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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    hey AG that was an excellent first part!!! yes of course i want u to continue!!! And ok, just this once john can save the day...hehe...really thought it was powerfully written!
    -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

    Thanks Camy!!


      What struck me about the kick scene...

      was how John was sitting with his legs all up in Teyla's space. So comfortable. To me, it looked like she had to either tuck her legs in close as she sat, before he teased her, or let hers rest against his. And his entire body was aimed at her for most of the time. It just looked so much like a comfortable position with someone he really liked to me.


        Originally posted by AthosianGirl we go Camy....a short little ficlet about Rodney and Teyla, you asked for something a while back and I finally came up with something...not my best, I'm still working on writing Rodney as a full time character in my story and not just on the side next to Shep and's not really shippy but I had to thow something in just because....

 up, VB's Teyla driven story!
        oh I love it AG. Definetlly continue it. I think it would make a great short series.
        Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



          I just sent Ritter a revised draft of 'Stranded part 3' as soon as I get it back I'll upload it.
          Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



            Well, Ritter has been very busy, but I hope you get it back soon...Padme....

   are you me...

            I love that scene as well...I rewatched it again last night...and I can't get over it..

            I finally saw when John had his
            legs near Teyla's...and I was so impressed with the fact that John felt very comfortable having his legs so close to Teyla like that with Ronon there, but when Rodney came in, he straightened up you guys think that maybe Ronon knows something that Rodney doesn't know...LOL

            the other thing is that Teyla reacted so seriously...and so firmly...and John made a gasping noise at the end of that....sort of like...he was pleased with her reply....and if you see his face right while he was saying it...he knew very well he was going to get some sort of reaction from her..and I think he was very pleased with it...then the way they stared at each other..their silent conversation that is classic to only J/T was phenominal...I'm always amazed at the chemistry that these two is truly wonderful...and I can only imagine how great it would be if they ever made it official....can you imagine their little talks...LOL


              2 more days till Phantoms!
              I am really excited about this episode, I have the same feelings that I had about Sateda, and look at how much shippiness was in that ep!



                Originally posted by mishy91
                2 more days till Phantoms!
                I am really excited about this episode, I have the same feelings that I had about Sateda, and look at how much shippiness was in that ep!

                I'm really looking forward to it too and hope we get lots of John /Teyla interaction. I'm a bit wary of expecting any shippiness but if we do I will be delighted.


                  Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                  Couldn't green I thought I'd post to say, GREAT JOB!...As everyone has already said, the music fitted perfectly with every scene. It was like watching the whole episode in 4 mins and 19

                  Loved the touches of Teyla...
                  Thanks for the feedback...I'm glad you enjoyed it...
                  To such an wasn't the easiest thing cutting it down to little over 4 minutes...*lol* but I'm glad I was able to pull somthing together in such a short amount of time ...
                  Thanks again...
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    Originally posted by Devine27
                    NinaM – Loved the video, especially the part where John discovers there’s a Wraith in the next cell (perfect)

                    AG – I hope you plan to continue this story and of course……John saves the day.
                    Thanks for the feedback...I'm glad you enjoyed it Devine27...
                    Sigs by Scifan


                      Originally posted by Camy
                      Nina...I must have missed something.....this is wonderful!

                      Love it...very eerie and the scenes with Teyla....all of it! that episode still gives me goosebumps...

                      Awesome! Thanks for not giving up on it! It was so worth it!
                      Thanks Camy....
                      Yes it's such an intense needed intense I'm gla it worked with this one...
                      It was started as only John but my shippy little mind took over and I just had to have some key moments of him thinking about her ...and her like connecting with him or having a nightmare about his capture...
                      In the end I'm glad I didn't give up on matter how much I yelled at the video program for shutting my down over and over again...and stying up like 23 hours on that day,,,lucky I had a day of after it *lol* and my headache,,which by the way isn't gone completly yet...
                      Thanks again
                      Sigs by Scifan


                        Originally posted by LoveConquers
                        Wow, so much talent in this thread; I love it!

                        Nina, beautiful vid!!! You did a really nice job capturing CG and I love how you added Teyla. Very nice!! Thank you so much!!

                        AG, such a wonderful story! I can just picture it all, especially Rodney's panic and stammering. Can't wait to read more! Oh, and I vote for John to come to the rescue, just like Rodney was promising her would happen. Thanks for sharing!!

                        Thanks.... I'm glad you really enjoyed it... Yep Teyla ended up taking part in this one after getting the thought that hrmm maybe he should be thinking aobut his life and the one that he holds dear ..hanging on to his memories in his dark hour...
                        Thanks again...
                        Sigs by Scifan


                          Originally posted by bluealien
                          I'm really looking forward to it too and hope we get lots of John /Teyla interaction. I'm a bit wary of expecting any shippiness but if we do I will be delighted.

                          Surprisingly I’m not expecting much when it comes to shippiness either. In fact my thoughts on Phantoms regarding Sheyla…

                          being forced into proving what their relationship means to each other, lies something along the lines of (and this is based off of what I’ve seen in the preview of her lying injured behind Shep) John (under the influence of Wraith technology), deliberately renders Teyla-who he believes to be Wraith -immobile by firing his gun at her--; he walks up to her intending to finish the job but instead finds himself staring down at her…struggling to go through with it because even though she appears to be the enemy his senses tell him that killing this particular Wraith is very wrong; so he decides, at least momentarily, to put off killing her and holds her captive instead; Teyla sees his hesitation as an opportunity to try and convince him that she truly is of no harm to him. It proves difficult because every time she opens her mouth he sees a Wraith trying to manipulate him into letting it go; so every now and then he threatens to shoot it if it doesn’t shut up. But despite all of this, she continues on, knowing that somewhere under the haze of the mind control John’s still there.

                          I’m so hoping they’ll have scenes where she’s trying to convince him that she and the others aren’t his enemies; scenes where she’ll say something like “for reasons unknown to you at this moment, killing me does not sit well with you. Does that not mean something?”ooooh…and John, while aiming/shooting at Ronon grows irritated, and gives no answer, but Teyla who’s aware of how things are dangerously escalating between him and Ronon keeps going and states something like “ somewhere deep inside you know I am of no threat to you…if I were you would have killed me long ago—please John(winces a little loudly in pain) John hearing her grimace, like second nature, walks over to adjust her position and while doing so immediately stops when he realizes what he’s doing…Teyla while having him in such close proximity tells him, "you have to listen--it’s me Teyla…you are being controlled by Wraith technology which has caused you to take fire at me and the others.” John backs away. Teyla,” John, you have to fight through it...can’t you see…why else would you feel the need to come to my aide.”

                          Who am I kidding…if this stuff isn’t Sheyla shiptastic I don’t know what is. LOL


                            OH, Fate.....I LIKE YOUR THINKING....don't do this to me...what if we don't get something like this...


                            but you got something good here....

                            How many days?


                              Originally posted by fates4jt
                              Surprisingly I’m not expecting much when it comes to shippiness either. In fact my thoughts on Phantoms regarding Sheyla…

                              being forced into proving what their relationship means to each other, lies something along the lines of (and this is based off of what I’ve seen in the preview of her lying injured behind Shep) John (under the influence of Wraith technology), deliberately renders Teyla-who he believes to be Wraith -immobile by firing his gun at her--; he walks up to her intending to finish the job but instead finds himself staring down at her…struggling to go through with it because even though she appears to be the enemy his senses tell him that killing this particular Wraith is very wrong; so he decides, at least momentarily, to put off killing her and holds her captive instead; Teyla sees his hesitation as an opportunity to try and convince him that she truly is of no harm to him. It proves difficult because every time she opens her mouth he sees a Wraith trying to manipulate him into letting it go; so every now and then he threatens to shoot it if it doesn’t shut up. But despite all of this, she continues on, knowing that somewhere under the haze of the mind control John’s still there.

                              I’m so hoping they’ll have scenes where she’s trying to convince him that she and the others aren’t his enemies; scenes where she’ll say something like “for reasons unknown to you at this moment, killing me does not sit well with you. Does that not mean something?”ooooh…and John, while aiming/shooting at Ronon grows irritated, and gives no answer, but Teyla who’s aware of how things are dangerously escalating between him and Ronon keeps going and states something like “ somewhere deep inside you know I am of no threat to you…if I were you would have killed me long ago—please John(winces a little loudly in pain) John hearing her grimace, like second nature, walks over to adjust her position and while doing so immediately stops when he realizes what he’s doing…Teyla while having him in such close proximity tells him, "you have to listen--it’s me Teyla…you are being controlled by Wraith technology which has caused you to take fire at me and the others.” John backs away. Teyla,” John, you have to fight through it...can’t you see…why else would you feel the need to come to my aide.”

                              Who am I kidding…if this stuff isn’t Sheyla shiptastic I don’t know what is. LOL

                              I like the sound of that love to see that happen lol hope we get to see alot of J/T moment in Phantoms.

                              Great vid NinaM great work.

                              Going great on your fic so far AG love to see more.


                                Originally posted by Camy
                                OH, Fate.....I LIKE YOUR THINKING....don't do this to me...what if we don't get something like this...


                                but you got something good here....
                                Awwwww…I’m sorry for any potential distress I cause you Camy, but I just haaaaaad to share these thoughts with you guys or I’d burst (lol). I wanted not to at first because I felt I’d only be contributing to the perpetuation of a great deal of false hope here, and as we all know when the epis don’t turn out the way we’d like them to it’s major let down; however, when thinking over and over about them potentially
                                having to prove their relationship to one another
                                , it’s the only idea I could come up with that makes any sense. So, I figured what the hay-I’ll post it,and if any of it doesn’t play out on screen,then maybe anyone of our fantastic fanfic writers will be willing to utilize it as a plot bunny.

                                But, in spite of trying to remain realistic, I’m still holding out for, at least, a twinge of Sheyla Shiptasticness...

                                How many days?
                                Less than 2...hahahaaa...i'm countin' down

                                Originally posted by hutchi4
                                I like the sound of that love to see that happen lol hope we get to see alot of J/T moment in Phantoms.
                                Hi Hutchi, I’m hoping right there with you…so here’s to some great JT moments in Phantom.
                                There’s just gotta be…dear lord please.
                                Last edited by fates4jt; 14 September 2006, 05:12 AM.

