fate. Even in The Long Goodbye, he was the one to shoot Phoebus, although Teyla set everything up.

                            The exception so far is Sateda, where Carson was the one who ended up taking the action out of Ronon's hands, while Teyla (metaphorically) kept Sheppard's hands tied. Otherwise, everything runs towards Sheppard.

                            Which is one reason why there are legions of Shep/McKay and Shep/Weir fans, but fewer Shep/Teyla fans - because the bulk of interaction runs between those three characters - Sheppard, McKay, and Weir - because of who they are as character roles (military, scientist, diplomat).

                            (Truth be told, I find it a little irksome. I like the character of Sheppard, but I like him more when he's not saving the day. I want a hog-tied Sheppard episode, where the man can't do a single thing to save himself, but has to entirely rely on his team.)

                            And I'm sorry for drifting off topic!

                            But, yes, the upside of a John/Teyla relationship on-screen would be a few more interactive moments - even little hint-y things are good by me.

                            The downside would be the fandom sh!tstorm we'd end up with - 'scuse my bluntness.

                            I don't think it's ever going to happen. TPTB have made a setup that's a lot like the SG-1 dynamic, and they've played that for 10 years! They might have more leeway with Shep/Teyla since Teyla is neither from Earth or the military, and since I don't imagine the Pegasus natives put much store in being emotionally dispassionate when their lives may be on the line at any time - but I doubt they're going to use that leeway. I'd be extremely surprised if they did.

                            Really sorry for the looooooong post.



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                                Originally posted by NinaM
                                Yes the season is split in two...they usually air 10 episode first then go on a 3 months break and then air the last 10 epis after that...but suddenly this time they are instead of taking a 3 months break they are taking a 6 months break instead... so The Return part 2 wont be shown in the US until oh about March I geuss...while Canada will already at one of their channels get the second half of the season next month,,, don't know how it will be in UK...if you run all 20 in straight,,, not even gonna think how long it will be until Sweden shows season 3,,,oh I know,,,NEVER!!! will just have to see how this all effects with the whole 6 months business...
                                Yes i knew you had a break but i didn't think it was even 3 months let alone 6 this time around. A sad irony for e Americans but not insurmountable.

                                Thanks for the quick response.

                                Originally posted by purple_cube
                                Sky (British TV) are unlikely to have a similar hiatus. They normally just have a two week break over christmas, so you're likely to see the second half before the Americans
                                Yes of course, so they an put out all the high quality TV it wasn't right to show earlier in the year, never a repeat in sight. Oh and the Xmas reality show specials, wonderful.

                                Apologies if a little off topic.

                                Originally posted by spirited Chihiro
                                WELCOME NICK!!! Thanks for joining this happy shipper family!!! Dont worry about being out of the loop...cause i am worse off than u and i still am able to talk with these guys...u'll just be terribly spoilt!!
                                You're right, but i'll have you know it was my sister who was the spoilt brat.

                                Thanks for the welcome btw.

                                Originally posted by seldear
                                The irony here is that there is no 'shoving out of the equation' from the POV of TPTB. As far as they're concerned, they've been writing Shep/Teyla from Day One.

                                (Truth be told, I find it a little irksome. I like the character of Sheppard, but I like him more when he's not saving the day. I want a hog-tied Sheppard episode, where the man can't do a single thing to save himself, but has to entirely rely on his team.)

                                And I'm sorry for drifting off topic!

                                But, yes, the upside of a John/Teyla relationship on-screen would be a few more interactive moments - even little hint-y things are good by me.

                                The downside would be the fandom sh!tstorm we'd end up with - 'scuse my bluntness.

                                I don't think it's ever going to happen. TPTB have made a setup that's a lot like the SG-1 dynamic, and they've played that for 10 years! They might have more leeway with Shep/Teyla since Teyla is neither from Earth or the military, and since I don't imagine the Pegasus natives put much store in being emotionally dispassionate when their lives may be on the line at any time - but I doubt they're going to use that leeway. I'd be extremely surprised if they did.

                                I agree with you almost entirely, except that i do think that the writers will exploit this leeway as you put it, i believe that they will progress the Sheyla relationship in a significant way but if the past is anything to go by, it'll be a bit of a waiting game [with the odd subtle hint along the way]. Then it's just whether they do it in the half-assed manner we sometimes saw in SG-1 or not [latter'd be nice]. They are cautions though, hm.
                                Last edited by Nick 0208 Ldn; 20 September 2006, 09:18 AM.

